Functional Skills Qualification in English at Level 1 SAMPLE ASSESSMENT MATERIALS The scheme code for these qualifications is: OCR Functional Skills Qualification in English at Level 1 09498 ALL THESE MATERIALS MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED. Any photocopying will be done under the terms of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 solely for the purposes of assessment © OCR 2011 Sample Assessment Materials OCR Functional Skills Qualification in English at Level 1 OXFORD CAMBRIDGE AND RSA EXAMINATIONS FUNCTIONAL SKILLS ASSESSMENT LEVEL 1 FUNCTIONAL SKILLS ENGLISH READING TASK SAMPLE ASSESSMENT MATERIALS TIME: 50 MINUTES YOU NEED This task and the resource document booklet for Reading. An answer booklet. A pen with black ink OR access to a computer and printer to print out your responses which should be firmly attached to your answer booklet. You may use a dictionary and spell/grammar check facility but you must not ask anyone to help you. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Do NOT open this task booklet until you are told to do so by the supervisor. Make sure your personal details are entered correctly in the answer booklet. YOU HAVE 50 MINUTES TO READ THE RESOURCE DOCUMENTS BOOKLET AND COMPLETE THE READING TASKS Read the resource documents booklet and the questions inside this question paper carefully before starting the task. Write your answers in the answer booklet provided or attach your print outs to your answer booklet before handing them in. If you use extra paper, make sure that it has your name and candidate number on it and is securely attached to your answer booklet. When you have finished, hand your answer booklet to the supervisor. This document consists of 2 printed pages © OCR 2011 Registered Company Number: 3484466 [Turn over READING TASK (25 marks) Scenario You are a volunteer at a local charity, CareCo. You have been asked to help organise a winter outing for residents of a local care home, as described in Document 1. To prepare for this, and to make the best choice for the residents, you must read the information from Document 1 and Document 2. You have 50 minutes to read the documents and answer the questions below. You should spend about 10 minutes reading the documents. Answer all the questions. You do not need to write in sentences. 1 Give two reasons why it is important for this outing to take place. 2 How much can CareCo spend on the meal for each person attending? 3 a) 4 (2 marks) (1 mark) As well as cost, what two other things do you need to consider when deciding on a venue for the outing? (2 marks) b) Give reasons for your answer. (2 marks) a) What are the two most important things which everyone agrees the chosen venue must provide? (2 marks) Explain why these are so important. (2 marks) b) 5 What does Jo Wilkinson say you could do if you need to find out anything else about the outing? (2 marks) 6 a) Which venue would be best for the outing? b) Explain the reasons for your choice. 7 8 9 (1 mark) (2 marks) What does Jo Wilkinson want you to do when you have made your choice for the outing? (2 marks) What layout features are used in Document 2? Explain whether these help the reader or not. (4 marks) In Document 1, how does Jo Wilkinson encourage you to help organise the winter outing? (3 marks) OCR Functional Skills Qualification in English at Level 1 3 OXFORD CAMBRIDGE AND RSA EXAMINATIONS OCR FUNCTIONAL SKILLS QUALIFICATION IN ENGLISH AT LEVEL 1 READING TASK RESPONSE Write the question number in this column DO NOT write in this margin 1 Longest running and most popular. Mix with other people. 2 CareCo can pay a maximum of £15 per person for the outing and traditional meal. We will pay for any transport costs. 3a Transport Can only go on 5th Dec or 14th Dec They can’t go when there isn’t transport as they can’t get there by themselves and 1 person is in a wheelchair. They might not like the food their. b 4a b Atmosphere Traditional Old people like to talk about their childhood and what life was like a long time ago. They like to go to places that have things that they had when they were young so they can remember what they used to do. 5 Phone Jo or e-mail Elena 6a 6b Brunt Hotel Brunt Hotel is best because it is the best known hotel in Purton and has been going for over 100 years. It has good season value. It costs £14.95 so they can afford it. 7 Write a report and a letter 8 The ads use lots of bright colours and images and some use bold font. The names are written in different fonts. Some use the punctuation mark! The Westshire hotel uses capital letters for some words. I like this one best. The bold font in TM’s OCR Functional Skills Qualification in English at Level 1 5 Write the question number in this column DO NOT write in this margin makes the bargain and the Karaoke stand out so the reader thinks it’s good value. 