OPTimized system integration for safe Interaction in Vehicles Volvo Car Corporation Patrik Palo Manager - Vehicle HMI Attributes & Concept Göteborg 2010-10-21 [email protected] VCC’s utmaningar => OPTIVe Förebygga och undvika incident/kollision Driver workload and distraction studies have led to a greater awareness for safety in HMI designs. Background for OPTIVe • The introduction of new warning and information systems in vehicles places high demands on the interaction between the driver and the vehicle. • An HMI that exceeds customer expectations, that is transparent to the user, and that fully supports the users in accomplishing their goals provides a foundation for minimizing driver workload. • Not only is the packaging of HMI devices essential to improve safety while interacting with a car. Also regulating the flow of information to a level that will not interfere with the primary task, driving the car, is crucial for product development. • The purpose of this project is to develop methods and technical concepts that supports integration of HMI systems in vehicles. Background - OPTIVe OPTIVe, AIDE etc (2004) Since then – IVIS & primarily ADASfunctions have increased dramatically System trends 1968 1978 1988 1998 2008 Radio Sat radio MD/MP3 CD changer Trip computer Phone Navigation TV Video/DVD Internet ACC FCW IVIS = In Vehicle Information Systems Blind spot ADAS = Advanced Driver Assistance Systems Lane change aid Lane keeping aid ... Radio Radio Tape Radio Tape CD Radio Tape CD changer Trip computer Phone Navigation TV 1978 1968 1988 1998 2008 Radio Radio Radio Radio Radio Controls Tape Tape Tape SAT Radio Controls CD CD changer CD changer Monocrome displays Controls TV MP3 CD/DVD Monocrome displays TA Video CD/DVD Navigation Com: USB CC Com: Bluetooth Trip computer Com: AUX Phone Ext: Ipod, PDA etc Controls Internet Color displays TV Rear Seat Entertainment TA Navigation Car to Car Mobile Office (Mail mm) Wlan etc. Trip computer Config DIM Integrated Phone Controls Multifunction controls Haptic Controls Voice control Touch Screen Kategorier: Touch Pad Entertainment ACC IVIS Rear view cam/Park. Ass. Driver info Speed Limit Phone Colour displays Controling HUD Convenience ADAS Co-driver Displays FWC Integration CMbB ADAS Night vision + andra ADAS!!! More traffic safety-related information IVIS ADAS Purpose & Objectives Purpose • To investigate, evaluate and demonstrate methods and technical solutions for safe, efficient, and cost effective integration of HMI systems in cars. Objectives • Increased safety due to reduction of driver mental and visual distraction • Increased effectiveness of complex driver dialogues, within safety, infotainment and telematic systems • Intuitive human-machine-interface despite continuing functional growth. Consolidated number of driver controls. • Prioritized and scheduled driver information to encourage "hands on the wheel and eyes/mind on the road". Trend – Driver Information 1927 1970 1980 1990 2000 2006 Speed RPM Oil Telltales Speed RPM Telltales Fuel/Temp Odo/Trip Trip computer Speed RPM Telltales Fuel/Temp Odo/Trip Tripcomputer Outside temp Ice warning Servicereminder Clock Speed RPM Telltales Fuel/Temp Odo/Trip Tripcomputer Outside temp Ice warning Servicereminder Txt messages Park Heater Gear Shift ind Clock Phone menu Speed Speed RPM RPM Telltales Telltales Fuel Fuel/Temp Odo/Trip Odo/Trip Tripcomputer Tripcomputer Outside temp Outside temp Ice warning Ice warning Serviceremind Servicereminder er Txt messages Txt messages Park Heater Park Heater Gear Shift ind Gear Shift ind Icons Icons Hybrid status Clock Green Driving Ai ACC/Cruise Phone menu FCW/DA Media info LDW/Alert Navigation info ACC/Cruise FCW/DA LKA/Alert Driver monitor Traffic sign recog Curve overspeed AVM Cameras Front/side Speed RPM Oil Telltales Fuel/Temp Odo/Trip Vehicle information Infotainment/convenience info Active Safety/support info 2010-13 cameras Automatic Park Nightvision Examples on OPTIVe deliverables • Transport policy objectives – A multimodal IVIS concept with integrated active safety settings. – More functions and features can be handled and it can handle functional growth. – Speech and haptic feedback will make it easier to do car- and personal settings while driving. – A new driver information module will in the near future make it easier to understand and handle active safety systems and it will take care of the functional growth – A new Green driving concept is developed. Research shows that green driving support also have effect on traffic safety due to more planned and calmer driving. – New logic and added system functions for the Advanced Interaction Manager – AIM raises new possibilities to integrate e.g. nomadic devices and use map data and that will have effect on road