SERC Regional Criteria Intra-Regional Near-Term Study Group Procedural Manual SERC Near Term Study Group (NTSG) Procedural Manual Re vis io n His to ry Revision 0 Date February 28, 2008 1 October 15, 2009 2 February 24, 2011 3 March 13, 2013 Comments General revision to reformat existing NTSG Procedural Manual as a SERC document. Study group name changed from VASTE to NTSG. Included new SERC members on SG in manual. Removed AEP from distribution list. Minor revisions throughout document to clarify compliance with FAC-012-1 and FAC-013-1; added Appendix F. Added “Administrative Procedure For Roster Change” (Section III). Added the “Power Flow Modeling Guidelines” to both the “Key Reliability Study Procedures” and the “Key OASIS Support Study Procedures” sections. Removed Appendix E: ERAG MMWG Power Flow Modeling Guidelines. Updated “Key OASIS Support Study Procedure”, “Duties of the NTSG”, and “Appendix C: NTSG OASIS Support Study Rotation & Sample” to replace the need of producing coordinated results with the production of coordinated master monthly interchange spreadsheets. Add language to address members leaving the group and update rotational schedules. Added APGI -Tapoco to list of company abbreviations. Language related to timing for joining a Reliability study. Remove language referencing the retired FAC-012 and FAC-013-1. To eliminate confusion and aid in training, add a link to the Reliability Process Document, and remove the details of the Reliability process from the manual. Remove mention of the Monthly Interchange process that the NTSG no longer performs, removed and added verbiage to clarify the current OASIS case building process, corrected wording on the timing of the Reliability studies, changed NERC ERAG to ERAG MMWG, added comment to OASIS section stating that no values for the sale of transmission are calculated in this process. Responsible SERC Subgroups SERC Regional Studies Steering Committee (RSSC) SERC Intra-Regional Near-Term Study Group (NTSG) Review and Re-Approval Requirements Revisions to this document will be handled in accordance with the SERC Standing Committee Documents Process (Other than SERC Regional Reliability Standards) supplement to the delegation agreement between NERC and SERC. SERC EC Approved March 13, 2013 Rev 3 i SERC Near Term Study Group (NTSG) Procedural Manual List of Appendices Appendix A: NTSG Scope Document Appendix B: NTSG Reliability Study Rotation and Sample Schedule Appendix C: NTSG OASIS Study Rotation and Sample Schedule Appendix D: Data Release Guidelines Appendix E: Naming Convention SERC EC Approved March 13, 2013 Rev 3 ii SERC Near Term Study Group (NTSG) Procedural Manual FOREWORD The SERC EC Intra-Regional Near-Term Study Group (NTSG) Procedural Manual was prepared by the NTSG under the direction of the SERC EC Regional Studies Steering Committee (RSSC). The purpose of this manual is to document the processes, procedures, and study methodology used by the NTSG in executing intra-regional seasonal reliability and operating studies. The NTSG Procedural Manual details a method of performing intra-regional transfer capability analysis and a means to establish and communicate transfer capabilities. Most regional member utilities employ Siemens Power Technologies International (Siemens PTI) Power System Simulator for Engineering (PSS/E) and Managing and Utilizing System Transmission (MUST) software. Consequently, the various activities in the procedural manual incorporate PTI's procedures and nomenclature in describing these activities. Inter-regional transfer capabilities are studied under the Eastern Interconnection Reliability Assessment Group (ERAG) Agreement in various study forums, including the SERC East-RFC Study and MRO-RFC-SERC West-SPP Studies. These inter-regional study efforts are guided by other procedures developed to address these activities, and the results of these studies are not reported by the SERC NTSG. SERC EC Approved March 13, 2013 Rev 3 iii SERC Near Term Study Group (NTSG) Procedural Manual TABLE OF CONTENTS I. History .................................................................................................................. 1 II. Purpose of the NTSG ........................................................................................... 1 III. Administrative Procedure for NTSG Roster Changes ...................................... 2 IV. Key Reliability Study Procedures ...................................................................... 3 A. Meetings and Scheduling................................................................................... 3 B. Power Flow Modeling Guidelines....................................................................... 4 C. Preparation of Cases, Analysis and Study Report ............................................. 4 D. General Work Procedures ................................................................................. 4 V. Key OASIS Support Study Procedures ............................................................. 