9 Jo helps me to organise the outing. She uses ‘you’ to make it sound like she’s talking to me and not just anyone. This makes me feel important so I’ll want to work for her. Words like ‘be very grateful’ show she’s not telling me I’ve got to do it, but she’d like me to do it so I’m more likely to say yes. Also, if I was anxious about what to do, she’s very helpful saying she’ll help and give me what information I need. She thanks me at the end and uses words like ‘please’ and makes the outing seem important ‘only have’ so I want to help Jo. 6 OCR Functional Skills Qualification in English at Level 1 Level 1 Reading Task Commentary Question 1 Maximum Mark Comment mark awarded 2 2 Standards:1R2 Read and understand texts in detail Mark commentary: The candidate has included three correct points, but only 2 marks are available. Learning tips: candidates include more facts or points than are required. The number of marks available should be used as a guideline to the length of the answer. 2 1 1 Standards: 1R1 Identify main points and how they are presented in a variety of texts. Mark commentary: The correct amount of money CareCo can pay was selected, so the mark was awarded. The mark would also be awarded if the candidate had simply stated ‘£15’. Learning tips: candidates include too much information for the mark available, or copy too much information from the question paper rather than being selective. 3 [a] 2 1 3 [b] 2 1 [max 4] Standards: [a] 1R2 Read and understand texts in detail [b] 1R3 Utilise information contained in texts Mark commentary: [a] 1 mark was given for stating ‘transport’ although the answer is imprecise as it does not state that the issue with transport is that it is only available on two dates. No mark was awarded for the second reason given as this is the same point as the other reason given. [b] 1 mark was given as the response gives a reason why transport is a consideration, linking the comment to 3[a]. The second comment was not given a mark as it did not use information in the source documents and was not linked to the response to 3[a]. Learning tip: candidates miss out part of the question. Answers are implicit, or imprecise or do not make use of information in the source documents. The same point is repeated. Spelling, punctuation and grammar errors are not taken into account in Reading Task answers. OCR Functional Skills Qualification in English at Level 1 7 Question 4 [a] 4 [b] Maximum mark 2 2 [max 4] Mark Comment awarded Standards: [a] 1R1 Identify the main points and ideas 1 and how they are presented in a variety of texts [b] 1R4 Identify suitable responses to texts. 1 Mark Commentary: No mark was awarded for ‘atmosphere’ as it needs to specify ‘friendly’ atmosphere. 1 mark was awarded for ‘traditional’. The response clearly suggests that they like to ‘reminisce’. One mark was awarded. Learning tip: responses that require explanation or justification of answers need to be clearly linked to the response in part [a]. 5 2 0 Standards: 1R4 Identify suitable responses to texts. Mark commentary: 0 marks were given as the answer did not state the telephone number or e-mail address. Learning tip: sufficient information needs to be given to make the response functional. 6a 1 1 6b 2 [max 3] 1 Standards: [a] 1R2 Read and understand texts in detail [b] 1R3 Utilise information contained in texts. Mark commentary: [a] one of the two possible choices of venue was given, so the mark was awarded [b] Lots of information is given, but only one point, the cost, is relevant, so 1 mark was awarded. Learning tips: information given needs to be relevant to the question. 7 1 1 0 [max 2] Standards: 1R1 Identify the main points and ideas and how they are presented in a variety of texts. No marks were awarded, even though the candidate correctly stated that a letter and a report were asked for, as the recipients were not given. Learning tip: all relevant information needs to be given. 8 4 3 Standards: 1R4 Identify suitable responses to texts. Mark commentary: several appropriate features have been identified, and one comment, that the bold font makes it stand out, explains how TM’s helps the reader. Learning tip: distinguish between descriptive responses or those that identify features or facts, and those that explain or give reasons for the answers given. 8 OCR Functional Skills Qualification in English at Level 1 Question 9 Maximum mark 3 Mark Comment awarded 3 Standards: 1R3 Utilise information contained in texts. Mark commentary: this response gained full marks. It identified examples, such as the personal pronoun ‘you’ and explains reasons clearly, such as ‘This makes me feel important so I’ll want to work there.’ Separate points are clearly identifiable. It contained enough relevant points to gain the 3 marks. Learning tips: weaker responses identify features but do not explain why they are effective, or use vague explanation and terms such as ’good word’, ‘well written words’, ‘posh words’. Overall The candidate demonstrated that he/she had read and understood the texts, both overall and in detail, although some information was incomplete or lacked sufficient reference to the source documents. The candidate gained a total of 15 marks out of a possible 25 for the reading assessment, which indicates a pass in this component. OCR Functional Skills Qualification in English at Level 1 9 OXFORD CAMBRIDGE AND RSA EXAMINATIONS FUNCTIONAL SKILLS ASSESSMENT LEVEL 1 FUNCTIONAL SKILLS ENGLISH WRITING TASKS SAMPLE ASSESSMENT MATERIALS TIME: 50 MINUTES YOU NEED These tasks. An answer booklet. A pen with black ink OR access to a computer and printer to print out your responses which should be firmly attached to your answer booklet. You may use a spell/grammar check facility. You may use a dictionary but you must not ask anyone to help you. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Do NOT open this task booklet until you are told to do so by the supervisor. Make sure your personal details are entered correctly in the answer booklet. YOU HAVE 50 MINUTES TO COMPLETE THE WRITING TASKS Write your answers in the answer booklet provided or attach your print outs to your answer booklet before handing them in. If you use extra paper, make sure that it has your name and candidate number on it and is securely attached to your answer booklet. When you have finished, hand your answer booklet to the supervisor. This document consists of 2 printed pages © OCR 2011 Registered Company Number: 3484466 [Turn over WRITING TASKS (34 marks) You have 50 minutes to do tasks A and B below. For both tasks, remember to write in sentences, using accurate spelling, punctuation and grammar. Allow time to check your work. Writing Task A (21 marks) Scenario In your spare time you help out at Somerville Care Home. You have been asked by the Manager, Jo Wilkinson, to write a formal report for her on where to take the elderly residents for their annual winter outing and meal. A colleague, Jon, has done some preparation for the outing but has now gone on holiday. To help you write your report, the Manager has sent you the notes Jon made (see below). This year’s Winter Outing – notes For 21 elderly residents – aged 69-93, Six staff going + two volunteers, so 29 people going in total We will pay max £15 per person Transport available Sat 5th December & Mon 14th December only One lady has guide dog, two people use wheelchairs Visited 6 places – narrowed down to three Westshire Hotel – only available at weekends, traditional meal £12.95 per head, max 33 people, free presents, resident violinist Hawthorn Hotel – £15.95 per head, can cater for up to 80 people, local primary school children carol singing Brunt Hotel & Spa – up to 50 people, £14.95 per head (discounts for parties over 20), old fashioned sing-a-long, old building, lots of stairs, no lift. Jon Ps just found out Hawthorn Hotel only available from 16th Dec onwards Write the report. Remember to include a suitable title explain what you have been asked to do and where you have got your information from (Introduction) consider briefly the advantages and disadvantages of each of the hotels (Findings) explain which place is most suitable to meet the requirements of the Care Home (Conclusion). You should spend approximately 30 minutes writing this report. Remember to write in sentences, using accurate spelling, punctuation and grammar. OCR Functional Skills Qualification in English at Level 1 11 Writing Task B (13 marks) Scenario You are a volunteer at Somerville, a local care home for the elderly. The residents are going on a theatre trip next week. You have been asked to email a local coach company to check availability and the cost of hiring a suitable coach for the evening. You have been given notes by your manager which details the requirements. Theatre visit – urgent. Coach required, from Somerville to the Grand Theatre, Kirton. Trip next Tuesday – so we need response quickly. 28 people. The play starts at 7.30pm but we’ll need at least 30mins to get all the residents seated. Two of our ladies use wheelchairs and a few others have mobility problems. Thanks PS - I know it’s short notice so be nice to the coach people - we don’t have a lot of money spare, so I hope it’s not going to be too expensive! Discount?? Idea Try contacting Jim Meadows at County Coaches ([email protected]) Write the email to Jim Meadows as requested by your manager. You should spend no more than 20 minutes writing this email. Remember to write in sentences, using accurate spelling, punctuation and grammar. 