52L01SW0002 W9510.00132 FORGOTTEN LAKE 010 1995 SAMPLE DRILLING FORGOTTEN LAKE PROPERTY NELSON GRANITE Previous work Previous work done on this property included prospecting and geological mapping, mechanical stripping, bulk sampling and market testing. In 1989 a bulk sample was removed at a site west of Forgotten Lake near the English River Road (the location is consistant with diamond drill hole F-l). Blocks were removed by Canital Granite of Winnipeg under an agreement with Nelson Granite. The material a golden coloured megacrystic granite was market tested under the trade name "Goldenrod" in the form of granite tiles. Production did not continue because the the golden colour at surface was a feature of surface weathering and changed to a beige colour at depth. Purpose of the program The purpose of the drill program was to determine the thickness of the golden coloured layer at a number of sites on the property including areas east of Forgotten Lake. The second purpose was to determine the true colour of the granite below the weathered layer. Sampling method A Boyles GSC sampling drill was used to procure the diamond drill core samples. At two sites F-3 and F-4 a Cobra type gas powered rock drill was used to sink pilot holes in order to speed up the sampling process. Only the shallowest pilot holes could be used as this machine could not keep the holes straight for the following core drill. Sampling with the Boyles GSC drill is a very slow process at the best of times and coupled with the lack of water near the drill sites and the necessity to carry water from up to J mile away made the sampling even more time consuming. Results Hole No. F-l F-2 F-3 F-4 Depth of weathered yellow granite Colour at Depth Approx 1.5 meters removed (bulk sample) beige 1.22 meters light green Less than .45 meters light green Less than .45 meters light green Sil - 2 - Submitted most respectfully by George R. Zebruck October 16, 1995 Ontario Ministry of Northern Development and Mines Drilling Company Compagnie de forage Date Hole Started Date de commencement du forage Ministere du Developpement du Nord et des Mines Log Diamond — .... ^'"'"9 clamant Journal de *-.-~— ~ n l . fora96 8U Collar Elevation Elevation du collier 52L01SW0002W951 0.001 32 FORGOTTEN U\KE /Me CM Fl./Pi Ft/Pi Ft./Pi Collar/collier A OF Q A* F'*Jt jr^. CtrtA^J tTZ. QUAAT2L //i/ Co rt S t ST S t, /l ctiysTtc. a YS n c TO. CM . rQ /. s -ri. TO --o AIL. ~O Bearing of hole from true Total Footage Dip of Hole at North/Position du forage Avancement total du Inclinaison du forage au par rapport au nord vrai forage Submitted by (Signature) Ddpos6 par (signature) Date Logged Logged by Date ^inscription au Inscrit par journal 15/15 Date Submitted Date de depot C-0 ^ -h *)AT*i X . Up Description (Colour, grain size, texture, minerals, alteration, etc.) Description (Couleur, granulometric, texture, mineraux, transformation, etc.) OP S 1 1 Ci C LI 4 a r Liit+r fei. s/re. 20/9. Date Completed Date d'achevement rf, Rock Type Type de roche re Exploration Co., Owner or Optionee Compagnie d'exploration, proprietaire ou titulaire d'option A/2 1. s o d iHo 101 C rt loo 2*01 Footage/Avancement From/De To/A 0204 (03/91) *For features such as foliation, bedding, schistosity, measured from the long axis of the core. Exemples de caract6ristiques : foliation, schistosity stratification. L'angle est mesure par rapport a I'axe longitudinal de la carotte. Q20 eh in duplicate. deux exemplars la /mule et le croquis annexe Address/Location where core stored Adresse/endroit ou la carotte est stocked Fill in on every page Remplir ces cases a chaquepage Map Reference No. N0 de reference sur la carte 03 ' L Y Hole F- l Page No. Pa9e n" Claim No. N" de concession miniere Lot. Assays t/Analyses mineralurgiques Ml" Location (Twp. Lot, Con. or Lat. and Long.) Emplacement (canton, lot, concession, ou latitude et longitude) 50* li. Sample Length Longueur de I'echanlillon Property Name Nom de la propriety Planar Feature ConSpKiMn Sample Footage/Niveau de preAn^e'/Angleda Foolagit'lJinguiur Your Sample No. lavement de I'echanlillon (en pwds) cvacMMques en pott M arcmt N" d'Schantillon du prospecleur From/Oe TO/A P*1" t Additional credit available. See Assessment Work Regulation. t Des credits suppl6mentaires sont offerts. Consulter les reglements relatifs aux travaux devaluation. Nota : Dans cette formule, lorsqu'il designe des personnes, le masculin est utilis6 au sens neutre. Ministry of wyi NuuiemuwHiupiiN.!,. \JtX and Mines Ontario Drillmg Company Compagnie de forage Ministers du IWVWUPMWIWMI uu IWMU et des Mines (a, Q* 2L GJ& fi ucrid. ^r- r\ssoc . Dr,||ina uniimg Lod s Diamond foraqe 8U *" "Mc w u diamant Journal de Collar Elevation Elevation du collier 1 ^ ^. X/ C*-l J S A ^ o'^'-'C1^ 2. O (o To L.I CH-F Gtn.s.erJ f-iAAifJ&i} of f^tAA^t r G. *\ 0 /t*J OTf/GAvist Complete this form and related sketch In duplicate. ,. . , , Rempllr en deux exemplalres la presente formule et le croquls annexe ^T^A/^lTfc O P f- 1 1- 1 HoleNo. Forage n8 I, )T ~t- Page No. Page n" Claim No. N0 de concession miniere ^ r Map Reference No. N0 de reference sur la carte J f 73 i.oo Fill in on every page r, /KB Remplir ces cases a chaque page ^r ji (o( S L**. Location (Twp. Lot, Con. or Lat. and Long.) Emplacement (canton, lot, concession, ou latitude et longitude) SO 19 03' Si" Lonv Assays t/Anatyses mineralurgiques cj^ 0 2.o'fs" Property Name Nom de la propriete Sample Length Longueur de I'echantillon Nota : Dans cette formule, lorsqu'il designe des personnes, le masculin est utilise au sens neutre. t Additional credit available. See Assessment Work Regulation. t Des credits suppl6mentaires sont offerts. Consulter les reglements relatifs aux travaux devaluation. - Planar Feature Core Specimen Sample Foolage/Niveau de oreAn^eVAngle des Footage t /Longueur Your Sample No. levement de I'echantillon (en oiedsl caraderieiiqun en pieds des carottes N" d'echantillon du prospector From/De To/A planes prelevtea OrVT. LfUA^^Y /v6.t-So*J " Address/Location where core stored Adresse/endroit ou la carotte est stockee " o ? Fei-os (**x. fATrtH r C tft-oc/^i^e S"5 /^//^/f/^t . f ' p. ,pi -^-^ sj Ft./Pi R 'Pi ' Fi /Pt Collar/collier Bearing of hole from true Total Footage Dip of Hole at North/Position du forage Avancement total du Inclinaison du forage au par rapport au nord vrai forage Date Logged Logged by Date description au Inscrit par journal ^ "^ ea . 