Internship II Manual Curriculum in Sport and Recreation Management And Tourism and Hospitality Management This manual is to be used by students on the new STHM curriculum (Entered STHM Fall 2011 – Present). School of Tourism and Hospitality Management Speakman Hall – Suite 111 1810 North 13th Street Philadelphia, PA 19122 Phone: 215-204-8701 Fax: 215-204-8705 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Center for Student Professional Development Speakman Hall – Suite 108 1810 North 13th Street Philadelphia, PA 19122 Phone: 215-204-8145 Fax: 215-204-8705 E-mail: [email protected] Web: 2 Table of Contents Section 1 – The Internship Process 1.1 – Internship Introduction 1.2 – Internship Eligibility 1.3 – Internship Expectations 1.4 – Internship Process and Deadlines 1.5 – Internship Timelines 1.6 – Registration Procedures 3-5 3 3 3 4 4 5 Section 2 – Paperwork 2.1 – Paperwork Overview 2.2 – Internship II Approval Agreement 2.3 – Offer Letter and Job Description 5-8 5 6-7 8 Section 4 – Final Project Requirements 4.1 – Final Project Introduction 4.2 – Final Project Outline 11-13 11 12 Section 6 – Forms 6.1 – Midterm Evaluation 6.2 – Final Evaluation 6.3 – Student Supervisor and Agency Evaluation 6.4 – Senior Graduation Survey 15 - 22 16 - 18 19 - 21 22 23 Section 3 – Internship II Requirements 3.1 – Agency Information and Initial Report 3.2 – Monthly Reports 3.3 – Midterm and Final Evaluations 3.4 – Personal Philosophy Paper 3.5 – Final Report Section 5 – Grading / Report Submission 5.1 – Internship II 5.2 – Final Project Revised: 6/12/14 v. 3.8 (New Curriculum) 9-11 9 9 10 10 11 14 14 14 3 Section 1 – The Internship Process 1.1 Internship Introduction Internship II is an integral and essential part of the undergraduate curriculum of the School of Tourism and Hospitality Management. Internship II is a culminating experience that serves as a “bridge” between the courses completed and professional practice of learned material. In 2010 STHM adopted a set of Core Values. These values have become a part of our culture. Since 2010, the core values have been integrated into our teaching and into our messaging. Knowledge, Professionalism, Mutuality, Ethics and Stewardship are the core values found throughout STHM and our Mission. The final evaluation of Internship is embedded into the Core Values with site supervisors’ assessment of students’ attitudes and behaviors that mirror these core values. This document is designed to be used by all School of Tourism and Hospitality Management senior students who are completing Internship II (THM4185) and are on the new STHM Curriculum (Started STHM Fall 2011 – Present). Students are expected to read, comprehend, and abide all information outlined in this document and share this document with the agency internship supervisor. Students will be held accountable for all expectations described in this document. 1.2 Internship Eligibility Internship II is the last major academic requirements before graduation. Any student enrolling in Internship II must be in good academic standing with an overall grade point average (GPA) of 2.00. All Incomplete (I) and Missing Grades (MG) on your transcript must be eliminated prior to the end of the semester preceding Internship II. All Temple University Core/GenEd and STHM Major Program Requirements must be completed before enrolling in Internship II. Each student that does not meet the minimum requirement will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. 1.3 Internship Expectations Internship Locations The School of Tourism and Hospitality Management will not approve more than one STHM student per internship location, per department. If the organization is a large organization with multiple departments, more than one student could theoretically be approved, depending on the content of the Offer Letter and Job Description and providing students would be in a different department that could not work together. Internship Expectations a) The internship will increase the students awareness of the professional nature of sport, recreation, tourism, or hospitality management through an understanding of roles, duties, and responsibilities set for the internship b) The internship will provide experience with sufficient depth to reveal the strengths and weaknesses of the student as a professional. c) The internship will take place in an office setting. Internships that are conducted online with little to no office time will not be approved. d) Provide the opportunity to apply classroom theories and techniques. e) Internship II is a minimum of 600 hours over the course of the academic semester. 