PROGRAM Here is the full program for this year’s Kulturnatten Lund, sorted by locations in alphabetical order. Almost everything is free. Have fun! Each location in alphabetical order The University’s program can be found in the back, page 13-18. Akademibokhandeln Gleerups 1 Allhelgonakyrkan34 Ateljé & Galleri Maria Thorlund 44 Ateljé Silverbjörnen 19 Biografen Kino 17 Café & Le 7 Clemenstorget32 ComUng14 Domkyrkan11 Domkyrkoforum11 Domkyrkoplatsen11 Erikshjälpen Second Hand 6 Folkets Hus 13 Folkuniversitetet5 Frimurareföreningen Eos 16 Galleri Milhamre 43 Galleri Närbild 36 Galleri Tatis 21 Gråbröderssmedjan21 Historiska Media 20 Hälsans Hus 9 Jolans keramikateljé 27 Jäger & Jansson Galleri 21 Klosterkyrkan47 Konst i Lund 18 Konsthallen4 Krognoshuset4 Kulturen32 Kulturskolan35 Lexis Papper 21 Lundagård50 Magle konserthus 12 Marega Optik 10 Mejeriet40 Mixx Art 7 Månteatern31 Mårtenstorget4 Pingstkyrkan6 Restaurang Viva 41 Saluhallen2 THE University Skapa4 Skissernas Museum 33 Stadsbiblioteket30 Stadshallen1 Stadsparken39 Stadsteatern13 Stenkrossen45 Stortorget1 Studio Ellen 38 Svalornas hus 37 Svaneskolan26 Sydsvenskan3 Teatercaféet13 Teater Sagohuset 42 Tekulturen28 Tredje Våningen 15 Turistbyrån1 Öberg FotoGrafik 46 --- the kULTURNATTen train Astronomihuset58 Botaniska trädgården 55 Fysiska institutionen 57 Geocentrum56 Historiska Muséet 50 Hus Eden 53 LTH Studiecentrum 59 Max IV Laboratoriet 61 Palaestra et Odeum 52 Pufendorfinstitutet54 Science Village Scandinavia 64 Språk- och litteraturcentrum 65 Universitetshuset51 Vattenhallen60 VATTENHALLEN Between 11.00-19.00 . Stops at Lundagård, Sölvegatan and Vattenhallen. Free! --- The kULTURNATTen train STENKROSSEN Between 11.00-19.00 . Stops at Stortorget, Stadsbiblioteket, Mårtenstorget, Mejeriet, Teater Sagohuset and Stenkrossen. Free! LUNDAHOJ Visit for more info. --- THE COLOR RUN Read more in the program. The four dots represent the four color stations. 62 Kä vlin ge väg en 60 58 38 sg ata n iig a an a ta LU ND C äg Stortorget en 11 Sö B OTA N ISK A T R ÄDGÅRD EN 16 3 1 64 4 13 12 M a g le 5 Mårtenstorget 2 9 10 15 Östr a Va 7 19 Lilla Kyrko gata n 17 20 18 50 llgata ev an 6 Dalby vägen tan an at rga Sv sg n 32 39 öde 26 op ata 55 Klostergatan 63 sk ng 51 L U N DAGÅ R D 44 ra S 27 n 21 Bi 54 52 STADSPARKEN Sto gs vä ge Ky r k o g a t a n Slö jdg ata n Ba ng ata n Tr o ll eb er 14 dgat 53 28 Fi n an 31 San gat yrkog 65 33 30 S :t P e tr iK Bredgatan nt gen are t re 61 avä äst Karl XI gatan gm S: u La n ta 56 n To r Spolegatan B yg 35 lve 34 36 32 47 ga 37 43 MÅL a de dr na S ö s pl a E START n 45 40 Revingegatan 42 Södra 41 vägen Ve g a g a t a n rik 59 57 tan Fa b Kung Oscars väg 46 Akademibokhandeln Gleerups (nr 1 on the map) Stortorget 2 • 19:00 to 22:00 Authors and music in the store. Visit to see the full program. • 19:15 to 19:35 Vocal Group Achoir from Malmo sings music from Haiti, bluegrass songs and Allan Edwall. A pre-taste before Lund Choral Festival in October. Arranged by: Lund Choral Festival / Musik i Syd. Akarps antikvariat Kattesund 6 11.00-01.00 Book sale and art exhibition. Allahelgonakyrkan (All Saints Church) (nr 34 on the map) Bredgatan 34 Arranged by: Lunds Allahelgonaförsamling • 18:30 to 19:15 Concert with the choir Indiska kören. • 20:00 to 20:45 Concert with Helgonakören led by Johan-Magnus Sjöberg. • 21:15 to 22:00 Music and poetry. Per Bäcker - saxophone, Daniel Vistam - bass trombone, Johan-Magnus Sjöberg - organ, Kerstin Hesslefors-Persson - reading. Ateljé & Galleri Maria Thorlund (nr 44 on the map) Bankgatan 15 • 12:00 to 22:00 Opening ceremony and opening of the exhibition Pippi på Fåglar. Fifteen artists displaying birds in many different art forms. Ateljé Silverbjörnen (nr 19 on the map) Magle Lilla Kyrkogata 15 (Basement with entry from the garden side.) • 15.00 to 24.00 Exhibition and activities with silver, ceramics, watercolors and prints by Björn Ryberg, Göran Önnervall, Mia Svennarp and Birgitta Landen. Bantorget (nr 63 on the map) • 18:00 to 24:00 September lights. See the square illuminated by hundreds of lights. Biografen Kino (The Kino cinema) (nr 17 on the map) Kyrkogatan 3 Organiser: Biografen Kino / Folkets Bio. Kino is celebrating Kulturnatten’s 30 year anniversary by showing movies all day for 30 per ticket! • • • • • • • • 11:00 to 11:35 Imse vimse (itsy-bitsy) and Elsa och godnattsagorna (Elsa and the bedtime stories). From 3 years. 11:00 to 11:42 Det stora barnkalaset (The big children's party). From 6 years. 13:00 to 13:30 Tänk om… (What if ...) From 3 years. Preview! 13:00 to 14:23 Bram med myror i brallorna (Bram with ants in his pants). From 6 years. 14:00 to 15:43 Innan frosten (Avant l’hiver) by Daniel Auteuil. In French. 14:45 to 16:15 Franska för nybörjare (La Cour de Babel / School of Babel). Acclaimed French documentary. In French. 16:15 to 18:23 Walesa Om Lech Walesa. Exclusive preview! 17:00 to 17:52 Art cinema. Join a guided tour of the 1900s art history and Moderna Museet. Guide: Daniel Birnbaum. Tickets 120 SEK. 1 • • • • 18:30 to 20:10 Tusen bitar (A thousand pieces). Documentary about Björn Afzelius. 18:45 to 20:15 Två dagar, en natt (Deux jours, une nuit). By the Dardenne brothers. Exclusive preview! In French. 20:30 to 22:36 Snowpiercer. Fantastic Film Festival will jump-start its 20th anniversary on Kulturnatten with the only showing in Sweden of the science-fiction movie Snowpiercer. Arranged by: International Fantastic Film Festival and Folkets Bio. 21:00 to 22:42 Tom at the farm. Xavier Dolan. Bjeredsparkens lekplats Lokföraregatan/Vävaregatan 11:00-12:00 Celebrating the opening of the renovated park Bjeredsparken and its new playground, acrobats and jugglers entertain and we offer Swedish fika for free. Arranged by: Lunds kommun. Café & Le (nr 7 on the map) Västra Mårtensgatan 10A • 19.00-24.00 "Open Mic" with new, young talents. Lots of music, from classical guitar to singing and blues. Why not standup? Persian belly dance? There is something for everyone. Clemenstorget (nr 32 on the map) • 15:30 to 16:30 Swing Music with the band from Lund's friend town Greifswald. Arranged by: Kulturskolan Lund. ComUng (nr 14 on the map) Bytaregatan 6 • 17:00 to 21:00 Open House, refreshments, billiards and more. Domkyrkan (The Cathedral) (nr 11 on the map) Arranged by Lunds domkyrkoförsamling • 18:00 to 18:20 Concert with Korinterna led by Kerstin Larsson. • 19:00 to 19:20 & 20:00 to 20:20 Concert with Korallerna and Canthores Cathedrales under the direction of Linda and Olof Alexandersson Elvstam. • 21:00 to 21:20 Poetry and flute, Lena Sjöstrand and Stefan Ekblad. • 23:00 to 23:45 Mass with Koralkören under the direction of Stefan Ekblad and priest Lena Lakeshore. Domkyrkoforum (nr 11 on the map) Lilla Kyrkogatan 1/Kyrkogatan 4 Arranged by Lunds domkyrkoförsamling • 13:30 to 14:00 Children's Theatre: Festen I Hulabo (The party in Hulabo) with lyrics by Britt G. Hallqvist with Teater Sagohuset. Hörsalen (the auditorium). From 3 years. Arranged by Lunds Domkyrkoförsamling and Britt G. Hallqvist Society. • 14:30 to 15:15 Try to sing in a choir! Open choir practice with the Lund Cathedral Boys' Choir. Room: Finnrummet. • 15:30 to 16:15 The diary of a priest at sea. Anders Blomstrand talks about his new book describing the life of a priest at sea based in Rotterdam. Hörsalen (the auditorium). Arranged by Lunds Domkyrkoförsamling in collaboration with Celanders förlag. • 18:00 to 22:45 Exhibition “Vandrande” ("Wandering") by Anita Christoffersson. On the wall. • 18:30 to 19:15 Conversation with the artist Anita Christoffersson. • 19:30 to 20:00 Time for poetry with writer Mattias Jeschko-Edberg. Arranged by Lunds domkyrkoförsamling in collaboration with Celanders Förlag. 2 • 20:30 to 22:30 Short cathedral music program with adolescents. Domkyrkoplatsen (outside the cathedral) (nr 11 on the map) • 12:45 to 13:15, 13:45 to 14:15 & 14:45 to 15:15 Pilgrimage for children from 6 years. Starting at Liberiet and The Labyrinth. Arranged by Lunds Domkyrkoförsamling. • 15:45 to 16:05 Labyrinth Walk for children from 6 years. The Labyrinth. Arranged by Lunds Domkyrkoförsamling. • 17:00 to 17:50 Concert with Lund Symphonic Band. Arranged by: Kulturskolan Lund. • 17:00 to 24:00 Ghost walks. Join us for a walk among the city's ghosts, murders and horror stories. 50 SEK for adults, 20 SEK for children. Ticket sales will begin at. 16.30. New tour every hour. Gathering in front of the entrance to the Cathedral in Lund. Arranged by: Spökguiden. Drottens kyrkoruin Kattesund 6 • 20:00 to 22:00 Music from ca. 900-1300. Vocal, recorders, medieval harp 10 min. Each full and half hour. Erikshjälpen Second hand (nr 6 on the map) Stora Södergatan 25 • 19:00 to 22:00 Art Exhibition - Volunteers choose the work. The shop is decorated with selected (donated) paintings that can also be bought. Folkets Hus (nr 13 on the map) Kiliansgatan 13 The cultural organization Cubasalsa presents a Latin American evening in collaboration with Medborgarskolan. • 18:30 Folk dance from Peru "Amor Latino". • 19:00 Workshop in capoeira with Capoeira Abadá Lund. • 19:30 Salsa Dance Show and have a go at salsa with Sabrosa dance school. • 20:00 Have a go at tango with Tangokompaniet. • 20:30 New York Dance Company with different music and dance styles. • 21:00 Have a go at oriental dance with Carola Bianca from Medborgarskolan in Lund. • 21:30 Have a go at salsa with Ogun masa da dance school from Cuba. • 22:00 Flamenco dance and music with Flamenco del Sur. • 23.00-01.00 Salsa and Latin music (DJ): Musica Cubana, Salsa, Reggaeton, Merengue, Bachata, Latin. Folkuniversitetet (nr 5 on the map) Skomakaregatan 8 • 17:00 to 23:00 Graffitti wall, drag'n'disco, live bands and more! For detailed program and schedule, visit Frimurarföreningen Eos (nr 16 on the map) Krafts Torg 10 • 20:00 to 22:00 The secret societies open house: For more than 275 years, the Swedish Order of Freemasons has been part of the Swedish culture. This opens the doors for a unique presentation of masonic ideals and activities. Galleri Milhamre (nr 43 on the map) Trädgårdsgatan 13 Lund • 13:00 to 22:00 Paintings by Mats Milhamre. Colorful and naïve paintings of Lund. 3 Galleri Närbild (nr 36 on the map) Karl XI gatan 7 • 11:00 to 21:00 Photo exhibition. • 18:00 to 19:00 & 19:30 to 20:30 Picture - poetry - music. Photographers, poets and musicians improvise interpretations of each other's works. Gallery Tatis (nr 21 on the map) Stora Gråbrödersgatan 13 • 17.30-24.00 Open studios and the inauguration of Gallery Tatis - a gallery for art and science. Group exhibition. Café. • 20:00 to 21:00 "Trial of The Art" free panel discussion between artists from Malmö and Lund. Gråbrödersmedjan (nr 21 on the map) Stora Gråbrödersgatan 13 (in the yard) • 17:00 to 22:00 Silversmithing exhibition of student's works. Historiska Media (nr 20 on the map) Bantorget 3 • 19:00 to 22:00 Listen to the current authors and purchase books at a good price. Meet Per T. Ohlsson, Ingmar Karlsson, Eva Queckfeldt and others. Hälsans Hus (nr 9 on the map) Mårtenstorget 6 • 11:30 to 21:00 Art exhibition, raffle and café. The Great Hall: • 12:00 to 13:00 Mindfulness with Soha. • 13:00 to 14:00 Facial acupressure with Zhao Ming Sun. • 14:00 to 15:00 Family constellation with Arpana Sonnsjö. • 15:00 to 16:00 Kundalini yoga with Christine Morel. • 16:00 to 17:00 Dance meditation with Edeli Leijerstam. • 17:00 to 18:00 Mental training for those afraid of flying with Mia Regnér. • 18:00 to 19:00 "Säkra kort" - concert with the choir Östergök. • 19:00 to 20:00 Feldenkrais with Annalisa Valentini. • 20:00 to 21:00 Thought Field Therapy with Teresa Hernandez. Room 1: • 15:00 to 16:00 & 18:00 to 19:00 Dare to follow your dreams with Charlotte Pehrson. • 16:00 to 17:00 Regression therapy with Soha Afskar. • 17:00 to 18:00 Relaxing Hara Meditation with Rashke Borin. IOGT-NTO Bantorget 5 • 17:30 to 24:00 An evening of tango, dance, film and live music arranged by Milonga B5. • 17:30 to 18:30 Tango - pair or singels, try out your first steps with Marcela Troncoso, one of the best tango teachers in Skåne. Fika 25 kr. 18:30 to 24:00 Tango sale. Bring and sell your old tango shoes and dresses. Perhaps you will find some new treasures? • 4 • • • 18:45 to 20:00 Film about the origins of tango, history, development and the composers Pugliese and Piazzolla. Intro Juanjo Passo. Fika 25kr. 20:00 to 20:15 The history about Orquesta Tipica Tangarte. The founder and bandoneonist Juanjo Passo talks about his mission to spread the tango music. 