12 OCR Functional Skills Qualification in English at Level 1 Level 1 Writing Response Task A Somerville care home outing report I have been asked to write a report for Jo Wilkinson about where to take the elderly residents for their annual winter outing and meal. They’re is a choice of 3 places. Disadvantages The hawthorn hotel is a good place because it has carole-singing it costs too much it isn’t avalable for the dates. The weshire hotel isn’t avalable on Mon 14th December Brunt hotel and spa cost more. it doesnt have a lift this isnt no good for people in wheelchairs. The old bulding might be cold so it is not a good place to go Advantages The westshire hotel is avalable on Sat 5th December Free presants are a good idea. the elderley residents will like the violinist it is a good place to go Brunt hotel and spa has enough room for everyone. I think the best place for the residents to go to is westshire hotel because it has room for everyone. It is available on one of the days theres transport It costs less than £15. And theres free presents. Written by Miriam Kent. OCR Functional Skills Qualification in English at Level 1 13 Level 1 Writing Response Task B To: [email protected] My manager wants me to organise getting a coach. I work at Somerville, a locale care home for the elderly. The residents are going on a theater trip next week. Can you do the trip? We need to know how much it will cost. Can you send us some info. Can you do us a cheap rate because they is elderley people and we don’t have much money to spend. If it is too expensive we cant go so they will be disappointed We want to go to the Grand theatre, kirton next Tuesday. Two of our lady’s use wheelchairs and others have mobility problems. Is there a coach they could fit there wheelchairs into? We need to get there by 7.oopm. I hope to hear from you soon. Please contact me at [email protected]. 14 OCR Functional Skills Qualification in English at Level 1 Level 1 Writing Task A Commentary Mark Maximum Mark Scheme Comment Mark awarded Reference 1W1 4 2 Standards: write clearly and coherently, including an appropriate level of detail. Mark commentary: There is some attempt at coherence, but the report lacks both detail and coherence, such as in the first section. Learning tip: failure to include sufficient relevant detail; the inclusion of unnecessary detail; the lack structure and/or coherence 1W2 3 2 Standards: use spelling accurately. Mark commentary: Most simple words are spelt correctly, but there are some errors from the source documents. Errors include elderly, carol, westshire, building, presents, there. Learning tip: the incorrect spelling of words in the source documents. Common errors include alot, untill, writting, recieve. 1W3 3 1 Standards: use punctuation accurately. Mark commentary: There are several errors in the use of capital letters for proper nouns and at the start of sentences. Several full stops are omitted. OCR Functional Skills Qualification in English at Level 1 15 Learning tip: the use of commas instead of full-stops; use of lower case ‘i’; use of lower case for proper nouns. Accurate use of the apostrophe is not a Level 1 requirement. 1W4 3 3 Standards: use grammar correctly. Mark commentary: There are some errors, such as cost and isn’t no but these are not typical of the report as a whole. Learning tip: the inconsistent use of tense; lack of subject/object- verb agreement; words omitted; incorrect choice of words. Common errors include: should of/should have; they was/they were; their/there/they’re; to/too; which/witch; weather/whether; where/were. 1W5 4 4 Standards: use the appropriate formal format. Mark commentary: The report contains an appropriate heading and two appropriate sub-headings, although ‘advantages’ is not underlined. Learning points: no headings and/or side headings in a report; incorrect use of addresses, the date, salutation and close in letters; omitting of sender and recipient and/or subject in an e-mail. 1W6 4 3 Standards: present information in a logical sequence Mark commentary: The report contains a clear beginning, middle. There is a conclusion, but it is not organised in a way that helps the reader. Learning points: not following the sequencing suggested in the question guidance; the omitting of important information or not meeting the needs of the audience; lacking clarity. Overall The candidate showed competence for the level in Writing Task A, achieving 15 marks out of 21, which indicates that it is likely to be in the pass range. 16 OCR Functional Skills Qualification in English at Level 1 Level 1 Writing Task B Commentary Mark Maximum Mark Scheme Comment Mark Awarded Reference 1W1 3 3 Standards: write clearly and coherently, including an appropriate level of detail. Mark commentary: The opening and close give the response an appropriate structure. Some important details are omitted, but it contains sufficient detail to be suitable for audience and purpose. Learning tips: paragraphs are not required at level 1. There needs to be sufficient clarity for the letter to be functional. 