CAB Aims To ensure that individuals do not suffer through: • lack of knowledge of their rights and responsibilities • lack of knowledge of the services available to them • an inability to express their needs effectively and • to exercise a responsible influence on the development of social services both locally and nationally. CAB Values The CAB Service: • is committed to a socially just, tolerant and pluralist society • is opposed to all forms of discrimination • is an equal opportunities employer and welcomes the participation of ethnic and religious minorities at all levels of the organisation. Contents Chair’s Report 2 Chief Executive’s Report 3 New Premises 4 Partnerships 5 Policy 10 Social Policy 11 Training 14 Positive Evaluations 16 Awards 19 Network Developments 21 Advocacy & Tribunal Statistics 24 Statistics 26 Accounts 27 Staff & Board Members 31 Associate Members 32 Information System Subscribers 33 With Thanks 34 Bureaux and Outreach Details 37 CAB Annual Report 2005 - 2006 Gaining Ground Page 1 John Devine, OBE, Chair Chair’s Report Last year the whole organisation overwhelmingly opted to change the structure of governance in Citizens Advice. It was a comprehensive statement by the whole of CAB that it recognised the need for reform. Since then the new Trustee Board has worked hard at decision-making and policy development. It has prioritised decision-taking that will underpin the long-term development of Citizens Advice as the principal deliverer of generalist advice across Northern Ireland. The Board has been conscious that this involves giving priority to decision-making with an eye to the long term. In the short-term such decisions can sometimes appear to be unfair. I have been impressed with the willingness of Board members to subsume their bureau and local loyalties to take decisions for the benefit of the whole organisation in the long term. If I have any influence as Chair of the organisation I would encourage management committees to take the long term view as we approach the second phase of our re-structuring. We are about to commit to the re-shaping of our organisation and the realignment of local management committees to take account of the new local authority arrangements in the context of the Review of Public Administration. Also, we are having to adjust to fast-changing relationships within the organisation as funding is increasingly drawn down on a regional level as the contracting for services culture takes root. Deciding what to do offers us no easy options. We need to retain our strong presence in the communities from which we grew and which we serve, while adapting to the emergence of new structures in Local Government, Health and Education. It will require enormous pragmatism and much wisdom to retain the best of what we have and yet change sufficiently to be able to absorb the changes required of us. The move by Government to commission services by contracts rather than by grant aid, requires bids to be made centrally. Thus the traditional tension between the centre and bureaux will have to now be reassessed and harnessed in a different way if we are all to succeed. How else will we be enabled to fulfil our mission statement in this new environment? In order to optimise the chances of a successful bid, the Association has to be sure that the whole organisation can deliver. This year the winning of several major contracts for the whole organisation indicates that funders perceive us to be capable of doing the job. Our new offices in Belfast have given us an asset base and the space and resources for future development. To keep the momentum going we need to continue the process of change so that we can be more prepared for the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. Page 2 CAB Annual Report 2005 - 2006 Gaining Ground Chief Executive’s Report Derek Alcorn, Chief Executive The achievements and developments outlined in this report arguably represent a watershed for the development of advice services in Northern Ireland. The Advice and Information Strategy brought forward by the Department for Social Development is a welcome initiative which has, for the first time, put advice provision into a strategic framework. The advice sector has emerged from 35 years of civil violence as an important part of the social infrastructure in Northern Ireland, with a significant contribution to policies as diverse as Neighbourhood Renewal, the Anti Poverty Strategy, and Inequalities in Health. The provision of impartial and independent advice, free at the point of use, also has a clear contribution to make to civil society as communities move out of conflict and out from under the domination of paramilitary organisations. In this context the ability of the public to access advice and to subsequently remain free of any implied obligation to the organisation which gave it, has an obvious significance. The Advice and Information Strategy will run parallel with the Review of Public Administration, and the once in a generation consolidation of Councils from 26 to 7 will reinforce the rationalisation of the sector required by the DSD’s advice strategy. In short, CAB in Northern Ireland is about to enter upon a new phase of its development and will have to adapt its own structure to the new structures being developed around it. Given the volume of people now seeking to use our services, it is appropriate that we use the opportunity to take advice on how we might develop and add to the models of service delivery which have been developed, and whether there is scope to do things differently and in a way which would help more people to access our advice. Running in the background is a political discourse about the potential role of the voluntary sector in delivering public services. We had anticipated the development of the social economy and have benefited from contracts for the delivery of money advice and social security advice - a move away from the traditional model of grant aid. All of the above present us with substantial challenges and also with substantial opportunities to improve the service to the public while continuing to move forward with service development. Our ability to manage this will be a test of the maturity and skills of the organisation. CAB Annual Report 2005 - 2006 Gaining Ground Page 3 New Regional Office Building, Donegall Pass Gaining Ground - New Premises Seven years of planning, fundraising and hard work came to fruition this year when Citizens Advice took possession of new premises in Donegall Pass. The premises, which incorporate purpose built training facilities, are fully accessible and have substantially increased the space available for training, new technology and projects. In addition they will provide important financial stability to the Association while underpinning the growth and development of CAB’s work in Northern Ireland. The building is an important resource which will support the important range of social interventions which CAB makes across Northern Ireland. In particular, the additional space and facilities will act as a springboard for the future of Citizens Advice in Northern Ireland supporting the developments which are necessary to provide a flexible, modern service to the greatest number of people. CAB’s rights based approach and commitment to social justice across all communities in Northern Ireland have been instrumental in the development of the Association as a central part of the social infrastructure in Northern Ireland, and will continue to drive the future of the organisation. The completion of the building coincided with the publication of an Advice and Information Strategy by the Department for Social Development and represents a maturing of the advice sector at a time when the potential of the voluntary sector to deliver public services has moved very high up the agenda of all political parties. Page 4 CAB Annual Report 2005 - 2006 Gaining Ground Gaining Ground - Partnerships From left to right the staff of East Belfast CAB in their new premises in The Arches Centre: Paul Bready, Sharon Thompson, Rose Henderson, Bill Donaldson, Pat Elliott, Linda Williamson and Gary Massey One stop health shop houses East Belfast CAB An innovative three-way partnership combining services in healthcare, local government and voluntary sector advice provision has seen East Belfast CAB move premises to The Arches Centre a new Community Treatment and Care Centre (CTCC) developed by the South East Belfast Health and Social Services Trust (SEBHSST). The Arches Centre is a purposebuilt facility, one of the first buildings of its kind in the UK, creating a one stop shop to bring together under one roof a wide range of treatment, care and information services into a centre focused within and