Manual – I - The particulars of organization of the Commission and its functions and duties. Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission was constituted under Section 17 of the Electricity Regulatory Commission Act 1998 on March 31, 1999. The Commission is a body corporate having perpetual succession and common seal with powers to acquire, hold and dispose of property and it can sue or be sued. The Commission consists of three members including the Chairperson. The Chairperson and Members of the Commission are appointed by the State Government. The Chairperson is the Chief Executive of the Commission. The Chairperson and Members are to hold office for term of five years from the date of entering upon the office but not beyond the age of 65 years. Salary and allowances and other terms & conditions of service of the Chairperson and Members have been prescribed by the State Government vide notification dated May 30, 2006 . The Chairperson and Members make and subscribe to an oath of office and secrecy. The Chairperson and Members can be removed from office in accordance with the provisions of Section 90 of Electricity Act, 2003. The proceedings of the Commission are conducted in accordance with the Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission (Conduct of Business) Regulations, 2005. The decisions are taken by majority of votes of the Members present and voting. In the event of equality of votes the Chairperson or in his absence, the person presiding has a second or casting vote. All the decisions of the Commission are authenticated by the Secretary or an officer of the Commission duly authorized by the Chairperson in this behalf. All proceedings before the Commission are deemed to be judicial proceedings within the meaning of Section 193 and 228 of the Indian Penal Code and the Commission is deemed to be a Civil Court for the purposes of Section 345 and 346 of the Code of Criminal Procedure 1973. Vide notification dated April 4, 2001 Shri R.S. Mann, Ex-Chief Secretary to Government of Punjab was appointed as Chairperson and Shri L.S. Deol and Shri S.K. Sharma were appointed as Members of the Commission. After coming into effect of the Electricity Act, 2003 in view of Section 82 of the new Act, the Commission was deemed to be the State Commission under the new Act. On the expiry of the term of Shri S.K. Sharma and Shri L.S. Deol Members, Smt. Baljit Bains and Shri H.C. Sood were appointed as Members of the Commission. Shri H.C. Sood Member expired on November 16, 2005 and Shri R.S. Mann retired on January 31, 2006 on the expiry of his term and Shri Jai Singh Gill, Ex-Chief Secretary to Government of Punjab and Shri Satpal Singh Pall were appointed as Chairman and Member of the Commission respectively, who took oath of office on February 10, 2006(AN). Smt. Ajanta Dayalan was the Secretary to the Commission since its inception upto June 30, 2006. Smt. Namita Sekhon was the Secretary to the Commission w.e.f. August 21, 2006 upto April 15, 2011. Smt. Baljit Bains retired on January 6, 2010 , on the expiry of her term and Shri Virinder Singh, has been appointed as Member of the Commission, who took oath of office on February 4, 2010(FN). Shri Jai Singh Gill retired on 19 Jan.2011 and Smt. Romila Dubey, IAS joined as Chairperson on 04 Feb. 2011 (FN). Shri Satpal Singh Pall retired on 10 Feb. 2011 on expiry of his term and Shri Gurinder Jit Singh joined as Member on 12 Feb. 2011 (AN). The Commission is mandated to discharge the following functions:a. determine the tariff for generation, supply, transmission and wheeling of electricity, wholesale, bulk or retail, as the case may be, within the State: Provided that where open access has been permitted to a category of consumers under section 42, the State Commission shall determine only the wheeling charges and surcharge thereon, if any, for the said category of consumers; b. regulate electricity purchase and procurement process of distribution licensees including the price at which electricity shall be procured from the generating companies or licensees or from c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. other sources through agreements for purchase of power for distribution and supply within the State; facilitate intra-State transmission and wheeling of electricity; issue licences to persons seeking to act as transmission licensees, distribution licensees and electricity traders with respect to their operations within the State; promotes cogeneration and generation of electricity from renewable sources of energy by providing suitable measures for connectivity with the grid and sale of electricity to any person, and also specify, for purchase of electricity from such sources, a percentage of the total consumption of electricity in the area of a distribution licensee; adjudicate upon the disputes between the lincensees and generating companies and to refer any dispute for arbitration; levy fee for the purposes of the Electricity Act, 2003; specify State Grid Code consistent with the Grid Code specified under clause (h) of sub-section (1) of section 79 of Electricity Act, 2003; specify or enforce standards with respect to quality, continuity and reliability of service by licensees; fix the trading margin in the intra-State trading of electricity, if considered, necessary; discharge such other functions as may be assigned to it under the Electricity Act, 2003 The Commission is required to advise the State Government on the following matters:(i) promotion of competition, efficiency and economy in activities of the electricity