MANUAL International Symposium and Workshop “Improving Community Resilience and Mental Health After Conflict and Disaster” CIPP Center of Indigenous and Peace Psychology 2014 Faculty of Psychology Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang Jl. Gajayana 50 Malang, East Java – Indonesia ``0 Website: Email: [email protected] Tlp/Fax: +62341 558916 CONTENT LIST Content List ................................................................................................. 1 ..................................................................................................... 2 .......................................................................................................... 4 Call For Paper Presentation ........................................................................... 8 Schedule Maps Abstract List ................................................................................................. 13 Paper Submission Guideline .......................................................................... 17 Hotel and Reservation List ............................................................................. 18 Guest House and Reservation List ................................................................. 22 Taxi Service List ............................................................................................. 23 ``1 SCHEDULE Day 1, June 13 TIME ACTIVITIES 07.00 – 07.30 07.30 – 08.00 08.00 – 09.00 Preparing Registration and Snack Opening Ceremony 09.00 – 09.15 09.15 – 11.45 Coffee Break Symposium, Session 1 Keynote presentation 1 : Prof. Rosnah Ismail “Community Resilience on disaster and conflict context” Keynote presentation 2 : Dr. Madelene Sta. Maria “Culture and Community Resilience” Lunch Symposium, Session 2 Keynote presentation 3 : Prof. Johana E. P. “Local Wisdom as Social Capital” Keynote presentation 4 : Watcharaporn Boonyasiriwat, Ph. D “Intergroup relationship : Prejudice, collective emotion and Pride” Coffee Break Call for Paper Presentation 1 Room 1 Room 2 Gala Dinner and Art Performance 11.45 – 13.30 13.30 - 16.30 16.30 – 18.00 18.00 – 19.00 19.00 – 21.00 PIC Speech Dean of Psychology Faculty Rector UIN Maliki Malang Moderator: Aris Yuana Yusuf, Lc Moderator: Drs. H Yahya, MA Room 3 ``2 Day 2, June 14 TIME ACTIVITIES 08.00 – 09.30 Call for Paper Presentation 2 Room 1 Room 3 Coffee break Call for Paper Presentation 3 Room 1 Room 2 Lunch Workshop 1 : Indigenous Research Programming 1 09.30 – 09.45 09.45 – 11.15 11. 15 – 13.00 13.00 – 16.00 PIC Room 3 Room 3 Instructor: Dr. Madelene Sta. Maria Day 3, June 15 TIME ACTIVITIES 08.00 – 10.00 Workshop 2 : Indigenous Research Programming 2 10.00 – 10.30 10.30 – 11.30 Coffee break Workshop 3 : International Research Collaboration Programming Lunch Workshop 4 : Writing and Publishing International Research Paper Coffee break Closing Ceremony 11.30 – 13.00 13.00 –15.00 15.00 –15.30 15.30 –16.30 PIC Instructor: Dr. Madelene Sta. Maria Instructor: Dr. Madelene Sta. Maria Instructor: Dr. Madelene Sta. Maria ``3 Gedung BJ. Habibi Call For Paper & Workshop Location Gedung Megawati Symposium Location Gedung C Gala Dinner Location ``4 MAP SYMPOSIUM ``5 MAP CALL FOR PAPER ``6 MAP WORKSHOP ``7 CALL FOR PAPER PRESENTATION 1st SESSION, Day 1, June 13 Time : 18.00 – 19.00 Room : R-1 3rd Floor Presenter Theme Anak Agung Ketut Sri Wiraswati Faktor Penyebab Kecenderungan Penyimpangan Perilaku Seksual: Studi Kasus Pada Gemitir (Remaja Bali Yang Mengalami Perceraian Orang Tua) Faizzah Ratnasari Love And Marital Quality On Marriaged People Irina Elvandari Relationship Between Life Satisfaction and Marital Quality Yulia Sholichatun Regulasi Emosi Dan Resiliensi Anak Didik Lapas Time : 18.00 – 19.00 Room : R-2 3rd Floor Presenter