Troop Fall Product Manager Manual Ashdon Farms M2 Magazines 2014 What’s New! ACH Sweep ACH Sweep is the automatic debit system used to pay for your fall product. There will be two ACH Sweeps throughout the sale. ACH Sweep payments will be as follows: ACH Sweep #1 – November 13 – 25% of total amount owed to council at time of sweep ACH Sweep #2 – November 24 – Final balance less troop incentive Troops need to ensure that the appropriate amounts have been deposited into the troop bank account. If troops are unable to pay the full amount due on the ACH Sweep date, they must send an email to [email protected], a minimum of 24 hours prior to the ACH Sweep withdrawal. The email must indicate the amount that they are able to pay and the reason why they are unable to cover their full payment. Girls can create an Online Store Now customers can order online and have the product sent to them. The online features include: • Same look and feel as the Online Nut Promise. (girls will deliver the product) • Girls will continue to register in one location • Online Nut Store will automatically be included with all emails sent • Customers will be able to select from all 25 program items as well as 5 corporate gift items • Customers will pay online and receive product directly from Ashdon Farms Once girls create their store front at,, girls can send an email to their customers. Customers will have the option to; • Order magazines – over 1,000 titles to choose from. Plus new titles this year. • Nut Promise – Not offered • Online Nut Store – customers will be able to select from 30 items and have the product shipped. Generate $175.00 in online sales and earn this custom patch with girls name and avatar. Once you reach $175.00 in sales an email will be sent to you requesting your address and then the patch will be mailed to you. Fall Program Information Ashdon Farms Be Active The theme for this year’s program is What Can a Girl do, “be Active!” and the mascot is a sea otter. Girls can log-on to, to checkout a interactive website. Girls will have the opportunity to engage in fun and educational games that will challenge and entertain them as they run the day to day operations of the “Nut Factory”. Additional resources like goal poster, goal setting and goal certificates will also be available. Fall Sale Guidelines • The troop has to be registered for the 2014-2015 Girl Scouting year. • Troops are required to have a troop bank account for the use of securing troop proceeds and incentives. • Every participating girl must be a registered member of GSUSA. • Each girl will have a permission slip signed by her parent/guardian and turned in to the troop product sales manager prior to selling. Each girl’s participation is voluntary. • Girls should wear some type of insignia such as wearing a Membership Pin, official uniform, uniform component, or Girl Scout clothing. • All Girl Scouts has to be accompanied by an adult at all times. All girls should always use the buddy system. • The Service Unit Fall Sale Manager will set up booth locations. Each troop will contact the Service Unit Fall Sale Manager to sign up for booths. This will ensure there are no multiple bookings. • A Girl Scout is fair to others, does not take orders and/or sell early, and does not take money until product is delivered. • Receipt every in/out exchange of either product or collection of money. • If a girl or her family has had trouble handling money, there are other options for her to participate. The troop product sales manager may give her a small amount of product. When she returns the money, give her additional product. The Girl Scout may participate in booth sales only. Her parents may pay for the product up front. Troop Incentive In order to earn the 10¢ per item troop incentive, the following criteria has to be followed: • NO orders taken, nor the order card shown to customers, prior to September 19, 2014 by any Girl Scout, adult member, or parent/guardian of the troop. • Troop order entered into Nut-e by October 8, 2014. • Follow all troop nut booth guidelines as stated. (You do not need to have a nut booth to earn the 10¢ per box troop incentive) • Make frequent deposits into the troop bank account • Money must be in the troop account when council does the ACH Sweep on o November 13, 25% of total amount owed to council at time of sweep o November 24, balance due less incentive if earned • Final information to be entered into Nut-e (transfers and patch order) by November 20, 2014. November 20 – Troop Deadline Turn in the follow to your SU Fall Manager By November 20, 2014 (this can be scanned and emailed) o Troop Final Check List - signed and list of product left o T2 Nuts/Candy, printed from Nut-e o T2-Incentives, printed from Nut-e o Troop Transfer (if used) o Collection Form (if used), attach permission slip and all signed receipts Troop incentive will be deducted from final payment sweep to council. Breakdown of Money Earned Product GS Tin with Double Chocolate Truffles Holiday Tin with Caramel Treasures Cashews Blueberry Pomegranate Nut Square Almond Cran-Orange Crunch Butter Toasted Peanuts Hot