on the local community. This is a radical innovation which is attracting interest from health authorities across the UK. In developing the concept, partially modelled on service delivery in America, the SEBHSST reached a strategic alliance with Citizens Advice based on CAB’s investment in new technology. The SEBHSST has consolidated its services in three CTCCs across its area of responsibility and each CTCC will therefore have a CAB office to give advice. As part of these developments an electronic kiosk will be placed in The Arches CTCC to give web assisted access to advice and information on a self help basis including access to the Citizens Advice self help website In addition to CAB services, GP surgeries, physiotherapy, chiropody and outpatients clinics are also available. The development reinforces the vital role CAB plays within the community of East Belfast. CAB Annual Report 2005 - 2006 Gaining Ground Page 5 Gaining Ground - Partnerships DETI contracts with Citizens Advice to provide face-to-face debt advice Enterprise Minister, Maria Eagle, discusses the new Debt Advice contract with Derek Alcorn of Citizens Advice In March Citizens Advice was awarded an £800k contract by DETI to provide face to face money advice in Northern Ireland. The contract which will run to March 2008 was awarded by public tender and provides for some 12 full time money advice workers and a central research and development post in Citizens Advice. The contract has been commissioned at a time when interest rates are at a 40 year low, and personal debt in the UK is at a historic high of over £1 trillion. CAB welcomes the precedent set by putting this work out for open competition by public tender and we see this as part of the developing social economy in Northern Ireland. The contract is a shift away from the traditional grant aid model and comes at a time when interest rates are rising across the world economy. It also coincides with UK banks reporting record levels of both profits and bad debt, indicating a continuing problem of irresponsible lending. We anticipate that the project will enable both Citizens Advice and DETI to begin to identify the structure and profile of debt in Northern Ireland and therefore the structure and profile of lending. Page 6 CAB Annual Report 2005 - 2006 Gaining Ground Gaining Ground - Partnerships Citizens Advice awarded SSA Benefit Take up Contracts Eimear Barbour, Adviser, Shankill CAB advising a client as part of the Benefit Uptake Project run in partnership with the SSA Citizens Advice has been awarded three out of the four contracts tendered by open competition from the Social Security Agency (SSA). The aim of these contracts is to maximise benefit take up in Northern Ireland. The SSA will be writing to 17,000 customers under the categories of: Pensioners over 75, Disability and Carers and Women. The letters will invite SSA customers to contact CAB for an assessment of what additional benefits they may be entitled to. All customers who contact CAB will receive a full benefit assessment from a CAB adviser including information on the Government’s Warm Homes Scheme and entitlement to Housing Benefit. The SSA’s welcome initiative has its origins in the direct interest of the DSD Minister David Hanson in maximising benefit take up. Its engagement with the voluntary advice sector via contracts to take this work forward, introduces the mixed economy of provision which CAB has been advocating for some years. This will combine intelligent use of the SSA’s own databases with the skills and knowledge which the advice sector can bring to the table in dealing with socially vulnerable people. Partnership with NIAMH on Mental Health Issues Following the launch of the Citizens Advice evidence report “Advice in Mind” highlighting the issues faced by clients with mental health problems a key partnership between the Northern Ireland Association for Mental Health (NIAMH) and Citizens Advice has been created. The project will improve access to information and advice services for people with mental health problems across Northern Ireland by providing advice, advocacy and support services in Beacon House Centres and in local CAB offices. Advice will be delivered on a wide range of key topics including housing, debt, employment, consumer, benefits and immigration while having a unique focus on the information and advocacy needs of people suffering from mental illness. CAB Annual Report 2005 - 2006 Gaining Ground Page 7 Gaining Ground - Partnerships NMW Project Contract Renewal Citizens Advice has successfully tendered for a 3 year extension to the National Minimum Wage Helpline project, funded by the Department of Trade and Industry in London. Mike O’Donnell, NMW Senior Policy Adviser for DTI, Diane Wilson, NMW Project Manager, Citizens Advice and Derek Alcorn, Chief Executive, Citizens Advice signing the contract for the extension of the NMW Helpline Project. In 2005 the Low Pay Commission ordered an independent evaluation of all the minimum wage projects running in the UK. Following this evaluation it was decided to close the other projects in the UK but that a service should still be operated within Northern Ireland. The new contract will be funded directly by the DTI and will run from July 2006 to June 2009. Since 2001, the NMW Project has passed over 550 suspected complaints of noncompliance to the HMRC for investigation and assisted the compliance team in identifying nearly £2million of arrears for low paid workers in Northern Ireland. On hearing that Citizens Advice had been awarded the contract to provide a National Minimum Wage Helpline for Northern Ireland through to 2009, Guy Hooper, the Head of Operations for the NMW enforcement teams said, “Following the success of Citizens Advice in the recent competition to run the Northern Ireland Helpline, we look forward to continuing our successful partnership in providing advice and assistance to low paid workers throughout Northern Ireland.” Over the next 3 years the project team’s priority will be to educate the many small business employers in Northern Ireland and to ensure that young workers are aware of their entitlement to the minimum wage. The National Minimum Wage Helpline is open Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm, 0845 6500 207. Page 8 CAB Annual Report 2005 - 2006 Gaining Ground Gaining Ground - Partnerships Money Wise Building on its innovative work on financial literacy for young people, Citizens Advice has secured funding for a two year project called Money Wise which will develop and deliver an accredited financial capability course for marginalised young people aged 14-25 from across Belfast who are outside the mainstream education system. The programme will be delivered in partnership with a range of organisations and the young people themselves will have a key role in advising on course content and materials. They will therefore be able to take direct action to improve their own life situation while also educating their peers. This approach will provide both a proactive and preventative approach to supporting young people to develop this essential life skill. Completion of the course will provide young people with increased financial awareness and skills in financial understanding, competence and responsibility as well as providing a formal qualification. The project has been funded by the Young Education Social Inclusion Partnership (YESIP). The project will complement the award winning Money Talks project in schools which Citizens Advice has pioneered with the Northern Bank since 2003. Money Talks is also continuing to expand with several new developments in the pipeline. CAB Annual Report 2005 - 2006 Gaining Ground Page 9 Gaining Ground - Policy Advice and Information Strategy Mick McAtavey, Belfast Group of CAB, David Hanson, Minister for Social Development, Kate Purvis and John Fairfield, Lower North Belfast Community Advice Centre and Patricia McGrath, Belfast Group of CAB The publication of the DSD Advice and Information strategy for Northern Ireland represents an enormous achievement for the advice sector. For the first time ever Government will have to define what outcomes it wants for the money which it is spending on advice, within a strategic framework which takes account of social need, population patterns and its own role as a funder. The strategy is principally concerned with the funding of local generalist advice provision, and broadly the deal on offer is enhanced funding for some rationalisation. This will dovetail in with the Review of Public Administration which aims to reduce the number of District Councils from 26 to 7 by 2009. The advice sector is therefore going to be reshaped over the next 3 to 5 years, as new Councils emerge. Since Councils