L‘Écho du Collège September 2012 The student-run, student-written ISB Middle School Newspaper Editorial Os Gemeos Have you been downtown recently and seen a building turned into a character from a cartoon and wondered where it came from? Well right now you can go to the ICA and find out all about it ,as my family and I did. The large mural was painted by two Brazilian twins that were inspired by graffiti and hip-hop when it hit New York. They brought their own style of graffiti to Brazil, changing the style from throw ( a type of graffiti bubble letters that we see a lot around the city), pieces (bubble letters with plenty of colors inside them), and tag (just regular graffiti writing) to embellishing walls with beautiful graffitis and lots of colorful murals. Spray paint was too expensive for the Pandolfo family, so the twins quickly started using makeshift items and fulfilled their dreams of graffiti. (continued on page 9) In this issue: Wii U La Wii U est une console de jeu vidéo de salon qui sera commercialisée par Nintendo, succédant à la Wii, pour une sortie prévue pour fin 2012. Elle est décrite comme appartenant à la huitième Volume 11, Issue 1 génération de consoles. La Wii U est la première console de salon à proposer une manette avec un écran tactile intégré. 1 In the News 2 Tech & Science 4 Culture 9 Sports 11 School 12 Fun 13 (cotinued on page 7) Bonjour tout le monde! Nous sommes très contents de présenter la deuxième édition de L’Echo du College. Nous, Markos et Lennart, sont les nouveaux éditeurs du journal. Ce journal, commencé par Caroline Rice l’année dernière, est devenu une excellente tradition du collège. Tout le monde peut écrire sur ce qu‘ ils veulent. Nous aimerions avoir plus de journalistes pour le prochain numéro, qui sera publié minovembre, mais nous sommes EXTRÊMEMENT contents du travail que les journalistes de ce numéro ont fait. FÉLICITATIONS! Nous espérons que vous apprécierez cette édition et bonne année scolaire à tous! Markos et Lennart, Éditeurs en chef In the News Assault on U.S. Embassy Flood in Florida It happened on the 11th 9/11 anniversary: U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, who was visiting the American Embassy in Benghazi, at that time, was killed in an assault on the above. It had started that same morning: The protests of radical groups in Egypt and Libya, due to a YouTube video named Innocence of Muslims which many Muslims declared as an irreverent behavior towards them. A group of Muslims threw grenades and shot firearms at the Embassy, killing Stevens and 4 of his colleagues in the process. At the same time, in Cairo, an American flag was torn to the ground. Astonishment and horror came over the country, as an attack on a Country's embassy, immediately declares war on it. Then, though, it became clear, that the attack might as well have been a planned terrorist attack, and the thoughts against the Libyan people, quickly dissolved, as it became clear that they were trying to protect, and after his fall, to heal the Ambassador. On August 21, a tropical storm was forming near the Gulf of Mexico. On August 28, Hurricane Isaac struck Florida and the Caribbean. The hurricane started in Cuba. It continued to Haiti, where it did damage by flooding 300 homes, killing 29 people, and leaving 13,500 living in emergency shelters. Because of the storm, Haitian President Michel Martelly cancelled his trip to Japan. Unfortunately, the storm affected the area where the January 2010 earthquake happened which makes it more difficult to repair the damage. Soon enough Isaac arrived in Florida, where most of the damage was caused. There was approximately 7 inches of rain. Two men died from driving through the storm and crashed into a wall near Interstate 95 and Street Road 78. It moved along Tampa, Florida and was a threat to the 2012 RNC, (Republican National Convention) which was held to nominate Mitt Romney for the future president. (continued on page 3 ) (continued on page 3 ) Limite de vitesse en Texas : Un récord Tout est plus grand au Texas, même sa limite de vitesse. Le “Texas Transportation Commission” a approuvé la limite de 135 km/ h (85 mph) sur une autoroute qui va ouvrir en Novembre, battant le record national de 130 km/h (80 mph) . Même si l’autoroute est en pleine campagne du Texas, les gens sont inquiets car cela peut être dangereux. Même la limite est 135 km/h, les conducteurs iront quelques km plus vite sans que la police les arrêtent, ce qui signifie qu’ils pourront aller à plus de 155 km/h (à