2 Oc-r 3/*) 5 Date Completed Date d 'achievement i i ^ xJ^/Jfe s. 1 7 1 4 x ^ X ^o"v^ ' (.JLS4~*. Submitted by (Signature) Depose par (signature) Date Hole Started Date de commencement du forage J. O /v/ fe 2.0 /IS yfca^i-OH/ l~tt*ffc X? l~ll4trG FC-t^DSffitf Pft&AJO C (?VST5 /V Description (Colour, grain size, texture, minerals, alteration, etc.) Description (Couleur, granulometric, texture, mindraux, transformation, etc.) Oc,T 18/45 Date Submitted Date de depot CyA A**' ' T G: Rock Type Type de roche 2Ofc^1 H6-C* AClt VSTl c- CiftA/uire Q vMT OP S/MO'^tSY rtATZrt/AL- CodSisrs TO T#firtscrlo *j y ^c*^o*N/' poAriv*J 4. AY G-tz rtG04(;ss-*s rs rf &G A c. /t y f T' c. Vc*-co^ ^SG^t/tvsr'C G fiA^/re. PosstQi6 HAM LI *j g FtiAcwte. (Ho4iio*;rAL)Ar voc^t f# 0~i ye^o*j ra J-itur G*s.e*J /3?cH 2~f6HT ^ "//"/tz ifJeATUert.G. fi s u(tF'Ac,t T~Ht OePos r T~ Grtts.BrJ GdArSfrt GrlZS&tJ lo 6 Cn /2.7.C1 U A A Cafe Exploration Co., Owner or Optionee Compagnie d'exploration, proprietaire ou titulaire d'option N 6 1. ^ o r*J O O f t ^\ *a*^"" J ^^1 Footage/Avancement From/De To/A af f 0204 (03/91) *FOr features such as foliation, bedding, schistosity, measured from the long axis of the core. Examples de caracteristiques : foliation, schistosity stratification. L'angle est mesur6 par rapport a I'axe longitudinal de la carotte. Ministry of l IT J "u'"'um "-WM"'""" WV and Mines Or^aTio Drilling Company Compagnie de forage Date Hole Started Date de commencement du forage u..i*wtMiHfiii uu KU.U et des Mines Ministers du Diamond forage au iwiayc au diamant Journal de Collar Elevation Elevation du collier "fc C/A ^ X7 C/ Fl./Pi F./PI ' R ,pj Ft./Pi Collar/collier UJAS PAH-CfeO flOcK A ro oP F/Nlfe s^o^ev C.O*JS,ST* A - AJo dePTH Dftict. 7"o f f\j c^ou t\J T C @-Gi C^ ffai- t P^ftcron.(t s rtP "** Bearing of hole from true Total Footage Dip of Hole at North/Position du forage Avancement total du Inclinaison du forage au par rapport au nord vrai forage Dr||| inn uniiing ion M T Mssoc t6Qtf'Jt-K ^ j ^ \A /i /f /y /jUe*x.x. rv^x^. Submitted by (Signature) Date Logged Logged by Date d'inscription au Inscrit par journal G, O C-T. 3/*? 5 Date Submitted Date de depdt HoLfc Description (Colour, grain size, texture, minerals, alteration, etc.) Description (Couleur, granulometric, texture, mineraux, transformation, etc.) PILOT 0 S i*ocr C.Q &&A MS C,^ OGrA.^AiScfe e^D lOo OP U) *4 1 re F E U) i;pArt i coLoo^Lfess Oo AAT-z^ A AJ O LAr\afe Li fei-* T c^/1lEt/J PA)6JocrtYsrS ,^ S^Ai^fen ^JATK.iy riAT^.VC HATSA.At. A- SA^Pf-fc * A Date Completed Date d'achevement 1 1 ^, OUAj&l-tt/^i Rock Type Type de roche Exploration Co., Owner or Optionee Compagnie d'exploration, proprietaire ou titulaire d'option 45 t j C.M w F^ Footage/Avancement From/De To/A 0 (S* fi ft; ro ire. HSe/n Hlc*\ MEG A cftssTt c 0204 (03^1) *por features such as foliation, bedding, schistosity, measured from the long axis of the core. Examples de caracteristiques : foliation, schistosity, stratification. L'angle est mesurd par rapport a I'axe longitudinal de la carotte. a Complete this form and related sketch In duplicate. ,, , Rempllr en deux exemplalres la presente formule et le croquls annexe /V&t-SQrJ Or F f t- G ^/t/W/TG; S Ay Fill in on every page n -k. Remphr ces cases a ^ chaque page r 2.6 /fr Map Reference No. N 0 de reference sur la carte ^ 2.O f Hole No. Forage n" " ' ~3 Page No. Page n" M / /79 loo Claim No. N 0 de concession miniere fi L 0 d Gr . Assays t/Analyses mineralurgiques 3 0 L AT. Location (Twp. Lot, Con. or Lat. and Long.) Emplacement (canton, lot, concession, ou latitude et longitude) O 5o 0 OH' / 0 " f. HH Property Name Norn de la propriety Sample Length Your Sample No. Sample Foolage/Niveau de preN 0 d'echanUllon levement de rechanSllon (en oieds) Longueur de I'echantiilon du prospecteur To/A From/De Q Hj f lAfrf'*/ /ct/eA^ QuAt A. y " Address/Location where core stored Adresse/endroit ou la carotte est stockee 0 o ^ Planar Future CorsSpwinwn Angte'/AnjU del