are the source of core funding to local CAB offices in Northern Ireland, the Association has sought to mitigate the risks associated with the transition by planning a change management process. The Advice and Information Strategy also needs to be taken in the context of the Government funding database, designed to prevent duplication of funding and a more streamlined approach between Government and significant funders such as the Big Lottery. DSD’s declared strategy is to draw in funding streams from other Government departments, and inevitably other key agencies such as the Legal Services Commission will also co-ordinate their funding in to the framework which has been created. Against a lot of odds the advice sector has emerged as a potential key partner in the delivery of public services, a role increasingly emphasised by politicians of all political parties. Part of the reason for this, is the particular business model of the sector with its emphasis on face to face advice for socially vulnerable people and the ability to deliver holistic advice, underpinned by a commitment to social justice. In many ways, having lost aspects of this in the public service, the Government seems to be preparing to buy it in. The challenge for Citizens Advice is to make the necessary internal changes in our structures and procedures, which will in turn enable the organisation to meet the external changes which are fast approaching. Page 10 CAB Annual Report 2005 - 2006 Gaining Ground Gaining Ground - Social Policy Citizens Advice gives evidence at Westminster and calls for an independent right of appeal on tax credit decisions. Andrea Bedell, Ballymena CAB with Siobhán Harding, Citizens Advice at the House of Commons to give evidence on the administration of the tax credits system Problems with tax credits have been well established in the public domain, the failure of IT systems, the merger of Inland Revenue and Customs to form HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), and a public apology by Tony Blair in 2005 which coincided with a report from the Parliamentary Ombudsman. In evidence to the Public Accounts Committee early in 2006 Citizens Advice highlighted the problems with overpayments and the effect of these on clients. In particular we called for the process of challenging overpayments to be made easier and an independent right of appeal to be introduced. We also drew attention to the removal of the customer services facility from Northern Ireland to England with the consequent removal of valuable contacts. A client of Ballymena CAB received a notice that she had been overpaid tax credits of £2,000, although she had always provided full information on changes of circumstances to the Tax Credit Office. Action by the bureau established that a computer error had caused an incorrect calculation which made it appear that the client had received twice the amount of Working Tax Credit she had actually received. Recovery was suspended while HMRC investigated the case and a complaint was lodged by the bureau because of the length of time this took. Eventually the client received £50 compensation. Without CAB a single parent with one child would have repaid £2,000 she didn’t owe. The evidence to the Committee and the significant Government response to the difficulties with tax credits is a good example of CAB’s social policy work in action – taking the experiences of clients, placing them in an appropriate policy context and bringing them to the attention of policy makers. Presented in this way, the actual experiences of the public are a persuasive influence on politicians and policy makers alike and CAB evidence is increasingly valued as a source of information on how effectively policies are being delivered. CAB Annual Report 2005 - 2006 Gaining Ground Page 11 Gaining Ground - Social Policy Report Highlights Mental Health Barriers With one in six of the Northern Ireland population suffering from some form of mental illness and more clients presenting to Citizens Advice with mental health problems, Citizens Advice undertook an analysis of the barriers faced by these clients in their interactions with various systems such as the benefits system and in the financial sector. Attending the launch of Advice in Mind are from left to right: Carmel Hanna, SDLP, Joan Davies, Banbridge CAB, Derek Alcorn, Citizens Advice, Angela Welch, Coleraine CAB, Mick McAtavey, Belfast Group of CABx An East Belfast client who is suicidal and sees his CPN weekly came into the bureau for help completing Incapacity Benefit and DLA forms. It was impossible for this client to fill in the blank mental health section on his own, and without prompting and assistance to describe his problems, he would have described his problems in such a way that he would have been refused benefit. The “Advice in Mind” report highlighted the very real and sometimes damaging effects of their experiences on the mental health condition of clients. The report surveyed 360 clients and showed that 86% needed advice from CAB on social security benefits and 32% needed advice with debt problems (many clients had more than one issue). The findings also showed the complexity of the benefits system in particular the application forms for benefit many of which are geared for physical disability rather than mental health problems. The findings also show depression and debt linked in a vicious cycle with the pressure of debts often making the client’s mental health problems worse. Speaking at the launch of the report Professor Alan Ferguson, Chief Executive of the Northern Ireland Association for Mental Health (NIAMH) said; “The publication of “Advice in Mind” is both important and timely. The Bamford Review on Mental Health and Learning Disability in Northern Ireland makes it clear that mental health and mental health problems are not the sole responsibility of our mental health services. A cross-sectoral approach is necessary involving all Government departments and agencies. CAB is to be applauded on this initiative.” Citizens Advice is calling for long-term sustainable funding for mental health projects within the CAB network. Page 12 CAB Annual Report 2005 - 2006 Gaining Ground Gaining Ground - Social Policy Meeting the Local Politicians Reg Empey, UUP with Siobhán Harding, Citizens Advice Lucy Cochrane, Citizens Advice with David Ford, Alliance Party Mark Durkan, SDLP with Lucy Cochrane, Citizens Advice Ian Paisley Junior, DUP with Lucy Cochrane, Citizens Advice Representatives from Citizens Advice have attended all the major party political conferences to inform local politicians about the work of Citizens Advice and to lobby about the issues facing clients in Northern Ireland. Citizens Advice works closely with politicians throughout the year. Some 70 Councillors from all political parties are involved in our 22 local management committees across Northern Ireland. Members of Parliament also show a close interest in and support for the work of Citizens Advice at both local and regional level, raising issues of concern with Ministers and in Parliament as necessary. CAB Annual Report 2005 - 2006 Gaining Ground Page 13 Gaining Ground - Training CAB training now a route to third level education CAB’s Adviser Training Programme (ATP) has now been recognised by the University of Staffordshire, and has been added to the University’s Faculty Standards List. This means that holders of an accredited ATP will be granted 60 exemption credits, equal to four modules of learning (a student on a full-time degree course takes eight modules of learning per year, which illustrates the significant level of the exemption). The exemption can be used towards any of the following qualifications from the University of Staffordshire: • Certificate of Higher Education (Advice Studies) • Diploma in Advice Studies • BA (Hons) in Advice Studies CAB’s ATP has thus become a route into third level education. The accreditation process gained additional enhancement when the University also awarded 15 credits at diploma level for the Social Security Advocacy programme, and a module entitled Certificate of Credit in Social Security Advocacy will be available from September 2006. Mr Mark Savage, Senior Lecturer in Advice Studies at Staffordshire University said; “The course met the accreditation requirements of the University and therefore is now an accredited diploma level module worth 15 University CAT credits. The successful accreditation is due largely to the logical presentation of material and quality of the learning and teaching experience. The University is looking forward to being an active partner and will be involved in ensuring the quality assurance aspects of the module.” The BA (Hons) in Advice Studies is a fully electronic