4 A. Meetings and Scheduling................................................................................... 4 B. Power Flow Modeling Guidelines....................................................................... 5 C. Preparation of Cases, Analysis and Monthly Interchange Compilation .............. 5 D. General Work Procedures ................................................................................. 5 VI. Duties of the NTSG .............................................................................................. 6 A. Chair .................................................................................................................. 6 B. Vice Chair .......................................................................................................... 7 C. Member Representatives ................................................................................... 7 VII. Distribution of Procedural Manual and Comment Resolution Process .......... 7 APPENDIX A: NTSG Scope Document ...................................................................... 8 APPENDIX B: NTSG Reliability Study Rotation & Sample Schedule ................... 10 APPENDIX C: NTSG Oasis Support Study Rotation & Sample Sschedules ....... .14 APPENDIX D: Data Release Guidelines .................................................................. 16 APPENDIX E: Naming Convention .......................................................................... 17 SERC EC Approved March 13, 2013 Rev 3 iv SERC Regional Criteria: Near-Term Study Group (NTSG) Procedural Manual I. HISTORY The NTSG was formed in 1968 as a result of reliability agreements signed between CP&L and TVA, VACAR (CARVA) and Southern, and Southern and TVA. The purpose of the agreements was to further augment reliability of each party's bulk power supply through coordination of the planning and operation of their generation and bulk power transmission facilities. It was decided that it would be more efficient and productive if the three groups worked together rather than separately in performing joint studies. In the early 1970's, AEP joined the study group to form a VACAR-AEP-Southern-TVA (VAST) Study Group to conduct joint current-year operating studies separate from the VST Study Group. Oglethorpe Power Corporation signed a reliability agreement in 1994 with TVA and joined the VAST Study Group as Georgia Transmission Corporation. In 1996, Entergy joined the VAST Study Group to form the VASTE Study Group. In 1999, AECI joined the group as a liaison member, followed by MEAG and SEPA in 2001, and by APGI in 2005. The study group was reorganized and placed under SERC in 2006 as the SERC EC IntraRegional Near-Term Power Flow Study Group (NT-PFSG). During 2006, BREC, EKPC, Ameren, CWLD, SIPC joined the study group. In 2007, EON-US and CWLP joined the study group, while AEP left the study group. Also in 2007, the name of the study group was changed to the NTSG. II. PURPOSE OF THE NTSG The NTSG works under the direction of the RSSC, which reports to the SERC Regional Studies Executive Committee (RSEC). The RSEC has members from the NTSG systems and directs all study activities under the above reliability agreements. The following is a general list of the current responsibilities and activities of the NTSG: 1. Conduct joint studies as assigned by the RSSC to evaluate the performance of bulk power supply facilities in the operating horizon under both normal and contingency conditions. These studies focus on the evaluation of sub-regional and company-tocompany transfer capability and include two near-term reliability studies per year to evaluate summer peak and winter peak expected operating conditions and special studies as assigned by the RSSC. 2. Identify new operating procedures when necessary and possible to improve transfer capabilities. 3. Coordinate voltage levels and reactive interchange between systems. 4. Exchange information on actual and forecasted loads, bulk power facility plans, and current system conditions. 5. Publish reports of the joint studies to be used by both planning and operations personnel of the NTSG systems and their adjoining systems. 6. Maintain an up-to-date current season base case to be used in joint near-term reliability studies and by individual systems for operating studies. 7. Maintain a set of base cases to be used by individual systems for Available Transfer Capability (ATC) or Available Flowgate Capability (AFC) Calculations. SERC EC Approved March 13, 2013 Rev 3 Page 1 SERC Regional Criteria: Near-Term Study Group (NTSG) Procedural Manual 8. Work closely with the operations area of the respective systems to identify peak season activity that could impact the performance of the bulk power supply facilities including generation and transmission outages, unavailable capacity, and known or expected power transfers. 