Cajun Mix Deluxe Pecan Clusters English Butter Toffee Selling Price Product Cost $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $4.05 $3.55 $3.65 $3.75 $2.75 $2.30 $2.00 $2.10 $2.70 Troop Proceeds $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 Troop Incentive Council Proceeds $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.85 $1.35 $1.25 $1.15 $1.15 $1.20 $1.90 $1.80 $1.20 August Attend training. Once you have completed the training you will be sent you login information for Nut-e. Arrange a troop meeting, include the parents if possible. Pass out Fall Sale Product Sales information. September 15 – 18 Each girl will need to return a signed parent/guardian permission form prior to receiving an order card. Keep permission forms with your troop records. September 19-November 16 Girls login to M2 magazines,, and create their avatar and send out 12 emails to earn the Online Patch. September 19 – October 5 Girl Scouts take pre-orders. MONEY IS NOT COLLECTED AT THIS TIME! October 7 Collect pre-order forms; ensure all pre-orders have been submitted. By October 8 Troop Fall Sale Manager enters girl’s orders into Ashdon Farms Nut-e web site, DO NOT ENTER PATCH ORDERS! Order any product needed for booth sales at this time under Troop Special Order. Remember to order product by individual piece (i.e. 150 cans of cashews, 127 cans of chocolate peanuts, etc.) DO NOT ORDER BY CASE and DO NOT OVER ORDER! Product CANNOT be returned. There will be a limited supply of product available at the council for reorders. Troops are responsible for all product they receive. October 27 – 30 Pick-up product from SU Product Sales Manager. You will be advised of the exact date and time to pick up the troop/group order. When you pick up the product, allow yourself plenty of time. Count the product and agree on the count before you sign the Responsibility Statement. Distribute product and collection envelope to the parents. Both the parent and you should agree on the product count; sign receipt. For initial order print a receipt from Nut-e for each girl, under Girl Reports click on G2-Nuts/Candy. Print two copies and have the parent/guardian sign both copies. You keep one for your records and give one to the parent/guardian. th Stress final due date for funds collected by the girls is November 17 , but they should turn in money frequently as they collect it. October 31 - November 16 Girls deliver product to customers and collect money. Ensure that parents frequently turn in money collected. Keep records of all payments made by parents. Notify your SU Fall Sale Manager if you transferred nuts to another troop so they can enter the information into Nut-e Make bank deposits frequently into the troop account. Deposit all money into the troop account. Contact your SU Fall Sale Manager to request booth sales. DO NOT contact the store yourself. November 8 Last day for girls to return any product back to troop fall sale manager. If you have product you do not think you can sell let you SU Fall Sale Manager know as soon as possible. November 13 and 24 ACH Sweep is the automatic debit system used to pay for your product. There will be 2 ACH Sweeps throughout the sale th o November 13 – 25% of total amount owed to council at time of sweep th o November 24 – Final balance less troop incentive if earned November 16 Last day for girls to send magazine email to earn the Online patch. November 20 – Troop Deadline Turn in the follow to your SU Fall Manager By November 20, 2014 (this can be scanned and emailed) □ Troop Final Check List - signed and list of product left □ T-2 Nuts/Candy & Mags, printed from Nut-e □ T-2 Recognitions, printed from Nut-e □ Troop Transfer (if used) □ Collection Form (if used), attach permission slip and all signed receipts Pre-Orders September 19 – October 5 A permission form is to be completed and turned in before the Girl Scout can receive her pre-order card. Cards are distributed to girls prior to the first day of pre-orders Girls take pre-orders September 19th through October 5th. Girls DO NOT collect any money at this time. Instruct the girls to return their order form, not the pre-order cards, to you by October 7th. Be sure to clearly state that girls ARE NOT TO DISPLAY/SHOW THEIR ORDER CARD OR TAKE PRE-ORDERS PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 19th. Nut-e Training Login to Nut-e and click on Reports, under Manuals click on Girl Order Tutorial, this will give you step by step instructions for Nut-e, additional training will be offered at the service center. If you need help with Nut-e please call 385-3677 ext. 239. Nut-e Once you have completed training you will receive your login and password. Login to Ashdon Farms Nut-e web site at,, to place the troop order. On September 18th girls will be uploaded to your troop. If you have new girls you will need to add them. Order any extra product needed for booth sales at this time. There will be a limited supply at council for "re-orders." The Troop/Group will be responsible for all product ordered. . Enter orders by individual girl name into Nut-e. Add booth order under Troop Special