distance learning award and further details can be found at A CAB adviser can now enter the organisation and progress by virtue of the programme to third level education. Since its inception in 1996 the accredited ATP course has been delivered over sixty times and approximately one thousand participants have completed the programme. Evaluation demonstrates that the programme has been a positive learning experience for participants, and its successful candidates now consider themselves as life-long learners, with clearly identifiable progression routes. “When I came to volunteer at CAB…I had been out of work due to illness for a number of years. My own personal circumstances had left me very depressed with low self-esteem and I felt returning to work would be a terrible ordeal…. the course.. has given me my self-confidence back. Previously I had trained as Page 14 CAB Annual Report 2005 - 2006 Gaining Ground Gaining Ground - Training Meeting to agree Staffordshire University accreditation and progression links are from left to right: Barry McVeigh, Specialist Support Officer, Derek Alcorn, Chief Executive, Genevieve Murphy, Training Officer and Mark Savage, Senior Lecturer in Advice Studies, Staffordshire University an RGN and had not worked for some years and didn’t have the confidence to complete the return to practice course for nurses. I am now pleased to say I am returning to nursing at the beginning of March 06 with thanks to CAB and the training course.” Volunteer, Armagh As graduates from the programme progress, they very often find their way to paid employment in other organisations. The level of knowledge and skills they display has reflected favourably on the training they have received. Increasingly, the ATP, or an equivalent, is being cited on job advertisements as essential or desirable. “After my law degree I applied to a ..UK commercial law firm. I was hoping to get a placement…but was at a disadvantage because I had no paralegal experience. To address this at interview I used my CAB training experience. This was recognised by the panel and I was offered a vacation placement on the basis of my CAB experience.” Volunteer, Central Belfast “I have a better all round benefits knowledge after my ATP than ever before and that’s a compliment as I worked in the SSA for almost 15 years!! Maybe Civil Service Chiefs should sit in on the training and see the experts at work.” Staff, Newry CAB Annual Report 2005 - 2006 Gaining Ground Page 15 Gaining Ground - Positive Evaluations New Technology During the year PA Consulting undertook an evaluation of our IT work reporting positively that: “Citizens Advice continues to be well placed to influence and respond to the emergent strategy to further professionalise the advice and information sector” and that we had been; “effective in driving advice queries through other channels, such as the website and email.” The report also found that we had met all the formal objectives linked to our E.U. funding and that this had been administered with economy, efficiency and effectiveness. Advice 4 Health An evaluation of “Advice 4 Health” found that the project dealt with 8,500 enquiries and secured an additional benefit entitlement take-up of nearly £3/4 million in 2005/06. The project was developed as a new pilot project for one year by Citizens Advice and health and social care professionals and funded by the Northern Investing for Health Partnership. CAB employed four advisers to provide a range of advice and advocacy services to the public in a range of health settings in the Northern Health and Social Services Board region. The result was a wide, strong and diverse partnership between seven Citizens Advice Bureaux, three Health Trusts, four Local Health and Social Care Groups, the Northern Neighbourhoods Health Action Zone and the Northern Investing for Health Partnership. The four advisers work closely with social workers and health and social care professionals in a range of health settings including hospitals and GP surgeries. The evaluation report concluded that Advice 4 Health resulted in; “A more proactive and holistic approach to meeting the needs of difficult to reach groups and individuals including those who are isolated, the elderly, ill and disabled. This has included innovative approaches that have successfully overcome barriers to reaching these groups, enabling resources to be targeted where they are most needed and to make a substantial contribution to maximising benefits for those concerned, alleviating debt, and ensuring a more comprehensive and timely approach to addressing their immediate and wider needs.” The success of the project has been recognised by the Northern Investing for Health Partnership which has agreed to continue to fund the project for a further year until March 2007. Page 16 CAB Annual Report 2005 - 2006 Gaining Ground Gaining Ground - Positive Evaluations Dave Murphy, Citizens Advice, Tom Daly, Comhairle, Josette Cuthbert, Comhairle, Seamus Brennan TD, Minister for Social and Family Affairs, Leonie Lunny, Comhairle and Liam Murtagh, Borderwise Borderwise – Cross-Border Advice and Information Project Borderwise, the cross-border advice and information project developed in partnership by Citizens Advice and Comhairle in the Republic of Ireland was also externally evaluated in 2006 following the completion of two years delivery of the project. The project was funded by the Community Foundation for Northern Ireland under the ‘Developing Cross-Border Reconciliation and Understanding’ measure of the EU Peace II funding programme. The innovative nature of the project saw the deployment of the first advice workers in Ireland to be trained in both jurisdictions, the use of the internet to make information databases available across both jurisdictions, and the use of a common electronic case management system deployed on both sides of the border. In short our work in this area with Comhairle over 10 years has laid down the architecture for an all island advice service. Borderwise deployed three specialist cross-border advice and information workers who worked in both local Citizens Advice Bureaux in Northern Ireland and Citizen Information Centres in the Southern border counties. The project organised cross-border peace and reconciliation training for information and advice providers and other key activities included the production of cross-border information booklets, the recruitment and training of additional volunteers in border region Citizens Advice Bureaux and Citizens Information Centres and the development of IT systems including a web-site for the project The project dealt with almost 8,000 enquiries from the public over the past two years and the evaluation report commented that; “The development of Borderwise has also provided a unique opportunity for cross-border co-operation that has led to a harmonisation of advice and information services to the mutual benefit of individuals, groups and organisations on both sides of the border.” CAB Annual Report 2005 - 2006 Gaining Ground Page 17 Gaining Ground - Positive Evaluations Heart of the Matter – Volunteers Event During early 2006 Citizens Advice commissioned an independent action research survey to find out more about what volunteers thought of their experience of volunteering for the CAB. The survey also provided the opportunity to gain a better overview of the profile of our volunteers, to obtain information which would inform recruitment and retention strategies and to develop more effective volunteering policies and procedures. The research, undertaken by the Volunteer Development Agency, found that our volunteers were very dedicated and committed to the work of CAB and that their satisfaction levels were generally high. The report of the survey “The Heart of the Matter” concluded: “That the majority of volunteers’ views and experiences of volunteering with CAB are very positive”. At the launch of “The Heart of the Matter” during Volunteers Week 2006 are Dave Murphy, Citizens Advice, Sandra Adair, Volunteer Development Agency and Kelly Collins, Citizens Advice The report also highlighted the need for effective volunteer management practices to be applied consistently across the whole organisation and made a series of recommendations to assist Citizens Advice with this process. Page 18 CAB Annual Report 2005 - 2006 Gaining Ground Gaining Ground - Awards Best On-Line Customer Services Attending the e-commerce awards for 2005 are from left to right: Gerry Staple, Biznet, Robin and Tim Fergusson, Chemical Treatment Services, John Napier, Citizens Advice and Geoff Winter, Biznet The Advicedirect website developed by Citizens Advice, Northern Ireland won the Northern Ireland category for Best On-line Customer Services at the