OAAS Policy Manual ________________________________________________________________________________ OAAS Policy Manual As of May 2014 1 OAAS Policy Manual ________________________________________________________________________________ 2 OAAS Policy Manual ________________________________________________________________________________ Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies Policies and Procedures INDEX Term of Reference To facilitate the decision making process and to involve Directors in the specifics of policy administration, the Board shall annually organize itself into committees as follows: Mission Statement 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 9.0 10.0 11.0 Administration Board of Directors Duties of a Director Code of Conduct Communication Executive Committee President First Vice President Second Vice President Past President Human Resources Committee Interview Committee Orientation 12.0 13.0 14.0 14B.0 Treasurer Secretary Convention Coordinator General Manager 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0 20.0 21.0 22.0 23.0 23.0B Education Committee Government Liaison Committee Nomination Committee Partnership Committee Promotions Committee Awards Resolution/By-Law/Policy Committee Service Member/Tradeshow Committee Strategic Planning Committee First Impressions Committee 24.0 25.0 Convention Committee Annual General Meeting 3 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ 26.0 27.0 28.0 29.0 30.0 31.0 32.0 33.0 34.0 35.0 36.0 37.0 38.0 Ambassador Committee Auction Committee Bread/Cookie Committee Craft Room Committee Displays / Posters Committee Family Entertainment Showcase Committee Past President’ Welcoming Committee Photography Committee Quilt Committee Registration Committee Seminars/Speakers Committee Showcase Committee Homecraft Programme Committee 40.0 50.0 Ad Hoc Committees International Plowing Match 60.0 61.0 62.0 Finance Committee Definition of Terms Finance Policy 4 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICIES OF THE ONTARIO ASSOCIATION OF AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES MISSION STATEMENT The Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies is a unifying body for Agricultural Societies in Ontario. Through promotion, communication and educational activities, it provides leadership to its members. The following terms will assist you: ASSOCIATION - The Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies, the abbreviation of which is referred to as OAAS. OMAFRA - The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, the abbreviation of which is referred to as OMAFRA. MANAGEMENT- The term “management” will be described as follows: Board of Directors - Agricultural and Homecraft District Directors. The term “Board” is used to describe the Board of Directors. Executive Committee – Past President, President, First Vice President and Second Vice President. Support Personnel (non voting): Secretary, Treasurer, or Secretary/Treasurer, and Convention Coordinator and General Manager NOTE: As there is no single pronoun to identify both male and female, the use of the male gender is used throughout to indicate either sex. INTRODUCTION TO POLICIES Policies are to act as a guide for decisions, give direction to plans (objectives), and set up a framework for decision making. Policy statements are broad in scope, are a statement of the OAAS beliefs, are in writing, and are adopted by the Board of Directors. Policies should be basic, yet comprehensive, and organized in accordance with the business activities of the OAAS. Administrative procedures are general instructions dealing with matters of policy, organization and co-ordination. Policies are to be applied and carried out to clarify the organization’s assignments and relationship affecting several areas of the organization. The Board of Directors is responsible for the general management of the affairs, funds, and records of the OAAS. The Policy Manual includes statements of policy NOT detailed procedure. In addition to policy, it includes the necessary operating authorizations and other details that must be adopted at the annual re-organizational meeting of the Board of Directors in accordance with the laws under which the OAAS operates. 5 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ Each year at the Fall Board Meeting, committees are to present their review to the Resolutions Committee. The Resolutions Committee is to present the Policy Manual at the Post-Convention Meeting in its entirety and is to be adopted by board resolution, which is incorporated as a part of the meeting minutes. The purpose of the annual review and adoption is to: 1. Provide information and opportunity to question and understand the reasons for policy as it exists. 2. Commit each Director to existing policy. 3. Assure a systematic review and evaluation of policies at least once each year by a committee consisting of the Past President, and two other board members keeping in mind the geographical location of committee members. 4. Reaffirm policy guides for the Executive Committee and Support Personnel Committees, as designated by the Board, are responsible for the development and recommendation of new and revised policies to the Resolutions Committee. Additional deletions or changes to the Policy Manual are made by reference to specific parts and sections of the Policy Manual and become operative when adopted by the Board. Upon review by the Resolutions Committee, it will be presented to the Board for their action. 6 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: ADMINISTRATION Policy No. 1.0 Approval Date: October 20, 2007 Revision Date: ______________________________________________________________________________ 1.1 Flowers will be sent or donations will be made in memory on the passing of any current member of the OAAS Board of Directors. 1.2 Flowers or donations are to be made in memory on the passing of a Past President of the OAAS and /or spouse as set by the Board. 1.3 A suitable card will be sent on behalf of the OAAS by the Secretary when made aware of illness or concern regarding Board members. 1.4 The OAAS Secretary will arrange accommodations for Directors for the Spring and Fall Board meetings. It is the responsibility of each Director to arrange his own Convention accommodation. Payment-see Finance Policy 5.2. 1.5 The OAAS Secretary will send all Board minutes and reports to the District Directors and Associate Directors. 1.6 A motion must be presented at the Annual Meeting that all outdated documents be shredded as outlined by Revenue Canada. Financial records must be kept for a minimum of seven years. Minute records are to be kept forever. 1.7 The Board will follow all guidelines laid out by the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) in regards to the Privacy Act. These guidelines will be used for all communications by the OAAS. 1.8 The Board will determine the value of a silent auction item donated to The Canadian Association of Fairs and Exhibitions (CAFE) annually. 1.9 The Board will determine the number of OAAS representatives to attend the CAFE Convention annually. The Board will pay transportation, food, registration fees and accommodation. This is to be reviewed annually. 1.10 The Board will annually issue the current fair pass for the season to Past Presidents, Past Treasurers, Past Secretaries, and each Associate Director the same as to Directors of the Board. Each member Society will receive three complimentary passes. A list should be developed of individuals and organizations who receive a complimentary pass. 1.11 The Board will arrange for bonding of all appropriate positions. 1.12 The Board will review the insurance policy every two years. As of 2006, the limit of liability is two million dollars ($2,000,000.00). 1.13 The Board will purchase sixty accident insurance cards to cover Directors and volunteers. 7 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Policy No. 2.0 Approval Date: October 20, 2007 Revision Date: ______________________________________________________________________________ Term of Reference: 2.1 The Province of Ontario is divided into fifteen (15) districts. 2.2 Each District shall elect one Agricultural Director, and one Homecraft Director, one Associate Agricultural Director and one Associate Homecraft Director. 2.3 The position of Agricultural Director and Homecraft Director shall be filled by an Associate Agricultural Director and Associate Homecraft Director as required. It is the Districts responsibility to fill these positions. 2.4 The Board of Directors includes Executive Committee. 2.5 The Board will review and appoint annually Directors/Representatives to outside organizations as deemed necessary. 2.6 The Board will appoint members to Ad Hoc Committees as deemed necessary. 2.7 At least one educational session of pertinent issues/interest will be presented at a regular Board meeting. 2.8 Opportunities will be allocated for further training, seminars, or workshops for Board members and as approved. Budget amount to be determined. 2.9 The Board will meet at least four (4) times a year – post convention, spring, fall and preconvention meetings. 8 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: DUTIES OF A DIRECTOR Policy No. 3.0 Approval Date: October 20, 2007 Revision Date: ______________________________________________________________________________ The Director shall: 3.1 become familiar with the District represented, i.e.- the number of fairs, dates, locations, the Ontario Horticultural Society, the Agricultural and Horticultural Organizations Act, and the OAAS Constitution, By-Laws, and Policies. 3.2 keep a current list of key people in each Society in your District. 3.3 act as the liaison between member Societies and the Provincial Board, keeping the OAAS Board and Secretary informed of happenings in the District, as well as keeping the Societies in the District informed of what has been discussed at the OAAS board meetings. 3.4 encourage the Societies in the District to value and understand the importance of the function of the OAAS, as members of the OAAS. 3.5 ensure the Societies in the District have their own current Constitution and By-Laws and that it does not contravene the Agricultural and Horticultural Organizations Act, or the OAAS Constitution. A Constitution should be reviewed every three years. 3.6 represent the Districts at each Provincial Board meeting. (District Directors or the Associates) 3.7 assist in the apprenticeship of the incoming Director by informing of the expectations of their duties as the District Director. Some expectations include, seating at Board meetings, timetable of events, committee interest and structure, the procedures of Board meetings and required reports. All materials and items must be transferred at the individual District annual meeting. 3.8 represent all societies in the District - be positive, supportive and encouraging. 3.9 is responsible to ensure that each Agricultural Society has an Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies Director/representative at their fair. 3.10 are encouraged to attend Agricultural Society annual meetings in their District, upon invitation. 