industry; (ii) promotion of investment in electricity industry; (iii) reorganization and restructuring of electricity industry in the State; (iv) matters concerning generation, transmission, distribution and trading of electricity or any other matter referred to the State Commission by the State Government. The Commission, for the purpose of enquiry or proceedings under the Electricity Act 2003, has the same powers as are vested in a Civil Court under the Code of Civil Procedure 1908 in respect of the following matters:a. summoning and enforcing the attendance of any person and examining him on oath; b. discovery and production of any document or other material object producible as evidence; c. receiving evidence on affidavits d. requisitioning of any public record; e. issuing commission for the examination of witnesses; f. reviewing its decisions, directions and orders; g. any other matter which may be prescribed. Manual – II - Powers and duties of the officers and employees of the Commission As on 01.07.2014, the officers of the Commission are:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Secretary Directors Joint Directors Registrar C.A.O. Deputy Directors Joint Secretary Dy. C.A.O. Asstt. Manager D.D.O. A.O. Supdt./Estt. - 1 3 3 1 1 5 2 1 1 2 1 The Chairperson is the Chief Executive of the Commission. The Secretary to the Commission is the Head of Department and exercises such functions as are assigned to him/her by the Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission (Conduct of Business) Regulations, 2005 or otherwise by the Chairperson. The Secretary is also to perform the following functions:i. ii. iii. iv. v. to receive or cause to be received all petitions, applications, other filings or references made to the Commission; to assist the Commission in proceedings conducted by the Commission; to authenticate the orders passed by the Commission to ensure compliance of the orders passed by the Commission; and to collect from the State Governments, the Central Government and their agencies, the State Electricity Boards or other offices, licensees, companies and firms or any other person, such information, records, documents, reports as may be considered useful for the purpose of efficient discharge of the functions of the Commission under the Act. Manual - III: The procedure followed in the decision making process, including channels of supervision and accountability As per Regulation 11 of the Punjab State Electricity Regulation Commission (Conduct of Business) Regulations, 2005 the petitions filed in the Commission are scrutinized by the Registrar of the Commission. In case there is any defect in the filing, the petition is returned to be re-filed within the specified time. Any person aggrieved with an order of defect in filing, can appeal before the Secretary of the Commission. After scrutiny, the petition is entered in the Register maintained for the purpose and is put up before the Commission for admission. The Commission may admit the petition for hearing without requiring the attendance of the party but shall not pass an order refusing admission without giving the parties concerned an opportunity of being heard. After admission of the petition by the Commission, notices are sent to the other party/parties. The other party/parties are given opportunity for filing the reply. Where the other party states additional facts, the Commission may allow the petitioner to file rejoinder. After the pleadings of parties are complete, hearings in the petitions are held. In cases of public importance, public hearings are also held. After hearing the parties, the Commission finally decides the matter by passing an order giving detailed reasons for the same. All orders of the Commission are appealable in the Appellate Tribunal set up by the Government of India at New Delhi. Manual -IV - The norms set by the Commission for the discharge of its functions The Commission has framed Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission (Conduct of Business) Regulations, 2005 and other Regulations mentioned in Manual-V for discharge of its functions. Manual -V - The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, held by the Commission or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions Central Government has framed Rules and issued Orders and Resolutions. Rules framed by the Central Government:Sr. Description No. 1 The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Salary, Allowances and other conditions of Service of Chairperson and Members) Rules, 2004. 2 The Fees for Making Application for Grant of Licence Rules, 2004. 3 The National Electricity Plan Notification Rules, 2004. 4 Appeal to the Appellate Authority Rules, 2004. 5 The Appellate Tribunal for Electricity (Salaries, Allowances and other Conditions of Service of Chairperson and Members) Rules, 2004. 6 Procedure for conducting Inquiry against a Member of Appropriate Commission Rules, 2004. 7 The Means of Delivery of Notice, Order or Document Rules, 2004. 8 The Procedure for Holding Inquiry by Adjudicating Officer Rules, 2004. 9 The Electricity Rules, 2005. 10 The Electricity (Procedure for Previous Publication) Rules, 2005. 11 The Intimation of Accidents (Form and Time of Service of Notice) Rules, 2005. 12 The Forum of Regulators Rules, 2005. 13 The National Load Despatch Centre Rules, 2005. 14 The Appellate Tribunal for Electricity (Salaries, Allowances and other Conditions of Service of the Officers and employees) Rules, 2004. 15 The Distribution of Electricity License(Additional requirements of capital adequacy, creditworthiness and code of conduct) Rules, 2005. 