LOGIC SYSTEM AND DESIGN LAB MANUAL (scan) Computer (2010-2014) Branch Third Semester rilffF5 INSTRUCTION IVIANUALS FOR IUODULES OF DIGITAL I.AB EXPERIMENTS 2245,OPP.DHULAHOUSEBAPUBAZAR,JAIPUR- 302OO3 E : (OFF.)2579523,2572194,(RES.) ZST0EI}I E,MAIL : sujatajprl @hotmail.com INDEX DecriPtionof Module LogicGates Gates- NAND/ NORGates Universal EX-ORGatelmPlimentation EX-ORGateAPPlications Theorem Demorgan's (Binaryto Gray& Grayto Binary) CodeConversion (Binaryto Excess- 3 Codes) CodeConversion BinaryAdder/Subtractor Decoder(8 to 3 LineEncoder'3 to 8 LineDecoder) Encoder/ Page No' ? ^ o 8 10 11 14 16 18 21 & 1:4LineDemultiplexer) (4.1LineMultiplexei Demultiplexer Multiplexer/ FlipFlops(RS,D, JK & T TypeFlipFlops) 23 4-BitShiftRegister(Serialin ParallelOut) BinaryCounter(UPCounter) 4-BitSynchronous 28 4-BitBinaryRippleCounter(UP/DOWNCounter) 31 Decoder BCDto 7-Segement (R-2RLadcjer Network) AnalogConverter Digitalto 32 _lC'sPinConfigurations 36 25 30 v PageNo. Z 39 INSTRUCTIONMANUAL FOR Logic Gates of all Logic Gates' OBJECTIVE: To study Operation printed provided with berow mentioned rc's with Logic Diagram Modure : Description Modure brought out at 2mm sockets' on the front panel & connections ComPonents 2. lC 74082 inPutANDGate' lC743?2 inPutORGate' 3. \C74OO2inPutNANDGate' 4. 5. lC74O22inPutNOR Gate' 1C74862inPutEX-ORGate' 6. 1C7404NOTGate' 1. QuantitY 1 1 1 I 1 4 I 4 PROCEDURE: 1. of Trainerto the supplyterminals connect+5V DC supply& GNDpointfromthe DigitalLogic module. 2. SettheDigitalLogicTrainerinTTLmode' ANDGate 4. to Logicoutputsof DigitalLabTrainer' ConnectAl& B1 inputterminals LabTrainer. sectionof Digital Observe thelogicouiputY1 on Logiclndicator 5. VerifyTruthTableofANDGate. 3. NANDGate 7. to Logicoutputsof DigitalLabTrainer. Connect A4 & 84 inputterminals sectionof DigitalLabTrainer. Observe thelogicoutputY4on LogicIndicator 8. VerifyTruth Tableof NANDGate. 6. ORGate 10. Connect42& 82 inputterminals to Logicoutputsof DigitalLabTrainer. ser,tionof DigitalLabTrainer. Observe thelogicoutputY2 on LogicIndicator 11. VerifyTruthTableof ORGate. 9. Page No. 3/ 39 " G.) Y " G N A N DG A T E AND GATE OR GATE 5l., Y NOT GATE NORGATE EX-OR GATE OUTPUT I N P U T1 INPUT2 o A B o 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 I 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 INPUT1 INPUT2 OUTPUT A B 0 NANDGATE AND GATE OUTPUT I N P U T1 INPUT2 o A B o 0 U 0 't v 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 ' 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 INPUT1 I N P U T2 A B n OUTPUT NOR GATE OR GATE INPUT1 INPUT2 OUTPUT A B o 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 INPUT OUTPUT 0 1 1 0 NOT GATE EX-ORGATE P a g e N o4 / 3 9 *r' i-lORGate 12. 13 14. Logicoutputsof DigitalLab Trainer' ConnectA5& 85 inputterminalsto sectionof DigitalLab Trainer' Observethe logicoutputY5 on Logiclndicator -rableof NOR Gate' V'erifyTruth EX-ORGate 15.ConnectA3&83inputterminalstoLogicoutputsofDigitalLabTrainer. of DigitalLab Trainer' observe the logicoutputY3 on Logic lndicatorsection 16. 17. VerifyTruthTableof EX-ORGate' NOT Gate 19. connectAo inputterminalto logic outputof DigitalLab Trainer. Observethe logicoutputYOon LogicIndicatorsectionof DigitalLab Trainer' 20. VerifYTruthTableof NOT Gate. 1g. .f Page No. 5/ 39 INSTRUCTIONMANUAL FOR, UniversatGates - NAND/ NOR Gates the NAND & NOR Gatesas OBJECTIVE: To study UniversalGates' rc's with Logic Diagram printed : Modure provided with berow mentioned Modure Description brought out at 2mm sockets' on the front panel & connections TTL lC-741S00 Quad2-inputNANDGate lC-74LS02 Quad2-inputNORGateTTL