CSE 355 Fall 2010 - Colbourn Theory of Computing Midterm # 1 ID: ___________ Page 1 of 6 30 September 2010 NAME Ima Sample ASU ID 0123456789 You have one hour and 15 minutes to complete the exam. Do not open the exam until instructed to do so. No notes, texts, computers, calculators, or communication devices are permitted. Write all answers on the examination paper itself. BUDGET YOUR TIME WELL! SHOW ALL WORK! Question 1 [15] Question 2 [10] Question 3 [8] Question 4 [12] Question 5 [5] Total [50] Bonus question [1 mark]: What is the language ∅*? It is {λ}. Grades out of 50 are: 10 11 11 12 14 15 16 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 23 25 25 25 26 26 27 27 29 30 31 32 34 35 36 36 36 37 37 38 40 43 43 44 44 CSE 355 Fall 2010 - Colbourn Theory of Computing Midterm # 1 ID: ___________ Page 2 of 6 Question 1. [15 marks total] Consider the language L over {a,b} in which every b is immediately two consecutive a’s. preceded by at least (a) [5 marks] Give an NFA-λ for L. (Q,Σ,δ,q0,F) with Q ={q0,q1,q2}; Σ = {a,b}, F = {q0,q1,q2}, and δ defined by δ(q0,a) = {q0,q1}, δ(q1,a) = {q2}, and δ(q2,b) = {q0} (b) [5 marks] Using the algorithm developed in class, from the NFA-λ, form a regular expression for L. (Describe briefly the steps that you follow.) I make the machine above have only one accept state by adding a new state q3 with transitions δ(q0,λ) = {q3}, δ(q1,λ) = {q3}, δ(q2,λ) = {q3}, and then change the accepting states to F = {q3}. Then I use the algorithm from class to remove states q1 and q2 to get (a ∪ aab)* (c) [5 marks] Using the algorithm developed in class, convert this NFA-λ to a DFA. Show a state diagram of the DFA. (Describe briefly the steps that you follow.) I use the NFA-λ from the (a) part. I am too lazy to draw a state diagram on these solutions, but instead give the states and transitions for the DFA as a table: State {q0} – start state {q0,q1} {q0,q1,q2} ∅ Transition on a {q0,q1} {q0,q1,q2} {q0,q1,q2} ∅ Transition on b ∅ ∅ {q0} ∅ The first three are accepting but ∅ is not. Because I named the states of the DFA as the algorithm does, the method that I used is clear. Question 2. [10 marks total] (a) [3 marks] Give a formal definition of an NFA-λ. It is a 5-tuple (Q,Σ,δ,q0,F) where Q is a finite set of states, q0 ∈ Q is the start state, F ⊆ Q is the set of accepting states, Σ is a finite input alphabet, and δ is a function from Q × (Σ ∪{λ}) to the powerset of Q. (b) [3 marks] Give a recursive definition of the λ-closure of a state in an NFA-λ. Base: q is in the λ-closure of q. Recursive: If r is in the λ-closure of q and s ∈ δ(r, λ) then s is in the λ-closure of q. CSE 355 Fall 2010 - Colbourn Theory of Computing Midterm # 1 ID: ___________ Page 3 of 6 Closure: All states in the λ-closure of q can be obtained from the base step by a finite number of applications of the recursive step. (c) [4 marks] Give the λ-closure for each state in the NFA-λ shown. λ-closure(q0) = {q0,q1,q2,q3} λ-closure(q1) = {q1,q2,q3} λ-closure(q2) = {q1,q2,q3} λ-closure(q3) = {q1,q2,q3} λ-closure(q4) = {q4} Question 3 [8 marks] A string of parentheses (i.e. `(` and `)`) is dominating if every prefix contains at least as many left parentheses as right parentheses. Let L be the language of dominating strings over {(,)}*. Is L regular? Answer yes or no (1 mark), and then show that your answer is correct (7 marks). No! Comments: This language L does not have all ( before all ), and does not need to have the same number of ( and ). Statements that we have to remember the number of ( are intuitively correct but are not relevant to showing the result. Suppose that L were regular. Then there is a constant n so that when z is in L and |z| is at least n, there is a way to write z = uvw with |uv| ≤ n, |v| > 0, and uviw ∈ L for all i ≥ 0. I get to choose z, so I choose z = (n)n, noting that z is in L. Now because |uv| ≤ n, the only possibility is that for some p and q, we have u = (p and v = (q with q > 0. Then uviw = (n+(i-1)q)n . (If I take i>0 there is no contradiction.) Choose i=0. Then uv0w = (n-q)n . But this is not in L, a contradiction. So L cannot be regular. CSE 355 Fall 2010 - Colbourn Theory of Computing Midterm # 1 ID: ___________ Page 4 of 6 Question 4 [12 marks] (a) [5 marks] Build a DFA to accept the language of strings over {a,b} that contain at least one a and at least one b, and in which the first and last symbols are the same. State q0 – start state q1 q2 q3 – accepting q4 q5 q6 – accepting Transition on a q1 q1 q2 q3 q5 q5 q5 Transition on b q4 q2 q2 q2 q4 q6 q6 (b) [7 marks] Let L be the language of strings over {a,b} that contain at least as many a’s as b’s, and in which the first and last symbols are the same. Show that L is not regular. If L were regular, there would be a constant n so that for every string z in L, there is a way to write z = uvw with |uv| ≤ n, |v| > 0, and uviw ∈ L for all i ≥ 0. I get to choose z, so I choose bnan+1b, which is in L. Then because |uv| ≤ n, we have u = bp and v = uq for q>0, and then uviw = bn+(i-1)qan+1b. But this is not in L when i>1 because q>0 and so we would have more b’s than a’s. This contradicts the hypothesis that L is regular, so we conclude that L is not regular. Question 5 [5 marks] Suppose that L and L’ are two regular languages. (a) Show that the complement of L is regular. (Do not use other closure properties in showing this.) L is regular so L is accepted by a DFA (Q,Σ,δ,q0,F). Then (Q,Σ,δ,q0,Q-F) accepts the complement of L. (b) Show that L ∩ L’ is regular. (You can use other closure properties in showing this if it helps.) (Note: L’ is not the complement! See page 9 of the text.) Because L and L’ are regular, their complements are also regular by the (a) part (or by the known closure property, since we’re allowed to use them here). Form the union of the two complements, and complement this union – by DeMorgan’s Law, this is equal to L ∩ L’. Because we also have closure of regular languages under union, L ∩ L’ is therefore regular.
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