Design manual KOVOSVIT MAS, a.s. Table of Contents 04INTRODUCTION 06 — 13 TRADEMARK – KOVOSVIT MAS 14 — 23 TRADEMARK – MTE KOVOSVIT MAS 24 — 26 FONT 28 — 29 GRAPHIC ELEMENT 30 — 49 EXAMPLES OF PRINTED MATTER 50 — 51 POWER POINT 52 — 54 E–MAIL SIGNATURE 02 | KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release 01 THE DESIGN MANUAL IS SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF KOVOSVIT MAS, A.S., A JOINT-STOCK COMPANY Ing. Martin Volny Marketing Manager Ing. František Komarek Chairman of the Board of Directors Mgr. Patrik Komarek Member of the Board of Directors Ing. Larisa Taborova Member of the Board of Directors KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release | 03 Introduction The Design Manual (hereinafter DM) is the fundamental source of information for all people working with the visual style of KOVOSVIT MAS, a.s. (hereinafter KOVOSVIT MAS). It is an irreplaceable manual for the use of the means of a uniform visual style that guarantees the uniform presentation of the Company in all areas and is an important part of the image of the Company. In this direction, it defines binding rules for the creation, production and use of the KOVOSVIT MAS graphics in various types of applications (correspondence and presentation). The individual DM chapters illustrate the rules of correct application of the logo and the uniform elements of the visual style for a specific use, such as correspondence materials, or they represent instructions for the creation of presentation materials (even multimedia). Furthermore, DM is used as a sample of style that can be applied and developed according to the specific requirements (such as commercial printed matter, signs in the interiors and exteriors of buildings, fleet etc.). Everyone who applies the resources of the KOVOSVIT MAS Design Manual may only work within the range of the rules defined in this manual. 04 | KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release 01 The precise observance of the rules is in the interest of KOVOSVIT MAS and it is required as an integral part of the corporate identity of the Company. When creating documents or applications that the Manual does not define directly, follow the rules described in the chapters on the trademark and font, use templates already created with a similar content and follow general rules of typography and last, but not least, taste. The forbidden uses of the graphic manual resources that are depicted in the Manual do not include all the forbidden methods of use. Therefore, it is forbidden to use graphic forms of the trademark that do not meet the requirement of legal regulations (particularly the regulations concerning trademarks and trade descriptions), that may harm the business interests of the Company or that are in contradiction with the rules and methods of typography as such or that impair the sense of aesthetics. KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release | 05 Trademark / KOVOSVIT MAS The basic trademark is the face of the Company for the public. It unifies our commercial activities and identifies us on our markets. The corporate trademark, hereinafter the trademark, is broadly used in various media and environments so it is important that its presentation is uniform wherever it is used. It is always required to use the form of the trademark in a suitable version. The logo is a result of the redesign of the logotype of the Kovosvit Company. The original graphic motif of “MAS” was used without any changes of shape. The symbol uses red colour defined for the KOVOSVIT MAS Company trademark. The letters of KOVOSVIT MAS are in black to create a visual balance. The trademark is completed with a slogan to bring out the character and identification of the Company. The slogan can be also used separately as an accessory of the corporate design. Font used in the trademark: Square 721 Ex AT It is not permitted to redraw or change the form