9. Investigate improved study methods and procedures, and coordinate study parameters with operations personnel for "realism." Make recommendations to the steering committee on new study methods and procedures. All NTSG study processes shall be performed in accordance with this procedural manual. III. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE FOR NTSG ROSTER CHANGES Representatives and alternates are appointed by their companies or entities. They must be signatories to the SERC confidentiality agreement, and cannot be from the marketing side of the business. Liaison will also be maintained with the chairs of the Engineering Committee, RSSC and RSSC subcommittees as appropriate. Prior to changes to NTSG roster, the following criteria need to be met: 1. The sitting NTSG member (or your company’s representative from a leadership committee) should notify the NTSG’s SERC Support representative of an upcoming transition onto the NTSG. SERC Support ([email protected]) should be copied on this notification. 2. Each SERC member company has assigned a “Designated Employee” to assist in administering requirements of the SERC Confidentiality Agreement (also known as a “non-disclosure agreement”). If the Agreement has not been signed, contact your company’s Designated Employee to complete the signatory process. Your signature verifies that you comply with the terms of the Agreement so that by virtue of your involvement with the NTSG, you may have access to confidential information in order to perform SERC functions. If required, SERC Support can assist in identifying your company’s Designated Employee. 3. Your company’s Designated Employee will ensure that SERC Support is provided your name on an updated employee list indicating that you have signed the SERC Confidentiality Agreement. 4. Each SERC member company has also identified a SERC Master Account Administrator (MAA) to provide local assistance in accessing information and data available through the SERC Portal/FTP site. As a new NTSG representative or alternate, contact your company’s MAA to establish appropriate access for your role on the NTSG. If required, SERC Support can assist in identifying your company’s MAA. 5. Placeholder for language on members leaving the group. Roster changes shall be submitted and processed through the SERC office, attention SERC [email protected] and the appropriate SERC support staff person. The SERC support staff will notify the committee chair, steering committee chair, company steering and Engineering Committee representatives of the requested changes. The NTSG chair will notify the group that a member has been added or removed from the roster. SERC EC Approved March 13, 2013 Rev 3 Page 2 SERC Regional Criteria: Near-Term Study Group (NTSG) Procedural Manual IV. KEY RELIABILITY STUDY PROCEDURES A. Meetings and Scheduling Two meetings per study are routinely scheduled. The first meeting focuses on reviewing the import transfer tables and parallel transfer graphs to be included in the final study report. The second meeting focuses on reviewing the first draft of the study report. OASIS support study discussion is added to each meeting agenda as required. All on-location meetings are coordinated through the SERC office. Whenever possible, business is conducted via mail, telephone or e-mail. The following items are included in the agenda: 1. The meeting is opened with a review of the SERC Confidentiality Policy and Antitrust Compliance Guidelines. 2. The minutes of the previous meeting are presented and approved following discussion unless approved previously via e-mail. Approved minutes of meetings and telephone conference calls are posted on the SERC web site. 3. The chairperson reports regarding correspondence or activities affecting the NTSG that have occurred between meetings. 4. The members provide updates on various activities affecting the NTSG. 5. Problems found in the load flow cases and process improvements are discussed for remedial actions and documentation. 6. The NTSG Procedural Manual is reviewed and updated as necessary. Information contained in the appendices is subject to changes in instructions from the RSSC and NTSG membership. Changes to the NTSG roster and rotation schedule do not require RSSC approval. 7. The member rotation schedule is reviewed and modified as necessary. RSSC approval is required for current chair and vice-chair assignment changes. The following is an overview of the NTSG work schedule. A detailed account of the study group assignments and work schedules is provided in Appendices B and C. When a company that did not participate in the previous season’s reliability study wishes to participate in the current reliability study process, they must notify the Chair prior to the first update to the base case per the schedule. The power flow models for the NTSG study work are created each year in late May or early June at the SERC Long-Term Study Group (LTSG) Data Bank Update (DBU). These base cases are used to create the ERAG MMWG cases in the fall. Either LTSG or ERAG MMWG models are used by the NTSG as seed