II CITY NEWS IN BRIEF jr"!ty Editor Main Sunday Editor Main Department.. Main 'tdvertlsinK Kuperintendent of bldR ... Main 7070. A O05 A6 5 770. A SOUS 7070. 7070. A 6095 AMUSEMENTS. May Bob. HE1LIG (Brondway at Taylor son In "Tiah.' Tonight. Baker BAKER (Broadway near Morrlson Stock company in "The Womm in Koora 13." Tonight. ""y iLCAZAR Kleventh at Morrison) company In "The Revelations of a V?e." matinee for TuniKlit, with afternoon ifcmen. iLYRIC (Fourth fit Stark) Musical Three Girl." "The Champagne P. M. shows daily. 2. 7 and VaudePANTAUBS (Broadway at Alder) ville. Three shows daily. U:ao. 7 and 9:05. (Broadway at Yamhill) BIPPOPROMB Vaudeville and moving pictures, 2 to 5. 6:45 to 11 P. M. Haturdays, Sundays and P. M. holidays continuous. 1:15 y. toll THRIFT STAMPS WAU SAVINGS STAMPS On ?a! at Buflinrss Office, orcgonlan. Colored Man With Whisky Fined.a Albert Johnson, colored, who had secret method of securing: liquor from the trains coming Into Portland was fined f j(l in municipal court yesterday on a charge of violating the prohibition law. He was arrested, at the Union station by Patrolman Cameron Tuesday with six bottles of whisky. at Just after he had caught a train the east side station and rode across the river. The whisky, the officer reported. apparently was secured from someone on the train. Floyd Wright, colored, a companion of John-iowas arrested at the same time md charged with trespass. He was released by the judge. Grace Memorial to Celebrate. Episcopal ilen of Grace Memorial hurch have invited the women of the "jollification" to a Congregation dance to be given einner and evening at 6:30 o'clock. tomorrow The event will be as a celebration financial camiover the successful paign which Grace Memorial has just The church raised $ST59.70 closed. Episcopal fund for the nation-wid- e nd $24,000 for local needs for a years, in addition to period of three J30.000 raised last year for the new A. G. Findlay is church building. Chairman of the men's committee. A community sing will be led by IS. N. Strong. The Fill to Be Completed Soon. port fill which Is being made by the of Portland dredge Tualatin on the eite In the Swift industrial district Selected by the Aladdin company for their Pacific coast factory, will be completed about January 20, according to an estimate submitted by James H. Polhemus. general manager for the port of Portland at an Informal meet- lng of the commission yesterday afternoon. No business was trans-a acted at the meeting because" n, old-ti- could not quorum of commissioners be assembled. Proprietor Fined. Fred Fritz, proprietor of an establishment at Second and Burnside streets, was fined $20 yesterday by Municipal Judge Kossman on a charge of maintaining a machine. Fritz was found guilty by a jury in the municipal court Wednesday. It was announced last night whom that ' nine others. against placed, similar charges have been would plead guilty. The police hold 14 machines which were taken in Xickel-in-Sl- ot nk'kel-in-the-sl- ot Realtors to Discuss Zoning. City zoning will be taken up at the meeting of the Portland realty board this noon at the Benson hotel and a lively discussion Is promised, as members of the board are known to have strong convictions both pro and con. The proposed zoning ordinance will be discussed by Roger B. Sinnott and F. V. Holman and the committee named by the realty board on city planning will render Its report. The meeiing will be open to all property owneis who are Interested In the sub-lec- t. W. B. Shively, chairman of the legal committee, will give a report upon the subject. "Is a Zoning Ordinance a Valid Exercise of the Police Power?" J. Fred Staver will be chairman of the day. Rate on Vaccine Announced. Announcement was made yesterday by City Health Officer Parrish that vaccine against smallpox would be offered to physicians by the city at 20 cents a point, the price paid by the city to the manufacturers. It is believed that this offer will aid in the fight being made against the spread of smallpox