of the trademark in any way. 06 | KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release 01 Trademark / KOVOSVIT MAS KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release | 07 Trademark / Zone of Protection The zone of protection of the trademark must be observed during each application of the KOVOSVIT MAS trademark. It allows the trademark to stand out sufficiently, for example when used in a text image or graphics (underlying image/background). The illustration above shows the definition of the zone of protection of the KOVOSVIT MAS trademark based on the height of the MAS symbols – its size is marked with letter “X”. The zone of protection is an area where no other typographic symbols, supplementary graphics or other elements that would disturb the trademark may interfere in. 08 | KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release 01 Trademark / Minimum Size The minimum size of the trademark is defined on the basis of the size of the width of the entire trademark, both for printed and electronic application versions. 25 mm 25 mm 110 px 110 px KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release | 09 Trademark / Colour Versions The black-and-white and single-colour version of the trademark may be used in specific cases when it is not possible to achieve the correct basic colours defined for the trademark. Definition of the application of the black-and-white version: If it is not possible to use colour print In case of colour print that does not guarantee the proper chromaticity or in case of black and white print – e.g. a newspaper advertisement or information board etc. The silver version of the trademark is used e.g. on promotional items with silver accessories or special graphic designs of promotional materials of a representative character. 10 | KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release 01 Trademark / Colour Versions KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release | 11 Trademark / Forbidden Use The KOVOSVIT MAS trademark is presented as a business asset and thus it should be presented correspondingly wherever it is used. It is recommended to avoid all the provided examples. Do not change the fixed mutual position of the symbol and the logotype Do not change the font in the logotype Do not change the fixed position and size of the symbol and the logotype Do not use different colours than those defined by DM Do not add any new graphic or text elements into the trademark Do not deform the trademark in any of the axes Do not place the trademark on a background that would cause a low colour contrast Do not place the trademark on a photograph that would cause a low colour contrast 12 | KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release 01 Trademark / Colours It is required to observe the prescribed colours for all methods of presentation of the KOVOSVIT MAS Company. The primary colour of the KOVOSVIT MAS Company is red, supplemented with shades of black. Red Pantone: 485 C CMYK: 0, 100, 100, 0 RGB: 255, 0, 0 HTML: #ff0000 Silver Pantone: 421 C CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 30 RGB: 189, 189, 189 HTML: #bdbdbd Black Pantone: Process Black CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 100 RGB: 0, 0, 0 HTML: #000000 KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release | 13 Trademark / MTE KOVOSVIT MAS Охранное поле 15x 15x 15x 15x 20x 40x x 36x 15x Построение 15x Фирменный знак Фирменный знак 15x 15x 40x Минимальные размеры 4х4 мм 14 | Brand Book KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release 01 Trademark / MTE KOVOSVIT MAS Логотип (кириллица) Логотип (латиница) Охранное поле (кириллица) Охранное поле (латиница) Минимальные размеры (кириллица) Минимальные размеры (латиница) Логотип Brand Book KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release | 15 Trademark / MTE KOVOSVIT MAS Фирменный блок горизотальное исполнение Фирменный блок (кириллица) Фирменный