peu près 95 mph) sans se faire arrêter. (continued on page 3) 2 Flood in Florida Limite de vitesse en Texas : Un récord (continued from page 2) (continued from page 2) On September 6th, meteorologists said that there was a 40% chance that what Hurricane Isaac would produce would be a tropical storm traveling 75 mph and causing rain near the Mississippi River. Hurricane Nadine will be the 6th hurricane of the season. All people can do is prepare to protect themselves from anything else that’s coming. "Si vous considérez une limite de vitesse à 85 mph, nous pourrons peut-être voir des pilotes qui vont de 95 à 100 miles par heure," dit Sandra Helin, présidente du Southwestern Insurance Information Service. Un rapport de l’ “American Journal of Public Health” What to do during a hurricane Some people might experience a hurricane. In case you do, here’s what you need to have: Water for each family member Canned food and snacks to last for 3 days, if not more A can opener (one that doesn’t use electricity) Clothes for each family démontre qu’il y a eu une augmentation de 9.1 % d’accident sur les autoroutes rurales qui augmentent leur limite de vitesse. Tout le monde espère que cela ne sera pas le cas pour l’autoroute la plus rapide des Etats-Unis. Par Markos Alemu member First Aid kit Blankets Books and games to keep you busy (optional) Medicine you have to take Flashlights/lanterns/candles Extra batteries Battery powered radio A generator isn’t necessary but it would be convenient to have. Now you’re ready for a hurricane!!! By Jihane Jean Assault on US Embassy (continued from page 2) Though the attacks stopped, protest continued throughout countries like Libya, Egypt, and Yemen, making it hard for people to leave embassies. Some people now think that this all was a great tactical strike by terrorists, others think that terrorists were involved, but had nothing to do with the video, which was posted on YouTube the day before. Definite answers still remain unclear. All we can do is be horrified by what is going on in some places of the world. By Lennart Nielsen 3 La mort d‘ Armstrong En mai 1961 le président américain John F. Kennedy prononce un discours sur la conquête spatiale. Il annonce le but des Etats Unis : Faire atterrir un homme sur la lune et le ramener sain et sauf sur la terre avant la fin des années 1960. En 1969, Armstrong, décolle du Cap Canaveral, en Floride, pour aller sur la lune. Il devenait le premier de douze homme, jusqu’à aujourd’hui, sur lune. (Le dernier était Eugene Cernan en1972) Quand Armstrong posa son pied sur la lune il prononça cette phrase : « C’est un petit pas pour l’homme est un grand pas pour l’humanité. » Maintenant, Armstrong est mort cette année, le dimanche 26 aout et le 14 septembre ses cendres furent dispersées dans l’océan. Au revoir! Par Zoe Salette Technology & Science Apple sues Samsung Le dernier voyage de Endeavour Over the summer many things have happened but for techies it was huge when Apple sued Samsung for over 1 billion dollars. The two electronic giants battled in court for copyright infringement over smartphones and tablets. Samsung stated that Apple is just trying to eliminate the competition by using the courts, like it did in Europe. La navette spatiale "Endeavour" a pris sa retraite en 2011, après sa 25ème mission en orbite autour de la Terre. En cette fin de semaine, elle va enfin se rendre à sa destination finale: Los Angeles. Mais ”Endeavour” ne va pas voler par elle-même. Elle sera transportée par un avion de la classe 747-400. L’avion va aller d’Orlando jusqu’à L.A., et pendant le voyage, va survoler plusieurs monuments culturels, comme le Disneyland à Orlando, et quelques sites de la NASA, tout autour des États. Après un vol de 1 à 2 jours autour des États-Unis, “Endeavour” va être transportée par un grand camion jusqu’au “Edwards Air Force Base”. Pour cela, Los Angeles devait couper 400 arbres pour pouvoir créer un chemin assez grand en raison de la grandeur immense de “Endeavour”. Avec une envergure d’ environ 22-25 mètres, C’est très difficile de la transporter dans une ville. Et maintenant, tous ensemble: “Au revoir, Endeavour!