Theme Bernadeta Dhaniswara Widyaningsih Understanding The Learning Process of Student Affirmative Program (ADEM) of Papua in the Context of Indigenous Psychology Ririn Handayani Pantun Dan Bidal-BidalMelayu:MelestarikanNilaiNilaiPendidikan Local Wisdom Melayu Riau Ardana Reswari Miranda Ningrum Good Poster For Peace Election Mohammad A. Hakim Monarchism, National Identity and Democracy in Indonesia: Social Representations of History in the Sultanates of Yogyakarta and Surakarta ``8 Time : 18.00 – 19.00 Room : R-3 3rd Floor Presenter Theme Asniar Khumas Student Violence Center: Mencari Model Intervensi Jejaring Perilaku Kekerasan Kolektif di Makassar Budi Sarasati Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi Spiritual Celestial Management sebagai Core Value terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pasca Krisis Ekonomi tahun 1998 di PT Bank X Tbk Indonesia Khoirunita Lutfiyatul Rohmah Child Sexual Offender Profile Tuti Yulianti Palebangan Differences Between Health-Related Quality Of Life And Intention To Diet In Terms Of Body Mass Index ``9 CALL FOR PAPER PRESENTATION 2nd SESSION, Day 2, June 14 Time : 08.00 – 09.30 Room : R-1 3rd Floor Presenter Theme Aully Grashinta Effect Of Indonesian People Character Strength On Implementation Of Pancasila’s Grain Items In Their Everyday Life Jusuf Sutanto The contribution of eastern wisdom in the development of psychology M. Ken AdiIrwansyah Musical Experience In Youth Peace-Building In Everyday Life Mey Hariyanti Transfer Local Wisdom Disaster’s Mother To Child: Study Of Survivor On Kelud Eruption 2014 Yusuf Ratu Agung "Sister Village in Disaster" Civilization Heritage Rediscovered Nugraha Arif Karyanta Therapeutic Functions of Traditional Games in Karimun Islands ``10 Time : 08.00 – 09.30 Room : R-2 3rd Floor Presenter Theme I Putu Galang Dharma Putra Coping Stress Pada Remaja Yang Telah Menikah Dan Sedang Menjalani Long Distance Relationship Intaglia Harsanti Future Orientation, Academic Procrastination and Academic Achievement On College Students Naila Kamalia The Effect Of Understanding Conflict To The Potential Conflict Rifa Hidayah Bullying Prevention Through Social Interaction Quality Improvement In School Tristiadi Ardi Ardani Hubungan Kecerdasan Ruhaniah Dengan Strategy Coping Dalam Menghadapi Konflik Antar Umat Beragama Di Malang Jawa Timur Elok Halimatus Sakdiyah Adolescent Health Behavior Model ``11 CALL FOR PAPER PRESENTATION 3rd SESSION, Day 2, June 14 Time : 09.45 – 11.15 Room : R-1 3rd Floor Presenter Theme Ida Ayu Gede Sri Evitasari Self Acceptance of Deaf Adolescent Eveline Sarintohe Contribution of Protective Factors to Resilience in Firefighters in Agency “X” Jakarta Muallifah Penguatan Resiliensi Melalui Group Based Empowerment Pada Konflik Korban Lapindo Di Sidoarjo Mohammad Mahpur Tourism Village vs. Resilient Village" Reformulate The Disaster Mitigation Efforts Based On Local Knowledge Time : 09.45 – 11.15 Room : R-2 Presenter Theme Sawitri R Hadiati Culture based food security for children with special need of Tengger tribe Hidayat Kepercayaan Kepada Orang Asing: Pendekatan Indigenous Psychology Ahmad Mukhlis “Lumbung Damai” Strategi Distribusi Logistik Dalam Rekonstruksi Bencana Rika Fuaturosida The Effectiveness Of Hygiene Parenting Training In Raising Health Bahaviour Parent As A Prevention Of Hepatitis A Infection ``12 ABSTRACT LIST 1. Ahmad Mukhlis “Lumbung Damai” Strategi Distribusi Logistik Dalam Rekonstruksi Bencana 2. Anak Agung Ketut Sri Wiraswati, I Putu Galang Dharma Putra, Supriyadi Faktor Penyebab Kecenderungan Penyimpangan Perilaku Seksual: Studi Kasus Pada Gemitir (Remaja Bali Yang Mengalami Perceraian Orangtua) 3. Ardana Reswari Miranda Ningrum, Fakhrunnisa, Fathul Lubabin Nuqul Good Poster