блок (латиница) Построение (кириллица) Построение (латиница) 40x 165x 9x 6x 9x 6x 40x 9x 40x 176x 8x 9x 21x 9x 8x 9x 21x 40x 214x 225x 15x 16 | 15x 15x 15x 15x 15x 15x Охранное поле (латиница) 15x Охранное поле (кириллица) Brand Book KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release 01 Trademark / MTE KOVOSVIT MAS Фирменный блок вертикальное исполнение Фирменный блок (кириллица) Охранное поле (кириллица) Построение (кириллица) 15x 40x 5x 12x 68x 40x 15x 4x 15x Фирменный блок (латиница) 15x 117x Построение (латиница) Охранное поле (латиница) 15x 40x 5x 12x 68x 40x 15x 15x 4x 15x 113x Brand Book KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release | 17 Trademark / Colour Versions 18 | Использование на различных фонах KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release 01 Brand Book Trademark / Colour Versions Использование на различных фонах Brand Book KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release | 19 Trademark / Colour Versions 20 | Черно-белый вариант KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release 01 Brand Book Trademark / Colour Versions Черно-белый вариант Brand Book KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release | 21 Trademark / Forbidden Use Недопустимое использование Х Запрещено нарушать пропорции. Х Запрещено поворачивать. Х Запрещено менять местами элементы фирменного блока. Х Запрещено использовать контур для воспроизведения логотипа. Х Запрещено использовать другое написание логотипа. Х Запрещено использовать цвета, не указанные в данном рукводстве. ɆɌȿɄɈȼɈɋȼɂɌɆȺɋ ɋɬɚɧɤɨɫɬɪɨɢɬɟɥɶɧɚɹɤɨɦɩɚɧɢɹ Х Запрещено нарушать охранное поле. Х Запрещено использовать подложки, на которых логотип плохо выражен. 22 | Brand Book KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release 01 Trademark / Colours It is required to observe the prescribed colours for all methods of presentation of the KOVOSVIT MAS Company. The primary colour of the KOVOSVIT MAS Company is red, supplemented with shades of black. Red Pantone: 485 C CMYK: 0, 100, 100, 0 RGB: 255, 0, 0 HTML: #ff0000 Blue Pantone: 2995 C CMYK: 79, 16, 0, 0 RGB: 6, 161, 221 HTML: #06a1dd Silver Pantone: 421 C CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 30 RGB: 189, 189, 189 HTML: #bdbdbd Black Pantone: Process Black CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 100 RGB: 0, 0, 0 HTML: #000000 KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release | 23 Font / Basic The basic font is Metronic Pro Used this font for: All product printed matter, such as brochures, posters and advertisements. Static graphics ad unchanging texts on the website, such as headings and the navigation menu. Metronic Pro Regular – Standard written text aábcčdďeéěfghiíjklmnňoópqrřsštťuúůvxyýzž AÁBCČDĎEÉĚFGHIÍJKLMNŇOÓPQRŘSŠTŤUÚŮVXYÝZŽ 0123456789?!&%@$+-—←↑→©)] Metronic Pro Air – Headings and subheadings aábcčdďeéěfghiíjklmnňoópqrřsštťuúůvxyýzž AÁBCČDĎEÉĚFGHIÍJKLMNŇOÓPQRŘSŠTŤUÚŮVXYÝZŽ 0123456789?!&%@$+-—←↑→©)] Metronic Pro Black – Headings and subheadings aábcčdďeéěfghiíjklmnňoópqrřsštťuúůvxyýzž AÁBCČDĎEÉĚFGHIÍJKLMNŇOÓPQRŘSŠTŤUÚŮVXYÝZŽ 0123456789?!&%@$+-—←↑→©)] 24 | KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release 01 Font / Cyrillic The font for Cyrillic is The Norpeth The Norpeth Book – Standard written text абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя АБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ 0123456789?!&%@$+-—‹›≥©)] The Norpeth DemiBold – Headings and subheadings абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя АБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ 0123456789?!&%@$+-—‹›≥©)] The Norpeth Heavy – Headings and subheadings абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя АБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ 0123456789?!