How to Register online Step 1

How to Register online
Step 1 Go to and choose the training you want to attend.
Step 2 You will be connected to a new page with the training information that you have chosen and a
login section. Login with your last name and email address.
NOTE: If you are registering someone other than yourself be sure to use that person’s last name and
email address.
NOTE: The instructions below are for people who have NEVER created a login or have forgotten their
login information.
**If you have never logged in before then you will click on the Create Login button to set up a login
account and continue your registration.
If you forgot your login information click the blue forgot login info link
Then enter your First Name and Center Name and click continue.
Your login and password information will appear on your computer screen.
Step 3 Enter your information in the following fields, see the screen shot below:
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Confirm Email
Enter the Site information in the following fields:
Center Name
Zip code
Phone Number
Choose an Attendee Type, either Attendee Registration or Attendee Registration and CEU’s
Then click Next
Step 4 Confirm that the information you have entered is correct and click continue
Step 5 You must click on the Charge my credit card button, then enter your credit card information
and click Next
Step 6 If your billing address is different from your center address please enter your billing address
Step 7 Your confirmation page will display. Please Print this page out from the Printable View link in
the upper right corner of the page and keep for your records. Your card will only be charged if you are
confirmed into this event. You will receive written notification after payment has been completed.