PL SESSION 1 E To read about TechnoAdvertise, click here or go to: Job Search M In this session, students apply for a job at the TechnoAd Agency. To prepare for this task, students review cover letters and résumés and then answer questions to determine their qualifications. Once they have a list of their characteristics, skills, and experiences that make them a perfect match for the position, they open Microsoft Word to gain familiarity with the program. Next, they follow detailed instructions to write a professional cover letter and résumé. Upon completion, students address an envelope to send their application using traditional mail. They combine their cover letter and résumé and save the file as a PDF document to send digitally using email. These wellformatted business documents are sure to draw the attention of the TechnoAd Agency! SA Assignment 1: Discover your Qualifications Assignment 2: Introduction to Microsoft Word Assignment 3: Write a Cover Letter Assignment 4: Write a Résumé Assignment 5: Apply for the Job Session 1 Review: Microsoft Word Review Session 1 Skill Review: Write a Job Acceptance Letter Session 1 Extension Activity: The Interview To purchase TechnoAdvertise, please visit: PL M SA E TECHNOADVERTISE SESSION 1 Session 1: Job Search Getting Started Overview E In this session, students apply for a job at the TechnoAd Agency. To prepare for this task, students review cover letters and résumés and then answer questions to determine their qualifications. Once they have a list of their characteristics, skills, and experiences that make them a perfect match for the position, they open Microsoft Word to gain familiarity with the program. Next, they follow detailed instructions to write a professional cover letter and résumé. Upon completion, students address an envelope to send their application using traditional mail. They combine their cover letter and résumé and save the file as a PDF document to send digitally using email. These well-formatted business documents are sure to draw the attention of the TechnoAd Agency! Microsoft Word Advertise Folder PL Materials o Cover Letter Sample File o Résumé Sample File o Résumé Folder: contains three sample résumés (Optional) o Cover Letters Folder: contains three sample cover letters (Optional) Cover Letter and Résumé Marking Sheet (customizable sheet available in the Assessment Tools folder) Envelopes (Optional) Flashcards (Optional) o Review and Skill Review (Optional) M Microsoft Word Home, Insert, Page Layout, References, Mailings, Review, and View o Session 1 Review: Microsoft Word Review o Session 1 Skill Review: Write a Job Acceptance Letter o Session 1 Skill Review: Job Acceptance Letter Sample File Teacher Preparation (Refer to the Preparing to Teach section of this guide for instructions) Make the Advertise folder available to students. Determine a location for students to save their work during this project. Download the latest version of the FREE Adobe Reader software from (Optional) Print the flashcards listed in the materials list for this session. SA Teaching Strategy In this project, students design advertisements using Microsoft Word. Explain scenario to students. In this project, you assume the role of an Advertising Agent at the TechnoAd Agency. You learn the word processing skills necessary to create a cover letter and résumé, to apply for the job. Once hired, your first assignment is to produce a flyer using advanced graphic skills. Next, you extend your skills to create a product catalog that includes a colorful layout. Finally, you use mail merge to create a personalized invitation to a sales event and a newsletter to inform members about club activities. By the end of this project you will be a Microsoft Word expert! TECHNOKIDS INC. 1-1 TECHNOADVERTISE In this session, students apply for a job at the TechnoAd Agency. Explain scenario to students. In this session, you submit a cover letter and résumé to the TechnoAd Agency to apply for the Advertising Agent position. You learn advanced text formatting and page layout options to create professional looking business documents. These documents explain why your qualifications are a perfect match for the job. Good luck in your job search! Assignment 1 Discover your Qualifications Introduce the following terminology: E In this assignment, students prepare to apply for a job at the TechnoAd Agency. To start, they read the ad in the Employment News for the position of an Advertising Agent. To gain an understanding of the documents needed to apply for this position they review sample cover letters and résumés. Next, they answer questions about their characteristics, skills, and experiences to determine their qualifications for the job. résumé: a document that outlines the experience, qualifications, and skills of a job seeker cover letter: a business letter that accompanies a résumé when applying for a job PL Assignment 2 Introduction to Word In this assignment, students are introduced to the parts of the Microsoft Word program window. They learn about the File tab, title bar, window controls, quick access toolbar, scroll bars, status bar, zoom slider, ribbon, and document views. Students apply their knowledge to label a diagram of the window. Assignment 3 Write a Cover Letter M In this assignment, students write a cover letter using a formal business letter format. Sample text is provided to give students ideas about how to phrase their sentences. To produce a professional document they learn how to format font, paragraphs, and margins. Upon completion, the document is edited for spelling and grammar errors, reviewed using a checklist, and then printed. Introduce the following terminology: font: typeface applied to text that sets the shape of the letters font size: point size of text that sets the height of the letters bold: font style that darkens text to make the letters stand out on the page italic: font style that slants text to the right underline: font style that places a line below text bullet: symbol that is placed before text to illustrate that the item is part of a list line spacing: amount of vertical space between the lines of text in a paragraph paragraph spacing: amount of space before and after a paragraph margins: amount of white space around the page at the top, bottom, left, and right indent level: amount of space between the margin and a selection of text SA Assignment 4 Write a Résumé In this assignment, students apply their word processing skills to create a résumé. They use the answers to many of the questions in Assignment 1 to generate the content of their résumé. Advanced formatting techniques such as font effects, character spacing, custom bullets, paragraph shading, and borderlines are taught. Once familiar with these options, students use them to produce a résumé that effectively outlines their qualifications. Introduce the following terminology: 1-2 character spacing: amount of space between letters TECHNOKIDS INC. TECHNOADVERTISE SESSION 1 Assignment 5 Apply for the Job In this assignment, students apply for the position of Advertising Agent. They learn how to address an envelope to send their application using traditional mail. In addition, they save their cover letter and résumé as a PDF file to send the documents digitally using email. There are some logistical issues you will need to decide before teaching this assignment: Will EACH student print an addressed envelope? Will you model how to print an envelope, instead of each student printing their own? Do your students have web-based email accounts they can use to email their application? If your students do not have a web-based email account, will you model how to attach files to an email message instead? Introduce the following terminology: E page break: a marker in a document that places content after the marker onto the following page keep source formatting: a paste option that maintains the formatting used in the original document, as opposed to applying the formatting in the current document to the pasted selection PDF: a file type that stands for "portable document format" PL TEACHER TIP: EVALUATE THE COVER LETTER AND RÉSUMÉ Lesson Plan M You may wish to evaluate the cover letter and résumé. At the end of Assignment 3 and 4 is a checklist. Students can use the checklist to determine if their cover letter and résumé are ready to share with an employer. A customizable marking sheet is available in the Assessment Tools folder. Assignment 1 - Discover your Qualifications Read the job ad in the Employment News for an Advertising Agent at the TechnoAd Agency. Examine a sample cover letter and résumé. Plan the content of a cover letter and résumé by answering questions to discover qualifications such as characteristics, skills, and experiences. SA Assignment 2 - Introduction to Microsoft Word Open Microsoft Word. Click the File tab and identify three helpful commands. Open the cover letter in the Advertise folder. Examine the title bar and answer questions about the Window Controls. Customize the Quick Access Toolbar by adding and then removing the Bold command. Use the vertical and horizontal scroll bars to change the part of the cover letter in view. Set the details displayed in the status bar. Adjust magnification using the commands on the Zoom Slider. Examine the content of the ribbon to answer questions about the content of tabs or groups, and the location of commands. Experiment with document views and then answer questions about viewing options. Label the parts of the Microsoft Word window. TECHNOKIDS INC. 1-3 TECHNOADVERTISE Assignment 3 - Write a Cover Letter Open Microsoft Word. Write the cover letter: Type an introductory paragraph that describes the purpose of the letter. Include the job title, job number, and location of the ad. o Type the body of the letter. List characteristics, skills, or experiences showing that you meet three or four of the job requirements outlined in the job ad. o Type a closing paragraph that describes the steps an employer should take after reading the résumé, such as setting up an interview. o Type a closing, farewell, signature, and enclosure line. E o Format the letter: o Select the entire document using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + A. o Format the font and size using