Order tab. Nut Pick-up Troops/Groups: • You and your SU Fall Sale Manager will arrange a specific date and time for you to pick up your nut orders. PLEASE BE ON TIME! As many troops are scheduled to pick up product. • Remember, you are responsible for all product you have signed for. • At pick up time you will count, verify, and sign the Responsibility Statement Form for the number of items received. Keep the yellow copy for your records. • Each time product is picked up; a Responsibility Statement Form must be completed and signed. Only those adults who have signed the Troop Fall Sale Program Agreement may pick up and sign for additional product for a troop/group. If the Troop Fall Sale Manager is unable to pick up the product then they may fill out a Nut Pick-up Authorization Card giving permission for someone else to pick up. If you do not have access to the Authorization Card you may give permission by email or hand written note. Parents/Guardians • Distribute product only to the Parent/Guardian who has signed a Parent/Guardian Permission and Responsibility Form. • Have them count, verify, and sign for the number of items they have received. • Each time product is given and each time funds are received, you must issue a Receipt with your signature and the parent/guardian signature. No transaction is to be completed without a signed receipt being issued. • Remember, you are responsible for all product you have signed for. Be sure to keep accurate detailed records during the fall product sale! For initial order print a receipt from Nut-e for each girl, under Girl Reports click on G2Nuts/Candy. Print two copies and have the parent/guardian sign both copies. You keep one for your records and give one to the parent/guardian. Finances Troops are responsible for depositing all Fall Sale funds into their individual troop checking accounts. Deposits should be made promptly and frequently. *New troops that do not have a troop account will deposit all money into the council account. Once the troop account has been opened the troop proceeds will be deposited into the account. Girl Scouts of Southern Nevada proceeds will be collected from the troops via ACH (Automatic Clearing House) debit. An ACH debit is an electronic funds transfer. Troops are responsible for making sure there are sufficient funds to cover the ACH debits. • • • • Make frequent deposits into troop account. Try to bank during slow hours. Double check the amount validated before leaving the bank. Be sure to bring a copy of your most recent deposit when you pick up reorders. DO NOT use ATMs, drive up windows or night deposit drops. Banking information/tips: It is your job, not the bank tellers, to organize all money. Remember All checks must have a Driver's License number; if a troop accepts a check without the DL# and the check is returned from the bank, the troop will be responsible for the amount due. ACH Sweep ACH Sweep is the automatic debit system used to pay for your fall product. There will be two ACH Sweeps throughout the sale. • ACH Sweep payments will be as follows: o ACH Sweep #1 – November 13 – 25% of total amount owed to council at time of sweep o ACH Sweep #2 – November 24 – Final balance less troop incentive Troops need to ensure that the appropriate amounts have been deposited into the troop bank account. If troops are unable to pay the full amount due on the ACH Sweep date, they must send an email to [email protected], a minimum of 24 hours prior to the ACH Sweep withdrawal. The email must indicate the amount that they are able to pay and the reason why they are unable to cover their full payment. NOTE: A $25.00 NSF fee will be assessed to the troop account by the bank anytime their ACH Sweep payment is returned do to non-sufficient funds. Therefore it is imperative you notify, [email protected], if a different amount is to be swept. Parents/Guardians Payments Money should be turned in on a regular basis. When money is turned in give a receipt. Final payment to troop is November 17, 2014. Parents should not pay for product with one check. Re-orders The Council will have a limited supply of product available for re-orders beginning November 4th. To ensure an efficient reorder/pickup process, please follow these steps: Reorder Step 1 Email your SU Fall Sale Manager the day before re-order pickup. RE-ORDER DAYS – Sunday, Tuesday & Thursday PICKUP DAYS - Monday, Wednesday & Friday. Reorder Step 2 Pick up reorders at the Service Center on Monday, Wednesday & Friday, between 8:30-5:30. Re-orders are held for the pickup day only; product is then returned to stock if not picked up on the scheduled day. Warehouse is closed on Tuesday and Thursday. Transfers If you have a large quantity of items left of any product you feel your troop/group cannot sell, report this to your SU Fall Sale Manager as soon as possible. She/he may be able to assist you in transferring them to a troop/group needing more of that item. Your SU Fall Sale Manager will contact you with the name and troop/group number of the person who needs/has the product. You will complete and sign a Troop Transfer Form (T-6) when