&%@$+-—‹›≥©)] KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release | 25 Font / Additional In situations when the Metronic Pro font is not available, use the Arial font in Regular or Bold. Use the Arial font for: Printed company correspondence, such as letters, notifications and messages. Electronic applications, such as PowerPoint® presentations, e-mail messages and on-line newsletters. Changing texts on the website. 26 | KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release 01 Arial Regular - Standard written text aábcčdďeéěfghiíjklmnňoópqrřsštťuúůvxyýzž AÁBCČDĎEÉĚFGHIÍJKLMNŇOÓPQRŘSŠTŤUÚŮVXYÝZŽ 0123456789?!&%@$+-—»©)] Arial Bold - Headings and subheadings aábcčdďeéěfghiíjklmnňoópqrřsštťuúůvxyýzž AÁBCČDĎEÉĚFGHIÍJKLMNŇOÓPQRŘSŠTŤUÚŮVXYÝZŽ 0123456789?!&%@$+-—»©)] KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release | 27 Graphic Element The main graphic element is a curve coming out of the shapes of the machine windows. Photographs of technologies framed in this shape symbolize a view through a window into the working area of the machine. 28 | KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release 01 Graphic Element KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release | 29 Examples of Printed Matter 30 | KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release 01 Examples of Printed Matter Business cards CNC Machine Tools Станкостроительная компания Martin Volný | Manažer marketingu Борис Филатов | KOVOSVIT MAS, a.s. náměstí Tomáše Bati 419 | 391 02 | Sezimovo Ústí МТЕ КОВОСВИТ МАС 346787, Ростовская обл. | Aзов, ул. Заводская, 1 t: +420 381 632 510 m: +420 725 740 058 e: [email protected] т: +7 (863) 424-26-96 ф: +7 (919) 105-12-99 е: [email protected] Marketing Manager Генеральный директор KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release | 31 Examples of Printed Matter Product booklet cover MULTICUT Line Многооперационные токарно-фрезерные центры 500i / 630 500i / 630 32 | MULTICUT Line Multi-tasking turning milling machining center KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release 01 Examples of Printed Matter Inside pages of the product booklet Improvement of your productivity just gets started... 02 — 03 | MULTICUT Line 500i / 630 KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release | 33 Examples of Printed Matter Inside pages of the product booklet Productivity Driveshaft – Part of shearers drive, mining machines – Body for epicyclic gearing Your manufacturing productivity after multitasking machine integration Practically all types of machining technologies are available on one machine tool. Benefits of MULTICUT machine tool integration: • Substantial shortening of complete machining time Example of maching productivity on part "Driveshaft" Turning center CYCLE TIME: Horizontal center Hobbing machine Vertical center 92 hours • Simplification of material flow • Elimination of waiting times between processes MULTICUT multi-tasking turning milling machining center • Reduction of fixtures number CYCLE TIME: • Reduction of tools number 20,5 hours • Reduction of operators number • Reduction of setup time • High machining accuracy • Easy repeat of machining of any kind with immediate availability of the technology 04 — 05 | MULTICUT Line 500i / 630 34 | KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release 01 4,5 times higher productivity = 3,5 more parts machined with 1/4 manpower needed Examples of Printed Matter Inside pages of the product booklet Travel of axes MULTICUT 500i 630 / 1500 630 / 3000 630 / 4500 Travel in X [mm] 640 780 780 780 630 / 6000 780 Travel in Y [mm] 370 400 400 400 400 Travel in Z [mm] 1 600 1 600 3 100 4 600 6 100 Production possibilities without any compromises... Turning technology + Milling technology MULTIFUNCTIONAL 06 — 07 | MULTICUT Line 500i / 630 KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release | 35 Examples of Printed Matter Product booklet cover ARCHIMÉDOVA ŠROUBOVÁ TURBÍNA Vodní motory 36 | KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release 01 Examples of Printed Matter Inside pages of