For Peace Election 4. Asniar Khumas, Firdaus, Kurniati Z. Student Violence Center: Mencari Model Intervensi Jejaring Perilaku Kekerasan Kolektif di Makassar 5. Aully Grashinta Effect of Indonesian People Character Strength On Implementation Of Pancasila’s Grain Items In Their Everyday Life 6. Bernadeta Dhaniswara Widyaningsih Understanding The Learning Process of Student Affirmative Program (ADEM) of Papua in the Context of Indigenous Psychology 7. Budi Sarasati Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi Spiritual Celestial Management sebagai Core Value terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pasca Krisis Ekonomi tahun 1998 di PT Bank X Tbk Indonesia 8. Elok Halimatus Sakdiyah Adolescent Health Behavior Model 9. Eveline Sarintohe, Putra Prathama N.E Contribution of Protective Factors to Resilience in Firefighters in Agency “X” Jakarta ``13 10. Faizzah Ratnasari, Bani Sari Putri, Intaglia Harsanti Love And Marital Quality On Marriaged People 11. Hidayat Kepercayaan Kepada Orang Asing: Pendekatan Indigenous Psychology 12. I Putu Galang Dharma Putra, Anak Agung Ketut Sri Wiraswati, Adijanti Marhaeni Coping Stress Pada Remaja Yang Telah Menikah Dan Sedang Menjalani Long Distance Relationship 13. Ida Ayu Gede Sri Evitasari Self Acceptance of Deaf Adolescent 14. Intaglia Harsanti, Wahyu Rahardjo Future Orientation, Academic Procrastination and Academic Achievement On College Students 15. Irina Elvandari, Yurika Rizki Tursina, Intaglia Harsanti Relationship Between Life Satisfaction and Marital Quality 16. Jusuf Sutanto, Vinaya The contribution of eastern wisdom in the development of psychology 17. Khoirunita Lutfiyatul Rohmah, Fathul Lubabin Nuqul Child Sexual Offender Profile 18. M. Ken Adi Irwansyah Musical Experience In Youth Peace-Building In Everyday Life 19. Mey Hariyanti, Uswatun Chasanah, Fathul Lubabin Nuqul Transfer Local Wisdom Disaster’s Mother To Child: Study Of Survivor On Kelud Eruption 2014 ``14 20. Mohammad A. Hakim, Mark R. Woodward, James H. Liu Monarchism, National Identity and Democracy in Indonesia: Social Representations of History in the Sultanates of Yogyakarta and Surakarta 21. Mohammad Mahpur Tourism Village vs. Resilient Village" Reformulate The Disaster Mitigation Efforts Based On Local Knowledge 22. Muallifah Penguatan Resiliensi Melalui Group Based Empowerment Pada Konflik Korban Lapindo Di Sidoarjo 23. Naila Kamalia, Layli Lolita Sari, Badi’atul Husna The Effect of Understanding Conflict to The Potential Conflict 24. Nugraha Arif Karyanta Therapeutic Functions of Traditional Games in Karimun Islands 25. Rifa Hidayah Bullying Prevention Through Social Interaction Quality Improvement In School 26. Rika Fuaturosida The Effectiveness Of Hygiene Parenting Training In Raising Health Bahaviour Parent as a Prevention of Hepatitis a Infection 27. Ririn Handayani, Ridhoul Wahidi Pantun Dan Bidal-Bidal Melayu:Melestarikan Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Local Wisdom Melayu Riau 28. Sawitri R Hadiati, Listiyono Susanto, Yusti P Rahayu, Suhartono T Putra, Rika S Triyoga, Reny Culture Based Food Security For Children With Special Need of Tengger Tribe ``15 29. Tristiadi Ardi Ardani, Aris Yuana Yusuf Hubungan Kecerdasan Ruhaniah Dengan Strategy Coping Dalam Menghadapi Konflik Antar Umat Beragama Di Malang Jawa Timur 30. Tuti Yulianti Palebangan,Fitri Nurhayati, Intaglia Harsanti Differences Between Health-Related Quality Of Life And Intention To Diet In Terms Of Body Mass Index 31. Yulia Sholichatun Regulasi Emosi Dan Resiliensi Anak Didik Lapas 32. Yusuf Ratu Agung "Sister Village in Disaster" Civilization Heritage Rediscovered ``16 PAPER SUBMISSION GUIDELINE GUIDELINE CALL FOR PAPER The guidelines for the paper submission are as follows: 1. 