Footage t /Longueur caraOMslk)ues en piwfe des carottM plann prttevJw Nota : Dans cette formule, lorsqu'il designe des personnes, le masculin est utilise au sens neutre. t Additional credit available. See Assessment Work Regulation. t Des credits supplementaires sont effects. Consulter les reglements relatifs aux travaux devaluation. Ministry of V2^ ZZes On^jo W'1 Ministere du Diamond Journal de Collar Elevation Elevation du collier Date Logged Logged by Date d'inscription au Inscrit par ~* journal /O t ifi^rfi/CK ^ Crl /\- ~ /J JL JL /•-^T^^H^'V-^*^*. x ^-J o /^ Submitted by (Signature) Depose par (signature) tJ, D^fCU&O fco^K. TO Oieit.L A p"pi Ft./Pi 1 D GfTrt ^0 Mc,*i Complete this form and related sketch in duplicate. Remplir en deux exemplaires la presente formule et le croquis annexe ^(SiAi^iT^ (JAY R,, in on every page Remplir ces cases a chaque page 5L6I S Map Reference No. N" de reference sur la carte Gt ^ r Hole Na. ^ r ~ Page No. *" oZ, Claim No. N 0 de concession miniere H 78 Location (Twp. Lot, Con. or Lat. and Long.) Emplacement (canton, lot, concession, ou latitude et longitude) i * s t. O tJ C* Assays t/Analyses mineralurgiques LAK& II c i' j 1 5 o 0 0M ' *2. 1 ' 0 ' ot-iici MI IT Sample Length Longueur de I'echantillon foA&oTTe*/ Property Name Nom de la propriete To/A Sample Footage/Niveau de pre- From/De Nota : Dans cette formula, lorsqu'il designe des personnes, le masculin est utilise au sens neutre. t Additional credit available. See Assessment Work Regulation. t Des credits supplementaires sont offerts. Consulter les reglements relatifs aux travaux devaluation. Core Specimen Planar Feature Angle'/Angle dee Footage t /Longueur Your Sample No. caradirauquM en piedg des carottes N" d'ecfiantitton du prospecteur prttovies (taw O*vJT. \j6i2Mi u^i o /O AotLScjfsJ 0 Address/Location where core stored Adresse/endroit ou la carotte est stockee " o pt*-Of^Art. ro - /Uo OP i^-JA r A. \ K . iWtfirG jj^LAc.1^1 7S c.^t lrJ D f *4 7 OF —————————— ————————J c, ,B, ——————^^J———————- Ft /Pi cotor/collier Bearing of hole from true Total Footage Dip of Hole at North/Position du forage Avancement total du Inclinaison du forage au par rapport au nord vrai forage e7rrTner UU ' gUIU " forage au diamant 4- ASSOC. Date Completed Date d'achevement 1 f\ Date Submitted Date de depot OC.T ( 3je(2 . Of Prt E #Jo c*t vs T y to fift A U*AS Description (Colour, grain size, texture, minerals, alteration, etc.) Description (Couleur, granulometric, texture, mineraux, transformation, etc.) A^ 14- out U .S|,U6r pi Co r C* art Efe*0 (D&TFI.rJA OuC LttH-r tSAlA/A^tft C-O*JS*ST5 (Jt/A-K-T^, pft Ac-TU^-C 5"i*1 0 1^ C- Y F l /O t TO IMATCA-'AU \ fj A M , weA|Ac5 PoSSfQcG: I4oft..7,fln; TA C f (3 1^ o u vi t— t. S i iHAT^iY L-O/wi Ci LAfc&t C.Aoi^Cfc MS *A 1 Drilling ion a 21sQ#uck Drilling Company Compagnie de forage (x . i^. Date Hole Started Date de commencement du forage •si 0 i\J G, 3-3 /95 "*" Crr/ A A /v/ 1 Tfi. Exploration Co., Owner or Optionee Compagnie d'exploration, proprietaire ou titulaire d'option N E.U.SO ivj Rock Type Type de roche G fi f rrJ t T (L ISHc^ ^AtsAcrtYSTi t- H5oi Footage/Avancement To/A From/De 0 ^3c* 0204 (03/91) *For features such as foliation, bedding, schistosity, measured from the long axis of the core. •Examples de caracteristiques : foliation, schistosity stratification. L'angle est mesur6 par rapport a I'axe longitudinal de la carotte. c* o r re A/ ^Uj vbvJ o V3 o o II J c o o z VJ o -J vU J o J Of D o