“ By Lennart Nielsen (continued on page 6) Apple Secrecy Everyone is excited. School just started but part of the hype is finally over about the iPhone 5, the long awaited Ipod Touch and the Nano. But the iPhone which most people were expecting on September 12 was a letdown. Apple said it would use less secrecy regarding its products but has it gone overboard? Apple fans, me for one, get excited about when iPhones are coming out, and I do my research. But more than a month before the iPhone was released I knew the release date and how it works.The iPhone wasn’t so secret. (continued on page 8) 4 iPhone 5 vs. iPhone 4s On September 12, 2012, Apple announced a multitude of things but the most awaited product was the iPhone 5. Apple states that the iPhone 5 is “the biggest thing to happen to iPhone since iPhone” but here we are going to see how much of a change there is. This is the first time Apple has changed so much in its products. So here’s the side-by-side analysis with explanations: iPhone 5 Size Processor (How fast the phone is to make the pixels react) Display iPhone 4S Height: 4.87 inches (123.8 mm) Width: 2.31 inches (58.6 mm) Thickness: 0.30 inch (7.6 mm) Weight: 3.95 ounces (112 grams) Height: 4.5 inches (115.2mm) Width: 2.31 inches (58.6mm) Thickness: 0.37 inch (9.3 mm) Weight: 4.9 ounces (140 grams) A6 processor (More advanced AND FASTER) A5 processor Not as fast 4-inch. 1136-by-640 resolution 3.5-inch . 960-by-640 resolution (Both IPhones have retina display of Network Bluetooth Camera: they are both identical in resolution Battery Life Compatible with 4G LTE, 3G, 3G +. Also uses Nano sim cards Yes Only 3G and edge Only uses micro sim card Yes This can take panorama (landscape shots) and makes them look less grainy This is just like the 5 but it is not set up with software that enhances picture and videos Talk time: Up to 8 hours on 3G Browsing time: Up to 8 hours on LTE Up to 8 hours on 3G Up to 10 hours on Wi-Fi Standby time: Up to 225 hours Talk time: Up to 8 hours on 3G Browsing time: Up to 6 hours on 3G Up To 9 hours on Wi-Fi Standby time: Up to 200 hours (continued on page 6) 5 iPhone 5 vs iPhone 4S (continued from page 5) The iPhone five will be available for Verizon, At&t, Sprint, and some regional carriers; also you can unlock your iPhone and go to T-Mobile which is now compatible with the IPhone. Siri now is able to do more things and understands you better. Another radical change is that the charger is different . The iPhone, IPod touch, and Nano now all use this new smaller charger called “lightning” and also new more comfortable headphones called “earbuds”. The iPhone 5 is more of a change than the 4s, with a bigger display, a better Siri and camera, but the main problem is the new adapter. If you have a bunch of accessories, stay with what you have. If you have the 4 and are looking to upgrade, just go for the 4s. If you do not watch movies ,need slightly better pictures or need to have the newest thing don’t get the 5. Wait till your stuff stops working. The iPhone five is currently available for preorder, or you can go to stores on September 21. IOS 6 six is downloadable on September 19. By Olivier Brunache Apple sues Samsung (continued from page 4) You’d think Apple would be satisfied. Nope! Apple filed another lawsuit. But, is Apple overdoing it? This is not just the elimination of products; Samsung is one of the two companies that manufacture Apple’s screens. What if Samsung decided it won’t produce Apple’s screens? At the rate everything is selling there will be a huge shortage of everything from iPods to iMacs. Apple could lose lots of business and ultimately lose more money than if Samsung kept all its products. Sharp, Apple’s other manufacturer ,can’t make enough screens for all of Apple’s customers. So why does Apple continue? Especially in these next few months where Apple usually sells a lot of its product because of the always-huge product releases. So Apple, be smart and stop suing Samsung! By Olivier Brunache 6 Wii U (continued from page 1) La manette permet notamment au joueur de continuer sa partie en affichant le jeu même lorsque la télévision n'est pas disponible. En mode multijoueur, il s’associe aux Wiimotes pour développer des nouvelles perspectives de jeu. Enfin, la Wii U propose une connexion au réseau social Miiverse, ouvert aux PC, smartphone et donc Internet. Nintendoland Inclus avec la Wii U, ce jeu te permet d’apprendre à maîtriser les nouvelles ressources de la console ! Avec douze minijeux, pour la plupart collectifs, tu vas t’éclater dans Takamaru’s Ninja Castle, Zelda : Battle Ouest, Luigi’s Ghost Mansion, Animal Crossing : Sweet Day ou Donkey kong et son kart infernal ! Rayman Legend Aspiré dans un tableau représentant une scène médiévale, Rayman, Globox et les Ptizêtres se retrouvent au temps des chevaliers, des monstres et des bouffons. Encore plus fort que Rayman