POLITICOS Pilot "The Perfect Human" Written by Matt Reynolds 626.808.2083 [email protected] OVER BLACK SUPER: 93 DAYS TO LOS ANGELES MAYORAL PRIMARY STATIC. Stations fade in and out as a radio is tuned. Country music. Rock radio. A gospel preacher. Then -EXT. OWEN’S VALLEY DESERT - DAY A dry, cracked and inhospitable land. A cloud of toxic, alkaline dust swirls in the air. RADIO HOST (V.O.) The buzz word dripping from the lips of the lamestream media this week is conservation. CO-HOST (V.O.) Ration water. Like, don’t exploit resources. Not if there’s a spotted turtle or sprinkled, dimpled salmon or somesuch. Dissolving through other desert landscapes. No water. No evidence of life either. RADIO HOST (V.O.) Hah! A spotted turtle! CO-HOST (V.O.) Y’know. These people... RADIO HOST (V.O.) Let me enlighten you about water in Los Angeles, listeners. That resource we take for granted... INT./EXT. LOS ANGELES AQUADUCT - DAY Spiraling through a tunnel. WHOOSH. A torrent of water moves over us like a Tsunami, water splashing against the lens. RADIO HOST (V.O.) One word. Population. Undocumented immigrants flooding across the border from Mexicali to Calexico. Many of them end up here, in the great city of Los Angeles. 2. EXT. HIGHWAYS - DAY (VARIOUS SHOTS) Traffic grinds over the city’s crumbling roads and through graffiti defaced underpasses. This is a Los Angeles drained of glamour, a Los Angeles that’s almost Third World. RADIO HOST (V.O.) They suck on the teat of the Los Angeles aquaduct like they’re entitled! Like there’s an infinite supply! EXT. LOS ANGELES - CITY HALL SOUTH - DAY Passing a line of angry, masked protesters on a street outside city hall. They chant “Los Angeles is Dying of Thirst” over and over. RADIO HOST (V.O.) When we talk about not meeting our water needs, take a closer look at them. The people who are bleeding California dry! A row of riot police, holding shields and batons, move within feet of the protesters. EXT. SWIMMING POOL - DAY Pristine. Bone dry. A blurred mosaic of colored tiles. A Puerto Rican man peers inside. He is dressed in a purple Mickey Mouse t-shirt. CO-HOST (V.O.) And it’ll only get worse if youknow-who is elected... INT. BURBANK HOLIDAY INN - BANQUET ROOM - DAY On a raised stage, a black man, CODY BROWN (31) enters a shaft of light and waves at an unseen audience. He has a shaved head, a charismatic smile, and is supercool in a tailored black suit. He’s muscular and powerful, like a heavy weight boxer. 3. CODY (into mic) Let me tell you something right now. To get this city moving again, we need new ideas. FREEZE FRAME on Cody. SUPER: COUNCILMAN CODY BROWN. DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR. RADIO HOST (V.O.) The left love this man. But what are his credentials? No experience running a city this size. How old is he, thirty? CO-HOST (V.O.) Thirty-one. Unfreeze as Cody raises a finger to make his point. He’s perfectly poised, with an air of supreme confidence. Maybe overconfidence. CODY Talk is cheap. It’s what you do that counts. EXT. BURBANK HOLIDAY INN - DAY (A LITTLE EARLIER) Cody crosses to the entrance of the hotel to meet and greet a multiracial crowd. He kisses the heads of babies, shakes hands, and hugs supporters. RADIO HOST (V.O.) Let’s pray something or someone comes along and knocks this birdie off his perch. INT. HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM - DAY A rally bustling with raucous supporters. The all-white and mostly female crowd is packed to the rafters. A spotlight catches NICK SAIZAN (early 40s) as he walks between outstretched female hands. He’s dressed in an immaculate Hugo Boss suit, has perfect wavy blonde hair, perfectly aligned teeth, perfect everything. 