2014 Fall Product Troop Manual Where to get help: Your Fall Product Sale Coordinator is your contact for questions. Why the Fall Product Sale? Name: The Fall Product Sale is an integral part of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience and financial literacy programs for girls. Through this program activity, girls will learn 5 skills: Address: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Goal Setting Decision Making Money Management People Skills Business Ethics Email: Home Phone: Cell Phone: Best to call between: Please don’t call after: The theme for the 2014 Fall Product Sale is: “Girl Scouts Shine When They…..” Program materials supporting the program can be found at www.trophynutorders.com. TNOS Log In: TNOS Password: 2014 Sale Timeline Prior to Oct. 10—Meet with your girls and parents/guardians: • Explain the Fall Product Sale and Me2. • Go over deadlines and start dates of the sale for your region. • Set goals and have each parent sign a parent permission slip. If girls’ parents are separated, have each parent/guardian complete a permission slip and give separate order cards. Oct. 10— —Dayton, Lima and Toledo regions: Order taking begins and Me2 opens for business. Oct. 22—Cincinnati region: Order taking begins and Me2 opens for business. Nov. 4—Product orders and recognition selections are due in www.trophynutorders.com (TNOS). Do not wait until the last minute to enter your girls’ orders and recognitions. You will be shut out of TNOS by 11:59 p.m. on this date. Nov. 13–16— —Fall Product delivery for troops. Nov. 17—Dec. 1 • Troop distributes product to the girls/parents/guardians. Sort all products prior to distribution to ensure the girls’ orders are correct. Always get a signed receipt when products are picked up. • Girls distribute product and collect payment. All checks made out to Girl Scouts of Western Ohio (GSWO). • Girls turn in payment to the troop manager. Always provide a receipt when money exchanges hands. • Troop manager collects funds, deposits troop proceeds into troop account and council payment into council account. You will receive council deposit tickets during delivery. Dec. 2— —The following needs to be completed: • Finalize your troop proceeds payment into your troop account. Keep your receipts. • Finalize your troop’s payment to council into the council account. Keep your receipts. • Complete the final report envelope and give to your service unit fall product sale coordinator. Recognitions will ship to your service unit fall product sale coordinator the first week of December. They will notify you when they are ready for pick up. AT:hw/lb:1400235-001 1 Internet Sales: Introducing Me2 Troop Manager Guidelines • Only registered girls can participate in the Fall Product Sale. • Their parent must be debt-free from council. • Troops must have at least two approved and eligible adults registered, one being the leader. • Your troop must have a current bank account and financial statement on file at your regional Girl Scout Center. • As troop manager you are registered, background checked, and volunteer approved. • By signing the Troop Manager Agreement Form, you agree to be responsible for all product, payments and paperwork for the program. • You are required to give receipts each and every time money or product exchanges hands. • Parents are responsible for product that they have ordered and signed for. • Girls have an option to sell nut and candy items online this year through an online storefront called Me2. • No additional work for you. Just verify that all of your girls are registered. • You will receive a link in your email that you can create your own Me2 and view the girls sales if you wish. You do not need to log in, but just an option for you as the troop fall sale manager. • All sales from the online storefront automatically upload into TNOS for you. Exciting new tech resource for girls! Sale Basics • • • • • • • • • New troop managers should take in-person training with your service unit fall product sale coordinators. Online training is available at www.trophynutorders.com for experienced troop managers. Your login and password are on the front of this manual. Sale recognitions and nut/candy items can be found on the girl’s order card. Hold a parent meeting, explain the program and deadlines to parents. Have each parent complete a parent permission slip. Keep these safe and do not lose them. Parents are responsible for all items and funds from the sale. If parents are separated, have each parent complete a permission slip and give separate order cards. Provide each parent with the Family Guide and instruct them that they can go to the Me2 website. Instructions are on the second page of the Family Guide. If the girls participate in the online portion of the program, their orders will automatically show up in TNOS. Each girl that is registered in your troop will be uploaded into TNOS for you. If you are missing a girl, please contact [email protected] to ensure that she is registered with your troop. At your parent meeting, help the troop set goals based on the amount of funds they will need to earn for their activities this year, and girls set individual goals for recognitions. Your troop will earn 10 percent of total (gross) sales. Girl Scout Junior, Cadette, Senior and Ambassador troops can opt to forgo recognitions and earn 12 percent of total (gross) sales. The girls will still earn sale patches. Yes, Girl Scout Juniors can opt into this program this year but for the fall sale only. Sort all orders before parents pick up their orders. Complete a receipt any time product or money exchanges hands, both parties sign the receipt. You will keep the white receipt and give parents the yellow copy. Instruct them when money is due to you. When collecting money, complete a receipt, keep one copy and give them the other. More details on money collection and procedures on pages 3–4. Up-to-date sale information and helpful tips can be found on TNOS under “Online Forms” as well as www.girlscoutsofwesternohio.org under “Cookies & Nuts” and then “Fall Product.” Fall Sale Bonus If your troop has $850 in total gross sales (from traditional order taking and online sales) your troop will earn the Troop Sales Kit! Which includes the following: Your kit will be distributed by your service unit fall product sales coordinator. ∗ Bank Bag ∗ Carry Bag ∗ 2 Pens ∗ Cookie Clipboard ∗ Half Apron 2 Use your provided login and