1.4 Internship Process and Deadlines Revised: 6/12/14 v. 3.8 (New Curriculum) 4 The Internship II process starts at a minimum a semester before the student will be completing the courses. Below is a step by step process of how to start the internship search with deadlines for each item. Failure to follow expectations and deadlines will lead to the student being dropped from Internship II and once the student has been academically approved they need to register for Internship II during the Temple University Course Registration Schedule. See section 1.6 for course registration information. Internship Process a) Review all requirements of Internship II to determine eligibility b) Submit Internship eligibility paperwork to the STHM Center for Student Professional Development to be formally approved to complete Internship II. Until the student has been approved for these courses they should NOT be contacting internship locations. c) Once the student has been approved for Internship II they should develop a list of 8-10 potential internship locations that match their desired career interests. Before contacting locations to inquire about internship opportunities this list must be sent to the STHM Center for Student Professional Development for review. d) Once the contact list has been reviewed, the student should begin to contact each organization to inquire about internship opportunities, apply, and schedule interviews. Once an interview has been scheduled the student must notify the STHM Center for Student Professional Development with the internship location, internship opportunity, who the student is interviewing with, and the interview date/time. e) Once the student has been offered an internship opportunity they are not permitted to accept it until it has been approved by the STHM Center for Student Professional Development. To begin the internship approval process, the organization that is offering the internship must submit an Official Offer Letter and Job Description to the STHM CSPD via fax (215-204-8705) or e-mail ([email protected]). More information about the Offer Letter and Job Description can be found on page 8. f) If the internship is approved, no further documentation is needed by the student until the beginning of the semester. 1.5 Timeline for Internship II Start Internship Process Submit Paperwork to STHM CSPD Submit Offer Letter and Job Description Fall Senior Internship May 1 February 15 August 1 Spring Senior Internship September 1 Summer Senior Internship February 1 December 10 May 1 September 15 February 15 1.6 Internship II Registration Procedures Internship II Registration: New Curriculum students will need to contact the CSPD at the time of registration for assistance to register as there are overrides and credit adjustments that need to be made in order to complete registration. Revised: 6/12/14 v. 3.8 (New Curriculum) 5 Section 2 – Internship Paperwork All students are required to submit several documents to verify eligibility to complete Internship II. Please refer to Section 1.5 of when this paperwork is due. The paperwork to be submitted includes: • Internship II Approval Agreement (Found on page 6) • Student Code of Conduct (Found on page 7) • A copy of the students resume. Once the paperwork has been submitted, it will be reviewed for approval. If there are any issues with the students ability to complete Internship II they will be notified via e-mail. Revised: 6/12/14 v. 3.8 (New Curriculum) 6 Last Name: Internship II Approval Agreement First Name: TUID: Contact Number: Email Address: Semester in which Internship II will be completed: Fall Spring Summer Major: Sport and Recreation Management Tourism and Hospitality Management Concentration (If declared) Governance and Policy Hospitality Operations Sport and Recreation Promotion Destination Management Event Leadership Event Leadership Internship Goals – Please state the goals and areas of interest you have for your internship experience. Include potential organizations/opportunities you have an interest in. Academic Information Current Grade Point Average: _______ Current earned number of credits: ______ I understand it is my responsibility to notify the Center for Student Services and the Center for Student Professional Development if I unsuccessfully complete any academic requirements during this semester within 48 business hours of grades being posted. I also understand that if I do not successfully complete my courses this semester I may be not permitted to proceed with Internship II, even if I have an internship secured. Student Signature: __________________________________________ For Office Use Only: Student is academically cleared for Internship II: ____________________________________________________ Academic Advisor Revised: 6/12/14 v. 3.8 (New Curriculum) Yes Date:____________________ No ______________ Date 7 Student Code of Conduct As an intern you will be expected to adhere to a strong code of ethics, morality, integrity and professional behavior. Your conduct should make the employer want to host interns from STHM in the future, remember you are not only representing yourself