MEDIAPACK 2014 - Vårt nya förlag

m aga si net
för den stilmedvetna kvinnan
Mediapack 2014
welcome to a new year
with magasinet Kvinna!
In the Magazine WOMAN you will always find several inspiring women
who will share their stories and their favourite ideas and recommendations
to the readers. Women who have dared, invested, and succeeded. The
magazine WOMAN is also a wonderful mix of beauty, fashion and lifestyle.
We provide a quality written journal, filled with interesting articles, stories
and exciting photo-shoots. We will bring you the latest news and trends
from the make-up and fashion world, as well as fascinating details about
the leading fashion houses and its strong profiles.
We also provide a wide range and mixture of luxury jewellery and
watches. We test the best beauty treatments and bring our readers to the
greatest destinations in the world, destinations that often includes visits
to some fantastic SPA facilities. We also flavour the Magazine’s content
with culture, cars and high-quality drinking suggestions. We offer a
comprehensive magazine for the confident woman, as well as for you who
wishes to reach her in your communication.
We welcome you to Magasinet KVINNA.
mediapack 2014
Exciting female profiles within business, culture, fashion and beauty, in the midst of their
careers, talks about how they managed to get there. They share their experience and
inspiration, offering a personal reading, where they reveal how they dared and how they
succeeded. The modern woman of today has opportunities and choices that affect and
inspire. The Magazine WOMAN meets the most modern women right now.
We alternate fashion jobs which inspire to new purchases with the latest news from
the catwalk. The Magazine WOMAN stays informed and updated about the latest
trends as well as it makes sure that a level of style will be sustained when it comes
to the fashion that the magazine displays. The Magazine presents well-known
brands in a safe mix of news and with the latest rising stars in fashion heaven.
Strong accessorises accompany and puts their personal touch to the fashion pages.
WATCHES & Jewellery
Nothing is so inspiring and puts such a personal mark on a woman’s style as the
jewellery that she wears. In each number of Magazine WOMAN we overindulge
in images of sweet jewels and accessories like watches, necklaces and rings. We
follow the trends but also show strong classics with stylish forms. During the year
we alternate with special themes where we let the watches stay in the centre focus
and for the big holidays we show what would be suitable to wrap in a package and
give away for a special occasion. Naturally, we will also look at what the catwalk
signals and choose objects and details according to the most current trends.
BEAUTY & scents
Taking care of oneself is a growing trend right now. Therefore, we recommend to our
readers new products, application techniques and treatments that will make a different.
We met hairdressers, make-up artists and spa-therapists and ask them to share
their advices to facilitate the reader in her every day beauty routine. The Magazine
WOMAN tests products and keeps updated with the latest trends in make-up, colours
and news within the beauty department. In inspiring photo-shoots we create imaginative environments and product images that bring out a desire to nurture and create.
Today, skin and hair is a strong personality and an important part of a woman’s identity.
The material you send us should be in form of
pdf files with high resolution and adjusted to
our specifications. All advertisements should
be sent with layout cuts. If you are not sure regarding the adjustments or how you set up a
pdf, do not hesitate to contact Vårt Nya Förlag
to get the information needed. We are also
willing to send you ICC profiles and joboptions.
Please name the file with advertiser, the name
of the magazine and the number of the issue
(for example company_hus_01.pdf). Please always
equip the file with Stuffit or Zip before sending it.
Please make use of our ftp server when you send
material to us. Please use an ftp client (for example
Transmit or Fetch for Mac; CuteFTP for PC) or log in
via our homepage. If you want to send your material
via email, please observe that enclosed files should
not be bigger than 10 MB. Equip the file with Stuffit or
Zip, which both compress and protect the file.
User ID: bad
Password: annons
Enclose the advertisement
material to a mail to:
[email protected]
Vårt Nya Förlag AB
Att: Magasinet KVINNA/
Strandbergsgatan 57
Box 300 60 / 104 25 Stockholm
60 000sek
85 000sek
ENCLOSURE offered separately
85 000sek
80 000sek
70 000sek
1/2-page 29 500sek 1/4-page 17 500sek
9 500sek
Type area – 188x246 (with bleed 220x285 +3mm)
print technology – offset
maximum grid density – 150lpi
binding – adhesive binding
4 colour scale – Europe scale
material – digital
inner paper – 90 g MWC
cover paper – 250 g Galleri Art (WFC)
ICC profiles – ISO coated
Complaints regarding advertisements you
sent us have to be made within 7 days after
publication day, complaints regarding
invoices within 14 days from invoice date. We
do not assume any liability for errors caused
by inadequate material. There is no reclamation right when we receive advertisement
material too late.
Vårt Nya Förlag
Vårt Nya Förlag is a young and modern magazine publishing company whose administration
and staff members have much experience in
newspaper production and collaboration. The
company´s headquarter is located in Kungsholmen in Stockholm. Our main focus is to
establish modern magazines with unique and
exciting combinations regarding the editorial
content. It is very important for us to offer quality
for both the reader and the advertiser, so we
offer high-quality paper and printing methods
without forgetting environmental aspects. This is
something becoming more and more important
for all companies thinking about the future. All
our magazines fulfill the requirements for the
swan indication (svanenmärkning).
Vårt Nya Förlag publishes the following titles
Magasinet KVINNA, Vårt Nya Hus, Vårt Nya Kök, Vårt Nya Hem and Vårt Nya Kontor.
Spread with bleed* 440x285 mm
Spread type area 408x246 mm
full page with bleed* 220x285 mm
full page type area 188x246 mm
back page with bleed* 220x145 mm
back page type area 174x120 mm
Vårt nya förlag AB
Strandbergsgatan 57, 112 51 Stockholm, Box 30060, 104 25 Stockholm.
Tel: +46 8 517 88 000 email: [email protected]
half page horizontal with bleed* 220x260 mm
half page horizontal type area 185x245 mm
* BLEED 3 mm
half page vertical with bleed* 108x285 mm
half page vertical type area 87x246 mm
quarter page type area 87x120 mm
eighth page type area 87x57 mm
Vårt Nya Förlag AB
Shahin Mirahmadi
Bita Vesali tel: +46 (0)8 517 88 000
email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]
tel: +46 70-928 37 08
tel: +46 73-626 78 76
theme plan 2014
In store: 4 march
Matetrial deadline: 4 february
Theme: Springfashion
Scents • beauty
Theme: Watches & jewellery
Interior • carspecial
Theme: The Luxury Issue
Art • business
Theme: Autumn Fashion issue
Beauty • training • shoes
Theme: Accessories special
Watches • Jewellery • bags
Theme: Trendspecial
Art • career • festive fashion
In store: 30 april
Matetrial deadline: 1 april
In store: 24 June
Matetrial deadline: 20 maY
In store: 28 August
Matetrial deadline: 1 August
In store: 28 October
Matetrial deadline: 30 September
In store: 11 December
Matetrial deadline: 4 November
Vårt nya förlag AB
Strandbergsgatan 57, 112 51 Stockholm, Box 30060, 104 25 Stockholm.
Tel: +46 8 517 88 000 Email: [email protected]