4. CO-HOST (V.O.) If only conservatives weren’t stuck with such a lightweight... FREEZE FRAME as Nick flashes a photo-op ready smile. SUPER: NICK SAIZAN. ACTOR. REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR. RADIO HOST (V.O.) I disagree. Saizan might just be the GOP’s next Ronald Reagan. Both leading men, both ahead of their time. A woman places something in Nick’s hand. A napkin marked with red lipstick. INT. DENTIST’S OFFICE - DAY Nick reclines in a dentist chair. A DENTAL ASSISTANT (early 20s) appears above him. RADIO HOST (V.O.) He’s clean cut. A family man. NICK If I could just kick the Diet Coke and coffee. DENTAL ASSITANT It’s okay. If I was running for mayor, I’d want my teeth to sparkle too. Before Nick can respond, the dental assistant places cotton padding into his mouth. INT. DENTIST’S OFFICE - RESTROOM - DAY Nick admires his whitened teeth in a mirror. He takes out a prescription bottle of Adderall, pops a couple of pills into his mouth, washing them down with water. RADIO HOST (V.O.) He understands our values. This man is a true conservative. Nick looks down at the lipstick marked napkin, grimacing, a man uncomfortable in his own skin. 5. RADIO HOST (V.O.) A new poll puts him two points ahead of the incumbent... INT. CEDARS-SINAI MEDICAL CENTER - DAY The incumbent, Mayor GULINO (early 70s), arrives at the front desk, flanked on either side by bodyguards. The burden of power has taken its toll. Though he’s not frail, deep lines are etched in his face. He has sagging jowls, permanent bags beneath his eyes. CO-HOST (V.O.) If that isn’t an advertisement for liberal excess, I don’t know what is. A TRASHY NURSE (30s) looks somewhat starstruck as she greets Gulino. She’s in scrubs but looks like she’d be just as comfortable serving coffee in an all-night diner. TRASHY NURSE Do I know you? GULINO No, sweetheart. You must be mistaken. FREEZE FRAME as Gulino pops a piece of nicotine gum into his mouth. SUPER: EDGAR “ED” GULINO. MAYOR OF LOS ANGELES. INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY Gulino's wife, MARY, (60s) sleeps in bed. She has tubes up her nose. Her skin is clammy and translucent, hangs loosely over frail bones. Gulino watches her from outside the room, his expression tinged with guilt and regret. CO-HOST (V.O.) Election year. Four years of drought. A looming water shortage. Whatever you think of him, he’s been dealt a pretty crappy hand. 6. INT. ANOTHER HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY (A LITTLE EARLIER) Gulino rounds the edge of a bed and sits on the corner, unzipping his pants. The Trashy Nurse bends down into his lap, bobbing up and down between his legs. RADIO HOST (V.O.) But enough about poor Ed. How about we take some calls? A SLURPING sound... INT. SAIZAN HOUSE - KITCHEN - DAY The slurping continues as a shaggy dog laps milk and soggy Cheerios up off the floor. A war zone. Breakfast dishes everywhere. RADIO HOST (V.O.) Leon from North Hollywood. You’re through to the Steve and Steve show. Nick Saizan’s overwhelmed and pregnant wife, SASHA SAIZAN (early 40s), places cups and pans into a dishwasher. INT. SAIZAN HOUSE - DOWNSTAIRS HALLWAY - DAY Off a decade-old framed wedding photograph of Sasha and Nick. Keep pace with Sasha as she moves quickly past her screaming two-year-old daughter, REAGAN (snot on her nose, ketchup and Lord knows what else on her face). LEON (V.O.) I just want to say, Los Angeles shouldn’t just be scared of Cody Brown, it should be terrified. The toddler grabs for Sasha’s leg. SASHA (into phone) Get us a room at the Hilton. Sasha continues past her four-year-old, NIXON. He sits at the foot of the stairs, playing on an iPad mini. SASHA (to Nixon) Get your shoes on. (MORE) 7. SASHA (CONT'D) (into phone) I don’t care. I need to see you. Now. EXT. WESTWOOD - SAIZAN HOUSE - DAY Sasha reverses her SUV out of the garage. The brakes SQUEAL as she turns into the road