but also STHM and Temple University. • Adhere to the Temple University Student Code of Conduct and STHM Student Doctrine of Responsibility ( • Follow the internship agencies operational policies and procedures • Comply with all applicable laws and regulations • Understand what constitutes a permissible work absence and who to notify if absent, be prompt with being on time to work and with assignments • Changes in work schedule, supervision, or problems at your site must be reported to your University Supervisor and STHM Center for Student Professional Development • Dress appropriately for the work setting • Follow through on commitments Resume Submission – You will only submit resumes for companies/internships in which you have a genuine interest. Once submitted, the understanding is that if selected, you will be expected to interview with the company. Conducting company research prior to the resume submission will assist in determining which companies are a possible fit for you. Disclosure of Information – You will provide accurate information about your academic work, including courses taken, positions held at the University, and duties performed. Provide accurate information on professional preparation and employment experience. Falsification of information will have serious consequences. Interviewing – Interview only with employers you are sincerely interested in working for and whose eligibility requirements you meet. Practice interviewing is misleading to employers, wasting both their time and money, and prevents students who are interested from using those interviewing times. Always show up to interviews at least 15 minutes before the time scheduled. Accept an internship in good faith. Once you accept an offer you should have every intention of honoring that commitment. Accepting an offer only as a precautionary measure is not only unethical, but is misleading to the employer and will restrict opportunities for others who were interested in the employer. Don’t keep employers hanging – Communicate your acceptance or refusal of an internship offer to employers as promptly as possible so they can notify other candidates of their status. Withdraw from the recruiting process when your internship search is completed. Let other employers know you have made a decision so they know you are out of the running. ________________________________________________________________ Student Signature Revised: 6/12/14 v. 3.8 (New Curriculum) ________________________ Date 8 2.3 - Offer Letter and Job Description Requirements All School of Tourism and Hospitality Management students seeking an internship must have the internship location approved before they can officially accept any offers for an internship. This approval process is in place to ensure that a high quality of internship locations is maintained and the student will have a positive learning experience. In order for an internship to be approved the internship location must submit an Offer Letter and Job Description to the STHM Center for Student Professional Development. Once submitted please allow 2-3 business days for review and approval. What STHMCSPD looks for in an Offer Letter and Job Description: 1. Is on company letterhead 2. Contact information and title for the representative who will be supervising the intern/internship 3. Intern’s Responsibilities a. An approximation of what % of the internship will spend in each area of focus b. If the student is already working or volunteering at the site, describe current responsibilities and identify additional and/or new assignments. 4. Acknowledgement the site supervisor/employer agrees to: a. Host the student for a minimum of 600 hours (40 hours per week) b. Supervise and mentor the STHM student c. Provide degree-related responsibilities and activities d. Complete the STHM midterm and final evaluation for the STHM intern. The STHM intern is to supply the forms found in the STHM Internship II Manual. i. Go over each evaluation with the intern in a timely manner ii. Provide the intern and the STHM University Supervisor with a copy of each completed form by e-mail (preferred), fax, or mail. iii. Indicate number of hours accrued at the midterm and final evaluation Revised: 6/12/14 v. 3.8 (New Curriculum) 9 Section 3 – Internship II Requirements This section provides information about the assignments that are expected to be submitted throughout the semester. It is important to review all of the assignments and the expectations associated with each. Make sure to consistently review Blackboard for all due dates, changes, etc. Late work will not be accepted and will result in a zero (0) for the assignment. 