Origins, voici le jeu parfait pour faire chauffer toutes les fonctions en ligne et la nouvelle expérience de « social gaming » de la Wii U ! New Super Mario Bros. U Il va y avoir de la bagarre pour contrôler la Gamepad, puisque tu peux jouer à cinq en même temps et que tout l’intérêt de ce jeu de plates-formes sera suractivé par son gameplay giroscopique inédit ! Tu évolues dans les décors connus, pleins de nuages, de pièces et de pièges… Avec le mode Boost, tu feras même un speed run le plus vite possible !!! Par Pierre Baron 7 Apple Secrecy (continued from page 4) There were many videos showing that the body of the iPhone Apple was way less protective of its property. I watched a website to find new proof of the larger display of the back of the phone Apple was careless with its property. It’s true we all like to see the iPhone but showing it off a month early really lowered the hype. The one thing we were missing is the chance to buy it. Some companies were selling a modification pack to iphone 4- 4s users so their phone looked like the the real thing and it did. The real surprises were the new Ipods, but looking at these websites I bet the Ipad mini is coming in October. The lack of secrecy makes it a huge let down. By Olivier Brunache Pourquoi les feuilles changent-t-elles couleurs? L’automne est une saison très belle, l’air se refroidit, les feuilles prennent de belles couleurs, mais comment cela arrive-t-il qu’une feuille verte devienne rouge, orange, jaune et marron? Les feuilles sont vertes grâce au pigment nommé “la chlorophylle”. En été, l’arbre contient beaucoup de ce pigment qui rend les feuilles vertes à cause de l’abondance de soleil. Mais en automne, quand les journées se rétrécissent et que l’air devient plus froid (ce qui arrête la circulation d’eau vers les feuilles), la chlorophylle se fait plus rare et se fait remplacer par la carotène, un pigment plutôt orange et jaune que l’on trouve dans les carottes, le maïs et d’autres plantes. Quand les feuilles deviennent rouges, c’est un autre pigment nommé l’antocyane, qui se trouve dans les cerises et les pommes. Ce sont ces deux pigments qui donnent les belles couleurs d’automne qu’on aime tous voir. Les sapins et les pins, en revanche, ne perdent pas leurs feuilles. Si on touche les feuilles d’un sapin, elles ont une texture très différente, qui n’est pas douce. C’est ainsi car ces genres d’arbres ont une couche de cire qui les protège du froid et qui utilise le soleil d’hiver pour se nourrir. Ainsi, leurs feuilles ne tombent pas et ne changent pas de couleur. Par Markos Alemu 8 Culture Os Gemeos Dancing with Renoir (continued from page 1) From May 9, 2012 to September 3, 2012 (yes, the event is already over, sorry) three paintings were reunited at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston for the first time since the painter Renoir painted them in 1883. One of the paintings was from the Museum of Fine Arts and the two other ones were from the Musée d’Orsay in Paris. All the paintings had a common point. They were human sized paintings and they were all representing dancing couples. The first one’s name is “Dance in the City”, the second one’s name is “Dance in the Country”, and the third one's name is “Dance at Bougival”.These three paintings were inspired by Renoir’s love of social life, music, and dancing. Here is a quote from the New York Times about the three paintings: “[...] a superbly stylish trilogy of fulllength paintings.” If you haven’t seen this amazing trio together I have a picture for you from the time I went there... In 1993, a surprising event that changed the two twins’ life happened. An artist from San Francisco called Berry McGee contacted Gustavo and Octavio because he was going to Brazil on a fellowship. He met the two boys and they were stunned because he was the first person they had met who made a living from his art. After this stunning discovery that a person could live on only his art, the Gemeos (“gemeos” means twins in Portuguese and it is the name they use to sign their paintings) decided to quit their job at the bank to dedicate their life completely to graffiti. Octavio and Gustavo’s paintings are not the type of graffiti you see around the city. They’re almost like cartoons, but the twins have a way of making their graffiti look almost 3-D! They also give a special sense of humor to the murals. Almost all of the remarkable murals represent everyday life with that certain sense of humor I was telling you about. They’re also extremely colorful, and they