Ti-reExPerimentlncludes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ANDgateUsingNANDGates' ORGateUsingNANDGates' NORGateUsingNANDGates. NOTGateUsingNANDGates' NANDGateUsingNORGates. NOTGateUsingNORGates. ORGateUsingNORGates. ANDGateUsingNORGates. Mddule Panel .'l"" A5 I B5 A5 86 Page No. 6/ 39 Truth Table:INPUT1 INPUT2 OUTPUT INPUT1 INPUT2 OUTPUT B o A B o A 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 ,l 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 NAND GATE AND GATE INPUT1 INPUT2 OUTPUT o A B o 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 I 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 INPUT1 INPUT2 A B 0 OUTPUT NOR GATE OR GATE INPUT OUTPUT PROGEDURE: 1 0 l.Connectthe+5r/DCsupp|y&GroundfromDigita|LabTrainerto 0 1 themodulePointsi,e+ 5V & GND. NOT GATE Setihe DigitalLabTrainerlnTTLmode. 2. B1 & verifythe the logicinputsfromthe DlgitalLabTrainerto themodulepointsA1 & Connect 3. truthtableof ANDGateoutputY1. 4. 3 for Applytheprocedure " * oR gateusingNANDGates; * ApplyinputsatA3 & 83 andobserveat Y3 NOR(ate usingNANDGates; Applyinputsat 42 & 82 andobserveat Y2. NOTgateusingNANDGates; ApplyinputsatA4 & observeat Y4. NANDgateusingNORGates; ApplyinputsatA5 & 85 andobserveat Y5. * NOTgateusingNORGates; ApplyinputsatA7 & observeat Y7. * oR gtaeusingNoR Gates; . ANDgateusingNORGates; ApplyinputsatA6 & 86 andobserveat Y6. ApplyinputsatAS& BBandobserveat YB. * PageNo. 7/ 39 INSTRUCTIONMANUAL FOR EX-ORGate lmplementation & EvenFarityGenerator. Gatelmplementation as ODDParityGenerator : EX-OR OBJECTTVE printed Module Description: Module Provided with below mentionedlc's with Logic Diagram on the front panel & connectionsbrought out at 2mm sockets. Quad2 InPutLX-ORGate - 74LS86 Hex.lnverter - 74LS04 Q u a d2 I n P u tO R G a t e -74L532. ModuleDesiqne II EX-ORGSTEI}lP tEI'IEHT6TIO TruthTable:- A B c 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 '1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 I 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 A t 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 ,l 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 ,l A B c 0 0 0 0 0 0 OUTPUT FOR ODD PARITYGENERATOR OUTPUT 1 I FOREVENPARITYGENERATOR PageNo. 8/39 %""ttn"+5VDCsupp|y&GroundfromDigitaiLabTrainertothemodulepointsi,e+5V& GND. SettheDigiialLabTrainerinTTL mode Z. pointsA & B & c verifythetruthtable inputsfromthemainmoduletothemodule logic the connect 3. OutPut' of ODDParitYGenerator 4.App|yineSameprocedureforEvenParityGenerator&Verifyit'sTruthTable. Page No. 9/ 39 INSTRUETION MANUAL FOR EX-OR Gate APP|ications oBJEGTIVE:TostudyEXoRgateApp|icationasbinarywordComparator. printed Providedwith belowmentionedlC's with Logic Diagram ModuleDescription: Module broughtout at 2mmsockets' on the front panel& connections Quad2-lnPutEX-ORGate - 74LS86 HexInverter - 74LS04 Dual4-lnputNANDGate - 74LS20 ModuleDesiqn 1. Connectthe +5VDC supply& GroundfromDigitalLabTrainerto the modulepointsi,e+ 5V & GND. 2. SettheDigitalLabTrainerinTTLmode. 3. Connect thelogicinputsfromtheDigitalLabTrainerto themodulepointsA,B, C , D , E , F , G & H . of I bit LEDDisplay' Alsoconnectoutputlogicto oneof theterminal lA c E Firstword Gl |' 'l lur-.oilo outputis Lowi,e LEDglow'sGreen& whenFirst WhenFirstWord= SecondWordthecomparator O/Pis Highi.e.LEDglow'sRED. wordnotequalSecondWordthecomprater PageNo.10/39 M ANUAL IN STRUCTION FCR Demorgan'sTheorenr prove Demorgan'sTheorem OBJECTIVE: To lC's with Logic Diagram Printed : Module Provided with below mentioned Description Modrrle sockets" & connections brought out at 2mm on the front panel I 2 Tripple3-lnPutAND Gate Quad,3lnPutNOR Gate Hexinverter - 741511 -74L527 - 74LS04 ModuleDesign LogicGircuitfor Demorgan'sTheorem- 1 A.B.C= A+B+G $an f,e Z C TI OUTPUTLT A+E+e Tz OUTPUT P a g e N o .1 ' l i3 9 . J Truth Table: 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' l o 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 ABC A+B+C 0 1 1 0 \ I 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 I 0 1 1 0 'l 1 1 0 0 Theorem- 2 Logic Circuit for Demorgan's A.B'C= A+B+C ' g F f L )A B Tr OUTPUT 4 c A-E.E TZ OUTPUT A+B+C A.B+-G -n.