commands on the Font group of the Home tab. o Select Student Name at the top of the page and apply the Bold style. o Select job title in the introductory paragraph and apply the Italic style. o Select job number in the introductory paragraph and apply the Underline style. o Select the list in the body of the letter and apply a bullet style. o Adjust the line spacing and remove the paragraph spacing in the header. o Select Enclosure and add paragraph spacing. o Explore the text alignment options by adjusting the alignment of the date. o Select the entire document using the Select command on the Home tab. o Justify the text alignment to produce block paragraphs. Format the page layout: PL Type the header of the letter including job seeker's contact information, date, recipient's contact information, and greeting. M o o Change the page margins. o Adjust the indent level of the list. o Adjust the paragraph spacing of the signature line. Edit spelling and grammar errors. Adjust the magnification to view the whole page. Review the cover letter using a checklist. Use skills to improve the appearance of the cover letter. Print the cover letter and then save the document as cover letter. Exit Microsoft Word. SA Assignment 4 - Write a Résumé 1-4 Open Microsoft Word Add contact information: o Type Student Name, street address, city, state/province, zip/postal code, phone number, and email address. o Format Student Name using commands on the Home tab. o Apply the font effect small caps by launching the Font dialog box. o Adjust the character spacing applied to Student Name. o Use skills to format the contact information. Show hidden formatting symbols. Place a borderline below contact information. Hide the formatting symbols. TECHNOKIDS INC. TECHNOADVERTISE SESSION 1 Add the Objective section to the résumé. Use skills to format the heading and sentence. Add the Summary section to the résumé: Copy the formatting from the Objective heading to the Summary heading using Format Painter. o Copy the formatting from the Objective sentence to the summarized list using Format Painter. o Apply custom bullets to the list in the Summary section. o Apply a light color behind the list in the Summary section using the Shading command. o Adjust the paragraph spacing between items in the bulleted list. Add the Education section to the résumé: o Type the heading Education. E Type the heading Summary. List attributes, experiences, and skills in three or four sentences. o Press TAB. Type date – Present. o Adjust the tab selector to place the right tab marker on the ruler at the right margin. o Use Format Painter to copy formatting to the Education heading. o Use skills to type education –related information and format the text. Add the Work Experience section to the résumé: PL o o o Select the Education section. Copy the selection using the Copy command on the Home tab. o Paste the selection using the Paste command. Select Keep Source Formatting from the options. o Edit the copied selection to add the heading Work Experience, job title or employer name, dates, and job duties. o Copy and paste the job information by right clicking the mouse and using the shortcut menu. o Edit the copied selection to add a second job experience. o Copy and paste the job information using keyboard shortcuts. o Edit the copied selection to add a third job experience. Adjust the page margins by setting a customized size. Add remaining information to the résumé and make the content fit on ONE page. Review the résumé using a checklist. Print the résumé. Save the résumé. Exit Microsoft Word. M Assignment 5 - Apply for the Job Open Microsoft Word. Address an envelope: SA o Select Envelopes. o Type in the delivery address and return address. o Click Options to select the envelope size. Print or save the envelope. Close the file but leave Microsoft Word open. Combine the cover letter and résumé: o Open the cover letter and résumé. o Select the entire résumé and copy the selection. o View the cover letter. o Position the cursor at the end of the letter and insert a page break. o Use Keep Source Formatting to paste the selection into cover letter. Save the document as Student Name Application. Save the Student Name Application as a PDF file. (Optional) Send the Student Name Application as an attachment to an email message. TECHNOKIDS INC. 1-5 TECHNOADVERTISE Learning Objectives Content Knowledge identify the parts of a business letter and résumé explain the purpose of a cover letter and résumé discern the characteristics, skills, and experiences that make a person suitable for an Advertising Agent position identify different methods to apply for a job SA M PL E Word Processing Skills About the Program Window locate frequently used commands on the File tab use window controls to minimize, maximize, restore, and close a window customize the quick access toolbar use the scroll bars to adjust the part of the document in view customize the information displayed on the status bar adjust magnification using the Zoom Slider tools locate commands on the ribbon display the ruler switch document views label the window including title bar, zoom slider, help, File tab, quick access toolbar, ribbon, ruler, scroll bar, status bar, task pane, view shortcuts, and window controls toggle between two open windows About File Management open and close a document save a file as a document save a file as in PDF format print a document About Moving in the Program Window use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + HOME to move the cursor to the beginning of a document use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + END to move the cursor to the end of a document About Selecting Text use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + A to select the entire contents of a document click and drag to select text double click the mouse to select a word triple click the mouse to select a paragraph position the mouse pointer in the left margin and click and drag to select lines of text press and hold SHIFT and then use the DOWN arrow to select lines of text use the Select command to select the entire contents of a document About Text apply a font to set the typeface apply a font size increase or decrease the font size using the Grow Font and Shrink Font commands apply a bold, italic, and underline font style apply and remove a font style apply a font effect such as small caps using the Font Dialog Box adjust character spacing About Paragraphs apply a bullet style to a list customize the bullet style adjust the line spacing add and remove paragraph spacing adjust the paragraph spacing manually align text to the left, right, center, and justify adjust the indent level show and hide formatting symbols insert a borderline apply shading to a paragraph adjust the tab marker in the ruler About Page Layout set the margins by selecting an option in the list or by setting custom sizes insert a page break About Editing right click on an identified spelling/grammar error and select a correction from the list copy formatting and apply it to a selection using Format Painter copy a selection using Copy command, right click and use the shortcut menu or a keyboard shortcut paste a selection using Paste command, right click and use the shortcut menu or a keyboard shortcut select the Keep Source Formatting paste option to maintain formatting from the original file About Mailings address an envelope select the envelope size print or save an envelope Applied Technology write a cover letter using Microsoft Word write a résumé using Microsoft Word address an envelope using Microsoft Word save a document in PDF format to make it easy to share electronically using Microsoft Word 1-6 TECHNOKIDS INC. TECHNOADVERTISE SESSION 1 Assignment 1: Discover your Qualifications The TechnoAd Agency is hiring. They need someone who can use the computer to create flyers, product catalogs, newsletters, and more! E Follow the instructions to create a cover letter and résumé to apply for the job. Employment News TechnoAd Agency 2097 TechnoDrive TechnoVille, ON L7R 0A5 PL Company: TechnoAd Agency has over 15 years of experience in the advertising industry. Our company works closely with clients to design effective marketing material. We are looking for creative individuals interested in joining our team. Job Number: TECHNO2010 Position: Advertising Agent Job Description: Create advertisements for clients including flyers, product catalogs, and newsletters. No experience is necessary, willing to train. Ability to work in a fast-paced environment Excellent communication skills Work effectively in a team setting Able to work independently Strong time management skills Design or artistic skills an asset Strong computer skills M Requirements: SA Interested candidates should forward a résumé and cover letter to the attention of: Teacher Name, by email _____________ or by mail to TechnoAd Agency, 2097 TechnoDrive, TechnoVille, ON, L7R 0A5 About a Cover Letter A cover letter is a business letter that accompanies your résumé when you apply for a job. It offers a way for job seekers to tell employers why they should be hired. It is important that you show how your skills match those advertised in the job posting. Review the sample cover letter to get ideas for writing your own cover letter. TECHNOKIDS INC. 1-7 TECHNOADVERTISE A cover letter is one page in length. It has four parts: header, introduction, body, and closing. Header: The header identifies the job seeker, date of writing, and recipient, as well as a greeting. Often a subject line is included. Introduction: The introduction describes the purpose of the letter by outlining the location of the job ad, job title or job posting number, and why the job seeker should be considered for the position. Body: The body demonstrates why the job seeker would be valuable to the employer by highlighting skills, qualifications, and experiences that match the job description. Closing: The closing indicates the next step the job seeker would like the employer to take, farewell, signature line, and enclosure line. An enclosure line tells the employer that there are additional documents attached, which in this case, is a résumé. SA M PL E There are many different ways to word a cover letter. For more ideas view the sample cover letters in the Advertise folder. 