bring fantasy to the real world. Because of the cheerfulness in the painting and murals, the twins often decide to put them in sad and dark places like the subway. Another interesting characteristic of the paintings and murals is that everybody has a different skin color or a different shaped head or nose or body in the paintings because there are so many different races in Brazil and the twins wanted to speak to everybody. (continued on page 10) 9 By Nathan Miller Rodéo à Cody Avez-vous déjà assisté à un rodéo? Moi, j’en ai vu un cet été à Cody, ville dite ‘Capitale du rodéo’, dans le Wyoming et je peux vous assurer que c’était impressionnant. Un vrai avant-goût de la vie de cowboy! Pour commencer, un rodéo se déroule en plusieurs épreuves, les participants peuvent s'inscrire aux épreuves de leur choix, ils n’ont pas besoin de concourir dans chacune d’entre elles. Il y a des gradins sur chacun des longs côtés de l’arène, les corrals sont sur le côté gauche et droit de l’arène, des chevaux, taureaux et vachettes y sont stockés, attendant leur tour dans la compétition. Entre les gradins et l’arène se trouvent des sortes d’estrades sur lesquelles les cowboys se préparent. Sur les bords intérieurs de ces estrades, il y a des sortes de box s’ouvrant sur l’arène où sont placés les animaux pour certaines épreuves. Les épreuves sont de différentes catégories : les juniors, les filles et les garçons et parfois en équipe. Dans un rodéo tout est très rapide: tout doit s'enchaîner sans problèmes et avec le moins d’attente possible. Les épreuves sont la monte de taureau, la monte de chevaux excités (avec ou sans selle, parfois avec juste un pommeau pour s'agripper) la course de barils et la capture de veaux au lasso. La course de barils est une course contre la montre, il faut faire le tour de trois barils, qui sont des sortes de tonneaux, sans les renverser et tout ça, à cheval. La monte de taureaux ou chevaux est un concept très simple; il faut rester sur l’animal pendant plus de 8 secondes alors que les bêtes se tordent dans tous les sens! 10 Quant à la capture de veaux, les participants sont à cheval et doivent mettre les veaux à terre avec un lasso. Voilà, vous savez tout ce qu’il faut savoir sur un simple rodéo. Par Alice Rottmann Os Gemeos (continued from page 9) I think the reason why Os Gemeos spoke to me was because their paintings were so cheerful, colorful, and different than most paintings we see nowadays in museums because they were cartoony, but that’s exactly why I liked the exhibit. I think the twins spoke to many for the same reasons and also because of the meanings behind the murals and paintings. When I was at the ICA (Institute of Contemporary Art) I was wondering how the twins agreed to make the paintings and murals how they were, and if they ever got into fights if one of them messed up, but apparently, according to various interviews about the twins, the two understand each other so well that they don’t even need to talk to each other before painting onto the canvas, they just start painting. Os Gemeos really spoke to me and I guarantee they will speak to you, so go to the ICA and see all their amazing works of art! By Paloma Ducrest Sports Lakers Michael Phelps The Lakers are a team with lots of history behind them and have many fans. We’ve won 16 titles and want to make it 17. So as our big 3 are aging, we all want the an answer to this question: ”After a disappointing 2011-12 season, will the Lakers make a comeback this year ?” Who doesn’t love the Olympics? There is something for everyone. Sadly this year it’s going to be the farewell to an era. 27 year old Olympic athlete Michael Phelps is retiring this year. Even if he’s 27 his Olympic debut was when he was 15, making him one of the youngest American Olympic athletes of all time. Sadly there has come a time when an era must end . Michael Phelps couldn’t have retired a better way than by winning his last Olympic gold medal. The last two Olympics I watched the swimming events in awe when I saw these swimmers go as fast as humanly possible but none could match Michael Phelps. Even in tight races he would do something that was inexplicable and win. He has gotten a lot older and less prepared. For those of you who watched his first race this year in London he didn’t even make it to the medal stand, but later he became his old unbeatable self and in his last race he officially became the greatest Olympian of all time. He has set another record ; this time not in speed but in achievement .He has become