What’s on this disc:

What’s on this disc:
Part 1 - Intro/Single Sliding Door
4131 X-Post
SP 605550-605699
5077 X-Post
AN 2151-2201
AN 2241-2275
ASAB 7400-7463
ATW 14000-14049
ATW 35010-35881
BN 249901-250218
BNSF 725634-725926
CAGY 49724-49726
CP 212421-212460
CSXT 141523-141766
HS 2000-2099
HS 5000-5499
IATR 1450 Only
LEF 1000-1049
SLC 1160-1161
SRN 1714-1830
5243 X-Post (Modified)
CRLE 71000-71199
5258 X-Post (Modified)
SP 230000-230230
SP 240557 Only
5272 X-Post
AOK 731600-731749
CHTT 731450-731749
WREX 3001-3100
5277 X-Post
ATW 82000-82102
CNA 419000-419099
RBOX 37750-38049
RBOX 38050-38449
5283 X-Post (Modified)
GVSR 774500-774582
SP 230000-230230
SP 231187-231195
SP 240557 Only
SP 244650-245249
SSW 66000-66528
WCTR 244723-245114
5295 X-Post
SRN 5000-5199
SRN 5200-5299
SRN 5300-5399
SRN 71498-7153
5295 X-Post (Modified)
HS 61493 Only
HS 61511-61544
5337 X-Post (Modified)
CP 214000-214301
HS 61545-61598
HS 61745-61797
HS 62045-62060
HS 62100-62299
5347 X-Post
AERC 5100-5147
AGR 1000-1160
ALM 1600-1624
ALM 14931 Only
AN 5400-5599
AN 5815-5874
ASAB 7150-7199
CAGY 21000-21149
CCR 6400-6499
CCR 6500-6599
CCR 6831-6905
CHTT 150200-150349
CIRR 90001-90100
CNW 716000-716499
CSXT 142585-142689
CV 600100-600124
CV 600125-600199
EEC 146-160
EEC 1245-1253
EEC 2624-2634
EEC 2637-2639
EEC 10214-10219
FGLK 26109 Only
GBW 16000-16299
GMRC 100100-100146
GSWR 4014-4071
HS 6721-6752
HS 6754-6803
HS 30768-30777
IATR 10109-10243
ICG 531300-531389
LRWN 1001-1025
MB 4000-4099
MDR 8401-8500
MDW 10212-10298
MEC 31900-32149
MSE 900-999
NLG 5001-5100
NLG 5101-5400
NLG 5551-5600
NOKL 16100-16149
NOPB 3975-4099
NOPB 4300-4499
RBOX 1000-1049
SLC 1000-1099
TASD 78601-78700
TASD 79001-79100
WCCL 25200-25442
WGCR 715001-715100
5355 X-Post
EEC 139 Only
EEC 1245-1253
GMRC 100000-100092
GTRA 1000-1199
MDR 8020-8089
SRN 7252-7379
TASD 143734+143790
5360 X-Post
CAGY 19100-19124
6348 X-Post (Waffle)
ATSF 611016-611170
ATSF 611171-611399
BNSF 759554-759807
6368 X-Post (Waffle, Modified)
ATSF 600763-600845
6589 X-Post
ANR 600-649
7340 X-Post
UP 560200-560299
UP 560308-560311
Part 2 - Double Sliding Door
5077 X-Post
COP 7201-7400
GSWR 4500-4583
IATR 6400-6449
MR 7000-7275
MR 11000-11099
MR 11100-11169
NOPB 6400-6449
NTR 7005-7192
TOE 2600-2899
TOE 5400-5441
TOE 5500-5549
TOE 7800-7810
WP 38026-38125
WP 38026-38125
WP 38400-38522
5080 X-Post
UP 369000-369044
UP 369070-369089
5234 Double Sheathed
BN 318100-318399
BN 318400-318599
SP&S 318100-318399
Part 2 - Double Sliding Door(continued)
5258 X-Post
ALAB 241473-241920
AM 2007-2028
FSR 241623 Only
GVSR 764300-764337
GVSR 764338-765088
GVSR 767200-767230
SP 240000-241699
SP 241700-242399
5283 X-Post
BN 223900-223999
BNSF 724032-724105
CNA 554401-554447
CNA 555136-555137
DME 5300-5333
GVSR 774000-774099
GVSR 774100-774223
GVSR 774224-774254
SOO 17067-17081
SP 244650-245249
SP 245750-245989
SSW 66000-66528
SSW 67350-67749
5283 X-Post (Waffle)
CNA 555000+555169
5347 X-Post
BN 223392-223524
CIC 8000-8049