password on www.trophynutorders.com, selecting the “Troop” login option. TNOS • The first page is your home screen. Click edit to update your contact information. • Cincinnati and Dayton troops must select a delivery location and time before continuing. A complete listing of delivery locations and times can be found under “Online Forms” and can be viewed from the dropdrop-down menu. • Lima and Toledo troops may be required to select a delivery location and time. Check with your service unit fall product sale coordinator for details. • If your troop is opting to forgo recognitions and earn twelve percent of total sales, select “Recognition Opt Out” and “Apply bonus profit” on your troops’ home screen (only Girl Scout Juniors, Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors). • Online Forms, Online Training and Messages can be viewed from the green menu bar on the left of the home screen. Money Collection and Deposits Entering Your Troop’s Product Order • On the top of the screen under views, click “Orders” and then “Add.” • From the drop-down tab, select the girl and then her age level. • Enter her order, and click “Add.” • Follow these easy steps and tips to make handling your finances for the sale a success. • No money should be collected for product until it is delivered. To edit an order, click the order ID next to the girls name you want to update. • All checks should be made out to GSWO. • Edits can be made until 11:59 p.m. on November 4, 2014. • • Once your orders are complete, click the “Submit” button. Once you click submit you cannot edit your order. If you hit submit early and need help contact your service unit fall product sale coordinator. Any time money or product exchanges hands—complete a receipt; both parties sign. Keep the white copy and give the yellow copy to the parents. • Click “Reports” on the green menu bar on the left. Click “Final Report.” This will tell you how much your troop has earned in troop proceeds and the balance due to council. • Use only the council deposit tickets assigned to you. • All checks should be deposited into the council account. • Cincinnati, Dayton and Toledo—PNC Entering Your Troop’s Recognition Order • • • • There are no choices for the girls to make at recognition levels. You will need to make a size selection for the hooded sweatshirt. To make her size selection, click the girls name from the “Girl” menu. Click “Choose Recognitions.” Select her size and click update. Delivery Ticket • Lima—Fifth Third • Deposit your troop proceeds into your troop bank account. • Get two receipts anytime you make a deposit. You will keep one and turn in the other at the end of the sale. You can print a delivery ticket to take with you to delivery to confirm your order. • Click “Delivery Tickets” from the green menu on the left. Then select “Troop.” When you pick up your products and sort by girl (before any parents pick up) print the delivery ticket, "By Troop By Girl.” This can be found on the delivery ticket screen. See page 4 for financial checklist to success! 3 Follow this financial check list for success! Give money collection envelopes to girls showing their total amount due when you distribute the product. Deposit what is owed to council into the council account using only your deposit tickets given to you at delivery. Include all checks with this deposit. Get two receipts. Collect money from the parents. ALWAYS complete a receipt with signatures and date. Deposit your troop proceeds into your troop bank account. Get two receipts. Pull the Final Report from the Reports screen. It’s in the green menu bar on the left side in TNOS. Complete the Final Report Envelope (included in your sales materials). Include receipts from all deposits (council account and troop account). Give this to your service unit fall product sale coordinator by December 2, 2014. Money Issues (Have a parent that did not pay their balance?) Their balance is due to you before December 2, so you can deposit the money. If a parent misses this deadline you are required to complete the past due paperwork and follow the guidelines below. Do not pay for the parent’s debt out of troop proceeds. Download the “Troop Collection For Assistance Form” from TNOS under “Online Forms.” Keep your entire troops’ proceeds. Deduct the amount the parent owes from the total due to council. Example: if you owe council $400, and the parent owes a balance of $50. Deposit $350 into the council account and turn in the necessary paperwork. Complete the Troop Collection for Assistance Form and attach the signed parent permission slip and signed receipts to prove pick up of product. This form cannot be processed without the signed parent permission slip and receipts attached. If the form, signed permission slip and receipts are not turned in, the debt will be the responsibility of the troop manager. Include the completed form and attached documents inside your Final Report Envelope. Submit to the service unit fall product sale coordinator by December 2, 2014. Troops/Parents who are delinquent in paying their balance will be sent one collection letter before the debt is handed over to an outside collection agency or legal action is taken. Volunteers who remain delinquent will be unable to hold a troop or service unit position for one year after the balance has been paid. Finishing Out the Sale Each troop is required to complete the Final Report Envelope. Complete the top with your information and follow the checklist on the front. • • Your service unit fall product sale coordinator will notify you when the girls’ recognitions are available for pick up. • Don’t forget to complete the fall sale evaluation. The link can be found on our website at www.girlscoutsofwesternohio.org. Did your troop Early Bird register with at least 5 girls and 2 eligible adults? If so, just by participating in the Fall Product Sale, your troop will earn an additional $.05 per package in the 2015 Cookie Program! Brand new troop? No problem! Visit our Troop Checklist under Online Forms in TNOS for some helpful tips. Regional Girl Scout Service Centers Cincinnati Brittany Troescher, Product Sales Manager 513-489-1025 or 1-800-537-6241 Dayton Ashley Thoreen, Product Sales Manager 937-279-6573 or 1-800-233-4845 Lima Amy Orwick, Product Sales Manager 419-225-4085 or 1-800-962-7753 Toledo Jennifer Greene, Product Sales Manager 419-243-8216 or 1-800-860-4516 4
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