and drives away. LEON (V.O.) I’m scared what might happen if Cody Brown is elected. I really am... RADIO HOST (V.O.) Do you have your radio on, Leon? Could you turn it off? INT. HILTON HOTEL ROOM - DAY GARY (mid-40s) opens the door on an out-of-sorts Sasha. He is a heavyset man with a neat goatee and kind eyes. SASHA I swear I saw a Daily News reporter in the lobby. Same one I met at CPAC last year. GARY Relax, no one knows you’re here. You’re paranoid. INT. HILTON HOTEL ROOM - LATER Gary and Sasha land on the bed naked. Sasha shifts her butt into his crotch, and they start to fuck. Gary places his hands on her pregnant belly. LEON (V.O.) I mean, we got a nigger in the White House already. We really want one in charge of this city? CO-HOST (V.O.) Whoa. Hold your horses. That’s way out of line... LEON Wait -- 8. INT. CAR (PARKED) - DAY LEON (20s) holds a cell phone to his ear. He’s handsome, even pretty, with groomed blonde hair, sad eyes. LEON Let me finish. But the call has already been disconnected. Leon turns up the volume on the car radio. RADIO HOST (V.O.) Leon, we live in a free country. But what you said right there, that kind of bile, we won’t tolerate that on our show. CO-HOST (V.O.) Not in our house, Leon from North Hollywood. Not -Leon switches the radio off, his unaffected eyes glazing over. GUNSHOTS and SCREAMING -INT. TOWN HALL - DAY CLOSE on Leon as he fires a twelve-gauge shotgun. It spits out hot, burning cartridges. His face is placid, his cheeks are flushed. Echoes of desperate, tinny screams. It’s not clear where Leon is, or how big of a crowd he’s shooting into. It’s not clear if this is real or fantasy, or if it’s sometime in the past or in the future. INT. CEDARS-SINAI MEDICAL CENTER - HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY Gulino plants a kiss on his wife’s forehead. He takes her palm, presses it to his cheek. Mary talks with her eyes closed, every rasped word requiring effort. MARY Can you get me a glass of water? Gulino looks around for a jug of water. KELSEY (O.S.) I got it, Dad. 9. Gulino turns to his eldest daughter, KELSEY (late 30s). Dressed in jeans, a Strokes t-shirt and subtle makeup, Kelsey looks her age, in spite of her efforts. She pours her mom a glass of water. KELSEY (re: water) Better enjoy it while it lasts, right Dad? It’s not an attempt at humor, it’s straight-up sarcasm. Gulino doesn’t like it. Not one little bit. INT./EXT - LIMO (PARKED) - DAY Gulino slides into the backseat of the car, next to his Chief of Staff and right hand man, TOM GATES (late 40s). GULINO What does our pollster say? TOM Eleven points behind Brown. Right in line with the Times poll from earlier this week. GULINO Fuck this. (to his driver) Take us to City Hall. INT. CEDARS-SINAI MEDICAL CENTER - PARKING STRUCTURE - DAY Gulino’s limo drives out, as a second-generation Prius drives in. INT. MANISHA’S PRIUS - CONTINUOUS A pretty, soft-spoken Sri Lankan-American girl named MANISHA (early 20s) pulls her car into a parking space. Sitting passenger side is her pale and lung cancer afflicted boyfriend, GABE. He’s wearing his perpetual uniform of long sleeve Gap t-shirt and baggy jeans. Manisha leans over and kisses him on the cheek. GABE See you at two. 10. MANISHA I’m in Burbank for the TV interview. They need me all day. We went through this last night, remember? GABE Right. Chemo never gets in the way of your political causes. MANISHA Maybe I can get away for an hour. GABE Don’t help me out just because you feel guilty. MANISHA It’s not like that. Last time I checked, we were still in a relationship. GABE Not now, all right, Manisha? Not when I’m about get hit with more radiation than Doctor Manhattan. Gabe gets out of the car. MANISHA Gabe, wait. I’ll find a way to get here. I promise. He closes the door without saying