National E-commerce awards held in London. The website provides a range of services to customers of Citizens Advice Services including training, consultancy and publications as well as access to Advicefinder the organisation’s electronic information system and CARMA the organisation’s electronic case management system. Citizens Advice was one of only five local companies to compete for the National Award. Top Award for Adviceguide Adviceguide the self-service website developed collaboratively by Citizens Advice in England & Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland won an award in the voluntary sector and intermediary section of the national e-government excellence awards in January 2006. The website which provides information and advice across a wide range of topics from employment, housing and benefits to debt and legal advice has been a huge success and has now been recognised publicly with this prestigious award. In the last year the site has seen over 4 million visits an 83% yearon-year increase. This is over three times the target set for the site and a fitting indicator of the success of the site. CAB Annual Report 2005 - 2006 Gaining Ground Page 19 Gaining Ground - Awards Minister Angela Smith presenting Una Buchanan, Citizens Advice with the Investors in People award at Hillsborough Castle Investing in People Citizens Advice Northern Ireland received formal recognition of the quality of services and high level of staff commitment at an event in Hillsborough Castle where the organisation was presented with Investor in People status. The report stated: “Citizens Advice is a progressive and innovative organisation that values and develops its staff as its key resource in meeting its objectives. The organisation clearly meets the requirements of the Investors in People Standard. It is recommended, therefore, that Citizens Advice is recognised as an Investor in People.” Page 20 CAB Annual Report 2005 - 2006 Gaining Ground Gaining Ground - Network Developments Mergers and consolidation The consolidation of the advice sector continued in 2006 with the merger of Bangor and Holywood management committees to form North Down CAB. Against a backdrop of the Review of Public Administration, mergers and consolidation are being encouraged by the Citizens Advice Trustee Board which has stated in principle that it would like the same number of management committees as proposed new Councils – currently seven. Attending an event to mark the merger of Bangor and Holywood CABx to form North Down CAB are from left to right: Bill Keery, Chair, North Down CAB, Claudia Gaw, Board Member, North Down CAB, Councillor Alan Leslie, Mayor of North Down, Oonaugh Harris, Manager, North Down CAB and Derek Alcorn, Chief Executive, Citizens Advice In Belfast merger discussions are underway between the Belfast Group of CABx and Suffolk and Andersonstown CAB. Ribbon cut for Ards CAB Attending the official opening of the new premises for Ards CAB are from left to right: John Arrigan, Treasurer Portlaoise CIC, Oliver Phelan, Manager Portalaoise CIC, Linda Higginson, Manager Ards CAB, George Mawhinney, Chairman Ards CAB, Terry Williams, Mayor of Ards and Leonard Bartlett, Deputy Manager, Ards CAB (Picture courtesy of Newtownards Chronicle) Ards CAB has moved to new premises at 75 West Street, Newtownards. The new location is much more accessible to clients as it is convenient to the local bus station, Housing Executive Office, Health Centre, Social Security Office and the Community Hospital. CAB Annual Report 2005 - 2006 Gaining Ground Page 21 Gaining Ground - Network Developments Domestic Abuse One Stop Shop Partnership Oonaugh Harris, Manager Bangor CAB, Josie Shields, North Down and Ards Women’s Aid, Constable Mary Penton, PSNI March 2006 saw the launch of a Domestic Abuse One Stop Shop in North Down CAB. In partnership with North Down and Ards Women’s Aid and the local PSNI the bureau launched the project to ensure that victims of domestic abuse get the help they need. Page 22 CAB Annual Report 2005 - 2006 Gaining Ground l ti I t Ad i f Citi b i W Craigavon CAB took part in a research study in partnership with Queens University Belfast, which looked at whether a reduction in poverty among patients aged 70 and over would lead to an improvement in health. During the study more than 1,300 patients from GP practices were screened in the Craigavon area to ascertain their entitlement to benefits not already in payment. Their health status was measured at a baseline and at 6 and 9 month intervals. The study was replicated in other rural areas and a number of bureaux participated. Patients who fell into the intervention group were given assistance to apply for benefits while those who fell into the control group were offered advice and signposting only. The findings from the study have yet to be analysed and written up but should be of interest to policy makers throughout the UK and abroad. The findings will be reported in journals of international standing and presented at local, national and international meetings. M ti Mena Hughes, Outreach Adviser, Craigavon CAB who worked on the Enrich project Craigavon District CAB involved in Enrich Study Gaining Ground - Network Developments Reaching out to local communities Citizens Advice has responded to the increase in migrant workers and the growing cultural diversity in Northern Ireland by working with a range of other agencies to respond to the needs of minority ethnic communities, for example, the Rural Community Network, the Housing Executive and Health Trusts. Antrim CAB together with the Community Safety Partnership and the PSNI supports a group called AWARE (Antrim Welcomes and Advocates Racial Equality). AWARE aims to raise public awareness of issues relating to racism, integration and inclusion of ethnic minorities through education and to raise awareness among migrant workers and ethnic communities of the information, resources and help available. Banbridge CAB is involved with the Community Relations Team of their local council and other local community and public sector organisations to assess interest in developing a more regular forum for EU nationals. Coleraine CAB is involved in a minority ethnic group along with the Borough Council and the Community Resource Centre. Fermanagh CAB is part of a minority ethnic support group led by the Community Relations Council and is developing an information guide for minority ethnic groups and migrant workers. Carrickfergus CAB is also in the process of setting up a group to encourage people from minority ethnic groups to feel part of the local community. Meeting in Warsaw are members of Citizens Advice International, Back Row from left to right: Hynek Kalvoda, Czech Republic, Derek Alcorn, Citizens Advice, Northern Ireland, Andrew Crook, European Citizens Action Service. Front Row from left to right: Lja Ostrowaska (Poland), Noirin Farren, Citizens Information Centres, Ireland, Pili Rodriguez, Gibraltar and Dorian Filote, Romania Clients of CAB have also got involved in this process by offering their expertise to bureaux. Polish clients of North Down CAB provide the bureau with interpretation and translation facilities so that the service can be more accessible to the growing Polish population in the area. An interesting partnership between Antrim CAB and a local business, SAM Mouldings, has allowed the use of a Polish worker from the business in the bureau for two hours every week. Ewa Szmit offers an interpretation service for the growing number of Polish and other European workers in the Borough. SAM Mouldings are treating this as work time and pay Ewa for her time in bureau. Ewa’s input to the work of the bureau has been invaluable and the Association congratulates SAM Mouldings on the company’s vision. At a European level, Citizens Advice International has been developed to provide links and practical support to the many new EU member states which have shown an interest in the development of advice services. More information about Citizens Advice International is available from CAB Annual Report 2005 - 2006 Gaining Ground Page 23 Gaining Ground Advocacy and Tribunal Statistics The CAB network remains the largest single source of help for social security appellants in Northern Ireland. Representation at appeal tribunals for appellants is provided by local CAB offices while a specialist consultancy service, training and legal appeals to Social Security Commissioners is provided by the Specialist Support Officer at Citizens Advice Regional Office. Appeal Tribunals Table 1 below illustrates that in the 12 months to December 2005 a total of 10,412 social security related appeal tribunals and disability related appeal tribunals were heard in Northern Ireland. The importance of independent representation for the public is shown by the fact that of the 6788 cases presented without representation, 1225 or 18% were successful and 5563 or 82% were unsuccessful. Of the 3624 cases presented with representation 1769 or 49% were successful and 1855 or 51% were unsuccessful. Independent representation therefore broadly lifts the chances of a successful appeal by a member of the public from 1 in 5 to 1 in 2. Table 1 Appeal Tribunals in 12 months to December 2005 Successful Unsuccessful Sub Total Presented with Representation 1,769 (49%) 1,855 (51%) 3,624 Presented without Representation 1,225 (18%) 5,563 (82%) 6,788 Grand Total 10,412 Source: The Appeals Service (NI) Page 24 (Analysis by Citizens Advice) CAB Annual Report 2005 - 2006 Gaining Ground Gaining Ground Advocacy and Tribunal Statistics The figures in Table 2 below show that in 2005 CAB provided representation in 1,017 appeals. 