20:30 to 24:00 Milonga! Dance tango as it´s danced in Buenos Aires and to live music. Live: Quinteto Tangarte. Entrance 100 kr. Jolan´s ceramic studio (nr 27 on the map) Idrottsgatan 4 • 19:00 to 22:00 Lots of creativity in the pottery: We make pots together. Jäger & Jansson Gallery (nr 21 on the map) Stora Gråbrödersgatan 13 • 17:00 to 22:00 Art exhibition by Marie Louise Kold. Klosterkyrkan (nr 47 on the map) Trollebergsvägen 4 Arranged by: St. Peters klosters församling • 09.00-23.00 The church is open - experience the medieval room in the middle of the present, an opportunity for reflection and presence. Reflections and soft music in the church. • 16:00 Meet a nun who teaches and talks about life in the abbey church in the middle ages. • 17:00 Music and motion with Margaret Gårder-Forss. For young children accompanied by an adult. • 18:00 Weekend mass with music, and the choir Svart på Vitt. • 18:30 The choir Svart på Vitt, international music and texts from different corners of the world. • 19.30 Lunds vokalensemble. Procession from Petersgården that ends with a concert in Klosterkyrkan. • 21:00 Concert with early and contemporary music, Machaut Machine. • 22:00 Evening mass. Konsthallen (Lunds art gallery) (nr 4 on the map) Mårtenstorget 3 • 10:00 to 18:00 Sculpture Workshop: Participate in creating sculptures with 2,000 pink plastic pieces! A playful and tricky task for all ages! Art educators are instructing. • 10:00 to 23:00 See the art! Public art in Lund: Inside the gallery, you can see a handful of sketches and models and then embark on a guided art tour on foot, by bike and / or bus. Each round takes about an hour. No registration is required for tours by bicycle or on foot. You can borrow bicycles for free for a deposit. Bus art tours has limited seating. To book, download a free ticket in the art gallery from 10:00 a.m. the same day. Maximum two tickets per visitor. • 10:00 to 11:00 & 16:00 to 17:00 Art tour by foot. Gathering at Stortorget, outside the Stadshallen entrance. • 14:00 to 15:00 & 17:00 to 18:00 Art tour by bike. Gathering outside Lund Konsthall. • 15:00 to 16:00 Art tour by bus. Gathering outside Lund Konsthall. • 20:00 to 21:00 Art tour by foot – in the dark. Bring a flashlight! Gathering at Högevallsbadet, the entrance facing the park. You can also choose to go for a ride on your own with the help of the gallery’s prerecorded audio guide. When you borrow an audio player and earphones, you must leave your ID as 5 collateral. There is also an art tour especially designed for kids and family, to go on your own. Map and more details can be found in the gallery’s reception. Konst i Lund (nr 18 on the map) Lilla Fiskaregatan 23 • 19:00 to 21:00 Watercolors of Lund by Erik Lundgren. Krognoshuset (nr 4 on the map) Mårtenstorget • 12:00 to 22:00. Exhibition. The artist Sandra Norrbin shows objects and drawings. Kulturen (nr 32 on the map) Tengérsplatsen • 18:00 to 22:00 The scary tour. With a flashlight, children embark on a scary and exciting quiz in the old houses at the open-air museum. • 18:30 to 19:30 The string ensemble Cappella Lundensis perform classical music such as Sibelius and Bach but also modern composers from Scandinavia. In the auditorium. • 19:30 to 20:00 The choir Östergök with their performance called “Säkra kort”. The choir Lundakören offer prominent music about longing and relationships. In the garden room. • 20:00 to 21:00 40 years with Röda kapellet. The amateur brass band celebrates its 40th anniversary with a program filled with wild, beautiful and serious music. In the auditorium. • 21:00 to 22:00 The quartet Kvartetten. Folk band from Skåne perform ballads and old classics with joy and energy. In the garden room. Kulturskolan (nr 35 on the map) Sankt Laurentiigatan 1 • 16:00 to 16:45 “Långt ner i Småland!” ("Way down in Småland!"). Music from Småland about Kristina from Duvemåla and Kristina Nilsson.The story of two women from Småland who both sought their fortune in America. In the Fernström auditorium. • 16:00 to 18:00 Piano marathon, concerts by piano students. Room 42 and 43. • 17:15 to 18:15 Concert with Lunds Ungdomsorkester (Lund Youth Orchestra) and the youth orchestra from Lund’s twin town Greifswald. In the Fernström auditorium. • 19:00 to 20:45 Chamber music performed by former students. In the Fernström auditorium. • 21:00 to 23:00 "Nocturne" – Kulturskolan’s traditional chamber concert where former students, teachers and guests appear. In the Fernström auditorium. Lexis Paper (nr 21 on the map) Stora Gråbrödersgatan 13 • 13:00 to 13:45, 15:00 to 15:45, 17:00 to 17:45 & 19:00 to 19:45 Try out Japanese calligraphy. Instructor: Rinella Grahn. Lundagård (nr 50 on the map) • 12:00 to 23:00 The Chinese corner. The Chinese cultural society show chinese culture: • 12:00 to 17:00 Taste of China. Tasting and sales of chinese food. • 12:00 to 23:00 Origami workshop for children. • 12:00 to 23:00 Chinese fishing game for kids. • 13:00 to 14:00 Lecture. Inspirations from Chinese culture - oriental wisdom. In English. • 14:00 to 15:00 Kungfu performance. Shaolin, bagua sword, taichi, Baji, nanchaku, and selfdefense techniques. 6 • • • • • • • • • • • 15:00 to 16:00 Lecture. Traditional Chinese medicine - you will never get sick. 16:00 to 17:00 Introduction to the Chinese language. 14:00 to 23:00 The Swedish-Taiwanese Friendship Association will present their activities. 16:00 to 19:00 Lund Wing Tsun- and Escrimaskola show Chinese boxing and Filipino weapons fighting at. 16.30, 17.30 and 18.30. 16:00 to 22:00 Borrow books from the library bus and get more information about its activeties. 16:00 to 22:00 The blood bus provide information on blood donation (no donation on the spot). 16:00 to 22:00 The magazine Faktum is sold. 16:00 to 23:00 Lund’s theatre association (Lunds teaterförening) informs about autumn performances. Theatre quiz with a chance to win tickets to some of the acts. 16:00 to 23:00 Abadá Capoeira Lund. Music and sale of traditional brazilian food. 18:00 to 22:00 Creative family workshop and BBQ with the organization Kulturföreningen and its circus wagon. 