16 The Works of Licensees Rules 2006 17 The qualifications, powers and functions of Chief Electrical Inspector and Electrical Inspectors Rules, 2006 18 The Appellate Tribunal for Electricity (Procedure, Form, Fee and Record of Proceedings) Rules, 2007 Date of Notification 8.3.2004 23.3.2004 6.4.2004 16.4.2004 13.4.2004 21.6.2004 21.6.2004 31.8.2004 8.6.2005 9.6.2005 1.1.2005 16.2.2005 2.3.2005 28.10.2004 23.3.2005 18.4.2006 17.8.2006 22.1.2007 Orders issued by the Central Government 1. Electricity (Removal of Difficulties) Order, 2005 notified on 8.6.2005. 2. Electricity (Removal of Difficulties) Second Order, 2005 notified on 8.6.2005. 3. Electricity (Removal of Difficulty) Third Order, 2005 notified on 8.6.2005. 4. Electricity (Removal of Difficulty) Fourth Order, 2005 notified on 8.6.2005. 5. Electricity (Removal of Difficulty) Fifth Order, 2005 notified on 8.6.2005. 6. Electricity (Removal of Difficulty) Sixth Order, 2005 notified on 8.6.2005. 7. Electricity (Removal of Difficulty) Seventh Order, 2005 notified on 8.6.2005. 8. Electricity (Removal of Difficulties) Eighth Order, 2005 notified on 9.6.2005. 9. Electricity (Removal of Difficulties) Ninth Order, 2005 notified on 9.6.2005. Resolutions issued by the Central Government:Sr Resolution No. 1 Establishing North Eastern Regional Power Committee 2 Establishing Eastern Regional Power Committee 3 Establishing Western Regional Power Committee 4 Establishing Southern Regional Power Committee 5 Establishing Northern Regional Power Committee 6 Guidelines for determination of tariff by bidding process for procurement of power by Distribution Licensees 7 National Electricity Policy 8 National Tariff Policy 9 Date 25.5.2005 25.5.2005 25.5.2005 25.5.2005 25.5.2005 19.1.2005 30.3.2006 12.2.2005 6.1.2006 28.3.2006 Constitute a Coordination Forum for smooth and 19.2.2008 coordinated development of the Power System Punjab Government has framed Rules and issued Notifications. Rules framed by the Government of Punjab:- Sr. Description No. 1 The Fees for Making Application for grant of license Rules, 2004 2 The Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission Fund Rules 2006 3 The Punjab Holding of Enquiry by Adjudicating Officer Rules 2008 4 The Punjab Electricity (Manner of Service of the Order of Provisional Assessment and Means of Delivery of Notice, Order or Document) Rules 2009 5 The Punjab Works of Licensees Rules 2008 6 The Punjab Intimation of Accidents (Form and Time of Service of Notice) Rules 2009 Date of Notification 29.12.2004 28.7.2006. 15.2.2008 25.8.2009 31.12.2008 25.8.2009 Notifications issued by the Punjab Government:Sr. Description No. 1. Notification of Govt. of Punjab constituting coordination Forum for smooth and coordinated development of the Power System in the State. 2. Notification of Govt. of Punjab – Designation of Officers of PSEB for checking in their respective distribution area of the PSEB for LT and HT consumers. 3. Notification of Govt. of Punjab – Designation of Officers of PSEB as Enforcement Officer to enter the consumer premises for checking/inspecting. 4. Notification of GoP, Dept. of Power declaring area in the State of Punjab not falling under any ‘municipal area’ as defined in the Punjab Municipal Corporation Act 1976 or in the Punjab Municipal Act 1911 will be deemed to be rural area under this section.. 5. Notification of Gop, Dept. of Power designating the officers of the State Govt. as Appellate Authority for the purpose of deciding the appeals under Section 127 of the Electricity Act 2003 against the order of Date Notification 7.4.2004 27.12.2004 10.1.2005 27.12.2005 9.3.2006 of 6. 7. 8. the Assessing Officer made by them under Section 126 of the said Act. Notification of Gop, Dept. of Power reg. amending the compounding charges for fixation of new rates of compounding the offence of theft of Electricity Notification of GoP, Department of Home Affairs & Justice to constitution all the courts of Additional Sessions Judge of every Session Division in the State of Punjab as Special Courts for the purpose of speedy trial of the offences Notification of GoP, DoP - Policy for Voluntary Disclosure of unauthorized extension in load by AP consumers 22.3.2006 3.12.2008 30.9.2009 Regulations framed by Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission:Sr No. Name of Regulation PSERC Notification No. and date Date of notification in the Punjab Govt. Gazette 1 Punjab State Electricity No.PSERC/Secy/12 Regulatory Commission (Fee) dt. January 18, 2005 Regulations, 2005 January 2005 2 Punjab State Regulatory (Conduct of Regulations, 2005 Electricity No.PSERC/Secy/Regu.13 Commission dt. March 7, 2005 Business) April 22, 2005 3 Punjab State Electricity No.PSERC/Secy/Regu.14 Regulatory Commission March 7, 2005 (Procedure for filing Appeal before the Appellate Authority) Regulations, 2005 dt. April 22, 2005 4. Punjab State Electricity No.PSERC/Secy/Reg.16 Regulatory Commission (Income dt. May 30, 2005 of Other Businesses) Regulations, 2005 June 10, 2005 5. Punjab State Electricity No.PSERC/Secy/Regu.18 Regulatory Commission (Open dt. August 9, 2005 Access) Regulations, 2005 August 26, 2005 6. Punjab State Electricity No.PSERC/Secy/Regu.19 Regulatory Commission (Forum dt. August 17, 2005 and Ombudsman) Regulations, 2005 September 2005 9, 7. Punjab State Electricity No.PSERC/Secy/Regu.21 Regulatory Commission (State dt. November 21, 2005 Advisory Committee) December 2005 2, 28, Regulations, 2005 8. Punjab State Electricity No.PSERC/Secy/Regu.22 Regulatory