1-8 TECHNOKIDS INC. TECHNOADVERTISE SESSION 1 About a Résumé SA M PL E A résumé is a document that outlines the experience, qualifications, and skills of a job seeker. The information is organized under headings to make it easy to understand. Often a résumé will summarize education, work experience, volunteer experience, academic and community activities, awards, hobbies, and any special skills. The purpose of the résumé is to raise the interest of an employer so that you can be contacted to schedule a job interview. Review the sample résumé to get ideas for making your own résumé. There are many different ways to create a résumé. For more ideas view the sample résumés in the Advertise folder. TECHNOKIDS INC. 1-9 TECHNOADVERTISE Plan the Content of a Cover Letter and Résumé You are going to apply to the ad in the Employment News for the Advertising Agent position at the TechnoAd Agency. When you are a student you often have limited job experience. However, you do have many skills that the TechnoAd Agency wants. Answer the questions to discover the attributes, knowledge, and experiences that will make you a perfect match for the job. hard working reliable responsible enthusiastic honest 2. trustworthy courteous friendly independent team-oriented leader cooperative competent organized punctual E Circle three words that best describe you. If you are not sure, ask a friend or family member to identify what they think are your three best qualities. creative resourceful motivated artistic persistent positive dependable flexible knowledgeable respectful PL 1. The job ad gives clues to what the employer is looking for in an employee. The job ad states We are looking for creative individuals and then describes the job, Create advertisements for clients including flyers, product catalogs, and newsletters. It is likely you have designed similar items in the past. Perhaps you have made a poster, book cover, or newsletter for a school assignment. You may have designed a flyer for a community group such as a Church, sports team, or club to promote an event such as a fundraiser or dance. Or you may have created a greeting card for a special occasion. You need to show that you have experience so that the company will want to hire you. From the list below select three marketing items you have created in the past. Explain the purpose for the item and the production method. You will use this information to show the TechnoAd Agency you have the skills to do the job. A sample has been done for you. Item flyer brochure yearbook page logo sign 3. poster invitation cd cover bookmark book cover thank you note business card web page Purpose advertise school dance Production Method computer - Microsoft Publisher school assignment in Visual Arts acrylic paint SA poster catalog article magazine certificate M flyer newsletter greeting card banner The job ad states, No experience is necessary, willing to train. Think about a time when you learned a new skill. Describe the new skill you learned. Circle the statement that best describes that learning situation. 1-10 You loved the challenge. You were persistent. You accepted constructive criticism. You were eager to learn. You were determined. You were a fast learner. TECHNOKIDS INC. TECHNOADVERTISE The ad lists requirements for the job. For each item think about when you have demonstrated that skill. ability to work in a fast-paced environment For example: babysat children, handed out food at a community event, worked the stage crew for a school production b) excellent communication skills For example: created media such as an advertisement to communicate a message, greeter at event, listened to customers describe needs, presenter, public speaker, tutor c) work effectively in a team setting For example: player on a sports team, member of a club or community group, role in a collaborative school assignment d) able to work independently For example: completed chores, school assignments, or other tasks, skill that was self-taught e) strong time management skills For example: met deadline, balanced many activities, scheduled tasks, methods used to schedule activities such as calendar, lists, electronic reminders f) PL design or artistic skills For example: artistic projects, contributions to the art community, school play, art-related courses, knowledge of elements of design The ad states that the job seeker must have strong computer skills. Read the list of computer-related software and tasks. For each item, circle your level of proficiency. If you possess additional computer skills list them in the table. SA 5. E a) M 4. SESSION 1 Microsoft Word none basic intermediate advanced/expert Microsoft Excel none basic intermediate advanced/expert Microsoft PowerPoint none basic intermediate advanced/expert Microsoft Publisher none basic intermediate advanced/expert Photo Editing none basic intermediate advanced/expert Video Production none basic intermediate advanced/expert Internet Research none basic intermediate advanced/expert Other Computer Skill: none basic intermediate advanced/expert Other Computer Skill: none basic intermediate advanced/expert Other Computer Skill: none basic intermediate advanced/expert TECHNOKIDS INC. 1-11 TECHNOADVERTISE A résumé has information organized under headings to make it easy to understand. A résumé summarizes education, work experience, volunteer experience, academic and community activities, awards, hobbies, and any special skills. Answer the questions to plan the content of your résumé. 6. Education: In this section of your résumé you can include: start date grade projected year of graduation grade point average if high attendance record if perfect academic awards 7. PL relevant courses or activities that relate to the job E school name Work Experience: In this section of your résumé you need to list your paid and volunteer experiences. You should put the most recent job at the top of the list. Do not worry if you have not yet worked for a company, your experience helping family members and neighbors or your involvement with school clubs or community events will show employers you are reliable, responsible, and willing to work. Below is a list of jobs you may have worked. For each job, check the duties you performed or add your own tasks to the list. You will be surprised at your work experience! Cashier process orders bag groceries assist customers Landscaper cut the lawn trim hedges weed flowerbeds Event Assistant take tickets set up tables and chairs assist with clean up Greeter welcome customers lead customers to seats hang coats Animal Care exercise dogs groom cats and dogs feed small animals Tutor assist or instruct students schedule sessions motivate students to learn Caregiver/Babysitter provide care to children make nutritious snacks organize activities Set Designer paint backdrop arrange props follow directions Photographer photograph events digitally edit photographs create digital albums Decorator hang streamers/balloons set up tables and chairs display posters Office Assistant photocopy documents gather materials organize paperwork Computer Technician set up projector clean equipment turn computers on Event Promoter promote local events design flyers post marketing material Cleaner/Janitor wash and vacuum floors empty garbage cans Carrier sort and deliver papers follow delivery route Server serve food to guests fill food trays M Laborer remove debris wash vehicles shovel dirt and gravel SA Fundraiser canvas neighborhood raise funds record donations 1-12 TECHNOKIDS INC. TECHNOADVERTISE 8. SESSION 1 List three jobs you have done that you think best show your skillset and dependability. Put the most recent job at the top of the list. For each job describe the job duties or contribution you made to the employer. Job Title: Employer Name: Identify the company, club, team, school, or organization. If the job was done at home, list self-employed. month/year month/year E Dates Worked: If a one-time event or seasonal, leave the date out of the résumé and instead include this information in the job duties section. Job Duties: Use a verb to describe each duty. Verbs train manage coach direct assist monitor motivate process determine coordinate present organize operate arrange install schedule assemble plan maintain collect repair sort troubleshoot obey stock review solve record promote Job Title: track develop Employer Name: distribute design deliver create collaborate perform cooperate demonstrate generate communicate provide accomplish achieve administer obtain report Job Title: Employer Name: Dates Worked: PL oversee - month/year SA M Job Duties: month/year Dates Worked: month/year Job Duties: TECHNOKIDS INC. month/year 1-13 TECHNOADVERTISE In your résumé, you want to show the employer you have the skills they need. One way to do that is to include information about memberships, awards, hobbies, interests, or other accomplishments that prove you are a perfect fit for the job. Memberships: If you belong to a community group, team, or school club you may want to include this information on your résumé. This information can show an employer you are a team player, like to get involved, and have strong social skills. You may want to include organization name, role, date of membership, and responsibilities. 10. Awards: If you have earned a sports, community, or school award you will want to let the employer know about the accomplishment. This information can be listed under a separate heading or you may wish to place it under an existing heading such as education if the award is academic, experience if the award is work related, or memberships if the award is related to a club or team. 11. Hobbies/Interests: Hobbies and interests can show an employer that you are well-rounded or that you possess a particular skill or area of knowledge. It is best to list only hobbies and interests that relate directly to the job. For example, an employer may want to know that you are interested in gardening if the company is a garden center or that you like weight lifting if the job is for a stock clerk. In the case of this activity, list hobbies or interests that relate to the Advertising Agent job at the TechnoAd Agency. 