22:15 Fire show “Promethean flame”. Fire and lights in motion with Patrik Petersson. Lundagård , the dance floor (nr 50 on the map) Different dance schools and clubs perform all kinds of dance. • 14:30 to 15:30 Different styles - LL Dance Studio. • 15:30 to 16:30 Swedish Bugg (swing dance) – with Gåsasteget. • 16:30 to 17:00 Tango – with Tangokompaniet. • 17:00 to 17:20 Tap dance - The Tap Ladies from Lund. • 17:25 to 17:55 Capoeira – with Abadá Capoeira Lund. • 18:00 to 18:30 Jazz, street dance, burlesque and show dance – with Style Dance Studio. • 18:35 to 19:05 Hip hop and cultural dance with New York Dance. • 19:10 to 20:05 Flamenco - Peña Flamenca el planeta. • 20:10 to 20:40 Swedish folk dance – with Lunds studenters folkdanslag. • 20:40 to 21:15 Salsa – with Salsa Sabrosa. • 21:15 to 22:15 Folk dance from the Balkans – with Balkanfötter. • 22:15 to 23:00 Oriental Belly Dance – with Oriental Move. • 23:00 to 24:00 Lindyhop – with Hep Town. Magle Konserthus (Magle Concert Hall) (nr 12 on the map) Magle stora kyrkogata 4 • 20:00 to 20:40 & 21:00 to 21:40 Lunds Studentsångare offer renowned choir classics. Marega Optik (nr 10 on the map) Östra Mårtensgatan 9 A • 13:00 to 15:00 A quiet corner – try to play the guitar! Feel and listen to the acoustic guitar. The teacher and musician Miro from LIMUS welcomes everyone from 7 years and up and will show different styles. Languages: Swedish, English, French and Spanish. Arranged by LIMUS. Mejeriet (nr 40 on the map) Stora Södergatan 64 • 14:00 to 16:00 Barnfesten (The Children's Party) is a club for 0-7 year olds, with music, dancing and games. DJ: Johanna Olofsson. • 20:00 to 23:00 The Other Woman + secret guests. Season start for the jazz club Underground at Mejeriet! 7 MIXX art (nr 7 on the map) Bankgatan 2 • 18:00 to 22:00 Art - original paintings. Månteatern (nr 31 on the map) Bredgatan 3 • 16:00 to 17:00 The play ”Bless”, about being excluded and how the network can either help and hinder. From 9 years. Directed by Marie Parker Shaw. Arranged by Månteatern. • 19:30 to 00:30 Improvised theatrical marathon with actors, musicians and secret guests. Arranged by SPECT. Scenkonst Mårtenstorget (nr 4 on the map) Arranged by ABF Lund. • 14:00 Jester parade – withyouth leisure clubs from Lund and Kulturskolan • 15:00 to 16:30 Kulturskolan. • 17:00 to 17:30 48 blues. • 18:00 to 18:30 Tennessee Ride – country music. • 19:00 to 19:30 Cristal Andino -Latin American music. • 20:00 to 20:30 Conakry & Rapstinens - hip hop music. • 21:00 to 21:30 Curl Alley String Band – bluegrass music. • 22:00 to 23:00 New York Dance. Pingstkyrkan (nr 6 on the map) Stora Södergatan 25 • 22:00 to 23:00 Soul and gospel concert with “b-tolv”. A sex man band and a small but vocally strong choir convey great energy. Free admission. Restaurant Viva (nr 41 on the map) Karhögstorg • 19:30 to 21:30 Concert with Cajunpeppar. A blast of hot party music with roots in Louisiana and New Orleans; blues, Cajun, zydeco and country. Saluhallen (nr 2 on the map) Mårtenstorget 1 • 15:00 to 21:45 Food, music and dance. Have a seat and have something to eat, or grab something to go. On stage, we offer different kind of music, from the Beatles and pop, jazz and choral singing. For detailed program see Skapa (nr 4 on the map) Svartbrödersgatan 1 • 16:00 to 23:00 Demonstration of decorative painting. Fredrika Linse show Trompe l'oeil "fool-the-eye-wall," floor paintings and how recycled furniture can look like new with marbling and vein painting. Stadsbiblioteket (nr 30 on the map) Sankt Petri Kyrkogata 6 • 11:00 to 11:40 Children’s picture book marathon. With the best picture books in the library. • 12:00 to 12:40 Pettson & Findus reading aloud. • 13:00 to 13:40 Reading aloud of Astrid Lindgren's lesser-known stories. • 14:00 to 14:30 Reading aloud with Sagoberättaren (the Storyteller). From 15 years. • 14:00 to 15:00 Swedish and Greek folk music with the band Skånska Mandoliner. 8 • • • • • 15:00 to 15:50 Readings of short stories. 15:00 to 16:00 Author Sarah Sheppard talks about his book Viktiga kartor (Essential maps) come out and travel with her in your imagination! From 4 years. 16:00 to 16:50 Reading aloud of detective stories, with a focus on the author Kristina Ohlsson. 16:00 to 16:30 & 16:45 to 17:15 Treasure hunt through the library. Are you between 5-10 years? Do you dare to go on a treasure hunt through the library? Together we are looking for clues which, if we are lucky, will bring us to the treasure. 18:00 to 18:50 A groovy music show for the whole family with Max Carling, Gerd Carling and Håkan Ekvall. Fantastic magic numbers and impressive juggling promised! Stadshallen (nr 1 on the map) Stortorget In the foyer: • 10:00 to 23:00 Kulturnatten’s information desk. We help you find your way! • 14:00 to 23:00 The future of cultural activities. How do you think Kulturnatten ought to be in the future? Come and share your thoughts! Discuss your thoughts and ideas with Torsten Schenlaer, Director of Art & Culture in Lund: 16:00 to 16:30, 18:00 to 18:30 & 21:00 to 21:30. • 14:00 to 14:45 Performance by Lunds spelmansgille. A regular feature on Kulturnatten! The fiddlers from Lund play skånsk folk music with a never-ending enthusiasm. • • • • • • • • In the Concert Hall: 11:00 to 11:45 & 12:00 to 12:45 A LIMUS family concert with many fingers joining in the game. Join us on the podium in Stadshallen! Play along with musicians from 5 years and up. 13:30 to 14:15 Lunds Ungdomsorkester 15:00 to 15:45 Oddjob - jazz for all ages! Come and get acquainted with the duck, hedgehog, koala and the other Jazzoo-animals! Earlier this year, the jazz group won a Grammy for the children’s album Jazzoo – here performing in a playful and interactive concert version. From 4 years. 16:30 to 17:15 Rejoice Gospel Choir. Let yourself be swept away by the swinging AfroAmerican gospel music! Rejoice Gospel Choir offers a concert experience that brings lots of new energy - every time! 18:00 to 18:45 Trixiia. With vocals, drums and bass combined with a string quartet, Trixiia creates a completely unique sound that oscillates somewhere between fragile and brittle nudity and dramatic grandeur. Music as light as a summer breeze. Not entirely wrong an evening in September. 19:30 to 20:15 Oddjob. For over ten years, Oddjob has been one of the leading jazz groups in Sweden. This concert is for all adults who like jazz – prepare for great swing and interaction beyond the ordinary! 21:00 to 21:45 New Tide Orquesta. Former New Tango Orquesta - Tango has now had to give more room for a more minimalist look in a chamber music version. It is no coincidence that the band is hired extensively for movie contexts. Every song is tailored to a scene where you decide what happens. 