in Port. and. The vaccine can be obtained at the health bureau in the city hail, or in the at Powers & Estes drug store on street. Auto Injures Pedestrian. W. K. Statzer, who gave his address as Dr. Pierce's Sanitarium, sustained bruises yesterday when he was struck by an automobile driven by H. R. Ansai, Tualatin. Or on the Terwilliger boulevards Mr. Ansai reported that Mr. Statzer crossed the boulevard in front of his machine and then stepped back when the horn was sounded and was knocked into the ditch. Mr. Statzer was treated at the Emergency hospital. Christian Science Lecture. Third Church of Christ, Scientist, announces a free, lecture on Christian Science by n. It Would Be a Long Story to give you all the i Selling Out de- all good. OVERCOATS For men and young men At $45 help Our windows the story. Monday Evening tell SEATS NOW ON SALE at Sherman, Clay I i - - v Exclusive Kuppenheimer House in Portland Mor"ison at Fourth : terday. I1 a watch Mis. ! couver V. w ' V and a gold badge. E. II. McAllen. 3S3',i Vanaven e, reported her house entered and a quantity of articles taken, including a purse valued at $40. a cameo lavalier valued at $25, a Happhire ring and a pair of earrings. The window of a store at 19 First street was broken some time AVednes-danight and three pairs of shoes taken from the display. Mrs. F. Aminoff, 18fi Skidmore street, repo ted sheets, towels and a jersey shirt taken from her clothes line. H. R. Olsen of the King Albert apartments reported his apartment entered and a quantity of clothing and other articles taken. The stolen articles included a handban, two suits, a shirt, two pairs of silk socks. y 'fL - t H it - ticket SPECIALS 25c Beef Stew 30c Roast Beef Corned Beef and Cabbage... 30c Spare Ribs and Sauer Kraut 30c 50c Roast Pork and others too numerous to mention. Good eating; at SHORT REELS! Literary Digest Current Events Mutt and Jeff. Christie Comedy p iu. afi Hood Knights Templar Install. HOOD RIVER. Or.. Jan. 8. (Special.) Officers of Hood River Knights Templar, were Installed last night as follows: E. O. F.lanchar, commander; A. G. Lewis, generalissimo: C. K. Marshall, Truman Butler, treasurer: A. D. Moe. recorder; C. W. senior warden; George M. Sunday, junior warden; James H. Hai-let- t. PAY OFF YOUR MORTGAGE prelate: E. I. Scobee. standard bearer: Glenn B. Marsh, sword bearer; . really O. B. Nye. warder, and "W. J. Baker, In monthly Installments and own your home. See us about your sentinel. renewal. Special proposition. Portland. Trust Co.. Sixth and Morrison. in Adv. Flt Sundat In O.. W. & I. airplanes from city field. West Moreland. from X P. 51., reasonable rates. Adv. Kemmerer Coal. Carbon Coal Co.. mine agents. 321 Hawthorne ave. Bast J188. Adv. Union Safktx Vaults; 284 Oak. i iu in iiiuju, y. captain- Adv. CARU OK THANKS. express our heartfelt We wish to friends for their sym thanks to osrrour recent bereavement: pathy during offerings beautiful floral theWellington also f.rMrs. Langguth Children. and Adv. Mj and Mrs. Arthur Langguth. in' RUSSIANS AND FINNS EXPRESS DJESIRK TO EMIGRATE. 5$ ( carry home some tl(U OF THANKS. express our gratitude to many friends for their kindness heln during the bereavement and of our beloved wife and mother: for the beautiful floral offerings. ,1. We wish to our and loss also Adv. t4. ftf.Kl r it. GLADYS LKKRTOON. 2 f STEWART HOTEL SAN FRANCISCO Geary te l2 ITdT' Rock Cottage Cheese Rates from $1.75 a Day 76c Lunch 60c: Sundays 75c Diniw $1.26; Suiuia$ 1.60- - tin: itjU ? i This may aptly describe your income. If it does, your greatest concern should be for the "spare" part of it. wrz t : v; Here's the Place for It The Little Home Durand Steel Lockers of it any one of a score of delightful salads. "Red Rock" has a wholesome flavor; it is healthful to eat. Breakfast 40c and And a Little to Spare 5, Eat it just as it is, or make Street, uit oil Union Square Famous for pood service, comfort and excellast cuisine at reasonable price. Municipal Car line direct to door. Motor bus maets trains