the all time most decorated Olympian. But US swimming isn’t over. There are still the dominating Ryan Lochte and the young and talented Missy Franklin who will be 19 the next time we see her on the Olympic stage. This offseason the Lakers acquired an all-star starting lineup consisting of Steve Nash, Kobe Bryant, Pau Gasol, Dwight Howard and Metta World Peace. So now the three contenders for the championship are the Lakers, Oklahoma City and the Heat. Even though I am a die hard Celtics fan, I have to face it, the Lakers have the most chances of winning the title. First of all, they had a good team but now with the addition of Steve Nash, Dwight Howard and Andre Iguodola they have a very dangerous lineup. Secondly, their defense is unbeatable as they have a team composed of *all-defensive first team players. Thirdly, they have a great offensive combo of Nash who passes, Kobe who shoots and Dwight for the Rebounds, hopefully they won’t use the “Kobe System”. *a selection of the 12 best defensive players of the league *The Kobe System is a offensive system where the rules are: If you have the ball, shoot If you get a pass, shoot If you get a block,steal or rebound, shoot If you see a teammate wide open, shoot If you are tripled team, shoot By Olivier Bunache By Karim Khalil 11 School Student Council Update Rangement pour les loceurs It is great to see how much the student council has decided on during its first few meetings! Don’t forget to save these dates! Vous avez du mal à ranger vos lockers, alors vous pouvez lire cet article : 1. Tuesday October 9th: Charity Presentations 2. Wednesday October 31st (Halloween): Costumes for a Cause 3. Friday November 2nd: 1st dance!!! 4. If you have any questions, ask your class representative, or any other student council member. C’est satisfiant à voir comme le Student Council est dèja d’accord sur de nombreux points! N’oubliez pas ces dates! 1. Mardi 9ème octobre: Presentation de Charité 2. Mercredi 31 octobre: Costumes pour une cause 3. Vendredi 2ème novembre: 1ère danse (boom) Si vous avez des questions, posez-les à votre représentant de la classe, ou un des autres membres du Student Council. Mrs. Kern What great news, our music teacher Ms. Hammond got married, this summer in her yard. She married David Kern, an IBM security architect, who she met at camp. She thought her wedding was amazing and there was nothing she wanted to change, but the rehearsal was not the same. Unfortunately Mrs. Kern’s father in law stepped on a yellow jacket nest, but do not worry, he was fine. They had to evacuate the area, and that is when they decided to get married in the yard. And now Mrs. Kern is our music teacher and hopes to be a mother someday as well. By Kevin Elkhoury Pour commencer quand vous avez terminé un cours vous mettez tout en désordre et vous n'arrivez pas à ranger correctement vos lockers. Il y a plusieurs solutions à votre problème : 1ère solution : Mettez votre sac dans un coin à part et prenez vos affaires des trois premières séances avec vous (comme ça vous n'aurez pas à aller entre les cours à vos lockers ) puis mettez vos livres , cahiers des autres matières en bas comme cela ça ne vous gêne pas quand vous voulez déposer ou mettre des affaires à vous . 2éme solution :Sinon vous pouvez acheter une étagère pour encore mieux vous organiser . Une partie science, une autre de math, une d’ histoire/géo … Et si vous voulez de l'aide n'hésitez pas!!! Avec ces conseils normalement vous devriez y arriver ! Par Eve Windsor 12 FUN! Clara Miller and Emma Condie in 8th grade are writing a book. They gave us permission to publish the Prologue. If you like the story, we may be able to continue on with parts of chapters, throughout the next issues. Enjoy! PROLOGUE It was around midnight, mid-July, 1984, when Sullivan Jeller ran away from the Pickleton Family with his sister Ivy. It was a dark and stormy night. Well, no. But the sky was dark, and they had been running for quite a long time. You see, Sullivan and Ivy weren’t the Pickletons’ actual children. The real Pickleton children, Tartulla and Esmerry Pickleton (both female), were swallowed by a hippopotamus. How horrible. Anyhow, Sullivan and Ivy ran away because the Pickletons had been in a great sadness the past few weeks, caused by the loss of their children, and thus not in their right mind. This caused Mr. Rory Pickleton to come to the conclusion that Sullivan and Ivy should be sold to Mitt Balooney, a man with a wide stomach who liked to make children pea soup with pig