22:30 to 23:20 John Hugosson feat. Måns Block. Johan Hugosson is a piano genius. In Stadshallen he offers music for solo piano, and for piano and percussion where Måns Block from Damn! stands for percussion. In addition, a piece that Johan has specially written for Kulturnatten. Stadsparken (nr 39 on the map) • 11:00 to 14:00 The Color Run - color throwing, dancing and music. 9 • The Color Run, internationally known as "The Happiest 5k on the Planet," is a five-kilometer race, without timing, where thousands of runners are covered from head to toe with colors at each kilometer passed. It all ends with a party with lots of music, color and dance at the finish. You can buy tickets to participate via and at Bantorget ThursdayFriday September 18-19 at. 14:00 to 20:00. Cost: 345 SEK if you run yourself, or 335 SEK / person if you are running as a team. See the location of the run on the Kulturnatten map. 20:30 to 22:00 Bat Safari. How many bats are there in the park and how do they live their lives? Follow the guide Cecilia Wide who will be using a detector that can track the night flier. Gathering by the greenhouses. Arranged by Naturrum Skrylle, Lund. Stadsteatern (The City Theatre) (nr 13 on the map) Kiliansgatan 13 • 14:00 to 14:40 Circus Rabalder. Humorous and daredevil circus performance that takes you into a world of acrobatic jumble, exuberant music, breathtaking aerial acrobatics, physical comedy and dance riot! • 16:00 to 16:45 Fragments of Life - Stories from the war. The cultural organization Viva has created Fragments of life based on interviews with 34 people who grew up in the Nordic countries during the Second World War. The result is a gripping theater that raises questions, curiosity, and memories. • 17:30 to 18:15 Ferne & De Fyra Sista. Dylan interpreted in Swedish. The new album was nominated in the show category at the Grammy Awards earlier this year. • 19.00 to 20.00 Hailed! Ann Heberlein. A talkshow and an interview with a celebrity. Hosting the whole thing is Kristoffer Jonzon. • 21:30 to 22:15 Dressed to Thrill - Sweden's best Kiss tribute band perfects the illusion of experiencing a real Kiss show! Nothing has been left to chance - the music, the guitars, the clothes, the fire show - every detail is where it should. • 23:00 to 23:45 Flamenco, dance concert. Ewa Flycht and her approximately thirty students will be performing smoking hot flamenco and other dance styles within the genre, accompanied by guitar, percussion and vocals. The theme for the night is The four Elements, and includes a fashion show. Stenkrossen (nr 45 on the map) Kastanjegatan 13 • 18:00 to 24:00 Vi odlar! (We grow!) Come and see a bee hive, feed a worm compost, smell a herb spiral, look at our own-made greenhouse and explore everything that grows in the bath tubs. Try to manufacture self-watering pots from recycled materials and create moss graffiti that you can take home. The courtyard. Organiser: The urban agriculture project Vi Odlar. • 18:00 to 24:00 Young art. Paintings, sculptures, photography, arts and crafts and much more. In Vita Galleriet (The white gallery). • 18:00 to 24:00 Concert Marathon on three stages! Local and upcoming bands playing everything from pop to flamenco. • 19:00 to 22:00 Minecraft. LKF and Veidekke need help from the youth in Lund to create the future houses in the area Råbykungen/Stenkrossen. The competition starts here. Nice prices to the winners! For more information visit In Vita Galleriet (The white gallery). • • • The Courtyard Stage: 18:15 to 18:45 Kulturskolan’s rock band. 19:15 to 19:45 Nobodys – skate punk. 20:15 to 20:45 Oxid - post indie. 10 • • • 21:15 to 21:45 IKONIA - rock. 22:15 to 22:45 About Ape. 23:15 to 23:45 Mollycoddle - acid rock / funk / pop / surf. • • • • • The Construction Hall: 18:30 to 19:00 Möggel - progressive rock. 19:30 to 20:00 Exxecuted - trash metal. 20:30 to 21:00 Classified Drama. 21:30 to 22:00 Dever - punk. 23.30 to 24.00 People Inc. - electronic pop. • • • • • The Square: 18:45 to 19:15 Mengue Flamenco. 19:45 to 20:15 DJ More-10 / ... - soul / r’n’b / ballads. 20:45 to 21:15 Fågelle - experimental pop. 21:45 to 22:15 Effayé - pop / soul. 22:45 to 23:15 Battulga - hip hop / house / r & b / trap. Stenkrossen, Lilla Teatern (nr 45 on the map) Kastanjegatan 13 • 14:00 to 14:30 A Children's Play. Someone has stolen the teddybears hugs and everyone is in a bad mood. The friends Winnie and Ted embark on an adventurous quest to find out what happened. • 15:00 to 15:30 Lilla Teatern’s youngest show some of what they are working with right now. • 15:45 to 16:15 Lilla Teatern’s children’s group showing parts of past performances. • 16:30 to 17:00 Theatrical improvisation with Lilla Teatern’s youth. • 17:00 to 17:45 Opera and then some! Lilla Operan in concert with lovely operatic tones and melodious songs. • 18:00 to 18:30 The Dagmar group "After the wild spirit." Based on Henrik Ibsen's "The Wild Duck". The play will premiere in January 2015 at Stenkrossen. • 19:00 to 19:30 Guitar music with Duo Normal. Bengt Andreasson and Fredrik Hast. Classical guitar, but not only that. A varied program is promised. • 20:00 to 20:30 Theatre Argon. Excerpt from "Life's all emotion" a Charlie-Chaplin-potpourri. • 21:00 to 21:30 The choir Östergök perform "Säkra kort". A selection of songs that cannot go wrong. Both amusing and disturbing, not a dry eye to be seen! • 22:00 to 22:30 Theatre zone 240. How did "The Idol" end up in the Zone? What is "The bear’s" motive? What has happened exactly? From 15 years. Stortorget (nr 1 on the map) • 11:30 to 24:00 The Kulturnatten Food Court. On Stortorget, you will find the music scene, but you can also buy food from one of the food carts and tents and take part of acoustic entertainment from the small stage related to the food service area. Who knows what else you will see passing by. Stortorget, The roof stage (Takscenen) (nr 1 on the map) Kulturnatten's music scene! The municipality in Lund presents a broad program ranging across diverse genres. • 17:00 to 17:45 Verklighetens Folk (Real people). They call their music “villa pop”, one could also describe it as catchy pop songs with clever lyrics about everyday life in suburbia, delivered with great self-distance and a smile. 