37% of disability related appeals and 56% of social security related appeals were successful. Table 2 Appeal Tribunals represented by CAB in 12 months to December 2005 Successful Unsuccessful Sub Total Disability Related Appeal 243 (37%) 423 (63%) 666 Social Security Related Appeals 196 (56%) 155 (44%) 351 Grand Total 1,017 Complaints Procedure for Appeal Tribunals In 2004 Citizens Advice lodged a formal complaint with the Lord Chancellor’s Office in respect of the refusal of the President of the Appeals Service to provide a written copy of the complaints procedure for appellants. In a second stage review of the complaint it emerged that the Northern Ireland Court Service had had a draft written judicial complaints procedure since December 2000 which it was using as a de facto complaints procedure but which it had never published. While our complaint was still being considered, this document was posted on the NI Court Service website in June 2005 without any publicity. The Lord Chancellor’s Office did not uphold our complaint and his Department’s handling of the complaint has been referred to the Parliamentary and Health Ombudsman. From April 2006, responsibility for judicial complaints in Northern Ireland passed to the Lord Chief Justice, and after consultation, a revised judicial complaints procedure was posted on the website. The need for a Legal Ombudsman for Northern Ireland is one of the policy issues to emerge from the complaint. CAB Annual Report 2005 - 2006 Gaining Ground Page 25 Gaining Ground - Statistics During 2005-2006 Citizens Advice saw an increase of over 31,000 enquiries to 251,907 an increase of 14% on the previous year. Once again more than half (54%) of all enquiries are benefit related. A growing area of enquiry to CAB is debt which accounts for over 46,000 queries across all the different types of debt including benefits, housing and the most common consumer debts. The debt statistics show a significant increase of almost 61% on the previous year. Citizens Advice Benefit Statistics 2005-2006 Citizens Advice Statistics 2005-2006 Page 26 CAB Annual Report 2005 - 2006 Gaining Ground Gaining Ground - Accounts The summarised financial statements below are not the statutory financial statements but a summary of information relating to both the Statement of Financial Activities and the Balance Sheet. Our statutory accounts that were approved on 20 July 2006 have been audited and a copy of the full accounts can be obtained from NIACAB, 46 Donegall Pass, Belfast. The report of the auditors did not contain a qualified opinion or an emphasis of matter paragraph. On behalf of the Board of Trustees Northern Ireland Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux Ltd COMPANY LIMITED BY GUARANTEE Statement of financial activities Year Ended 31 March 2006 Designated Funds Unrestricted Funds Restricted Funds Total Funds 2006 Total Funds 2005 Note £ £ £ £ £ Voluntary income 2 - 476,416 - 476,416 476,858 Incoming resources from charitable activities 3 - 29,400 905,017 934,417 733,655 Interest receivable - 11,381 - 11,381 10,459 Total incoming resources - 517,197 905,017 1,422,214 1,220,972 Incoming resources Incoming resources from generated funds Resources expended Charitable activities 5 - 452,565 771,701 1,224,266 912,449 Governance costs 5 - 19,776 - 19,776 15,430 Total resources expended - 472,341 771,701 1,244,042 927,879 Net incoming/(outgoing) resources before transfers - 44,856 133,316 178,172 293,093 Transfer between funds 341,417 (14,192) (327,225) - - Net incoming/(outgoing) resources for the year 341,417 30,664 (193,909) 178,172 293,093 Balances brought forward 75,000 375,638 356,311 806,949 513,854 Balances carried forward 416,417 406,302 162,402 985,121 806,949 The charity has no recognised gains or losses other than the results for the year as set out above. All of the activities of the charity are classed as continuing. CAB Annual Report 2005 - 2006 Gaining Ground Page 27 Gaining Ground - Accounts Northern Ireland Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux Ltd COMPANY LIMITED BY GUARANTEE Balance Sheet Year Ended 31 March 2006 2006 2006 2005 £ £ £ 1,013,558 440,150 Fixed Assets Tangible assets Current Assets Debtors 481,265 275,191 Cash at bank 136,489 415,840 617,254 691,031 (546,191) (224,232) Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year 71,563 466,799 Total assets less current liabilities 1,085,121 906,949 Creditors: Amounts falling due after more than one year (100,000) (100,000) 985,121 806,949 Designated Funds 416,417 75,000 Other Charitable Funds 406,302 375,638 Restricted 162,402 356,311 TOTAL FUNDS 985,121 806,949 Net current assets Net assets Funds Unrestricted: Page 28 CAB Annual Report 2005 - 2006 Gaining Ground Gaining Ground - Accounts Northern Ireland Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux Ltd COMPANY LIMITED BY GUARANTEE Notes to the financial statements Year Ended 31 March 2006 Unrestricted Funds Restricted Funds Total Funds 2006 Total Funds 2005 £ £ £ £ 64,254 - 64,254 75,000 412,162 - 412,162 401,858 476,416 - 476,416 476,858 Unrestricted Funds Restricted Funds Total Funds 2006 Total Funds 2005 £ £ £ £ The Big Lottery Fund - 37,029 37,209 35,431 Atlantic Philanthropies - 67,500 67,500 - Department of Social Development IT Grant - 69,986 69,986 73,747 Premises Funding - 198,195 198,195 - Advice Guide - 1,040 1,040 - Inland Revenue - 5,000 5,000 2,000 Northern Bank - - - 14,000 CFNI - Borderwise - 186,271 186,271 124,802 RNID - - - 37 Northern Investing for Health Partnership - - - 119,703 Community Housing Advice Project - 582 582 490 SSA - Welfare Reform Project - 131,401 131,401 130,867 DETI - Money Advice Project - 208,013 208,013 70,563 Ulster Garden Villages - grant for premises - - - 100,000 TBF Foundation - funding for premises - - - 5,000 Charitable appeal for premises - - - 4,030 29,400 - 29,400 52,985 29,400 905,017 934,417 733,655 2. Voluntary income Gift Aid from CAS Department of Social Development 3. Incoming resources from charitable activities Other income for charitable activities CAB Annual Report 2005 - 2006 Gaining Ground Page 29 Gaining Ground - Accounts NORTHERN IRELAND ASSOCIATION OF CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAUX LTD COMPANY LIMITED BY GUARANTEE Notes to the financial statements Year ended 31 March 2006 5. Resources expended Advice & Information Information Technology Governance Training Total 2006 Total 2005 £ £ £ £ £ £ 413,529 7,000 34,650 - 455,179 290,648 13,496 - 1,912 - 15,408 14,673 1,548 - - - 1,548 - Training and conferences 32,585 - - - 32,585 9,562 Advertising and recruitment Direct Costs Staff Costs Travel and subsistence Volunteer costs 29,402 - - - 29,402 3,910 Direct office costs 5,756 - - - 5,756 10,850 Information Technology 6,548 - 26,415 - 32,963 38,819 Consultancy, legal and professional fees 23,135 - 8,049 - 31,184 60,647 Citizens Advice Bureau costs 93,976 - - - 93,976 6,269 Depreciation 14,203 - - - 14,203 13,194 Audit fees - - - 4,364 4,364 3,649 Board meetings & AGM costs - - - 6,858 6,858 7,429 Project management 41,371 - - - 41,371 17,066 675,549 7,000 71,026 11,222 764,797 476,718 Staff Costs 290,648 28,764 20,644 5,201 345,257 318,204 Premises 35,888 2,097 10,438 - 48,424 44,736 Communications 12,063 778 1,946 - 14,787 13,238 General Office Costs 8,212 6,526 1,743 - 16,481 20,310 Meetings and conferences 6,826 - - - 6,826 1,760 Advertising and recruitment 4,746 - - - 4,746 3,847 Subscriptions 2,641 - - - 2,641 1,426 Travel and subsistence 5,530 357 892 463 7,242 4,921 - - - 2,890 2,890 4,037 Training 5,043 10,692 315 - 16,050 14,540 Depreciation 4,458 288 719 - 5,465 4,003 Support Costs Legal and professional fees Computer support costs 1,666 39 557 - 2,262 437 General expenses 2,176 140 3,227 - 5,544 7,714 630 - - - 630 492 Bank charges Mortgage 7,642 Information checking 4,394 