1W2 2 1 Standards: use spelling accurately. Mark commentary: There are some errors from the source documents, including local, elderly, theatre, ladies, their. My manager wants me to organise getting a coach. Learning tips: check the use of words from the source document, together with common errors such as too/to; their/there; writing/written; a lot and words ending in ‘ly’. 1W3 2 1 Standards: use punctuation accurately. Mark commentary: Some question marks and capitals for proper nouns have been omitted. There are lapses in the use of full stops. Whilst these errors do not affect the meaning, they are more than ‘one-off’ slips. Learning tips: some candidates demonstrate accurate use of Level 3 skills, such as the apostrophe, but misuse Entry Level skills such as capital letters and question marks. Candidates need to have knowledge of the skills needed at each level. Use if ‘i’ instead if ‘I’ is common as is the use of commas to replace full stops. OCR Functional Skills Qualification in English at Level 1 17 Mark Maximum Mark Comment Scheme Mark Awarded Reference Barely legible handwriting causes problems especially where it is not clear if a letter is written in upper or lower case. ‘P’, ‘S’ and ‘J’ are commonly written as capitals in the middle of sentences and in the middle of words. 1W4 2 2 Standards: use grammar correctly. Mark commentary: Grammar is mostly accurate. The use of they is is considered to be a ‘one-off’ slip which does not affect meaning. Learning tips: common errors tend to be with verb/subject agreement such as ‘we was’, ‘’your’ instead of ‘you are’ and the use of ‘should of’. 1W5 2 1 Standards: use the appropriate formal format Mark commentary: The response is awarded one mark as it clearly states who the email is being sent to. It does not contain who it is from, the subject or the date. Learning tips: many candidates lose marks for format, especially in formal letters. Although there is some discretion allowed in the mark scheme for the location on the page of addresses and dates, all the necessary details to make a letter functional are needed. Many include most of the details, but leave out one, such as the date. Candidates need to be able to distinguish between various formats, such as between a letter and a report. 1W6 2 1 Standards: present information in a logical sequence Mark commentary: There is some attempt at sequencing relevant material, but the response is not always easy to follow and, so, does not flow logical. Learning tips: candidates need to ensure that the letter is suitable for the purpose and audience indicated in the question. Some candidates omit significant information or use an inappropriate style for the task. The candidate has demonstrated sufficient competence to be awarded 9 marks out of 13, which indicates that it is likely to be within the pass range. 18 OCR Functional Skills Qualification in English at Level 1 OXFORD CAMBRIDGE AND RSA EXAMINATIONS FUNCTIONAL SKILLS ASSESSMENT LEVEL 1 FUNCTIONAL SKILLS ENGLISH 09498RB RESOURCE DOCUMENTS BOOKLET FOR READING SAMPLE ASSESSMENT MATERIALS The documents in this booklet are for Level 1 Reading. You will need the documents in this booklet to help you answer the Reading task. Spend about 10 minutes reading the documents carefully. Then turn to the Task Booklet. [Turn over DOCUMENT 1 20 OCR Functional Skills Qualification in English at Level 1 DOCUMENT 2 OCR Functional Skills Qualification in English at Level 1 21 OXFORD CAMBRIDGE AND RSA EXAMINATIONS OCR FUNCTIONAL SKILLS QUALIFICATION IN ENGLISH AT LEVEL 1 Specimen Mark Scheme The maximum mark for the Reading paper is [25]. The maximum mark for the Writing paper is [34]. This document consists of 5 printed pages. SP (...) V12345 © OCR 2011 [500/9111/6] OCR is an exempt Charity [Turn over Functional Skills English L1 SAMs Mark Scheme – Reading Task (25 marks) Reading Q M/S Ref 1 1R2 2 1R1 3 1R2 1R3 Accepted Response a) b) c) d) e) f) the only time all residents go out together mix with other people share their memories highlight of the residents’ year long running activity for CareCo most popular activity for CareCo (Maximum of) £15 per person. a) wheelchair access b) guide dog c) dates (when transport is available) d) time of day e) availability of live music f) traditional experience Reasons include requirements of CareCo, needs and wishes of the residents, what is on offer from venues. Type of Response Closed Closed Closed Marks 1 1 1 1 1 1 (Max 2) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (Max 2) Open (Max 2) 4 1R1 4 1R4 Identify what is agreed as being important: a) traditional experience b) friendly atmosphere c) lively surroundings Explain why d) only time they are all together e) helps them to reminisce f) opportunity to mix a) b) phone Elena Markova/phone 0214 147566 email Jo Wilkinson/email [email protected]. 