Commission dt. November 21, 2005 (Accounting Policy & Procedures) Regulations, 2005 December 2005 2, 9. Punjab State Regulatory (Engagement of Regulations, 2005 Electricity No.PSERC/Secy/Regu.23 Commission dt. November 21, 2005 Consultants) December 2005 2, 10. Punjab State Electricity No.PSERC/Secy/Regu.24 Regulatory Commission (Terms dt. November 21, 2005 and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005 December 2005 2, 11 Punjab State Grid Code-2006 March 24, 2006 12 Punjab State Electricity No.PSERC/Secy/Regu.2B Regulatory Commission (Intra- dt. July 4, 2006 State Electricity Trading) Regulations, 2006 July 14, 2006 13 Punjab State Electricity No.PSERC/Secy/Regu.28 Regulatory Commission dated September 7, 2006 (Conduct of Business) (1st Amendment) Regulations, 2006 September 2006 14 Punjab State Electricity No.PSERC/Secy/31 Regulatory Commission dated June 29, 2007 (Electricity Supply Code and Related Matters) Regulations, 2007 July 27, 2007 15 Punjab State Electricity No.PSERC/Secy/Regu.32 Regulatory Commission July 16, 2007 (Procedure for filing appeal before the Appellate Authority) (1st Amendment) Regulations, 2007 16 Punjab State Electricity No.PSERC/Secy/Regu.33 Regulatory Commission (Fee) dated August 23, 2007 (1st Amendment) Regulations, 2007 August 31, 2007 17 Punjab State Electricity No.PSERC/Secy/Regu.34 Regulatory Commission (Open dated August 31, 2007 Access) (1st Amendment) Regulations, 2007 September 2007 No.PSERC/Secy/Regu.26 dt. March 9, 2006 22, dated July 27, 2007 7, 18 Punjab State Electricity .PSERC/Secy/Regu.-37 Regulatory Commission (Forum April 10, 2008 and Ombudsman) (1st Amendment) Regulations, 2008 dated April 25, 2008 19 Punjab State Electricity PSERC/Secy/Regu.-38 Regulatory Commission (Single May 13, 2008 Point Supply to Co-operative Group Housing Societies/Employers) Regulations, 2008 dated May 30, 2008 20 Punjab State Electricity PSERC/Secy/Regu.-42 dated July July 31, 2009 Regulatory Commission (Terms 27, 2009 and Conditions for Determination of Tariff ) (1st Amendment) Regulations, 2009 21 Punjab State Electricity No.PSERC/Secy/Regu.44 Regulatory Commission (Open dated December 1,2009 Access) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2009 December 2009 11, 22 Punjab State Electricity No.PSERC/Secy/Regu.45 Regulatory Commission dated December 16,2009 (Harnessing of Captive Power Generation) Regulations, 2009 December 2009 25, 23 Punjab State Electricity PSERC/Secy/47 Regulatory Commission (Single 22.02.2010 Point Supply to Co-operative Group Housing Societies/Employees) (1st Amendment) Regulations, 2010 dated February 2010 24 Punjab State Electricity PSERC/Secy/48 Regulatory Commission 24.05.2010 (Electricity Supply Code and Related Matters) (1st Amendment) Regulations, 2010 dated June 4, 2010 25 Punjab State Grid Code (1st PSERC/Secy/Regu.49 Amendment) - 2010 24.06.2010 dated July 2, 2010 26 Punjab State Electricity No.PSERC/Secy/Regu.50 Regulatory Commission (Open July 15, 2010 Access) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2010 dated July 23, 2010 27 Punjab State Electricity No.PSERC/Secy/52 Regulatory Commission (Forum 26.8.2010 and Ombudsman) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2010 dated Sept, 3, 2010 28 PSERC dated June,10,2011 (Renewable purchase No.PSERC/Secy/55 26, obligation & its compliance) 3.6.2011 Regulations, 2011 29 PSERC (Terms & Conditions for No.PSERC/Secy/57 Intra-State Open Access) 1.7.2011 Regulations, 2011 dated July, 1, 2011 30 Advisory Committee Members dated Sept. 2, 2011 31 PSERC (Fee) (2nd Amendment) No.PSERC/Secy/Regu.60 Regulations, 2011 18th October 2011 dated Oct. 21,2011 32 Standards of Perfomance by the No.PSERC/Secy/Regu.61 Licensee as envised in 2nd Dec 2011 Regulation 26 of the PSERC (Electricity Supply Code and Related Matters) Regulations, 2007 dated Dec.5,2011 33 PSERC (Forum and No.PSERC/Secy/Regu.62 Ombudsman) (Third 6th Dec.2011 Amendment) Regulations, 2011 dated Dec.16,2011 34 PSERC (Electricity Supply Code No.PSERC/Secy/Regu.63 and Related Matters) (2nd 29 Dec.2011 Amendment) Regulations, 2011 dated Jan,6,2012 35 PSERC (Demand Side No.PSERC/Secy/Regu.65 Management) Regulations, 2012 16 March 2012 dated March 23,2012 36 Amendments in the procedure No.PSERC/Secy/Regu.66 for payment of compensation in 30th March 2012 the event of failure to meet the Standard of Performance by the Licensee as envisaged in Regulation 26 of the PSERC (Electricity Supply Code and Related Matters) Regulations, 2007 dated April 6,2012 37 PSERC (Terms and Conditions No.PSERC/Secy/Reg/67 for intra-State Open Access) (1st 4th May 2012 Amendment) Regulations, 2012 dated May 4,2012 38 Regarding nomination of Shri No.PSERC/Secy/68 R.S.Sachdeva, Co-Chairman, 12.07.2012 Punjab Committee, PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industry, PHD House, Sector 31A, Chandigarh and Managing Director, Hi-tech Industries Ltd., Phase IX, Mohali as Member of the committee for feasibility dated 20.07.2012 No.PSERC/Secy/59 26.8.2011 clearances at the Head Office level of PSPCL, as envisaged in Regulation 5.5 of the Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission (Electricity Supply Code and Related Matters) Regulations, 2007 39 Punjab State Electricity No.PSERC/Secy/Regu.69 dated 09.08.2012 Regulatory Commission 08.08.2012 (Conduct of Business) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2012 40 Punjab State Electricity No.PSERC/Secy/Reg-70 Regulatory Commission 13.08.2012 (Electricity Supply Code and Related Matters) (3rd Amendment) Regulations, 2012 41 Punjab State Regulatory (Engagement of Regulations, 2012 42 Regarding constituting the State No.PSERC/ Secy/ Reg-72 dated 31.08.2012 Advisory Committee of Punjab 27.08.2012 State Electricity Regulatory Commission under Section 87 read with Section 181 of the Electricity Act, 2 (36 of 2003) 43 Regarding making amendments No.PSERC / Secy/ in the procedure for payment of dated 28.08.2012 compensation in the event of failure to meet the Standards of Performance by the Licensee as envisaged in Regulation 26 of the Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission (Electricity Supply Code and Related Matters) Regulations, 2007 and enforce the provisions for payment of compensation in the event of failure on the part of the Licensee to meet the Standards of Performance notified vide Notification dated dated 13.08.2012 Electricity No.PSERC/Secy / Reg-71 dated 17.08.2012 Commission 16.08.2012 Consultants) Regu-73 31.08.2012 2nd December, 2011 and amended vide Notification dated 30th March, 2012 44 Punjab State Electricity No.PSERC / Secy / Regu-74 18.09.2012 Regulatory Commission (Terms dated 17.09.2012 and Conditions for Determination of Tariff ) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2012 45 Punjab State Electricity No.PSERC / Secy/ Regulatory Commission (Power dated 23.10.2012 Purchase and Procurement Process of Licensee) Regulations, 2012 Regu-75 23.10.2012 46 Punjab State Electricity No.PSERC / Secy/ Regulatory Commission (Forum dated 12.11..2012 & Ombudsman) (4th Amendment) Regulations, 2012 Regu-76 16.11.2012 47 Punjab State Electricity No.PSERC /Secy Regulatory Commission (Terms dated 13.12..2012 & Conditions for intra-State Open Access) (2nd Amendment) Regulations, 2012 Regu-77 14.12.2012 48 Regarding constituting a No.PSERC/Secy/78 Demand Side Management 04.01.2013 Consultation Committee (DSMCC) dated 11.01.2013 49 Corrigendum of notification No.PSERC/Secy/79 No.PSERC / Secy./78 dated 4th 21.01.2013 January, 2013 regarding constituting Demand Side Management Consultation Committee (DSM-CC) dated 25.01.2013 50 Punjab State Electricity No.PSERC/ Secy/ Regulatory Commission (Punjab dated 14.02.2013 State Grid Code) Regulations, 2013 / Regu.80 14.02.2013 51 Punjab State Electricity PSERC/Secy/Regu.81 Regulatory Commission 07.05.2013 (Conduct of Business) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2013 dated 08.05.2013 52 Punjab State Electricity PSERC/Secy/Reg.82 Regulatory Commission 21.06.2013 (Electricity Supply Code and Related Matters) (4th Amendment) Regulations, 2013 dated 21.06.2013 53 Regarding designating the PSERC/Secy/Regu.83 officers of the Punjab State 01.08.2013 Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL)/Licensee to act as authority for the discharge of functions as envisaged in Reg. 37.2 ( c) (i) of the Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission (Electricity Supply Code and Related Matters) Regulations, 2007 dated 01.08.2013 54 To stay the operation of PSERC/Secy/Regu.84 amendment to sub clause (c ) of 16.08.2013 the Regulation 21.2 of PSERC (Electricity Supply Code & Related Matters) 4th amendment Regulation, 2013 appearing at Sr. No. (3) of the notification No. PSERC/Secy/Reg. 82 dated 21 June, 2013 till further orders dated 16.08.2013 55 Regarding extension in the term PSERC/Secy/Regu.85 of the Supply Code Review 23.08.2013 Panel constituted vide Notification no.PSERC/Secy/54 dated 13.4.2011 published in Punjab Government Gazette on 29.04.2011 dated 26.08.2013 56 Regarding constituting the State PSERC/Secy/Regu.86 Advisory Committee effective for 02.09.2013 one year from the date of dated 02.09.2013 publication of this notification in the Punjab Government official Gazette 57 Regarding Punjab State PSERC/Secy/Reg./87 Electricity Regulatory 02.09.2013 Commission (Terms & Conditions for Intra-state Open Access) (3rd Amendment) Regulations, 2013 dated 02.09.2013 58 ‘Consumers Complaint Handling PSERC/Secy/Regu.88 Procedure’ (CCHP) 04.10.2013 dated 07.10.2013 59 Regarding Punjab State PSERC/Secy/Regu.89 Electricity Regulatory 20.11.2013 Commission (Forum and th Ombudsman) (5 Amendment), Regulations, 2013 dated 21.11.2013 60 Regarding Punjab State PSERC/Secy./Reg.90 Electricity Regulatory 10.12.2013 Commission (Electricity Supply Code and Related Matters) (5th Amendment) Regulations, 2013 dated 11.12.2013 61 Regarding constitution of Supply No.PSERC/Secy/ Code Review Panel in terms of dated 27.03.2014 provisions of Regulation 4.1 of Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission (Electricity Supply Code and Related Matters) Regulations, 2007 as amended from time to time 62 Punjab State Electricity No.PSERC/Secy/Regu./ Regulatory Commission dated 14.05.2014 (Conduct of Business) (Fourth Amendment) Regulations, 2014 63 Regarding appointment of No.PSERC/Gen-349/ Ombudsman, Electricity, Punjab dated 16.06.2014 Regu./91 28.03.2014 92 14.05.2014 7067/93 23.06.2014 64 Punjab State Electricity No.PSERC/Secy/ Regulatory Commission (Terms dated 01.07.2014 and Conditions for Determination of Generation, Transmission, Wheeling and Retail Supply Tariff) Regulations, 2014 Regu.