2. 3. Font in Times New Roman 12 pt. with 1,5 line spacing Paper margin : Top: 4 cm; Bottom: 3 cm; Left: 4 cm; Right: 3 cm Submissions must include: title, author names, contact email address, name of institution, 4. Table of contents, and keywords. 5. All other submissions formatting that are not mentioned in this guidelines have to follow the 6. APA manuscripts guideline 7. All submissions must be in letter-sized (8.5” by 11”) PDF 8. All submissions must be the original, unpublished work of the author and not previously 9. Published work or plagiarized from other authors. 10. To be noticed, the paper should be submitted for the authors of accepted abstracts. 11. The deadline of the paper submission is on Until June 13, 2014. ORAL PRESENTATION Instruction of Invited Symposium and Oral Presentation: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Time allocation per session is 15 minutes (10 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for Questions and Answer (Q&A)’s session). The speakers have to submit the file of the presentation (file format : ppt/.pptx/other presentation’s medias) at least 10 minutes before the presentation schedule to the operator desk in each symposium, and please kindly named the file with the format : [room name]_[name]_[code of presentation order] (example : A1_Johan Budi_01). All presentation’s documents should be in Microsoft Office type. Please make sure that the documents you would like to collect is correct. We are surely hope that all presenters be in the room on time and left the room after the end of the whole presentation in the room. ``17 HOTEL AND RESERVATION LIST No Name Address and Reservation Rating 1 Santika Jalan Letjen Sutoyo Nomor 79 Malang Reservasi : +62341 – 405405 5 2 Tugu Park Jalan Tugu Nomor 3 Malang, Reservasi : +62341-363891 5 3 Gajahmada Graha Jalan Dr. Cipto 17 Malang Reservasi : +62341-331331 3 4 Graha Cakra Jalan Cerme 16 Malang Reservasi : +62341-326989 3 5 Grand Palace Jalan Ade Irma Suryani 23 Malang, Reservasi : +62341-332900/ 360630 3 6 Kartika Graha Jalan Jakgung Suprapto 17 Malang, Reservasi : +62341 – 361900 3 7 Regent's Park Jalan Jakgung Suprapto 12 - 17 Malang, Reservasi : +62341 - 363388, 361407 3 8 Montana I Jalan Kahuripan 9 Malang, Reservasi: +62341 – 328370 2 9 Riche Jalan Basuki Rachmad 1, Reservasi: +62341 – 326950 1 10 Splendid Inn Jalan Majapahit 2 - 4 Malang, Reservasi : +62341 – 366860 1 11 Agung Jalan A. I. S. Nasution 23 Malang, Reservasi : +62341 – 366104 melati 12 Aloha Jalan Gajah Mada 7 Reservasi : +62341-326950 melati 13 Arjuno Jalan B. S. Riadi 122 Malang, Reservasi : +62341 – 326929 melati ``18 No Name Address and Reservation Rating 14 Armi Jalan Kaliurang 63 Malang, Reservasi : +62341 – 362178 melati 15 Bahagia Jalan Letjen S Parman 45 Malang Reservasi : +62341-491930 melati 16 Bintang Jalan Hamid Rusdi Nomor 97 Malang, Reservasi : +62341 – 362228 melati 17 Camelia Jalan Dr. Cipto 24 Malang, Reservasi : +62341 – 322426 melati 18 Emma Jalan Trunojoyo 21 Malang Reservasi : +62341-324871 melati 19 Emma Mustika Sari Jalan Laks. Martadinata 18-24 Malang, Reservasi : +62341 – 364939 melati 20 Flamboyan Jalan Letjend. S. Parman Malang, Reservasi : +62341 – 495713 melati 21 Griyo Margosuko Jalan KH. Ahmad Dahlan Malang, Reservasi : +62341 – 324169 melati 22 Helios Jalan Pattimura 37 Malang, Reservasi : +62341 – 362741 melati 23 Kahuripan Jalan Kahuripan 11 - 15 Malang, Reservasi : +62341 - 350 426 melati 24 Kalpataru Jalan Kalpataru 41 Malang, Reservasi : +62341 – 484484 melati 25 Kartika Kusuma Jalan Kahuripan 12 Malang, Reservasi : +62341 – 352266 melati 26 Malang Jalan Z. Arifin 85 Malang, Reservasi : +62341-325103 melati 27 Malinda Jalan Zainul Arifin 37 - 39 Malang, Reservasi : +62341 – 364402 