cases to conduct seasonal operating studies. The NTSG summer peak season evaluation begins in November with final base case updates in December/January and execution of power-flow analysis in January/February of the following year. A meeting is held in late February/early March to jointly review the power-flow results. The first draft of the report is reviewed at a meeting held in late March/ April. Final coordination of the study results documentation is then conducted via electronic correspondence and the final report is approved and published in May. The NTSG winter peak season evaluation begins in May with final base case updates in June/July and execution of power-flow analysis in July. The results of the power-flow analysis SERC EC Approved March 13, 2013 Rev 3 Page 3 SERC Regional Criteria: Near-Term Study Group (NTSG) Procedural Manual are reviewed during the August meetings. A meeting is held in late September/early October to jointly review the first draft of the report. Final coordination of the study results documentation is then conducted via correspondence-mail and the final report is approved and published in midNovember. At the request of the RSSC, the NTSG will meet with the RSSC and the LTSG in August to discuss in open forum, issues regarding the study work responsibilities of the LTSG and/or NTSG. B. Power Flow Modeling Guidelines Power flow modeling guidelines along with definitions of power flow cases created by the MMWG can be found in the MMWG Procedural Manual, using the following link: Pages/default.aspx C. Preparation of Cases, Analysis and Study Report 1. A power flow runner is designated from among the NTSG members for each study on a rotational basis (see Appendix B). The power flow runner is responsible for initiating the process of collecting the required data and preparing the final base case for Power Transfer Analysis. The power flow runner performs AC Transfer Analysis in MUST and distributes the output to the study group. 2. A parallel transfer runner is designated from among the NTSG members for each study on a rotational basis (see Appendix B). The parallel transfer runner is responsible for Parallel Transfer Analysis performed on the final base case. 3. A report writer is designated from among the NTSG members for each study on a rotational basis (see Appendix B). The report writer is responsible for gathering and assembling all data and written submittals into a cohesive and consistent report to be submitted to the SERC office at the end of the study schedule. D. General Work Procedures For details on the work procedures for the reliability studies see the Reliability Process Document using the following link: Material%5cReliability%20Training&F=Reliability_Process_Document_05-16-2012.docx V. KEY OASIS SUPPORT STUDY PROCEDURES A. Meetings and Scheduling OASIS support study topics are generally discussed as agenda items during the NTSG meetings when reliability study items are covered. All on-location meetings are coordinated through the SERC office. Whenever possible, business is conducted via mail, telephone, or email. SERC EC Approved March 13, 2013 Rev 3 Page 4 SERC Regional Criteria: Near-Term Study Group (NTSG) Procedural Manual A detailed account of the study group assignments and work schedules is provided in Appendix C. B. Power Flow Modeling Guidelines Power flow modeling guidelines along with definitions of power flow cases created by the MMWG can be found in the MMWG Procedural Manual, using the following link: Pages/default.aspx C. Preparation of Cases, Analysis and Monthly Interchange Compilation 1. A power flow coordinator is designated from among the NTSG members for each seasonal study on a rotational basis (see Appendix C). The power flow coordinator is responsible for initiating the process of collecting the required data and preparing the final case for Power Transfer Analysis. The power flow coordinator performs DC Transfer Analysis in MUST and distributes the output to the study group. D. General Work Procedures Background • • • • • Needed to coordinate study efforts o Existing study procedures did not support timing requirements Augment SERC ATC Coordination Procedure Includes requirements for SERC office (sharing "cost burden" by all SERC members) Focus is on coordinating base case data Can also serve as a forum for sharing calculation information Overall Concept • • • • • • Uses a distributed calculation/coordination procedure Does not require SERC staff to be directly involved in study efforts Distributes responsibilities of all study aspects to study participants Seasonal OASIS studies are conducted on the next five consecutive study seasons to verify model validity. The values from these studies are not used for the sale of transmission service. Updates cases only if needed (or desired) by any study participant Uses current technology for sharing of information Posting and Archiving of Study Data Procedures The NTSG will share data files to be used in developing