Document 304362

Eidgenössisches Justiz- und Polizeidepartement EJPD
Bundesamt für Justiz BJ
Direktionsbereich Zentrale Dienste
Fachbereich Rechtsinformatik
Blue Book
Exchange of Electronic Business
Information in the Domain of Debt
Enforcement and Bankruptcy
Appendix 2
User Manual
Schema Version:
March 2014
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Creditors User's Guide ........................................................................................................ 3
Before You Start ............................................................................................................................... 3
Testbed Basics.................................................................................................................................. 3
Location of the Testbed.................................................................................................................... 3
Login ................................................................................................................................................ 3
Completeness .................................................................................................................................. 4
Addressing ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Data Format Testing ......................................................................................................................... 4
Integration Testing ........................................................................................................................... 5
Sample Test Files.............................................................................................................................. 5
Known Limitations............................................................................................................................ 6
Achieving Compliancy ...................................................................................................................... 6
Testing ancient XML files (eSchKG version 1.1a)................................................................................ 7
Testing the Reception of the Member Directory using SN ................................................................. 7
Collection Offices User's Guide ........................................................................................... 8
Testbed Basics.................................................................................................................................. 8
Location of the Testbed.................................................................................................................... 8
Login ................................................................................................................................................ 8
Data Format Testing ......................................................................................................................... 9
Integration Testing ......................................................................................................................... 10
Testing the Member Directory using the SN Message ..................................................................... 12
Testing Delivery of Statistical Data .................................................................................................. 12
eSchKG 2.0 Testbed User Manual | Edition March 2014
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Chapter 1
Creditors User's Guide
Before You Start
Compliancy testing is a two-step process that involves not only the Testbed but a separate test with each vendor of collection office software as well. See also the Orange Book
for further instructions.
Testbed Basics
The eSchKG Testbed is a web application that lets developers test eSchKG messages (XML
files). To the creditor, the Testbed acts like a collection office; it receives requests and produces electronic files in return as would the collection office. The Testbed performs a thorough examination of the electronic data that it receives; both the technical format and compliancy with standard business rules are checked.
Location of the Testbed
The Testbed is located under, the official website of the eSchKG project.
You can get the login password from the Federal Office of Justice upon request (see contact
information in the Testbed login page). As a creditor, choose the login on the left. After
you've logged in, you will find that the website is entirely in English.
Figure: Testbed Login Page
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When testing files with the Testbed, you are actually verifiying conformity of your system's
output. One of the key success factors when testing conformity is completeness. It is highly
recommended that you exploit the full spectrum of your application with all options turned on.
You may decide to turn them off at the beginning and gradually switch them on one after
another and thus raise complexity. Whenever you turn off one or the other option in your system then you should not do it for the sake of accomplishing success with the Testbed in the
first place, but because you plan not to use that option under normal operation conditions.
The Testbed's SEDEX address is 7-4-1. You must declare this address as the <receiver>
in the <envelope> section of your XML file.
Data Format Testing
Data format testing is done using the upload feature of the Testbed. Simply upload your XML
file and wait for the Error Report window to pop up.
Figure: Data Format Testing (Uploading of XML files)
Shortly after the upload an error report is displayed. In case your message was faulty, a detailed list of errors found is reported. If your message was error-free, sample response messages from the virtual collection office are now available for you to inspect and download.
The Testbed's error detection mechanism reaches beyond the error list presented in the Blue
Book and the XML Reference. For instance, some of the schema errors are reported in detail
while the collection office would simply respond using error code 0001, general schema error. In the presence of errors, an error table is added to the section pointing out the line number in the XML file, error code and reason.
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Figure: Testbed error report in case of faulty XML (left) and error-free XML (right)
Integration Testing
Integration testing is done after the data format tests have been passed. Please note that
SN and SI messages cannot be integration tested.
Integration testing involves sending an XML file or many files, possibly along with one or
more PDF attachments, to the Testbed using Sedex and MessageHandler. The Testbed
would then respond using the appropriate eSchKG message type, just like a collection office
No message arriving?
Waiting for the Testbed response message may take a while, depending on the configuration options in your Sedex and MessageHandler installations. However, if you don't find
the Testbed's message in your Inbox for more than half an hour, then you will probably
never get one. The reasons for this may be manifold; apart from a simple malfunction of
the Testbed, chances are that your XML files have never reached the Testbed due to
addressing issues. Please note that outgoing files need to be renamed according to the
naming convention outlined in the Red Book, section 2.3, Addressing.
Sample Test Files
For each type of eSchKG message there is a sample XML file for tutorial purposes. They
may be useful in the development and testing stages.
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Figure: Sample Test Files
1.10 Known Limitations
The Testbed has been designed for maximum coverage of the eSchKG standards. However,
there are limitations due to the fact that messages are tested out of business context. That is
why some of the business checks that can be done by a real-world office wouldn't work with
the Testbed. Please note the following limitations (numbers are error codes).
0102, Invalid senderID, cannot be verified as you may use the Testbed long before
becoming a valid member of the eSchKG network. However, you need a Sedex account and installation for accomplishing the integration tests;
0203, ambiguous senderRefData, and 0204, ambiguous inquiryId, cannot be verified;
0501, no such senderRefData, and 0502, no such caseNumber, cannot be verified.
1.11 Achieving Compliancy
Creditors use the Testbed for the purpose of testing conformance of their information system
with the eSchKG standard. We highly recommend the following guideline while testing with
the Testbed.
Use documents that were genuinely generated by the system under test;
Make sure you're testing the full spectrum of your software (all options on);
Make sure you compensate for the Testbed's limitations by taking appropriate measures (see 1.10).
Don't forget ...
