PRETORIA FEMALE ADVISORY COUNCIL Kairos Prison Ministry International, Inc. INVITATION LETTER TO SERVE ON KAIROS PRETORIA FEMALE CENTRAL FEMALE # 11 Dear Brother and Sister in Christ, God is at work inside the darkness of the prison! And now, He is assembling a team of servants for the Kairos # 11 weekend at Pretoria Female Central Prison. The Weekend The weekend will take place from Thursday 14 March 2013 to Sunday 17 March 2013. During the weekend we will be staying together, away from home, as a team at Centurion Enviro Centre. The Team Formations There will be 4 team formation meetings prior to us going inside the prison. These meetings are scheduled as follows: Team Formation Meetings Number Date Time Venue 1 19 January 2013 08:00 – 16:00 Gereformeerde Wierda 2 26 January 2013 08:00 – 16:00 Gereformeerde Wierda 3 23 February 2013 08:00 – 16:00 Gereformeerde Wierda 4 2 March 2013 08:00 – 16:00 Gereformeerde Wierda You will be required to attend all these formation meetings which will prepare you for this experience, both spiritually and in terms of your assigned task. No children are allowed at team formations or on the weekend. Should there be a problem attending all the team formations, please feel free to discuss it with me and don’t let this keep you away. A detailed Kairos Manual will be available at the team formations for new and old team members. The Instructional Reunion Another important aspect of your commitment to Kairos is the attendance at the Instructional Reunion in which the team instructs and assists the residents in forming Prayer & Share groups. The details for the Instructional Reunion are as follows: Instructional Reunion Date Time Venue 23 March 2013 08:00 – 15:00 PTF The 2-Day Retreat The purpose of the 2-Day Retreats is to give those not yet in Prayer-and-Share groups some experience in the process of becoming vulnerable to other persons in a small group setting. It also encourages the return of those who have drifted away from the Kairos community. The importance of these Retreats cannot be overstated. The details for the Team Formation will follow. The details for the 2-Day Retreat will follow The Monthly Reunions Monthly reunion meetings are the heart and essence of the Kairos ministry. These can be seen as the steady building up of the Church and are held every 2nd Saturday morning of the month from 09:00 to 11:30. No cellphones may be taken into the institution under any circumstances at any time. Your Commitment The commitment is for all the retreats and reunions for one year following the weekend. Other Ways You Can Assist Having said all the above, serving as a team member on the weekend is not the only way you can get involved in Kairos. We need prayer partners for the Weekend We need prayer warriors for the Ministry on an ongoing basis We need home baked cookies We need home baked cookies We need home baked cookies We need home baked cookies (Get the idea ) We need financial support for the hiring of equipment such as tables, chairs, tents, etc. and for the food and team accommodation and many other items required for the weekend We need volunteers so please introduce a family member or friend to Kairos We need musicians Banking Details and Proof of Payments Bank FNB Branch Name Gauteng North Branch Code Account Name Ladies Inside Pretoria Account Number 62325862292 Account Type Please fax or email proof of payment to: 086 292 0740 [email protected] Fourways 251655 Cheque Account This is a truly life changing Ministry not only for the residents, but most certainly for the team members as well and we therefore invite you to prayerfully consider joining Kairos. Team selection will be on the 1 December 2012 – Need application before 1 December 2012 If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Looking forward to your positive response! Leonie Oberholzer Cell: 083 501 4136 Office: 012 654 5629 [email protected] A Team Application is REQUIRED in order to be considered as a prospective Team member. Filling out an application does not guarantee a position on the Team. PCF #11 Team Application (You must be at least 18 years old. Please fill in all blanks.) A mandatory Team Formation period is required in for each Kairos weekend. Its primary purpose is to unify the Team in the Spirit of Christ. The Team Formation prod is highly structured with a well-defined agenda. The Team learns about the prison environment and current rules of the prison. Specific tasks pertaining to the program are defined, explained and assigned during the Team Formation. KAIROS is a continuing ministry. Team service also includes the participation in KAIROS’s continuing ministry – such as monthly meetings at the prison. If accepted to serve on this Team, I agree to attend the Team Formation meetings, to participate in the continuing ministry of Kairos, to abide the rules and policies of Kairos and the prison, and to support in good faith the activities and spirit of Kairos. First Name (For name Tag) First Name (as on ID Document) Surname (as on ID Document) Home Address: City: Province: Home Phone(With Area Code): Safe Mailing Address (P.O. Box, Church etc) Postal Code: City Cell Phone Work Phone (With Area Code): Email: Never served on a KAIROS Team Male Layperson Female Clergy Musician ID Number: Date of Birth(yy-mm-dd) DOC Trained? MM/YY Trained? Attended Emmaus/Cursillo/etc? Ex-Offender? Year Attended: Dept of Corrections Trained? Are you on the visitation list of any inmates in this prison? Attended Qualifying Weekend? Participate in Reunion Group? Currently on Parole? Year Released? If so name: Relationship to you? Dept of Corrections Number: I certify that the information provided on this application form is complete and true to the best of my knowledge. __________________________________________________ Your Signature: Church Name: _________________________________ ________________ Date Signed: Denomination: _____________________________ Pastor’s Name: _________________________________ Church Telephone: _____________________________ Pastor’s Approval: _________________________________ Date: _____________________________ Team selection on the 1 December 2012 Team Schedule Information- Kairos PCFemale # 11 (Starts 19-01-2013) Team Formation Schedule: 19 January 2013 02 March 2013 26 January 2013 14- 17 March 2013 PCF # 11 23 February 2013 22 March Instructional Reunion All team formations at Gereformeerde Church Wierda Park Centurion Return Completed Application to: Leonie Oberholzer E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 086 292 0740 For any queries Mobile: 083 501 4136 Office: 012 654 5629
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