GIO-GL Lot 1, GMES Initial Operations Date Issued: 19.08.2014 Issue: I1.40 Gio Global Land Component - Lot I ”Operation of the Global Land Component” Framework Service Contract N° 388533 (JRC) PRODUCT USER MANUAL NORMALIZED DIFFERENCE VEGETATION INDEX (NDVI) VERSION 2 Issue I1.40 Organisation name of lead contractor for this deliverable: Book Captain: Bruno Smets (VITO) Contributing Authors: T. Jacobs and E. Swinnen (VITO) GIO-GL Lot 1, GMES Initial Operations Date Issued: 19.08.2014 Issue: I1.40 Dissemination Level PU PP RE CO Public Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services) Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services) Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services) Document-No. GIOGL1_PUM_NDVI-V2 Issue: Date: 19.08.2014 I1.40 X © GIO-GL Lot1 consortium Page: 2 of 24 GIO-GL Lot 1, GMES Initial Operations Date Issued: 19.08.2014 Issue: I1.40 Document Release Sheet Book captain: Bruno Smets Sign Date 19.08.2014 Approval Roselyne Lacaze Sign Date 26.08.2014 Endorsement: Michael Cherlet Sign Date Distribution: Public Document-No. GIOGL1_PUM_NDVI-V2 Issue: Date: 19.08.2014 I1.40 © GIO-GL Lot1 consortium Page: 3 of 24 GIO-GL Lot 1, GMES Initial Operations Date Issued: 19.08.2014 Issue: I1.40 Change Record Issue/Rev Date Page(s) Description of Change Release 21.06.2013 All Draft D1.00 Draft 13.11.2013 11,12 Updated, removed smoothed product D1.10 Draft 14.11.2013 All Minor updated after review R. Lacaze D1.20 24.12.2013 Added references, abbreviations and validation summary. Updated data policies. I1.30 I1.30 21.01.2014 Fixed references I1.31 I1.31 19.08.2014 20 Update scientific contact 21-23 Clarification after external review I1.40 Document-No. GIOGL1_PUM_NDVI-V2 Issue: Date: 19.08.2014 I1.40 © GIO-GL Lot1 consortium Page: 4 of 24 GIO-GL Lot 1, GMES Initial Operations Date Issued: 19.08.2014 Issue: I1.40 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Background of the document ................................................................................................ 8 1.1 Executive Summary .................................................................................................................... 8 1.2 Scope and Objectives ................................................................................................................. 8 1.3 Content of the document ........................................................................................................... 8 1.4 Related documents .................................................................................................................... 9 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3 2 Algorithm ............................................................................................................................ 10 2.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................. 10 2.2 Retrieval Methodology ............................................................................................................ 10 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 3 Applicable document .................................................................................................................................... 9 Input.............................................................................................................................................................. 9 External document........................................................................................................................................ 9 Background ................................................................................................................................................. 10 Input data ................................................................................................................................................... 10 Processing steps .......................................................................................................................................... 12 Product Description ............................................................................................................. 14 3.1 File Format ............................................................................................................................... 14 3.2 Product Content ....................................................................................................................... 17 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.3 Image Files .................................................................................................................................................. 17 NDVI ‘quicklook’ image ............................................................................................................................... 