11 • • • • • 17:45 to 18:00 Kulturnatten for the thirtieth time! Listen to Torsten Schenlaer, Director of Art & Culture in Lund, interview the man behind Kulturnatten, Gösta Johan Bredberg, about how it all started. 18:30 to 19:15 Dirty Loops. Dirty Loops´ hyper energetic mix of dance pop and jazz fusion is unique. The trio's cover of Lady Gaga's "Just Dance" became a hit on Youtube a few years ago. They were contacted by star producer David Foster and got to make a record that was praised worldwide. Tonight on a roof stage near you! 20:00 to 20:45 Viktoria Tolstoy. With countless records and collaborations with a number of famous jazz musicians, Viktoria Tolstoy is Sweden's uncrowned queen of jazz. A super talent that usually peaks every time she is on stage. 21:30 to 22:15 Sebastian Wijk. Sebastian Wijk from Helsingborg has a rich warm voice, which creates a space that allows you to shut out the outside world for a while. It's beautiful, melancholic and goes straight to the heart. We dare to promise a real goose bumps concert. 23:00 to 23:45 Sallyswag. With influences from dance hall, rap, African, Balkan and Swedish folk music, the band Sallyswag plays music with lots of attitude and groove. Or as the band's creator Erika Risinger says: "Sallyswag is a big fat brand new party band! A nice punch in the face." Studio Ellen (nr 38 on the map) Kung Oskars väg 35 • 16:00 to 17:00 and 17:30 to 18:30 Try singing in a choir. We sing different genres with simple harmonies. Everyone is welcome regardless of age. Limited seats. Svalornas hus (nr 37 on the map) Spolegatan 5 Organizer: ABC - active measures for human and environment & Svalorna India Bangladesh • 10:00 to 15:00 Svalorna´s second hand store is open to anyone who wants to shop sustainable and support Svalorna´s international work. • 11:00 to 15:00 Open house and workshops. Grow organically on the roof terrace, make a henna tattoo, inspired by ABC's recent exhibition of photographs from India and Nepal, have some organic Fair Trade coffee, and enjoy hanging out! • 12:00 to 14:00 Live music with local talents. For more information, visit ABC's website Svaneskolan (in the auditorium) (nr 26 on the map) Möllegatan 6 • 19:00 to 20:00 Chinese Cultural Festival. Chinese dances, songs, music and martial arts with ancient history. Arranged by: Kinesiska Kulturföreningen (The Chinese Cultural Society.) Sydsvenskan (nr 3 on the map) Skomakaregatan 1 • 19:00 to 20:30 A talk show with Sydsvenskan´s culture editors and invited guests. Per Svensson on the legacy of 30th century Nazism at Lund University. Rachel Chukri about Christians in the Middle East and Filip Yifter-Smith about the art of baking injera bread. Teatercaféet (locaded in the City Theatre/Stadsteatern) (nr 13 on the map) Magle Lilla Kyrkogata 1 • 19:00 to 22:00 Karaoke with a real pianist. Listen to others or perform yourself accompanied by a pianist. Bring notes with chord analysis. Organizers: Pipedream Production and Lund dans- och musikalgymnasium. 12 Teater Sagohuset (nr 42 on the map) Revingegatan 8 • 15:00 to 20:00 Swedish masters in storytelling slam. • 19:00 to 19:45 & 21:00 to 21:45 Concert with Midnattsorkestern. An eight man band from Gothenburg invites you to the release of the new album Över stadens tak. • 20:00 to 21:00 Storytelling with the storyteller group Ägir. Tegnérmuseet Stora Gråbrödersgatan 11 • 19:00 to 22:00 Home of the Swedish poet Esaias Tegnér 1813-1826. Tekulturen (nr 28 on the map) Slöjdgatan 13 • 15:00 to 21:00 Art all over the walls and free warming tea. Tredje Våningen (nr 15 on the map) Östra Mårtensgatan 15, 3rd floor • 14:00 to 17:00 Health and beauty. Try our various treatments. Turistbyrån (The Tourist Office) (nr 1 on the map) Stortorget • 10:00 to 22:00 We are open! • 10:00 to 11:30 Culture Jogging. Put on your jogging shoes and follow on a guided jogging tour with many stops at Lund´s more or less well-known attractions. About 5 km. Gathering and start outside the Tourist Office. Organizer: Agnes in Lund. • 15:30 to 16:30 "Horrible stories" performed by Helena Heyman, storyteller. • 21:00 to 22:00 Classical piano music. Young Academy from LIMUS out on a musical adventure. Öberg fotografik (nr 46 on the map) Vegagatan 25 • 17:00 to 22:00 The exhibition "Salång PåGång". New photos on paper, canvas and metal by Jan Öberg. • 19:00 Mini-lecture: Photo & Peace. • 20:30 Mini-lecture: About KulturLivLund - On the streets • 12:00 to 14:00 Street music on Lilla Fiskaregatan 6 (outside Granit), performed by pupils from Fäladsgården. Arranged by Fäladsgårdens kulturprofil. • 13:30 to 14:00 Gycklartåget (jester parade). Lund leisure clubs and students from Kulturskolan parade through the town accompanied by samba drums! The parade departs from Clemenstorget at 13:30 and ends on Mårtenstorget at 14:00. • 14:00 to 15:00 Style Dance Studio dance on the pedestrian zone in the center of Lund. Arranged by: Studieförbundet vuxenskolan The University program Astronomihuset Sölvegatan 27 Arranged by the Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics. 13 • • • • • • • • • • • 15:00 to 18:00 Quiz about the universe along Sölvegatan. 16:00 to 18:00 Children's Activities. 16:00 to 23:00 Open House with popular science lectures, look through a telescope, exhibition, and more. This year's theme is Planets and exoplanets. Please note that the Faculty of Science's planetarium (located in Vattenhallen) is open at. 12:00-20:00 17:00 to 17:45 Gaia nine months after launch. Lecture by Lennart Lindegren. Physics of Life - Hans-Uno Bengtsson-lectures in physics: 18:15 to 19:00 The Big Bang -the origin of life, with Leif Lönnblad. 19:15 to 20:00 Atoms born in the stars with Nils Ryde. 20:15 to 21:00 The clocks of life with Carl Troein. 18:30 to 19:15 Cosmic computer simulations. Astronomers show and tell. 19:30 to 20:15 and 20:30 to 21:15 Cosmic computer simulations. Astronomers show and tell. In English. 21:15 to 22:00 From pebbles to planets: making exoplanets. Lecture with Anders Johanssen. In English. 