3.11 should provide Agricultural Societies in their District with a current list of OAAS qualified judges annually. 3.12 arrange and hold District judges’ training schools as needed. 9 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ 3.13 communicate with District Societies throughout the year, collect information, assist with planning workshops and training sessions and any other required information. 3.14 be prepared to fulfill and complete duties assigned and to fill in as emergencies arise, in order to make the annual convention a success 3.15 Vacancies of District Directors - See Constitution By-Law 7 Section F, under District organization. 3.16 Honorarium of District Director - see Finance Policy. 3.17 Code of Ethics/Conduct – see Policy 4.0 3.18 become familiar with the OMAFRA grant application process. 3.19 submit current fair dates for upcoming year by December 31st. At the Fall Board meeting, submit a combined District annual report (1/2 page). (Be positive in your District annual report). Submit additional information as requested by the OAAS. 3.20 be the communication link between Agricultural Societies and the OAAS, OMAFRA, Municipal Government, and Provincial Government. 3.21 upon completion of the term of office transfer all District materials to incoming Director. 3.22 must submit the OAAS evaluation survey with convention expenses. 3.23 Refer to the Purpose of Policy Guidelines (page 52-56) in the Director’s Manual. 3.24 be assigned, on a rotating basis, by the Executive Committee to bring refreshments for the hospitality suite at the Spring and Fall Board meetings. 3.25 Monitor Health & Safety aspects in the Ontario fair industry. 10 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: CODE OF CONDUCT Policy No. 4.0 Approval Date: October 20, 2007 Revision Date: ______________________________________________________________________________ Code of Conduct: The Board of Directors shall: 4.1 maintain confidentiality. 4.2 recognize and respect the rights and responsibilities of individual committees. 4.3 follow approved meeting agenda. 4.4 identify any agenda items where they have a conflict of interest. Code of Ethics: A Director shall: 4.5 consider the best interests of the organization and its membership. 4.6 adhere to the Agricultural and Horticultural Organizations Act, the OAAS Constitution and By Laws, and Policies. 4.7 maintain the highest standards of integrity. 4.8 encourage a positive environment in which individual contributions are encouraged and valued. 4.9 acknowledge democratic principles and accept the decisions/consensus of the OAAS. 4.10 respect the confidential nature of closed/in-camera meetings. 4.11 limit discussions at OAAS Board and committee meetings to matters of concern. 4.12 use established communication channels when questions or concerns arise. 4.13 promote high standards of ethical practice within the OAAS organization. 4.14 not accept payment nor benefit financially through OAAS involvement, other than reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses pursuant to the OAAS Finance Policy. 11 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: COMMUNICATION Policy No. 5.0 Approval Date: October 20, 2007 Revision Date: ______________________________________________________________________________ Term of Reference Communications are the backbone of the organization. There are many methods of communication within the OAAS: the Gazette, minutes, general meetings, website, fax, phone, face to face, conference calls, emails, convention, district meetings, annual meetings, and fairs. District Directors are the core of all OAAS communications. This is a very important responsibility of a District Director. Procedure: 5.1 All communications will be dealt with within a four week period. 5.2 The Gazette will be published three times a year and mailed each Society, Past Presidents & Service Members. The deadline dates for submissions will be advised by OAAS Secretary. 5.3 District Directors will provide fair dates one year in advance for the Fair Directory and by December 31. 5.4 Website changes will be made within a month of supplying the information to the OAAS Secretary. 5.5 A communications manual will be maintained by each committee chair and passed on to the next chair. 5.6 Forms for tradeshow registration, service member membership, showcase application, affiliation/membership and fair information on the website will be reviewed annually. 5.7 Service Diploma and Agricultural Accomplishment Award application on the website will be reviewed annually. 12 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Policy No. 8.0 Approval Date: October 20, 2007 Revision Date: ______________________________________________________________________________ Terms of Reference: The Executive Committee shall consist of a General Manager, President, the Immediate Past President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer or Secretary-Treasurer, and Convention Coordinator. The President of the OAAS shall be the chairperson of the Executive Committee. Procedures: 8.1 Elections are to be held annually at the Pre-Convention meeting as set forth in the Nomination Policy. 8.2 Remuneration for Support Personnel and reimbursement for Executive Committee and Board of Directors shall be consistent with the Finance Policy. 8.3 The Executive Committee is to meet a minimum of four times during the term of office using the most economical way of communication. These meetings will be held at the Spring Board meeting, during the months of June or July, at the Fall Board meeting, and Pre-Convention meeting. 8.4 The Executive Committee may call for a special meeting of the Board by using the current recommended communication. 8.5 The Executive Committee may call for a special meeting of the Executive. 8.6 The Executive Committee to review their job description annually. 8.7 The Executive Committee recommends to the Board, the members of various committees. 8.8 A vacancy occurring by death or resignation of any Executive member may be filled by the Board for the remainder of that term of office. 8.9 Minutes of Executive Committee meetings will be distributed to Board members in a timely fashion. 13 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POSITION: President of the Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies Policy 8.1 PURPOSE: Provides leadership to the OAAS Board of Directors AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY: Chair Board of Directors and executive meetings Chair Nominations Committee. Prepare a President’s year-end report for the Annual Meeting and Annual Report Prepare and send President’s message for each Gazette Be a member ex-officio of all committees In conjunction with the board secretary, prepare agenda for board and executive meetings In conjunction with the board secretary ensure that all correspondence, newsletters, etc are shared with the board. Ensure that the following are informed/invited to the annual meeting and convention: CNE, CAFE, OMAFRA, Agriculture Canada etc., members of the media and other agricultural delegates Become conversant with the OAAS constitution and with the Agricultural and Horticultural Association’s Act Plan and host President’s Reception Attend at least five different district meetings, not including his/her own District, over a 3 year period as 2nd Vice President, 1st Vice President & President. Allowance payable at end of year as President. Attend as many fairs as possible and inform President/Secretaries of Agricultural Societies’ Boards on the good points of their fair and offer constructive criticism, and encouragement Handle all correspondence relating to invitations in a responsible manner Chair Annual General Meeting and bring greetings at the convention Give farewell speech and introduce incoming President at Convention on Saturday morning TERM: One year from the meeting following the annual meeting until the conclusion of the next convention FINANCIAL SUPPORT: OAAS funds to cover all board and committee meeting expenses Mileage allowance to fairs to a maximum of $1,600.00 Mileage allowance to attend at a minimum of five different District meetings, over a 3 year period, not including his/her own District meeting, to a maximum of $500.00 payable at the end of year as President. Mileage records must be submitted Reimbursement of $1000.00 for hospitality suite. Reimbursement of $1500.00 for the expenses related to the President’s Reception (receipts are required). 14 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POSITION: First Vice President of the Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies Policy 8.2 PURPOSE: To assume the duties of the President in the President’s absence AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITIES: Attend all meetings of the Board and Executive Chair the Convention Committee, ensure that tasks are delegated to sub-committees and that these committees are accomplishing their tasks Assist or chair committees as required Suggest ideas for convention, guest speakers, round table, seminars, etc Attend at least five different district meetings, not including his/her own District, over 3 years as 2nd VP, 1st VP & President. Allowance payable at end of year as President. TERM: One year beginning at the meeting immediately following the annual meeting to the conclusion of next convention FINANCIAL SUPPORT: OAAS will cover all board and committee meeting expenses Mileage allowance for fairs visitations maximum of $450.00 Mileage records must be submitted 15 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POSITION: Second Vice President of the Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies Policy 8.3 PURPOSE: Chair the Finance Committee Perform other duties as directed by the President AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITIES: Attend all meetings of the Board and Executive Discuss duties with Vice President from previous year Chair the Finance Committee, ensure that budgets are reasonable and in keeping with the funds available to OAAS Assist committees as required Assist the President and Vice President during the year and at convention. Submit ideas re: convention program, speakers and roundtable seminars etc. Communicate with President throughout the year. Attend at least five different district meetings, not including his/her own District, over 3 years as 2nd VP, 1st VP & President. Allowance payable at end of year as President. TERM: One year beginning at the meeting immediately following the annual meeting to the conclusion of the next convention FINANCIAL SUPPORT: OAAS to cover all board and committee meeting expenses Mileage allowance to fair visitations to a maximum of $450.00 Mileage records must be submitted 16 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POSITION: Past President of the Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies Policy 8.4 PURPOSE: To contribute through knowledge and experience gained from positions on the OAAS Board of Directors and Executive AREA