18 Product Characteristics ............................................................................................................ 19 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 Projection and grid information ................................................................................................................. 19 Spatial information ..................................................................................................................................... 20 Temporal information ................................................................................................................................. 20 3.4 Data Policies ............................................................................................................................ 20 3.5 Contacts ................................................................................................................................... 20 4 Validation ........................................................................................................................... 21 5 Usage .................................................................................................................................. 23 6 References ........................................................................................................................... 24 Document-No. GIOGL1_PUM_NDVI-V2 Issue: Date: 19.08.2014 I1.40 © GIO-GL Lot1 consortium Page: 5 of 24 GIO-GL Lot 1, GMES Initial Operations Date Issued: 19.08.2014 Issue: I1.40 List of Figures Figure 1: Spectral response of VGT-1 (solid line) and VGT-2 (dashed line) for the 4 bands.......... 11 Figure 2 : NDVI processing ............................................................................................................. 13 Figure 3: Regions of NDVI product. ................................................................................................ 15 Figure 4: The cut-out of tiles ........................................................................................................... 19 Figure 5 : Relative comparison amongst NDVI datasets. Upper left: X: NDVI V2, Y: AVHRR, upper middle: X: NDVI V2, Y: GEOV1, upper right: X: AVHRR, Y: GEOV1 ...................................... 21 Figure 6 : Agreement between different NDVI datasets ................................................................. 22 Figure 7 : NDVI in Africa, from 1 to 10 May 2006 ........................................................................... 23 List of Tables Table 1: Spectral characteristics of VEGETATION sensor ............................................................. 11 Table 2 : Masking operation ............................................................................................................ 13 Table 3: Definition of the continental tiles. ...................................................................................... 15 Table 4: Definition of the continents. ............................................................................................... 15 Table 5: Range of values and scaling factors of NDVI. .................................................................. 17 Table 6: Description of HDF-5 file attributes ................................................................................... 18 Table 7: Description of HDF-5 layer attributes ................................................................................ 18 Table 8: Color coding for quicklook images .................................................................................... 18 Document-No. GIOGL1_PUM_NDVI-V2 Issue: Date: 19.08.2014 I1.40 © GIO-GL Lot1 consortium Page: 6 of 24 GIO-GL Lot 1, GMES Initial Operations Date Issued: 19.08.2014 Issue: I1.40 List of Acronyms AC Agreement Coefficient ATBD Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document AVHRR Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer CCD Charge Coupled Device CEOS Committee on Earth Observation System CTIV Centre de Traitement des Images VEGETATION GEOV1 First version of the Geoland2 products GIO GMES Initial Operations GIO-GL GMES Initial Operations Global Land service LPV Land Product Validation group of CEOS MBE Mean Bias Error MVC Maximum Value Composite NDVI Normalized Difference Vegetation Index NIR Near-infrared reflectance band NRT Near Real Time PUM Product User Manual RED Red reflectance band RMSE Root Mean Square Error RRMSE Relative Root Mean Square Error S10 10-daily Top Of Canopy synthesis SPOT Système Pour l’Observation de la Terre SRF Spectral Response Function SWIR Short Wave Infrared band TOC Top Of Canopy VCI Vegetation Condition Index VGT VEGETATION sensor onboard SPOT4/5 VGT-S10 10-daily Top Of Canopy synthesis from VEGETATION sensor VPI Vegetation Productivity Index Document-No. GIOGL1_PUM_NDVI-V2 Issue: Date: 19.08.2014 I1.40 © GIO-GL Lot1 consortium Page: 7 of 24 GIO-GL Lot 1, GMES Initial Operations Date Issued: 19.08.2014 Issue: I1.40 1 BACKGROUND OF THE DOCUMENT 1.