3.1 – Initial Report and Agency Information The Initial Report and Agency Information Report are to be completed and submitted in the first week of the internship, once the semester has officially commenced, to the students assigned University Supervisor. The Initial Report is an important document that is used by the University Supervisor to monitor performance of the intern. The Agency Information provides background information to the University Supervisor to become more familiar with the location. These reports are to be in a narrative format. This report is due by 9:00am on the day it is due. Agency Information The Agency Information should include the following information: a) Internship Location b) Intern’s Site Supervisor c) Intern’s Site Supervisor Title and Contact Information d) The academic and professional background of the site supervisor the intern will be supervised by. e) Description of the agency: number of employees, type of agency f) Descriptive statements indicating types of products or services provided, demographic profiles of customers or clients served, and facilities used. g) Statement of the agencies mission, goals, and objectives h) Any additional information that is important to know about the agency. Initial Report The Initial Report should include the following information: a) Student’s goals for the first month of the senior internship. A minimum of 5 SMART goals should be developed for the first month of the experience. Detailed objectives should be developed which outline how each goal will be accomplished. b) Detail the orientation to the internship location. c) List the dates, days, times of your internship d) With your Site Supervisor, outline the major responsibilities and projects you will be assigned throughout the internship experience. 3.2 – Monthly Reports Students will be required to submit three (3) monthly reports throughout the internship experience. These reports are to discuss progress towards the previous month’s goals, analyze internship progress to date, and create five (5) new professional internship goals for the next monthly report. This report should be a minimum of 5 pages double spaced and should be submitted via e-mail to your University Supervisor by 9:00am on the day it is due. Revised: 6/12/14 v. 3.8 (New Curriculum) 10 The Monthly Reports should include the following information: 1) Discussion of previous month’s goals and how they were accomplished or why they were not accomplished. a. Monthly Report #1 discusses the goals from the Initial Report b. Monthly Report #2 discusses the goals from Monthly Report #1 c. Monthly Report #3 discusses the goals from Monthly Report #2 2) A minimum of five (5) new professional internship goals that will be accomplished over the next month of the internship experience. a. These goals should be relevant each month to tasks and projects the intern will be involved with along with goals the intern would like to learn more about. b. For Monthly Report #3, the goals should be geared towards final internship goals and professional goals for post-graduation. 3) Discussion and reflection of what is being learned about the industry throughout the experience. The discussion can also include a reflection on what you learned in the classroom vs. internship experiences. 3.3 – Midterm and Final Evaluations The Internship Site Supervisor must complete a midterm and final evaluation of the intern at midterm and at the end of the internship experience. These forms can be found on page 15 of this manual. A conference call will be scheduled between the student, Site Supervisor, and University Supervisor at the midterm to discuss the evaluation, progress to date, and how to move forward in the internship for the remainder of the semester. The University Supervisor will provide a schedule of availability once the midterm evaluation has been submitted. The Final Evaluation should be submitted with the final report at the end of the semester. 3.4 – Personal Philosophy Paper The Personal Philosophy Paper is a reflection of the internship experience and your experience at Temple University / School of Tourism and Hospitality Management. It is a reflection of your own philosophical approach to sport, recreation, tourism, and hospitality management. This report should be submitted as part of your final internship report binder. a) Which philosophical school of thought (Idealism, Realism, Pragmatism, Naturalism, Existentialism, Humanism) best represents your own set of beliefs at this time of your professional preparation and why? b) How has your philosophical approach to sport, recreation, tourism, and hospitality changed since you entered the major? c) What is the value of sport, recreation, tourism, and hospitality for individual participants? d) What role should government play in your philosophical approach to sport, recreation, tourism, and hospitality? e) What is your view of change as it relates to programs in sport, recreation, tourism, and hospitality and why? How will programs or experiences in the industry change in the future? Will those