MED P R ERTY AZ AI OP UNC L State of Arizona Unclaimed Property Reporting Manual Report & Instructions 2014 651 (602) 716-6031 or (602) 716-6032 (602) 716-7997 [email protected] STATE OF ARIZONA Department of Revenue Janice K. Brewer Governor David Raber Director Dear Unclaimed Property Holder: On behalf of the citizens of Arizona, I would like to thank you for taking the time to file your Unclaimed Property Report with the Arizona Department of Revenue. We have made every effort to design this booklet to be informative and as user friendly as possible. By completing your annual report, you are not only complying with Arizona Revised Statutes, Title 44, Chapter 3, but you are performing a valuable service to the community by helping us protect abandoned property. The Unclaimed Property Unit works hard to assist holders and claimants of abandoned assets alike. Each year we collect thousands of new properties and return millions of dollars to its rightful owners. Unclaimed Property has become an increasingly important program for our growing population, and you complete the first step by filing this report and remitting abandoned assets to the Department of Revenue. If you should have any questions about how to complete the report forms contained in this booklet, feel free to contact the Holder Compliance Unit at one of the numbers listed within the instructions. Electronic versions of this booklet along with fillable forms are available from our website at Again, thank you for helping us return property to its rightful owner. Sincerely, David Raber Director 1600 West Monroe Street, Phoenix AZ 85007-2650 TAB T LE OF O CONT C TENTTS Ge eneral Overrview What is Unclaimed U Pro operty? ................................ ..................................................... Who must report Unclaimed Property? …………… ………………… ……….………… ……. What Un nclaimed Prop perty should be b reported? … ………………… ……….................... 1 1 1 Reportin ng Methods an nd Requireme ents …………… ………………................................. When to o File…………… ………………… …………………… ………………… ………….…….… …... Method of Payment… …………………………………… ………………… …….…………… ……. Holder Due D Diligence………………… ………………… ……………….… …………………..…. Sample Due Diligence e Letter ……… ………………… ………………… ….……………… ….. 2 2 2 2 3 Requesting Reimburse ement ………… ………………… ………………… …………………… ….. 4 Rep porting Insttructions General Reporting …………………… ………………… …………………..………………… ….. … ………………… …………..…… …………………….. Electronic Reporting ………………… 5 6 C Page ………………… … ………………… ………………… ……..…………… …… Report Cover Schedule e A …………… ………………… …………………… ………………… …………...……….. 7 8 Securitie es Report Securitie es Remittance e ………………………………… ………………… …………………….. Mutual Funds F ………… …………………………………… ….……………… ………………… ……. Worthlesss or Non-Transferable Secu urities ………… ……………………………..…… ……. 9 9 9 Safe De eposit Box Re eport When to o Report ……… ………………… …………………… ….……………… ………………… ….... How to Report R ………………………… ……………….… ………………… …………………… ….. When to o Remit Safe Deposit D Box Co ontents ……… ……………………..…………… ……. Packaging Contents ………………… … ………………… …………..……… ……………………. Deliverin ng Contents ………………… … ………………… ………………… …….…………… ……. 10 10 11 11 11 Negative e Report ………………….…… ………………… …….…………… ………………… ……. 12 Co odes, Tabless and Chec cklist NAUPA Property P Type Codes ……… ………………… ………………… ………..………….. Relationship Codes/Payment Proto ocols ………… ………………… ………………… …… Quick Re eference Guid de ……………………………… ………………… ……………………. Remit Ye ear Tables …… ………………… …………………… …………..……………………… …... Unclaimed Property Terms ………… …………………… ………………… ………………… ……. Checklist ……………… …………………………………… ………………… …………………….. Forms ………… ………………… ………………… …………………… ………………… …… 13-14 15 16 17 18 19 20 www.azu unclaim med.go ov A Arizona Unclaim med Property Re eporting Manua al GEN G ERA AL OV VER RVIEW W Wh hat is Unc claimed Property? ?? Unc claimed Prope erty is a financ cial asset owe ed to an indiviidual or busine ess. Property iis considered unclaimed w when there has been no own ner contact fo or a specified period of time, usually bettween 1 and 3 years. en efforts by the t holder to locate l the ow wner fail, the funds must be e turned over to the Departtment of Reve enue which is Whe then n responsible for safeguard ding the fundss, attempting to locate the e owners, publicizing the na ames of appa arent owners and d returning the e assets to the e owners as th hey come forw ward. ona Unclaimed Property Ac ct is located in n Arizona Rev vised Statutes, Title 44, Chap pter 3, and ca an be found The Revised Arizo online at . Wh ho must report r Un nclaimed Property y? Any y person or en ntity in possesssion of property (subject to o the Act) wh hich belongs tto another, orr who is truste ee in case of a tru ust, or who is indebted to another perso on on an obligation subjec ct to the Act,, is deemed a holder of unc claimed prop perty and mu ust report that property to th he state. All holders, h whetther located in Arizona orr in other states, must repo ort to the De epartment of Revenue any y unclaimed property p theyy hold that is o owed to Arizona residents. Arizona dom miciled busine esses must also o report all pro operty where the owners n name and ad ddress is unknown. All busiiness entities are responsible fo or filing reports on behalf of o their branch hes, divisions o or other affilia ates, including g: Banking and financiall institutions in ncluding state or federally c chartered ban nks, trust com mpanies, savings banks, private bankers, b savings and loan associations, a credit c unions a and investment companies. Business associations wherever located, such ass a corporatio on, joint stock company, bu usiness trust, p partnership, proprieto orship, cooperative, or othe er association for business p purposes (incl uding all insurrance compa anies). Other leg gal entities inc cluding state, county and city c governme ents, political subdivisions, public authorrities, public corporattions, estates, trusts or any other o legal or commercial e entity. Info ormation abou ut other states and their un nclaimed property reportin ng requirements can be accessed throu ugh the NAU UPA (Nationall Association of o Unclaimed Property Adm ministrators) w web site at ww ww.unclaimed Wh hat Uncla aimed Pro operty sh hould be reported d? Rep portable itemss with respective property codes c and do ormancy perio ods are locate ed in the NAU UPA property ttype cod des section of this booklet. Holders must report all unc claimed prope erty that is ow wed to an Arizona resident o or busiiness. In addittion, Arizona domiciled d hold ders should report items to Arizona witho out an owner name or address and all u unclaimed pro operty where the last know wn address is in n a foreign co ountry. Securities representing g underlying shares, s stock splits, s bonds, e etc., must be registered in A Arizona’s nom minee name of CACTUS & CO. (See e the instructio ons for Reportting Securities section for m more informatio on). Safe Dep posit Box conttents that hav ve been uncla aimed by the owner for a p period of three e years after e expiration of the lease e must be reported. Please e complete an Unclaimed Property repo ort (650C), ind dicating on the e Schedule A all ava ailable informa ation, and contact safekee eping represe entative at (60 02) 716-6035 to o arrange for delivery of the prop perty. 