380,527 Page 30 49,682 40,482 8,554 479,245 451,161 CAB Annual Report 2005 - 2006 Gaining Ground Staff & Board Members Staff (31 March 2006) Derek Alcorn Dara Toal Chief Executive PA to the Chief Executive Una Buchanan Judith Harrison Donna Clarke Andrew Murphy Des Dickson Director of Finance & Administration Administrator Secretary Secretary Secretary Vacant Lucy Cochrane Siobhán Harding Diane Wilson Don McColl Mark Gourley Director of Information Services Information & Policy Officer Information & Policy Officer NMW Information Supervisor Information Technology Officer Information Technology Officer David Murphy Genevieve Murphy Kelly Collins Lizanne Frawley Barry McVeigh Scott Kennerley Director of Development Training Officer Community Support Worker Community Advice Trainer Specialist Support Officer (Advocacy) Research, Training and Development Officer (Money Advice) Trustee Board Members (31 March 2006) Chair John Devine Vice-Chair Mary McPartland Treasurer Brian Compston Board Members Billy Snoddy Alan Holt Cliff Radcliffe Nora Winder Lynd Roper Dan Christie Sam McPherson Matt Durkin Chris Edge Chairs of Sub-Committees Finance Brian Compston Development Cliff Radcliffe Information Services Lynd Roper Observer Keith Stanyer Chair of Managers’ Group CAB Annual Report 2005 - 2006 Gaining Ground Page 31 Associate Members 3rd Battlion The Royal Irish Regiment Age Concern Alzheimers Society Antrim Credit Union Ark Housing Arthritis Care Assembly Library Barnardos Belfast Carers Centre BiH Housing Association British Deaf Association Bryson House Bytes Project Children’s Law Centre Chinese Welfare Association Choice Housing Association Christian Guidelines Community Development & Health Network Cookstown & Dungannon Womens Aid Council for the Homeless Crudden Dolan & Co. Accountants Derry Credit Union Ltd DETI Library Dry Arch Centre (for families) East Antrim DUP East Belfast Independent Advice Centre Employers for Childcare Falls Women’s Centre Fold Housing Association Gingerbread NI Glenluce Quality Caring Centre Greater West Belfast Community Association Habinteg Housing Association (Ulster) Ltd Habitat for Humanity Help the Aged HMP Maghaberry Housing Rights Service ICAS Keady Credit Union Law Centre (NI) Lisburn Credit Union McCambridge Duffy & Co. Mencap NI Mind Yourself Page 32 Multiple Sclerosis Society Neighbourhood Development Association Newry Welfare Rights Centre NI Council for Ethnic Minorities NI Federation of Housing Associations North Belfast Employment Centre Northern Ireland Housing Executive Nucleus NUS-USI Ormeau Credit Union Parents Advice Centre Relate NI Rethink Royal National Institute for the Blind Save the Children SDLP Headquarters Seafarer’s Benefits Advice Line SHAC Housing Association Tar Isteach Thompsons Solicitors TPM Credit Union Training for Women Network Trocaire University for Industry/ Learndirect Voice of Young People in Care Volunteer Development Agency Wave Trauma Centre Welfare Department, St Lucia Barracks Womens Aid Helpline CAB Annual Report 2005 - 2006 Gaining Ground Information System Subscribers Age Concern Assembly Library Barnardos Children’s Law Centre Derry City Council DETI Gingerbread HMP Maghaberry Housing Rights ICAS North Belfast Consortium Prison Service Trust Royal National Institute for the Blind Seafarer’s Benefits Advice Line Stock Services SELB Thompsons Solicitors Wave Trauma Centre CAB Annual Report 2005 - 2006 Gaining Ground Page 33 With Thanks Citizens Advice in Northern Ireland works with a wide range of agencies whose help and co-operation greatly enhance the services which we deliver. Our thanks are due to the following: Advice NI Advice Services Alliance Age Concern Agnew Andress Higgins Alasdair McDonnell MP Alliance Party of Northern Ireland Allianz Alzheimer’s Society Antrim Borough Council Antrim Community Forum Ards Borough Council Armagh CAB Armagh City and District Council Arthritis Care Assembly Library Asthma Concern Atlantic Philanthropies B J Crampsey Ballybeen Community Forum Bally been Women’s Centre Ballykeel Community Association Ballymena Borough Council Ballymoney Borough Council Banbridge District Council Bangor CAB Bar Pro Bono Unit Bates, Wells and Braithwaite Solicitors BDO Stoy Hayward Belfast Carers Centre Belfast City Council Belfast Door Project Belfast Education and Library Board Belfast Redevelopment Office Belfast Regeneration Office Belfast Volunteer Bureau Bellaghy Development Association Big Lottery Fund BIH Housing Association British Deaf Association British Telecom Broughshane Community Association Business & Scientific Services CAJ Capita Management Consultants Cardiac Care Careers Advisory Service (QUB) Page 34 Carers NI Carrickfergus Borough Council Carryduff Community Forum Castlereagh Borough Council Cavanagh Kelly CCEA Centre for Cross Border Studies Centre for the Unemployed Child Support Agency Children’s Law Centre Chinese Welfare Association Citizens Advice England and Wales Citizens Advice International Citizens Advice Scotland Citizens Information Centres Clanmil Housing Association Coleraine Borough Council Coleraine CAB Coleraine Volunteer Bureau Conor Murphy MP Comhairle Community Evaluation NI Community Foundation (NI) Community Housing Advice Project (CHAP) Community Network Portadown Confederation of Community Groups, Newry Coleraine CAB Cookstown Business and Professional Women’s Group Cookstown Community Renewal Projects Cookstown District Council Co-Operation Ireland Corcrain Housing Association Council for the Homeless (NI) Craigavon Borough Council Craigavon Health Forum Craigavon Health Information Project Craigavon Volunteer Bureau David Simpson MP Declan O’Loan Department for Employment and Learning Department of Finance and Personnel Department for Social Development Department of Education Department of Enterprise Trade and Investment Department of the Environment Department of Health Social Services and Public Safety CAB Annual Report 2005 - 2006 Gaining Ground Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Derry City Council Disability Action District Councils throughout NI Domestic Violence Forums Donnelly O’Neill Down District CAB Down District Council Downpatrick Volunteer Bureau Downtown Women’s Centre Dundonald Credit Union Dungannon and South Tyrone Borough Council Dungoyne Community Centre DUP DVLNI Eddie McGrady MP Edgecumbe Day Centre Edward Street Hostel for the Homeless E-government Unit Professor Eileen Evason Elliott, Duffy & Garrett Solicitors Energy Savings Advice Trust Enforcement of Judgments Office Enkalon Foundation Equality Coalition Equality Commission European Debt Net European Unit of the Training and Employment Agency Extra Care Fairhill Centre Fermanagh District Council Fermanagh local consortia Financial Services Authority (FSA) Flynn & McGettrick Solicitors Fold Housing Association G Crossan Garfield Weston Foundation General Consumer Council Gerry Adams MP Gingerbread NI Glencree Centre for Reconciliation Glenravel Community Association Graham Smyth Grant Thornton Chartered Accountants Greater West Belfast Community Resource Centre Gregory Campbell MP H McPartland H Sheils Health & Safety Executive for Northern Ireland Health & Social Services Councils Health & Social Services Trusts Cllr Helen Quigley Helm Management Consultants CAB Annual Report 2005 - 2006 Gaining Ground Help the Aged HMP Maghaberry HM Revenue & Customs Housing Rights Service Human Rights Commission Rev Ian Paisley MP ICAS Impact Training Information Commissioner Insolvency Service Institute of Professional Legal Studies (QUB) Investors in People Iris Robinson MP Irish Congress of Trade Unions Ita Managan J Sampson Jeffrey Donaldson MP Jelly Communications John Devine John Ritchie John McKee & Son Solicitors Joint Standards Committee for Child Support & Social Security Keady Credit Union Kearney Sefton Kennedy, Hughes & Co Labour Relations Agency Larne Borough Council Law Centre (NI) L’Derry CAB Legal Services Commission Lisburn CAB Lisburn City Council Local Advice Agency Forum Local Strategy Partnerships Lurgan Business and Professional Women’s Club Macedon Project Macmillan Cancer Support Magherafelt District Council Magherafelt Women’s Group Marcus Duignan Mark Durkan MP Martin McGuinness MP Mary McPartland McCann & Greyston Michelle Gildernew MP Mike Morrissey Ministry of Defence Modern Office Supplies Money Advice Trust Moore Stephens Chartered Accountants Moyle District Council MS Society Multi-Cultural Resource Centre Page 35 With Thanks MUST Hostel Napier & Sons Newry and Mourne City Council Newtownabbey Borough Council NIACRO NI Association for Mental Health NI Chest Heart and Stroke NI Court Service NI Joint Standards Committee NI Ombudsman NI Open College Network NI Probate Service NI Transplant Association