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Global Land (GL) Component in the framework of GMES Initial Operations (GIO) is earmarked as a component of the Land service to operate “a multi-purpose service component” that will provide a series of bio-geophysical products on the status and evolution of land surface at global scale. Production and delivery of the parameters are to take place in a timely manner and are complemented by the constitution of long term time series. The Product User Manual (PUM) is a self-contained document which gathers all necessary information to use the product on an efficient and reliable way. The Copernicus Global Land Service contains already a Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) product, version 1 also known as GEOV1 NDVI [PUM-NDVI-V1]. This NDVI product is derived from directionally corrected RED and NIR reflectances. The product is updated every 10 days, with a temporal basis for compositing of 30 days and delivered with a 12 days lag in Near Real Time (NRT). To comply with the Copernicus Global Land Service technical requirements [AD1], a new version of the NDVI product, named version 2, was added derived from the SPOT/VEGETATION 10-daily synthesis reflectance values. This product is provided every 10 days, with a temporal basis of the 10-daily compositing period and delivered with a maximum of 3 days lag in Near Real Time. This document describes the GIO-GL Normalized Difference Vegetation Index version 2 (NDVI V2) product, derived from SPOT/VEGETATION 10-daily synthesis data. The product is calculated globally on a 10-daily basis, and made available to the user in near-real time every 10 days. 1.2 SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES The Product User Manual (PUM) is the primary document that users have to read before handling the products. It gives an overview of the product characteristics, in terms of algorithm, technical characteristics, and main validation results. 1.3 CONTENT OF THE DOCUMENT This document is structured as follows: Chapter 2 presents a description of the algorithm. Chapter 3 describes the technical characteristics of the product. Chapter 4 summarizes the validation procedure and the results. Document-No. GIOGL1_PUM_NDVI-V2 Issue: Date: 19.08.2014 I1.40 © GIO-GL Lot1 consortium Page: 8 of 24 GIO-GL Lot 1, GMES Initial Operations Date Issued: 19.08.2014 Issue: I1.40 1.4 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1.4.1 Applicable document AD1: Annex II – Tender Specifications to Contract Notice 2012/S 129-213277 of 7th July 2012 AD2: Appendix 1 – Product and Service Detailed Technical requirements to Annex II to Contract Notice 2012/S 129-213277 of 7th July 2012 1.4.2 Input Document ID Descriptor GIOGL1_ATBD_NDVI-VCI-VPI Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document for NDVI Version 2, and derived VCI and VPI GIOGL1_PUM_NDVI-V1 Product User Manual NDVI version 1 GIOGL1_VR_NDVI-V2 Validation Report on NDVI Version 2, and on derived VCI and VPI These documents are available on the Global Land service website, on the NDVI product page, at the address: 1.4.3 External document Document ID Descriptor SPOT-VGT Document-No. GIOGL1_PUM_NDVI-V2 Issue: Date: 19.08.2014 I1.40 © GIO-GL Lot1 consortium Page: 9 of 24 GIO-GL Lot 1, GMES Initial Operations Date Issued: 19.08.2014 Issue: I1.40 2 ALGORITHM 2.1 OVERVIEW NDVI, or Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, is a dimensionless index that is indicative for vegetation density and is calculated by comparing the visible and near-infrared sunlight reflected by the surface (reflectance). The Global Land NDVI product is a 10-day synthesis product derived from Top of Canopy SPOT/VEGETATION data [AD2]. 2.2 RETRIEVAL METHODOLOGY 2.2.1 Background First methods to remove the directional effects in time series were empirical. Duggin et al. (1982) suggested using only measurements acquired in a limited angular domain. However, this option does not fit the will to look for a high temporal frequency of observations. Indeed, for regions with high cloud coverage, removing observations acquired under some angles means a significant loss of information. Consequently, the interest moved to the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). Holben (1986) proposed a method based upon the selection, for a given pixel, of the images corresponding to the maximum value of NDVI over a compositing time window. Gutman (1989) showed that this method called Maximum Value Composite (MVC) gives a temporal NDVI profile related to the biomass variations. Nevertheless, the MVC principle implies that there is a risk to select NDVI values resulting from undetected cloudy observations. One improvement came with the BISE (Best Index Slope Extraction) method (Viovy et al., 1992) which takes into account the slope of the NDVI profile. The change in the length of the compositing period affects entirely the resulting MVC profile whereas it affects the resulting BISE profile only when its sign changes. However, neither takes into account the seasonal variations of the geometry of illumination and the resulting shadow effects. Nonetheless, the MVC is used operationally to derive the standard NDVI from the 10 days synthesis reflectances of SPOT/VEGETATION sensor. 