base cases and performing the transfer analysis on the SERC FTP site. Final cases will be archived on the SERC FTP site. All data files for the current and previous two study cycles will be maintained on the SERC FTP site. Study cycles older than the previous two study cycles would be moved to the SERC server where company representatives can request staff to retrieve data if needed. SERC EC Approved March 13, 2013 Rev 3 Page 5 SERC Regional Criteria: Near-Term Study Group (NTSG) Procedural Manual Study Procedure 1. Study Participant Responsibilities • Provide a “readme” file for a description of base case changes (if any). • Provide base case modifications (if any) in the form of a change idev. • Provide any update needed for subsystem, contingency and monitored element files for study transfers. These are only included for model verification purposes. 2. Power Flow Coordinator Responsibilities • Coordinate base case modifications • Perform transfer studies 4. SERC Office Responsibilities • Maintain proper access to data • Maintain data back-ups • Archive information when no longer needed • Distribute specific cases to interested parties 5. NTSG Chair Responsibilities • Ask SERC office to archive data each quarter. • Place starting-point cases on the file sharing server. 6. Study Schedule • Participants retrieve study base case from the OASIS directory of the file sharing server. Changes to the study transfer test levels must be coordinated with the affected party(s) prior to the scheduled study month. The list of study transfers and test levels must also be updated concurrently. • A typical OASIS study schedule can be found in Appendix C. VI. DUTIES OF THE NTSG A. Chair The RSSC will appoint one of the NTSG members to serve as the study group chair whose term will be rotated among the NTSG systems every two years with the term of office beginning on November 1 of the rotation year. The chair's duties are to include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Prepare schedule of work activities. Ensure the schedules are met. Attend RSSC meetings and provide copies of the minutes to the NTSG. Serve as a communications link between the study group and the steering committee. Provide the steering committee reports of current work. Set the agenda and publish NTSG meeting minutes for study group and steering committee information. 7. Notify study group of roster changes. Coordinate and distribute a current distribution list of all members and liaison representatives of the study group. 8. Coordinate a current list of the rotated study responsibilities for the study group. 9. Coordinate a current list of proposed and approved operating guides. SERC EC Approved March 13, 2013 Rev 3 Page 6 SERC Regional Criteria: Near-Term Study Group (NTSG) Procedural Manual 10. Coordinate SERC transfer capability numbers for NERC peak season assessments. 11. Send Reliability Study Reports and base cases in PSS/E (latest version used by ERAG MMWG) format to the SERC office once the report is approved by the RSSC and published. The NTSG Reliability Study Reports should also be provided to all members of the NTSG, RSSC, and the SERC Reliability Coordinator Subcommittee (RCS). 12. Maintain the file structure. Set up new folders prior to each study and place the appropriate base cases on the site for use in the studies. 13. Maintain the NTSG Procedural Manual and, when necessary, provide suggested comments/revised language to the RSSC for consideration. 14. Provide documented response upon receipt of written comments regarding the content of the NTSG Procedural Manual (after consultation and approval by the RSSC). B. Vice Chair The vice-chair is appointed by the SERC RSSC chair from among the member representatives to a two-year term on a rotating basis. The principle functions of the vice-chair are to assist the chair in the performance of the chair's duties and to serve on behalf of the chair during the chair's absence. The vice-chair is expected to succeed the chair at the end of the chair's term. C. Member Representatives Member representatives are responsible for providing the various data submittals for use in the Reliability and OASIS support studies. Member representatives are responsible for submitting necessary inclusions items for reports and OASIS coordinated spreadsheets. Member representatives are responsible for performing all data checks prior to submitting data in order to ensure that the cases assembled by the designated coordinator will solve with a minimum of adjustment. The member representatives are responsible for the quality of data that is submitted for their own areas. In addition, the member representatives are responsible for providing support as required for studies assigned to the NTSG by the RSSC. Details of power flow runner, parallel transfer runner, and report writer duties for reliability studies are provided in Section IV-C, and the Reliability Process Document. Details of power flow coordinator for OASIS