-e3' A B C A B 0 0 0 1 1 , 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 O 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 O 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 ,l O 0 1 0 0 0 1 I 1 O 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 O 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 o 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 PageNo.12139 -J PROCEDURE: 1. pointsi'e + 5V & from DigitalLab Trainerto the module Connect tne +5V DC supply& Ground GND. SettheDigitalLabTrainerinTTLmode' thelogicinputsatA5,85 & c5 andtheir Theorem1 andconnect MakethecircuitforDemorgan's complimentstoA6'86&C6'RespectivelyfromsBitDataSwitchesofDigita|LabTrainer.T sectionof DigitalLabTrainer' on LEDDisplay outputlogicis observed Theorem1 VerifytheTruthTablefor Demorgan's Theorem2 andconnectthelogic to circuitfor Demorgan according Nowmaketheconnections on to A5, 85 & C5.Theoutputlogicis observed inputsat 46, 86 &.C6.Alsotheircompliments sectionof DigitalLabTrainer. LEDDisplay Theorem2' VerifytheTruthTablefor Demorgan's Page No. 13/ 39 INSTRUCTICNMANi.''AL FOR Code Conversion (Binary to Gray & Gray to Binary) & Grayto Binarycodeconversion' : TostudyBinaryto GrayCodeconversion oBJECTIVE ModureDescription:Modureprovidedwithberowmentionedrc'swithLogicDiagramprinted connections brought out at 2mm sockets' on the front panel & 2 Nos. tC74862inPutEX-ORGate ModuleDiagram: p,ffiot ISO9001:2000 cdlfad m" (oDE convERslgntBtltf,RYTg cR6Y s cRflYTo BlltgRY) NAFS DE-06 cdFny {MSB) {MSBI (MsB) G 3 - 8 0 1 _l GRAY TO BINARY BINARYTO GRAY TruthTable: 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 i o 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 ,l 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 ,l 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 ,l 0 0 1 0 , BINARYTO GREY CODE CONVERSION P a g eN o . 1 4 1 3 9 Connect the +5V D C s u p p l y & G r o u n d f r o m D i g i t a | L a b T r a i n e r t o t h e m o d u | e p o i n t s i ' e + 5 V & GND. Setthe DigitalLabTrainerin TTL mode : BCD to GraYGode of DigitalLabTrainerto the modulepointsA' B' C ? Connectthe logicinputsfromthe Logicoutputs to the terminalsof B bit LED Displaysectionof & D. AlsoconnectoutputlogicsQo,Q", Q" & Qo DigitalLabTrainer. Verifythe TruthTable. Grayto BGD Code : 3. the modulepointsG0,G1, Connectthe logicinputsfromthe Logicoutputsof DigitalLabTrainerto Displaysection G2 & G3.Atsoconnectoutputlogics80, 81,B;2&83 to the terminalsof B bit LED of DigitalLabTrainer. 4. VerifYthe TruthTable. 82 B1 BO 0. 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 ,l 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0' 0 1 0 0 0 1 A I 0 1 t 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 G3 G2 ' 0 G1 GO 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 83 GREYTO BINARYCODECONVERSION Page No. 15/ 39 J INSTRUCTIONMANUAL FOR Code Gonversion (Binary to Excess-3Codes) : TostudyBinaryto Excess-3CodeConversion' OBJECTIVE mentioned lC's with Logic Diagram printed Module Description : Module Provided with below on the front panel & connections brought out at 2mm sockets. Quantity GomPonents I 2. lr}74322inPutORGate. Gate lC74082 inPutAND 3. tC7404NotGate 1 1. 