VD i i U- li. vi ? o I< O o U) J o J j O o o x li •2 vi) J CC O VP /g x LE LocAr/o/vj F-4- Report of Work Conducted After Recording Claim Ministry of Northern. Development and Mines Transaction Number Mining Act taut l information collected on this form is obtained under the authority of the Mining Act. This information will be used for correspondence. Questions about i coltoction should be directed to the Provincia! Manager, Mining Lands, Ministry of Northern Development and Mines, Fourth Floor, 159 Cedar Street, i, Ontario, P3E 6A5, telephone (705) 670-7264. - Please type or print and submit in dupli - Refer to the Mining Act and Regulation; Recorder. -— A separate copy* of this form must. be cc 52L01SW0002W9510.00132 FORGOTTEN LAKE . . . . - Technical reports and maps must accompany uno iuim - A sketch, showing the claims the work is assigned to, must accompany this form. img 900 Client No. S X73 C07 /l/* i. S* *S Telephone No. fto?) 22.7 - M or G Plan No. Township/Area , K e/o o it A Fo A t j T r e/J To: From: ormed CT -2-6, t V 13, Performed (Check One Work Group Only) Type Work Group Geotechnical Survey al Work, ng Drilling Rehabilitation Other Authorized Work Assays Assignment from Reserve Assessment Work Claimed on the Attached Statement of Costs $ The Minister may reject for assessment work credit all or part of the assessment work submitted if the recorded holder cannot verify expenditures claimed in the statement of costs within 30 days of a request for verification. is and Survey Company Who Performed the Work (Give Name and Address of Author of Report) 1 Address Name 5,11. 2*Wcx. 4- /Us 3c. /f/fW/ A tfif#r fo. K&JKA, #*sr frt/jv-, tach a schedule if necessary) Mtiflcation of Beneficial Interest I * See Note No. 1 on reverse side C-rtJfy that at the time the work was performed, the claims covered in this work •port were recorded in the current holder's name or held under a beneficial interest iy the current recorded holder. Date RecordedHolder or Agent (Signature) f),jh 1 7 /a t " / \ /J jf /? ^6* y/* ^ ^^ ^ ' VX^^^^t, r ^ n of Work Report HI cef'- that l have a personal knowledge of the facts set forth in this Work report, having performed the work or witnessed same during and/or after i completion and annexed report is true, i and Address of Person Certifying Date Certified By ( re) Office Use Only Total Value Cr. Recorded Date Recorded OcT Mining Recorder K E N O R A - -M i N !l^GT^T" f t Deemed. Approval i •s/**/, x*, ml Date Notice for Amendments Sent 1(03*1) Date Approved CCT1 H hi5 PM JO !J 12 1 ,? ^ f r ,;: tea vi oo o o -0 •-•-'1 gs. VJ*^ |i ^ i WorkAp l td TotValua*l O ^*i —— Ii & oO JB Cs 0 ij^t (jO aj l 1 f i l J •t \ J O o c^ V/J \ 00 .J 3 -C O o \ U) 1 1 " o*J li Credits you are claiming in this report may be cut back. In order to minimize the adverse effects of such deletions, please indicate from which claims you wish to priorize the deletion of credits. Please mark ( v) one of the following: 1. D Credits are to be cut back starting with the claim listed last, working backwards. 