Support studies are provided in Section V-C, and D. VII. DISTRIBUTION OF PROCEDURAL MANUAL AND COMMENT RESOLUTION PROCESS This approved document is publicly available on the SERC web site ( If a recipient of this NTSG Procedural Manual external to the NTSG, RSSC, or RSEC provides documented technical comments to the NTSG on the Transfer Capability Methodology herein, the NTSG chair shall provide a documented response (after consultation and approval of the RSSC) to that recipient within 45 calendar days of receipt of those comments. The NTSG response shall indicate whether a change will be made to the Methodology and, if no change will be made, the reason why. Any changes to the NTSG Procedural Manual will be made per the SERC Standing Committee Documents Process. Questions or comments on this document should be directed to SERC through [email protected]. SERC EC Approved March 13, 2013 Rev 3 Page 7 SERC Regional Criteria: Near-Term Study Group (NTSG) Procedural Manual APPENDIX A: NTSG SCOPE DOCUMENT Purpose The NTSG is responsible for conducting near term intra-regional seasonal reliability and OASIS support studies. Responsibilities and Activities The NTSG will abide by the SERC Confidentiality Policy and the SERC Antitrust Compliance Guidelines in carrying out its purpose. The following is a list of NTSG responsibilities and routine activities: Responsibilities Conducts summer and winter reliability studies as directed by RSSC 1. Conducts seasonal OASIS support studies Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Fine tunes base cases for seasonal and OASIS support studies Performs power flow and MUST work for studies Summarizes results of the studies Assembles necessary data and prepares study reports Provides status reports to the RSSC Representation The NTSG is comprised of one representative and an alternate from each SERC member that is registered with NERC as a Transmission Operator, Transmission Planner, or Planning Authority. The SERC member must abide by FERC regulations related to Standards of Conduct, as those regulations may from time to time be amended, or equivalent. Representatives are appointed by their companies but must be signatories to SERC confidentiality agreement and cannot be from the marketing side of the business. The representatives must be qualified to run power system simulation tools. Liaison will also be maintained with the chairs of the SERC Engineering Committee (EC) subgroups, as appropriate. Members of the NTSG shall serve for a term of two (2) years, but can be re-appointed. Terms should be staggered, when possible, to permit the presence of experienced members on the NTSG. The RSSC chair shall appoint a member of the NTSG to serve as chair of the NTSG and a member to serve as vice-chair. The chair and vice-chair shall serve for two (2) year terms that commence on November 1 of the appointment year and end on October 31 of the second year. The vice-chair will normally succeed the chair. SERC EC Approved March 13, 2013 Rev 3 Page 8 SERC Regional Criteria: Near-Term Study Group (NTSG) Procedural Manual Governance NTSG decisions/recommendations are generally made by consensus. If a vote is required, each member shall have one vote. A simple majority of the NTSG members present at a scheduled meeting or conference call is needed to approve any motion or vote. Reporting The NTSG will report to the RSSC. The NTSG chair will periodically advise the RSSC of the NTSG's activities, progress on assignments from the RSSC, and recommendations requiring RSSC approval. SERC EC Approved March 13, 2013 Rev 3 Page 9 SERC Regional Criteria: Near-Term Study Group (NTSG) Procedural Manual APPENDIX B: NTSG RELIABILITY STUDY ROTATION & SAMPLE SCHEDULE NTSG RELIABILITY STUDY ROTATION STUDY 12S 12/13W 13S 13/14W 14S 14/15W 15S 15/16W 16S 16/17W 17S 17/18W 18S 18/19W 19S 19/20W 20S 20/21W 21S 21/22W 22S 18S POWERFLOW RUNNER AECI Ameren DVP* Duke TVA Southern GTC Progress DVP SCPSA Entergy AECI Ameren SCEG Duke TVA Southern GTC Progress DVP SCPSA Entergy PARALLEL TRANSFERS REPORT Southern TVA Entergy Ameren GTC Progress AECI SCPSA Duke SCEG DVP Southern TVA Entergy Ameren GTC Progress AECI SCPSA Duke SCEG DVP LG&E/KU BREC EKPC Yadkin CWLD SIPC CWLP LG&E/KU BREC EKPC Yadkin CWLD SIPC CWLP LG&E/KU BREC EKPC Yadkin CWLD SIPC CWLP LG&E/KU * DVP is taking SCEG’s place as powerflow runner for the 2013S to repay an earlier swap SERC EC Approved March 13, 2013 Rev 3 Page 10 SERC Regional Criteria: Near-Term Study Group (NTSG) Procedural Manual NTSG ASSIGNMENT ROTATION FOR VACAR WRITE-UPS AND TRANSFER TABLES STUDY SYSTEM 2012 Summer SCE&G 2012/13 Winter SCPSA 2013 Summer DVP 2013/14 Winter CP&L 2014 Summer Duke 2014/15 Winter SCE&G 2015 Summer SCPSA 2015/16 Winter DVP 2016 Summer CP&L 2016/17 Winter Duke SERC EC Approved March 13, 2013 Rev 3 Page 11 SERC Regional Criteria: Near-Term Study Group (NTSG) Procedural Manual SAMPLE NTSG RELIABILITY STUDY SCHEDULE 2012 Summer NTSG Study Schedule (Updated 11/17/2011) Powerflow