reunion planning kit 1-800-423-5648 [email protected] it’s fun to plan a reunion Special points of interest • Angel Museum • Historic Auto Attraction • Beckman Mill • Welty Environmental Center • Beloit Snapper Baseball • American Industrial Art • and much more Inside this issue: Selecting a Date 2 Start taking steps 2 What type of reunion 2 How much work 3 How payments are made 3 Signing In 3 Budget reminder 4 Website 4 Reunions are a wonderful way to keep in touch. Visit Beloit realizes that planning one can be both exciting and challenging. We are pleased to provide this reunion planning kit to make the planning process fun and easy. The greater Beloit area is a great place for your reunion, whether it is for family, schools, fraternity or sorority, military groups, or other organizations. The Visit Beloit staff is eager to assist you with your planning. We can provide you with names and telephone numbers to our hotels, restaurants, and parks as well as suggestions for entertainment, tours, and caterers. We have included different ideas and web sites that will make your planning easier. Remember to have fun and if you need more help we are just an email or phone call away. So come on , start planning and making new memories for your group. Reunions are a wonderful way to reflect, create, or re-establish tradi- tions and renew relationships. history of group is important History is also memories. Here are some ideas that you could use to collect that wonderful history. • • Have members bring old photos, documents, and family heirlooms to show and tell. Great opportunity to bring mystery photos and see if anyone knows them Recognize member’s accomplishments, births, marriages, and deaths. • Everyone is fascinated by family trees, it generates questions. Display descendent charts. Great way to update your data base. • Take all kinds of group pictures. Consider hiring a professional photographer or videographer. Have one big group shot and then give everyone the opportunity to purchase it. PAGE 2 R E U NI O N P LA NNI NG K I T Complete one year before your reunion selecting a date for your reunion How long should the reunion be? one. Just try your hardest and get as many people as you can to come. It really varies depending on where the attendees are coming from. If most of the people must travel a significant distance to get to the reunion they’ll most likely find it difficult to justify the expense for a one day reunion! While most people think of summer as the time to hold reunions, don’t limit yourself to just that. Long weekends during other parts of the year can also be a good time for a reunion. Think of the activities you want to do at your reunion, if they tend to be outdoors then warm weather would be important. Use your judgement. Don’t hold reunions on short notice on a long holiday weekend. Most people will already have plans and will be upset that they can’t attend. Once you have decided on the type and length of your reunion, it’s time to pick a date. Make sure you leave enough lead time to do the proper amount of planning. Keep in mind while you are choosing a date—no matter how hard you try, you can’t find a date that is perfect for every- 1-800-423-5648 Remember, late September thru March is off season for most hotels. Room rates may be lower but outdoor attractions and activities may be closed. Selected a date, now what? You need help! Don’t try to take on all the planning yourself. Find a committee to help you plan this fun event. The more the merrier. Break the planning down into different committee’s. All committee members do not have to live in your area. Thank goodness for emails and chat rooms. Planning a fun filled reunion takes a lot of energy. Share the responsibilities and you can have fun too! start taking the steps to plan a success Complete one year before your reunion. Using the Activities Planning Chart, make a list of the kinds of activities your group enjoys. Consider meals, sightseeing, entertainment and other popular activities. The Beloit area has many beautiful parks for picnics or other outings! Remember to include a number of activities for all types of people. Here are a few suggestions: • Arrival/Get Acquainted Reception • Reunion Banquet • Picnic • Theater Outing • Ballgame • City Tour • Group Picture • Talent Show • Planning meeting for the next reunion • Visit Beloit has information about all the attractions in the Greater Beloit area and are happy to help you set up tours and packets of information for your group. Give us a call 1-800-423-5648 what type of reunion should we have? The simplest reunion would be a picnic or barbecue at a home or nearby park. If you are new to this planning,it would be the way to go. It takes less time to plan and doesn’t cost a whole lot. Just make sure there is plenty of shade to sit under so everyone can enjoy the day if it’s hot! Another easy reunion to plan would be to include a nice dinner and reception at one of our great local restaurants. These don’t require a large amount of planning on your part. All you need to do is make a reservation, plan activities for people to enjoy then notify your group of the address of restaurant. Big reunions need to be announced far in advance to give everyone enough time to make arrangements to attend. Most of these larger reun- ions will require a significant amount of planning by those in charge—and can demand quite a significant outlay of money for those attending. Helpful hint:: If this is your first attempt at planning a reunion, send out a survey asking the group what they would like to do! 1-800-423-5648 R E U NI O N P LA NNI NG K I T how much work are we talking about...and more questions to ask about lodging How much work are we