OF RESPONSIBILITIES: Sit as a member of any standing member committees or ad hoc committees as requested by the Board of Directors. Be a member of Nominating Committee Be available for consultation, offering encouragement and constructive advice when appropriate Attend Board of Director and Executive meetings TERM: One year beginning with the meeting immediately following the annual meeting until the next year’s Past President is appointed FINANCIAL SUPPORT: OAAS to cover all board and committee meeting expenses Mileage allowance to fairs throughout Ontario, up to a maximum equal to their District Director’s allowance. Mileage records to be submitted 17 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: HUMAN RESOURCE COMMITTEE Policy No. 9.0 Approval Date: October 20, 2007 Revision Date: ________________________________________________________________________________ Terms of Reference: The Human Resource Committee consists of the current President and 1st Vice President. The Human Resource Committee will meet with Support Personnel to review staff performance between March 1 and Spring meeting of each year. The intent of the Staff Performance Review is to provide positive feedback, clarify concerns and misunderstandings while establishing a good working relationship for the upcoming year. Procedures: 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.10 9.11 A blank form is distributed to the staff and committee members. Input is requested from the Past President as they have recently worked closely with staff. The job description is an integral part of this process and is included as an attachment to the form. The forms are filled in by committee members, while staff rate themselves and include information on objectives they set in the previous year and set new objectives for the upcoming year. Reference to the attached job description is important. The Committee Chairperson will compile the information onto one document, providing an average rating for all areas. Include the staff comments around objectives, including goals for next year. The job description is to be discussed at each interview. Changes, including additions and/or deletions, to the job description are agreed upon at this time in an effort to clarify staff performance expectations. Prior to the Spring Meeting of the Board of Directors, a meeting of the committee and individual support staff personnel is held to discuss the review summary. Two copies of the document are signed-one for Human Resources file and one copy for staff member’s personnel file. The recommendation is prepared for the Board of Directors’ approval of the contract(s). At the Spring Meeting of the Board of Directors, changes to the job description (s) are presented for approval. A recommendation is made to the Board by the Committee Chairperson to renew (or not renew) the contract(s) effective May 1st of each year. Recommendations for changes to the Honorarium for Treasurer, Secretary, and Convention Coordinator will be forwarded to the Finance committee and the Board for approval A new contract and review negates the previous one which is now destroyed. The 1st Vice President who will chair the committee, maintains custody of the OAAS Human Resource personnel files and passes this on at the end of term of office. A newly appointed support staff person, will have this procedure completed after three months to deal with any concerns that might have arisen and to ensure work is progressing in a timely fashion. 18 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: INTERVIEW COMMITTEE Policy No. 10.0 Approval Date: October 20, 2007 Revision Date: ________________________________________________________________________________ Terms of Reference: The Interview Committee consists of three Board Members who will be appointed by the Executive Committee with approval by the Board using the most economical way of communication. The intent of this committee is to have a procedure in place for filling vacancies of the Support Personnel. Procedures: 10.1 Advertising for the position will be circulated to Agricultural Societies, Board of Directors, and Agricultural related media publications. 10.2 Upon receipt of application, the Interview Committee will select no more than six candidates to be interviewed. 10.3 The Committee is to use a standard interview form pertaining to the job. 10.4 All interviews shall be conducted in person on the same day. 10.5 The Committee will select the candidate for recommendation to the Board of Directors for approval. The successful candidate’s interview will be placed in the personnel file. 10.6 Unsuccessful candidates will be notified in writing within thirty (30) days after Board of Directors’ approval. All information specific to the process will be destroyed after three months. 10.7 In the event of Support Personnel vacancies, the positions will be filled by the following: 10.8 A) Treasurer will be nominated by the Directors of the Finance Committee and Executive Committee with approval of the Board. B) Secretary will be nominated by the Executive Committee with approval of the Board. C) Convention Coordinator will be nominated by the Executive Committee with approval of the Board. Finance Committee will recommend repayment of out-of-pocket expenses for the Board of Directors for approval. 19 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: ORIENTATION Policy No. 11.0 Approval Date: October 20, 2007 Revision Date: ________________________________________________________________________________ Term of Reference: There shall be a documented orientation program by the OAAS for all members of the Board of Directors. It is the responsibility of the Executive to ensure that all Board members carrying on activities within his/her area have been given a general and a committee specific orientation. The orientation will be arranged with the Executive for the delivery of the Program. Procedures: 11.1 To ensure that all Board members are made aware of the Mission Statement, programs, policies, procedures, the Agricultural and Horticultural Organizations Act, the OAAS Constitution, committee structure, history of the Association, and all other related duties assigned. 11.2 To provide new Board members with a feeling of familiarity and comfort in their position. 11.3 The orientation program will be conducted at the first Board meeting following the Convention. The program is to be delivered in the first hour order of business. 20 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: JOB DESCRIPTION OF TREASURER Policy No. 12.0 Approval Date: October 20, 2007 Revision Date: ________________________________________________________________________________ Position: Treasurer of the Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies Purpose: To handle the financial affairs of the OAAS including all financial transactions and reporting. AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITIES: Administration Prepare invoices for accounts receivable Pay accounts by cheque within 30 days of invoice date Keep accurate record of receipts and disbursements and an up-to-date list of all accounts receivable and accounts payable Prepare a detailed bank reconciliation monthly Prepare year-end financial statements and send to accounting professional by required dates Be eligible for a bond in the amount directed by the Finance Committee/Board and as provided for in the OAAS insurance policy Invest and redeem surplus funds as directed by the Finance Committee Receive money due to the OAAS and deposit same in designated financial Institution Prepare annual operating budget and present to the Board at the Fall meeting Complete and file corporate income tax form and HST return(s) with Revenue Canada, annually. Deliver an electronic cheque register report to the Board before the Fall meeting. Any other duties assigned by the Finance Committee Communication Prepare financial reports and provide to Executive and Board of Directors at spring and fall meetings after approval of Finance Committee. Give a written report at all finance committee, Executive and Board meetings, answering questions and providing access to books when requested. Invoice any outstanding affiliation fees from member Societies, affiliate and Service members Maintain open communication with the Finance Chairperson and Finance Committee Be a non-voting member and attend all meetings of the Finance Committee, Executive Committee and Board of Directors Prepare and provide detailed committee expense reports at spring meeting. Forward audited year-end financial statements for publication in annual report. 21 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ Provide a cheque register to all Board members at each Board meeting Report to: OAAS Board through the Finance Committee Term: One year (May 1st to April 30th) Annual Review: By the Human Resource Committee between March 1st and Spring meeting Financial Support: - Technical Support: - Remuneration to be reviewed annually at the Spring Board meeting Out of pocket expenses will be paid by OAAS for attendance at required meetings of the Board, Executive, and Finance Committee Invitations received to attend District meetings within their own District and fairs may be accepted but as they do not fall within the job description, expenses will not be paid. - Laptop computer Printer(1 printer is a printer/copier) 22 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: JOB DESCRIPTION OF SECRETARY Policy No. 13.0 Approval Date: October 20, 2007 Revision Date: ________________________________________________________________________________ Position: Secretary of the Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies Purpose: To provide for the administration of the OAAS AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY: (under the direction of the OAAS Executive) Administration Maintain the Head Office of the OAAS As a non-voting member attend all meetings of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors Maintain the official documents of the OAAS Make arrangements for locations, rooms, meals etc. for Executive and Board meetings as requested Notify Directors and Executive, 14 days in advance, by mail, of all meetings and provide agendas as prepared by the President Record, prepare and disperse minutes, to include action sheets, within two weeks following meetings to Executive, Directors and Associate Directors Co-ordinate with Convention Committees the pre-registration package to include preregistration form, auction form, annual OAAS competition rules, and any other related information, and assist the Convention Co-chairs, Convention Coordinator and Treasurer as requested by the Executive Committee Prepare a preliminary list of fair dates by February 1st of each year to be distributed at the convention Log approximate hours worked for each committee sector Inform the President of all issues and concerns as they become known Prepare and distribute annual fair passes to Societies, District Directors, Executive, Past Presidents, Past Secretaries and OMAFRA by April 30th of each year Act as a resource