1 coDEcotwERsloll (ODESI { BCDTOEXCESS-3 Module Diagram: TruthTable: EKI 82 B1 BO H} E2 E1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 I 0 0 ,l EO 'l 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 ,l 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 '1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 I 0 1 1 1 I 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 . 1 0 0 r 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 I 1 ' , 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 Page No. 16/ 39 PROCEDURE: + & from DigitalLab Trainer to the rnodulepoints i'e 5V .r connect ihe +5V DC supply& Ground GND. SettheDigitalLabTrainerin TTL mode' of DigitalLab Trainerto the modulepointsB0' 81 ' connectthe logicinputsfrom the Logicoutputs E|, E2& E3 t'othe terminalsof B bit LED Displaysection 82 & 83. Also connectoutputlogicsE0, of DigitalLabTrainer' VerifytheTruthTable' PageNo.17139 INSTRUCTiONMANUAL FOR Bi narYAdder/ Subtractor o B J EGT |V E :T o stu d yB i n a ryAdder /Subtr actor using|C7483. panel& connections : Module Providedwith Logic Diagramprinted on the front ModuleDescription brought out at 2mm sockets' of lnputs & Outputs THEORY: areusedhere'For binaryadder& subtractors Parallel or Subtraction, For4 bitnumbersAddition Thetwonumbersbeingaddedare43, in parallel. we need4 fulladderconnected Two4 bitnumbers adding carryif the overflow BO& thesum is s4, s3, s2, sl, s0. where s4 indicates M, A1,A0 & 83, FJ2,F,1, sumexceedsfrombits' we can directlysubtract4 bit teo 4 bit numbers,we needfour Fullsubtractors. Forsubtracting 4 bit numbersi.e.We cansubtract83 82 81 B0 fromA3'A2' A1'A0' i.e.We cansubtract numbers ModuleDiagram: BfnsRYADogRI SOBTRd(TOB "*l E> h tY [D St Sz St S! ,, .'S"'3 ere*k .3,30{rk .3ee*k (tsB) = OUTPU' INDICATOR PageNo.18/39 . J Logic Gircuit for 4 Bit Adder : OUTPUT INDICATOR LoGIG'0' 13 lc 7483 8 1 0 ' { 6 4 7 ' ' 1 Bz ler lBo A3 lA2 lA{ SECONDWORDINPUT FIRST WORD INPUT Logic Circuit for 4 Bit Subtractor : OUTPUT INDICATOR { 5 2 6 9 lG 7483 13 8 1 0 1 6 FIRST I'YORDINPUT SECOND YIIORDINPUT PROCEDURE: 1. modulepointsi,e + 5v & the +5VDC supply& GroundfromDigitalLabTrainerto the Connect GND. 2. 3. SettheDigitalLabTrainerinTTLmode' fromDigital i.e.connect4 Logicoutputs 4 BitAdciition thecircuitas showin LogicCircuit Connect LogicTrainerto theinputsof lC 7483,FirstWordlnput' 4. 5. o. Connectother4LogicinputstotheBinputs(SecondWord)oflC7483' inputthroughpatchcoard' ConnecttheLogic'0'to CARRY(CrN) outputat output Addition thecorresponding ApplyBineryi/p'sat First& secondword& observe indicators. PageNo. '19/39 For ExamPle:Add 0 1 1 0 & AO A 3 p a A 1 0 I 0 I 5 1 0 1 1 11 1 0 83 82 1 1 B1 BO ii) 1 0 1 1 11 0 1 1 1 I 18 I 15 , For 4 Bit Subtractor: Note: Alwaysapplyhighernumberinputat"A',inputascompareto"B'input'lfword"B"ismorepositive 'A" in thatcasethiscircuitwillshowwronganswers' as comparedto word 7. Coonect4 logicinputsto the to LcgiccircuitFor4-Bitsubtractorconnectthe circuitaccording "A"inputsof lC 7483. in Figure' connectother4logicinputsto the"B"wordof lc 7483as shown ApplyLogic'1'to carry(ClN)i.e'+5VDCthroughpatchcoard' in remains cutputi.e,1111if subtraction showmaximum15numbers Thissubtractorcircuitcan positiveas comparedto B inputs'ignorecont'indicator' plu.spositioni.e..inputsAwillremains 8. 9. 