2.2.2 Input data The input data of the NDVI processing line are the standard VGT-S10 (Top of Canopy 10-daily synthesis reflectance) products generated and provided by the SPOT VEGETATION programme through VITO ( Since April 1998, the VEGETATION sensor has been operational on board the SPOT 4 and 5 earth observation satellite system. It provides a global observation of the world on a daily basis. The instrumental concept relies on a linear array of 1728 CCD detectors with a large field of view (101°) in four optical spectral bands described in Table 1 and Figure 1. Although very similar, some Document-No. GIOGL1_PUM_NDVI-V2 Issue: Date: 19.08.2014 I1.40 © GIO-GL Lot1 consortium Page: 10 of 24 GIO-GL Lot 1, GMES Initial Operations Date Issued: 19.08.2014 Issue: I1.40 differences between VEGETATION 1 and VEGETATION 2 instruments have to be noticed [SPOTVGT], particularly regarding the spectral sensitivity (Figure 1). Acronym B0 B2 B3 SWIR Centre (nm) 450 645 835 1665 Width (nm) 40 70 110 170 Potential Applications Vegetation-Atmosphere Vegetation Vegetation Vegetation Table 1: Spectral characteristics of VEGETATION sensor Figure 1: Spectral response of VGT-1 (solid line) and VGT-2 (dashed line) for the 4 bands. The spatial resolution is 1.15 km at nadir and presents minimum variations for off-nadir observations. The 2200 km swath width implies a maximum off nadir observation angle of 50.5°. About 90% of the equatorial areas are imaged each day, the remaining 10% being imaged the next day. For latitudes higher than 35° (North and South), all regions are acquired at least once a day. The multi-temporal registration is about 300 meters. The 10-day synthesis (S10) provides surface reflectance values based on a selection of the “best” measurements on the entire period. The actual selection is based on the maximum NDVI value, as it is commonly accepted today, even if many problems associated to that selection are identified [see GIOGL1_ATBD_NDVI-VCI-VPI]. Document-No. GIOGL1_PUM_NDVI-V2 Issue: Date: 19.08.2014 I1.40 © GIO-GL Lot1 consortium Page: 11 of 24 GIO-GL Lot 1, GMES Initial Operations Date Issued: 19.08.2014 Issue: I1.40 2.2.3 Processing steps The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) can be related to the vegetation photosynthetic activity. It is computed from the RED and NIR reflectances only (see Eq. 1). Eq. 1 where B2 and B3 are the atmospherically corrected surface reflectances in the RED and NIR bands from the SPOT/VEGETATION 10-daily synthesis dataset. Besides the surface conditions, these reflectances are also largely dependent on the specifications of the spectral bands of a sensor, defined by the spectral response functions (SRFs). This means that there is not a true NDVI for a specific surface, but only an NDVI, according to sensor-specific SRFs (see e.g. Steven et al. 2003; Trishchenko, 2009; Trishchenko et al. 2002). During the processing of the NDVI, as shown in Figure 2, the information stored in the Status Mask is integrated inside the NDVI using the upper values, representing a set of flags. The NDVI processing also removes falsely land pixels that are wrongly identified in the SPOT/VEGETATION status map (land is falsely extended with land with about ten pixels around the coasts) by using the GLC2000 global land classification (Bartholomé et Belward, 2005). All sea pixels in this latter map receive the flag value 254 in the NDVI images. Boreal pixels in winter time (no light) will be flagged, since the status map no longer contains the distinction between land and water and hence this information can’t be extracted immediately as such. Document-No. GIOGL1_PUM_NDVI-V2 Issue: Date: 19.08.2014 I1.40 © GIO-GL Lot1 consortium Page: 12 of 24 GIO-GL Lot 1, GMES Initial Operations Date Issued: 19.08.2014 Issue: I1.40 VGT S10 B2, B3 VGT S10 SM (dekad N) (dekad N) GLC2000 Band math NDVI (dekad N) Figure 2 : NDVI processing During the band math calculation of Eq. 1, a masking operation is performed as follows: VGT S10 SM GLC2000 NDVI V2 0 (indicates water or boreal winter) Not Water Missing Value or data error Bit 0 and/or 1 set Not Water Cloud or