22:15 to 23:00 The dynamic future of exoplanetary systems. Lecture by Melvyn B. Davis. In English. The Botanical Garden Östra Vallgatan 20 • 18:00 to 21:00 The greenhouses and Kafé Botan are open. This year's theme is apples. The Society Fruktsam is involved. Botanical quiz for kids and adults. Fysiska institutionen (Department of Physics) Sölvegatan 14 C • • • • • • 10:30 to 24:00 Experiments. Even more playful stations in biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics and environmental science this year! Meet students and experiment. Competitions for children on the hour starting at 12:00. 11:00 to 11:35 Physics & laser show for children from 4 years. A playful show with air pressure, fire and a final laser show. Free tickets are available one hour before the show. 12:00 to 12:40 Physics & laser show for children from 5 years. A playful show with air pressure, fire and a final laser show. Free tickets are available one hour before the show. 12:30, 14:00, 15:30 & 17:00 Biology show for children between 4-8 years (30 min). With Spider-Man, The Toad Prince Agaton and Pytte the Python. Guess the animal, count legs and learn how a cow wants to dress the Christmas tree! Free tickets are available one hour before each show. 13:30 to 14:25 & 15:00 to 15:55 Physics & laser show for children from 6 years. An amazingly spectacular show with cool experiments and a great laser show in as a grand finale. Free tickets are available one hour before each show. 16:30 to 17:30 & 18:00 to 19:00 Physics & laser show acts from 10 years. Success at the World Expo in Shanghai, Melbourne, Copenhagen, Oslo, Belgrade, Gothenburg. Touch, sound and light phenomena, smoke, fire, and a super-professional laser show in the end. Free tickets are available one hour before each show. 14 • • 19:00, 20:30 & 22:15 Biology show for adults and children 8 + (45 min). With cute baby animals, aggressive plants, spider dance and a flag in the pan. A unique multi-media performance with experiments and demonstrations spiced with laughter, sex and soap bubbles. Free tickets are distributed one hour before each show. 20:00, 22:00 & 24:00 Physics & laser show world class for adults (60 min). Success at the World Expo in Shanghai, Melbourne, Copenhagen, Oslo, Belgrade and Gothenburg. Touch, sound and light phenomena, smoke, fire, and a super-professional laser show as a grand finale. Free tickets are available one hour before each show. Geocentrum Sölvegatan 12 (Opposite Gerdahallen) Arranged by the Department of Geology. • • • • • • • • • • • 13:00 to 16:00 Open House, dinosaur exhibits and refreshments. 13:00 to 16:00 Strain your own fossils. By straining the sand that once was on a seabed and you might find 80 million years old fossils from sharks, turtles, octopuses and sea urchins. 13:00 to 16:00 Ask a geologist. Do you have a stone, a fossil, a picture of a strange land formation or some other geological object that you would like to learn more about? Come and ask questions to the geologists Leif Johansson and Dan Hammarlund or the paleontologist Johan Lindgren. 13:00 to 16:00 Dinosaur fossils and crafts. Make your own fossil box, draw a dinosaur footprint in real size, measure the dinosaurs, draw your own imaginary fossils and more. Room 224, Fagus. 13:00 to 16:00 Back to the Ice Age. Take a look at the Geocentrum first climate archives and take the opportunity to learn a little more about the last ice age, the Baltic Development and landscape variations. Room 243, Rodinia. 13:00 to 16:00 Welcome down into the mountain. What does it look like in a mine, how do you know what kind of rock or mineral you have found? Learn more about and discover minerals and rocks found in our Swedish mines. Room 244, Trilobite. 13:30, 14:00, 14:30 & 15:00 The movie "Rock around Skåne." A short film that takes you on a journey back in time and passes by the Scanian volcanoes, the dinosaurs and the Ice Age. Room 229, Pangaea. 14:00 to 14:30 & 15:00 to 15:30 Fossil Hunting. A show about dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals for children aged 4-12 years. Free tickets are available at the entrance from 13:00. Room 237, Baltica. Evening Lectures "Behind the headlines" room 229, Pangea: 18:00 Baltic Sea - a eutrophicated sea. With Johanna City Ground. 18:30 A colorful past: How can we tell what was the color of extinct birds and dinosaurs? With Johan Branch. 19:15 What do you know about your water? With Charlotte Sparrenbom. 19:45 Meteorites, Tsunamis and fossil plants - pitfalls to avoid in the contact with the media. With Vivi Vajda. Historiska Museet (The Historical Museum) Krafts torg 1 15 • • • • 17:00 to 22:00 Open House at the Museum, free admission. During the evening the exhibition “Heliga föremål” ("Sacred objects") is shown to small groups of people. Guide: Sofia Cinthio. 18:00 & 20:00 Skeleton Walk for children. Guide: Erika Rosengren. 19:00 to 20:00 Exhibition. Museum Director Per Karsten shows the Zoological exhibition hall with the exhibition Sven Nilsson and the Skåne postglacial fauna. 21:00 to 21:45 Exhibition. Museum Director Per Karsten show the exhibition Barbaricum, Skåne’s Iron Age. Hus Eden Paradisgatan 5H Arranged by the Faculty of Social Science. • • • • • 18:00 to 18:45 & 20:00 to 20:45 Photography: America. The social anthropologist Christer Lindberg presents images of nature, Native American culture and the urban city life from his travels in North America. 19:00 to 20:00 & 20:30 to 21:30 Photography: Close Combat in close-up. The social scientist and wrestling photographer Fredrik Schoug shows images from the Wrestlingpalatset in Malmö. 18:30 to 19:00 & 19:30 to 20:00 Lecture. Not only Hilma af Klint: Anomalous psychology in contemporary and modern art with Etzel Cardena, professor of psychology. 18:30 to 22:00 Ongoing short presentations based on five themes: force - freedom, rich poor, sick – healthy, cooperation - conflict, online - offline. 19:00 to 19:45 & 21:00 to 21:45 Panel discussion with social scientists questioned by Andreas Ekström, journalist from Sydsvenskan, and the audience. LTH Studiecentrum John Ericssons väg 4 • • • 12:00 to 18:00 Exciting technology experiments, demonstrations and hands-on activities for both children and adults. You may, among other things, try to sit in the students' racing car and talk to those who build and compete with it in Formula Student, learn to program, draw with robots and see research films. For the full program visit 12:00 to 18:00 3D printers. See objects printed in 3D. Professor Olaf Diegel talks about the technology every half hour. In English. 