person for members and media while advising the President of such contacts Prepare annual budget for secretarial expenses and submit to the Finance Committee Manage, through a written inventory, and distribute as needed all OAAS certificate, Judging Standards Books and promotional material Receive all orders for diploma/awards, convention registration forms, service member, tradeshow and showcase applications. Copy appropriate information to committee chairs Deposit money received and provide an immediate accounting report to the Treasurer via Canada Post, fax and/or mail Other duties as deemed necessary by the Executive and Board from time to time 23 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ Communications Support open communication at all levels within the organization and with other organizations in a timely professional manner Manage in a responsible and timely manner, all correspondence being sent out or having been received, on behalf of the OAAS Keep accurate data base of Directors, Associate Directors, Service members, member of Agricultural Societies, etc Contact and correspond with corporate partners as directed by the Partnership Committee, through the Executive Committee Maintain liaison contact information with OMAFRA, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, CAFÉ and other agricultural groups Edit Gazette - 3 times/year – April, August and November Edit and manage OAAS Website and sit on the Website Committee Report to: OAAS Board through the President Term: One year (May 1st to April 30th) Annual Review: By the OAAS Human Resource Committee between March 1st and Spring meeting Financial Support: - Honorarium – To be reviewed annually at the Spring Board meeting Expenses for attending required meetings As an official representative of the OAAS, the Secretary is expected to attend fairs, District meetings, and Provincial events as an official responsibility upon invitation. Out of pocket expenses to be paid, to a maximum of $400 by OAAS. Technical Support: - Computer and printer Fax/phone with message Photocopier Phone-expenses go directly to Treasurer Internet service-expenses go directly to Treasurer Paper cutter Small filing cabinet 24 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: JOB DESCRIPTION OF CONVENTION CO-ORDINATOR Policy No. 14.0 Approval Date: October 20, 2007 Revision Date: ________________________________________________________________________________ Position: Convention Coordinator for the Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies Purpose: To provide administrative duties for the Convention Committees of the OAAS AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY: Administration Keep an accurate record of Convention committees business Be a non-voting member and attend all meetings of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors In conjunction with the OAAS President and Convention chair, meet in the Spring with the hosting hotel staff to arrange meeting rooms, equipment rental, etc. for upcoming convention In conjunction with the Convention chairperson, plan the agenda for Convention committee meetings Ensure judges, as required and recommended by Committees are contacted and available Ensure all prize ribbons are ordered and available for competitions Compile material for convention “Delegate Information Packages” and send to Agricultural Societies by December 1st Compile information for convention program and annual report Work with the OAAS Secretary and Treasurer regarding all duties as they relate to the convention Communications Record and distribute minutes/reports of the Convention committees Make copies of rules, etc. of the photographic, poster, display competitions, quilts, bread, and cookie competitions so they can be reviewed by committee at the first meeting following the convention Send rules and regulations for competitions to Gazette editor so they can be included in the Fall edition for the upcoming year Converse with seminar/speaker committee co-chairs, to obtain speakers, seminar and workshop leaders for convention program Mail preliminary convention programs and annual meeting agenda to OMAFRA, CAFÉ, Speakers and Past President Receive telephone calls and provide convention information to Agricultural Societies, Service members, etc. throughout the year Report to: Convention Co-chairperson Term: One year (May 1st – April 30th) 25 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ Annual Review: By OAAS Human Resource Committee between March 1st and Spring meeting Financial Support: - Honorarium to be reviewed annually at the Spring Board meeting Travel and meeting expenses to be paid by the OAAS Out of pocket expenses following approval by the Convention Cochairpersons Technical Support: - Phone with message service Long distance paid Receipt calling card Internet service Computer, fax machine and printer 26 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: JOB DESCRIPTION OF GENERAL MANAGER Policy No. 14B.0 Approval Date: July, 2012 Revision Date: ________________________________________________________________________________ POSITION: General Manager of the Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies Preface: The position of the General Manager is not to be viewed as glorified secretary or an assistant secretary. This position shall not be viewed for the sole purpose of fund raising. Purpose: With the President, enable the Board to fulfill its governance function and to implement the strategic goals and objectives of the organization in addition to giving direction and leadership toward the achievement of the organization’s philosophy, mission, strategy, and its annual goals and objectives. They will also represent and act on behalf of the Board of Directors and the OAAS Executive. Responsibilities: Attend events; o OAAS Annual Convention o Meetings of the OAAS Board of Directors and the OAAS Executive (as required) o Three District Meetings outside of the district in which the Employee resides o Five Fairs outside of the district in which the Employee resides o Canadian Association of Fairs and Exhibition Convention (as required) o International Association of Fairs and Exhibitions Convention (as required) Implementing Strategy and Vision Building Culture Capital Allocation o Creating budgets within the organization o Identifies projects which support the strategy Board Administration and Support o Takes direction and fulfills mandate of the Board Program, Product and Service Delivery o Oversees design, marketing, promotion, delivery and quality of programs, products and services o Work with the Board of directors to develop programs that align with stakeholder mandates and memberships needs o Assist membership with best practices, mediation, governance issues, or internal issues that may arise from time to time. o Work with various government programs as Board sees fit to develop an effective implementation plan for delivery Financial, Tax, Risk and Facilities Management o Recommends, yearly budget for Board approval and prudently manages organization’s resources within those budget guidelines according to current laws and regulations, as well as policies and bylaws of Ontario. 27 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ Community and Public Relations o Assures the organization and its mission, programs, products and services are consistently presented in strong, positive image to relevant stakeholders o To assist in the development and implementation of a communications plan between members, OAAS Board of Directors, stakeholders and government o In conjunction with Promotional/Partnership committees, prepare education/promotional news releases for the media o Prepare and continually update a list of contact people and events of the various stakeholders i.e. 4-H Ontario, Commodity Groups, Governments. This list is to be posted on the OAAS website or made available upon requests from Ag Societies. Fundraising o Oversees fundraising planning and implementation, including identifying resource requirements, researching funding sources, establishing strategies to approach funders, submitting proposals and administrating fundraising records and documentation o Identifies and secures corporate partners for the organization that are strategically aligned with OAAS goals and objectives Compensation and Benefits In consideration of the services to be provided by him hereunder, the Employee, during the term of his employment, shall be paid a base salary of $50,000 in equal semi-monthly installments, in arrears, less applicable statutory deductions. In addition to the base salary the Employee is entitled to 4% or two (2) weeks paid vacation per year. The year is deemed to take place from January 1 through to December 31. 28 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: EDUCATION COMMITTEE Policy No. 15.0 Approval Date: October 20, 2007 Revision Date: ________________________________________________________________________________ Term of Reference: The Education Committee shall consist of four Directors who have indicated an interest in the Committee. The Directors are appointed by the Executive Committee with approval of the Board. The Co-chairs of the Education Committee will be two Directors appointed by the Executive Committee with approval of the Board. Procedures: The Education Committee will: 15.1 educate OAAS internally and externally. 15.2 review committee job description annually. 15.3 meet and report at the Spring and Fall Board meeting. 15.4 coordinate an orientation session during the convention 15.5 in conjunction with the Promotion Committee promote agriculture awareness. 15.6 receive prior approval by the Board before arranging meetings and use the most economical way of communication. 15.7 set a budget each year. Responsibilities: 15.8 ensure education portion of the strategic plan is being carried out 15.9 present a list of education speakers, workshop leaders, etc. which could be used for board meetings and/or annual convention 15.10 prepare and continually update a list of educational speakers for distribution to District Directors / members 15.11 prepare a survey for convention/district meeting / board meetings to evaluate educational needs of members 15.12 keep board members informed of educational events being sponsored by stakeholders i.e. OMAFRA, CAFE etc. 15.13 provide educational features for the Gazette 15.14 in conjunction with Promotional/Partnership committees, prepare education/promotional news releases for the media 15.15 prepare and continually update a list of contact people and events of the various stakeholders i.e. 4-H Ontario, Commodity Groups, Governments. This list is to be posted on the OAAS website or made available upon requests from Ag Societies. 