LVRC 4234-4236
NTR 5004-5005
TOE 5300-5376
TSE 5116-5120
TSRD 5300-5376
5503 X-Post
AMC 1001-1075
SP 245990-246514
STMA 52000-52024
6156 X-Post
MDW 2100-2151
SRY 5020-5069
6289 X-Post (Modified)
SP 228500-228999
VCY 172000-172439
6554 Double Sheathed
AKMD 1011 Only
AOK 1500-1509
CIC 1500-1502
LYNX 10010 Only
LYNX 10020 Only
6589 X-Post
MDW 1916-1997
7468 Double Sheathed
SSW 62625-62724
VCY 142500-142589
Part 3 - Single Plug Door
5151 X-Post
ATSF 151900-151999
ATSF 152000-152099
ATSF 152100-152299
ATSF 152300-152499
BNSF 722173-722737
5258 X-Post (Modified)
CNA 405350-405465
SP 230900-231053
VCY 764500-764849
VCY 764850-765599
5277 X-Post
MDW 8000-8099
MDW 8100-8199
MDW 9000-9040
5277 X-Post (Modified)
CNA 412582-412649
5277 X-Post (Modified)
CNA 415650-415799
5283 X-Post (Modified)
CNA 407100-407339
5327 X-Post
CIRR 90201-90300
HS 6600-6695
MDW 5000-5099
QC 77000-77099
RVPR 77000-77099
5357 X-Post
CNA 415650-415799
6047 X-Post
MDW 4100-4145
MDW 4146 Only
MDW 4148-4157
MDW 4159 Only
6348 X-Post
ATSF 612000-612199
BNSF 760188-760381
Part 4 - Dpuble Plug Door
5077 X-Post
APA 1800-1949
5322 X-Post
TOE 2500-2599
6024 X-Post
BN 355190-355209
6089 X-Post
CORP 226074-226111
CORP 226347-226373
GVSR 742001-742063
GVSR 742065-742075
GVSR 743077-743102
GVSR 743104-743112
GVSR 743121-743135
SP 226000-226379
SSW 59000-59299
6156 X-Post
MDW 6000-6099
6163 X-Post
MILW 6100-62996189 X-Post
UP 355000-355099
6289 X-Post
MMA 23500-23547
SP 227700-228199
VCY 142500-143049
6307 X-Post
UP 361500-361599
6468 X-Post
UP 517750-517769
6550 X-Post
BN 390100-390249
BNSF 760428-760542
Part 4 - Combination Doors/Reference
5277 X-Post
ABOX 50400-50999
ABOX 51000-52449
CNA 553000-553772
MDW 10000-10199
Abbreviation Key
AAR Type Codes
Single Sliding Door Box Cars
7340 Cubic-Foot Exterior Post
Dimensional Data
Inside Length
Inside Width
Inside Height
60’ 9”
9’ 6”
12’ 8”
Outside Length
Outside Width
Outside Height
68’ 2”
10’ 8”
17’ 0”
Plate F
AAR Type Code A602
Spotting features of these cars include welded, corrugated, non-terminating ends composed of three panels, the first (or top) panel is a
single corrugation and the other two have three corrugations each (1/3/3). There are 20 exterior posts (10 on either side of the centered
sliding door). The sill is straight with a shallow, radiused notch that extends inboard to the third post. The bolster is attached to the side
sill with two columns of three fasteners. The jack pad is welded to the bolster behind the side sill and to the side sill within the notch. The
roof is a flat, X-panel design with blank end panels and there are eaves running the length of the car body. The door opening is 10 feet wide
by 12’ 8” tall and this model was built by Gunderson Inc. at Portland.
Roads Represented:
Union Pacific Railroad (UP)
Spotting Detail - B-End
B-end view of UP 560333, built 2/73. In this view of
the end, the weld seams are visible beneath the 1st
corrugation and between the 4th and 5th corrugations.