1 A Arizona Unclaim med Property Re eporting Manua al GEN G ERA AL OV VER RVIEW W Re eporting Methods M and Requirementts Hold ders should re eport via CD/D DVD or USB fla ash drive, follo owing the NAU UPA format sp pecifications, a and also prov vide a hard cop py signed repo ort covershee et. Reports nott received according to the e prescribed format will be e returned for correction. For assistance with reporting, contact c the Ho older Complia ance Section at (602) 716-6 6031 or (602) 716-6032. Yo ou can also mail us at Repo ortingUnclaim medProperty@a e-m Wh hen to File In A Arizona, a life insurance com mpany that is a holder of property p that iis presumed a abandoned sh hall file its report before May y 1, and the report r shall co over the prior calendar yea ar. Any other h holder of prop perty that is p presumed aba andoned shalll file the repo ort before Nov vember 1, and d the report shall s cover the e last twelve months beforre July 1 of that year. A hold der may also make a one e-time electio on to annually report the property at tthe same tim me it reports itss income for the purposes of in ncome tax pu ursuant to Title e 43. ension inquiriess for filing a Re eport of Uncla aimed Properrty be submittted to the Holder The Department requests exte Com mpliance Unitt in writing prio or to either Ap pril 1 or Octob ber 1 (whichev ver applies). Please includ de the entity's FEIN and leng gth of time ne eeded within the t request. Me ethod of Paymentt All c checks must be made pa ayable to “Ariizona Departm ment of Reve enue, Unclaim med Property Unit” for the total amo ount listed on n the Report of Unclaime ed Property. Your Y remittan nce must be in U.S. curre ency. Foreign currency can nnot be accep pted. Do not make m checks payable p to th he original owner or include e the original o owner’s name e in the payee section of the chec ck. Do not se end the origin nal instrument that was issue ed to the own ner. This office e can only de eposit checks made payable to the Arizona Unclaimed Property Unit. Do not su ubmit an indiv vidual check for f each prop perty being re eported. Alert the Unit at ReporrtingUnclaime edProperty@a if ch heck or reportt is being mailed under sep parate cover heck will be re eturned unpro ocessed. or the ch Ho older Due e Diligenc ce The Act requires that t prior to one o hundred twenty t days before b the hol der of properrty that is pressumed aband doned files theiir report, the holder h shall send a written notice n to the apparent a own ner that state es that the holder is in posse ession of the prop perty if all of the t following apply: a The holder has an add dress in the ho older's recordss for the appa arent owner a and the record ds do not indicate that the addrress is inaccurrate. The claim m of the appa arent owner is not barred by b any other la aw of this state e. The value e of an individ dual property is at least fifty y dollars. 2 A Arizona Unclaim med Property Re eporting Manua al GEN G ERA AL OV VER RVIEW W Sample Due Dilige ence Lette er ame Owner Na 123 Main Street S City Name e, State, Zip Re: (Pro operty Description or Ac ccount No.) Our records indicate that t we are holding unc claimed prop perty in the a amount of $ due e bove. The ow wner may cla aim this prop perty by con ntacting us a at the addre ess to the perrson listed ab and/or ph hone numbe er listed below. ormation: Holder Info Co ompany Nam me Ad ddress Phone Number n hear from m the owner before (inse ert the last day that the company can remove iitems If we do not for refund d reporting and a remitting g to the State), Arizona llaw requires us to submiit this properrty to the Arizon na Departme ent of Reven nue, Unclaim med Property y Unit before e November 1. Sincerely, ny’s Contact Name) (Compan Street Add dress (Includ de Number) City, State e, Zip Code PLEASE P SIGN BELOW TO ACKNOWLED A GE OWNERSHIP OF THE A ABOVE LISTED D FUNDS Printed Owner Nam me Owner Siignature Action to be taken (PLEASE CHEC CK ONE) Reissue Check Update A C (origin nal is/is not enclosed) e Account (pa assbook is/is n not enclosed d) Close Ac ccount and Send Check k (passbook is/is not enclosed) Other (explain) ____________ _____________ ____________ ____________________________________________________ _________ _________ ____________ _____________ ____________ ____________________________________________________ _________ ____________ _____________ ____________ ____________________________________________________ 3 A Arizona Unclaim med Property Re eporting Manua al GEN G ERA AL OV VER RVIEW W Req questing Reimburssement Afterr a report is submitted, a ho older may cho oose to repay the owner di rectly or may y determine th hat items withiin the reporrt were filed in n error. In thesse cases, the holder h may se eek reimburse ement by subm mitting the Ho older Request for Reimbursement fo orm (Arizona Form 670) alon ng with the req quired docum mentation sub bstantiating th he repaymentt or error. Pleasse use the currrent version, 670 6 revised 09 9/09. All othe er forms are ob bsolete and w will not be acc cepted. Section 1 In this section, identiffy your compan ny and designa ated act. conta Reporrt Year - the yea ar in which the requested prop perty was re eported to the State of Arizona a. Reporrt Amount – the e total dollar am mount of the rep port you are re eferencing. Prope erty Type Code – the property type code used d to identify the property y you are requesting. egate – indicate e if the property y you are reque esting Aggre was re eported in aggregate form. Prope erty Amount - the t amount of funds, f shares, or o tangib ble properties transmitted to th he State, for the e prope erty in question.. Owne er Name and Ad ddress - the full name and add dress of the ow wner as it is sho own on the repo ort. Prope erty Description – the descriptio on of the prope erty you are re equesting, such as, the identific cation, check, or other refere ence number. Section 2 In this section, identiffy property for which w the holde er is ng reimburseme ent. seekin Holde er Name – the name n of your company as liste ed on the Un nclaimed Property Report you u are referencin ng. Tax Id dentification Nu umber – the taxx id number rep ported on the e Unclaimed Prroperty Report you are referen ncing. Mailin ng Address – the mailing addrress of your com mpany as de eclared on yourr most recent Unclaimed Property report (Arizona Form m 650A-C). act Person / Co ontact Informatiion – the name e of Conta your c company’s dessignated State contact as designated on the most m recent rep port filed (Arizon na Form 650A-C). Section 3 In this section, carefu ully read the ho older declaratio ons ndemnity agree ement. and in Section 4 In this section, a nota arized signature e of the designa ated act person is req quired. conta Plea ase Note: 1. 2. All fields in each e section of the form must m be complleted before tthe State of Arrizona will pro ocess your req quest for information or make pay yment. You are req quired to subm mit documenta ation to suppo ort your claim m for reimburse ement, which may consist o of copy of cancelled check(s), front, and back, evidence of o account rea activation, orr a sufficient le etter of explan nation. e de esignated as the Unclaimed d Property co ontact on the llast report (Arrizona Form 650A-C) may Only a company employee reque est a holder re eimbursemen nt. An officer of your comp pany may cha ange the dessignated conttact person/ c contact inform mation by completing Arizo ona Form 285 5UP and Arizona Form 650A A(Sections 1 a and 2). The de esignated co ontact will be respo onsible for all ongoing interraction with th he Arizona Un nclaimed Prop perty Section . 4 A Arizona Unclaim med Property Re eporting Manua al REP R ORTTING G INS STRU UCTIIONS S General Reportin ng We a ask that you adhere to the procedures and a forms inclu uded in this b booklet. If you u have any qu uestions, please call (602) 716-6031 7 or (60 02) 716-6032. Plea ase Note There is a different report cover page for eac ch type of pro perty you are e reporting: 65 50A - Cash on nly 65 50B - Securitie es and Cash 65 50C - Safe De eposit Box Con ntents only Reporrt Cover Page 650 0A Report Co over Page 650 B Report Cove er Page 650 C It is im mportant that you y familiarize e yourself with h the instructio ons for reporti ng securities b before you tra ansfer or reregiste er any stock/m mutual fund. It is im mportant that you y review the payment protocol for ea ach relationsh hip type that y you report. Yo ou are responsible for cho oosing the cod de that correc ctly reflects th he named perrson’s relation nship to the prroperty. Includ de all known owner o identifie ers for each property p So ocial security or Tax Id num mbers Dates of Birth olicy, accoun nt or check nu umbers Po The e more info ormation the t State re eceives wiith your report the le ess likely they are e to contact you eac ch time a c claim is file ed or to re efer claimants to o your esc cheatmentt specialistt for additio onal inform mation. 