15.16 keep accurate records of year’s work for the committee 29 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: GOVERNM/ENT LIAISON COMMITTEE Policy No. 16.0 Approval Date: October 20, 2007 Revision Date: ________________________________________________________________________________ Term of Reference: The Government Liaison Committee shall consist of five Directors who have an interest in the Committee. The committee members shall be appointed by the Executive Committee with approval of the Board. The Chair will be selected from the membership of the Committee. Procedures: The committee shall work with OAAS General Manager to oversee all Government related matters. When needed the committee is available to provide assistance to the General Manager. The following points would only be effective if requested from General Manager. 16.1 communicate with all levels of Government to obtain information pertaining to Agricultural Societies, and to seek financial opportunities including the grant assistance. 16.2 contact CAFE to obtain information and opportunities for Agricultural Societies. 16.3 meet and report at Spring and Fall Board meetings. 16.4 receive prior approval by the Board before arranging for extra meetings and use the most economical way of communication. 16.5 set a budget each year. 16.6 bring recommendations to the OAAS executive for approval, between Board meetings, to ensure action is taken based on recommendations and to keep issues timely as investigated. This committee will only meet as necessary or requested by General Manager. 30 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE Policy No. 17.0 Approval Date: October 20, 2007 Revision Date: ________________________________________________________________________________ Terms of Reference The Nomination Committee shall consist of the President and the immediate Past President. Procedures: The committee shall: 17.1 call for nominations for the positions on the Executive of the Board from the floor at the Fall Board meeting of the Board of Directors and accept written nominations by two Board members endorsing a candidate for the position which must be received by the Board Secretary by December 31st of the current year. 17.2 conduct the election according to the most current version of Robert’s Rules of Order. 17.3 select and secure a person to conduct the election at the Pre-Convention board meeting 17.4 carry out the voting by secret ballot 17.5 recommend names of two scrutineers from the Support Personnel for elections at the pre convention meeting. 17.6 will continue the vote until a majority decision is reached should there be a tie. 17.7 make a motion to destroy the ballots at the completion of the elections. Responsibilities: 17.8 ensure that, as stated in OAAS By-Law 3, all names of the nominees are circulated by the OAAS secretary in writing to all board members 30 days prior to the annual general meeting. 31 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: PARTNERSHIP COMMITTEE Policy No. 18.0 Approval Date: October 20, 2007 Revision Date: ________________________________________________________________________________ Term of Reference: The Partnership committee shall consist of three directors who have indicated an interest in the Committee, the OAAS Secretary, General Manager and current President. The Directors will be appointed by the Executive Committee with approval of the Board. The Co-chairs are to be two Directors to be appointed by the Executive Committee with approval by the Board. Procedures: The committee shall: 18.1 seek financial assistance through Government, membership (OAAS), and outside organizations (corporate and private). 18.2 committee shall maintain a close working relationship with the General Manager 18.3 review the job description of the Committee annually. 18.4 meet and report at the Spring and Fall board meeting and as required. 18.5 receive prior approval by the Board for extra meetings and use the most economical way of communication. 18.6 seek assistance from others board of directors to deliver the program. 18.7 set a budget each year. 18.8 seek Board approval for long term partnerships. 18.9 receive advisement from the Board when partners are found so appropriate steps may be taken to acknowledge the partnership. 18.10 Advise Committee when sponsorship is obtained 18.11 Ensure all certificates are accurate and complete so they can be presented at the convention or mailed immediately after convention. (get these from Convention Coordinator) 18.12 Communication as per Policy 5.0 Responsibilities: Coordinate with OAAS Secretary on the following: 18.13 keep accurate records of the year’s work to be passed on 18.14 prepare partnership presentation materials 18.15 seek out sources for new and existing partnerships 18.16 ensure of ongoing recognition of OAAS partners 18.17 maintain partner data base 32 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: PROMOTION COMMITTEE Policy No.19.0 Approval Date: October 20, 2007 Revision Date: ________________________________________________________________________________ Term of Reference: The Promotion Committee shall consist of four directors who have indicated an interest in the committee with the approval of the Board. The Directors will be appointed by the Executive committee, with approval of the Board. The Co-chairs will be two Directors appointed by the Executive Committee with approval of the Board. Procedure: The committee shall: 19.1 review the Service Diploma and Accomplishment Award guidelines annually and advise the membership of any changes following the Spring Board meeting.. 19.2 seek prior approval by the Board for extra meetings and use the most economical way of communication. 19.3 review the committee job description annually. 19.4 set a budget each year. 19.5 promote the OAAS to its members (the Ag. Societies) 19.6 promote Ontario fairs and the OAAS to the general public. 19.7 develop public service announcement templates 33 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: AWARDS Policy No. 20.0 Approval Date: October 20, 2007 Revision Date: ________________________________________________________________________________ Terms of Reference: The Awards program criteria will be determined by the Promotion Committee and be submitted to the Board annually, for approval. The Awards program criteria will be published in the Gazette annually and included on the website. Procedure:2 20.1 The charge for one Service Diploma that includes a diamond chip pin shall be $10.00. A Society may submit one application per year for the Service Diploma and at least eight weeks in advance of required date. 20.2 The Agricultural Accomplishment Award and the volunteer pin is available at a cost of $5.00 for each application. There is an additional shipping charge of $10.00 per order. A Society can submit up to ten completed applications per year to the OAAS Secretary giving at least eight weeks in advance notice. 20.3 A list of volunteers who will be receiving the Agricultural Accomplishment Award and the Service Diploma will be on file at the OAAS Office. 20.4 Plaques will be presented at the OAAS Convention for 150th anniversary, and every 25th anniversary year thereafter. The Societies receiving the plaques will be published in the annual report. 20.5 All changes to the Award program/criteria require two years to implement. 34 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: RESOLUTION/BY-LAW/POLICY COMMITTEE Policy No. 21.0 Approval Date: October 20, 2007 Revision Date: ________________________________________________________________________________ Terms of Reference: The Resolutions Committee shall consist of the immediate Past President, 1st Vice Presidenet and two directors who have indicated an interest in the Committee with approval of the Board. The Co-chairs will be the immediate Past President. Procedures: The committee shall: 21.1 operate in accordance with the OAAS Constitution. 21.2 receive resolutions through the OAAS Secretary who will immediately forward to the committee members. Resolutions must be in the hands of the Secretary by November 30th for presentation at the upcoming annual meeting. 21.3 will accept written resolutions, (in correct format), review, discuss, and recommend to the Board for approval, rejection, or no action, in accordance to the OAAS resolution procedures 21.4 contact the presenter of the resolution for clarification prior to the presentation to the Board, if needed. 21.5 review the committee job description annually. 21.6 review the Policy Manual, Constitution, and By-Laws annually. 21.7 seek prior approval by the Board for extra committee meetings and use the most economical way of communication. 21.8 if received, present resolutions at the Fall board meeting for approval. 21.9 set a budget each year. 21.10 In co-operation with the Speaker and Seminar committee will arrange for an information session to be held at convention, as required, in case of any contentious resolution issues. 21.11 May hire a parliamentarian for AGM in the event of a contentious issue, with approval of the executive 35 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: SERVICE MEMBER/TRADE SHOW COMMITTEE Policy No. 22.0 Approval Date: October 20, 2007 Revision Date: ________________________________________________________________________________ Term of Reference: The Service Member/Trade Show Committee shall consist of three Directors and the OAAS Secretary. The Service Member Committee will operate as the Tradeshow Committee when working on the convention. The Co-chairs will be appointed by the Executive Committee with approval of the Board. Procedures: The committee shall: 22.1 review the job description of the Committee annually. 22.2 meet and report at the Spring and Fall Board meetings. 22.3 receive prior approval by the Board for additional committee meetings and use the most economical means of communication. 22.4 The Service Member Committee will seek assistance from others to deliver the Service Member/Tradeshow show at the convention. 22.5 Set a budget each year at the Spring meeting. Job Description: Assist Convention Coordinator in tradeshow room, preparing during setup including: water, programs, surveys, pen, name etc. Deliver bag lunches at tradeshow Collect tradeshow survey throughout the convention, summarize for Spring Meeting Be alert of concerns from vendors and delegates while at the tradeshow. 36 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: STRATEGIC PLANNING COMMITTEE Policy No. 23.0 Approval Date: October 20, 2007 Revision Date: ________________________________________________________________________________ Term of Reference: The Strategic Planning Committee shall consist of five Directors, plus the General Manager. The Co-chairs will be two Directors appointed by the Executive Committee with approval of the Board. Procedures: The committee shall: 23.1 review the job description of the committee annually 23.2 meet and report at least four times a year 23.3 prepare a five year continuing plan and review it annually in order to establish and help implement the goals/objectives of the OAAS. 23.4 encourage the Directors of OAAS to share this plan with their Districts at their Spring and Fall Annual Meetings. 23.5 seek prior approval by the Board for extra committee meetings and use the most economical means of communication. 