Passing the Testbed is only half of the standard testing procedure. See the Orange Book
for further instructions on how to accomplish the full test.
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1.12 Testing ancient XML files (eSchKG version 1.1a)
The Testbed is capable of testing versions 1.1a and 2.0 of the standard. However, version
1.1a is being out-phased and new member creditors are no longer allowed to join the
eSchKG community network unless they use version 2.0.
For those who need to test version 1.1a for any reason, the following is important.
Known limitations in version 1.1a
After the introduction of eSchKG 1.1a in 2011, some offices turned out to struggle. As the
analysis shows, the XML that creditors delivered was fully compliant with the standards,
but the office had to admit that it couldn't handle all of the features that the newly introduced standards exposed. In order to cope with this situation, the Federal Office of Justice has published a list of known limitations, called Development Restrictions for Creditors in the eSchKG homepage under
The Testbed checks for all of the limitations published in this list.
1.13 Testing the Reception of the Member Directory using SN
The electronic member directory is published on the eSchKG homepage in two formats, Excel 2007 and CSV. In addition, the CSV-file is being distributed to the members as an attachment to the SN message, using SnCode eSchKG:updateMemberDirectory. The
member directory will be distributed by the Federal Office of Justice well in advance, such
that members have enough time to switch. See also the Blue Book.
You will probably implement some kind of update mechanism that has a serious impact on
the system, such as the reception of the member directory file, database processing, scheduling, deployment, and so on.
How to test the reception of the member directory csv-file
The Testbed doesn't support this kind of test. Instead, you have to get in touch with the
Federal Office of Justice. They will send a test message and member directory to you
upon request. Please contact [email protected] or call 031 322 74 74.
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Chapter 2
Collection Offices User's Guide
Testbed Basics
The eSchKG Testbed is a web application that lets developers test eSchKG messages (XML
files). To the office, the Testbed acts like a creditor; it can send a creditor's request message
and awaits the appropriate response message, as would a creditor. The Testbed performs a
thorough examination of the electronic data that it receives; both the technical format and
compliancy with standard business rules are checked.
Location of the Testbed
The Testbed is located under, the official website of the eSchKG project.
You can get the login password from the Federal Office of Justice upon request (see contact
information in the Testbed login page). As a developer of software for collection offices,
choose the login on the right. After you've logged in, you will find that the website is entirely
in English.
Your Sedex ID here
Error reports will go here
Figure: Testbed Login Page
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Data Format Testing
Data format testing is done using the upload feature of the Testbed. Simply upload your XML
file and wait for the Error Report window to pop up.
Figure: Data Format Testing (Uploading of XML files)
Shortly after the upload an error report is displayed. In case your message was faulty, a detailed list of errors found is displayed.
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Figure: Testbed error report in case of faulty XML (left) and error-free XML (right)
Integration Testing
Integration testing involves the exchange of eSchKG messages using the eSchKG network,
involving further installations of software tools like Sedex adapter and MessageHandler.
request delivery (on the web)
send messages to creditor's
Sedex Inbox
generate response
send response message(s) to
Testbed Sedex Inbox
generate error
send error report to email account
Figure: Integration testing for software used in a collection office
Integration testing is done after the data format tests have been passed. Please note that
SN, SA and SD messages cannot be integration tested.
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Figure: Integration Testing for the collection office
The integration test for collection offices is a three-step process.
Step 1: Deliver test files to your Sedex account. The first step is to have the Testbed deliver one or more request messages to you. Simply check the request messages you want to
receive, then push the button labelled "Deliver Checked Files" to have them sent to the
Sedex Inbox you specified during login.
Note that your Sedex ID is displayed in the yellow box that says "Your login ID is:" In case
the ID appears to be wrong, close the browser and login again using the correct Sedex ID.
Step 2: Produce response message. The next step is to read the files in your
SEDEX/MessageHandler Inbox and execute the necessary business procedures in order to
produce the appropriate response message.
Step 3: Send response message to the Testbed. Send the response message(s) to the
Testbed. Shortly after that you will then be sent an error report to your email inbox (the one
you specified during login).
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No report in your email?
Waiting for the Testbed response message may take a while. However, if you receive no
message in your email for more than half an hour, then you will probably never get one.
The reasons for this may be manifold; apart from a simple malfunction of the Testbed,
chances are that your XML files have never reached the Testbed due to addressing issues. Please note that outgoing files need to be renamed according to the naming convention outlined in the Red Book, section 2.3, Addressing.
Testing the Member Directory using the SN Message
The electronic member directory is published on the eSchKG homepage in two formats, Excel 2007 and CSV. In addition, the CSV-file is being distributed to the members as an attachment to the SN message, using SnCode eSchKG:updateMemberDirectory. The
member directory will be distributed by the Federal Office of Justice well in advance, such
that members have enough time to switch. See also the Blue Book.
You may have implemented some kind of update mechanism that needs testing, involving a
number of actions such as the reception of the member directory file, database processing,
scheduling, deployment, and so on.
How to receive the member directory csv-file as a test
Testing of the member directory is not supported by the Testbed. You have to get in
touch with the Federal Office of Justice. They will send a test message and member directory to you upon request. Please contact [email protected] or call 031 322 74 74.
Testing Delivery of Statistical Data
The SI Sequence cannot be tested using the Testbed. You have to get in touch with the
Federal Office of Justice. They will send an SI message to you for testing purposes upon
request. Please contact [email protected] or call 031 322 74 74
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License Information
eSchKG is free of charge and may be used and distributed freely.
Swiss Federal Office of Justice, Bundesrain 20, 3003 Bern, Switzerland
Fachbereich Rechtsinformatik
T: 031 / 324 74 74
[email protected]
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