goodbye. Manisha is neither angry nor upset. But the day’s just started and she’s already emotionally drained. INT. BURBANK HOLIDAY INN - BANQUET ROOM - DAY Cody stands on the slightly raised stage. His jacket is off now, his shirt sleeves rolled up. He clasps the mic, modulates his voice with the skill and technique of a veteran MC. CODY “Who is Cody Brown?” Let me answer that by telling you all what I’m not. I’m not somebody who’s gonna say anything to get elected. (MORE) 11. CODY (CONT'D) I’m not someone who’s gonna flush my values down the drain because some campaign strategist tells me that’s what I need to do to win. The audience punctuates each of the politician’s points with CHEERS or APPLAUSE. CODY You know why? The people of L.A. deserve better than that. Doesn’t matter if you’re from the Eastside or the Westside. You all deserve better than that! INT. BURBANK HOLIDAY INN - LOBBY - SAME Brown’s Caucasian campaign strategist, RACHEL (mid-30s) -doe eyed, beautiful, all business -- enters the lobby carrying a string wrapped cardboard box. She responds to the pandemonium coming from the banquet room ahead. As she walks, ELWOOD (Cody’s black co-campaign manager) sidles up to her. He’s munching on a scrambled egg burrito and carrying a styrofoam cup of coffee. ELWOOD (re: box) What you got there? Lunch for your pet snake? The tension between these two is palpable. No smiles, no warmth. Just barbed daggers that come in the form of words. ELWOOD (CONT’D) Where you been? The TV crew got here an hour ago. RACHEL You give Cody the Bowen DVD? ELWOOD Nah. Coached him through it. RACHEL So, he’s going to deal with a curve ball how? By batting his eyelashes or endearing her with his permasmile? 12. ELWOOD Fuck you. RACHEL What campaign did you run before this one, Elwood? Inglewood dog catcher? INT. BURBANK HOLIDAY INN - BANQUET ROOM - CONTINUOUS Elwood and Rachel enter the banquet room from the back. Cody is doing a little Q&A. CODY Yeah. The lady wearing the white scarf. Right there. Yeah. Someone passes a microphone to a nervous African-American GIRL (early 20s). NERVOUS GIRL (into mic) I just want to know... If you’re not elected mayor... JEERING from the crowd. Cody smiles, hushes them with his hands. NERVOUS GIRL (CONT’D) Will you please run for President of the United States? As BOOS give way to CHEERS, Rachel and Elwood settle into their seats at the back of the room. RACHEL Where is she? ELWOOD Conference room D. RACHEL You look over the questions? ELWOOD Trust me. I got this. Still, I’d if I could mean, it’s is any big RACHEL feel a whole lot better take a peek at them. I not like this interview deal. (MORE) 13. RACHEL (CONT'D) Just one of the highest rated shows in one of the largest markets in America. ELWOOD Don’t have ‘em. Rachel, barely masking her irritation, hands Elwood her box and bag. RACHEL Conference room D, you say? Elwood nods. As Rachel leaves he looks down at the box, reacting to a scratching noise inside. He opens the box to find a litter of baby mice. ELWOOD Fuck me. I fuckin’ knew it. INT. BURBANK HOLIDAY INN - CORRIDOR - MOMENTS LATER As Rachel walks down the corridor, she meets Manisha coming the other way. RACHEL Manisha. You’re late. MANISHA No, I’m early. Elwood said I could start at ten. Rachel bristles at the mention of his name. RACHEL Elwood. MANISHA Yeah. RACHEL Canvas the crowd. Get them on our e-mail list. Rachel leaves. Manisha continues towards the banquet room. She turns a corner to find JON VD (early 20s), the Brown campaign’s wonkish Cuban-American intern, holding two cups of coffee. 