NI Youth Forum NICVA NIE Nigel Dodds MP NIHE NIPSA Nora Winder Northgate North Belfast Partnership North Down Borough Council North South Ministerial Council Northern Bank Northern Investing for Health Partnership Northern Ireland Inter-Board Youth Panel OCR Odhran Stockman BL Office of Law Reform Office of the Social Fund Commissioner Office of the Social Security and Child Support Commissioners Open College Network Opportunity Youth Orchardville Society Ormeau Credit Union Pat Doherty MP Pentagon Solutions Peter Robinson MP Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland Police Service of Northern Ireland Portglenone Community Association Praxis Probus Queen’s University Rafferty & Boyle Rates Collection Agency Rev H Good Review of Public Administration Rightsnet RNIB RNID Royal Hospitals Trust Page 36 Rural Support Sammy Wilson MP Cllr Samuel Johnston SDLP SEUPB Seafarer’s Benefits Advice Line SELB – Craigavon Division Shankill Early Years Project Sinn Fein Social Issues Committee (Newtownabbey) Social Security Advisory Committee Social Security Agency South and East Belfast Health and Social Services Trust South Belfast Community Forum StaffCare Staffordshire University St Vincent De Paul Strabane District Council Lady Sylvia Hermon MP Tar Isteach TBF Foundation The Appeals Service (NI) The Co-op The Nerve Centre The Office of the President of Appeals Service (NI) Thompsons Solicitors Travellers Movement Tullycarnet Community Enterprises Tullycarnet Community Forum Ulster Garden Villages Ulster Bank Ulster Farmers Union Ulster Hospital Unison University of Ulster – Coleraine University of Ulster – Jordanstown UUP Viridian Voluntary and Community Unit, Department for Social Development Volunteer Development Agency Wave Trauma Centre Rev William McCrea MP Women’s Aid Worknet Connections YESIP Youth Council NI Youthnet CAB Annual Report 2005 - 2006 Gaining Ground Bureaux and Outreach Details Bureau Outreach Services Antrim Toome, Crumlin, Randalstown, Rathenraw Estate, Stiles Estate, Springfarm Estate, Antrim Area Hospital, Holywell Hospital Antrim Road Old Sea House, Joanmount Methodist Church, Cancer Life Line Ards Comber Leisure Centre, Kircubbin Community Centre, Portaferry Health Centre, Ballygowan Village Hall, Towerview Resource Centre Armagh Tandragee Recreation Centre, Keady, Markethill Social Centre, Richill Health Centre, Loughgall Community Pavillion Ballymena Ballykeel Community House, Ballee Community Centre Banbridge Rathfriland ROMAL Office, Dromore Town Hall, ‘Gilford Together’ Community Office Carrickfergus Health Centre, Carrickfergus Central Belfast Coleraine Town Hall, Ballymoney, Bushmills Community Centre, Ballycastle, Cushendall, Ballysally Cookstown Magherafelt, Coagh Surgery, Stewartstown, Draperstown Surgery, Moneymore, Health Centre, Cookstown, Ballyronan, Rock, Dunamore, Bellaghy Health Centre Down District Ballynahinch, Newcastle, Castlewellan, Saintfield Health Centre Dungannon Aughnacloy, Beacon Centre, Coalisland East Belfast Tullycarnet Resource Centre, Cregagh Community Centre, Dungoyne Community Centre, Belvoir Activity Centre, Mount Oriel Health Clinic, Braniel Community Centre, Island Day Centre, Castlereagh Telephone Service, Woodstock Lodge, HIV Support Centre Falls Upper Springfield Resource Centre, Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast Travellers Education and Development Group Fermanagh Lisnaskea, Irvinestown, Roslea, Belleek, Tyrone and Fermanagh Hospital Glengormley* Ballyduff Community House, Ballyclare Community Concern Larne Lisburn Dunmurry Development Partnership, Seymour Hill, Hillsborough Health Centre, Derriaghy Centre, Knockmore Community Association, Trinity Methodist Church, Tonagh Community Association, Stewartstown Road Health Centre CAB Annual Report 2005 - 2006 Gaining Ground Page 37 Bureaux and Outreach Details L’Derry Hazelbank & Ballymagroarty, Newbuildings Community Centre, Galliagh Residents Association, Hazelbank, Nelson Drive Action Group, Gransha Hospital, Eglinton Community Ltd, Strathfoyle Community Centre, St Eithnes Park Association, Waterside, Lettershandoney District Development Group, Triangle Tenants Association, Tullyally/Currneirn Lurgan** Magheralin Parish Centre, Aghalee Village Hall, Aghagallon Parish Centre, Manor Centre Newry & Mourne Crossmaglen Community Centre, Mullaghbawn Community Centre, Newtownhamilton Community Centre, Kilkeel Development Association North Down Kilcooley, George Green Community Centre, Rathgill, Whitehill/Skipperstone, Bloomfield Community Association, Clandeboye Village Community Group, Crawfordsburn Inn, Holywood Office, Holywood Health & Care Centre, Redburn Community Centre Portadown** Ashgrove Centre, Corcrain Centre, Meadows Centre, Annaghmore, Birches, Maghery Rathcoole* Bawnmore, Monkstown Community School, Longlands/Arthur External Session Shankill Hannah Centre, Ballysillan, Highfield Estate, Glencairn Community Centre, Ardoyne Association, Ardoyne Youth Club, New Life Counselling Services Strabane Suffolk/A’town Wilton House, Finaghy Health Centre * Newtownabbey District ** Craigavon District Page 38 CAB Annual Report 2005 - 2006 Gaining Ground CAB Annual Report 2005 - 2006 Gaining Ground Page 39 Page 40 CAB Annual Report 2005 - 2006 Gaining Ground Grant Thornton and the Citizens Advice Bureau – helping your clients regain control through an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) Client feature A debt management plan would have taken up any surplus _ÉÑçêÉ=OMMQ=ãó=ÜìëÄ~åÇ=~åÇ=f=Ü~Ç=~=ã~å~ÖÉ~ÄäÉ=äÉîÉä=çÑ=ÇÉÄíK eçïÉîÉê=ãó=ÜìëÄ~åÇ=ÄÉÅ~ãÉ=îÉêó=áää=~åÇ=ï~ë=ìå~ÄäÉ=íç=ïçêâ ~åÇ=ëç=Äó=aÉÅÉãÄÉê=OMMR=ïÉ=ïÉêÉ=ÉñéÉêáÉåÅáåÖ=éêçÄäÉãë é~óáåÖ=ÅêÉÇáí=Å~êÇëI=äç~åë=~åÇ=ÖÉåÉê~ä=ÜçìëÉÜçäÇ=ÉñéÉåëÉëK f=Åçåí~ÅíÉÇ=~ää=íÜÉ=Åçãé~åáÉë=íç=Éñéä~áå=íÜ~í=ïÉ=ÅçìäÇ=åç äçåÖÉê=ãÉÉí=çìê=Ñáå~åÅá~ä=ÅçããáíãÉåíëI=é~êíáÅìä~êäó=~ë=ïÉ=ïÉêÉ ÄçíÜ=áå=êÉÅÉáéí=çÑ=ëçÅá~ä=ëÉÅìêáíó=ÄÉåÉÑáíëK=We knew we had to income for seven years éêçîáÇáåÖ=áåíÉêÉëí=~åÇ=ÅÜ~êÖÉë=ïÉêÉ ëíçééÉÇ=ÜçïÉîÉê=~ë=áí=áë=áåÑçêã~ä=ïÉ=ïçìäÇ=ÄÉ=çéÉå=íç=ÑìêíÜÉê Ü~ëëäÉ=Ñêçã=ÅêÉÇáíçêë=~åÇ=íÜÉáê=ÅçääÉÅíçêëK=Consolidation was considered but would only be a delaying tactic ~åÇ=åçí=êÉ~ääó=~å çéíáçå=~ë=êÉé~óãÉåíë=ïçìäÇ=ÄÉ=ÉîÉå=ÜáÖÜÉêK An IVA was an attractive option and the money adviser address our problems but didn’t feel our creditors were procedures involvedK=f=ï~ë=íÜÉå=ÖáîÉå=íÜÉ=çéíáçå=çÑ=~=ÑêÉÉ empathetic at all. 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We were also entitled to maximum Housing Benefit of £50 per week plus rates, and a lump sum back payment of £2,100. qÜÉ=`^_=ãçåÉó=~ÇîáëÉê=~ëëáëíÉÇ=ìë=ïáíÜ ÅçãéäÉíáçå=çÑ=íÜÉëÉ=ÅçãéäáÅ~íÉÇ=ÑçêãëK qÜÉ=`^_=ãçåÉó=~ÇîáëÉê=~äëç=Éñéä~áåÉÇ=çìê=ÇÉÄí=çéíáçåë=áå ÇÉí~áäI=çåÉ=çÑ=çìê=çéíáçåë=ï~ë=bankruptcy which we morally did not want to do. creditors agreed to write off a sizeable proportion of our debt. qÜÉ=ÜÉäé=íÜ~í=`^_=Ü~îÉ=ÖáîÉå=ìë=ÉåëìêÉÇ=ïÉ=ïÉêÉ=áå=êÉÅÉáéí çÑ=~ää=íÜÉ=ÄÉåÉÑáíë=ïÉ=ïÉêÉ=ÉåíáíäÉÇ=íç=~åÇ=íÜÉ=ãçåÉó=~ÇîáÅÉ=ï~ë éêçîáÇÉÇ=Äó=~å=~ÇîáëÉê=ïÜç=ï~ë=É~ëó=íç=í~äâ=íç=~åÇ=åÉîÉê àìÇÖÉÇ=ìëK=We feel that this has given us our life back. qÜÉ=ÄáÖÖÉëí=ÖáÑí=ï~ë=ÖÉííáåÖ=ìë=çìí=çÑ=ÇÉÄí=~åÇ=Ñçê=íÜ~í=ïÉ ïáää=ÄÉ=ÑçêÉîÉê=Öê~íÉÑìäK=`êÉÇáí=Ñçê=ìë=áë=~=íÜáåÖ=çÑ=íÜÉ=é~ëí=~åÇ åçï=ïÉ=Å~å=äáîÉ=ïáíÜçìí=ÇÉÄíK=We thank the day we went to Lisburn CAB and Grant Thornton. Advisers to the independently minded © 2006 Grant Thornton UK LLP. All rights reserved. “Grant Thornton” means Grant Thornton UK LLP, a limited liability partnership. UK member of Grant Thornton International, a leading international organisation of independently owned and managed accounting and consulting firms. Grant Thornton International is not a worldwide partnership. This publication has been prepared only as a guide. No responsibility can be accepted by us for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from acting as a result of any material in this publication. PERSONAL FINANCE HELP YOUR CLIENT CLEAR THEIR DEBT IN 5 YEARS If you have a client with unsecured debts, an IVA with Grant Thornton may be the perfect way to pay them off quickly. We meet all your clients face to face. The amount your client owes will be capped immediately once the IVA is approved. No more high interest charges. Just a flexible affordable agreement that lets your client get on with their life while their debts are paid off in 5 years or less – guaranteed* All this from a team of local specialists at one of the UK’s largest accountancy firms. Ask about an IVA today, call 0800 783 4582 or visit Think beyond convention *Subject to creditor approval This report is sponsored by Citizens Advice 46 Donegall Pass Belfast BT7 1BS Telephone: 028 9023 1120 Fax: 028 9023 6522 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Charity No. XN85136
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