37 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: FIRST IMPRESSIONS COMMITTEE Policy No. 23B.0 Approval Date: April, 2014 Revision Date: ________________________________________________________________________________ Term of Reference: The First Impressions Committee shall consists of four Directors who have indicated an interest in the Committee. The Directors are appointed by the Executive Committee with approval of the Board. The Co-Chairs of the First Impression Committee will be two Directors appointed by the Executive Committee with approval of the Board. Procedures: - Oversee the operation of the First Impression Program Review committee job description annually Meet and report at the Spring & Fall Board Meeting, Pre & Post Convention Meetings Receive prior approval by the Board before arranging meeting and use the most economical way of communication Set a budget year at the Spring Board meeting Responsibilities: - Meet by teleconference as needed Post information and application form to the OAAS website Determine the criteria for partnering societies and the number of Ag Societies matched. Train the Trainer Trainers deliver a 2 hour training session for visiting teams of all participating societies Prepare training materials to be distributed by email Follow up on exchange visits and reports by visiting teams Follow up on the summary reports and recommendations Evaluation: Year end Report and program review Report to the OAAS Board for recommendation on the future of the program 38 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: CONVENTION COMMITTEE Policy No. 24.0 Approval Date: October 20, 2007 Revision Date: ________________________________________________________________________________ Term of Reference: The Convention Committee shall consist of all the Board of Directors, Executive Committee and Support Personnel. The Convention Committee shall be chaired by the first Vice President. Sub committees shall report directly to the chair of the Convention. The chair shall refer matters to appropriate persons. Procedure: The committee shall: 24.1 arrange the annual meeting and the annual convention to provide networking and educational opportunities to all Agricultural Societies, Associate and Service Members. 24.2 include the following committees, appointed by the Executive Committee to carry out the duties of their committees: Ambassador, Auction, Bread/Cookies, Craft Room, Displays/Posters, Family Showcase, Homecraft, Photography, Quilts, Registration, Seminar/Speakers, Showcase, and Tradeshow. 24.3 in conjunction with the President and Board Secretary, send invitations for the Convention to the Minister of Agriculture, Ontario Horticultural Society President, 4-H Ontario, Junior Farmers, Canadian Association of Fairs and Exhibitions, Ontario Agri-Food Education, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Showman’s League, and anyone as deemed necessary. The agenda will allow a one minute limit for Greetings. 24.4 ensure proper signage is secured, delivered, set up and removed by each committee. 24.5 use portable radios for the registration desk, Convention chair, President, seminar cochairs, Convention Coordinator, OAAS Secretary, and Treasurer. 24.6 provide a maximum of ten complimentary registrations to the President for volunteer delegates as selected by the President(s) to carry out details of decorating for the President’ reception and hospitality room, and other related duties at the convention. 24.7 provide all Past Presidents with complimentary convention registration. 24.8 pay the prize money and provide ribbons for the competitions held at the Convention. 39 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Policy No. 25.0 Approval Date: October 20, 2007 Revision Date: ________________________________________________________________________________ 25.1 the following motion will be made at the annual meeting: “That all acts, contracts, by-laws, proceedings, appointments, elections and payments enacted (made, done, and taken) by the Directors and Officers of the Society, since the last annual meeting, be, and are hereby approved, ratified and confirmed.” 25.2 The Board will make a motion to shred documents according to Revenue Canada Regulations. 25.3 The Treasurer will present the audited financial statement as printed in the Annual Report. 25.4 The OAAS Secretary will present the previous annual meeting minutes as printed in the Annual Report. 25.5 Convention Co-chairs and Convention Coordinator will meet with the selected hotel to make necessary arrangements as required for meeting room. 25.6 A list of Partners from the previous year’s Convention is to be printed in the Annual Report. 25.7 Voting - as per the Constitution-“member Societies or Associations shall be entitled to appoint three voting delegates to the Annual Meeting or special meetings of the Association. At all meetings of the Association, only delegates duly appointed by Member Societies shall be entitled to vote. The method of voting shall be determined by the President or Presiding Officer.” 25.8 The method of voting shall be determined by the President or Presiding Officer prior to February 1st of each year. 25.9 The quorum necessary to conduct business at an Annual or Special Meeting of the OAAS shall be one hundred (100) delegates. 40 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: AMBASSADOR COMMITTEE Policy No. 26.0 Approval Date: October 20, 2007 Revision Date: ______________________________________________________________________________ Term of Reference: The Ambassador Committee shall consist of the Past President and two Directors who have indicated their interest in this committee. The Directors are to be appointed by the Executive Committee, with approval of the Board. The Co-chairs are to be appointed by the Executive Committee with approval of the Board. Procedures: The committee shall: 26.1 review the job description for the Committee annually. 26.2 meet and report at the Spring and Fall Board meetings. 26.3 seek prior approval by the Board for extra meetings and use the most economical means of communication. 26.4 seek assistance from others to help deliver the Ambassador program. 26.5 set a budget each year. 26.6 have a group photo taken at convention with the cost of the group photo part of the registration package as approved by the Board. 26.7 Create a photo release form to be signed by the participating ambassadors Responsibilities: 26.11 prepare budget for spring meeting 26.12 revise program schedule annually and send to OAAS Convention Coordinator to be included in registration package 26.14 schedule the program during the convention to include photos, seminars etc. 26.15 arrange entertainment and activities for them 26.16 set up volunteer schedule – one well versed committee member at all times 26.17 present a few highlights (2-4 minutes) at the beginning of the program 26.18 secure available Directors during busy periods 26.19 review and revise responsibilities annually 26.20 ensure ambassadors have a chaperone when registering 41 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: AUCTION COMMITTEE Policy No. 27.0 Approval Date: October 20, 2007 Revision Date: ________________________________________________________________________________ Terms of Reference: The Auction Committee shall consist of three Directors, who have indicated an interest in the committee. The Directors will be appointed by the Executive Committee, with approval of the Board. The Co-chairs are appointed by the Executive Committee, with approval of the Board. Procedures: The committee shall: 27.1 review job description for Committee annually. 27.2 meet and report at the Spring and Fall Board meeting. 27.3 seek prior approval by the Board for extra meetings using the most economical means of communication. 27.4 seek assistance from others to help deliver the Auction program. 27.5 set a budget each year. 27.6 no entertainment acts/packages will be accepted as an auction item 27.7 has the final decision of what items are to be included in the silent and live auction 42 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: 60% WHOLE WHEAT BREAD AND CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE COMMITTEE Policy No. 28.0 Approval Date: October 20, 2007 Revision Date: ________________________________________________________________________________ Terms of Reference: The Bread and Cookie Committee shall consist of two Directors (Co-chairs) who have indicated an interest in the Committee. The committee shall be appointed by the Executive Committee with approval of the Board. Procedures: The committee shall: 28.1 review job description for the Committee annually. 28.2 meet and report at the Spring and Fall Board meeting. 28.3 seek prior approval by the Board for extra meeting and use the most economical means of communication. 28.4 seek assistance from others to deliver the Bread and Cookie competition 28.5 set a budget each year. Responsibilities: 28.6 review the rules and regulations of competition and forward to Board Secretary at the Fall meeting 28.7 arrange for sponsors, (send thank you) and secure prize ribbons 28.8 submit budget for competitions (prize money to be approved by board) 28.9 secure judges – stating time, place and remuneration; Secretary’s letter to confirm these arrangements 28.10 prepare list of entries, winners to present at the Homecraft Meeting 28.11 record suggestions, changes and a follow up report of the success 28.12 report entries, judge, prize money, etc. to the Secretary and Treasurer 28.13 submit expense account 28.14 obtain in written format of the bread recipe for the bread competition 43 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: CRAFT ROOM COMMITEE Policy No. 29.0 Approval Date: October 20, 2007 Revision Date: ________________________________________________________________________________ Terms of Reference: The Craft Room Committee shall consist of four Directors who have indicated an interest in the Committee. The committee will be appointed by the Executive Committee, with approval of the Board. The Co-chairs of the Committee will be appointed by the Executive Committee with approval of the Board. For continuity, one co-chair should be kept on and the 2nd co-chair should be appointed from a committee member of the previous year. Procedures: The committee shall: 29.1 review the responsibilities of this Committee annually. 29.2 meet and report at the Spring and Fall Board meetings. 29.3 prepare a budget for presentation at the spring meeting. 29.4 seek prior approval by the Board, for extra meeting and use the most economical means of communication. 29.5 seek assistance from others to set up the Craft Room. Responsibilities: 29.7 meet with previous chairperson for information on set up of craft room 29.8 draft email or letter for each Homecraft Director requesting specific items at their fairs (focus on timely items unique for that Year) 29.9 schedule one or two demonstrations and have adequate volunteer help 29.10 assist with table arrangement and promotional signs in different areas 29.10a Each committee in the Craft Room is responsible to get their own volunteers helpers. 