10. For ExamPle:Subtractor A 3 p a A 1 1 BO AO 83 82 81 I 0 0 q 0 ip 1 0 0 0 I 0 1 0 0 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 15 PageNo.20/39 INSTRUCTIONMANUAL FOR Encoder/ Decoder (8 to 3 Line Encoder & 3 to 8 Line Decoder) OBJECTIVE: To study Encoder / Decoder (8 to 3 Line Encoder,3 to 8 Line Decocier) Module Description: Module Providedwith below mentioned lc's with Logic Diagramprinted on the front panel & connections brought out at 2mm sockets. Component Quantity 1. lC 7415322 inputORGate 2. lC 741511 3 inputAND Gate 3. lC 74LS04HexInverter 3 1 Logic Diagram: EilCODER/DECODER {8 TO3 UttE E|(ODER"3TOE UNEDECODER I AND t-l BO o1 lF t- v ANO GATE D1 ANO GATE m B1 D3 AND 04 I - AND GATE {)3 +rL_+ r ANO F D€ DO r m 8 TO 3 LINEENCODER D5 AND E tr D6 AND GATE D7 3 TO 8 LINE DECODER TruthTablefor 8 to 3 Line{Encoder): DO D1 D2 D3 Dt D 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 D 6 D 7 X Y Z 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 PageNo.21l39 (Decoder): Truth Tablefor 3 to I Line BZ Bl B0 Do D1 D2 D3 D'l Ds D6 D7 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 NOTE: FourInputORGateis designedusingthree2 inputORGates. 1, the+5VDC supply& Grounci Connect fromDigitalLabTrainerto themodulepointsi,e+ 5r,/& GND. 2. SettheDigital LabTrainerinTTLmode. 8 to 3 Encoder: Connect thelogicinputsfromtheLogicoutputsof DigitalLabTrainerto thernodulepointsD0,D1 , D2,'D3, D4,D5,DO& D7.Also.Connect outputlogicsX, Y & Z io theterminalsof 8 bitLEDDisplay sectionof DigitalLabTrainer. VerifytheTruthTablefor g to 3 Encoder. to 8 Decoder: connecttheiogicinputsfromtheLogicoutputs of DigitalLabTrainertothemodulepoints80,B1 & 82'AlsoconnectoutputlogicsD0, D1,D2, D3,D4,D5,D6 & D7 to theterminals of g bitLED Display sectionof DigitalLabTrainer. VerifytheTruthTable3 to g Decoder. PageNo. 22l 39 ___-J IN STRUCTION M ANUAL FOR (4:1LineMultiplexer& 1:4 Line Demultiplexer) Demultiplexer Multiplexer/ -1 OB;ECTIVE: To study Multiplexer/ Demultiplexer(4 Line Mux, 14 Line Demux.) ModuleDescription: Module Providedwith below mentioned lc's with Logic Diagramprinted on the front panel & connections brought out at 2mm sockets' Quantity 1. ComPonent (4:1LineMultiplexer) lC7415153 2. (1:4LineDemultiplexer) tC741S155 I t 1 Multiplexer meansmanyintoonei.emultiplexer hasmanyinputsbutsingle is a logiccircuitwhich .l: . ,, Multiplexer acceptsseveraldatainputsbutallowonlyaneof themat a timeto getthroughto the A muitiplexer output. output. l-ogicGircuitfor 4:1 Multiplexer: Ao 6 I C Bo u 74 Co 4 . 1 DO s t f, 3 't4 2 OUTPUT INPUT Sr. No STROBESELECTINPUT GO S1 s0 YO 1 0 0 0 AO 2 0 0 1 BO 3 0 1 0 c0 4 0 1 1 DO Toperform4 to 1 linemultiplexer experiment, We haveusedlC 741sg.lthas4 Lineinputs(A0;80, D0)& onlyoneoutputYOG0 is the Strobeinput(Activelow)Sl, & S0 areselectlines.thesetines oneoutof frominputsat outputfore.g.ifwewillapply 00 at 51 & S0 firstinput41 willbeselected Page No. 23l 39 . __J DemultiPlexer performthe reverseoperationof multiplexer. lt acceptsa singleinput& distributers Thedemultiplexer it overseveraloutPuts' Logic Gircuitfor 1:4 Demultiplexer: 16 DATA INPUT 1 STROBE 2 ' I C 3 SELECT ST iNPUT I , I 6 4 1 ) _ OUTPUT DICATORS 5 f, So Truth Table For 'l:4 Demultiplexer: INPUT OUTPUT Sr. No STROBE SELECTINPUT Ga s1 SO Y 1 0 0 0 YO 2 0 0 1 Y1 3 u 0 Y2 4 0 1 ,, 1 Y3 Connect the+5VDCsupply& GroundfromDigitalLabTrainerto themodulepointsi,e.+ 5V & GND. SettheDigitalLabTrainerinTTLmode. to 1 LineMultiplexer: Connect thelogicinputsfromtheLogicoutputs of Digital LabTrainerto theInputpointsof Multiplexer circuitusinglc 74LS153 & outputat terminal of 8 bitLEDDispray sectionof DigitalLabrrainer. VerifytheTruthTablefor4 to 1 Multiplexer. to 4 LineDemultiplexer : Applylogic'1' (+sv DC)at inputterminal of Demultiptexer y0, y1, y2 & connectoutputterminals & Y3 to B bit LEDDisplaysection of Digitall_abTrainei. VerifytheTruthTablefor 1 to 4 Demultiplexer. : Hereyourealise fromTruthTablethattheoutputis LogicLowat theselected channel & theother showLogicHighthisis dueto thefactthattheoutputtreminalactsas inverter of inputdata. PageNo. 24l 39 -.