5 1R4 6 1R2 Candidate has explained that Westshire or Brunt is the most suitable venue 1R3 Explains that it fulfils all the requirements eg less than £15 per head, accessible, traditional meal, big enough etc. Closed 1 1 1 (Max 2) Open 1 1 1 (Max 2) 1 1 (Max 2) 1 Closed Closed Open 1 2 One valid reason explained More than one valid reason explained 7 1R1 a) write a report for Jo Wilkinson b) write to the chosen venue OCR Functional Skills Qualification in English at Level 1 Closed 1 1 (Max 2) 23 Q M/S Ref Accepted Response Type of Response 8 1R4 Candidate is aware of layout features used in Doc 2 (eg use of colour, bold titles/type, different fonts, seasonal images), and commented on their effectiveness (attractiveness, setting scene, ease/difficulty of reading etc) Marks Open One correct feature identified but no comment Two or more features identified but no comment One feature with a comment on its effectiveness More than one feature with detailed commentary 1 2 3 4 9 1R3 Candidate aware of how Jo uses language and persuasion within Doc 1 for a purpose, eg: Open Use of personal letter/made to feel important Request not instruction All necessary information provided Offer of support Use of persuasive language (v.hard to say ‘no’) Only one aspect considered, limited explanation More than one aspect, but limited explanation More than one aspect and detailed explanation Total available for reading 1 2 3 25 Note to markers: Where a candidate does not meet the minimum required for the award of 1 mark, 0 marks should be awarded. This applies to all mark scheme references. 24 OCR Functional Skills Qualification in English at Level 1 Functional Skills English L1 SAMs Mark Scheme – Writing Tasks (34 marks) Writing – Task A (21 Marks) M/S Indicative Response Ref 1W1 Candidate has written clearly and coherently with an appropriate level of detail, including relevant material. Response is suitable for purpose and audience: some relevant information/ideas but lacks detail and clarity. generally relevant, some attempt at coherence, but lacks detail or clarity. mostly relevant and coherent, some detail and clarity. fully relevant, coherent and clear, with appropriate detail. 1W2 Candidate has used spelling accurately: some attempt at spelling simple everyday words accurately. most simple words and words occurring in the source documents and question paper are spelt correctly. virtually all simple words and words occurring in the source documents and question paper are spelt correctly. Any errors stand out as atypical or ‘one-off’ slips. 1W3 Candidate has used punctuation accurately: some attempt at using capital letters (at the beginning of sentences and/or for proper nouns), full stops and question marks (where required), although errors at times affect meaning. most capital letters, full stops and question marks (where required) are used accurately. Errors do not significantly affect meaning. virtually all capital letters (including personal pronoun), full stops and question marks are used accurately. Any errors stand out as atypical or ‘one-off’ slips and do not affect meaning. 1W4 Candidate has used grammar accurately: some attempt at accurate subject/verb agreement, although errors at times affect meaning. subject/verb agreement mostly accurate but some confusion of pronouns, inconsistency of tense. virtually all grammar is accurate. Any errors stand out as untypical or ‘one-off’ slips and do not affect meaning. 1W5 Candidate has used an appropriate formal report format, to include: some attempt at a heading (may not be appropriate). an appropriate heading. an appropriate heading and some attempt at a sub-heading (may not be appropriate). an appropriate heading and appropriate sub headings or an. appropriate heading and one appropriate sub heading with bullet points. 1W6 Candidate has presented relevant material in a logical sequence: limited organisation; sometimes difficult to follow. some evidence of helpful organisation, but may lack introduction or conclusion. mostly effective organisation of material. Clear beginning, middle and end. flows logically and organisation actively helps the reader. Total available for Writing Task A OCR Functional Skills Qualification in English at Level 1 Marks Total marks 1 2 3 4 4 1 2 3 3 1 2 3 3 1 2 3 3 1 2 3 4 4 1 2 3 4 4 21 25 Writing – Task B (13 Marks) M/S Ref 1W1 1W2 1W3 1W4 1W5 1W6 Indicative Response Marks Candidate has written clearly and coherently with an appropriate level of detail, including relevant material, and response is suitable for purpose and audience: some relevant material, but lacks detail and clarity. reasonable clarity but lacking in either detail or clarity. writing is clear and detailed throughout. Fully relevant, coherent and clear with