changes require you to change your philosophical approach to the industry? Why or why not? f) Do you believe that all sport, recreation, tourism, and hospitality managers should have the same philosophy? Why or why not? Revised: 6/12/14 v. 3.8 (New Curriculum) 11 3.5 – Final Report The final report describes and evaluates the total internship experience. This should be submitted in a binder on the date it is due. The final report should include the following information: a) Title Page a. Name, agency information, site supervisor information, internship dates b) Table of Contents a. Table of contents should clearly outline all sections of the report. c) Student Accomplishments a. Detailed summary of duties and responsibilities achieved throughout the semester b. Describe a significant experience that changed how you view the industry or internship experience. d) Self Analysis a. Reflect on your experience and areas where you experienced professional/personal growth and where you feel you could improve upon in the following areas: i. Communication Skills ii. Ethics/Decision Making Skills iii. Business Knowledge iv. Self-Management/Managerial Skills v. Critical Thinking Skills e) Conclusions and Recommendations a. A discussion of future career interests and needs, settings that best match your personality, types of leadership styles that best match you. b. A discussion of courses, books, workshops, etc. that you feel would have benefited your professional development and internship experience. c. Recommendations of the agency and the university f) Appendix a. Attach copies of materials and projects that you worked on throughout the semester (For example: programs, flyers, reports, etc.) Section 4 – Final Project Requirements 4.1 – Final Project For the final project, students will be expected to, in collaboration with their site supervisor/agency, develop a strategic plan for a process, product, or service which will help to solve a challenge for the organization, improve efficiency, or explore new areas of business. This project will increase the analytical ability for students to manage a project and how it may impact the organization. The project should be in consultation with the Site and University Supervisors. The topic should be negotiated and developed over a series of conversations. The proposal is due early in the semester so final approval is gained by the midterm of the semester. A proposal not approved by midterm will adversely affect the final grade. It is understood the proposal will not be as detailed as the final submission, however these areas need enough detail to make a determination of approval. The project proposal should be inclusive of the Project Background and student goals for the project. It should include why this project will be beneficial to the internship agency. Revised: 6/12/14 v. 3.8 (New Curriculum) 12 Overview of the assignment Students are expected to develop a strategic plan for their internship organization which will review a product, service, or process within the organization. When the student has completed the strategic plan the organization should have a better understanding of how the topic will impact their organization and how to implement it, if chosen. Students will be expected to incorporate the following areas into their Strategic Plan: Cover Page Include Name, Internship Location, Project Title, and Date Table of Contents Executive Summary The Executive Summary is a preface to the strategic plan report and highlights key points that will be made in the report. It is meant to be a short document that summarizes the longer plan so that a reader can quickly become acquainted with the large amount of material without reading it all. Overall, the executive summary should summarize the sections below. Items to consider when developing an executive summary: • It should not be longer than 10% of the original report. For the purposes of this project aim for 1 – 2 pages maximum. • It should be written in a way that if the original report is not included the reader would have an understanding of the strategic plan. • Paragraphs should be concise and written in language that is appropriate for the target audience. • It should follow the same order as the main report (i.e. the sections below stay in the same order so the reader can follow along easier). Project Background This section should provide background information on the selected topic and why it was selected. What factors have led to determining the nature of this project? Clearly define the purpose of this strategic plan. Define how this project would fit into the mission and vision of the internship site. Environmental Analysis An accurate evaluation of environmental factors is critical when developing a strategic plan. It should be used to review what factors will have an impact on the selected topic which will guide