talking about? Do you have manpower and facilities to: Provide housing for out-of-towners, cook and serve meals, provide transportation to attractions and activities? If you answered no to any part of the question, please call Visit Beloit and we can assist you with finding the space you need. This information needs to be included with the first contact you make with everyone because there is a cost to it….and everyone has a budget. Call Visit Beloit for lodging information and other accommodations you would like to know more about. When seeking this information please keep the following information and questions in mind: How much time are we talking about? Where do attendees travel from? Will out-of-towners spend additional days in town before or after the reunion? • • What are the preferred dates for you reunion? How will the attendees pay for rooms, as a group or with separate reservations? now its time for you to decide how people will make payments... Some services charge a flat rate that must be divided among the family/group members, such as chartering a bus, paying a band, etc. You will probably have to pay for those services in advance. Some services, like accommodations, can be paid individually by each group member as they use it. You may need some money in ad- vance for deposits. If children are part of the event, you may want to consider charging a single rate per family. This way you don’t exclude families with several children. This is very important! Confirm all reservations, activities, payment requirements, transportation, and schedules. PAGE 3 • What is the breakdown of family units who use the same room or suite, so the property can provide rollaway beds. • What Activities have you planned. Will you need meeting space, a hospitality room, registration area or banquet room? • What services does the property offer? How many paid guest rooms before the property will provide a complimentary room? • Does the property require room deposits or other deposits? • Deadline for reservations? • Attendees extend their stay will they get the same room rate? establish traditions that your group can look forward to… Give everyone who registers a souvenir bag. Call Visit Beloit for brochures of area attractions. Establish a family/group scholarship. Provide t-shirts, hats or other items that will identify the reunion participants. Have a get acquainted game. getting folks signed in It’s always a wise idea to have everyone sign in as they arrive, especially if you are expecting a lot of attendees Give them printed name tags or have blank name tags for them to fill out. In addition, you could add the city and state they live in. You could do these on the computer but have some blank ones on hand for any emergency. Give them handouts which include the schedule of the reunion and any other important information. Have them fill out a registration form that includes information that could be used in the future. If this is a family reunion you may want to have blank family group sheets for the families to fill out. It works best if you have the form already filled out with the information you know about the family, so that they just have to change or add anything new. 1-800-423-5648 REUNION PLANNING KIT PAGE 4 budgets are’s a check List! These are just a few items you might need to include • in a budget . You probably won’t need to budget for all of these items, since you may already own some • of them, and others may not be needed for your reunion. • Communications: envelopes, long distance phone • charges, faxes, postage. • Equipment Rental or Purchase: tables, chairs, shelters, grills, pa system, music equipment, photo or video equipment, game equipment • Fees: Park or camping reservations • Food: Groceries (food and drink) remember all events: welcome reception, etc. Table service (plates, napkins, etc.) Table cloths, Restaurants, caterers, banquet room rental • Taxes, Tips and Gratuities • Printing: Invitations, reminder mailers, surveys, evaluation forms, name tags, printing software, t-shirts, newsletters, certificates Services: Professional photographer or videographer, entertainers (magicians, singers) Supplies: Film, blank video tapes, decorations, prizes or awards Tours: Bus rental, admission fees, tour guide staying in touch with your committee... to decide how you’ll perform as the Reunion Host Committee? When your group members arrive on reunion day, be sure the Host Committee is ready and available to welcome all your visitors. Consider having Host Committee members wear the same t-shirt, button, etc. to make them easily identifiable. a website could really make it easy… Even if you don’t know how to design one….someone else on your committee may know or if all else the local technical school and see if they have a class that would take it on as a class project. page reminding everyone how much fun they had at the last reunion. what has been happening with your committee. Not everyone has or is able to use a computer so you will still have to mail to some attendees. Your website could save you a lot of paper and make things easy for you….in fact you could sign up for PayPal and have them make payments on-line. Your first mailing could be a postcard with basic information and the website along with your email address requesting everyone contact you with their email addresses. Again it’s a money saver if you can email. It is suggested that you keep a copy of who every email was sent to….just incase someone did not receive will have a record of what you sent out! Remember: Planning a reunion can be a lot of fun. The more people you get involved the easier it is and you will be rewarded by having a successful reunion. Your website should include a fun