14. JON VD Two brown sugars, an inch for creamer. (off her look) What’s wrong? Did the wicked witch of the west yell at you again? MANISHA I think she might be in a good mood today. She actually called me by my first name. Jon VD hands her a coffee. JON VD That’s a first. Manisha smiles. INT. LIMO (MOVING) - DAY Nick’s bleary-eyed older brother MARCUS SAIZAN (mid 40s) drives. Nick sits in the back. NICK I thought I told you to bring the Ford. MARCUS You did? NICK Attention to detail. Didn’t Dad hammer that into us during his senate run, Marcus? The rearview captures Marcus’ blank look. NICK You know what sunk Kerry in ‘04? Windsurfing. MARCUS I thought it was the swiftboat ads. Him looking like a Frenchman. NICK My point is, all it takes is a shot of me in a chauffeur driven limo. Next thing you know, I’m out of touch with average Angelenos. 15. MARCUS (alarmed) What do you mean? I need this job, Nick. I got child support payments coming out of my ass. Nick shakes his head. It’s clear his message isn’t sinking in. MARCUS You know what? You’re no John Kerry. You got better teeth. EXT. PASADENA SUBURBS - STREET - DAY Tree lined. Rows of affluent residences. The shiny, black limo stops next to an orange tree. INT./EXT - LIMO - CONTINUOUS Nick rolls down the window. Marcus goes to open the drivers side door -NICK You can sit this one out, Marcus. MARCUS What? Why? NICK Because it’s a private meeting, and I’d rather do it alone. Marcus sinks into his seat, peeved. Nick reaches over and pats him on the shoulder. NICK Hand it over. Marcus takes a black leather hip flask out of his jacket pocket, passes it to Nick. NICK You need to clean up your act. Fast. Nick gets out of the car and walks towards a renovated Dutch colonial. The sound of SPRAYING water -- 16. EXT. PASADENA HOUSE - GARDEN - A LITTLE LATER Rows of lawn sprinklers burst to life. Nick sits at a table, poolside. NICK Jerry spoke very highly of you. I heard about the work you did for the conservative party in London. You turned that campaign around. Across from him sits BILLY SLATER (late 30s). He’s dressed in a white terry bathrobe. His bleach blonde hair is damp and mussed up. Billy is a no-nonsense, ex-pat Englishman who started his career as a spin doctor for Tony Blair’s Labour Party before defecting to the Tories as a campaign strategist. Like a Brit version of Lee Atwater, he’s a master in the dark art of politics. Though unlike Atwater, his loyalty conforms only to the size of his check. BILLY I consider that one of my greatest achievements. That toff Cameron was a hard sell. NICK What are your thoughts? BILLY Honestly? I think that if you don’t get your shit together quickly, you’re going get beaten. Badly. Nick bristles. NICK You see the numbers in the L.A. Times earlier this week? BILLY Of the three Republicans you’re the frontrunner, nine points ahead of your nearest rival. (beat) But you’re also six points behind Cody Brown. NICK And five ahead of the mayor. 17. BILLY If I put my dead grandmother in the race right now, she’d beat the mayor. Noting a flicker of offense in Nick’s face, Billy shifts his tone from confrontational to vaguely ambivalent. BILLY (CONT’D) Jerry called me because he said you needed my help. Frankly, it’s no skin off my nose if I get to spend the whole summer working on my tan, drinking beer and staring at Gwen’s tits. NICK I told Jerry that I was looking to finesse, not reinvent. BILLY How’s this for finesse? I’m not sure I even know what you stand for. NICK I’ll admit. There are times when we’ve strayed off message. BILLY That’s what happens if you let people blow smoke up your arse. You lose sight of what you stand for. I’ve seen it happen a million times. NICK What next, then? BILLY First, you’ll need to give your campaign manager the boot. NICK Wait a minute. Jerry said you’d be open to a consulting position. BILLY Well, Jerry was wrong... Second, You need a cause. Something we can hang on you that’s beyond the usual fiscally-responsible-smallgovernment bollocks. 