St Francis’ Catholic Primary School Maryland Park Stratford London E15 1HB Tel: 020 8534 0476 Fax: 020 8555 3068 Email: [email protected] 10th November 2014 Dear Parent/ Carer, Mental Maths Workshop We have had a large response of interest to our mental maths workshops for years 1-6. As a result we will need to break the morning sessions up into two days. If you have signed up for the evening sessions they have not changed and will continue as we planned on Thursday, 13th November at 5:30. The two morning sessions will be as follows: Thursday, 13th November at 9:15- Years 1 and 2 parents Wednesday, 19th November at 9:15 – Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 parents HMI Visit You should have received a letter on Friday about our most recent HMI visit on the 22nd and 23rd October, this letter confirms the school has made enough improvements that it no longer requires special measures. Parent’s conference meetings year 1 -6 Letters went home last week regarding the parent’s conference meetings for years 1-6 on Wednesday 19th November and Thursday 20th November. Please ensure you make an appointment to see your child’s class teacher; we would like each child to be represented. Anti-Bullying Week Next week is national Anti-Bullying week. We will mark the week by looking at some fictional stories in our English lessons about bullying and its impact. The children will also have special assemblies throughout the week that focus on bullying. The theme this year is Friendship. On Friday, 14th November we will have a non-uniform day where we will ask the children to donate £1 and wear yellow; this will be a fundraising event for Kidscape who will be working with later this year to look more closely at bullying and its impact. Black History Celebration Thank you to all the parents who attend the Black History presentations last week. It was a great opportunity for the children to share what they are learning in class and to practise their public speaking. Prepared for School In order to support the effective running of the school day and to continue to develop the children’s independence we are no longer able to accept items for children after the school day has started. This means the children must come to school in the morning with all the items they need for the day such as PE kits, instruments, glasses, water bottles, etc. We will no longer accept any items brought to school by parent/carers after the start of the school day as we find that this disrupts learning. Headteacher: Ms Natasha Scott Class assembly There will be a class assembly for 5K on Friday, 14th November at 9:15; parents with children in this class are warmly welcome. Coffee Morning Our next coffee morning will be on Friday, 21st November 2014 at 9:15; the school nurse will attend to discuss healthy lifestyles. School uniforms The children have started the school year looking beautifully in their school uniforms. I am always extremely proud to see them around the school looking so smart and particularly their sea of blue in assembly. However, it is important that all children are wearing full school uniforms this includes school shoes not trainers and girls wearing hair accessories in only navy blue, black and white. Supervision before school The school’s gates open at 8:40 am; two members of staff are on the playground from 8:45 am to supervise the children. Birthday celebrations Please remember that for birthday celebrations the children can share a healthy snack with their classmates however we will not be able to hand out sweets and cakes. We do from time to time also give the children a small treat to celebrate special events in the school however we will only ever do this in moderation. Bikes/scooters Please ensure that your children get off from their bikes/scooters before entering the playground; children riding around on a busy and full playground pose a health and safety risk. Snacks at break time The children are allowed to bring a snack at break time however please ensure that this is a healthy snack such as fruit or cereal bar; crisp, sweets and chocolate are not permitted. Carers We realize from time to time parents may need to leave the country for emergency situations or planned visits abroad. If this is the case can you please let us know that this is happening and who will be caring for your child during this time so we can update the emergency contact information. This is particularly important if someone other than a parent will be caring for your child. N. Scott Head Teacher Headteacher: Ms Natasha Scott
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