the product booklet Vorteile von Wasserkraftschnecken. EfektGuter Wirkungsgrad bei niedriger Fallhöhe. Niedrige Herstellungskosten (Bau) von Kleinwasserkraftwerken Einbau mit geringem Zeitaufwand Anlagenwirkungsgrad bis 92% Stabile Konstruktion mit langer Lebensdauer und niedrigen Wartungskosten. Großer Einsatzbereich von 14% bis 120% Durchflussmenge Die Durchflussmenge wird mit der Drehzahländerung der Turbine erreicht. Kein Risiko von Kavitation Gute Fischverträglichkeit. Die Regulierung der Durchflussmenge hält den Wasserstand auf dem richtigen Niveau. Einfacher Umbau von bestehenden Wasserkraftanlagen. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque in posuere turpis. Suspendisse vitae ultricies mauris. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque vitae lectus odio. Nulla non tincidunt neque. Proin scelerisque tempus accumsan. Morbi faucibus vitae nunc ac consequat. Fusce consectetur eros in mi ornare, tristique commodo orci malesuada. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris velit lectus, lacinia vitae ipsum aliquam, sagittis ullamcorper erat. Nulla in dolor arcu. Aenean vel nulla eget diam adipiscing blandit. Maecenas quis iaculis arcu, a consequat libero. Nullam consectetur molestie eros et condimentum. Integer tempus, ligula non laoreet pretium, justo diam sodales nunc, vitae interdum quam lorem eu turpis. Vestibulum massa ante, bibendum sed nulla nec, pretium sollicitudin orci. Pellentesque lorem nisi, molestie vel commodo vel, viverra eu metus. Nam id enim felis. Pellentesque suscipit magna ut blandit convallis. Fusce ornare pulvinar erat, feugiat rutrum lectus aliquam eget. Nullam eu tortor lacinia, faucibus libero vel, laoreet metus. In a lorem at enim viverra blandit. Technische Daten von Wasserkraftschnecken. Durchfluss: von 0,2 bis 18 m3/sec Aussendurchmesser: von 0,8 bis 5,0 m Fallhöhe: von 0,8 bis 10,0 m Anlagenwirkungsgrad: bis 92% Leistung von bis zu 650 kW mit einer Turbine (Mit parallelem Einbau sind mehrere MW möglich.) 1 Unterlagerung 2 Wasserkraftschnecken 3 Oberlagerung 4 Getriebe 5 Generator 6 Trog 7 Schleuse 8 Grobe Rechen O4 — 05 | ARCHIMÉDOVA ŠROUBOVÁ TURBÍNA KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release | 37 Examples of Printed Matter Offer cover | Invitation NABÍDKA frézovací a vrtací centrum MCU 1100-5X MCU 1100VT-5X Zákaznické dny Přijměte pozvání do Světa obráběcích strojů a slévárenských odlitků 23.—24. 4. 2014 Budou prezentovány: — Pětiosé vertikální obráběcí centrum MCU 1100V-5X (Zlatá medaile MSV Brno 2013) — Multifunkční soustružnicko-frézovací centra MULTICUT 630/3000, MULTICUT 500i — Pětiosá vertikální obráběcí centra MCU 700V-5X, MCV 1000 5AX — Vertikální obráběcí centrum MCV 1270 — Soustružnická centra SP 280 SY, SP 430 Y 2/1100 — Univerzální hrotový soustruh MASTURN 550i/800 — Odlitky pro různá průmyslová odvětví ze slévárny KOVOSVIT MAS, a.s. Těšit se můžete na: — Pohodově strávený den ve firmě se 75 letou tradicí ve výrobě a vývoji obráběcích strojů — Ukázky moderních metod obrábění a výkonového produktivního obrábění — Prohlídku zázemí přední strojírenské firmy — Prezentace MAS MACHINE MONITOR – nástroje ke sledování stavů strojů ve vaší výrobě — Prezentace dodavatelů nástrojů a příslušenství ke strojům Zákazník Firma Adresa Kontakt Prodávající Firma Kovosvit mas, a.s. Adresa Nám. T. Bati 419, 391 02 Sezimovo ústí Kontakt Telefon Nabídka ze dne Platnost nabídky do Další informace a potvrzení účasti na WWW.KOVOSVIT.CZ WWW.KOVOSVIT.CZ 38 | KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release 01 Examples of Printed Matter Order | Invoice OBJEDNÁVKA FAKTURA KOVOSVIT MAS, a.s. nám. T. Bati 419 | 391 02 | Sezimovo Ústí Registrace společností KOVOSVIT MAS, a. s. v obchodním rejstříku KOVOSVIT MAS, a.s., náměstí Tomáše Bati 419, 391 02 Sezimovo Ústí - zapsaná v Obchodním rejstříku vedeném Krajským soudem v Českých Budějovicích v oddílu B, vložce 1257. t: +420 381 632 511 f: +420 381 276 