18. Billy takes a sip from a glass of water. BILLY And it would be nice if you had a coherent plan to stop the whole city from disappearing into a giant sinkhole. Nick ponders. His ego may be bruised but he’s no idiot. He knows Billy just spoke the God’s Honest Truth. NICK All right then. When do we start? BILLY I didn’t say I want the job. You need to give me a few days to decide if I want to work with you. Nick glances over Billy’s shoulder as a WOMAN crosses from the house to the other side of the pool. She’s wearing a revealing silk gown. She glances at Nick, blows him a kiss then strips naked and dives into the pool. BILLY (CONT’D) (to Nick) That’s Gwen. CUT TO: INT. HILTON HOTEL ROOM - DAY Sasha lies in a tangle of bedsheets, smoking a cigarette. Gary is standing, in boxer shorts. He searches through the pockets of his pants. GARY Where’s my inhaler? Fuck if I’m going home. Got too much going on today. Sasha blows smoke into the air. SASHA You know how hard it is to dress up like a little doll? Laughing at his jokes, pretending to give a shit? 19. GARY (between wheezing) You’re a politician’s wife. It comes with the territory. SASHA Are you okay? You sound terrible. Gary searches the pockets of his suit jacket for his inhaler, trying to ignore Sasha’s rising concern. SASHA You can’t find it? Are you kidding me? GARY Jesus, Sasha. Will you be quiet for a second? SASHA Well, what if you have an asthma attack? I have to explain who I am, or who you are? GARY You know what? I think you might be the most neurotic women I’ve ever been with. (re: cigarette) And will you put that out? It’s their side that’s pro-choice, remember? She stubs out the cigarette. SASHA There. Happy now? She crosses to bathroom. GARY What’s your problem? SASHA I’m not a teenager, and I don’t feel like listening to one of your fucking lectures right now. Sasha locks the bathroom door. GARY If you find me passed out in the lobby, call 911 before you step over me! 20. No reply. Gary shakes his head, reaches for a remote and switches on a wall-mounted television. THE TV Cable news. Muted. Shots of the entrance to a canyon. Parked police trucks in the foreground. Gary begins to get dressed. He finds his inhaler on the floor next to the bed, beneath his shirt. He places the inhaler to his mouth, is about to release the insulin when something stops him cold -THE TV A photo of a man in his mid-30s with a shaven head. ON SCREEN GRAPHIC: LONGTIME SAIZAN AIDE FOUND DEAD GARY Holy fuckin’ shit. EXT. PASADENA SUBURBS - STREET - DAY Nick bangs his fist on the roof of the limo. Marcus reclines in his seat, napping. Nick is about to tap on the window when his Blackberry rings. He takes it out of his pocket, checks the caller ID. INT. HILTON HOTEL ROOM - DAY Seated on the bed, Gary talks into his cell phone. Sasha stands in the background behind him, her expression grave. GARY Nick. It’s Gary... I don’t know how to say this, Boss. You might want to sit down. NICK What is it? GARY It’s Jeff. He’s gone. 21. Off Nick, speechless with shock. EXT. CITY HALL PARKING LOT - SECURITY ENTRANCE - DAY Gulino’s limo passes through. INT./EXT. LIMO - DAY A splotch of rain hits the darkened, bulletproof glass. Gulino jolts. GULINO (to driver) Stop the car! EXT. CITY HALL - PARKING LOT - CONTINUOUS Gulino gets out of the car and stares up at the darkened, smouldering sky. Another drop of rain lands on his forehead. He smiles and wipes the wetness off his head. THUNDER in the distance. RUMBLING. The last crack of sunlight disappears and Gulino is bathed in gray dullness. The skies open and it rains. Impossibly hard rain, unlike anything California has ever seen. GULINO Yes! That’s it! That’s fuckin’ it! (beat) Gates! Do you see this? Do you believe it?! TOM (O.S.) Sir? SMASH CUT TO: INT. LIMO - DAY Reality. Gulino snaps out of his daydream and turns to Tom, who leans into the car from outside. TOM Mr. Mayor? Shall we? Gulino opens his door, and steps into harsh sunlight. 