12. Accomplishments: An employer wants to know about your achievements. This information can be listed in a separate heading or you may wish to include the information under an existing heading. SA M PL E 9. 13. 1-14 References: A reference is a person that the employer can contact to learn more about your work ethic, experience, and attitude. It is a good idea to have your references listed on a separate piece of paper. If the employer requests this information you will be prepared! Select two or three adults that can answer questions about your suitability for the job. A teacher, coach, neighbor, or former manager (if you left the job on good terms) is suitable. It is a good idea to contact the people you would like to use as a reference to learn if they would be able to provide you with a positive recommendation. Name Name Job Title Job Title Organization Organization Phone Number Phone Number TECHNOKIDS INC. TECHNOADVERTISE SESSION 1 Assignment 2: Introduction to Microsoft Word Use Microsoft Word to create a cover letter and résumé. Follow the directions to learn more about the: Open Microsoft Word Open Microsoft Word. The File tab 1. E File tab title bar window controls quick access toolbar scroll bars status bar zoom slider ribbon document views PL Click the File tab. List three commands that you think you will use often. M File tab SA Document management commands. Place a set number of Recent Documents in the File tab list. TECHNOKIDS INC. List of recently opened documents. TIP: Click the pushpin to keep a document in the list. List of local or online locations recently visited. The File tab is in the top left corner. It displays a menu of commands for file management such as Open, Print, and Save. Access the location where Word temporary stores files to recover a previous version of a document or rescue an unsaved draft. 1-15 TECHNOADVERTISE Open the Cover Letter Document Click the File tab. Click Open. In the Open dialog box, click the Look in: arrow. Go to the Advertise folder. Double click to open the cover letter document. E The Title Bar At the very top of the document window is the title bar. Consider it like the cover of a book, as it provides vital information about the document. Document Name Window Controls PL Quick Access Toolbar Program Name 2. Label the Window Controls on the title bar. Hint: Rest the mouse pointer over each button to view the name. Removes the window from view, and temporary places it into the taskbar. Maximize Increases the size of the window to fill the screen. Restore Down Returns the window to its previous size after it has been maximized. Close Closes the program. M Minimize Quick Access Toolbar SA The Quick Access Toolbar is located above the File tab, in the upper left hand corner of the application window. It is a customizable toolbar which holds commands used most often. Save Undo Repeat Click the Home tab. Right click on the Bold command in the Font group. Click Add to Quick Access Toolbar. The command appears on the Quick Access Toolbar. Right click on the Bold command on the Quick Access Toolbar. Click Remove from Quick Access Toolbar. 3. What commands would you want to place on the Quick Access Toolbar? 1-16 TECHNOKIDS INC. TECHNOADVERTISE SESSION 1 The Scroll Bars The vertical and horizontal scroll bars change the view in the document window. Drag the box in the scroll bar with the mouse to view different parts of the document. Drag the vertical scroll box downward until you reach the end of the document. Now drag the horizontal scroll box to the right. E Click and drag from top to bottom. TIP: If you don't see a horizontal scroll box it is likely you can see the entire width of the page on the screen, which means scrolling is not necessary. Click and drag from left to right. PL Status Bar The Status Bar is located at the bottom of the window. The Status Bar displays details about the document such as the current page or word count. Right click on the status bar. Make sure that there is a checkmark beside: section page number line number word count view shortcuts zoom Look at the status bar. How many words are in the document? 5. Look at the status bar. How many pages are in the document? zoom slider M 4. The Zoom Slider SA The Zoom slider is located on the Status Bar in the lower right corner of the application. It is used to change the magnification of the document. Zoom Level Zoom Out Zoom Slider 6. Drag the Zoom slider to the right. What happens? 7. Drag the Zoom slider to the left. What happens? 8. Click Zoom Level. Look at the options in the dialog box. What option will make it so the entire document is in view? TECHNOKIDS INC. Zoom In Whole Page 1-17 TECHNOADVERTISE A Look at the Ribbon The ribbon is a band with a set of tabs located at the top of the application window. There are three parts to the ribbon: tabs, groups, and commands. Tab Group 10. E a. The ribbon has tabs. Each tab holds commands that do a similar job. Draw a box around the Home tab. b. Each tab is divided into groups. A group is a collection of commands that do similar actions like format text. Draw a box around the Font group. c. Each group has commands. Commands are a button, box, or menu that tells the computer what to do. Draw a box around the Align Text Left command in the Paragraph group. PL 9. Command Look at the Home tab. The Home tab allows you to copy and paste selections, format text and paragraphs, apply styles, find and replace text, and select objects. a. What group has commands to cut, copy, and paste? Clipboard group b. What group has a command to select the entire document, objects, or text? Editing group Look at the Font group. What command will let you pick a font size from a list? M c. Font Size 11. Click the Insert tab. This tab allows you to add items to the document such as pictures, links, date, time, or page numbers. Whenever you want to put something INTO a document, it is likely you will find the command on the Insert tab. List the groups on the Insert tab. SA a. Pages, Tables, Illustrations, Links, Header & Footer, Text, and Symbols b. What group has the command to insert a page break? Pages 12. Click the Page Layout tab. This tab allows you to set the theme, margins, page orientation, background, border, paragraph spacing, and object placement. a. Which group has commands to adjust the indent level or spacing applied to a paragraph? Paragraph b. On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click Margins. Record the current margin settings of the cover letter. 1-18 TECHNOKIDS INC. TECHNOADVERTISE 13. SESSION 1 Click the References tab. This tab has options for creating a table of contents, footnotes, citation, bibliography, caption, or index. a). 14. List a command that you think you may want to use in the future. Click the Mailings tab. a). What group has the option to print an envelope? 15. Click the Review tab. PL Create E This tab has options for creating a custom letter or envelope that merges data from another source. This tab has options for proofreading your document, such as editing spelling and grammar, replacing words with a synonym, recording comments, and tracking changes. a). Select the word confident in the first paragraph of the cover letter. Click Thesaurus in the Proofing group of the Review tab. Look at the task pane on the right. What words could you use to replace confident? certain, sure b). Which group has the command to edit spelling and grammar errors? 16. M Proofing Click the View tab. This tab allows you to change document views, display or hide window options, adjust magnification, and view more than one section of a document at one time. SA Click the View tab on the ribbon. Find the Show/Hide group. Click to select Ruler. The ruler runs along both the top and the left edge of a document. The horizontal ruler contains page measurements and allows for changes to the tab settings, paragraph indents, and margins. The vertical ruler shows the placement of the text on the page. Left Margin Tab Selector 17. Indent Markers Right Margin Right Indent Marker What is the measurement of the right margin? 6" TECHNOKIDS INC. 1-19 TECHNOADVERTISE Document Views Microsoft Word has different ways in which you can view your work. The view buttons appear in the lower right corner of the Status bar at the bottom of the document window. They are also available on the View tab. Choose from 5 views depending on the task. 18. Try each of the view options to see how the cover letter can be displayed differently. Return to Print Layout view. E Select the view that is best suited to the task. a. You want to create a web page. web layout b. You want to view the letter using the full screen. c. You want to edit the document and see what it will look like when it is printed. print layout PL full screen reading Label the Parts of the Microsoft Word Window Label the parts of the window. SA M 19. 