design representing your reunion, a location map, reunion information for current year i.e. registration forms, hotel information, surveys, and link to Visit Beloit which would have the attractions listed and information about Beloit. If you have pictures from the last reunion you could have a memory Here’s another money saver…. If everyone is on AOL or Yahoo...get Help is just a “click” your own chat room and you can away... have a meeting on the internet. Set up times and share all the ideas and Sample letter 4 Send 6 weeks before your reunion Date Dear ________Member It is almost time for the (name) reunion. If you have not taken care of your arrangements: hotel reservations, activity fee, meal payment, transportation, please do so right away. We want every member of the member to be here. This is our itinerary! (list by day what will take place-as in the following example) Friday, June 12 Arrive at hotel, check-in time begins at noon Sign in at the hospitality suite (hotel desk will direct you) from 2 p.m.-10 p.m. snacks and beverages will be available so we can mingle. Member meeting—8 p.m. in the hospitality suite. Saturday, June 13 Breakfast - 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. (tell them if its continental, hot or cold) Tour of city Family picture - 7 p.m. dress up and meet in the hotel lobby Dinner dance - 8 p.m. until ???? (location) Sunday, June 14 Breakfast/farewell- 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., (location) See you soon Signature [email protected] 1-800-423-5648 accommodations planning chart Dates Needed: From:________________________ to_________________________________ Alternate Dates: From:________________________ to_________________________________ Price Range Desired: ______________________________________________ Banquet Facility / Hospitality Room Date: Event #people audio/visual _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Call Visit Beloit or check our web site: to find accommodations that best meet your needs. Name of Accommodation Contact/Phone Cost _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ [email protected] 1-800-423-5648 activities planning chart Use the Visit Beloit calendar of events and Visitors Guide for information about activities, attractions, and entertainment Children Activity Location Time Needed Cost _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Adults Activity Location Time Needed Cost _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Everybody Activity Location Time Needed Cost _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Transportation Activity Location Time Needed Cost _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ [email protected] 1-800-423-5648 budget planning log Budgets are important section for a check list! Budget: Accommodations # rooms______________________________x # nights__________x $_________night=______ Activities: (list each one) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. # participants x cost/person = Cost __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Miscellaneous cost Building/shelter rental___________________________________________________________ Communications:_______________________________________________________________ Equipment Rental or Purchase:____________________________________________________ Fees:_________________________________________________________________________ Food:________________________________________________________________________ Taxes, Tips Gratuities___________________________________________________________ Printing:______________________________________________________________________ Services______________________________________________________________________ Supplies:______________________________________________________________________ Tours:________________________________________________________________________ [email protected] 1-800-423-5648 reunion evaluation form Entering your personal information is optional Name_______________________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________________________ City_______________________________________State_____________ Zip_____________ New Address: Yes No Phone:_____________________________________ Email Address:________________________________Web site:________________________ General feelings about this years reunion Did you enjoy the reunion this year? ______yes______no______mixed feelings Would you attend another reunion next year? ______yes______no______depends What did you like or dislike about this years reunion? Did you like where the reunion was held? _____yes_____no Why or why not? How was the reunion length? _____too long______too short_______just right How was the number of activities? _____too many______too few______right amount What was your favorite activity? What was your least favorite activity? Did you like the food? _____yes____no____some of it______most of it Which food would you not have again? What one thing should we definitely do again next year? If you could change one thing about the reunion, what would it be? Do you have any suggestions for the future reunions? How long should the reunion be? ______1 afternoon_______1 weekend_____long weekend Location ideas________________________________________________________________ Best time of year_____________________________________________________________ Food ideas___________________________________________________________________ Activity ideas_________________________________________________________________ Any additional ideas____________________________________________________________ [email protected] 1-800-423-5648 reunion planning log Dates of reunion: From:___________________________to_________________________________________ # Family Members Expected: Adults________________Children______________________ Accommodations Name:____________________________________HomePhone:______________________ Address:__________________________________City:____________St________Zip____ Contact Person:____________________________Email Address:_____________________ # Rooms Blocked:_____________________Rate_________________________ Check In time:________________________Check out Time:______________ Activities/Entertainment Type Location Date/Time Cost Adults_____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Children___________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Everybody_________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Special Arrangements Make notes on special needs, i.e. audio/visual, etc. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Special Medical Needs Name Need __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ [email protected] 1-800-423-5648 reunion questionnaire Send out with letter sample #1 Please complete and return this brief questionnaire to the reunion planning committee as indicated. Thank you for your cooperation 1. Are you reasonably sure you will attend the ________(type of ) reunion in _____________(city) in _______(year)? If no, why not? 2. Write the dates of at least two time periods when you can attend the reunion in__________(year) 3. How many people will attend from your family? 4. List activities or entertainment you would like included in the reunion plans. [email protected] 1-800-423-5648 reunion registration form Thank you for helping us keep our records up to date. HAVE A GREAT TIME! Name: First___________________________________Last________________________________ Address________________________________Phone:______________________________ City_____________________________State_________________________Zip__________ Email____________________________________Website___________________________ Anniversary_______________________________Birthday__________________________ Members of Family Name Birth Date 1. _______________________________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________________________ 4. _______________________________________________________________________ 5. _______________________________________________________________________ 6. _______________________________________________________________________ _____Additional family members on back Are you interested in? Helping in planning a future reunion? ______yes_____no______depends Having a reunion directory? _____yes_____no_____depends Having a reunion cookbook?_____yes_____no____depends Having a reunion newsletter? _____yes____no____depends Would you help with putting together any of the above?_____yes______no_____depends Which one(s) would you help with?_____________________________________________ Any additional comments____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Do you have names and addresses of people we might be missing? 1. _______________________________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________________________ Medical Information: Do you or any of your family have any special medical needs?________________________ [email protected] 1-800-423-5648 Sample letter #1 Send 18 months before your reunion Date Dear ________Member The _________(class of, organization, family) has decided it’s time to have a reunion. Some of us met recently to discuss the possibility of hosting that reunion. We want the _________(class of, organization, family) to spend a few days together getting reacquainted and remembering the good things and good people that have made us a group! Before we make plans, we need to hear from you. So, please answer the questions on the next page and return it by ______(date) to: Name:_____________________________ Address____________________________ City_____________St_______Zip_______ Phone:_____________________________ Email______________________________ Thank you for responding. Sincerely, Signature [email protected] 1-800-423-5648 Sample letter 2 Send 1 year before your reunion Date Dear ________Member The _________ reunion will be held from (date) to (date). Your planning committee has been busy making arrangements we know will be exciting and fun for the entire family! We have chosen the (Hotel Name) at_______________(address) as our reunion headquarters. Accommodations include: (the hotel sales representative will give you a list of information to include and any other details like parking. The daily rate is ($$$) plus tax. You must make your reservations by (date, terms of payment, restrictions will be supplied by the hotel). If you have questions about the hotel, call (name/phone). You’ll hear from us soon with details about meals, sightseeing, entertainment, and more!! Please call ( name/phone number) or check out our reunion website ( if you have any questions. Sincerely, Signature [email protected] 1-800-423-5648 Sample letter 3 Send 3-4 months before your reunion Date Dear ________Member We hope you are anticipating the (Name) reunion as much as we are. This letter is to give you the details and costs of everything we have planned for you. Meals List each meal you have planned for the member: date, time, location, cost per person/family. (If Applicable) All other meals will be at your own expense. Activities List each activity you have planned for the member/family: date, time, location, cost per person/family. The deadline for payment is (date) We’re looking forward to seeing you! Please call (name, phone) or check out our website ( if you have any questions at all Sincerely Signature [email protected] 1-800-423-5648
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