the plan development. For the purposes of this project there will be two analyses completed; SWOT and PEST. SWOT: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats The SWOT analysis should show the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the selected topic. S – Strengths: What are the strengths of the project? What does the project do better than others? What unique capabilities and resources can be applied? W – Weaknesses: What are the weaknesses of the project? What can a competitor do better? O – Opportunities: What trends or conditions could positively impact the project? T – Threats: What trends or conditions could negatively impact the project? Revised: 6/12/14 v. 3.8 (New Curriculum) 13 PEST: Political, Economic, Social, Technological The PEST analysis can be used to review external factors that can have an influence on the success of the topic. P – Political: Are there any laws, global issues, legislation and regulation that may have an impact on the project now or in the future? E – Economic: Are there any items such as taxes, stock markets, consumer confidence that may have an impact on the project now or in the future? S – Social: Are there any changes in lifestyle, buying trends, media, or major events that may have an impact on the project? T- Technological: Are there any technological issues that may have an impact on the project? Competitor Analysis Completing a competitor analysis is important to have an understanding of current competitors within the scope of the selected topic. It should be used to have a better understanding of the market and where the selected topic can fit in. • Who are the competitors? • What are their strengths and weaknesses? Performance Goals Based on the Environmental Analyses and the Competitor analysis, what should be the goals for the project? What will define success? These goals should be quantifiable and include standards by which performance can be measured/evaluated in the future. Needs Assessment / Implementation This section should identify the items that will be needed in order to reach the goals set for the project. Think about all aspects of the project. For example, would additional staff be needed? Would a new facility be needed? Based on the needs and analyses, how should the project be implemented into the organization? Evaluation How will success of the project be measured if implemented? Develop a list of measures by which the success of the project will be measured based on the performance goals. What data should be collected to evaluate success? What is the timeline of data collection? How will evaluation data be used to make changes to the project in the future? Revised: 6/12/14 v. 3.8 (New Curriculum) 14 Section 5 – Grading / Report Submission 5.1 – Internship II The total possible points for Internship II is 100. Please refer to the grading grid posted on Blackboard for more information about the grading system. The grade breakdown is as follows: Agency Information and Initial Report 15 points Monthly Report #1 10 points Monthly Report #2 10 points Monthly Report #3 10 points Midterm and Final Evaluation 15 points Final Report 30 points Philosophy Paper 10 Points 5.2 – Final Project The total points possible for the Final Project is 100. Please refer to the grading grid posted on Blackboard for more information on the grading system. The grade breakdown is as follows: Project Proposal 5 points Executive Summary 10 points Project Background 10 points Environmental Analysis 20 points Competitor analysis 10 points Performance Goals 10 points Needs Assessment / Implementation 15 points Evaluation 10 points Overall Quality (Neat presentation, table of 10 points contents, cover page, color charts, etc.) 5.3 – Calculating the Final Grade A 185 and above A180 – 184 B+ 172 – 179 B 168 – 171 B160 - 167 C+ 154 – 159 C 148 - 153 C140 -147 D+ 134 – 139 D 128 – 133 D120 – 127 F 119 and below Revised: 6/12/14 v. 3.8 (New Curriculum) 15 Section 6 – Forms Midterm Evaluation Final Evaluation Student Evaluation of Supervisor and Agency Senior Graduation Survey Revised: 6/12/14 v. 3.8 (New Curriculum) 16 Temple University School of Tourism and Hospitality Management Internship II – Midterm Evaluation Student’s Name: Name of Evaluator: Evaluator Position: Address: City: Phone: Email Address: Fax: State: Zip: Internship Information (To be completed by Evaluator) Does this internship have a Date Internship Started: Hours completed to stipend, hourly wage, or unpaid? date: To the Evaluator: At the midterm of the semester, please check the ratings which best indicate the level of attainment by the student and complete the statements. Please discuss this evaluation with the student prior to submitting the evaluation to the University Supervisor. A conference call will be set up between the University Supervisor, Site Supervisor, and the student once the