5 A Arizona Unclaim med Property Re eporting Manua al REP R ORTTING G INS STRU UCTIIONS S Ele ectronic Reporting R g We recommend that you upda ate your softw ware yearly ass the standard d reporting forrmat does cha ange. It is required that data be sentt according to o these speciffications: Use a CD, DVD or USB fllash drive. Clearly lab bel the outside of the disk with w the holde er name, hold der address, n ames of each h file containe ed on the disk and the format use ed (e.g., Wagers, HRS, or NA AUPA). When reporting multiple e companies on one CD, DVD D or USB fla ash drive assig gn each comp pany a f name. separate file Type all re ecords in UPPE ER CASE style. Magnetic tape or cartriidge media iss not accepta able. d passwords and/or instructtions for retriev ving data which is passworrd protected o or in special e encryption sofftware to Send Repo ortingUnclaime edProperty@a or provide p a con ntact person a and telephone e number with h your report a and remitttance. CD ROM MS and USB flash drives in NA AUPA format that t contain tthe “HDE” file extension are e encrypted a and do not require password p prottection. CD ROM MS and USB flash drives in NA AUPA format that t contain tthe “HRS” file extension are e not encrypte ed and should be sent under protected me eans. Passw words for non--encrypted files need to be e e-mailed pro omptly to rep portingunclaim medproperty@ The subject line o of the e-mail must m identify the report(s) protected p by the t password . Apprroved reportin ng software is available, fre ee of charge at: a Holders may complete c reports on-line wiith this free ap pproved softw ware at ETM-H http:///www.byetm php/upx For cu ustomer servic ce, please co ontact ETM at (319) 739-355 57 or by email at support@b Arizon na does not provide p techn nical support o of HRS Pro, ho owever, holde ers may contin nue to down nload this free e software and d User’s manu ual from Xeroxx Reporting Sy ystem (HRS) so oftware pack kage to submit unclaimed property p on a CD ROM or U USB drive in NA AUPA format at www From F the main n page, click o on the Free Holder Softwarre icon and fo ollow the instruction to down nload. For que estions or add ditional inform mation, please e contact Xero ox Wagers at (303) 413-9450. Arizzona will no o longer accept a Rep ports in Exc cel Formatt 6 A Arizona Unclaim med Property Re eporting Manua al REP R ORTTING G INS STRU UCTIIONS S Re eport Cov ver Page This fform must be e submitted in hard copy y. Sec ction 1 In th his section, ide entify your company and d designated contact. The designated conttact will be resp ponsible for alll ongoing inte eraction with the t Arizona Unc claimed Prope erty Section. Future corrrespondence and holder reim mbursements will w be sent to the add dress reported d at this time. An o officer of your company may m cha ange the desig gnated conta act persson/contact information i by b com mpleting Arizo ona Form 285U UP and Arizo ona Form 650 0A(Sections 1 and 2). Sec ction 2 In th his section, ide entify your com mpany’s custo omer contact. Unc claimed Prope erty clients will often hav ve questions th hat can only be b answ wered by an employee of your com mpany who is not only famiiliar with your escheatmen nt policy, but also cedures and your internal proc ctices. prac Sec ction 3 In th his section, sum mmarize and classify the property you are reporting g. Sec ction 4 In th his section, ca arefully read th he hold der declaratio ons and indem mnity agre eement. Sec ction 5 In th his section, the e signature off the emp ployee authorized to execu ute the repo ort is required. 7 A Arizona Unclaim med Property Re eporting Manua al REP R ORTTING G INS STRU UCTIIONS S Sch hedule A The D Department re ecommends that you subm mit your report in electronic format. For a assistance in d downloading or using free reporrting software e, please conttact our Holde er Compliance Specialists a at (602)716-60 031 or (602)716-6032. Ite em no: Enume erate each item you y are reporting.. Ac ccount Number: Provide an account number for the indiv vidual property being reported d. heck no: Ch Indicate a check numb ber for the properrty being reporte ed. Prroperty type: (Mandatory field) Indicate the NAUPA pro operty code (see enclosed list) for the e category that be est describes wha at type of property you are remitting. Ca ash amount remittted: Indicate the dollar amo ount due owner(s). Intterest rate: If the a account is currenttly earning interesst, list the rate. Last activity date: Indicate either the chec ck issue date, the e date of the last ow wner-directed acc count activity, the e date the property became paya able or distributab ble, or the date o of last contact be etween the comp pany and the ownerr, whichever applies. Ow wner’s name and mailing address: DO NOT LIST JOIN NT OWNERS ON TH HE SAME LINE. Please e furnish the entire e name, if known, including any title, such as Jr., Sr., or III. Corporate titles, names of trrusts, estates, parttnerships, associations, and trade namess should be listed exactly as adoptted. If the name is unknown or no longer available,, indicate that in tthis field. Please ffurnish a complette address includiing zip code. If th he complete add dress is not availab ble, indicate the portion p of the add dress that is know wn. The last known n address should be reported even if it is d determined that mail m is no longer deliverable d to the owner at the add dress. Ow wner’s tax ID: Indicate the owner’s so ocial security number or the entity’s tax identification number. Owner’s date e of birth: Indicate the own ner’s date of birth h (if known). Relationship p code: (Mandato ory field) Please refer to tthe relationship c codes/ payment protocols on the following page e. Fees/Drilling Costs: If you a are reporting the contents of a saffe deposit box, please list all fees that t are due befo ore the box may b be released to the e reported owner.. hares remitted: Number of sh Indicate the actu ual number of sha ares being remitted for each individual owne er. utual Fund name:: Security/Mu Indicate the na ame of the securitty, bond, or mutual fund if y you are reporting them. CU USIP no: If you a are reporting a se ecurity, indicate the CUSIP numbe er. If you are repo orting a bond, ind dicate the CUSIP, bond number, and any coupon numbers. n e of death: Owner’s date Indicate the own ner’s date of dea th (if known). Joint Owne er’s information Enter additiona al owner’s informa ation, please follow procedures on step 8. It is im mperative tha at ALL pertinen nt property fie elds described d above are t horoughly co ompleted. Thiss will aid in the e location and iidentification of the correc ct owner. 8 A Arizona Unclaim med Property Re eporting Manua al REP R ORTTING G INS STRU UCTIIONS S Securities Report R Any sstock or otherr equity interest in a businesss association or financial o organization iss presumed abandoned if tthe property rema ains unclaimed d by the owne er for more th han three years after the da ate of the mo ost recent divid dend, stock sp plit or other distrib bution. R ce Securities Remittanc Com mplete the Re eport of Abandoned Securities 650B. All information m must be typed d or printed cllearly in ink. ck must be registered in Arizona’s nomin nee name of CACTUS C & CO O. Stoc ders who partticipate in DTC C (Depository Trust Company) must transsfer re-registerred securities directly to: DTTC Hold Partticipant #0954 4; Account #A AUZF0168702; Agent Bank 26017; 2 Tax ID # #75-3121666. Forw ward, via fax to t Vilka Marko ovich (617) 72 22-9660, notific cation of secu urities being trransferred at lleast 24 to 48 hours prior to th he transfer. Include in this notification n the e following: Isssue Name; CU USIP #, numbe er of shares and depository y number. If prrior notification is not receiv ved by Ms. Ma arkovich, the transfer will b e rejected an nd returned to o the holder. o the DTC con nfirmation alo ong with the Unclaimed U Pro operty Report you submit to o the Unclaim med Include a copy of perty Unit of th he Arizona De epartment of Revenue. Prop w