372 e: [email protected] w: IČO: 26047284 DIČ: CZ 26047284 KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release | 39 Examples of Printed Matter Folder with a cut-out – flap | version with red or silver cover CNC Machine Tools WWW.KOVOSVIT.CZ 40 | KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release 01 Обрабатываем Ваше будущее WWW.MTEKOVOSVIT.RU Examples of Printed Matter Folder with a cut-out – flap | version with a photograph CNC Machine Tools WWW.KOVOSVIT.CZ KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release | 41 Examples of Printed Matter Advertisement NEW MULTITASKING MACHINE TOOLS Dear Customers, we take the liberty of inviting you to attend our booth, from 16 to 21 September 2013 at EMO Hannover, Germany. Let us acquaint you with our entire machines portfolio, 2013-2014 news and customer services provided. You can find us in Hall 27, booth no. B67 WWW.KOVOSVIT.CZ 42 | KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release 01 Examples of Printed Matter Advertisement НОВЫЕ МНОГОФУНКЦИОНАЛЬНЫЕ ОБРАБАТЫВАЮЩИЕ ЦЕНТРЫ MULTICUT Line 500i / 630 Многофункциональные токарно-фрезерные обрабатывающие центры • • • Макс. диаметр токарной обработки: 1020 / 1030 мм Макс. длина токарной обработки: 1 600, 2 100, 3 100, 4 600, 6 100 мм Мощность двигателя: 59/74 / 41/78 кВт WWW.MTEKOVOSVIT.RU KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release | 43 Examples of Printed Matter Pad | Letterhead Již 44 | let obrábíme Vaši budoucnost | Již let obrábíme Vaši budoucnost | KOVOSVIT MAS, a.s. nám. T. Bati 419 | 391 02 | Sezimovo Ústí KOVOSVIT MAS, a.s. nám. T. Bati 419 | 391 02 | Sezimovo Ústí t: +420 381 632 511 f: +420 381 276 372 e: [email protected] w: t: +420 381 632 511 f: +420 381 276 372 e: [email protected] w: KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release 01 Examples of Printed Matter Pad | Letterhead Станкостроительная компания | Станкостроительная компания | МТЕ КОВОСВИТ МАС 346780, Ростовская область | Азов, ул. Заводская, 1 МТЕ КОВОСВИТ МАС 346780, Ростовская область | Азов, ул. Заводская, 1 т: +7 (863) 424 26 96 ф: [email protected] w: т: +7 (863) 424 26 96 ф: [email protected] w: KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release | 45 Examples of Printed Matter CD / DVD MAS Machine Monitor Application WWW.KOVOSVIT.CZ 46 | KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release 01 Examples of Printed Matter Bags CNC Machine Tools KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release | 47 Examples of Printed Matter Billboard CNC Machine Tools 48 | KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release 01 Examples of Printed Matter KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release | 49 PowerPoint Z HISTORIE FIRMY KOVOSVIT MAS váš partner na cestě k úspěchu 04 1939 → Firma Baťa — nový strojírenský závod na výrobu obráběcích strojů – „MAS“ 1949 → Vznik národního podniku KOVOSVIT 1972 → Sériová výroba strojů s NC řízením 1991 → Založení akciové společnosti KOVOSVIT, a.s. PREZENTACE LOREM IPSUM DOLOR 2002 → Holdingové uspořádání KOVOSVIT MAS, a.s. — součást skupiny KKCG 2010 → KOVOSVIT MAS, a.s. — součást BONATRANS GROUP HOLDING LIMITED 2011 → Změna jediného akcionáře na FPK Group Limited 2012 → Založení společného podniku MTE KOVOSVIT MAS v Azově, Ruská federace Opening of the assembly hall of the MTE KOVOSVIT MAS → 29. 11. 2013 50 | Opening of the assembly hall of the MTE KOVOSVIT MAS → 29. 11. 2013 03 KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release 01 02 PowerPoint Opening of the assembly hall of the MTE KOVOSVIT MAS → 29. 11. 2013 Opening of the assembly hall of the MTE KOVOSVIT MAS → 29. 11. 2013 03 02 KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release | 51 E–mail Signature 52 | KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release 01 E–mail Banner KOVOSVIT MAS – Corporate Identity 2014_release | 53 |
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