safety. – HMI solutions and requirements have affected the electrical architecture and a significant work has been done to design and integrate systems and functions for today needs and to meet the future. Examples on OPTIVe deliverables • Economic policy objectives – Increased collaboration with companies and supplier in the region but also national and international • VCC Commercial objectives – New strategically decisions has been taken to make the car safer, more attractive and enjoyable – Product realizations with HMI products and solutions will be made in future car models with contributions from the entire chain; Core research - Applied research Development Suppliers - Advanced Engineering - Product Development “ – 3 PhD and one in progress – 2 licentiates and in progress to PhD – More than 50 publication has been done on a high academic level – Approximately 50 Master Thesis and student work has been carried thru EESE 94720 HW/SW 94750 Vehicle HMI AE/BB Design Product Planning Academy LTU, Chalmers, IT-Univ SAFER Suppliers Technology Development of HMI processes, methods & tools within Automotive ADAS Efter OPTIVe….. DRIVI USI METOHMI EFESOS Modalities, Methods & Tools IVIS OPTIVE Acceptance, Performance & Design Guidelines HMI Acceptance -Culture -Market HMI Performance -Primary -Secondary task HMI Modalities -Audio -Visual -Tactile -Haptic -Cognitive Test Environments -FOT -Usability Lab -Mozart -Second Road -VIP OPTIVe => EFESOS nästa steg…. EFESOS Environment Friendly Efficient Enjoyable and Safety Optimized System EFESOS består av tre delprojekt: • DRIVI (Driver Information and Interaction, primary tasks dvs körningsrelaterat) • USI (User Information and Interaction, allt EFESOS Development HMI) Projektpartners: Volvo Personvagnar, Semcon AB, HiQ, Viktoria Institute, VTI, LTU, LiU, CTH • Säkerhet, miljö, effektivitet osv. skall samsas och integreras inom samma displayer och reglage. • Samma metoder och verktyg används. • Därför måste dessa tre projekt samordnas för att balansera systemlösningar i bil. USI Behavior WP 1: Flexible and Adaptive Driver Information WP1: Efficient Multi-Modal Interaction (LTU, Semcon) Interface WP 2: Information and warning modalities WP2: Safe and Green Services for In-vehicle internet (VCC, Semcon) Modalities WP 3 Change behaviour by in-car information Safety övrigt i och utanför fordon) • METOHMI (Methods & Tools DRIVI Usecase Market/ User experience Concept Car METOHMI WP 4 Change behaviour by off-car information (2 years) Postponed WP 5: Enjoyment, Satisfaction and safety WP 6: Concept car (resp. VCC) WP 7: VCC Work package WP3: Open Design Infrastructures (Viktoria Institute, HiQ) WP4: Sound and vibration design for information and entertainment (LTU / LiU / CTH / Semcon) WP5: VCC Advanced Engineering and Research WP 6: Concept car (resp. VCC) WP1: HMI process and requirements (VCC, LiU, Chalmers) WP3: Test environments (VTI, Chalmers, VCC, Semcon) WP2: Evaluation methodology (VTI, Semcon, VCC, CTH) WP4: User Involvement (Viktoria Institute) WP5: Methodology for audio design of information, warning and feedback (LTU, LiU, Chalmers, Semcon) WP6: VCC Advanced Engineering and Research EFESOS Facts & Figures Overview of the Complexity Total number of Main Project: 1 EFESOS USI ... WP 1 Task 1 ... Deliverable 1 Deliverable 2 . . . Deliverable m DRIVI WP 6 Task N Deliverable 1 Deliverable 2 . . . Deliverable n WP 1 ... METHOHMI WP 7 WP 1 ... WP 6 Sub-projects: 3 WPs: 19 Tasks: 74 Deliverables: >130 EFESOS Project Purpose EFESOS aim to study, investigate, evaluate and demonstrate methods and technical solutions for: • Environmental Friendly Efficient Enjoyable and Safety Optimized Systems, (from a driver and user perspective) • HMI Methods & Tools, and • Customer needs and want’s EFESOS is also an “umbrella” project that: • gather different HMI related projects at VCC, and at strategical partners, institutes and universities • get the most exchange and results of core and applied research EFESOS Project objectives are to: • Improve, optimize and support development and implementation of HMI in vehicle in the area’s of: – • Interface and Modalities, Behaviour, Safety, Green, Connected Contribute and augment the skills, knowledge and competence for the involved partners, universities and institutes so the region can compete on the global arena. Other motivators are to: • Create scenario, use cases and take care of different market needs, (e.g China, US and Europe) • Build simulation models, concepts for evaluations in e.g. usability lab and real driving • Create cross collaboration for applied research regarding HMI and other domains • Utilize results in product development within early advanced engineering projects
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