skin and force it down their throats. A perfect choice for adoption, eh? Uh huh. However there was also another reason for the sudden escape. It was Ivy. Sullivan loved his sister so much. And lately, he’d seen something change, very subtley-- but it was there. Somewhere deep inside Ivy Jeller, something had happened. Something bad. She had become more distant recently. Her usual wavy blond hair was streaked with old, black highlights running haphazardly through her hair and her ever-tan, sun-kissed skin was becoming abnormally pale. At first, Sullivan thought it was because of the way they were being treated at their new “home,” but the unfamiliar hardness in his sister’s eyes told him otherwise. Ivy seemed to be floating out of his grasp, like a lost balloon, up and awa. But Sullivan had never let go of her, and he had never wanted to. He had taken care of her all of her life, like the older brother he thought his parents would have wanted him to be. But now -- she was suddenly lost in her own mind. Acting as if she didn’t need him anymore. But they had to stay together if they were going to survive. Or be separated forever. And the only thing Ivy seemed content on doing with him when she was around was argue. Argue, argue, argue. Ivy was constantly running away from him now. Not only that, but the silent treatments and fights were becoming more and more constant, and Sullivan hated it. However, while they were running away from their foster home, Sullivan still saw the hardness in her eyes. But decided to keep running. It was probably around 1 or 2 am. By now, and too chilly for a summer night. Ivy’s legs were scratched and bruised more than usual now; but in the brief three years she’d lived in Hawaii with Sullivan, Laney and Paulo Jeller, her skin had been smooth and tan, and her rare blond hair soft and wavy. But now... Now she was almost unreachable. Almost as if someone else was speaking to her, someone more important than her own brother. That someone just happened to be a book. ☂ 13 To be continued.... Une Recette Book Reviews: 1. The Candymakers 1. Imagine living in a candy factory. Wouldn't it be awesome!? That’s how it is for 12 year old Logan and his parents. At the “Life is Sweet” candy factory, Logan, Daisy, Phillip and Miles are preparing to compete in the annual candy making competition! This book is a bittersweet tale of spies, briefcases, and candy! It’s the delicious tale of how candy making can burn. In more ways than one! “The Candymakers” is one of the best books I’ve ever read. It may seem childish and lame but it definitely isn't! It’s so fantastical and imagined that it’s impossible not to like it. I recommend this book to anyone who likes fantasy novels and CANDY of course! Je suis en sixième et j’aime cuisiner.Peutêtre que vous aussi vous aimez cuisiner.Je sais qu’il y a le Student Exploration Program et le club cuisine mais cette recette vous pouvez la faire chez vous. La tarte du verger: Pour 2 tartes de 20 centimètres. Temps de préparation: 45 mn Temps de cuisson: 30 mn Il te faut: 600 g de feuilletée 350 g d’abricots 50 g d’amandes effilées 20 g de sucre semoule Crème d’amandes (150 g ) 60 g de beurre ramolli 50 g de sucre glace tamisé 50 g d’oeuf ( 1 oeuf ) 50 g de poudre d’amandes Book by: Wendy Mass Préparation: 2. Georges et le Secret de l‘Univers Review by: Valentine Fagan Prépare la crème d’amandes: mélange, dans un saladier, le beurre et le sucre glace avec une spatule. Ajoute l’oeuf et la poudre d’amandes, mélange. Ta crème doit être lisse. 2. Saupoudre ton plan de travail de farine, étale avec un rouleau pour former un carré de 40x40 centimètres ( si elle est trop souple, replace-la environ 10 mn au réfrigérateur);sépare-la en 2 et découpe 2 cercles de 20 centimètres de diamètre.Place -les sur une plaque, pique le fond avec une fourchette, étale avec le dos d’une cuillère à soupe la crème d’amandes sur le fond de tarte. Place la plaque au réfrigérateur le temps de couper les abricots. 