transferring product. When product has been exchanged and the transfer form has been signed, the form is distributed. Each troop/group receives a copy. You MUST notify your SU Fall Sale Manager and THEY will enter the transfer into Nut-e. Collecting Money When to use a collection form. Parent owing money – attach signed permission form and all signed receipts for product and money. Robbery – include all information about the robbery and attach police report, keep in mind, this does not clear the debt. Counterfeit bills – attach form from bank stating information about counterfeit bill. Returned Checks – attach check, bank • • • • • • Be sure to enter all your final information into Nut-e and email any forms on time, even if you haven’t received all outstanding money. Subtract the outstanding amount from what is due to the council. The Collection form can be downloaded, filled in, and then emailed as an attachment. You may scan the signed Parent/Guardian Responsibility Permission Form and all Money and/or Product Receipts Complete a Collection Form (T-8) on each individual with an outstanding balance to the troop. The collection process can be cancelled once the balance has been paid. The Director of Product Sales will call and send a letter to the individual owing money. If no response is received, the matter will then be turned over to the council for further action.. Collection forms will not be accepted after November 20, 2014. Collection Forms (T-8) MUST be turned in with the final paperwork on November 20, 2014. Any uncollected funds information that is not turned in with the final paperwork for collection with appropriate documentation attached will be the responsibility of the troop/group. Handling NSF Checks If a check fails to clear the bank and is returned as Non-Sufficient Funds (NFS), it is the troop’s responsibility to make every effort to collect from the customer. If the troop is unable to collect on a non-sufficient funds check, a Collection Form is to be submitted. NSF checks must be made payable to the troop and have the signer’s driver’s license # or state ID # on the check. Collection efforts cannot be make without this. Booths An average booth will sell 10 items per hour. DO NOT OVER ORDER. All troops set up their booth sale through the Service Unit Fall Manager. • Distribute a parent permission form to parents of girls wishing to participate in booth sales. • Reconfirm with your SU Fall Sales Manager that you will be on time for your booth. If you have to cancel for any reason, please notify the SU Product Sales Manager immediately. • Girls should wear some type of insignia such as wearing a membership pin, official uniform, uniform component, or Girl Scout clothing. • Product Sale booths are a troop project. Credit for the number of items sold at a booth should be divided equally among the girls working at the booth and credited toward their individual total items sold. • A two-hour booth can be divided between 5 or 6 girls for 30 minutes; 10-12 girls per hour and so on, depending on the amount of girls wishing to participate at each booth (be sure all girls wishing to participate get the opportunity). • Follow Safety-Wise for adult supervision ratio. A booth must consist of a minimum of 2 adults and 2 girls at all times. Important Note: Take only the number of girls needed to fill each time slot, not the entire troop/group. Do not park car in front of store to unload and load product. Ask customers only as they are leaving the store. Remember to be polite, start packing up your booth 10 minutes before the end of your reserved time and leave when your scheduled time is over. Do not make the next troop wait. Do not accept bills larger than $20.00 or checks over $50.00. Driver license number MUST be on the check and name and address printed on the check. Count your money and product in a safe and secure location away from your booth. Take away all your boxes and trash. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in loss of booth privilege. • Bring to your booth a card table, chairs for adults, extra Girl Scout pins, a cash box, poster, banner, balloons, and Goal Chart. Non Girl Scout siblings are not allowed at booths. • Adults must remain with the girls at all times; DO NOT leave the girls alone for any reason! • Safeguard your cash box. DO NOT leave your cash unattended, even for a second. Appoint an adult to periodically collect money and take it to a safe location. • Selling in front of a business is a PRIVILEGE. Be sure to leave the area clean. Let’s make sure we can return next year! Take all empty boxes when leaving. Fall Product Sales Patches Goal Achiever Girls can earn the Goal Achiever when they set a goal of a minimum of 35 items and accomplish their goal. Nut Theme Patch All girls selling 30 or more items will receive a theme patch Online! Send 12 emails to family and friends asking them to purchase magazines. Booth Sale Girls who participate in booth sales will receive a booth sale segment Magazine Order Patch Have 2 online magazine orders. Subscription must be placed by th November 18 to receive patch