22. INT. CITY HALL - MAYOR’S OFFICE - DAY Gulino sits behind his desk, listening as Tom briefs him. TOM People are hurting all over the West. I don’t need to tell you that. Crops beaten down for four years. Food prices are going through the roof. Los Angeles has to share the pain. GULINO Let another city in the state take the fucking hit. This is an election year. TOM Sacramento is already on the phone every day. The governor’s losing patience -- wants to know why we’re not rationing water. GULINO This is a clusterfuck. That’s what it is. TOM Speaking of clusterfucks. Sanchez wants to meet on the dust control thing. Gulino looks pained. GULINO I thought that was fuckin’ settled. TOM So did I. But our man got an e-mail from him last night. GULINO An e-mail? What the fuck are they using e-mail for? I don’t want any kind of trail on this. Especially not an electronic one. (beat) I’m trying to quench the thirst of the second largest city in America and some bureaucratic nobody wants to talk about a fuckin’ fresh water river. Fuck. Tell him to fuckin’ deal with it. 23. TOM Sanchez is one of the few friends we have left at water resources. The Sierra Club is talking about a lawsuit. I hear they’re asking Robert Redford to get on board. GULINO Sundance can suck my dick. He can suck Butch Cassidy’s dick too. Tom breaks into a smile. GULINO Send your man down there. But be discreet. Any other business? Tom shakes his head. Gulino crosses to Tom and pats him on the shoulder. GULINO Best fuckin’ chief of staff a mayor could hope for. The snakes I got in my administration. Self serving pricks all have their eyes on the exit. All looking to save their own skins. (beat) Give me an honest answer. Because I know not one of them will. Am I fucked or am I fucked? TOM I’m not going to lie. It’s been a tough couple of months. Hell, a tough couple of years. GULINO My crowd -- at least what I thought was my crowd -- they worship him. It’s like he’s their own personal Jesus. A fuckin’ messiah who doesn’t believe in God. TOM Is the city going to feel safe in the hands of a kid like Cody Brown? No, Sir. I don’t believe it will. That’s not to say I don’t admire Mr. Brown’s political gifts. But a 30-year-old in charge of this city? No. 24. GULINO Stranger things have happened. TOM Can he get Clinton or Pelosi to stump for him? The party establishment isn’t behind him. They’re behind you. GULINO Maybe the establishment is the problem. TOM The center will hold. It always does. Gulino stares into the bottom of a glass of bourbon. GULINO I used to believe that. Now, I’m not so sure. INT. BURBANK HOLIDAY INN - CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY A male P.A. adjusts the temperature on an air conditioning unit to seventy-eight degrees Fahrenheit. A television crew: three cameramen, a lighting girl, soundman, and a researcher prepare for their interview with Cody Brown. At the center of it all is CHELSEA BOWEN (early 30s) -- the sexy, hotshot, presenter of the “Chelsea Bowen Show” on the local Fox affiliate. Bowen has one of the highest rated news shows in the Southern California market. She’s known not only for her attention to detail, but also her ability to debone her subjects. Chelsea turns to the P.A., who taps on the air conditioning unit with his finger. CHELSEA (to P.A.) You can stop. Doesn’t have to be too hot in here. Hell only has to be unpleasant. 