melati ``19 No Name Address and Reservation Rating 28 Mandala puri Jalan PB. Sudirman 81 Malang, Reservasi : +62341 – 354055 melati 29 Mansion Jalan Martadinata 9 Malang, Reservasi : +62341 – 364946 melati 30 Megawati Jalan Pang. Sudirman 99 Malang, Reservasi : +62341 – 364724 melati 31 Menara Jalan Pajajaran 5 Malang, Reservasi : +62341 – 362871 melati 32 Montana II Jalan Candi Panggung 2 Malang, Reservasi : +62341 – 495885 melati 33 Mutiara Jalan Jagung Suprapto, Reservasi : +62341 – 356668 melati 34 Nugraha Jalan Panji Suroso 16 Malang, Reservasi : +62341 – 475567 melati 35 Pajajaran Park Jalan Letjend. Sutoyo 178 Malang, Reservasi : +62341-491347 melati 36 Palem I Jalan Hasanuddin 10 Malang, Reservasi : +62341-365783 melati 37 Palem II Jalan MH. Thamrin 15 Malang, Reservasi : +62341-325129 melati 38 Pelangi I Jalan Merdeka Selatan 3 Malang, Reservasi : +62341 – 365156 melati 39 Pelangi II Jalan Gajayana Malang, Reservasi : +62341 – 553701 melati 40 Pinus Jalan S.P. Sudarmo Malang, Reservasi : +62341-485324 melati 41 Puspasari Jalan Kol. Sugiono I/9 Malang, Reservasi : +62341-802809 melati ``20 No Name Address and Reservation Rating 42 Sampurna Asri Jalan Kol. Sugiono 116 Malang, Reservasi : +62341 – 320662 melati 43 Santoso Jalan K.H. Agus Salim 24 Malang, Reservasi : +62341 – 366889 melati 44 Serayu Jalan Serayu 3 Malang, Reservasi : +62341 – 491673 melati 45 Setia Budi Jalan Pattimura 71 A Malang, Reservasi : +62341-366478 melati 46 Simpang Tiga Jalan Margono 56 Malang, Reservasi : +62341-362772 melati 47 Sriwijaya Jalan A. Munandar 43 Malang, Reservasi : +62341 – 320803 melati 48 Tirto Jl. Simp. Panji Suroso Kav 133 Malang, Reservasi : +62341-494966 melati 49 Tosari Jalan KH. A. Dahlan 31 Malang, Reservasi : +62341-326945 melati ``21 GUEST HOUSE AND RESERVATION LIST No 1 Name Address Reservation Bandoeng Guest House D'fresh Guest House & Resto Jl. Bandung No 20 Malang +62341 - 551824 Jl. Candi Trowulan 12 +62341 - 494999, 08885579222 3 Merbabu Guest House Jalan Merbabu 26 Malang +62341 - 325699 4 Putri Bulan Cottage N Homestay Jalan Raya Selecta No. 1012 / Jalan Bukit Berbunga No. 10-12 Batu, Malang +62341 - 592361, 7787377 5 COZY Guest House Jl. TGP no 8 Malang +62341 - 364122 6 Homestay Villa Tidar Villa Puncak Tidar Blok N12, Malang +62341 - 551780 7 de Daunan Jl. Trunojoyo 2, Junrejo, Batu- Malang +62341 - 594466 8 Jl. Raya Ijen No. 52 Malang +62341 - 325882 9 Ijen 52 Heritage Guest House Enny's Hotel & Guest House Wisma Pariwisata Jl. Taman Wilis 1A-1B Malang +62341 - 551 369 10 Fendi's Guest House Jl. Kawi No.48 Malang +62341 - 551359, 7632647 11 New Kawi Guest House Jl. Kawi Atas No.40 Malang +62341 - 551351 12 Jona's Familier Homestay Jl. Dr. Sutomo No.4 Malang Kota/Klojen +62341 - 324678 13 Armyn Luxury Guest House Jl. Telomoyo No.22 Malang Kota/Klojen +62341 - 556220 14 Gress Homestay Jl. Kahayan No.6 Malang Kota/Klojen +62341 - 491386 15 Peye Guest House Jl. Simpang Dieng No.1 Malang Barat/Sukun +62341 - 561642, 7437008 ``22 2 TAXI SERVICE LIST ARGO PERDANA Alamat: Jl. Panji Suroso 15, Blimbing, Malang No. Telepon: +62341 - 488888 TAXI BIMA Alamat: Jl. Simpang Terusan Danau Sentani No. 5 Malang No. Telepon: +62341 - 717171 CITRA KENDEDES Alamat: Jl. Bunga Merak No. 2 Malang No. Telepon: +62341 - 404040, 490555 TAXI MANDALA Alamat: Jl. Raya Karanglo No. 131 Karangploso, Malang No. Telepon: +62341 - 474747 CITRA KENDEDES BATU Alamat: Jl. Dewi Sartika, Kota Batu No. Telepon: +62341 - 599 599 ``23 CIPP Center of Indigenous and Peace Psychology Faculty of Psychology Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang Jl. Gajayana 50 Malang, East Java – Indonesia Website: Email: [email protected] Tlp/Fax: +62341 558916 ``24
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