evaluation is submitted to discuss the student’s progress. Rate the student as you would rate a new employee in the evaluation. The midterm evaluation is used as a benchmark to monitor the student’s progress and to discuss items for the student to improve upon before the internship completion. When the evaluation is completed and reviewed with the student, please forward to the attention of the students University Supervisor via fax (215-204-8705) or via e-mail. Revised: 6/12/14 v. 3.8 (New Curriculum) 17 Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Applicable Functions well with and adjusts to people 5 4 3 2 1 N/A Respects opinions of others 5 4 3 2 1 N/A Criteria 1) Mutual Respect Willingness to accept suggestions and criticism Facilitates positive interaction among diverse populations Responds with respect and sensitivity to diverse populations Indicates sensitivity for needs of the clients or customers Establishes good rapport with agency staff 2) Knowledge Applies sport and recreation or tourism, and hospitality principles Analyzes, evaluates, and interprets information to solve challenges Evaluates the logic, validity, and relevance of information Devises multiple options before deciding on a final solution Uses self-reflection to enhance own performance Introduces new ideas and approaches Exercises good judgment Demonstrates capability to confront new situations Implements current sport and recreation or tourism and hospitality information Demonstrates imagination and creativity 3) Professionalism Arrives promptly, punctual, and dependable Works dependably with focus required by responsibilities Exhibits professional appearance and behaviors Demonstrates ability to function within assigned groups Conveys ideas clearly Responds with civility in calm and stressful situations Demonstrates cooperative attitude Demonstrates knowledge of leadership skills and techniques Performs assigned tasks accurately and thoroughly Attempts to resolve problems independently Shows eagerness, desire to get involved and assist Revised: 6/12/14 v. 3.8 (New Curriculum) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 18 Criteria 4) Ethics Follows tasks through to completion Follows directions and instructions Makes informed and principled decisions Demonstrates and ability to foresee consequences of choices made Acts with integrity in the workplace Behaves in keeping with worksite and/or professional codes of ethics Demonstrates awareness of responsibility of the position 5) Stewardship Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 2 2 2 5 4 3 3 3 4 3 2 5 5 3 4 3 4 3 2 2 2 Strongly Disagree Not applicable 1 N/A 1 1 1 1 1 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Shows initiative in participating in the organization’s green initiatives 5 4 3 2 1 N/A 6) Preparation 5 4 3 2 1 N/A Where appropriate, participates in organization’s community initiatives Demonstrates social responsibility awareness The intern I supervised this semester is prepared to enter the professional workforce. 5 5 4 4 3 Statements – Please review and complete the following: The student is most effective in: 3 2 2 The student requires assistance in: Evaluators Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ___________ Student’s Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ___________ Student Comments: University Supervisor: ________________________________________ Revised: 6/12/14 v. 3.8 (New Curriculum) Date: ___________ 1 1 N/A - 19 Temple University School of Tourism and Hospitality Management Internship II – Final Evaluation Student’s Name: Name of Evaluator: Evaluator Position: Address: City: Phone: Email Address: Fax: State: Zip: Internship Information (To be completed by Evaluator) Does this internship have a Date internship started: Date internship ended: stipend, hourly wage, or unpaid? To the Evaluator: Prior to the completion of the internship experience, please circle the rating which best describes the level of attainment of the student and complete the statements. Please review the completed evaluation with the student prior to submitting to the University Supervisor. Rate the student as you would rate a new employee in the evaluation. The internship experience is an important step towards a professional career so your feedback is critical to the student in their professional development. When the evaluation is completed and reviewed with the student, please forward to the attention of the students University Supervisor via fax (215-204-8705) or via e-mail. Revised: 6/12/14 v. 3.8 (New Curriculum) 20 Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Applicable Functions well with and adjusts to people 5 4 3 2 1 N/A Respects opinions of others 5 4 3 2 1 N/A Criteria 1) Mutual Respect Willingness to accept suggestions and criticism Facilitates positive interaction among diverse populations Responds with