and steamers. Red i For Schools, Factories, Offices and Gymnasiumsa Sanitary, fireproof and Bank (, inde- structible. They insure order and neatness in the locker room. Ask for Catalogue. s Dont get in the way of thinking that because a quarter Glass & is only twenty-fiv- e cents a dime only ten cents and a nickel only five cents that it doesn't amount to much. You'll be surprised, and mighty pleased, at the way the Little Home Bank will gain weight on these spare bits at how much and how frequently you can add to the Savings Account that a dollar will start at the Ladd & Tilton bank. Open your account now while the first month of the New Year is young. You can't begin 1920 in any better way! Prudhomme Co. 1 Pure Wool Suits Are the Best 04 5 n" j Tailored in our own big shops, our clothing is superior in quality and workmanship' and lower in price. Men's Suits $30 to $50 Boys' Suits $10 to $20 Brownsville Mill Woolen Store Clothiers. Third and Morrison Streets Mill-to-Ma- n Msi gar-- 1 ments are all styles and less than. Enough 1 fresh zest in PUT. your appetite Sold Direct From Manufacturer to Consumer DESIRE. TO LEAVE Most of these sale -general: on "Mill-to-Ma- During this selling out sale your money cheerfully refunded if not entirely satisfied within three days of purchase. up-to-da- 65-6- vice-oreside- nt Alien Russians and Finns of Fort-lan- d and vicinity have appealed, through representatives of the Cen tral Labor council, to Mayor Baker for assistance In obtaining permission from federal officials to leave this country and return to any part of Russia desired. Mayor Baker yesterday conferred with United States Attorney Humphreys, District Attorney Evans and i City Attorney Kvans, and it was de cided that a telegram would be sent to the immigration officials at Washington, to learn the rules now In effect governing such cases. Representatives of the Russian and Finnish colonies of Portland re- j quested the Central Labor council to arrange for a maes meeting, where the aliens might set their cast before yj mmnii Desks, Filing Cabinets 7 Broadway and to the post of assistant treasurer of the Pacific Power & Light company. Mr. Myers has been active In the affairs of the Northwest Light and Power association, an organization of the international northwest light and power companies, serving one term aa secretary-treasure- r. At the last annual convention of the association, held in Seattle, he was chosen und member of the executive committee. Local Foreigners Wish Mass Meeting Which Mayor Refuses to Sanction at Present. "i Printers, Bookbinders Made-in-Oreg- ALIENS 1 STRAND) an army sweater, a jade ring and a cameo lavalier. Women's Suits, Coats. Dresses, Skirts, Waists, Sweaters, Tricot ine Dresses, Silvertone Suits, Bolivia Coats, Trico-lett- e Dresses, and many 'Samples to be sacrificed regardless of cost. Watch our beautiful windows for slashing low prices. They'll be the gossip of Portland, and yet: Mm 6th and Stark nt Edwina Avery Powell ef Boston, Mass., will speak at the regular meeting of the Bahal assembly tonight at 8 o'clock in room K18 Bush & Lane building. Subject: "The Christ Realities." Mrs. Powell Is a native of Oregon, a graduate of the Oregon Agricultural college and well known to many Portland people. Naval Officers Fined for Speeding. The naval recruiting office was represented In the police court yesterday in the person of Lieutenant F. E. Lee who appeared to answer to a charge of driving at the rate of 40 miles an hour on the Terwillieer boulevard. The judge levied a fine of $20. Lieutenant Lee was arrested by Patrolman Wood. Novah Zkdek Talmud Torah Services Tonight. Services will be held at the Congregation Novah Zedek Talmud Torah, Sixth and Hall streets, tonight at P. M. and tomorrow morning at 9 A. M.. Rev. Abraham I. Hosenerantx officiating. AH men and women welcome. Religious school meets Sunday morning at 10 A. M. Ahavai Sholom. Services Tonight. Services will be held at the Congregation Ahavai Sholom, Park and Clay streets, to .ight at 8 o'clock. Rabbi Arthur S. Montag will deliver a sermon. Tomorrow morning services will be held at 8:30 o'clock. Rev. R. Abrahamson will officiate. Mothers. You will find the popular children's hair cutter formerly of Meier & Frank at his new parlor, room 316 Medical bldg. Adv. The Hunch or Intuition, today noon free talk. Mental chemistry, 8 P. M., $1. Hotel Portland, by Dr. Green. APPAREL MADELINE TRAVERSE Vise will speak. Powell to Address Bahai Mrs. LADIES' ness and another's heroism, starring My-e- Mrs. Winter-Fa- ll I- A powerful drama of woman's weak- DINNER buiRlars entered the place through a rear onor by breaking the glass. The articles taken included a handbag, a suitcase, a wolf rug. a gold brooch set with a diamond and pearls, a gold bar pin. four suits of clothes, - & Co.'s office, Sixth and Morrison streets. Lower floor, $1.10. Dress Circle, 85c. Balcony, 55c. ' - Splendid Sin' Concert Public Auditorium The 4 Entire m0MW The Special Values in the public and create public sentiment for their hopes. Mayor" Baker is not enthusiastic Adv over any such meeting:, contending that its real purpose is. to protest against the deportation of aliens who G. L. MYERS IS PROMOTED are guilty of violating: the federal statutes. He said yesterday that he would be wi: ins to aid any alien, who has been iaw abiding: and who is handicapped in obtaining work SPKCIAL POST IS CRKATKD BY now because of nick of citizen's papers, in leaving this country. POKTJLAXD GAS & COKK CO. Russians and Finns who have appealed to Mayor Baker have said Secretary to Guy W. .Talbot Made that it is impossible to leave the United States "at the present tfme uild Assistant to President Executhat it is equally impossible to 'retain work. Sentiment among the tive Abilities- - Hectoguized. aliens who desire to leave the country said to be divided, some favoring the soviet government of Russia and Announcement was made yesterday others supporting the old regime. of the promotion of George L.. Myers, Until some word has been received secretary to Guy W. Talbot, president from Washington concerning the rules now in effect. Mayor Baker says of the Portland Gas & Coke company, to the post of assistant to the that the officials will refuse to sancpresident, a position created especialtion any meeting, claiming .that the ly for Mr. Myers and in recognition of Russians and Finns who are protesthis proved executive abilities. The ing have no case, because they are not aware of the attitude of immigrapromotion was effective January 1. Mr. Myers is 30 years of age and tion officials. was educated in the public schools of Redfield. S. D. In 1906 he was one of the editors and publishers of the Red-fiel- d THEFTS REPORTED Press, a weekly newspaper. In 1907 the young man went to Baker, Or., where he graduated from the Baker City business college in the same year. Bl'KG F.A ItS ARI! BC'SV lX AM. His secretarial experience has been SECTIONS OF CI TV. varied. He was clerk of the Oregon senate during the 1909 session and later in the same year ws private secretary to Will R. King, associate Kntrauce to Houses Forcotl anil justice of the supreme court. In 1910 Clothing, ticins and Valuables R. he entered the service of the O.-IN", company as a stenographer to of All Rinds Takfii. 0 and general manthe ager, and later in the sam year became stenographer to Guy W. Talbot, Thieves entered the residence of president of the Portia nd Gas & Coke company, the Pacific Power & Alex Donaldson, K5S I'.lenn avenue, ljiffht company, and the Walla Walla Wednesday afternoon, while the famValley Railway company. in 191 ily was away, and carried off a quanhe was promoted to privat c socret; rv tity of jewelry, clo'hing and other articles, according to a report made to Captain of Detectives Circle yes- 0 Sign on the Corner s tails of the variety, value and virtue of our overcoats, so well cut it short by saying they're Dr. - 360 Morrison Street, Cor. Park A, f s. Look for the Big Blue McMahon. Adv. Dr. George F. Koehler returned. Consultation by appointment only.