---]'--],...'F INSTRUCTIONMANUAL FOR F l i p F l ops ( RS,D, JK, T Flip Flops) : TostudyFlip- Flops{R-S,D,J-K& T TypeFlipFlops) OBJECTIVE : ModuleProvidedwith belowmentionedlG's with LogicDiagramprinted ModuleDescription on the front panel& connectionsbroughtout at 2mmsockets. 1. ,2. lC741576(DualJKFliPFloP) lC741500(Quad2 InputNANDGate) 3. '4'. lC741510(Dual3InputNANDGate) lc74LS74(DualDFlipFlop) :Module Design JK FLIP FLOP L H H I L L L H L L I H H H L t- H I H L H H H o ,l q H L H H H l r - H H H H L H H a, H tobe used I H P a g eN 0 . 2 5 l 3 9 JKFlinF T Flip Flop OUTPUT INPUT PRESET CLEAR CLOCK X H L o INPUT X L T 1 J K X a H L X X X H L L X X X H H H -rL L L q q H H _J1_ H L H L H H _rL L H L H H JL H H TOGGLE OUTPUT o E- Toggle I H I PROGEDURE: 1. Connectthe +5V DC supply& Groundfrom DigitalLab Trainerto the modulepointsi,e. + 5V & GND. 2. setthe DigitalLabTrainerin TTL mode. R-SFlip Flop: theR,S, PR.,CLRterminals Connect to theLogicoutputsof DigitalLabTrainerandClockterminal to PulserSwitch(ActiveHigh)of DigitalLogicTrainer. ConnectO & O terminals (B Bit LED DisplaySectionof DigitalLogic to the outputindicators Trainer). VerifytheTruthTablefor RS FlipFtops. F l i pF l o p : Connectthe J, K, PR & CLRterminals to the Logicoutputsof DigitalLabTrainerand Clock terminal to PulserSwitch(ActiveHigh)of Digital LogicTrainer. ConnectO & a terminals (8 Bit LED DisplaySectionof DigitalLogic to the outputindicators Trainer). VerifytheTruthTablefor JK FlipFlops. TypeFtipFtop: Connect theD, PR& CLRterminals to theLogicoutputs of DigitalLabTrainerandClockterminal to PulserSwitch(ActiveHigh)of DigitalLogicTrainer. ConnectO & E- terminals to the outputindicators (B Bit LED DisplaySectionof DigitatLogic Trainer). VerifytheTruthTablefor D FlipFlops. PageNo.26/39 FloP: "T'TypeFtiP logicHighinputat fortoggleFtipFlopbyapptyPulseat Clockterminaland connection 12. Nowmake PR& CLRterminals' o & o terminalsto the outputindicators(B Bit LED DisplaySectionof DigitalLogic ConnecJ 13. Trainer)' VerifltheTruthTablefcrT FlipFlops' 14. given to the JK terminals' NOTE:Logic'f is internally ,9.iii=,i.i1i": PageNo.27l39 , ,- --J INSTRUCTIONMANUAL FOR 4-Bit Shift Register(serial in ParallelOut) study 4-Bit shift Register(serialin Parallelout using lc 74LS95) oBJECTIVE: To fi : ModuleProvidedwith Logic Diagramprintedon the front panel& connections *oou," Description broughtout at 2mmsockets' ModuleDesign SHIFTRESISTORS (MSB) ,, 3m c B Oa 3m t . 7€5 c o la {LsB) i I A SHIFTregister is basicaliy a storagemediumwhereoneor morebinarywordsmaybe stored. a counter,it is alsomadeup of binarystorageelements, Theseelementsare usuallyflip-flops. in sucha waythatthe bit storedtherecanbe movedor shiftedfromoneelementto another element. by a singleinput'CLOCK'or Allof thestorageregisters simultaneously areactivated IFT'pulse.Whena shiftpuiseis applied,thedatastoredin theshiftregisteris movedoneposition to leftor to rightas desired. PageNo.28/39 Logic Circuit: OUTPUTINDIGATORS Qs 9QA a " Qc eo 14 rc 7495 I A LOGICINPUTS 7 B c D S E R I E LI N P U T PROCEDURE: 1' Connect the+5y DC suppiy& GroundfromDigitalLabTrainerto the modulepointsi,e.+ 5V & GND. 2. SettheDigitalLabTrainerinTTLmode. Connect thecircuitas shownin LogicCircuitusingpatchcords. J. 4. connectclockinputto pulserswitch(ActiveHIGH)of DigitalLogicTrainer. 5. Connect theterminals D,MODE& Seriallnputto Logicoutputs fromDigitalLabTrainer, putSerial '1.. inputat Logic 6. Putthemodecontrolswitchto logic'0'to enablethelC performRightShiftoperation. put D input to Ground(Logic'0'). 7. PutserialInputto logichigh(+5VDC).Apply4 clockpulsesfrompulserswitch onebv oneand 8. 9. 