-94 01.07.2014 Records: Records of the petitions filed before the Commission, pleadings of the parties and orders passed thereon are kept with the Registrar in the office of the Commission. All expenditure and accounting records are under control of the Drawing and Disbursing Officer. Administrative records are under control of the Joint Secretary Administration or Deputy Director, Media. Manual – VI- A statement of the categories of documents that are held by it or under its control The documents are held in the office of the Commission as under:Documents Officer under whose control the documents are held Rules and Regulations framed by the Central Government and the Registrar Punjab Government relevant to the Commission, Regulations framed by the PSERC and the records of the petitions filed before the Commission, pleadings of the parties and orders passed thereon All accounting records Drawing and Disbursing Officer All administrative records Joint Secretary, Administration or Deputy Director, Media Manual -VII - The particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with, or representation by the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or administration thereof. On matters of public importance, Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission issues public notices for inviting comments/objections from the public and holds public hearings for eliciting views of the public before finalization of its views thereon. State Advisory Committee, which includes members of public, also stands notified and assists the Commission in discharge of its functions. Further, the Commission also invites representatives of Consumer Associations for public hearings before determination of tariff and other issues affecting general public. Manual – VIII - Statement of the Boards, Councils, Committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meetings of those Boards, Councils, Committees and other bodies are open to the public, or the minutes of such meeting are accessible for public. In exercise of powers vested in it by Section 87 of the Electricity Act, 2003, the Commission has established a Committee known as State Advisory Committee consisting of 23 Members. The Chairperson of the Commission is ex-officio Chairperson of the State Advisory Committee and the Members of the State Commission and Secretary to the State Government incharge of the Ministry or Department dealing with the consumer affairs and public distribution system are ex-officio Members of the Committee. The Secretary to the Commission acts as the Secretary to the State Advisory Committee. The Members of State Advisory Committee Sr.No. Name and Address Designation 1. Smt. Romila Dubey Ex. Officio Chairperson Chairperson 2. Sh. Virinder Singh, Ex. Officio Member Member PSERC 3. Sh. Gurinder Jit Singh Ex. Officio Member Member PSERC 4. Secretary, Food & Supplies & Consumer Ex. Officio Member Affairs, Government of Punjab, Chandigarh. 5. Secretary, Department of Power, Member Govt. of Punjab, Chandigarh. 6. Sh. G.S.Kalkat, Former Vice Chancellor, Punjab Agricultural University, 996, Ph-IV, Mohali. Member 7. Labour Commissioner, Member Department of Labour and Employment, Government of Punjab, Chandigarh. 8. Chairman, C.I.I., Member Punjab State Council, Sector 31-A, Chandigarh 9. Chairman, Member PHDCCI, Punjab Committee. Sector 31-A, Chandigarh 10. Chief Electrical Engineer, Member Northern Railways, Baroda House, New Delhi-110001 11. Director Agriculture, Member Department of Agriculture, Government of Punjab, Chandigarh. 12. Director/Finance & Commercial, Member PSTCL, The Mall, Patiala. 13. Director/Distribution , Member PSPCL, The Mall, Patiala. 14. Chief Engineer/ARR & TR, Member PSPCL, The Mall, Patiala. 15. Sh. S.K. Anand, Member Ex. Member, PSEB, 68, Ajit Nagar , Patiala. 16. Baldev Singh Dhillon Vice Chancellor, PAU, Ludhiana Member 17. Prof. R.S. Ghuman, Member Chair Professor, Nehru SAIL Chair and Head Panchayati Raj Unit Centre for research in Rural and Industrial Development (CRRID), Sector – 19 A, Chandigarh 18. Sh. Pishora Singh, President, Member Bhartiya kisan Union (EKTA) Sidhupur 19. Chief Project Manager, Member Rural Electrification Corporation Ltd., REC Project Office, Bay 7-8, Sector 2, Panchkula 20. Shri Bhagwan Bansal Member Punjab Cotton Factory, Ginners Association Regd., Shop 109 New Grain Market, Mukatsar 21. Shri Jagtar Singh, Director Member Social Work & Rural Development Centre, VPO Nurpur Bedi, District Ropar 22. Er. Suresh Kumar Gupta (Ex-Member, PSEB) Member Mayur Enclave, Near Kaintal School, Bhupendra Road, Patiala. 23. Chief Executive Officer, Member PEDA, Plot No.1, Sec 33-A, Chandigarh. The objects of the State Advisory Committee are to advise the Commission on the following matters:i. ii. major questions of policy; matters relating to quality, continuity and extent of service provided by the licensees; iii. iv. v. compliance by licensees with the conditions and requirements of their licence; protection of consumer interest; and electricity supply and overall standards of performance by utilities The minutes of the meetings of the State Advisory Committee are accessible to the public and are available with Director, M&F in the office of the Commission. Manual – IX- Directory of officers and employees of the Commission The directory of the officers and employees of the Commission as on 01.07.2014 is as follows: – PUNJAB STATE ELECTRICITY REGULATORY COMMISSION, CHANDIGARH Console 200 PBX 2645164,165 & 166 FAX 2664758 Email : [email protected] Website: Sr. Name & Tel. No. Designation Office Smt. Romila Dubey 1 2611991 Chairperson Tel. Residence Address Residence 2548604 # 649, sector-16-D, Chandigarh 98152-43160 0175# 78-Doctors Colony, Bhadson Road, 2362122 Patiala. 98152-89980 98152-60098 #11, Power Colony No-1, Patiala, 147001. 