and troop credit for the Council Shop. Super Seller A Super Seller segment will be given at 50 or more items. Large Plush Sea Otter Volunteer Patch All girls selling 100 or more items will earn the plush sea otter. Each troop will receive 2 volunteer patches. Additional patches may be purchased in the Council Shop. Patches will be ordered by the number entered into Nut-e. Patches will be available in January. There is no cost for the patches that a girl earns. Extra theme, booth, or volunteer patches may be purchased in the Council Shop for 75¢. Girls earn a patch for selling a total of 30 items or more. Girls selling a total of 50 items or more will receive a Super Seller Segment. Girls earn the Booth Sale Segment by participation in a booth sale. Only the girls can earn the booth patch, additional booth patches may be purchased in the council shop. Product sold online will count towards the girls totals. Product sold at the booths should be divided equally between the girls who worked at the booth, and added to their individual sales total to arrive at the number of items sold for their patch. Small plush Sew Otter Will be available for purchase for $6.00 in the Council Shop Final Reconciliation Complete and turn in to SU Fall Sales Manager by November 20th, to receive Troop Incentive • • • • Enter patch order into Nut-e. Deposit all money into the troop bank account. Once you are done print T2 Nuts/Candy and 2-Incentive. Turn in the following to your SU Fall Sales Manager By November 20, 2014 □ Troop Final Check List – signed with list of product the troop has left □ T-2 Nuts/Candy & Mags □ T-2 Recognitions □ Troop Transfer (if used) □ Collection Form (if used), attach permission slip and all signed receipts □ Attach copies of deposits made into the troop account to the Troop Final Check List form Keep all receipts, records, and paperwork with Troop/Group records for a period of one year. The Finance Committee/Council Auditor of Girl Scouts of Southern Nevada reserves the right to review these records upon request. 2014 Online Store Nuts/Candy’s Size Description * Retail BOX CHOCOLATES 5 oz Deluxe Pecan Clusters $ 5.00 Dulce de Leche Owls $ 5.00 6 oz English Butter Toffee - NEW $ 5.00 6 oz Mint Chocolate Penguins $ 5.00 6 oz Peanut Butter Bears $ 5.00 5.1 oz STANDUP BAGS 6 oz Almond Cran-Orange Crunch - NEW $ 5.00 6 oz Blueberry Pomegranate Nut Squares $ 6.00 POP TOP CANS 9 oz Butter Toasted Peanuts $ 5.00 10 oz Chocolate Covered Almonds $ 6.00 9 oz Chocolate Covered Peanuts - Panned $ 5.00 10 oz Chocolate Covered Raisins $ 5.00 9 oz Chocolate Covered Toffee Almonds $ 6.00 7 oz Cranberry Nut Mix $ 5.00 6.5 oz Dark Chocolate Covered Pretzels $ 5.00 10.5 oz Fruit Slices $ 5.00 11 oz Gummi Berries $ 5.00 9 oz Honey Roasted Peanuts $ 5.00 7 oz Hot Cajun Crunch Mix $ 5.00 7.5 oz Pistachios $ 6.00 8 oz Salsa Mix $ 5.00 8 oz Whole Cashews w/ Sea Salt $ 6.00 TINS 6 oz Caramel Treasures - Girl Scout Gift Tin $ 6.00 6 oz Caramel Treasures - Holiday Bird House Tin $ 6.00 Chocolate Covered Pretzels - Holiday Bird House Tin $ 6.00 Double Chocolate Truffles - Girl Scout Gift Tin $ 6.00 6.5 oz 6 oz CORPORATE GIFTS 23 oz Chocolate Tuttles $23.00 15 oz Gourmet Blend $20.00 20 oz Gourmet Caramel Corn w/Almonds & Pecans $15.00 30 oz Jumbo Cashews $35.00 12 oz Pistachios $18.00 Troop Final Check List Turned in with final paperwork by November 20, 2014 Troop # _______________________ Service Unit ______________________________________ Please Initial; _____ Orders are not to be taken or the order card shown to customers, prior to September 19, 2014 by any Girl Scout, adult member, or parent/guardian of the troop. _____ Troop order must be entered into Nut-e by October 8, 2014. _____ Follow all troop nut booth guidelines as stated. (You do not need to have a nut booth to earn the 10¢ per box troop incentive) _____ Make frequent deposits into the troop bank account _____ Money must be in the troop account when council does the ACH Sweep on □ November 13, 25% of total amount owed to council at time of sweep □ November 24, balance due less incentive if earned _____ Final information must be entered into Nut-e (transfers and patch order) by November 20, 2014. _____ Once you are done, print and turn in the following by November 20, 2014; □ T2 Nuts/Candy □ T2-Incentives □ Troop Transfer □ Collection Form (if used), attach permission slip and all signed receipts _____ Attach copies of deposits made into the troop account to this form and list of product left. In order to earn the 10¢ per item troop incentive, ALL of the above criteria must be met. Troop incentive will be deducted from final ACH sweep to council. Troop Accounting Product troop has left Girl Scout Tin with Chocolate Truffles Holiday Tin with Caramel Treasures Date of deposit made into troop account. Attach copies. Total Troop Deposits Cashews Blueberry Pomegranate Nut Squares Almond CranOrange Crunch Butter Toasted Peanuts Hot Cajun Mix Deluxe Pecan Clusters English Butter Toffee Amount Signature of Troop Fall Manager Date Signature of Troop Leader Date Total
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