not be acc cepted in boo ok entry form. Convert eac ch owners account to who ole shares, Dividend Reinvesstment Plans will d register the whole w shares into i our nomin nee name. Th he report musst indicate, for each individ dual owner, th he number of and who ole shares and d the amount of cash in lieu u of fractional shares that a are due. Mu utual Funds Plea ase transfer th he abandone ed shares to an account reg gistered to the e State of Arizzona, Unclaim med Property Unit, Tax ID 86-6 6004791. atements to: Send all sta Arizona Dep partment of Revenue R Uncla aimed Properrty Unit Attn: Arizon na Unclaimed Property Adm ministrator 1600 W. Mo onroe Street Division D Code 10 Phoenix, AZZ 85007 A co opy of the fun nds statementt must be included with the e report for ea ach fund repo orted. Mutual fund stateme ents must be sentt to the addre ess listed abov ve. It is incumbent up pon holders to o contact the e individual mu utual fund co ompanies to in nform them th hat as part of the annual ocess, they inttend to transfe er shares into an account ffor the State o of Arizona. escheatment pro ou need help,, call (602) 716 6-6031 or (602 2) 716-6032. If yo Wo orthless or o Non-Tra ansferab ble Securiities Do n not report worrthless or non--transferable securities to our o office. If th hese do beco ome transfera able or gain va alue, report and d remit the sha ares at that tim me. You will not n be penalizzed for late re eporting in the ese situations. If yo ou are reportin ng securities from a safe de eposit box, ple ease use the IInstructions fo or Reporting Sa afe Deposit Bo ox Contents. 9 A Arizona Unclaim med Property Re eporting Manua al REP R ORTTING G INS STRU UCTIIONS S Safe e Deposiit Box Rep port Tangible property that is held in n a safe depossit box is presu umed abando oned if the prroperty remains unclaimed d by the owne er for more tha an three yearrs after the exxpiration of the e lease or ren tal period on the box. When to Rep port Safe deposit box contents c mustt be reported annually befo ore Novembe er 1st. Use form m Arizona 650 0C to report sa afe deposit box c contents only. Submit the owner o namess and addresses electronica ally using the NAUPA appro oved format. How w to Repo ort The fo ollowing information should d be included d with each re eport: et 650 C Report Cover Shee onic Report (O Owners inform mation, TAX ID, Box numberr, past due ren nt and/or drilliing fees, etc) Electro A legib ble and reada able copy of each invento ory sheet for e each box repo orted Repo ort Cover Page 65 50 A Elec ctronic Report Sample of Inventory Sheet Safe Depo osit Box Rep ports needs to be file se eparately frrom your cash and se ecurities rep ports. Plea ase note: DO NOT re eport empty boxes. b Report ea ach box only ONCE. O Keep a co opy of your re eport and inve entories for yo our records. Regarding g UNKNOWN owners: o it is im mportant to look at the con ntents, as they y may help yo ou identify the e actual owner. Ple ease note tha at the unknow wns are still rep portable if the re is no identi fication made e. You should d contact you ur local law enforcement agency a for co onfiscation of all controlled substances fo ound in any safe keep ping receptac cle. Make a no ote on your inventory sheetts explaining tthat the itemss were found, but turned over to a law enforcem ment agency. Report fee es or drilling costs owed on your electron nic report. 10 A Arizona Unclaim med Property Re eporting Manua al REPO R ORTTING INS STRU UCTIIONS S When to Rem mit Safe Deposit D Box B Conttents DO N NOT send safe deposit box contents with your report. After A you rem it your report,, the Unclaime ed Property V Vault Supe ervisor will contact you with a report confirmation num mber and rem ittance instruc ctions. Pac ckaging Contents C s The conte ents of each sa afe deposit bo ox must be pla aced into a c container, bag g, or envelope e that is prope erly sealed to preventt access to the contents. Th he Departmen nt will acceptt most forms o of tamper proof seals includ ding security ta ape and heatt sealed pack kages. The co ontents must b be delivered in n a container that is separa ate from the sealed d container, bag, b or envelo ope holding th he items. Be e especially care eful with fragiile, heavy, or iirregular shaped objects as item ms are tossed around a during g shipping and d the envelop pes they are ssent in can be e ripped or torn. Each container of conttents should be b clearly labe eled with the owners name e and the boxx number. If yo ou need more than n one envelop pe for each owner, o please indicate 1 of 2, 2 of 2, etc.. Prepare 2 copies of the e inventory forr each owner. Place the orriginal inside w with the conte ents and attac ch the copy to th he outside of each e contain ner of contentts. Each inven ntory sheet sho ould include y your company name, owner nam me, box number and desc cription of eac ch item of pro operty. Place env velopes in a sh hipping conta ainer, alphabe etically by ow wner name. La abel the outsid de of the shipping containerr Box __ of __ (Box 1 of 3 Ow wners A-F, Boxx 2 of 3 Owne ers G-R, Box 3 o of 3 Owners S-Z). Dellivering Contents C The D Department re ecommends that t contents are delivered d in person byy an employe e of the bankk, but will accept courier delivery if indemnified by the ho older. These arrangements a s must be mad de with the A Arizona Unclaim med Property y Vault ervisor who ca an be reached d at (602) 716-6035. Supe u choose to se end by courie er, use an insurred carrier in order o to safeg guard and tra ack packagess. A copy of th he report If you you ssubmitted in November, N inc cluding Sched dule A, must accompany a th he contents o of the boxes y you are remitting. The Depa artment will ve erify that each h set of conte ents received at delivery co orresponds to a name on the Schedule A A. The Depa artment shall notify n you of any a discrepan ncies with the report. Send d contents to: Arizona Departme ent of Revenue aimed Properrty Unit Uncla Vaultt Supervisor 1600 W Monroe Division Code 10 Phoe enix, AZ 85007 11 A Arizona Unclaim med Property Re eporting Manua al REP R ORTTING G INS STRU UCTIIONS S Neg gative Re eport The N Negative Repo ort of Unclaim med Property applies a to enttities that hav e no unclaimed property tto report for th he required perio od. Should you have any questions, q contact the Repo orting Speciallists at (602) 71 16-6031 or (60 02) 716-6032. NOT file Negattive reports on n CD, DVD or USB U flash drive e. DO N Sec ction 1 In th his section, ide entify your com mpany, the repo orting period and a designatted contact. The designated conttact will be resp ponsible for all ongoing inte eraction with h the Arizona Unclaimed Prroperty ce and Section. Future corresponden c hold der reimbursem ments will be sent to the add dress reported d at this time. An officer of your company y may change e the desiignated contact person/contact information by co ompleting Arizzona Form 285U UP and Arizon na Form 650A(Sections 1 and d 2). Sec ction 2 In th his section, ca arefully read th he holder dec clarations and d indemnity ag greement. t employee e authorized The signature of the to e execute the re eport is require ed. Negativ ve Report Form 65 50D 12 A Arizona Unclaim med Property Re eporting Manua al CODE C ES, TABL T LES A AND C CHEC CKLIST NAUPA Prop perty Type Codes Dorm mancy Periods (in years) are listed in parenthesis. ACCOUNTT BALANCES DUE AC01 (3) CHECKING ACCOUNTS A AC05 ((3) MONIE ES LEFT ON DEPOSIT AC02 (3) SAVINGS AC CCOUNTS AC06 ((3) SECURITY DEPOSITS AC03 (3) CERTIFICATES S OF DEPOSIT AC07 ((3) UNIDEN NTIFIED DEPOSSITS AC04 (3) CHRISTMAS CLUB C ACCOUNTS AC08 ((3) SUSPEN NSE ACCOUNTS UNCAS SHED CHECK KS CK0 01 (3) CASHIERS CHECKS CK10 ((3) EXPENSSE CHECKS CK0 02 (3) CERTIFIED CHECKS CK11 ((3) PENSIO ON CHECKS CK0 03 (3) REGISTERED CHECKS CK12 ((3) CREDITT CHECKS OR MEMOS CK0 04 (3) TREASURERS CHECKS CK13 ((3) VENDO OR CHECKS CK0 05 (3) DRAFTS CK14 ((3) CHECK KS WRITTEN OFFF TO INCOME E CK0 06 (3) WARRANTS CK15 ((3) OTHER OUTSTANDING OFFICIAL C CHECKS CK0 07 (3) MONEY ORD DERS CK16 ((3) CD INTTEREST CHECK KS CK0 08 (15) TRAVELERS CHECKS C CK51 ((3) RONIC TRANSFFER WITHOUT A WRITTEN ELECTR INSTRUMENT CK0 09 (3) FOREIGN EXCHANGES COUR RT DEPOSITS CT0 01 (2) ESCROW FUN NDS CT06 ((2) VICTIM MS RESTITUTION N CT0 02 (2) CONDEMNA ATION AWARD DS CT07 ((3) CHILD SUPPORT PAY YMENTS CT0 03 (2) MISSING HEIR RS FUNDS CT08 ((2) COURTT FEES CT0 04 (2) SUSPENSE AC CCOUNTS CT09 ((1) CLASS ACTION SETTLLEMENT PROC CEEDS CT0 05 (2) OTHER COUR RT DEPOSITS INS SURANCE IN01 (3) IN02 2 (3) INDIVIDUAL POLICY P BENEFFITS OR CLAIM M PAYMENTS GROUP POLICY BENEFITS IN07 ((3) IN08 ((3) UE UNDER POLICY OTHER AMOUNTS DU TERMS AGENTT CREDIT BALA ANCES IN03 (1) PROCEEDS DUE D BENEFICIA ARIES IN09 ((3) DRAFTSS UNPRESENTE ED IN04 4 (3) MATURED PO OLICY PROCEE EDS IN10 ((3) IN05 (3) PREMIUM REFFUNDS IN12 ((1) DEMUTTUALIZATION Y/ANNUITY PA AYABLE ON PR ROOF OF POLICY DEATH IN06 (3) UNIDENTIFIED D REMITTANCE ES MINERA AL PROCEED DS MI0 01 (3) NET REVENUE E INTERESTS MI06 ((3) BONUSSES MI0 02 (3) ROYALTIES/PROCEEDS MI07 ((3) DELAY RENTALS MI0 03 (3) OVERRIDING G ROYALTIES MI08 ((3) SHUT-IN N ROYALTIES MI0 04 (3) PRODUCTION N PAYMENTS MI09 ((3) MINIM UM ROYALTIESS MI0 05 (3) WORKING IN NTERESTS 13 A Arizona Unclaim med Property Re eporting Manua al CODE C ES, TABL T LES A AND C CHEC CKLIST MISC CELLANEOUS INTANGIBLEE PROPERTY MS0 01 (1) WAGES MS09 ((3) A/R CR REDIT BALANC CES MS0 02 (1) COMMISSION NS MS10 ((3) DISCO OUNTS DUE MS0 03 (3) WORKERS CO OMP. BENEFITS S MS11 ((3) REFUND DS DUE MS0 04 (3) GOODS OR SERVICES S PAY YMENT MS13 ((3) UNCLA AIMED LOAN C COLLATERAL MS0 05 (3) CUSTOMER OVERPAYMEN O NTS MS15 ((1) DISSOLLUTION OR LIQ QUIDATION PR ROPERTY MS0 06 (3) UNIDENTIFIED D REMITTANCE ES MS16 ((3) MISC O OUTSTANDING G CHECKS MS0 07 (3) UNREFUNDED D OVERCHARG GES MS17 ((3) MISC IN NTANGIBLE PR ROPERTY MS0 08 (3) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE P MS18 ((3) SUSPEN NSE LIABILITIES SECURITIES SC0 01 (3) DIVIDENDS SC11 ((3) SC0 02 (3) INTEREST (BOND COUPONS S) SC13 ((3) OTHER CERTIFICATESS OF OW WNERSHIP STOCK K CONVERTED SC0 03 (3) PRINCIPAL PA AYMENTS SC14 ((3) DEBENTURES SC0 04 (3) EQUITY PAYM MENTS SC15 ((3) GOVER RNMENT SECU URITIES AND BO ONDS SC0 05 (3) PROFITS SC16 ((3) MUTUA AL FUNDS SC0 06 (3) FUNDS PAID TO PURCHASE E SHARES SC17 ((3) WARRA ANTS (RIGHTS)) SC0 07 (3) FUNDS FOR STOCKS S SC18 ((3) BONDSS SC0 08 (3) SHARES OF STTOCK SC19 ((3) DIVIDE END REINVESTM MENT SHARES SC0 09 (3) CASH FOR FR RACTIONAL SH HARES SC20 ((3) CREDITT BALANCES SC1 10 (3) UNEXCHANG GED STOCK TANGIB BLE PROPERTY Y SD0 01 (3) SAFE DEPOSIT BOX CONTE ENTS SD04 ((90 days) STTORAGE FACILLITY SALE PRO OCEEDS TAX T DEFFERRED SAVINGSS PLANS HS0 01 (2) IR06 ((2) ROTH I RA MUTUAL FU UNDS IR07 ((2) ROTH I RA STOCKS (2) HEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUN NT HEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUN NT INVESTMENT TRADITIONALL IRA CASH HS0 02 (2) IR01 1 IR02 2 CS01 ((2) ESA CA ASH (2) TRADITIONALL IRA MUTUAL FUNDS CS02 ((2) ESA MU UTUAL FUNDS IR03 3 (2) TRADITIONALL IRA SECURITIES CS03 ((2) ESA STO OCKS IR05 5 (2) ROTH IRA CA ASH TRUST, IN NVESTMENT AND A ESCROW W ACCOUNTTS TR01 (3) PAYING AGE ENT ACCOUNTTS TR04 ((3) ESCRO OW ACCOUNTTS TR02 (3) UNDELIVERED D/UNCASHED DIVIDENDS TR05 ((3) TRUST V VOUCHERS TR03 (3) FUNDS HELD IN FIDUCIARY Y CAPACITY TRUS STEE SALES TS01 (2) TRUSTEE SALE ES PROCEEDS UTILITIES U UT0 01 (2) GOVERNMEN NT UTILITIES UT03 ((3) REFUND DS OR REBATE ES UT0 02 (3) MEMBERSHIP P FEES UT04 ((3) CAPITA AL CREDIT DISTTRIBUTIONS 14 A Arizona Unclaim med Property Re eporting Manua al CODE C ES, TABL T LES A AND C CHEC CKLIST Rela ationship p Codes//Paymentt Protoco ols eview the relationship code es to ensure th hat your comp pany is indica ating the corre ect payment p protocol. Pleasse carefully re Indiviidual names reported r witho out a relationship code willl be coded ass payees. If th here is more th han one owne er, you must indicate the relationship fo or each. All accepted a rela ationship code es are listed b below. Relation R nship Co odes Cod de Definition n Paymentt Protocol AG Agent for Owner The individuaal or entity nameed as agent mayy claim property on behalf of thee individual(s) named as owneer(s). The Agentt will be required d to provide verification that they continue e to have autho rity to act on beehalf of the named owner. Paym ment will be issued in the name of the ow wner(s). Any naamed owner(s) m may also receive payment by claiming on their own behalff. (Examples: Po ower of Attorneey, Guardian, Atttorney for, Consservator) AD Administrator of Estate A person or e entity appointedd by a court of coompetent jurisdiction to adminiister the estate of a pe erson who has ddied (Examples: Executor, Executrix, and Person nal Representative). Payment w will be issued to o the Estate. AN And (Unspecified Joint Relationship) Named indiviiduals must claim m together or shhow good cause, such as divorcee or death, to claim sepaarately. If paid iindividually eachh owner will receeive an equal sh hare. BF Beneficiarry Each individu ual named as a bbeneficiary will bbe paid an equal share of the pro operty. For non‐demutuaalization propertties only the inddividual named aas beneficiary will be paid. CF Custodian n The individuaal or entity nameed as custodian can claim on beehalf of the indivvidual(s) named as ow wner(s). Paymennt will be issued in the name of the owner(s). A Any named owner(s) mayy also receive paayment by claim ming on their own behalf. CP Community Property Property or e earnings receive d by a husband and wife duringg marriage, other than by gift, devise, o or descent. Eachh spouse should d be listed as an owner and will be paid an equal share o of the property.. Upon the deatth of one, the prroperty goes to tthe survivor. IN Insured Individuals naamed as the insuured will not be paid. The indivvidual named as beneficiary will be paid. If the beneficiarry is deceased and no successorr beneficiary exissts the property will be paid to the eestate of the inddividual named aas the insured. JS Joint Tenaants with Rights of Survivorship Each individu ual named as a jjoint tenant witth rights of surviivorship will be paid an equal share o of the property.. Deceased indivvidual’s portion of the property will be paid to the surviviing owner(s). OR Either Parrty is Owner First named individual/entityy who claims prooperty will be paaid the entire property. PA Payee Each individu ual named as a ppayee will be paiid an equal share of the propertty. RE SO Remitter Sole Owne er Each individu ual named as a r emitter will be ppaid an equal sh hare of the propeerty. The sole nam med owner will bbe paid the property. Tenants in n Common Each individu ual named as a ttenant in comm mon will be paid an equal share of the property unle ess other percenntages are speciified. Deceased d individual’s porrtion of the property will be treated as thhe estate of the individual and w will pass as instructed by will, probate order or Arizonaa intestate statuutes. TE Trustee The individuaal or entity nameed as Trustee may claim propertty on behalf of tthe Trust. The Trustee w will be required to provide veriffication that theyy continue to haave the authority to aact on behalf of the named ownner. Payment w will be issued in the name of the Trust. UT Uniform TTransfer/Gift to M Minor The minor orr guardian of thee minor may claim. Payment w will be issued to tthe reported minor if theyy have reached tthe age of majo rity or otherwisse to the Custod dian. TC 15 A Arizona Unclaim med Property Re eporting Manua al CODE C ES, TABL T LES A AND C CHEC CKLIST Quiick Referrence Gu uide Make Checks Paya able To: Arizo ona Department of Revenu ue Unclaimed d Property Uniit Mail Repo ort w/Remittan nce To: Arizo ona Unclaime ed Property Un nit 1600 0 W Monroe Division D Code 10 Phoenix, AZ 85007 7 Stock Reg gistration & De elivery: (See page p 9) Nom minee name: Cactus C & Co Tax ID #75-312166 66 a Markovich (617) 722-9660 0 Vilka Xero ox Business Services LLC Mutual Funds: (See Page P 9) Dividend Reinvestmentt Plans: (See Page P 9) Safe Deposit Boxes: (See Pa age 10) Remitt & Report Due e Date: Arizo ona Department of Revenu ue Unclaimed Prope erty Unit