2. D Credits are to be cut back equally over all claims contained in this report of work. 3. D Credits are to be cut back as priorized on the attached appendix. ' •4 In the event that you have not specified your choice of priority, option one will be implemented. Note 1: Examples of beneficial Interest are unrecorded transfers, option agreements, memorandum of agreements, etc., with respect to the mining claims. . Note 2: If work has been performed on patented or leased land, please complete the following: l certify that the recorded holder had a beneficial interest in the patented or leased land at the time the work was performed. Signature Date Ontario Ministry of Northern Development and Mines Statement of Costs for Assessment Credit Ministers du Developpement du Nord et des mines Etat des couts aux fins du credit d'evaluation Transaction No./N 0 de transaction . a* i Mining Act/Loi sur les mines Personal information collected on this form is obtained under the authority of the Mining Act. This information will be used to maintain a record and ongoing status of the mining claim(s). Questions about this collection should be directed to the Provincial Manager, Minings Lands, Ministry of Northern Development and Mines, 4th Floor, 159 Cedar Street, Sudbury, Ontario P3E 6A5, telephone (705) 670-7264. Les renseignements personnels contenus dans la presente formule sont recueillis en vertu de la Loi sur les mines et serviront a tenir a jour un registre des concessions minieres. Adresser toute quesiton sur la collece de ces renseignements au chef provincial des terrains miniers, ministere du Developpement du Nord et des Mines, 159, rue Cedar, 4e etage, Sudbury (Ontario) P3E 6A5, telephone (705) 670-7264. 1. Direct Costs/Couts directs 2. Indirect Costs/Couts indirects Type Description Wages Sslalres Contractor's and Consultant's Fees Drolls de ('entrepreneur et de I'expertconseil Supplies Used Foumitures utilities Labour Main-d'oeuvre Field Supervision Supervision sur le terrain Type Amount Montant Totals Total global ZlWSl 2/47-52- Type Transportation Transport Description Type Wltt b ITS t)tn-L r\'*c . IT&KS T/fi/t.K-'Si/ceAt.t 2.7^- ao 274-0e S8-65 /47.H3 f^J.lO ROCK Drt'i- u &O.SO 8oAT •fHoTO/l 160-00 Sfl"J Totals Total global 273,11- Type Coat Amount Montant Type /osofrrtf .2s'f /?e?Ai*S To Equipment Rental Location de materiel * * Note: When claiming Rehabilitation work Indirect costs are not allowable as assessment work. Pour le remboursement des travaux de rehabilitation, les couts indirects ne sont pas admissibles en tant que travaux devaluation. t- Q hour -/nwinc. bo* i- -/o . , J fro r? offen t-4Kc /13 .s* /J356 Sub Total of Indirect Costs Total partial des couts Indirects SO - o a 500-50 Total Direct Costs Total des couts directs Food and Lodging Nourrlture et hebergement Mobilization and Demobilization Mobilisation et demobilisation 3IH711 Amount Allowable (not greater than 20H of Direct Costs) Montant admissible (n'excedant pa* 20 H des coOts directs) Total Value of Assessment Credit (Total of Direct and Allowable Indirect coste) Valeur total* du credit devaluation (Total des cofltt directs i (.3.GO H(*l-** 3tto,7t el Indirect* admissible* Note: The recorded holder will be required to verify expenditures claimed in this statement of costs within 30 days of a request for verification. If verification is not made, the Minister may reject for assessment work all or part of the assessment work submitted. Note : Le titulaire enregistre sera tenu de verifier les depenses demandees dans le present etat des couts dans les 30 jours suivant une demande b cet effet. Si la verification n'est pas effectuee, le ministre peut rejeter tout ou une partie des travaux devaluation preserves. Filing Discounts Remises pour dep6t 1. Work filed within two years of completion is claimed at 100'Vb of the above Total Value of Assessment Credit. 