29.11 record articles, attach security tickets (one ticket to contributor and one in reference box) 29.12 set up volunteer schedule, one well versed committee member at all times 29.13 present a report (3-5 minutes) for the homecraft meeting 29.14 secure available Directors and Associates, if possible, during set up and pickup periods for help 29.15 ABSOLUTELY nothing to be removed from the craft room before closing time 44 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: POSTERS COMMITTEE Policy No. 30.0 Approval Date: October 20, 2007 Revision Date: ________________________________________________________________________________ Terms of Reference: The Poster Committee shall consist of two co-chair Directors who have indicated an interest in the Committee. The committee will be appointed by the Executive Committee, with approval of the Board. Procedures: The committee shall: 30.1 review job description for the Committee annually. 30.2 meet and report at the Spring and Fall Board meetings. 30.3 seek prior approval by the Board for extra committee meetings and use the most economical means of communication. 30.4 seek assistance from others to deliver the Posters competition. 30.5 set a budget each year at the Spring Meeting 30.6 Review rules for competition regularly, to be at the Spring Meeting Job Description: 1. Meet with craft room committee to organize time of delivery and set schedule for opening and closing. Arrange for tables, chairs, drapery & hooks. 2. Arrange poster judge and judging fee. Cap of $50.00 payable on completion 3. Check supplies needed – ribbons (1st, 2nd, 3rd & participating), stapler, staples, measuring tape, markers, clothpins, 4. Receive entries and assist with judging. 5. After judging is complete and ribbons are attached, display all posters for viewing on lattice. At the end of the day remove posters and represent awards to winner or fair representative. 6. Give Treasurer/Convention Coordinator a list of winners with names/fair/district, so cheques can be issued for pickup with poster at convention 7. Monitor area during viewing time. Answering questions regarding the competition. 8. Any posters not picked up at closing time will be announced during Saturday morning round table, otherwise sent back to district with board director. 9. Once all posters are removed, clean area and take inventory of supplies in “Poster Tote” 45 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT SHOWCASE COMMITTEE POLICY 31.0 Approval Date: October 20, 2007 Revision Date: ________________________________________________________________________________ Term of Reference: The Family Entertainment Showcase Committee shall consist of three Directors who have indicated an interest in the committee and the Convention Coordinator. The committee will be appointed by the Executive Committee with approval of the Board. The co-chairs will be appointed by the Executive Committee with approval of the Board. Procedures: The committee shall: 31.1 review job description of the Committee annually. 31.2 meet and report at the Spring and Fall Board meetings. 31.3 seek prior approval of the Board and use the most economical means of communication. 31.4 seek assistance from others to deliver the Family Showcase program. 31.5 set a budget each year. Responsibilities: 31.6 coordinate with convention coordinator on the set up of the room 31.7 arrange for all necessary equipment and other services required 31.8 review space, pricing and contract as foreseen 31.9 supply possible acts to coordinator 31.10 arrange younger viewing audience, if possible 31.11 coordinate with the convention coordinator to get the program printed for convention 31.12 review program 31.13 seek out program sponsorship wherever possible 46 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: PAST PRESIDENTS WELCOMING COMMITTEE Policy No. 32.0 Approval Date: October 20, 2007 Revision Date: ________________________________________________________________________________ Terms of Reference: The Past President’s Welcoming Committee shall consist of all former Past Presidents The Past President’s Welcoming Committee to be chaired by the Past President’ chairperson. Procedures: The committee shall: 32.1 review job description for the Committee annually. 32.2 meet at the convention annually 32.3 seek prior approval by the Board for extra meetings and use the most economical means of communication. 32.4 seek assistance from former Past Presidents to deliver the Hospitality program. 32.5 set a budget each year. 32.6 work with the Registration and Ambassador Committee. 32.7 include the following duties: welcoming delegates to Convention; distribution of information at Convention; lost and found; and other miscellaneous activities as deemed necessary. 47 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: PHOTOGRAPHY COMMITTEE Policy No. 33.0 Approval Date: October 20, 2007 Revision Date: ________________________________________________________________________________ Terms of Reference: The Photography Committee shall consist of two Co-chair Directors who have indicated an interest in this Committee. The committee is appointed by the Executive Committee with approval of the Board. Procedures: The committee shall: 33.1 review job description for this Committee annually. 33.2 meet and report at the Spring and Fall Board meetings. 33.3 seek prior approval by the Board for extra meetings and use the most economical means of communication. 33.4 seek assistance from others to deliver the Photography competition. 33.5 set a budget each year. 48 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: QUILT COMMITTEE Policy No. 34.0 Approval Date: October 20, 2007 Revision Date: ________________________________________________________________________________ Terms of Reference: The Quilt Committee shall consist of four Directors who have indicated an interest in the Committee. The Co-chairs are to be appointed by the Executive Committee with approval of the Board. Procedures: The committee shall: 34.1 review job description of the Committee annually. 34.2 meet and report at the Spring and Fall Board meetings. 34.3 seek prior approval of the Board for extra meetings and use the most economical means of communication. 34.4 seek assistance from others to deliver the Quilt competition. 34.5 set a budget each year at the Spring Meeting 49 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: REGISTRATION COMMITTEE Policy No. 35.0 Approval Date: October 20, 2007 Revision Date: ________________________________________________________________________________ Terms of Reference: The Registration Committee shall consist of four Directors who have indicated an interest in the Committee. The committee will be appointed by the Executive Committee with approval of the Board. The Co-chairs are to be appointed by the Executive Committee with approval of the Board. Procedures: The committee shall: 35.1 review job description of the Committee annually. 35.2 meet and report at the Spring and Fall Board meetings. 35.3 seek prior approval by the Board for extra meetings and use the most economical means of communication. 35.4 seek assistance from others to deliver the Registration program. 35.5 set a budget each year. 35.6 work in conjunction with the Past President’s Welcoming Committee. Responsibilities: 35.9 Co-ordinate with the OAAS secretary to ensure all necessary materials are at the registration desk in a timely manner 35.10 set up a schedule of Directors and volunteers to cover the registration desk 35.11 review and revise responsibilities annually 50 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: SEMINAR/SPEAKERS COMMITTEE Policy No. 36.0 Approval Date: October 20, 2007 Revision Date: ________________________________________________________________________________ Term of Reference: The Seminar/Speaker Committee shall consist of three directors who have indicated an interest in the Committee. The committee is appointed by the Executive Committee with approval of the Board. The Co-chairs are appointed by the Executive Committee with approval of the Board. Procedures: The committee shall: 36.1 review job description of the Committee annually. 36.2 meet and report at the Spring and Fall Board meetings. 36.3 seek prior approval by the Board for extra meetings and use the most economical means of communication. 36.4 seek assistance from others to deliver the Seminar/ Speaker program. 36.5 set a budget each year. Responsibilities: 36.6 plan program format for seminars, round tables and keynote speakers 36.7 consult with all committees as needed 36.8 contact speakers and moderators 36.9 arrange schedule for printed convention program 36.10 oversee rooms and presentations 36.11 work with President to arrange keynote speakers 36.12 review and revise responsibilities annually 36.13 Keep notes in a binder to be passed on the following years committee 51 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: SHOWCASE COMMITTEE Policy No. 37.0 Approval Date: October 20, 2007 Revision Date: ________________________________________________________________________________ Terms of Reference: The Showcase Committee shall consist of the Executive Committee. Procedures: The committee shall: 37.1 review job description of the Committee annually. 37.2 2 37.3 select the acts submitted by date set by executive, approximately October 10th. 37.4 seek assistance from others to deliver the Showcase program. 37.5 set a budget each year. 37.6 review showcase application fee annually seek prior approval by the Board for extra meetings and use the most economical means of communication. 52 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: HOMECRAFT PROGRAMME COMMITTEE POLICY 38.0 Approval Date: February 22, 2010 Revision Date: ________________________________________________________________________________ Terms of Reference: The Homecraft Programme Committee shall consist of 2 Directors who have indicated an interest in the committee. The Committee will be appointed by the Executive Committee, with approval of the Board. Procedures: The committee shall: 38.1 Review job description annually. 38.2 Meet and report at the Spring and Fall board Meetings. 38.3 Prepare a budget for presentation at the spring board meeting. 38.4 Seek assistance from the Homecraft Directors. Responsibilities: 1. Provide seminars of interest to homecraft delegates on the first day of convention with assistance from the Seminar/Speakers committee 2. Provide 2 seminars and a 1 hour Homecraft Program on the day of convention at which time. i) The results of OAAS competitions(quilts, bread, cookies, posters) will be announced. ii) The Honourary Homecraft President who has been invited will be honoured and invited to speak. She will be presented a plaque and flowers compliments of the OAAS Board. iii) Updates or rule changes of OAAS competitions will be announced iv) Entertainment, education, and/or motivation will be provided via speakers, round tables, skits etc . 