01752210248 2 Er. Virinder Singh, Member 2613297 3 Er. Gurinder Jit Singh Member 2669799 4 Sh. P.P. Garg Secretary 2648321 5 Er. Jagmohan Modi Director/Tariff 01722662120 # 428/1, 44-A, Chandigarh 9872253411 6 Smt.Rachna Singh Director/M&F 01722601255 # 5551, Sector 38 West, Chandigarh 9815566355 7 Er. I.M. Singh Director/Renewables 8 9 2601255 Jt. Dir/Gen & RE Sh. B.S. Kamboj, Registrar Sh. H.S. Bedi Jt. Dir./Regulations Sh. Parveen Kumar 12 Singla Jt. Dir. M&F 13 Er. Rajesh Gupta Dy Dir./RE # 5604, Sec-38W, Chandigarh 2724669 # 608, sec-18-B, Chandigarh - - 26451649872649365 # 488, Ph-9, Mohali 66 Sh. Daljit Singh 10 Mahal Joint Director/Tariff 11 01722636938 8699843351 #207, PEC Campus, Sec-12, CHD 2623001 9592994444 # 2884, sec-38-C, Chandigarh 8054828746 # 1241 Phase 3B2, Mohali 9779938512 # 512, Sec-38-A, Chandigarh 14 Er. A.S. Kang Dy. Dir/Reg. 9646010921 # 1714, Sec-43B, Chandigarh 15 Er. Kamal Joshi Dy.Dir./Reg 2542581 # 2581, Sector - 19-C, Chandigarh 8146967957 16 Er. Jaswinder Singh Dy.Dir./Tariff 9646117472 # 2390 (F.F), sector 44-C, Chandigarh 17 Sh. Maninder Singh Dy.Dir./M&F 9646688073 # 3321, sector 35-C, Chandigarh Sh. Ashok Bembey, 18 Dy.Dir./Media and Library 2739133-34 # 6024, Modern Housing Complex, Mani 98156-16024 Majra. 19 Sh. C.S. Rai, Dy.Secy/Legal 9646190030 # 63 (OTAWA), Sector 42, Chandigarh 20 Sh. H.R.Nagra, Joint. Secy/Admin 9872001489 # 358, Sec.22-A, Chandigarh 21 Sh. Rulda Singh, Sr. PS 22 Sh. Mohinder Singh 2613297 Mavi, Sr. PS 2265393 #2340, Sector-71, Ajit Nagar, Punjab 9417039340 23 Sh. Harbans Singh A.O. 9646066134 H.No. 12 Gill Enclave, Patiala 24 Sh. Kashmiri Lal, AO 2687559 # 3011, Sec.40D, Chandigarh 25 Sh. Vinod Peter DDO 8699125966 Block-4, Near Christ Church, kumaon Colony, Naya Gaon, Distt. Mohali 26 Sh. Inderpal Singh Asstt. Manager 2211423 # 684, Ph-10, Mohali 27 Sh. Dinesh Sood Supdt. Admn. Smt. Parveen 28 Sharma Sr. Asstt. 29 Smt. Seema Rani, Supt. Accts. 30 Sh. Jagir Singh, P.S. 2611991 0160# 155, Sector-10, Dr. Kalra Street, 2060462 Kharar 98721-74796 26451649501449216 # 966, Sector-16, Panchkula. 66 2267088, # 337, Phase-IV, Mohali 9872020337 9501444220 # 220, Sec-12 Pkl. 4346428 HL-119, Phase-1, Mohali. 31 Sh. Karamjit Singh, PA 9815027410 Village Baltana, Near Rajkumar atta chakki. Chandigarh 32 Sh.Charanjit Singh, PA 2267835 # 3150, Sec 71, Mohali 33 Sh. Sardul Singh, P.A. 9914267647 # 3132/3, 44D, Chandigarh 34 Sh. Tarsem Lal 01881221674 # 589, Power Colony, Ropar P.A. 9872208984 35 Smt. Manjeet Kaur Sr. Sc. St 6547722 # 2504, 37C, Chandigarh 36 Sh. Harnek Singh Sr. Asstt. 9855708095 #352, Ward no. 2, Kurali, Teh. Kharar, Mohali 37 Sh. Rajesh Chand Sr. Asstt. 9872500364 # 2497, Sec 28-C, Chandigarh 38 Sh. Amrik Singh, Sr.Asstt. 01722220239 39 Sh. Kuldip Singh, Sr.Asstt. 98761-21792 # 1508, 3B-2, Mohali 40 Sh. Karnail Singh Sr.Asstt. 9855669622 # 3, Sector-4, Chandigarh 41 Sh. Jai Dev Raj, Sr. SS 42 43 Jr. Sc. St. Sh. Rajendar Paul UDC 2601255 HL-82, Phase-1 Mohali 9915196631 #531, Sec-69, Mohali - - 9876502331 #3071/1, Sec-45-D, Chandigarh 44 UDC - - 45 - - UDC (Accounts) 46 Smt.Manjit Kaur, UDC, Accounts 9501077227 # 316, Mamta Enclave, Zirakpur 47 Smt. Geeta Sharma UDC 9815651946 #1212, Sec-8-C, Chandigarh 48 Er. Gaurav Kamboj C.O. 9914431822 # 1733/2, Sec 39-B, Chandigarh 49 C.O. - - 50 Smt.Neelam Jayal, Receptionist 25187024 # 764, Sec.7-B, Chandigarh 51 Sh. Achhar Singh, Driver 2200007Patiala Near Sharan Gas Godown, Partap Nagar, Patiala. 52 Sh. Sachida Nand, Driver 9815198938 # 325/C, Vill. Raipur Khurd, Chandigarh 53 Sh. Swarn Singh, Driver 98760 89384 Vill. Sarangpur, Chandigarh 54 Sh. Manjit Singh Driver 9876424375 - 55 Sh. Harish Chander Joshi, Driver 9417568419 # 2216/II, Sector 37-C, Chandigarh. PP 2723119 56 Sh. Jinder Singh Driver 9914193925 - 57 Sh. Appu Maiti Peon - # 21, Sec-9, Chandigarh 58 Sh. Ram Rana Peon - # 649, Sec 16-D, Chandigarh 59 Sh. Gurjinder Singh -Peon - Ramgarh, Pkl 60 Sh. Daleep -Peoncum-safai-sewak - # 75, Amitar Colony Dhanas (UT) - - 61 Sh. Surjit (Mali) Manual – X - The monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and employees including the system of compensation as provided in its Regulations. The remuneration received by the officers and staff for the month of 06/2014 is given as under:Sr.No. 1 2 3 4 5 Name of the Officer/Official Smt. Romlia Dubey Er. Virinder Singh Er. Gurinder Jit Singh Sh. P.P.Garg Smt.Rachna Singh, Designation Chairperson Member Member Secretary Director M&F 6 Er. Inder Mohan Singh Director RE 7 8 Sh. Baldev Singh Kamboj Er. Jagmohan Modi Registrar Director - Tariff 9 Er. Daljit Singh Mahal Jt.Dir/Tariff 10 Er. H.S. Bedi Jt.Dir./Regulations 11 12 Sh. Parveen Kumar Singla Jt.Dir./RE Jt. Dir. M&F 13 Er. Rajesh Gupta Dy.Dir./RE 14 Er. Avtar Singh Kang Dy.Dir./Reg. 15 Er. Kamal Joshi Dy.Dir. /Reg. 16 Er. Jaswinder Singh Dy.Dir./Tariff 17 Sh.Ashok Bembey 18 Sh.Charan Singh Rai, Dy.Dir./Media & General Services Dy..Secy/ Legal 19 Sh. H.R. Nagra. Jt.Secy. 20 Sh. Rulda Singh U/Secy. 21 Sh. Mohinder Singh Mavi Sr. PS 22 Sh. Harbans Singh Accounts Officer 23 Sh.Kashmiri Lal, AO Pay Scale 80000 67000-79000 67000-79000 67000-79000 37400-67000 +8700 Grade Pay Fixed Amount 156000 130905 122770 84160 111136 Fixed 41300-67000 + 10500 Grade Pay 41300-67000 + 9600 Grade Pay 41300-67000+ 9600 Grade Pay 41300-67000+9600 Grade Pay 41300-67000+9600 Grade Pay 41300-67000+9600 Grade Pay 41300-67000+9600 Grade Pay 16650-39100+8500 Grade Pay Fixed 89500 97310 89400 141076 88448 138556 142609 159481 133394 110210 80500 16650-39100+8500 Grade Pay 10300-34800 +5000 Grade Pay 15600-39100+7400 Grade Pay On contract basis 57117 16650-39100+5800 Grade Pay 16650-39100+6850 Grade Pay 46944 39796 53204 35500 47310 24 Sh. Maninder Singh Dy. CAO 41300-67000+9600 Grade Pay 9300-34800+5400 Grade Pay 16650-39100+8500 Grade Pay On Contract basis 10900-34800+5500 Grade Pay 10900-34800+5400 Grade Pay 10900-34800+5500 Grade Pay 10300-34800+4800 Grade Pay 10300-34800+5000 Grade Pay 10900-34800+5750 Grade Pay 10900-34800+4800 Grade Pay 10900-34800+5300 Grade Pay On Contract basis 135557 25 Sh. Vinod Peter AO 26 Sh. Inder Pal Singh Under Secy. 27 28 Sh. Dinesh Sood Smt. Parveen Sharma Supdt.G-I Sr. Asstt. 