1. Les travaux deposes dans les deux ans suivant leur achevement sont rembourses a 100 W de la valeur totale susmentionnee du credit devaluation. 2. Work filed three, four or five years after completion is claimed at 500xb of the above Total Value of Assessment Credit. See calculations below: 2. Les travaux deposes trois, quatre ou cinq ans apres leur achevement sont rembourses a 50 "/o de la valeur totale du credit devaluation susmentionne. Voir les calculs ci-dessous. Total Value of Assessment Credit Total Assessment Claimed Valeur totale du credit devaluation Evaluation totale demandee x 0,50 x 0.50 Certification Verifying Statement of Costs Attestation de l'etat des couts l hereby certify: that the amounts shown are as accurate as possible and these costs were incurred while conducting assessment work on the lands shown on the accompanying Report of Work form. J'atteste par la presente : que les montants indiques sont le plus exact possible et que ces depenses ont ete engagees pour effectuer les travaux devaluation sur les terrains indiques dans la formule de rapport de travail ci-joint. that as A (Recorde^Holder, Agent, Position in Company) to make this certification l am authorized (titulaire enregistre, representant, poste occupe dans la compagnie) a faire cette attestation. Signature 1812(04/91) je suis autoris6 Et qu'a litre de Dale Nota : Dans cette formule, lorsqu'il designs des personnes, le masculin est utilise au sens neutre. LEGEND Stop Lake Area -G -2523 HIGHWAY AND ROUTE No 94*15' r t4tlO OTHER ROADS TRAILS 60 0OT'30'i-n r** r~50 0 07 3O" , - SURVEYED LINIt (T TOWMIMIFi.lAKilNES.fTC ^ LOTS. MINING CLAIMS PARCELS ETC UNSURVEYED LINES LOT LINES PARCEL BOUNDARY MINING CLAIMS ETC RAILWAY AND R IGHJT 0f WAV -* UTILITY LINES - NON PERENNIAL STREAM F LOODING OR F LOOPING WIGHTS i SUBDIVISION OR COMPOSITE PLAN 1 1 ORIGINAL SHORELINE MARSH OR MUSKEG MINES TRAVERSE MONUMENT DISPOSITION OF CROWN LANDS TYPE OF DOCUMENT CO LO CD CM o' SYMBOL PATENT SURFACE * MINING RIGHTS . .SURFACE RIGHTS ONLY.. . MINING RIGHTS ONLY .. LEASE, SURFACE li MINING RIGHTS " .SURFACE RIGHTS ONLY.. . MINING RIGHTS ONLY . ...... LICENCE OF OCCUPATION ..... ...... ORDER IN-COUNCIL . , ... RESERVATION .. , CANCELLED ..... . •AND It GRAVEL ..... ,. MOT!' MINING MIGHTS IN PANCtL* **t| NTI O FNlOR TO MAV * '•'J VffTtO IN OHlOiNAL PATfNTtf ** T Ml PUBLIC LAND* ACT M* O 1*70 CM A* MO MC M. *UMl C l L * to R^E^F E R E N C^ S CSJ l ABfAS.JWITHDRAWN FROM DISPOSITION o M.H.O. l t.H.0. -SURFACE RIGHTS ONLY Q o MINING RIGHTS ONLY M.+ I. -MINING AND suR^ACE RIGHTS 9) OrdMNo r M* W !OX*t W-24/d* S II k M II MAR20/M LX ^jj^?i51-l__l 1*61*0 Ul O o O CO r* A MO ' AM THE INFORMATION THAT APPEARS ON THIS MAP HAS BEEN COMPILED FROM VARIOUS SOURCES, AND ACCURACY IS NOT GUARANTEED THOSE WISHING TO STAKE MIN ING CLAIMS SHOULD CON SULT WITH THE MINING RECORDER, MINISTRY OF NORTHERN DEVELOP MENT AND MINES. FOR AD OPTIONAL INFORMATION ON THE STATUS OF THE LANDS SHOWN HEREON. SCALE 1 INCH * 40 CHAINS 1000 200O 1060 O 700 METMtS ARIA JOOO 12 *MI FORGOTTEN LAKE M.N.K. ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT KENORA MINING DIVISION KENORA [ DATE OF NOV - 11905 KENORA LAND TITUI/ KE6ISTMV D IWl*ilMB\iG DIVISION KENORA Ontario 94030' 0*1* Deacon Lake and Redditt Twp. Area - 0-2611 501942 k k 62U018W0002 W6610 OoTsT FOR GOTTENl LAKE 200 Ministry o* Natural Rftsourcta JANUARY . IM4 Mtw*f*m*fit *G-26I8
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