53 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: AD HOC COMMITTEES Policy No. 40.0 Approval Date: October 20, 2007 Revision Date: ________________________________________________________________________________ Term of Reference: Procedures: 54 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: INTERNATIONAL PLOWING MATCH Policy No. 50.0 Approval Date: October 20, 2007 Revision Date: ________________________________________________________________________________ Term of Reference: The OAAS annually supports the International Plowing Match held in the Province of Ontario. The International Plowing Match is a public relations opportunity for the OAAS. Procedures: 50.1 The District Directors in the area where the International Plowing Match is being held will be the Co-chairs. 50.2 The District Directors (co-chairs) may ask the surrounding Districts to provide assistance and support at the International Plowing Match. 50.3 It is the District’s responsibility to decide on District promotional items and at the District’s expense. 50.4 The Board is responsible for the booth rental, equipment, and any other related items regarding the set up and take down of booth. 50.5 A budget is to be presented to the Board at Spring Board meeting for approval. This budget needs to be submitted one year in advance of the IPM date. For example, September 2010 IPM budget needs to be set at the Spring Board meeting in 2009. 50.6 A record will be kept of the requirements for each IPM including details of handouts, booth setup, local county assistance, staffing etc. This record will be passed onto each host District. 55 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Policy No. 60.0 Approval Date: Revision Date: ________________________________________________________________________________ Terms of Reference The Finance Committee shall consist of the Second Vice President, Treasurer and no more than three Directors. The Finance Committee shall be chaired by the Second Vice President. Procedures: The committee shall: 60.1 prepare an annual budget to be presented at the spring meeting for information only. This budget will be discussed and approved at the Fall Board meeting. The budget will be prepared with the information submitted by the Committees. 60.2 make recommendations to the Board of Directors with respect to changes to financial compensation for board expenses. 60.3 meet on a regular basis as specified by the Board using the most economical means of communication. 60.4 prepare an annual work plan of the Finance Committee and/or Treasurer to include the following: review of financial policies and procedures; review of annual operating budget; and review of financial reporting process. 60.5 recommend to the Board of Directors to establish an ad hoc committee to develop a fundraising strategy, if needed. 60.6 work in conjunction with any board, staff or committees providing funding opportunities or strategies that are being undertaken. 60.7 make recommendation to the Board with respect to any OAAS fees. 56 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: DEFINITION OF TERMS Policy No. 61.0 Approval Date: October 20, 2007 Revision Date: ________________________________________________________________________________ Term of Reference: The purpose of this policy is to standardize terminology and to ensure that there is a common understanding of our references among the Directors and Staff Personnel. Definitions: 61.1 “Accounting” - Financial systems that keep track of all financial transactions, daily, monthly, quarterly and annually. 61.2 “Annual Operating Budget” - Fiscal plan of the organization that projects the revenues and expenditures for a twelve-month period. 61.3 “Assets” - Monetary or non-monetary items that represent probable future economic benefits controlled by the OAAS. 61.4 “Audit” - An examination of the financial records of the OAAS by an independent party. The audit review is presented at the annual meeting and requires acceptance by the members of the OAAS. 61.5 “Balance Sheet” - A statement of financial position showing the assets, liability and equity of the OAAS. 61.6 “Budget” - A detailed financial plan of the OAAS for a specific period of time. 61.7 “Capital Assets” - Refers to equipment, etc. that are not consumed or used up in the normal operating process. 61.8 “Cash Flow” - The amount of funds required for the month to month operation of the OAAS. 61.9 “Expenses” - Resources consumed or used by the OAAS during a specific period. 61.10 “Financial Statements” - Reports that present the financial status and performance of an OAAS. Financial statements consist of a balance sheet, a statement of revenue and expenses, a statement of changes in financial position, and accompanying notes. 61.11 “General Ledger” - A record of the summarized transactions from all other accounting journals. The balances in this ledge are summarized and grouped to prepare the financial statements. The ledger contains the complete financial history of the OAAS. 57 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ 61.12 “Revenues” - Monies received from operating activities, as convention registration, affiliation fees, fundraising opportunities. 58 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY: FINANCE ` Policy No. 62.0 Approval Date: October 20, 2007 Revision Date: ________________________________________________________________________________ 62.1 The Finance Committee in conjunction with the Treasurer will prepare an annual budget to be presented at the Spring meeting for information only. The budget will be discussed and approved at the Fall Board meeting. 62.2 The budget will be prepared with the information submitted by each committee. 62.3 The Finance Committee will include funds for opportunities to be allocated for further training, seminar or workshops for board members and appointees. 62.4 The Finance Committee will recommend an auditor to the Board to be approved at the annual meeting. 62.5 Fees for non sufficient fund cheques will be the current financial institution service charge. 62.6 All expense reports must be sent in during the year in which they occur. Special expense reports received after the deadline must be approved by the Finance Committee prior to payment. 62.7 Three quotes are required when purchasing stationary, equipment, projects, and services over $1000.00. 62.8 A flat rate of $40.00 per day for meal allowance, with no receipts, required is paid to the members of the Board. (Breakfast = 10; Mid-day = 10; Evening = 20) 62.9 Mileage rate of 30 cents per kilometer covers the cost from the board member’s home in Ontario to attend OAAS meetings and return. 62.10 Mileage rate of 30 cents per kilometer for travel to Fairs in Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 13 will be to a limit of $500.00. Mileage rate of 30 cents per kilometer for travel to fairs in Districts 11, 12, 14 will be to a limit of $550.00. Mileage rate of 30 cents per kilometer for travel to fairs in District 15 will be to a limit of $600.00. NOTE: In Districts 11, 12, 14 and 15, unused Director’s mileage allowance up to District maximum maybe used to claim accommodation expenses while attending fairs and fair related functions. 62.11 Vice President to receive a maximum of $450.00 travel allowance to attend fairs and exhibitions. 59 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ 62.12 President to receive a maximum of $1,600.00 travel allowance to attend fairs and exhibitions. President to receive a maximum of $500.00 travel allowance to attend District meetings, not including his/her own District. A minimum of five different District meetings must be attended over the three year period covering the Vice President and President term. Payment to be made upon completion of President’s term, if applicable. 62.13 Immediate Past President to receive the same travel allowance as their respective District maximum. 62.14 All room reimbursement for Directors of the Board will be paid at the regular room rate.(two persons per room or ½ of the rate). Any extra charges will be the responsibility of the Director. 62.15 Directors will make their own room arrangements for the convention and submit an expense form. 62.16 Honorarium for Treasurer, Secretary, and Convention Coordinator will be recommended from the Human Resource Committee to the Board for approval. 62.17 As the official representative of the OAAS, the Secretary is expected to attend fairs, District Meetings and provincial events as an official responsibility, upon receiving invitations. Out of pocket expenses will be paid to a maximum of $400. It is not in the job description nor the responsibility of the OAAS Treasurer and Convention Coordinator to attend fairs or events but can do so at own expense. 62.18 All investments must be presented to the Board for approval. 62.19 The Finance Committee will provide for Board approval, the Insurance premium cost. This will include Directors and Officers, Accident and other insurance premiums as required. The Board will be kept informed of any changes to the policy. 62.20 OAAS affiliation / membership fees are recommended by the Finance Committee annually and approved by the Board. 62.21 The Finance committee recommends that a separate invoice will be issued in the most economical manner for annual membership fees immediately after Fall Board meetings. A second request will be sent by mail by January 15th for unpaid fees. Membership fees not received by directory printing deadline will result in cancellation of OAAS membership. Upon receipt of payment thereafter membership shall be reinstated. 62.22 Convention refund policy will be at the discretion of the Finance Committee to make a recommendation to the Board for approval. 62.23 For the International Plowing Match, the Board is responsible for booth rental, equipment, and any other related items regarding the set up and take down of booth. 60 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014 OAAS Policy Manual ______________________________________________________________________________ 62.24 No blank cheques to be signed. 62.25 Cash generated by committee events must be counted and verified by two committee members. Cash receipt form must be completed and signed by committee members, and provided to treasurer with the cash. The Treasurer will recount and confirm cash received for deposit. A copy of the cash receipt form will be retained by the committee and treasurer. 62.26 Cash received from non-committee events (judging books, on-site registration etc.) must be documented by completing cash receipt form. A Copy of the cash receipt form will be retained by payee and treasurer. 62.27 No reimbursement for the use of non-monetary reward programs and gift certificates. 62.28 The most economical means of transportation and accommodation where possible. 62.29 Money received from a Memorial donation will be allocated to Partnership and a thank you note will be sent to the donor. 62.30 All expenses are to be reimbursed for actual cost paid. i.e. if 3 people are sharing a room, % rate to be 1/3 instead of ½. 61 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies - Directors’ Manual May 2014
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