Cloud Shadow Bit 2 set Not Water Snow or Ice Bit 5 and/or 6 set Not Water Missing Value or data error Bits 0 to 6 set or clear (Don’t care) 0 (Sea) Water Table 2 : Masking operation Note that any pixel identified as in-land water in GLC2000 will not be masked out and hence considered as land. The dynamics of in-land water would mask out land pixels and hence not providing any NDVI value. To flag out in-land water pixels, one could use the Water Bodies product. A more detailed description can be found in the ATBD [GIOGL1_ATBD_NDVI-VCI-VPI]. Document-No. GIOGL1_PUM_NDVI-V2 Issue: Date: 19.08.2014 I1.40 © GIO-GL Lot1 consortium Page: 13 of 24 GIO-GL Lot 1, GMES Initial Operations Date Issued: 19.08.2014 Issue: I1.40 3 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) product follows the following naming standard: g2_BIOPAR_NDVI[_<YYYYMMDDHHMM>_<AREA>_<SENSOR>_V<Major.Minor> where <YYYYMMDDHHMM> gives the temporal location of the file. YYYY, MM, DD, HH, and MM denote the year, the month, the day, the hour, and the minutes, respectively. <AREA> gives the spatial coverage of the file. In our case, <AREA> is HxxVyy, the name of the 10°x10° tile or the continent short name <SENSOR> gives the name of the sensor used to retrieve the product, so VGT referencing SPOT-VEGETATION <Major.Minor> gives the version number of the product. “Major” increases when the algorithm is updated. “Minor” increases when bugs are fixed or when processing lines are updated (metadata, color quicklook, etc...). This version refers to Major = 2. 3.1 FILE FORMAT The NDVI products are distributed in zip archives. The archive contains following files: single-band HDF-5 format containing the following layers: o NDVI : normalized difference vegetation index value a xml file containing the metadata conform to INSPIRE2.1. An xsl file allows displaying a friendly view of the metadata file. A quicklook in a coloured geo-tiff format. The quicklook sub-sampled to 25% in both horizontal and vertical direction from the NDVI layer. A text file containing the copyright of the product. Each file corresponds to a tile of 10° x 10°. A dedicated typology has been chosen to locate easily each tile when reading its name. The globe is divided in 36 tiles in longitude and 18 in latitude according to Figure 3. Only the green tiles, covering land, are generated and hence available. In winter season, the northern hemisphere has less observations, hence the number of available tiles could be less. The products are also provided by continents (grouping of a set of tiles) as defined in Figure 3, and named as in Table 3. The 6 colored rectangles, covering most land of our continents, represent the available continents. Document-No. GIOGL1_PUM_NDVI-V2 Issue: Date: 19.08.2014 I1.40 © GIO-GL Lot1 consortium Page: 14 of 24 GIO-GL Lot 1, GMES Initial Operations Date Issued: 19.08.2014 Issue: I1.40 Figure 3: Regions of NDVI product. Short name Continent AFRI Africa: 20°W – 60°E, 40°N – 40°S ASIA Asia: 60°E – 180°E, 80°N – 0°N EURO Europe: 30°W – 60°E, 80°N – 30°N NOAM North America: 170°W – 50°W, 80°N – 10°N OCEA Oceania: 100°E – 180°E, 0°S – 50°S SOAM South America: 110°W – 30°W, 20°N – 60°S Table 3: Definition of the continental tiles. Note that the continents distributed over EUMETCast are defined according the DevCoCast (VGT4Africa) settings and are not bound to 10° (Table 4): Short name Continent Africa 20°W – 60°E, 38°N – 35°S S-America 93°W – 33°W, 25°N – 56°S Table 4: Definition of the continents. Document-No. GIOGL1_PUM_NDVI-V2 Issue: Date: 19.08.2014 I1.40 © GIO-GL Lot1 consortium Page: 15 of 24 GIO-GL Lot 1, GMES Initial Operations Date Issued: 19.08.2014 Issue: I1.40 TIPS: 1. You can download and install HDF5 library from The library comes with useful tools that could be used to discover the organization and contents of the hdf5 files. For example, you can use the “h5ls” line command to view the hierarchical organization of the files (as below): h5ls -r g2_BIOPAR_NDVI_201307210000_H23V01_VGT_V2.0.h5 You can also download a java viewer called HDFView from the same URL. This tool is more user friendly oriented than the based line commands. 2. The VGTExtract tool can be used to convert to other formats, see This tool detects the available Global Land zip files on your local system and is able to extract an ROI, mosaic tiles together and perform format conversion to another format. 