Runner (PR): AECI Parallel Transfer Runner (PTR): SOCO Report Writer (RW): LG&E/KU Base Case Origination: MMWG 2011, PSS/E 32 Format (Transfer Analysis will be conducted using PSS/MUST 10.1) Tue, Nov 29, 11 ACTIVITY SG Chair posts Base Case rev 0, draft AC MUST Transfer List, and draft Parallel Transfer List. SG posts Base Case rev 0 changes and Detailed Interchange Table.. Mon, Dec 05, 11 PR posts Base Case rev 1 and Docucheck’ Tue, Dec 06, 11 SG posts sub, con, mon files for prelinear MUST ACCC runs. Mon, Dec 12, 11 PR posts prelinear base case ACCC run results. DUE DATE Tue, Nov 22, 11 Fri, Dec 16, 11 SG posts changes to Base Case rev 1. Fri, Dec 16, 11 SG coordinates and posts changes to AC MUST Transfer List Thu, Jan 05, 12 PR posts Base Case rev 2 and Docucheck. Fri, Jan 06, 12 PR posts updated AC MUST Transfer List Mon, Jan 09, 12 SG posts sub, con, mon files for run 1 of AC MUST transfer analysis. Tue, Jan 17, 12 PR posts run 1 AC MUST transfer results, MUST input files, log file. Tue, Jan 17, 12 PR also posts blank ‘Preliminary Transfer Table (PTT)’ and ‘PTT Compile Tool’ Tue, Jan 24, 12 SG posts changes to Base Case rev 2. Tue, Jan 31, 12 PR posts Base Case rev 3 and Docucheck. PR renames base case as nr12s00.sav. Thu, Feb 02, 12 SG posts revised AC MUST transfer sub, con, mon files. Thu, Feb 02, 12 SG posts Parallel Transfer List changes Thu, Feb 09, 12 PTR posts updated Parallel Transfer List Thu, Feb 09, 12 PR posts run 2 AC MUST transfer results, MUST input files, log file. Tue, Feb 14, 12 SG posts completed ‘Preliminary Transfer Tables’ Fri, Feb 17, 12 SG posts coordinated transfer tables. Fri, Feb 17, 12 SG posts exclude files Tue, Feb 21, 12 PTR posts parallel transfer graphs. Tue, Feb 21, 12 Thu-Fri, Feb 23-24, 12 Tue, Feb 28, 12 RW posts preliminary list of significant facilities SG meets in Birmingham to review AC MUST transfer results, transfer tables, significant facilities list and parallel transfers. SG posts additional exclude files. Fri, Mar 02, 12 SG posts the following items: Wed, Mar 07, 12 Fri, Mar 09, 12 1. Revised Transfer Tables 2. Significant Facility Discussions 3. Major Generation and Transmission Changes 4. Operating Guides 5. Generation Dispatch Table SERC EC Approved March 13, 2013 Rev 3 Page 12 SERC Regional Criteria: Near-Term Study Group (NTSG) Procedural Manual ACTIVITY DUE DATE 6. Detailed Interchange Table PTR posts parallel transfer re-runs. Wed, Mar 14, 12 SG notifies PTR runner which Parallel Transfers are to be included in Report. SG (subregional reps) posts subregional transfer idev files for AC Verification (SCPSA to coordinate VACAR) PTR posts final Parallel Transfer List. Mon, Mar 19, 12 PR posts results of AC and postlinear ACCC runs. Mon, Mar 19, 12 PTR posts Parallel Transfers in Word format for inclusion in report. Thu, Mar 22, 12 SG posts the following items: Fri, Mar 09, 12 Mon, Mar 26, 12 1. Individual Assessments 2. Additional Significant Facility discussions 3. Parallel Transfer discussions RW posts draft 1 of report, which should include write-ups for: 1. I. Executive Summary including updated significant facilities list (RW to author) II. Introduction and Study Procedure (RW to author) 2. Mon, Apr 02, 12 Fri, Apr 06, 12 Base Case Interchange Table (RW to prepare) 3. All inclusions previously posted by SG SG posts changes to draft 1 of report RW posts draft 2 of report Thu-Fri, Apr 12-13, 12 Tue, Apr 17, 12 Mon, Apr 23, 12 Fri, Apr 27, 12 Fri, Apr 27, 12 Mon, Apr 30, 12 SG meeting to review draft 2 of report and provide edits. SG posts changes to draft 2 based on meeting discussions RW posts draft 3 of report. NTSG Chair posts draft 3 at the SERC Office folder on the NTSG site for SERC staff to improve formatting of the report. SERC staff posts the reformatted draft 3 (renamed draft 4) at the SERC Office folder on the NTSG site. RW posts draft 4 of report for SG review Mon, May 14, 12 SG Chair posts draft 4 of report on the RSSC site for the RSSC members to review the draft. RSSC members post draft 4 report comments/changes at the NTSG folder on the RSSC site or send email changes to NTSG Chair. RW posts final report. Thu, May 17, 12 SG Chair posts the final report at the RSSC site for approval Thu, May 24, 12 RSSC votes on approving the final draft Fri, May 25, 12 RW posts the approved final report NTSG Chair posts the approved final report on the SERC Office Folder at the NTSG site Mon, May 07, 12 Mon, May 14, 12 Fri, May 25, 12 SERC EC Approved March 13, 2013 Rev 3 Page 13 SERC Regional Criteria: Near-Term Study Group (NTSG) Procedural Manual APPENDIX C: Seasonal Study 2010/11 W 2011 Z 2011 S 2011 F 2011/12 W 2012 Z 2012 S 2012 F 2012/13 W 2013 Z 2013 S 2013 F 2013/14 W 2014 Z 2014 S 2014 F 2014/15 W 2015 Z 2015 S 2015 F 2015/16 W 2016 Z 2016 S 2016 F 2016/17 W 2017 Z 2017 S 2017 F NTSG OASIS SUPPORT STUDY ROTATION & SAMPLE SCHEDULES 12Q4 PFC Entergy SCPSA Duke TVA Progress 13Q1 PFC SCPSA Duke TVA Progress SCEG 13Q2 PFC Duke TVA Progress SCEG Southern 13Q3 