12.00-18.00 A band that plays 3D-printed intruments, every full hour. MAX IV Laboratory Ole Römers väg 1 • 12:00 to 19:00 Guided tours in the laboratory every hour – pre-book in advance by sending an email to [email protected]. In addition, "Be scientist for a day" - do your own experiments. Palaestra et Odeum Universitetsplatsen 16 • • 14:00 to 15:00 El sistema. The Music Pedagogy El sistema presented by educators and students from Malmö and musicologist Eva Sæther. Room Kapellsalen. 16:30 to 17:30 Try conducting a choir. With a little help from the choral conductor Cecilia Martin-Löf, you are welcome to try to conduct the choir Lunds Akademiska Kör. Room Kapellsalen. Pufendorf Institute Biskopsgatan 3 • • • • • • 15:00 to 16:30 35th anniversary! Kulturnatten turns 30 and the Pufendorf Institute its 5th. Therefore we offer lemonade and cookies for free in the garden (or on the 1st floor in case of bad weather). 16:15 to 16:45 Jazz Improvisation as storytelling: on metaphors in tones and words. The pianist Sven Bjerstedt plays his doctorate in music education. 2nd floor. Arranged by Inter Arts Center, Malmö, Konstnärliga fakulteten (Faculty of Fine Arts) and Pufendorf Institute, Lund University. 17:00 to 17:30 Endangered species - what happens when the ecosystem change and what can we do? Per Lundberg talks about his research in evolutionary ecology. 1st floor. Arranged by Kungliga Fysiografiska Sällskapet (The Royal Physiographic Society) in Lund and the Pufendorf Institute, Lund University. 17:45 to 18:15 The Backup Copy. Roland von Bothmer, an expert in plant breeding and biotechnology, presents and shows film of the seed bank in Svalbard. 1st floor. Arranged by Kungliga Fysiografiska Sällskapet (The Royal Physiographic Society) in Lund and the Pufendorf Institute, Lund University. 18:30 to 19:00 The importance of art for our survival. With Charlotte Erlandson-Albertsson, specialist in appetite regulation. Flat 1st Arr: Royal Physiographic Society in Lund and Pufendorf Institute, Lund University. 19:15 to 19:45 Henrik Frisk, laptop and diffusion. 2nd floor. Arranged by: Inter Arts Center, Malmö, Konstnärliga fakulteten (Faculty of Fine Arts) and the Pufendorf Institute, Lund University. Science Village Scandinavia Skomakaregatan 4 • 16:00 to 20:00 An Exhibition about Science Village Scandinavia’s future development on Brunnshög, between ESS and MAX IV. What has been the recent archaeological excavation at the site given, and what has been found in the old mill before the upcoming renovation? Skissernas museum (The Museum of Sketches) Finngatan 2 • • • 12:00 to 23:00 The exhibitions are open with free admission. 16:00 to 18:00 Creative workshop for all ages. 17:00 to 18:00, 18:00 to 19:00 & 19:00 to 20:00. Behind the scenes. Follow down the magazine and archives to see how the museum works with their collections. Please make your reservations in advance to [email protected]. 17 • • 17:00 to 20:00 Open studio. What does conservators tools look like? Learn how to repair a tear in the paper. Meet the museum curator in the open studio. 20:00 to 21:00 Premiere for "Kirsten - the right to his own life" with Teater Sagohuset. From 13 years old. Tickets are booked through Biljettbyrån 046-13 14 15 Språk- och litteraturcentrum (Languages and Literature) Helgonabacken 12 • • • • • • • 17:30 to 18:00 Guess the English dialects. What does English sound like around the world? Sal H135a. 18:00 to 19:00 Demonstration of the Humanistlaboratoriet. The entrance hall. 18:30 to 19:30 Latin - a first lesson. Room H135a. 18:30 to 19:45 Film screening. "In Languages We Live: Voices of the World". Auditorium. 19:00 to 20:00 Students at the University's Writers School read from their literary work. The entrance hall. 19:30 to 20:30 Lecture. Challenges for learners (and teachers) of Swedish as a second language or foreign language. Room H135a. 20:00 to 21:00 Theatre - Romeo and Juliet. English Students playing parts of Romeo and Juliet. The entrance hall. Universitetshuset Paradisgatan 2 • • • • 17:00 to 22:00 Galleri Pictura. Nanna de Wilde and Magnus Alexandersson in an exciting collaboration where geometry meets soft and dreamy paintings. On the 3rd floor. 18:00 to 18:30 Samples from this year's Musical "A Christmas Carol" a novel by Dickens, mixed with traditional Carols. In the Auditorium. Arranged by: Pipedream Production. 19:00 to 20:30 Music and lecture. Somjit Dasgupta from India performs music on ancient instruments and talks about how he builds and restores them. In the Auditorium. Arranged by: Swedish South Asia Network (Sasnet). 21:00 to 22:00 Concert with Helsinkigruppen. Classical musicians improvise music and opera. In the Auditorium. Arranged by: Musikhögskolan, Konstnärliga fakulteten (Faculty of Fine Arts). Vattenhallen LTH John Ericssons väg 1 • • 12:00 to 20:00 Vattenhallen turns five and offers surprises all day long! Outdoors you can make giant soap bubbles, try a Segway and have refreshments. Inside, among other things, make your own slime, check out the experiments and watch shows. All the shows are free and tickets will be handed out 30 minutes before each show, in the tent outside Vattenhallen. In addition, there are guided tours in the planetarium every twenty minutes throughout the day and guided tours of the exhibitions "Shoot protons and electrons tickle" and "Medicon Alley". 12:00, 14:00, 16:00 & 18:00 Quantumshow (40 min). A physics show that takes you on a journey through the waves, music, energy, light, color and laser light. The show about the micro and nano world that the scientists at the MAX IV Laboratory work with on a daily basis. 18 • • • 12:30 to 13:10 & 15:30 to 16:10 The Poo journey. An interactive journey where you with a little help from Rigmor and her music will follow the food's path through the body. 13:00, 15:00, 17:00 & 19:00 Molecules exist (45 min). A spectacular chemistry show with four different themes: gas, colors, lights and fires and explosions. 14:00 to 14:40 & 17:00 to 17:40 Rigmor’s music rocket. An interactive show where Rigmor’s music rocket takes you on a journey from the smallest atom, through our solar system and all the way to Pluto. 19
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