25. INT. BURBANK HOLIDAY INN - SUITE - DAY Cody stands in front of the mirror, now just in a sleeveless tee and slacks. Rachel sits in the corner of the room, scanning her iPad. Elwood relaxes on the bed, shoes off. RACHEL You know we were supposed to be there five minutes ago? Cody slides on a brand new white shirt and fastens the cuffs. CODY It’s all good. Elwood gave me the agenda. I’ll stay on message. I got this. RACHEL Still, there are a few things I want to go over. CODY Sure. No problem. Go right ahead. RACHEL Bowen’s sure to ask you about your age and inexperience. Probably going to be the first thing rolling off her tongue. CODY I’ll just say what I always do. The old and the wise got us into this mess. It’s gonna take some youth to get us out of it. RACHEL No. That’s what you say when you’re taking friendly fire. You need to go into specifics. This is a skilled, intelligent woman. She’s looking for her ratings to explode so she can get her own hourly opinion show on MSNBC. ELWOOD So, she’s a lefty. One of us. RACHEL She might be lining up a gig with Roger Ailes and Fox News for all I know. 26. CODY I dig Maddow. She ever hit us back? ELWOOD Nah. Won’t even return my e-mails. Shit’s cold. RACHEL Forget Maddow. Think about today, think about the next hour. This woman is not our friend. Imagine Couric-Palin. Only Bowen actually loves going for the jugular. (straight at Cody) If we fuck this up, that shit is going to stick. That gets Cody’s attention, but only for a moment. He loops a silk tie around his neck, sucks his lips, adopting an ironic tone. CODY That shit ain’t gonna happen. Not to Cody Brown. This nigga be well read. Mark Twain ‘n shit. You feel me? ELWOOD (smiling) My nigga. Rachel rolls her eyes. INT. BURBANK HOLIDAY INN - CORRIDOR - DAY Jon VD and Manisha are seated outside the conference room. VD is buried deep in his laptop, studying district maps. MANISHA What’s taking them so long? JON VD Go. I can cover for you. MANISHA If I leave now, Rachel will feed me to her snake. JON VD She really has a snake? 27. INT. CEDARS-SINAI MEDICAL CENTER - CHEMOTHERAPY ROOM - DAY Gabe sits in a puffy easy chair, mainlining a chemo drip. His cell phone vibrates. He sees Manisha is calling and answers. GABE You’re not coming, are you? INTERCUT: INT. BURBANK HOLIDAY INN - CORRIDOR - DAY Manisha by a window, talking quietly on her cell phone. MANISHA I’ll make it up to you. I promise. GABE Like you promised you’d pick me up? MANISHA Sorry. I can’t leave. They need me. GABE I understand. MANISHA Let me call you a cab -But he’s already disconnected. MANISHA Shit. INT. BURBANK HOLIDAY INN - CONFERENCE ROOM - LATER Through a camera viewfinder: Pulling into focus on Cody, in the hot seat, drinking a glass of water. He squints as a P.A. spots him with a blinding light. Chelsea takes a seat. Cody slides a transmitter onto his belt. CHELSEA You need someone to help with that? CODY Nah, I got it. 28. But as Cody struggles to thread the mic wire through his suit, he looks a little out of his element. CHELSEA Here. Chelsea reaches over to help him, intentionally exposing the cleavage of her light blouse and giving Cody a good whiff of her perfume. She clips the lava mic onto his lapel. CHELSEA There. All good. Rachel watches all this in a monitor at the back of the room. Elwood approaches as Jon VD and Manisha settle into seats behind them. ELWOOD How we doing? RACHEL We’d been doing a whole lot better if you didn’t feel the need to constantly suck your boss’ dick. ELWOOD (taps his forehead) I’m making sure he’s right up here. Once he’s right in his head, the rest will follow. RACHEL No, the rest will follow if he’s properly prepared. He isn’t, thanks to your horseshit. ELWOOD Fuck this. He’s going to massacre this shit. I don’t even need to watch. Rachel hands him her iPad. RACHEL Here then. Go play Angry Birds. Before Elwood can reply, a cameraman raises his hand. CAMERAMAN Ten seconds! Cody takes one last drink of water as the cameraman counts down with his fingers, then points at Chelsea.
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