1. Task Pane 4. Window Controls 7. Ruler 10. View Shortcuts 2. Ribbon 5. Title Bar 8. Status Bar 11. Zoom Slider 3. Help 6. Quick Access Toolbar 9. Scroll Bar Exit Microsoft Word Click the Close button in the top right corner of the application window. If prompted to save changes, click No. 1-20 TECHNOKIDS INC. TECHNOADVERTISE SESSION 1 Assignment 3: Write a Cover Letter E A cover letter is a business letter that accompanies your résumé when you apply for a job. It offers a way for job seekers to tell employers why they should be hired. The most important thing in a cover letter is to show that your skills match those advertised in the job posting. Make a cover letter using Microsoft Word to apply for the Advertising Agent position at the TechnoAd Agency. Employment News TechnoAd Agency 2097 TechnoDrive TechnoVille, ON L7R 0A5 TechnoAd Agency has over 15 years of experience in the advertising industry. Our company works closely with clients to design effective marketing material. We are looking for creative individuals interested in joining our team. Job Number: TECHNO2010 Position: Advertising Agent Job Description: Create advertisements for clients including flyers, product catalogs, and newsletters. No experience is necessary, willing to train. Requirements: Ability to work in a fast-paced environment Excellent communication skills Work effectively in a team setting Able to work independently Strong time management skills Design or artistic skills an asset Strong computer skills Interested candidates should forward a résumé and cover letter to the attention of: Teacher Name, by email _____________ or by mail to TechnoAd Agency, 2097 TechnoDrive, TechnoVille, ON, L7R 0A5 M PL Company: Open Microsoft Word Open Microsoft Word. SA Write the Header of the Letter You are going to type the letter. After it is written, you will format the appearance. Type in Student Name. Press ENTER. Type Street Address. Press ENTER. Type City, State/Province, Postal/Zip Code. Press ENTER twice. Type the Date. Press ENTER twice. – Look at the job ad. It includes the TechnoAd Agency's contact information. Type the recipient's contact information. Press ENTER twice. Type the greeting Dear Name of Teacher: Press ENTER twice. TECHNOKIDS INC. Mrs. Teacher TechnoAd Agency 2097 TechnoDrive TechnoVille, ON, L7R 0A5 1-21 TECHNOADVERTISE Write the Introduction Type a sentence that describes the purpose of the letter. Include the job title, job number, and location of the ad. Be specific! For example: I am writing in response to your advertisement for an Advertising Agent in Employment News, job number TECHNO2010. or I am interested in the Advertising Agency position in Employment News advertised on October, 14, 2010. (The date is made up) Type one or two sentences to convince the employer that you should be considered for the position. Be persuasive! For example: E After reading the description, I am confident that my skills are a perfect match for this position. I have the ability to create effective advertisements that will satisfy your customers. or Write the Body of the Letter PL My experience designing marketing materials to promote school events and involvement with the school yearbook have provided me with the skills necessary to make a valuable contribution to TechnoAd Agency. Read the ad. Select three or four requirements that you meet. In a new paragraph, create a list that summarizes why you should be hired. Be detailed! For example: I possess the following attributes that would be an asset to your company: Quick to learn new skills Knowledge of Microsoft Word Team player Creative talents including painting and photography or You will format this list using bullets. M I believe that I am a perfect match for the position. Here is a description of how my experience compares with your requirements: Cashier at TechnoRestaurant has provided me with the skills to work in a fast-paced environment Creating flyers to promote dances or local fundraisers has allowed me to develop strong design skills Business education course has taught me computer skills needed for the workplace Hockey team captain has allowed me to develop team building skills Write the Closing of the Letter In a new paragraph, type two or three sentences that outline the steps you want the employer to take to contact you about the position. Be confident! For example: SA Attached is a copy of my résumé. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss my suitability for the Advertising Agency position. Contact me at 111-101-1001or by email at [email protected] to schedule an interview. or Contact me to schedule an interview at 111-101-1001 or by email at [email protected]. I look forward to discussing with you in more detail my qualifications. (Optional) Type a closing line such as I look forward to hearing from you or Thank you for your consideration. Press ENTER twice. Type a farewell line such as Yours Truly or Sincerely. Use a comma after the farewell. Press ENTER twice. Type Student Name. Press ENTER. Type Enclosure. (This tells the employer that you have attached your résumé to the letter). 1-22 TECHNOKIDS INC. TECHNOADVERTISE SESSION 1 Format the Letter Format the Font and Font Size Press CTRL + A to select the entire document. E You are now going to format the letter. You will learn how to use some of the commands in the Font group and Paragraph group of the Home tab. You will also practice using different methods to select text and ways to move around the document. From the Font group on the Home tab, click the Font arrow. Select a suitable typeface for a business letter, such as Arial or Century Gothic. With the text still selected, click the Font Size arrow. Select font size 10. With the text still selected, click the Grow Font command to increase the font size. With the text still selected, click the Shrink Font command to decrease the font size back to 10. PL Format the Font Style Triple click the mouse on top of Student Name at the top of the page to select the text. Click Bold in the Font group to make the words stand out. – Notice that the command is now orange. If you want to remove the Bold font style click on the command again. Click to place the cursor in front of the job title in the introductory paragraph. Click and drag the mouse to select the Advertising Agent job name. Click Italic in the Font group to slant the job title to the right. Double click on the job number to select TECHNO2010. Click Underline in the Font group to underline the job number. SA M Apply Bullets Rest the mouse pointer in the margin in the body of the letter near the first listed item. – The mouse pointer will change to a white arrow. Click and drag DOWN to select the list. I possess the following attributes that would be an asset to your company: Quick to learn new skills Knowledge of Microsoft Word Team player Creative talents including painting and photography From the Paragraph group on the Home tab, click Bullets. TECHNOKIDS INC. 1-23 TECHNOADVERTISE Adjust Line and Paragraph Spacing Press CTRL + Home to place the cursor at the beginning of the document. Press down the SHIFT key, while at the same time pressing the DOWN arrow on the keyboard to select the job seeker's contact information, date, and recipient's contact information. Click Line and Paragraph Spacing from the Paragraph group. Select 1.0 from the menu. With the text still select, click Line and Paragraph Spacing again and select Remove Space After Paragraph. E PL By default, line spacing is set to 1.15 and paragraph spacing is set to 10 pt after each paragraph. Press CTRL + END to place the cursor at the end of the document. Double click to select the word Enclosure. Click Line and Paragraph Spacing from the Paragraph group. Select Add Space Before Paragraph. M Align Text to the Left, Center, Right, and Justify Click and drag the horizontal scroll bar to view the top of the page. Use your skills to select the date. Click Align Text Right from the Paragraph group. SA With the text still selected, click Center. With the text still selected, click Align Text Left. From the Editing group on the Home tab, click Select. From the menu, click Select All. 1-24 Click Justify from the Paragraph group. Justify adjusts the spacing in a line of text to create a block with an equal space at the left and right margins. TECHNOKIDS INC. TECHNOADVERTISE SESSION 1 Format the Page Layout Change the Page Margins Click the Page Layout tab. Click Margins from the Page Setup group. From the menu, select Normal. PL E You are now going to adjust the page layout using commands on the Page Layout tab. This will allow you to change the margins, adjust indent levels, and set paragraph spacing. Change the Indent Level of a Paragraph Click the mouse inside a bulleted item. From the Paragraph group, on the Page Layout tab, look in the Indent area. Increase the Left indent by clicking on the UP arrow. Now decrease the Left indent by clicking on the DOWN arrow. Type in 0.3 in the Left indent box. Use your skills to change the indent level on each item in the bulleted list. M SA Change the Spacing of a Paragraph Click the mouse inside the space below the farewell line. This is where your signature will go. Therefore you might need a bit more space to sign your name. From the Paragraph group, on the Page Layout tab, look in the Spacing area. Increase the After spacing by clicking on the UP arrow. Now decrease the After spacing by clicking on the DOWN arrow. Type in 20 in the After spacing box. TECHNOKIDS INC. 1-25 TECHNOADVERTISE Edit the Document for Spelling and Grammar Errors E Your cover letter cannot have spelling or grammar errors. While you were writing the letter Microsoft Word automatically underlined possible errors. Red wavy lines show a spelling error. Green wavy lines show a grammar error. You can right click on these lines to view a list of suggested corrections. Try it. Right click on word that Microsoft Word has identified as a spelling error. Select the correct word from the list of suggestions or if the word is spelled correctly, then click Ignore. Right click on word that Microsoft Word has identified as a grammar error. Select the punctuation or wording from the list of suggestions that will fix the error or if you think the grammar is correct, then click Ignore. PL Complete the Cover Letter Checklist and then Print the Cover Letter To prepare your document for printing, it is a good idea to preview the whole page. This way you can correct any problems with the page layout. Once you think the cover letter is ready, send it to the printer. Adjust the Zoom Slider to view the whole page. Read the letter. Does your cover letter convince a reader to consider you for the job position? M SA Header contains: name of job seeker and address date of writing name of recipient and address greeting line (Dear Teacher Name) Introduction contains: purpose of letter job title, job number, and location of ad convincing sentence about qualifications Body contains: list of at least three job requirements that the applicant possesses Closing contains: next steps form employer to take farewell line (Yours Truly, Sincerely) signature line enclosure line Formatting text is a suitable font and size for a cover letter bold and italic styles highlight important data bullets are applied to a list test is justified margins, indent level, and paragraph spacing are formatted Professional Publication free of spelling and grammar errors Make any adjustments to the document. For example you may want to increase the font size, change the font, adjust the margins, or increase paragraph spacing. When you are ready to print, click the File tab, and select Print. Click the Print button. Save the Cover Letter and Exit Microsoft Word Click Save on the Quick Access Toolbar. Go to the location where you save your files. Name the file cover letter. Click Save. Click the Close button at the top right corner of the window. 