10. recordthefinaloutputlevelsi,e.eA eB eC eD = 11j1. Setserialinputto ground. Apply4 clockpulsesonebyoneandnotedownthedirection in which theDATAshift (OutputDatashiftin RightDirection). Putmodecontrolswitchto Logic'1'toenablethelC performLeft Shiftoperation. AlsoputtheD inputto Logic'1'.Apply4 clockpulsesoneby oneandrecordthefinal outputlevel i , e .Q A Q BQ CQ D = 1 1 1 1 SetD inputto Logic'0'i,e.GND.Apply4 clockpulsesonebyone otedownthedirection inwhich theDATAshift(OutputDatashiftin LeftDirection). Page No. 29l 39 INSTRUCTIONli'iANUAL FOR 4-Bit Synchronous Binary Counter (UP Counter) OBJECTIVE: To study 4-BitSynchronousBinaryCounter(UPCounter)using lG 74LS163. ModuleDescripticn: Module Providedwith Logic Diagramprintedon the front panel& connections broughtout at 2mm sockets. ModuleDesign 4 BtT SYNCHROTTOUS Bttt6RY COUNTER (0P cooltTER) L CK OD ENI Oc ENP QB ?41 63 CR G lC 74LS163is an Synchronous 4-BitBinaryUP Counter.In this lC theirare two separateenable Ripplecany inputs,ENT& ENP.Settingeitherof theseinputsto Logic'0'stopscountingasynchronously. (RC)output goestotogic'1'whenever isnonnally atLogic'0'and QD oc QB OA inhibits RCchanging fromLogic'0'toLogic'1'.Bychanging 0 0 0 0 Logicinputsat PAPB PC PDwe canalsodecidethehighest 0 0 0 1 outputcount. 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 Connectthe +5V DC supply& GroundfromDigital 0 1 0 1 LabTrainerto themodulepointsi,e.+ 5V & GND. 0 1 1 0 2. SettheDigitalLabTrainerinTTLmode. 0 1 1 1 3. A p p l yL o g i c ' 1 ' ( * 5 D V C ) t oE N T E N P& C L R . 1 0 0 4. NowStartsapplying clockpulsesthroughpulserswitch 1 0 0 0 ,l (ActiveHigh)of DigitalLabTrainer. 1 0 1 0 WeobservethattheLogicIndicators startsglowingin 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 thecounterreachesits highestcount.ENTto Logic'0'also PROGEDURE: 1. 5. , thefollowing pattern as showninTable. o, VerifytheTruthtable. 1 1 0 1 7. Connect ABCDterminal to thelogicOutputterminals 1 1 1 0 of DigitalLogicTrainer. 1 1 1 J PageNo.30/39 rl . l IT.ISTRUCTI ON IV1ANUAL FOR 4-BitBinaryRippteCounter(Up/DOWNCounter) OBJECTIVE: Tostudy4-BitBinaryRipplecounter(Up/DowNcounter)usinglc 74LS193. ModuleDescription: Module Providedwith Logic Diagramprinted on the front panel& connections brought out at 2mm sockets. ModuleDesign 4 BrT BrItf,Ry RrppLEcguNrER (qp Dowlr cooHTERl (MsB) Oo UP CLOCK INPU' DN QB eree le O^ .qe+ ^!a CLEAR CR (, 7413 {LsB} PUSIJTO lc 74LS193is a synchronous 4-BituP/ DowN Binarycounter.In thislc, for up countingthe clockis appliedat countUPterminaland countDowN is connected to Logic,1,.ForDowN counting clockis appliedat counfDowN terminarwith count-Upconnected to Logic,1,. PROCEDURE: 1' connectthe+5y DC supply& GroundfromDigital Labrrainerto the modulepointsi,e.+ 5y g GND. 2. SettheDigitatLabTrainerinTTLmode. FORUP-COUNTER: 3. ConnectCount-UpterminaltoactiveHighpulser terminalLogic,1,(+SVDC)to Count_DOWN terminal andapplyclockpulseslhrough pulserswitch. 4' Theoutputindicators growin theincreasing ,. pattern from,0000, to ,1111 FORDOWN4OUNTER: 5' Connectcount-DowNterminal to ActiveHighpulserterminalLogic,1,to cK-Up terminal and applyClockpulsesthroughpulserswitch. 6. Theoutputindicators growin thedecreasing ,0000,. patternfrom,1111,to PageNo.3tl39 INSTRUCTIONMANUAL FOR BCD to 7-SegementDecoder OBJECTIVE: To study Conversionof BCDWord to 7-SegementDisplay(Decimal)using lG 74L547. ModuleDescription: Module Providedwith Logic Diagramprintedon the front panel& connections brought out at 2mm sockets. - ModuleDesign t BCDTO 7 SEGI,IETIT DECODER 7 SEGMENT DISPLAY I A digital oitpr.vtn"t.it"ritt "i t a=oa*me ; *rron"u, usedtodisptay decimat numericals indigitalsystem. Forusingthedisplaydevicethedatahasto beconverted fromsamebinarvcodeto the coderequired for thedisplay. TruthTabte: D c B A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 1 3 0 1 0 0 4 