Will NOT be acce epted in bookk entry form Con ntact Vault Supervisor (602) 716-6035 Arizo ona Department of Revenu ue Unclaimed Prope erty Unit 1600 0 W Monroe Division D Code 10 Phoenix, AZ 85007 7 Priorr to Novembe er 1st – all busin nesses other than life insura ance entities For property p presu umed aband doned as of Ju une 30 Priorr to May 1st – for f all life insu urance entitiess only For property p presu umed aband doned as of December 31stt Repo orting Require ements: A NA AUPA formattted file on CD D ROM or USB fflash drive forr reports with 1 11 or more prop perties. Free software s avai lable (UPExch hange) Only y 10 or fewer properties p ma ay be submitte ed manually. If you do not use softw ware to produ uce your repo ort, then you m must use form ms 650A or 650B and 652 (Sch hedule A). Aggregate A Rep porting Due Dilig gence: (See page p 2) Re eciprocal Rep porting: Negative Reports R Sign nature Require ements Due e Diligence is not n required o on properties under $50. Pllease provide e all available owner detail d includin ng those items under $50. Must be mailed 120 days prior to report submission. Hold ders should report property y to the state o of the owner’s last known a address. If the property for other o states is submitted, it m must be in co ompliance with those es’ laws and procedures. p state Are not required in i the State o f Arizona. Hold der report musst be signed b by an authorizzed employee e of the entity y. 16 A Arizona Unclaim med Property Re eporting Manua al CODE C ES, TABL T LES A AND C CHEC CKLIST Rem mit Year Tables T NON N-LIFE INSU URANCE EN NTITIES One year abandonme a ent period Items that were w issued or o had a last activity a date during the period: Must be e included on n the report po ostmarked be efore: 7/01/2012 through t 6/30//2013 Novem ber 1, 2014 7/01/2013 through t 6/30//2014 Novem ber 1, 2015 7/01/2014 through t 6/30//2015 Novem ber 1, 2016 7/01/2015 through t 6/30//2016 Novem ber 1, 2017 Three yearr abandonment period Items that were w issued or o had a last activity a date during the period: Must be e included on n the report po ostmarked be efore: 7/01/2010 through t 6/30//2011 Novem ber 1, 2014 7/01/2011 through t 6/30//2012 Novem ber 1, 2015 7/01/2012 through t 6/30//2013 Novem ber 1, 2016 7/01/2013 through t 6/30//2014 Novem ber 1, 2017 LIFE INSURANC CE ENTITIES S One year abandonme a nt period Items that were w issued or o had a last activity a date during the period: Must be e included on n the report po ostmarked be efore: 01/01/2013 3 through 12/3 31/2013 May 1, 2015 01/01/2014 4 through 12/3 31/2014 May 1, 2016 01/01/2015 5 through 12/3 31/2015 May 1, 2017 01/01/2016 6 through 12/3 31/2016 May 1, 2018 Three yearr abandonment period Items that were w issued or o had a last activity a date during the period: Must be e included on n the report po ostmarked be efore: 01/01/2011 through 12/3 31/2011 May 1, 2015 01/01/2012 2 through 12/3 31/2012 May 1, 2016 01/01/2013 3 through 12/3 31/2013 May 1, 2017 01/01/2014 4 through 12/3 31/2014 May 1, 2018 17 A Arizona Unclaim med Property Re eporting Manua al CODE C ES, TABL T LES A AND C CHEC CKLIST Unc claimed Property Terms Aba andoned or o Unclaimed Property Officia al Check Tangible (safe dep posit box conttents) or intan ngible property that is unclaimed by its rightful owne er after a specified period of o time. This do oes not include real estatte. A checkk or written instrument for w which a bank, financial organiza ation, or business associatio on is directly lia able, including g, but not limi ted to, drafts,, money orders, traveler’ s checks, casshier’s checks, and expense e checks. Aba andonmen nt Period Ownerr The p period of inac ctivity after wh hich property is consiidered aband doned. A person n having a leg gal or equitab ble claim to th he abando ned property y. Actiivity Recorrd Actio on taken on property by the e owner including making a deposit or a withdraw wal, negotiatin ng a chec ck, or a docum mented comm munication by y the owne er to the Holder. Informattion that is insc cribed on a ta angible mediu um or that is sto ored in any ellectronic or other medium and that is retrieva able in a perc ceivable form m. Agg gregate Am mount Reportt The a amount below w which the Holder need no ot perform due d diligence and d attempt to contact c the owner o prior to rep porting funds as unclaimed d property. The aggrregate amoun nt in Arizona iss $50. Please provide p all d available owner detail. A list of o owners and th he value of their unclaimed d propertie es that is filed with the Dep partment on a an annual basis. Cusstodian Tangib ble Persona al Property y An in ndividual or en ntity that holds property until it is delivered to the rig ghtful owner. Most states’ la aws make the sttate the “custtodian” of abandoned pro operty. Physical property, suc ch as objects kkept in safe deposit boxes. Underllying Share es Shares o f stock that have been issu ued by a busin ness n. The original associatiion or a financial institution certificattes for the sha ares are in the e possession o of the sharehollders, who hav ve failed to e either cash the e d checks or co orrespond witth the issuing dividend corporattion. Date e of Last Activity A The d date of the ow wner’s last acttivity related to t the property or the ow wner’s contac ct with the Holder. Due e Diligence e The statutorily requ uired degree of effort a Holder of aban ndoned prope erty must use to find the rig ghtful owne er of property before the property is rem mitted to the State. Hold der Any b business, indiv vidual, govern nment body, or o other entity y in possession n or control off property belonging to another party until transfer to a State unclaim med property program. Inde emnificatio on An agreement tha at protects the e Holder or Sta ate from loss. 18 A Arizona Unclaim med Property Re eporting Manua al CODE C ES, TABL T LES A AND C CHEC CKLIST Che ecklist Have you y entered d the require ed holder and a remitta ance inform mation on th he front pag ge of your report form? f Have you y enclose ed your che eck made payable p to:: Arizona De epartment of Revenue e Unclaim med Properrty Unit? Have you y enclose ed your Schedule A? Is all of the available o owner inform mation included? If reporting g securities:: Have you y followed d the Instructions for Se ecurities Re emittance? Have th he securitie es been re-rregistered in n the State of Arizona’s nominee e name? Have you y comple eted the ap ppropriate security s info ormation on n Schedule A? Have you y enclose ed notificatiion of any DTC D share ttransfer with h your repo ort submissio on? g mutual fun nds: If reporting Have th he mutual funds f been transferred d to an acc count in the e name of tthe Arizona Departtment of Re evenue, Unc claimed Pro operty Unit,, FEIN 86-60 004791? Have you y enclose ed the mutu ual fund confirmation sstatementss? If reporting g safe depo osit boxes: Have you y followed d the Instructions for Sa afe Deposi t Remittanc ce? (See pa age 10) Have you y enclose ed your Safe e Deposit Box Report sseparately from your c cash and se ecurities repots? ? Have you y enclose ed a legible e and reada able copy o of each inv ventory sheet for each h box reporte ed? 19 A Arizona Unclaim med Property Re eporting Manua al ARIZONA FORM DO NOT STAPLE REPORT/CHECKS 650A Arizona Department of Revenue • Unclaimed Property Section REPORT OF ABANDONED PROPERTY If your report contains more than 10 items you MUST submit an electronic file in NAUPA Standard Format. Form 652 (Schedule A) MUST be completed if you are reporting 10 items or less and are not submitting an electronic file. STOP 1 Entity Name (Holder) DATE STAMP If you are remitting securities, please use Arizona Form 650B If you are remitting safe deposit box contents, please use Arizona Form 650C Federal ID Number State / Date of Incorporation Prior Name - If Entity Name has changed Previous Holder - If you are a successor to a previous holder Contact Person - For questions from Unclaimed Property staff Name Direct Telephone Number E-mail Address Mailing Address City 2 3 4 5 State Customer Contact - For use by owners of reported property Same as Contact Person Name ZIP code Telephone Number E-mail Address Summary of Abandoned Property Reported Total amount of properties under $50 In order to facilitate customer service, we request that, when possible, you do not aggregate these funds in your report $ Total amount of properties over $50 with known owners Total amount of properties with unknown owners Total Report Amount $ $ $ 4a. Remittance must accompany report. 