PFC TVA Progress SCEG Southern AECI 13Q4 PFC Progress SCEG Southern AECI Entergy 14Q1 PFC 14Q2 PFC SCEG Southern AECI Entergy SCPSA Southern AECI Entergy SCPSA Duke Note: PFC – Power Flow Coordinator SERC EC Approved March 13, 2013 Rev 3 Page 14 SERC Regional Criteria: Near-Term Study Group (NTSG) Procedural Manual SAMPLE NTSG OASIS SUPPORT STUDY SCHEDULE SERC NTSG OASIS Study Schedule – 11Q2 (Prepared 02-09-11) Software Version: MUST 10.1; PSSE 30.3 PFC: 11S5 (CP), 11F4 (SC), 11W3 (DK), 12Z2 (TV), 12S1 (SO) Origination of Base Cases: NO11s400, NO11f300, NO11w200, NO12z100 & MMWG12s (PSS/E 30.3) Date Apr 4 (M) Apr 13 Apr 20 Apr 27 May 4 May 11 May 18 May 23 Activity NTSG chair posts starting cases for the five seasonal OASIS cases in the SERC NTSG OASIS Base Case folder. (W) Participant posts seasonal base case changes (in the form of an idev) on SERC NTSG OASIS site in the Base Case Changes folder. Participant posts a readme.doc file (noting the study season, base case changes if any, and name of all files that will be posted) in the Base Case Changes folder. Participant posts contingency file in the Outage Lists folder and subsystem files in the Subsystems folder. Participant tests to make sure these files are free of errors before submitting them. (W) PFC posts zipped study base case try 1 in the Base Case folder for review by participants PFC posts the try 1 of the transfer results in the Linears folder for review by participant. (W) Participant posts changes to base case try 1(in the form of an idev) on SERC NTSG OASIS site in the Base Case Changes folder. Participant reviews the transfer run output and requests any necessary reruns. (W) PFC posts zipped revised study base case try 2 in the Base Case folder PFC performs the reruns and posts the try 2 of the transfer results in the Linears folder. (W) Participant posts changes to base case try 2 (in the form of an idev) on SERC NTSG OASIS site in the Base Case Changes folder. (W) PFC posts zipped final study base case in the Base Case folder. PFC performs the reruns and posts the final transfer run output in the Linears folder. PFC creates a zip file called Linear Run Files for ‘run name (eg 11s4)’ adding the final mon, con, sub, paths.txt, and .asc files and post it to the Linears folder. (M) NTSG Chair moves all files in the 11Q1 (previous quarter) Study folder to the OASIS Archives folder. SERC EC Approved March 13, 2013 Rev 3 Page 15 SERC Regional Criteria: Near-Term Study Group (NTSG) Procedural Manual APPENDIX D: DATA RELEASE GUIDELINES The release of data is strictly controlled in accordance with the most current guidelines issued by SERC. NTSG Study Reports and Study Base Cases • NTSG Seasonal Reliability Studies: The NTSG chair will send study report and cases to the SERC office for release upon request and review pursuant to SERC’s effective data release policy once the report is approved and published. • NTSG OASIS Support Studies: The NTSG chair will send the study report (report consists of five spreadsheets) to the SERC office for release upon request and review pursuant to SERC’s effective data release policy when the quarterly update is complete and the report is published. The cases used in the quarterly update sent to SERC will be withheld until the season is past. • Special NTSG Studies: The RSSC must specifically approve release of special NTSG studies to SERC (e.g., the 2008 SERC NTSG Drought Study). Once approved, the NTSG chair will send the study report and cases to the SERC office for release. Note: All power flow cases released to SERC will be in PSS/E (latest version used by MMWG) data format. SERC EC Approved March 13, 2013 Rev 3 Page 16 SERC Regional Criteria: Near-Term Study Group (NTSG) Procedural Manual APPENDIX E: NAMING CONVENTION Company and Subregion Identifiers (for submitting study files) AI Associated Electric Cooperative Inc. (AECI) AM Ameren (AMMO & AMIL) BR Big Rivers Electric Corporation (BREC) CD City of Columbia, Mo. Water and Light Department (CWLD) CL City of Springfield Illinois City Water Light & Power (CWLP) CP Progress Energy Carolinas / Carolinas Power & Light (CP&L) • CE • CW Carolina Power and Light / West Carolina Power and Light / East CS Central Subregion DK Duke Energy Carolinas DS Delta Subregion EE Electric Energy, Inc (EEI) EK East Kentucky Power Cooperative (EKPC) EN Entergy Balancing Authority (EES) GS Gateway Subregion GT Georgia Transmission Corporation (GTC) LG LG&E and KU Services Company (LGE/KU) PS PowerSouth Energy Cooperative SC South Carolina Public Service Authority (SCPSA) SE Southeastern Power Administration (SEPA) SG South Carolina Electric and Gas (SCEG) SI Southern Illinois Power Cooperative (SIPC) SO Southern Balancing Authority (SOCO) SS Southeastern Subregion TV Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) TP APGI-Tapoco VP Dominion Virginia Power (DVP) VC VACAR Subregion YD APGI-Yadkin SERC EC Approved March 13, 2013 Rev 3 Page 17
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