1-26 TECHNOKIDS INC. TECHNOADVERTISE SESSION 1 Assignment 4: Write a Résumé E A résumé is a document that outlines the experience, qualifications, and skills of a job seeker. You are going to use Microsoft Word to create your résumé. You will learn how to use advanced text and page formatting options to create a well-organized, professional document. In the following assignment, you will apply for the Advertising Agent position at the TechnoAd Agency using your résumé. Open Microsoft Word Open Microsoft Word. Add Contact Information PL Type in Student Name. Press ENTER. Type Street Address, City, State/Province, Postal/Zip Code. Press ENTER. Type Phone Number. Press TAB. Type Email Address. Press ENTER twice. Format Contact Information Select Student Name. Use your skills to format the text: M Select a font. TIP: Make sure that it is EASY to read and looks professional. Increase the font size. TIP: Try font size 18 or 20. Apply the bold font style to make the words stand out on the page. SA Center the text. Change the line spacing to 1. Select Remove Space After Paragraph. You can apply additional Font options to enhance the appearance of text. Try it! o Select Student Name. o On the Home tab, in the Font group, click the Font dialog box launcher arrow. o There are additional options in the Font dialog box. Select Small caps. KEEP THE DIALOG BOX OPEN! Don’t click OK, you are going to apply more formatting. TECHNOKIDS INC. 1-27 TECHNOADVERTISE Click the Advanced tab. o In the Character Spacing area, click the Spacing arrow and select Expanded. o In the By box, click the UP arrow to increase the space between letters. o Click OK. Use your skills to format the contact information. You can increase the space between letters. IVANNA JOB 10 Hierme Road, Jobb, ON, L8W 2J1 (111) 101-1001 [email protected] Show/Hide Formatting Symbols and Add a Borderline E o PL You can make your contact information stand out by adding a borderline below the text to divide the page. It is easier to do this task if you can see the hidden formatting markers. That way you can position your cursor in the correct location. Click Show/Hide on the Paragraph group of the Home tab. – Now you can see the spaces, paragraph markers, and tab markers. Place the cursor below the contact information. Click the Border arrow on the Paragraph group of the Home tab. Select Top Border from the list of options. Click Show/Hide on the Paragraph group of the Home tab to hide the markers. M Add the Objective Position the cursor at the END of the document. Type Objective. Press ENTER. Type a sentence that describes your career goals. For example: SA The objective is a sentence that briefly describes your career goals. Designer of advertising material including flyers, product catalogs, and brochures. or Seeking employment as an advertising agent with an organization that values creativity. Press ENTER twice. Use your skills to format the Objective heading and the sentence about your career goals. IVANNA JOB 10 Hierme Road, Jobb, ON, L8W 2J1 (111) 101-1001 [email protected] OBJECTIVE Designer of advertising material including flyers, product catalogs, and brochures. 1-28 TECHNOKIDS INC. TECHNOADVERTISE SESSION 1 Add the Summary The summary is a bulleted list of your attributes, experience, and skills. Position the cursor at the END of the document. Type Summary. Press ENTER. Type three or four sentences about yourself. Press ENTER after each sentence. o Three words that best describe you. TIP: Refer to Assignment 1, Question 1 o Describe your experience. TIP: Refer to Assignment 1, Question 2 o Select an item listed in the job requirements and tell how you are a perfect match. Press ENTER twice after the last item. Copy formatting: Select the Objective heading. o Click Format Painter on the Clipboard group of the Home tab. o When the mouse pointer changes to a paintbrush, click on the Summary heading to copy the formatting. o Select the Objective sentence. PL o o Double click Format Painter to keep the tool active. o Click on each sentence. o To deactivate Format Painter, click ESC on the keyboard or click the Format Painter command. Select the list of sentences. Create a bulleted list with custom bullets: o Select the list. o Click the arrow beside Bullets. o Select an option from the gallery. SA M E TIP: Refer to Assignment 1, Question 3, 4, and 5 TIP: To see more bullets: 1. Click Define New Bullet. 2. Click Symbol. 3. From the Font box, select Webdings, Wingdings, Wingdings 2, or Wingdings 3. 4. Select a bullet from the gallery. 5. Click OK. 6. Click OK. Apply a light shade of color behind the summary list to make it stand out: o Select the list. o Click the Shading arrow on the Paragraph group of the Home tab. o Select a light color such as grey or blue. IVANNA JOB 10 Hierme Road, Jobb, ON, L8W 2J1 (111) 101-1001 [email protected] OBJECTIVE Designer of advertising material including flyers, product catalogs, and brochures. SUMMARY enthusiastic, hardworking, reliable experience designing brochures, flyers, and posters willing to learn and accept constructive criticism enjoy contributing to a team effort TECHNOKIDS INC. 1-29 TECHNOADVERTISE Adjust the Paragraph Spacing of the Summary You can quickly remove or add paragraph spacing using the Line Spacing command. However, you may want to set the amount of spacing instead of just add or remove it. This can be done using options on the Page Layout tab. Select the bulleted list. Click the Page Layout tab. In the Paragraph group, set the spacing to 2 pt. Add Education E Education includes details such as school name, grade point average, and relevant courses. Position the cursor at the END of the document. Type Education. Press ENTER. Type School Name with Dates: TIP: Refer to Assignment 1, Question 6 o PL Type School Name. Press TAB. The TAB key indents text. The ruler can be used to adjust tab settings. You are going to adjust the tab marker to place dates aligned to the right margin. Tab Selector Right Tab Marker Type the date you began high school. Type a hyphen (-). Type Present. M o o Click the Tab Selector until you see the right tab option. o Click on the ruler. A right tab marker appears. o Click and drag the right tab marker to the right indent marker. Press ENTER. o Press ENTER and type education-related information you believe an employer will want to know, such as: SA projected year of graduation attendance record (if perfect) Press ENTER twice after the last item. Copy formatting: academic awards relevant courses grade point average (if high) relevant actives that relate to job o Select the Objective heading. Click Format Painter on the Clipboard group. o When the mouse pointer changes to a paintbrush, click on the Education heading to copy the formatting. Use your skills to format the information under the Education heading. IVANNA JOB 10 Hierme Road, Jobb, ON, L8W 2J1 (111) 101-1001 [email protected] OBJECTIVE Designer of advertising material including flyers, product catalogs, and brochures. SUMMARY enthusiastic, hardworking, reliable experience designing brochures, flyers, and posters willing to learn and accept constructive criticism enjoy contributing to a team effort EDUCATION TechnoSchool 82% average Relevant courses: Visual Arts 1-30 2009-Present TECHNOKIDS INC. TECHNOADVERTISE SESSION 1 Create the Work Experience Section using Copy and Paste Now that you have formatted the Education section the way you like, you can copy this selection to create the Work Experience section. That way you only have to change the words and everything will look great. E In the Work Experience section you will list three jobs you have done. Your work experience may be limited, however this section proves to the employer that you are willing to work and are responsible. You will learn different methods to Copy and Paste to create this section quickly. TIP: Refer to Assignment 1, Question 8 Copy and Paste the Education Section Select the Education section. Be sure to include the heading, school name, dates, and information. Click Copy on the Clipboard group of the Home tab. Position the cursor at the END of the document. Click the Paste arrow on the Clipboard group. Click Keep Source Formatting. PL Edit the Text to Create the Work Experience Section Change the Education heading of the pasted selection to Work Experience. Change the School Name to Job Title or Employer Name. Change the dates to the month/year you worked the job or if the job was a one-time event or seasonal, leave the date off the résumé and instead include this information in the job duties section. Change the education-related information to a list of job duties. M Copy and Paste Job Information using a Shortcut Menu Select the Job information. Be sure to include the job title, employer name, dates, and duties. Right click the mouse on the selection. From the shortcut menu, select Copy. Position the cursor at the END of the document. Press ENTER. Right click the mouse in the document window. Form the shortcut menu, select Keep Source Formatting under Paste Options. Change the information to add your second job experience. SA Copy and Paste Job Information using a Keyboard Shortcut Select the Job information. Be sure to include the job title, employer name, dates, and duties. Press CTRL + C. Position the cursor at the END of the document. Press ENTER. Press CTRL + V. Change the information to add your third job experience. TECHNOKIDS INC. If the formatting is not correct, click the Clipboard arrow and select Keep Source Formatting. 