4b. I have attached a true and correct list (Schedule A) of individual owners and properties, in accordance with A.R.S. § 44-307(B), Reporting software is available for free download on our website 4c. I have reviewed and understand the State of Arizona payment protocols (see the Arizona Unclaimed Property Reporting Manual). The relationship codes reported for each property will allow accurate payment to the reported owners. 4d. Written notice has been sent to the owners of all properties being reported/remitted in accordance with A.R.S. § 44-307(E). I hereby certify that I have the authority to execute this report of Unclaimed Property on behalf of the above named holder. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing information, the information set forth in the schedules, and all documentation I have or will provide is true and complete. Print Name Signature Date MAIL TO: Arizona Unclaimed Property Section 1600 West Monroe Street, Division Code 10 Phoenix, AZ 85007 Deposit No. Check No. ADOR 10755 (3/14) FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Receipt No. Check Amount 650B 1 STOP Do NOT STAPLE REPORT/CHECKS ARIZONA FORM Arizona Department of Revenue • Unclaimed Property Section REPORT OF ABANDONED SECURITIES If your report contains more than 10 items you MUST submit an electronic file in NAUPA Standard Format. Form 652 (Schedule A) MUST be completed if you are reporting 10 items or less and are not submitting an electronic file. Entity Name (Holder) 4 5 If you are remitting abandoned property, please use Arizona Form 650A If you are remitting safe deposit box contents, please use Arizona Form 650C Federal ID Number State / Date of Incorporation Prior Name - If Entity Name has changed Previous Holder - If you are a successor to a previous holder Contact Person - For questions from Unclaimed Property staff Name Securities Contact Name Direct Telephone Number Direct Telephone Number E-mail Address E-mail Address Mailing Address Mailing Address City 2 3 DATE STAMP State ZIP code City State ZIP code Customer Contact - For questions from owners of reported property Telephone Number Same as Contact Person Name E-mail Address Summary of Abandoned Securities Reported Total amount of properties under $50 In order to facilitate customer service, we request that, when possible, you do not aggregate these funds in your report $ Total amount of properties over $50 with known owners Total amount of properties with unknown owners Total Report Amount $ Shares of Stock: Issue Name $ Sent DTC Yes No $ Number of Shares CUSIP No. You are required to attach a verification statement to confirm transfer of shares. Remittance must accompany report. Dividend reinvestment plans will not be accepted in book entry form. Each owner’s account must be converted into whole shares. See the Arizona Unclaimed Property Reporting Manual 651 for detailed instructions. For questions about the report or transfer of securities, call (602) 716-6032. For mutual funds questions, call (602) 716-6031. 4a. I have attached a true and correct list (Schedule A) of individual owners and properties, in accordance with A.R.S. § 44-307(B), Reporting software is available for free download on our website 4b. I have reviewed and understand the State of Arizona payment protocols (see the Arizona Unclaimed Property Reporting Manual). The relationship codes reported for each property will allow accurate payment to the reported owners. 4c. Written notice has been sent to the owners of all properties being reported/remitted in accordance with A.R.S. § 44-307(E). I hereby certify that I have the authority to execute this report of Unclaimed Property on behalf of the above named holder. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing information, the information set forth in the schedules, and all documentation I have or will provide is true and complete. Print Name Signature Date MAIL TO: Arizona Unclaimed Property Section 1600 West Monroe Street, Division Code 10 Phoenix, AZ 85007 Deposit No. Check No. ADOR 10756 (3/14) FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Receipt No. Check Amount ARIZONA FORM Arizona Department of Revenue • Unclaimed Property Section 650C 1 REPORT OF SAFE DEPOSIT BOX CONTENTS DATE STAMP Entity Name (Holder) Federal ID Number Report Confirmation Number (see no. 3 below) Holder Contact (for use by Unclaimed Property staff) Name Transfer/Reporting Agent Contact (for use by Unclaimed Property staff) Name Title Title Direct Telephone Number Direct Telephone Number E-mail Address E-mail Address Mailing Address Mailing Address City 2 State ZIP code City Customer Contact (for use by owners of reported property) Same as Holder Contact Name Telephone Number 4 5 ZIP code E-mail Address Mailing Address State City 3 State ZIP Code Summary of Safe Deposit Box Contents Reported If you are remitting abandoned property, please use Arizona Form 650A If you are remitting securities, please use Arizona Form 650B Number of Safe Deposit Boxes Reported/Remitted Previous Holder (If you are a successor to a previous holder of the property) After submitting the report, contact the Unclaimed Property Vault Specialist to schedule delivery. Do notsend safe deposit box contents without a report confirmation number from the Unclaimed Property Vault Specialist. Attach a copy of this report with the report confirmation number you received to the safe deposit box contents you remit. 4a. I have attached a true and correct list (Schedule A) of individual owners and properties, in accordance with A.R.S. § 44-307(B). Reporting software is available for free download on our website 4b. I have reviewed and understand the State of Arizona payment protocols (see the Arizona Unclaimed Property Reporting Manual) The relationship codes reported for each property will allow accurate payment to the reported owners. 4c. Written notice has been sent to the owners of all properties being reported/remitted in accordance with A.R.S. § 44-307(E). I hereby certify that I have the authority to execute this report of Unclaimed Property on behalf of the above named holder. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing information, the information set forth in the schedules, and all documentation I have or will provide is true and complete. Acting as the authorized representative of the entity named above, I agree to indemnify the State of Arizona and hold it harmless against any and all claims, judgments, decrees, costs, expenses (including reasonable attorney fees) or any other loss which either the State or owner might sustain in situations where the above described property is destroyed, damaged, lost, or stolen during the delivery of the property to the State of Arizona by a third party. Print Name Signature Mailing address: Arizona Unclaimed Property Section Date 1600 West Monroe Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007 Deposit No. FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Receipt No. Holder No. Check No. Check Amount Report No. ADOR 10757 (9/10) Previous ADOR 17-5623 ARIZONA FORM 650D Arizona Department of Revenue • Unclaimed Property Section NEGATIVE REPORT OF ABANDONED PROPERTY DATE STAMP 1 Entity Name (Holder) Federal ID Number State / Date of Incorporation Period Covered Prior Name (if Entity Name has changed) Previous Holder Holder Contact (for use by Unclaimed Property staff) Name Direct Telephone Number E-mail Address Mailing Address City 2 State ZIP code The undersigned declares under penalty of perjury, that to the best of his/her knowledge and belief, the above named entity has no property which would be presumed abandoned under the Arizona Uniform Unclaimed Property Act for the period