29 Smt.Seema Rani SAS Supdt 30 Sh.Jagir Singh P.S. 31 Sh. Karamjit Singh PA 32 Sh.Charanjit Singh PA 33 Sh.Sardul Singh PA 34 Sh. Tarsem Lal, PA 35 Smt.Manjit Kaur PA 36 Sh. Harnek Singh Sr. Asstt. 37 Sh. Rajesh. Chand Sr. Asstt 10300-34800+4200 Grade Pay - 44331 38 - Sr.Asstt. 39 Sh.Kuldip Singh Sr.Asstt. 38896 Sr.Stenographer 10900-34800+5300 Grade Pay 10900-34800+4950 Grade Pay On Contract basis 40 Sh. Karnail Singh Sr. Asstt. 41 Sh. Jai Dev Raj 42 Sh. Rajendar Paul Sr.Stenographer On Contract basis 20300 43 - Sr. S.S.G. - - 44 - UDC - - 45 Smt.Manjeet Kaur (A/Cs) UDC 33217 46 - UDC 10900-34800+4200 Grade Pay - 47 48 49 50 Smt. Geeta Sharma Er. Gaurav Kamboj Smt.Neelam Jayal UDC C.O. C.O. Receptionist On Contract basis On contract basis On contract basis 15300 20000 12000 67502 86320 30500 44066 61693 48536 67105 56474 65054 36279 56144 20300 - 35481 25300 - 51 Sh.Achhar Singh Driver 52 Sh.Sachida Nand Driver 53 Sh.Swarn Singh Driver 54 Sh.Manjeet Singh Driver 55 Sh.Harish Chander Joshi Driver 56 Sh.Jinder Singh Driver 57 Sh.. Oppu Maiti Peon 58 Sh. Ram Rana Peon 59 60 Sh.Gurjinder Singh Sh. Daleep 61 Sh. Surjit kumar Peon Peon-cum-Safai Sewak Mali 5910-20200+2400 Grade Pay 5910-20200+2400 Grade Pay 5910-20200+2400 Grade Pay 5910-20200+2400 Grade Pay 5910-20200+2400 Grade Pay 5910-20200+2400 Grade Pay 4900-10680 (with initial start 5300) +1650 Grade Pay 4900-10680 (with initial start 5300) +1650 Grade Pay On contract basis On contract basis 28477 On contract basis 7997 27004 26041 25350 25600 24379 18698 16808 8000 7997 Manual -XI - The budget allocated to each of its agency, indicating the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditures and reports on disbursement made There is no organization under the control of Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission and there is no scheme or project associated or floated by the Commission. However, head-wise budget estimates for the year 2014-15 are detailed below:Sr.No. Group Head Budget Estimate ( lacs) 1 Salary (Pay and allowances) 650.00 2 Medical allowance 8.00 3 T.A. expenses 12.00 12 Office expenses 5 Electricity 6.50 6 Water 0.40 7 Telephone expenses 6.00 8 Petrol and lubricants 15.00 9 Rent, rate and taxes (rent of building) 58.00 Total 100.00 855.90 Manual XII: The manner of execution of subsidy programmes, including the amounts allocated and the details of beneficiaries of such programmes. The Commission does not execute any subsidy programmes. Manual XIII: Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorizations granted by it The Commission does not grant concessions, permits or authorizations. It only grants licence for generation, transmission, distribution or trading in electricity under Section 14 of the Electricity Act, 2003. For this purpose, the Conduct of Business Regulations provide detailed guidelines for procedure to be followed as well as the General Conditions of such licensees. Manual -XIV - Details in respect of the Information, available to or held by it, reduced in an electronic form All regulations of the Commission as well as all orders passed by the Commission are posted on the website “”. Besides this it is also available with the Registrar in the office of the Commission. Manual -XV - The particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use All the petitions of public importance filed before the Commission and orders passed by the Commission in the petitions are put on the website of the Commission. Records of the proceedings are open as a matter of right to the inspection of the parties or their authorized representatives at any time either during pendency of the proceedings or after the orders are passed subject to terms fixed by the Commission in regard to time, place and manner of inspection and payment of fee. Records of proceedings except those parts which for reasons specified by the Commission are confidential are open to inspection by any person other than the parties to the case either during the proceedings or after the orders have been passed subject to terms fixed by the Commission in regard to time, place and manner of inspection and payment of fee. All persons are entitled to obtain certified copies of the orders, directions and reasons in support thereof given by the Commission as well as the pleadings, papers and other parts of the records of the Commission to which he is entitled for inspection under Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission (Conduct of Business) Regulations, 2005. Manual -XVI - The names, designation and other particulars of the Public Information Officer and Appellate Authority Name Designation PIO Shri Baldev Registrar Singh Kamboj Appellate Shri P.P. Garg Address Telephone Nos. Punjab State Electricity Off: 0172-2645164-66 Regulatory Commission, 9872649365 SCO.220-221, Sector 34A, Chandigarh. Secretary -do- Off: 0172-2648321 Authority Nomenclature of the accounts in which the application fee is to be deposited/credited Bank Account Details: Indian Overseas Bank Sec. 32, Chandigarh. Account No.: 143002000000275 IFSC code: IOBA0001430 Manual -XVII - Such other information as may be prescribed. -Nil-
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