-A- d. Milk Cure at the Moore Sanitarium. nt 4,1 . Adv. chiropractic. TO SAMPLE SHOP ship of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ. Scientist, in Boston, Mass.. to be held In the municipal auditorium. Friday evening. January 9, at 8 P. M. Doors will open at 7:30. A cordial invitation is extended to all. 100 NOW! GO IT! Kzra W. Palmer. C. S. B., of Denver, Colo., Member of the Board of Lecture- Beth Israel to Hear X. K. y-t-r t Professor Norman F. Coleman, t president of the Loyal Legion of lo?r- Kcrs ana iuninermen, win speak at 44 5 Congregation Beth Israel tonight at 8 o'clock on some phases of the inGforgf 1.. of Portland (inn & Colic company, who had All men and ! dustrial situation. women are welcome. Saturday mornreceived promotiiin to a.valat-aing service will be held at 10:30. Rabbi to the president. Cole-Wa- America's New Tenor fc'i.xth Reasonable. 3 Hear JOHN HAND sub-stati- raids on various establishments maintaining these machines. Sawdust Dams Creek: Two Fined. "Sawmills operating along the tributaries of Turner creek in Yamhill cqunty have unloaded sawdust in the stream in such quantities that at one point it was completely dammed up and a campaign to stop this practise has been deemed necessary. Deputy Game Warden H. McDonald yesterday reported his third arrest for this offense, when A. A. Craveness of Pike was taken in custody and fined $25. W. M. Kelt of Yamhill also paid a similar fine. Hearing of Alleoed Reds Set. The hearing against 17 alleged "reds," Jield following their arrest as the result of recent raids, will be held in the municipal court January 14, on charges of criminal syndicalism, according to an agreement reached yesterday. Attorneys appeared in the court yesterday and marie arrange- : In the ment for the postponement. meantime 'the prisoners were transcounty night jail to the last ferred to await their trial. I.ec'TOre on Does Tomorrow Night. "Dogs of the World" Is the subject of a lecture, illustrated in natural colors, of 5" s?ecies of dogs, by A. K. Parsons, secretary of the National Field Trials (Kennel) club, a ; bench show exhibitor and judge, at the Audubon society, library hall, central library tomorrow at 8 P. M. Mr. Parsons will not only show the pictures of favorite dogs, but will tell their origin, history and usefulness. Dr. "Warthtn Lectures ToNidHT. Xr. KIdred Scott Warthin. professor of pathology in the medical department of the University of Michigan, will lecture tonight at 8:15 o'clock in the Unitarian church, Broadway and Tamhlll street. His subject will be "Heredity of Disease."' The lecture is t to be given under the auspices of the Portland Academy of Medicine. Save the S. & H. rV K SA VINOS eve.mxus, Courses in Commerce offered by the University of Oregon Accounting (principles) Business Law Advertising Cost Accounting Foreign Trade Commercial French (two classes) Commercial Spanish (two classes) Salesmanship Business Organization Term Begins This Week Fees only $5 to $10 per term. Soldiers' Fees laid For details and bulletin apply to 652 Courthouse, Main 3575, University of Oregon Portland Center. DEPARTMENT e to s, for. OPEN voir SATl'RDAT con venik.nce Ladd & Tilton Bank I Oldest in the Northwest WASHINGTON AND THIRD ,1 Li(.rw. ntJLnii. fl A Business Education to become successful In almost Indispensable to the man bewho nants best obtained In this school, themen business. Such an rUucatiun mayyoung men teachers, and with students. under Students are given individual and personal attention. is Day and Evening Sessions New Classes Now Opening IN 8UORTHANU. Tkh School TVPKWItlTINU. BOOKKEEPING AN O BUSINESS I.KTTF.R WHlTIVfi. With the State In Providing; Financial Aid to Returned Service .Men. Y. M. C. A. Business School, Div. G. TAYLOR STREETS. SIXTH ANI C. Gee Wo Root and Herb Remedies 162 2 First St. Portland, Or. PHONE MAIN 8700. Thone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN -- ! 7070 A 6095
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