covered as stated and that he/she is duly authorized to execute this report. Print Name Signature Date MAIL TO: Arizona Department of Revenue Unclaimed Property Unit 1600 W Monroe Street, Division Code 10 Phoenix, AZ 85007 For assistance in the Phoenix area: (602) 364-0380 or outside the Phoenix area toll free: (877) 492-9957 To speak to the reporting specialist: (602) 716-6031 Fax: (602) 716-7997 Email: [email protected] ADOR 11022 (3/14) Previous ADOR 17-2009 ARIZONA FORM 652 Arizona Department of Revenue • Unclaimed Property Section REPORT OF ABANDONED PROPERTY - SCHEDULE A This Schedule A must accompany a Form 650A or 650B and should be utilized ONLY if your report contains 10 items or less. HOLDER NAME Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) Grand Total Remitted $ Item no Account # Check # NAUPA property type Cash amount remitted Interest rate Owner’s last name Owner’s first name / middle initial Owner’s mailing address City, state, ZIP code Country Fee/Drilling cost No. of shares remitted Last activity date Owner’s Tax ID (SSN or EIN) Owner’s date of birth Security/Mutual Fund name CUSIP no. NAUPA relationship code Date of Death COMPLETE THE FIELDS BELOW IF THERE IS MORE THAN ONE OWNER FOR THIS PROPERTY Additional owner’s last name Additional owner’s date of birth Additional owner’s first name / middle initial Additional owner’s Tax ID (SSN or EIN) Additional owner’s date of death Additional owner’s last name Additional owner’s date of birth Item no Other information available Additional owner’s first name / middle initial Additional owner’s Tax ID (SSN or EIN) Additional owner’s date of death Account # Check # NAUPA property type Interest rate Owner’s last name Owner’s first name / middle initial Owner’s mailing address City, state, ZIP code Country No. of shares remitted Relationship code Other information available Cash amount remitted Fee/Drilling cost Relationship code Last activity date (required) Owner’s Tax ID (SSN or EIN) Owner’s date of birth Security/Mutual Fund name CUSIP no. NAUPA relationship code Date of Death COMPLETE THE FIELDS BELOW IF THERE IS MORE THAN ONE OWNER FOR THIS PROPERTY Additional owner’s last name Additional owner’s date of birth Additional owner’s last name Additional owner’s date of birth ADOR 11017 (3/14) Additional owner’s first name / middle initial Additional owner’s Tax ID (SSN or EIN) Additional owner’s date of death Other information available Additional owner’s first name / middle initial Additional owner’s Tax ID (SSN or EIN) Additional owner’s date of death Relationship code Relationship code Other information available PAGE OF Arizona Department of Revenue ARIZONA FORM 670 1 HOLDER REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST FORM Owner Information Report Year Report Amount Property Type Code Aggregate Property Amount YES NO Owner’s Name as Indicated on Report Additional Owner as Indicated on Report Owner’s Street Address Owner’s City or Town Owner’s State Owner’s ZIP Code State ZIP Code Property Description 2 Holder Information Holder Name Tax Identification Number Mailing Address City or Town 3 4 Contact Person Title Telephone Number E-mail Address I depose and swear under oath that I am authorized to make this affidavit as a duly authorized officer. Based upon personal knowledge, the information provided by the reporting institution (holder) to substantiate payment to the owner or reinstatement of the remitted account is true and correct. By demonstrating that the owner, or his/her personal representative was paid or reinstated, I hereby certify this claim for reimbursement is valid and just. Upon payment by the Arizona Department of Revenue of the reimbursement described above, the reporting institution (holder), herein named, agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the State of Arizona, its employees and agents from any and all liability, claims, demands, losses, suits, or actions, arising from or related to any other party who hereafter asserts or attempts to establish right to payment of the above described funds to the extent of the value of the property so paid or delivered. Signature Date Subscribed and Affirmed before me by: this day of State of Notary Public Signature , 20 . County of (Affix Seal Here) MAIL TO: Arizona Department of Revenue Unclaimed Property Unit PO Box 29026 Phoenix, AZ 85038-9026 For assistance in the Phoenix area: (602) 364-0380 or outside the Phoenix area toll free: (877) 492-9957 Fax: (602) 542-2089 ADOR 17-2022 (9/09) Arizona Department of Revenue • Unclaimed Property Section 1600 W Monroe • Phoenix, AZ 85007 REPORT OF ABANDONED PROPERTY Verification and Checklist Verification for Period Ended: Every person, corporation or other business association, banking or financial organization, life insurance corporation, utility, court or public authority must complete the following checklist before filing their Arizona Annual Report of Property Presumed Abandoned. This checklist includes by way of illustration, but not limitation, those items which are covered by Section 44-301 et seq of the Arizona Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act. All of the following types of property, with the exception of travelers checks must be reported if they have remained unclaimed for one or more years. Travelers checks should be held fifteen (15) years. Please complete the checklist by checking the box next to each applicable item. ACCOUNT BALANCES A. Checking accounts B. Savings accounts C. Matured certificates of deposit or savings certificates D. Christmas Club accounts E. Money on deposit to secure funds F. Security deposits G. Unidentified deposits H. Suspense accounts I. Any sum owing to a shareholder, certificate holder, member, bond holder or other security holder, or participating member of a cooperative, such as: 1. dividends 2. interest 3. principal payments 4. equity payments 5. profits 6. other distributions J. Escrow funds TRUST, INVESTMENT AND ESCROW ACCOUNTS A. Paying agent accounts B. Unclaimed dividends C. Funds held in a fiduciary capacity D. Funds paid toward the purchase of shares, or interest in a financial or business organization E. Funds received for redemption of stocks and bonds F. Stocks G. Bonds H. Any other certificates of ownership I. Suspense liabilities UTILITIES A. Utility deposits B. Membership fees C. Refunds or rebates COURT DEPOSITS A. Escrow funds B. Condemnation awards C. Missing heirs funds D. Suspense accounts E. Victim’s restitution F. Any other type of deposit made with a court or public authority TANGIBLE PROPERTY A. Contents of safe deposit boxes B. Contents of any other safekeeping repository C. Other tangible property ADOR 11017 (8/11) MISCELLANEOUS CHECKS AND INTANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY HELD IN THE ORIDINARY COURSE OF BUSINESS A. Wages, payroll or salary B. Commissions C. Expense checks D. Workman’s Compensation benefits E. Pension checks F. Credit checks or memos G. Payments for goods and services H. Customer overpayments I. Unidentified remittance J. Unrefunded overcharges K. Accounts payable L. Credit balances - accounts receivable M. Discounts due N. Refunds O. Unredeemed gift certificates P. Vendor checks Q. Mineral proceeds R. Royalties S. Any other miscellaneous outstanding checks T. Any checks that have been written off to income or surplus U. Any other miscellaneous intangible personal property OFFICIAL CHECKS A. Certified checks B. Cashier’s checks C. Registered checks D. Treasurer’s checks E. Drafts F. Warrants G. Money orders H. Travelers checks I. Foreign exchange J. Any other official checks or exchange items DISSOLUTIONS A. All property distributable in the course of voluntary or involuntary dissolution or liquidation which is unclaimed within one year after the date for final distribution is presumed abandoned. INSURANCE A. Amounts due and payable under terms of insurance policies B. Claim payments C. Drafts unpresented for payment D. Matured whole life, term or endowment insurance policies or annuity or supplementary contracts E. Other amounts due under policy terms
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