1-31 TECHNOADVERTISE Adjust the Page Margins You might need more room on the page to fit your résumé on one piece of paper. One way to create more space on the page is to adjust the page margins. Adjust the Zoom Slider to view the whole page. Click the Page Layout tab. In the Page Setup group, click Margins. Select Custom Margins. Set the top and bottom margins to 0.75. Click OK. PL E Add Remaining Informaton to the Résumé You want to show the employer you have the required skills. Use your knowledge to finish adding information to your résumé. The résumé must fit on ONE PAGE. You can include the following headings: M Computer Skills Relevant Skills (teamwork, computer skills, artistic talent) Memberships Awards Hobbies/Interests Accomplishments TIP: Refer to Assignment 1, Questions 2, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12 Complete the Résumé Checklist and then Print the Résumé Review your résumé using the checklist: SA Contact Information name, address, phone number, email Objective sentence that clearly describes career goals Summary Three statements that describe your: attributes experience how skills meet job requirements Education school name dates education-related information such as awards, relevant course, or activities are listed Work Experience Three jobs that you have worked. For each job include: job title employer name list of job duties Relevant Skills well organized list of skills, memberships, hobbies, or other accomplishments that would interest an employer Formatting student name is formatted to stand out on the page consistent formatting has been applied to all sections bullets are used to list information résumé fits on one page Professional Publication free of spelling and grammar errors Make any adjustments to the document. Click the File tab, and select Print. Click the Print button. Save the Résumé and Exit Microsoft Word 1-32 TECHNOKIDS INC. TECHNOADVERTISE SESSION 1 Assignment 5: Apply for the Job In the past, people would place their cover letter and résumé in an envelope and mail the documents or drop them off in person to the business. However, today it is more common for people to send an email with the cover letter and résumé attached to the message. In a job ad, the company will tell you how to submit your application. In the TechnoAd Agency posting it states: E Interested candidates should forward a résumé and cover letter to the attention of: Teacher Name, by email _____________ or by mail to TechnoAd Agency, 2097 TechnoDrive, TechnoVille, ON, L7R 0A5 PL Follow the instructions to learn how to address an envelope, save a document as a PDF, and how to attach the file to an email to apply for the job. Open Microsoft Word and Address an Envelope Open Microsoft Word. Click the Mailings tab. In the Create group, click Envelopes. In the Delivery address area, type the address of the TechnoAd Agency. In the Return address area, type Student Address. M Type the TechnoAd Agency address here. SA Type your address here. Click Options to select the correct envelope size. (NOTE: The size and style of an envelope is usually written on the package) Click the Envelope size arrow to select a size from the list. Click OK. Ask your teacher: Should you put an envelope in the printer and print or should you click Add to Document and then save the file as envelope? TIP: If printing the envelope, look for an image on the print tray. It will show you how to position the envelope so that it prints properly. TECHNOKIDS INC. 1-33 TECHNOADVERTISE Close a File but Leave the Program Open Click the File tab. Select Close. Combine the Cover Letter and Résumé into One File E Not everyone has a computer with Microsoft Word. For this reason, it is a good idea to save the file as a PDF. A PDF file can be viewed with the FREE software Adobe Reader. Anyone can download this software from PL A PDF file preserves the appearance of the file so that it looks the same on most computers. This makes it so anyone can view the file, however the content cannot be easily changed. It is a good idea to save your cover letter and résumé as a PDF file and then attach the files to an email message. To do this, you will combine the files into one document. Open the Cover Letter and Résumé Click the File tab. Select Open. Locate the cover letter and then click the Open button. Click the File tab. Select Open. Locate the résumé and then click the Open button. Copy the Résumé o Keyboard shortcut CTRL + A. o Click Select on the Editing group of the Home tab. Click Select All. Click the method you like the best to copy a selection: o Click Copy on the Clipboard group of the Home tab. o Right click the selection and select Copy from the shortcut menu. o Keyboard shortcut CTRL + C. SA Select the method you like the best to select the entire contents of the résumé: M Insert a Page Break at the end of the Cover Letter 1-34 Click cover letter in the status bar to display the document window. OR Select the method you like the best to place the cursor at the end of the document: o Keyboard shortcut CTRL + END. o Drag the scroll bar downwards and when the bottom of the page is in view, click at the end of the document to position the cursor. Click the Insert tab. From the Pages group, click Page Break. TECHNOKIDS INC. TECHNOADVERTISE SESSION 1 Paste the Résumé into the Cover Letter Document Click the Home tab. Click the Paste arrow on the Clipboard group. Design Tips: Make sure your document does not exceed 2 pages. Click Keep Source Formatting. Save the File with a New Filename PL E Adjust the margins Adjust the font size Adjust the paragraph spacing Click the File tab. Select Save As. Go to the location where you save your files. Name the file Student Name Application. Click Save. M Save the Student Name Application as a PDF File Click the File tab. Select Save & Send. Click Create PDF/XPS Document. Click Create PDF/XPS. SA Save the file in your student folder. Name the file Student Name Application. Select Open file after publishing. Click Publish. The file opens in Adobe Reader. Close the Adobe Reader window. TECHNOKIDS INC. TIP: In the Save & Send options is Send Using Email. This option automatically opens an email message and attaches the file as a PDF. This option will work on your home computer if you have an email program installed. However, since you are using the school computer you will need to save the file as a PDF and then send an email with the files attached. You can use a web-based email account to send the email right away or take the files home and send them using your home computer's email program. 1-35 TECHNOADVERTISE (Optional) Send an Email with an Attachment Open Email Program E You can use a web-based email account to send the email right away or take the files home and send them using your home computer's email program. Although email programs may differ slightly in appearance, they all share the same basic functions. Read the information and follow the instructions to send the job application as an attachment. Open the email program you are using OR open the browser and locate the web-based application, such as Hotmail, and sign in to your account. Click the Inbox, if necessary. Compose a Message PL Click New or Compose Mail to open a new message window. In the To box, type the email address. In the Subject box, type Student Name Advertising Agent Application In the Body area, type: Dear Mrs. Teacher, M I am interested in the Advertising Agent position, job number TECHNO2010. After reading the job description, I am confident that my skills are a perfect match. I have the ability to create effective advertisements that will satisfy your customers. I have attached a cover letter and résumé to this email. Contact me at 111-101-1001or by email at [email protected] to schedule an interview. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, SA Ivanna Job 10 Hierme Road Jobb, ON, L8W 2J1 111-101-1001 [email protected] Attach the Application Click the Attach tool. Browse to your student folder. Select the Student Name Application PDF file. Send a Message Click Send. Exit the email program. 1-36 TECHNOKIDS INC. TECHNOADVERTISE SESSION 1 Session 1 Review: About Microsoft Word Label parts of the Microsoft Word window. Zoom Slider 2. Scroll Bar 3. Ribbon 4. Ruler 5. 2. Match the terminology to the correct definition. a. The amount of space between letters. D line spacing C E A /5 b. The amount of space between the margin and a selection of text. c. The amount of space before and after a paragraph. d. The amount of vertical space between the lines of text in a paragraph. e. The amount of white space around the page at the top, bottom, left, and right. paragraph spacing indent level SA B Quick Access Toolbar M 1. PL E 1. margins character spacing /5 Select the correct answer from the list. 3. The keyboard shortcut that places the cursor at the end of the document. a. CTRL + A b. CTRL + End c. SHIFT + Home 4. A method used to select a paragraph. a. Triple click the mouse inside the paragraph b. Right click the mouse c. Use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + Home TECHNOKIDS INC. 1-37 TECHNOADVERTISE 5. A method used to paste a selection. a. Double click the mouse and select Paste. b. Right click the mouse and select Paste from the Shortcut menu. c. CTRL + C /3 Select the command to complete the task. Apply shading to a paragraph. a. c. Justify text to create block paragraphs. b. Add a borderline. a. b. c. c. Show hidden formatting symbols such as spaces, paragraph markers, and tab markers. a. M 12. c. b. a. 11. b. Copy formatting from one place and apply it to another. a. 10. c. Change line spacing. a. 9. b. Set page margins. a. 8. c. E 7. b. PL 6. b. c. /7 Write a short answer. 13. You can set page margins. How does the size of the margins affect the amount of information that can be placed onto a page? SA The smaller the page margin, the more information can be placed onto a page. 14. /1 There are several ways to copy text. Select the option you like the most. Keyboard shortcut, CTRL + C Right click the mouse and select Copy from the shortcut menu Copy command Why it is your preferred method? 15. /2 Why is it a good idea to save a file as a PDF file type? Anyone can view the file on their computer. The content cannot easily be changed. /1 Document looks the same on all computers. Total: 1-38 /24 TECHNOKIDS INC. TECHNOADVERTISE SESSION 1 Session 1 Skill Review: Write a Job Acceptance Letter Congratulations! You have been offered the Advertising Agent position at the TechnoAd Agency. Use your skills to write a professional letter accepting the job offer. 1. Open Microsoft Word. 2. Type your contact information: Student Name Street Address City, State/Province, Zip/Postal Code PL Press ENTER twice. 3. Type date. Press ENTER twice. 