appropriate detail. Candidate has used spelling accurately: spelling of everyday words is usually accurate. Words occurring in the source documents and question paper are mostly spelt correctly. virtually all spelling of everyday words, and words from the source documents, and question paper is correct throughout. Any errors stand out as untypical or ‘one-off’ slips and do not affect meaning. Candidate has used punctuation accurately: capital letters (at the beginning of sentences and for proper nouns), full stops and question marks are used correctly with only minor lapses. capital letters, full stops and question marks are used accurately throughout. Any errors stand out as untypical or ‘one-off’ slips and do not affect meaning. Candidate has used grammar accurately: overall accurate, but with some errors in subject/verb agreement and/or some inconsistency of tense. mostly grammatically accurate with accurate subject/verb agreement, accurate and consistent use of tense. Any errors stand out as untypical or ‘one-off’ slips and do not affect meaning. Candidate has used an appropriate email format, to include: who the email is to. who the email is to and from, or who it is to and the subject or date. Candidate has presented information in a logical sequence: some attempt at sequencing relevant information, although not consistent. Some attempt at meeting the purpose of the document. Document may not always be easy to follow and does not fully meet needs of audience. material flows logically. It is suitable for purpose and audience. It has a clear beginning, middle and end. Total available for writing task B Total marks 1 2 3 3 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 13 2 13 Note to markers: Where a candidate does not meet the minimum required for the award of 1 mark, 0 marks should be awarded. This applies to all mark scheme references. Maximum marks for M/S reference are shown in bold. 26 OCR Functional Skills Qualification in English at Level 1 FUNCTIONAL SKILLS ENGLISH LEVEL 1 SPEAKING, LISTENING & COMMUNICATION ASSESSMENT CONTRIBUTING TO A DISCUSSION/EXCHANGE ASSESSOR’S OBSERVATION RECORD Centre name Candidate name No. in discussion group Centre no. Candidate no. Subject of discussion Subject*: Familiar or Unfamiliar *Circle as appropriate Discussion or exchange* FS ref GOOD PASS The candidate has: PASS The candidate has: NEAR MISS The candidate has: FAIL The candidate has: 1.S.1 made a range of relevant and extended contributions played a full part in discussion responded appropriately to others made relevant and extended contributions responded appropriately to others made some relevant and extended contributions responded appropriately to others most of the time made some contributions, although not always relevant or clear 1.S.2 fully/well prepared to contribute to discussion of ideas and opinion appropriately prepared to contribute to formal discussion of ideas and opinions prepared to contribute to discussion of ideas and opinion not fully prepared to contribute to discussion of ideas and opinions 1.S.3 been flexible but purposeful in discussion made a range of different types of contribution made different kinds of contributions made some different types of contribution made a limited type of contribution 1.S.4 presented a variety of information and points of view clearly used appropriate language presented information and points of view clearly used appropriate language on the whole presented information and points of view clearly used appropriate language at times made contributions that lack clarity and/or used language that was not always appropriate RESULT GOOD PASS PASS NEAR MISS FAIL Evidence/comment: Assessor’s name OCR Functional Skills Qualification in English at Level 1 Signature Date 27 OCR Functional Skills English ASSESSMENT GRID READING AND WRITING LEVEL 1 Reading FS Ref. Descriptor – Candidate has: M/S Ref Marks 1.2.1 Identified main points and ideas and how they are presented in a variety of texts 1R1 5 1.2.2 Understood texts in detail 1R2 5 1.2.3 Used information from texts for a purpose 1R3 7 1.2.4 Identified suitable responses 1R4 8 Total 25 M/S Ref Marks Writing FS Ref. Descriptor – Candidate has: 1.3.1 Written clearly and coherently, including an appropriate level of detail 1W1 5 1.3.5 Used spelling accurately – everyday words 1W6 4 1.3.5 Used punctuation accurately – full stops, capital letters and question marks 1W5 4 1.3.4 Used grammar accurately – consistent use of tense and sentence structure, subject/verb agreement 1W4 4 1.3.3 Used a format (eg letters, short reports, memos, articles, essays etc) structure and language suitable for purpose and audience 1W3 3 1.3.2 Presented information in a logical sequence 1W2 5 Total 25 28 OCR Functional Skills Qualification in English at Level 1
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