3. Another option is to use the GDAL library from This library comes with useful tools that could be used to inspect and convert the contents of the hdf5 files into another format. For example, you can use the ‘gdalinfo’ tool to show the available bands in the hdf5 file (as below): gdalinfo g2_BIOPAR_NDVI_201302010000_H17V4_VGT_V1.3.h5 or use the ‘gdal_translate’ tool to convert a band to geotiff format (as below): gdal_translate –of Gtiff HDF5:"g2_BIOPAR_NDVI_201307210000_H17V4_VGT_V2.0.h5"://NDVI NDVI_201307210000_H17V04_VGT_V2.0.tiff g2_BIOPAR_NDVI- Windows users could also install the GDAL library from Document-No. GIOGL1_PUM_NDVI-V2 Issue: Date: 19.08.2014 I1.40 © GIO-GL Lot1 consortium Page: 16 of 24 GIO-GL Lot 1, GMES Initial Operations Date Issued: 19.08.2014 Issue: I1.40 3.2 PRODUCT CONTENT 3.2.1 Image Files The physical range of NDVI band is given in Table 5. Note that no uncertainties are associated to NDVI values. The physical values are retrieved by: PhyVal = DN / ScalingFactor + Offset where the scaling factor and the offset are given in the table below. NDVI Minimum value -0.08 Maximum value 0.92 Maximum DN value 250 Missing value or data error 251 Cloud or cloud shadow 252 Snow or ice 253 Sea 254 Other 255 Scaling factor 250 Offset -0.08 Table 5: Range of values and scaling factors of NDVI. Note that the NDVI values is now restricted to the range [-0.08; 0.92] compared to the range [-0.1; 0.92] of the original NDVI provided by the SPOT/VEGETATION Programme and delivered by the CTIV. The loss at the bottom does not affect the data quality because it never concerns clear land observations (mostly water). On the other hand, the upper digital values between 251 and 255 now becomes available for “flags”, i.e. dedicated values to indicate special situations The HDF-5 file contains a number of HDF-5 attributes on the file-level, see Table 6 and on the layer-level, see Table 7. Attribute name Archive_facility Centre Ellipsoid_name Geodate_name Attribute description Name of archiving center Name of processing/dissemination center Name of ellipsoid system Name of date system Document-No. GIOGL1_PUM_NDVI-V2 Issue: Date: 19.08.2014 I1.40 © GIO-GL Lot1 consortium Page: 17 of 24 GIO-GL Lot 1, GMES Initial Operations Date Issued: 19.08.2014 Issue: I1.40 Attribute name LAT LONG Instrument_ID Overall_quality_flag Pixel_size Product_time Product_algorithm_version Projection_name Region_name Satellite Attribute description Lattitude (top left) Longitude (top left) Sensor name Quality indicator Size of a single pixel (in square) Time of product creation Version of algorithm during processing Name of projection system Area name Platform name Table 6: Description of HDF-5 file attributes Attribute name Class Nb_bytes Order_bytes Product Missing_value Offset Scaling_factor Attribute description Type of layer (DATA) Data type (e.g. uint8, uint16, …) Order data type (1= intel) Layer name Data number representing missing value Offset factor to retrieve physical value Scale factor to retrieve physical value Table 7: Description of HDF-5 layer attributes 3.2.2 NDVI ‘quicklook’ image The quicklook is a geo-referenced tiff file. The spatial resolution is sub-sampled, using nearest neighbour resampling, to 25% in both directions, hence a quicklook is 1/16th of the size of the data layer. The quicklook is coded equal to NDVI. It is a coloured image. The quicklook is coded in 1 byte, using the same offset and scale parameters as the data layer. The quicklook is provided with an embedded color table. Table 8: Color coding for quicklook images Document-No. GIOGL1_PUM_NDVI-V2 Issue: Date: 19.08.2014 I1.40 © GIO-GL Lot1 consortium Page: 18 of 24 GIO-GL Lot 1, GMES Initial Operations Date Issued: 19.08.2014 Issue: I1.40 3.3 3.3.1 PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS Projection and grid information The product is displayed in a regular latitude/longitude grid (plate carrée) with the ellipsoïd WGS 1984 (Terrestrial radius=6378km). The resolution of the grid is 1/112°. As defined by SPOT-VEGETATION mission, the reference is the centre of the pixel. It means that the longitude of the upper left corner of the pixel is (pixel_longitude – angular_resolution/2.) Each tile covers an area of 10°x10°, while the continental tiles cover a multiple of these 10°x10° tiles as defined in Table 3. 1121 pixels = 10.0089° 10° = 1120 pixels 10° = 1120 pixels 1121 pixels = 10.0089° Figure 4: The cut-out of tiles Starting from the upper left center pixel and taking 10° or 1120 pixels into account, the final tile is an array of 1121 lines and 1121 columns taking the bottom/right upper/left half pixel into account (Figure 4). As such there is an overlap between the tiles. For example, the last column of tile H18V4 is the first column of the tile H19V4, and the last line of H18V4 is the first line of the tile H18V5. Users willing to remove the additional line or column can use gdal_translate or (soon) VGTExtract tools. For example: gdal_translate –of Gtiff –srcwin 0 0 1120 1120 g2_BIOPAR_NDVI_201302010000_H17V04_VGT_V2.0.tiff HDF5:"g2_BIOPAR_NDVI_201302010000_H17V4_VGT_V2.0.h5"://NDVI Note that the same reasoning holds also for the continental tiles. Document-No. GIOGL1_PUM_NDVI-V2 Issue: Date: 19.08.2014 I1.40 © GIO-GL Lot1 consortium Page: 19 of 24 GIO-GL Lot 1, GMES Initial Operations Date Issued: 19.08.2014 Issue: I1.40 3.3.2 Spatial information As shown in Figure 3, the NDVI product is provided from longitude -180 °E to +180°W and latitude +75°N to -56°S. The area above 75°N and below 56°S is filled with no-values (255). 