3. Coupe tes abricots en 2. Range tes abricots sur les fonds de tartes, saupoudre d’amandes et de sucre. Mets les tartes au four, préchauffe à 160 C ( thermostat 5-6 ), pendant 30 mn. Laisse refroidir sur une grille. Cet été, j’ai lu un livre que j’ai bien apprécié qui s’appelle Georges et les Secrets de L’Univers. L’histoire parle d’un petit garçon qui rencontre ses nouveaux voisins pour la première fois. Il découvre que le père est un scientifique et qu’ils ont un ordinateur super puissant qui peut envoyer des personnes dans l’espace. Mais ce que Georges, le petit garçon, ne sait pas, c’est que quelqu’un recherche l’ordinateur pour le voler. Georges révèle accidentellement l’endroit où l’ordinateur est caché. Le professeur qui veut voler l’ordinateur super puissant le trouve et envoie le voisin de Georges dans un trou noir pour pouvoir voler l’ordinateur sans problème. Pour savoir ce qui se passe après, lisez le livre! Je le recommande surtout si vous aimez la science et l’espace. Joyeuse lecture! Par Kimmy Robasson Par Paloma Ducrest 14 Livre Par: Stephen Hawking The Lost Children RIDDLES! 1. : C omm ent a g en t i ppell ne ? e t’ Book by: Carolyn Cohagan Review by: Kimmy Robasson ie en Ar- is i ng h v i r sd pass b wa over u n H a arry nder to a g 2.: H trailer u ame ayin c p e r t h o ’ t n as trac enly ub w sudd s H n . t e l a e wa h wh h g d n n an echi he scre as entio er that t t t a h v high g o s u c a o s i d en ely so ed to t bar ged s k d u c e j o s sh as w wa ard pass ler w go forw i r a e r v t o he ot , i g. T uld n for Hub r o s c i nd h e h y il at by a k h c t e u t m tigh rd. L nder ca get kwa c a sily dbe b a n i e or rM der oul d esso he c m un o w r P r of f o h r out him iler fesso a o r r t told P r id racto hat d W the t . e est? ridg sugg r the b e d dben Min 3.: yo How uf m se an n t in d y en i “T ce n th mis ? ef t fo his oll akes ur se ow c m nte in an iss nc g ta k e e co s.” nta in 1.L‘argent 2.He suggested Hub let some air out of his tires. This would lower the tractortrailer just enough to allow him to drive out. 3.Three. Two spelling mistakes and plus the false claim about the number of mistakes The Lost Children is about a girl named Josephine whose father (Leopold Russing) makes everybody in their town wear gloves (which they hate). But her world changes, when Josephine meets a boy named Fargus who mysteriously appears in her shed. She is dragged to the past by Fargus and a girl named Ida in an orphanage. If you read this awesome book you will experience strange and original monsters, imprisoned children, and a messed up past that can change the future. If you want to know more, just read the book! I recommend this book to anybody who likes to read something very exciting and experience weird stuff. on la monn a 15 Echo du collège ISB Middle School Newspaper Editeurs en chef: Markos Alemu, Lennart Nielsen L’équipe des journalistes: Paloma Ducrest, Pierre Baron, Olivier Brunache, Jihane Jean, Markos Alemu, Lennart Nielsen, Zoe Salette, Nathan Miller, Alice Rottmann, Karim Khalil, Kevin Elkhoury, Zoe Salette, Eve Windsor, Kimmy Robasson, Valentine Fagan, Michelle Egli (Riddles), Emma Condie & Clara Miller (Story) L’équipe des relecteurs: Florence Manoukian, Mary Hamilton Merci également à Marti Lemp, Alessandro Fontana, Martha Mayne et Fred Bolzan pour leur soutien moral, logistique et technique! SOURCES WBUR CLIP ART Wikipedia The Institute of Contemporary Art/ Boston. Os Gemeos. Berkeley, Ca: Gingko, 2012. Print. www.icabostontourguideprogram.pbworks http://www.brooklynstreetart.com/theblog/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/brooklyn-street-art-os-gemeos-5-jaime-rojo-10-09-400x242.jpghttp://www.animalnewyork.com/2009/ os-gemeos-finish-new-york-city-mural/ http://theberry.com/2010/06/02/lost-art-presents-os-gemeos-20-photos/ http://books.simonandschuster.com/Lost-Children/Carolyn-Cohagan/9781416986164 l „Les petites toques Lenotre au fournil“ par Vincent Mary. http://localtalknews.com/state/government/1292-us-ambassador-killed-in-libya.html http://www.tecca.com http://reviews.cnet.com/8301-31747_7-57509542-243/ipad-mini-what-we-expect/ http://www.sportslogos.net/logo.php?id=g4it82hxi9dg55krqieloy4io http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Phelps http://www.biography.com/people/michael-phelps-345192 http://news.cnet.com/8301-13579_3-57500247-37/apples-big-win-over-samsung-what-does-it-mean/ http://www.crunchbase.com/company/apple http://saypeople.com/2012/01/31/samsung-is-under-european-commissions-investigation/#axzz27y25YeLC http://www.statesymbolsusa.org/Texas/Sport_Rodeo.html http://www.clarkart.edu/museum/content.cfm?ID=181 http://www.mysanantonio.com/news/article/Texas-to-open-fastest-US-highway-with-85-mph-limit-3844902.php http://www.orlandowaterfrontexpert.com/?page_id=16 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurricane_Isaac http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-205_162-57515332/shuttle-endeavour-prepped-for-valedictory-tour/ 16
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