The hand brake is an Ellcon-National Peacock model.
Spotting Detail - Sill Notch
Close-up of the sill notch on UP 560213, built 2/73 at Portland, Oregon.
Spotting Detail - Draft Sill
The draft sill and striker is fabricated from various castings and stock shapes. The cushioning unit is a center-of-car Keystone model
SA-20-G with 20” of travel.
UP 560213 (560200-560299) Class B-70-11 Built 2/73
UP 560213 is at Holman Distribution in Kent, Washington with a load of appliances during May 2005. It’s equipped with a 10-foot wide
YSD 4/6/6/6 corrugated sliding door, an Ellcon-National Peacock hand brake; 70-ton Barber S-2 trucks with 33" wheels, a reinforced
nailable steel floor and 20” Keystone SA-20-G cushioning. The load limit is 129,900 and the light weight is 95,100. Appliances, while
bulky don’t weigh very much and therefore cars with 100-ton capacity aren’t typically needed for appliance service.
UP 560309 (560308-560311) Class B-70-11 Built 3/73
UP 560309 is in appliance service at the Holman Distribution warehouse during April 2003. It’s equipped with an RCS 8-panel replacement
sliding door, an Ellcon-National Peacock hand brake; Buckeye 70-ton SCT Co. Stabilized trucks with 33" wheels, a reinforced nailable
steel floor and 20” Keystone model SA-20-G center-of-car cushioning. The load limit is 134,700; the light weight is 85,300 and it was
repainted 10/95 by UP DES.
UP 560316 (560308-560311) Class B-70-11 Built 2/73
Part of the 1995 refurb program included
replacing the original YSD corrugated doors
with new Railcar Specialties 8-panel sliding
Double Plug Door Box Cars
5322 Cubic-Foot Exterior-Post
Dimensional Data
Inside Length
Inside Width
Inside Height
50’ 7”
9’ 6”
11’ 1”
Outside Length
Outside Width
Outside Height
59’ 1”
10’ 8”
15’ 1”
Plate C
AAR Type Code A406
Spotting features of these cars include welded corrugated non-terminating ends composed of two panels, each having three corrugations.
There are 13 exterior posts (five to the left and eight to the right of the off-centered double plug doors) and the ends are flush with the
corner posts. The sill is straight with a shallow, radiused notch that extends inboard to the third panel and the bolster is fastened to the
sill in a double “diamond” shaped pattern. The roof is a flush, flat X-panel design with blank end panels with eaves that run the length of
the roof line and the door opening is 16 feet wide by 9’ 11” tall. This model was built by FMC Corporation at Portland, Oregon.
Roads Represented:
Texas, Oklahoma & Eastern Railroad (TOE)
Related magazine articles:
Railmodel Journal, October 2000, page 27; ‘Railbox & Other X-Post Cars from the Car Boom of the 1970s, FMC Cars Part 4’ Jim Eager
TOE 2508 (2500-2599) Built 12/77
TOE 2508 is in Kent, Washington in UP’s Kent West yard during June 1997. It’s equipped with a pair of 8-foot wide YSD exterior-post
offset plug doors, an Ajax hand brake, ASF 100-ton Barber S-2 trucks with 36" wheels and 20” travel center-of-car cushioning. The load
limit is 187,600 and the light weight is 75,400. There’s a Jim Eager photograph of TOE 2591 in original livery on page 33 of the October
2000 issue of Railmodel Journal and a Freight Cars Journal photograph of TOE 2549 on page 66 of the March 1999 issue of Model
TOE 2565 (2500-2599) Built 12/77
TOE 2565 is in Renton, Washington at Sheets Unlimited after unloading paper during January 2001. It’s equipped with a pair of 8-foot
wide YSD exterior-post offset plug doors, an Ajax hand brake, ASF 100-ton Barber S-2 trucks with 36" wheels and 20” travel Freight
Saver 20B center-of-car cushioning. The load limit is 188,000; the light weight is 75,000 and it was painted 7/95 by GERR-TX. There’s a
Jim Eager photograph of TOE 2591 on page 33 of the October 2000 issue of Railmodel Journal.