respect and sensitivity to diverse populations Indicates sensitivity for needs of the clients or customers Establishes good rapport with agency staff 2) Knowledge Applies sport and recreation, or tourism and hospitality principles Analyzes, evaluates, and interprets information to solve challenges Evaluates the logic, validity, and relevance of information Devises multiple options before deciding on a final solution Uses self-reflection to enhance own performance Introduces new ideas and approaches Exercises good judgment Demonstrates capability to confront new situations Implements current sport and recreation or tourism and hospitality information Demonstrates imagination and creativity 3) Professionalism Arrives promptly, is punctual and dependable Works dependably with focus required by responsibilities Exhibits professional appearance and behaviors Demonstrates ability to function within assigned groups Conveys ideas clearly Responds with civility in calm and stressful situations Demonstrates cooperative attitude Demonstrates knowledge of leadership skills and techniques Performs assigned tasks accurately and thoroughly Attempts to resolve problems independently Shows eagerness, desire to get involved and assist Revised: 6/12/14 v. 3.8 (New Curriculum) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 21 Criteria 4) Ethics Follows tasks through to completion Follows directions and instructions Makes informed and principled decisions Demonstrates and ability to foresee consequences of choices made Acts with integrity in the workplace Behaves in keeping with worksite and/or professional codes of ethics Demonstrates awareness of responsibility of the position 5) Stewardship Shows initiative in participating in the organization’s green initiatives Where appropriate, participates in organization’s community initiatives Demonstrates social responsibility awareness 6) Preparation The intern I supervised this semester is prepared to enter the professional workforce. Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 2 2 2 5 4 3 3 3 4 3 2 5 3 4 5 2 3 4 2 3 Not applicable 1 N/A 1 1 1 N/A N/A N/A 1 N/A 1 2 N/A 1 N/A 5 4 3 2 1 N/A 5 4 3 2 1 N/A 5 4 5 3 4 2 3 1 2 Statements – Please review and complete the following: The student is most effective in: The student requires assistance in: Evaluators Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ___________ Student’s Signature: ______________________________________ Date: ___________ Student Comments: University Supervisor: ___________________________________ Revised: 6/12/14 v. 3.8 (New Curriculum) Strongly Disagree Date: ___________ N/A 1 - 22 Temple University School of Tourism and Hospitality Management Internship II – Student Supervisor and Agency Evaluation Student’s Name: Agency: Site Supervisor: Instructions: Evaluate the quality of the supervision you received from the site during the internship period and the strengths and weaknesses of the agency. Agency Evaluation Criteria The facility was adequate. The agency was clearly setup to host interns. The atmosphere at the agency was professional. The agency treated you like a member of the team. The agency integrated you well into its services and functions. You got a lot out of the internship experience from the site. Supervisor Evaluation Criteria Supervisor was accessible to you and concerned about your progress as a student. Supervisor encouraged you to ask questions and/or give opinions on tasks/projects. Supervisor assisted with work-related problems and helped you work toward solutions. Supervisor provided you with feedback on completed tasks/projects. Supervisor assisted you in meeting your goals and objectives throughout the semester. Overall Comments/Feedback: Revised: 6/12/14 v. 3.8 (New Curriculum) Strongly Agree Agree 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 5 4 4 2 2 Strongly Disagree 1 1 N/A N/A 2 1 N/A Neutral Disagree 3 2 3 3 3 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 5 4 3 2 1 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 N/A 1 N/A 1 1 N/A N/A N/A 23 STHM Senior Graduation Survey All answers will be kept confidential. Name: Post-Graduation Email Address: Would you like to be added to the STHM Alumni Listserv to be informed of STHM Alumni Events? Would you like to be added to the STHM JobWire Listserv to receive the latest job opportunities? Were you offered employment at your internship agency? Are you currently employed? Part-Time Full-Time Yes No Yes Yes No No Unemployed If employed, where? Title: Annual Salary: Please note: This information will be kept confidential and only used in the aggregate for your graduating class. <$19,999 $20,000 – $24,999 $40,000 - $44,999 $25,000 - $29,999 $45,999 - $49,999 Revised: 6/12/14 v. 3.8 (New Curriculum) $30,000 - $34,999 $50,000 - $54,999 $55,000+ $35,000 - $39,999
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