3.3.3 Temporal information The NDVI products are 10-days composites. The temporal information “YYYYMMDDHHMM” in the filename corresponds to the start date of the 10-daily period. For example, the file g2_BIOPAR_NDVI_201308210000_H17V04_VGT_V2.0.h5 corresponds to the synthesis period from 21/08/2013 to 31/08/2013. The temporal information is detailed in the metadata (xml file) by 2 fields "EX_TemporalExtent : beginPosition" and "EX_TemporalExtent : endPosition" as “YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM::SS” giving the beginning and the end of the 10-days time period, respectively. The startPosition of the 10-days time period is always set to the 01st, 11th or 21th day of the month. 3.4 DATA POLICIES Any use of the NDVI product implies the obligation to include in any publication or communication using these products the following citation: "The product was generated by the land service of Copernicus, the Earth Observation program of the European Commission. The research leading to the current version of the product has received funding from various European Commission Research and Technical Development programs. The product is based on VEGETATION data ((c) CNES). The user accepts to inform Copernicus about the outcome of the use of the above-mentioned products and to send a copy of any publications that use these products to the following address [email protected]. 3.5 CONTACTS Accountable contact: European Commission Directorate-General Joint Research Center Email address: [email protected] Scientific contact: VITO Email address: [email protected] Production and distribution: VITO Email address: [email protected] Document-No. GIOGL1_PUM_NDVI-V2 Issue: Date: 19.08.2014 I1.40 © GIO-GL Lot1 consortium Page: 20 of 24 GIO-GL Lot 1, GMES Initial Operations Date Issued: 19.08.2014 Issue: I1.40 4 VALIDATION A relative comparison between the NDVI (version 2), the METOP-AVHRR 10-daily NDVI and NDVI version1 (GEOV1) is performed. A global evaluation was performed, according to the protocols and metrics defined by CEOS LPV for the indirect validation. The spatial and temporal consistency of datasets is checked and a global statistical analysis per major land cover class was carried out. The details and results are given in the Validation report [GIOGL1_VR_NDVI-V2]. As shown in Figure 5 and Figure 6, a good correlation can be seen among the different validated NDVI datasets. Note, in the figure below, the NDVI version2 is depicted as MO3. Figure 5 : Relative comparison amongst NDVI datasets. Upper left: X: NDVI V2, Y: AVHRR, upper middle: X: NDVI V2, Y: GEOV1, upper right: X: AVHRR, Y: GEOV1 Document-No. GIOGL1_PUM_NDVI-V2 Issue: Date: 19.08.2014 I1.40 © GIO-GL Lot1 consortium Page: 21 of 24 GIO-GL Lot 1, GMES Initial Operations Date Issued: 19.08.2014 Issue: I1.40 Figure 6 : Agreement between different NDVI datasets Document-No. GIOGL1_PUM_NDVI-V2 Issue: Date: 19.08.2014 I1.40 © GIO-GL Lot1 consortium Page: 22 of 24 GIO-GL Lot 1, GMES Initial Operations Date Issued: 19.08.2014 Issue: I1.40 5 USAGE NDVI images are typically visualized through an image processing software and then color coded. Values range from -0.08 to 0.92, indicating close to 0: no vegetation and close to 1: dense vegetation. The visualization color coding scheme usually ranges from brown (no vegetation) to green (dense vegetation), as in the example below. One such NDVI image from just one dekad (10-day period), shows only the presence or absence of vegetation and allows us to easily distinguish the deserts (like in the Sahel region) and the dense forests (like in Congo). Figure 7 : NDVI in Africa, from 1 to 10 May 2006 Document-No. GIOGL1_PUM_NDVI-V2 Issue: Date: 19.08.2014 I1.40 © GIO-GL Lot1 consortium Page: 23 of 24 GIO-GL Lot 1, GMES Initial Operations Date Issued: 19.08.2014 Issue: I1.40 6 REFERENCES Bartholomé, E., & Belward, A. S. (2005). GLC2000: A new approach to global land cover mapping from earth observation data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 26(9), 1959−1977. Duggin, M., D. Piwinski, V. Whitehead, and G. Ryland. 1982. Evaluation of NOAA-AVHRR data for crop assessment. Appl. Opt. 21: 1873-1875. Holben, B. (1986). Characteristics of maximum-value composite images from temporal AVHRR data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 7, 1417 – 1434. Steven, M.D, Malthus, T.J., Baret, F., Xu, H., Chopping, M.J. (2003). 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