4. Type recipient information: TechnoAd Agency 2097 TechnoDrive TechnoVille, ON, L7R 0A5 Press ENTER twice. E Even if you have accepted a job over the phone, it is a good idea to write a job acceptance letter to confirm the details of employment and to formally accept the job offer. Type greeting such as Dear Name of Teacher: Press ENTER twice. 6. Type a sentence that summarizes the purpose of the letter. (accept Advertising Agent job position) 7. Type a sentence that states details of employment. (job duties, salary, benefits) M 5. I am writing to accept the position of Advertising Agent with the TechnoAd Agency. I welcome the opportunity to join your team to create effective marketing materials for your customers. 8. Type a sentence that states the start date. I look forward to starting work on January 27, 2011. SA Press ENTER twice. 9. Type a closing line that shows appreciation for the opportunity. Thank you for the opportunity. Press ENTER twice. 10. Type a farewell line such as Sincerely, or Yours Truly, Press ENTER four times. 11. Leave space for a signature. Type Student Name. 12. Select the entire document. 13. With the text selected, change the font to Times New Roman. 14. With the text selected, change the font size to 12. 15. With the text selected, justify the alignment. TECHNOKIDS INC. 1-39 TECHNOADVERTISE Adjust the line spacing in the document area to 1. 17. Remove the Before and After paragraph spacing in the document. 18. Select Student Name. Apply the bold style. 19. Select the job title. Apply an italic style. 20. Customize the left and right margins to 2". a. Click the Page Layout tab. b. Click Margins in the Page Setup group. c. Select Custom Margins. d. In the left margin box type 2. In the right margin box type 2. Click OK. 21. Edit the spelling and grammar. 22. Print the letter. 23. Save the letter as job acceptance letter. 24. Exit Microsoft Word. SA M PL E 16. 1-40 TECHNOKIDS INC. TECHNOADVERTISE SESSION 1 Session 1 Extension Activity: The Interview TechnoAd Agency is interested in YOU! They have scheduled an interview. E Interview Tips: Be well-groomed and dress neatly Shake the hand of the interviewer using a firm handshake Take an extra copy of your résumé and a list of references Ask the interviewer to repeat the question if you are not sure what they are asking Take a breath to relax before answering a question Speak clearly Lean toward the interviewer to show that you are interested Be calm and do not fidget Do not chew gum or cross arms over chest when answering a question PL Stage a mock interview: Interviewer and Interviewee: Pair up students. Assign one student the role of being the interviewer and the other the interviewee. Have the interviewer ask questions. Afterwards, have the students switch roles. Group Interview: Divide students into groups of four. Assign a group member to be the interviewer. The remaining group members are job candidates. Give the interviewer two questions to ask job candidates. Each job candidate can take a turn answering the question. Afterwards, have the interviewer select the candidate they believe is best-suited for the job position based on their responses. The interviewer must explain the rationale for their decision. Now rotate roles. Have a job candidate become the interviewer. Repeat this process until each group member has been the interviewer. Panel Interview: Select 5-10 students to be job candidates. Have the remaining students become part of the panel of interviewers that work for the TechnoAd Agency. Set up the room so that the panel is at the front of the room with the job candidates' desks arranged in a semi-circle in front of the panel. Give each interviewer a question. For each question, the interviewer can select two candidates to answer. After the interview discuss the process. Be sure to draw attention to quality responses, suggestions for improving answers, as well as methods to cope with stress that can be caused by taking part in a panel interview. Perfect Answer: Divide the students into groups of four. Assign a group member to be the interviewer. The remaining group members are job candidates. Give the interviewer two questions to ask job candidates. Each job candidate can take a turn answering the question. After the interview, within the groups, students discuss the strength and weaknesses of responses. Now as a group, generate the "perfect" answer to the question by combining the responses. Select a group member to share their answer with the entire class. Afterwards, discuss how the perfect answer is different for each person, but emphasize the point that carefully planning a "perfect" answer before the interview is a great way to be confident when asked the question. SA M Two-Headed Monster: Two heads are better than one! Interviewing can be a stressful experience. However, having a friend help with preparing answers is one way to make answering questions fun. Divide the students into groups of three. Assign a group member to be the interviewer. The two remaining students are to combine their strengths, skills, and experiences to answer the question as if they are a "two-headed" monster. Give the interviewer a question to ask the two-headed monster. After being asked the question, the two-headed monster can quietly discuss their answer for 60 seconds. After that time, they must select a "head" to confidently deliver the response. Rotate the role of interviewer and two-headed monster. TECHNOKIDS INC. 1-41 TECHNOADVERTISE Interview Questions: YOU ARE APPLYING FOR THE ADVERTISING AGENT POSITION 1. Tell me about yourself. Tip: Often interviewers will ask this question first to relax you. Keep the answer brief, only two or three minutes long. Limit your answer to work-related items. Talk about things you have done and jobs you have held that relate to the position. Hint: Refer to your summary on your résumé. 2. What is your greatest strength? 3. What experiences do you have that qualify you for the position? 4. What have you done in the last year to improve your knowledge or skills? Tip: This question lets you tell the employer why you are perfect for the job. Describe an attribute you possess such as determination, responsible, energetic, or creativity and then explain how it has helped you in the past to complete a task and why it will be an asset to this position. E Tip: Be specific! Have a list of two or three things you have done that will make you a perfect match for the position. For example, list three marketing items you have made, their purpose, and production methods used. Tip: Many companies are willing to train, but you have to show them that you are willing to learn. Describe a time when you learned a new skill and describe how you responded to the learning situation. 5. Tell me about your ability to work under pressure in a fast-paced environment. 6. Rate your communication skills on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being excellent. PL Tip: Say you thrive under pressure. Give an example of when you worked in this environment and why you liked it. Tip: Give yourself a high score. Then provide two or three examples. For example, you may want to mention ways you have used media to communicate a message effectively, strengths you possess in face-to-face discussions, written or public speaking abilities, or methods you use to communicate. 7. Describe a difficult situation and how you overcame it. 8. Do you prefer to work independently or on a team? 9. Describe a time when your workload was heavy and how you handled it. Tip: This question is based on the belief that how you behaved in the past will predict how you will behave in the future. For this reason, have an example ready about a difficult co-worker, team member, or assignment. Briefly describe the situation and then focus the rest of your answer on the methods used to solve the issue. M Tip: This is a trick question. Answer that you prefer BOTH depending on the task then give an example of a task that you enjoyed doing independently and another where you liked being part of a team. Tip: You need to show you have excellent time management skills. Give an example of how you met a deadline, adjusted your schedule to balance many activities/tasks, or the methods you use for scheduling. 10. What level of proficiency do you have with using the computer? 11. What are your long range plans or objectives? Tip: Be honest. Describe the programs you can use or tasks you can complete using the computer. SA Tip: Focus on your career goals and what you are doing to achieve those goals. For example, say "I would like to become the best X and to achieve that I am doing Y and Z." 12. What is your greatest weakness? or What area in your work do you need to improve? 13. Why did you leave your last job? or Why do you want this job? Tip: Do not say I get easily bored, stressed, depressed, or angry, nor mention a key requirement of the job as an area of weakness. Instead, select an area of knowledge or skill where you would like to improve and demonstrate how you overcame the shortcoming. For example, say "I am weak in X. I always have to do Y to overcome this weakness." For example, if you have a poor memory, say you have to make lists; if you aren't good at math, say you use a calculator; or if you have limited spreadsheets skills say you are taking a course. Tip: Be positive. NEVER refer to a problem with management or speak ill of co-workers at a previous job. Instead, say you want to learn something new, have a new opportunity, or a new challenge. 14. What do you know about this organization? Tip: This question proves that you are interested in the job position. It is a good idea to research a company BEFORE going to the interview. For this assignment, the INFORMATION IS IN THE AD. However, for other jobs, a great method is to use the Internet and read the company website to learn about products/services. 15. 1-42 Do you have any questions? Tip: Always ask a question because it shows you are interested in the company. Avoid asking about wages, holidays, or other benefits. Instead ask, "What type of projects will I be working on when I start work?" Or, "Do you offer training before I begin working with your customers and if yes, what does the training include?" TECHNOKIDS INC.
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