0 1 0 1 5 0 1 1 0 6 0 1 1 1 7 1 0 0 0 8 1 0 0 1 I il OUTPUT PageNo 32l39 PROCEDURE: 1' connectthe +5y DC supply& Groundfrom Digitai Lab rrainerto the ^r rn L)I\ LJ. moduleporntsr,e + 5v & 2. Setthe DigitalLabTrainerin TTL mooe. 3' connectAB c D inputterminalsto Logicoutputsfrom B-Bitdataswitchesof DigitalLabrrainer. Nowverifythe truthtablefor BCDto Z_Segement Decoder 4 PageNo 33/39 INSTRUCTIONMANUAL FOR Digital to Analog Converter (R-2R Network) oBJEcrlvE: TostudyDigitat to AnalogconverterusingR-2RLadderNetwork. ModuleDescription: Module Providedwith Logic Diagramprintedon the front panel& connections brought out at 2mm sockets. ModuleDesign +t2v Dc -1?\t Oc R=1K2R-2K,3R=3K Formulato R-2RLadderNetwork Vor, = -(RJ 3R). (V Z4l RI [gb. + 4br+ 26r+ l bol Whereb3,b2,b1,b0arelogic'sat terminals D, C, B,A respectivety. NOTE: We haveadjustedthe term -(R/ 3R) (VJ . DCas a stepssize. Zol=0.5VDG.So that the modutework with 0.5V PageNo.34/39 f INPUT OUTPUT MSB LSB VOLTAGE D (inDCVotts) A B c 0 0 0 -0.00 0 0 0 -0.50 0 0 1 -1.00 0 0 -1.50 0 1 -2.00 0 1 -2.50 I 0 1 0 1 1 ,l 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 I 1 0 1 0 1 -5.50 I 'l 0 .6.00 0 1 1 €.50 -7.00 I 1 -7.50 l 0 , 1 .0 -3.00 €.50 4.00 -4.50 -5.00 PROGEDURE: 1' connectthe+12y & -12vDc & GNDterminals fromDigitalLabrrainerto the modulepointsi,e. +12V& _12VDC & cND. 2. SettheDigitalLabTrainerin TTLmode. ConnectAB c D terminalto the Logicoutput terminalsof DigitalLogicTrainer. .. connecta digitalMultimeter in20 VDCrangeacrosstheAnatog Voltageoutputterminals X &y Nowverifythe,truth table. 3' 4' 5. Page No. 35/39 a tp 13 14 VGG I ' t 2 12 ll 3 4 lo 9 5 6 Pin Descriptionof lC 7400 .1!-.5 2-.3 -7 6 Pin Deseriptlonof !C 74A2 l a t S n Ycc Pin Descriptionof lC 7408 2.INPUTOR GATE HEX INVERTER Pin Description f 2 l L 5 6 7 PinDescription oTlC Z+tl 3-INPUTAND GATE PageNo.36/39 ' 2 3 4 5 6 7 Pin Descriptionof iC Z42O i ? 3 4 5 6 7 Pin Descriptionof lC T4B2 0ulpl1s l 9 e b c d . r 5 t l 1 3 r z f l t o . ! Vcc CLR 2Q 2CK 2pR 2e 2Q 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 0 9I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I C L R 1 Q 1 C K1 P R 1 Q 1 0 G N D 1 2 8 C ' tngulr tT B/hm nsl 6 7 D'. A lnputr Pin Descriptionof lG 7474 Pin Description of lC 7447 1 K 1 Q 1 Q G N D 2 K 2Q 2Q 2J 1 6 1 s 1 4 1 3 1 2 '11 10 g 8r t Sr Cor Ci q t{rtl n E o A o $ n t r g I I { II ^, '; i i ', i i i Pin Descriptionrf lC Z4g3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1CI(IPR1CLR1J VCC2CKzPR2CLR ' Pin Descriptionof lC T4i6 PageNo.37l39 OutFrtr O( l4 r l ( , 55 6s SE^LECI r t5 t|n 1 ln 2 3 tn,6 t3 t2 tc3 rcz tct 4r,self;n -.!1L1 2v to 5 s 7 e tco tv tnput: -Putput - Pin Descriptionof lC 74153 __Otd1l1rtr_ E t lher rr'{, -OulPuts A C2 GZ Oata Slrobr SEtEf 2tB 2Y2 2Yl ?Y0 1 5 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 t 0 9 6utPu1 zcz zct zco 5 1 2 3 4 Detr StrobcSELECI lY3 Cl _ Gt A ( 3 5 PA PE pc ---&h l|Pstl- Pin Descriptionof lC 74163 . 5 7 lYt tYO 8 O u t p u t s_ -Ine|rtr triprrlr on$ulr P^ Cr 80ncr Crfrt tqd t b 'fz t0 tt ll I f5 t4 EtLDL 6 7 r 0 po Eneblc P _. 5 lYz Pin Descriptionof lC 74155 R C O r O . O c q t L d l 5 t a B n n | 0 t ? CX Cont. Pin Descriptionof iC 7495 Ddr Inputs- a t-----J Itputt *r ll Cl(l O3 Oq Oo Rs ls(Lordt e I tz.tr E 1 2 t 1 5 6 7 * r - A B C O t l o d . Pin Descriptionof lC 7486 ?G @^ q^ R I rb lnpul 2 O6 t q a s 6 ? { Ceud Cosot Oc Oo, Ooqn Up Oulgutr -I||)uittOutputr Pin Descriptionof lC 74193 Page No. 38/ 39 F UJJ o J rLf F f r (O r F= = - Bz + + 7 6 tc 741 2 F l,rl o L J J :) o z lr 3 (, o o I z F F f E o. ||t 2 (l z F T,F ul 3 >o. z z z o z Pin Descriptionof lC 741 PageNo. 39/ 39
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