Customs Service eBooking_BUS System System Operations Manual v.3.1 16.07.2014 Customs Office in Olsztyn Made at the Customs Office in Olsztyn Customs Service TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. About the system User registration Getting started Adding a new crossing a. specify the route and destination b. choose the date and hour of crossing the border c. specify the carrier’s details d. specify the passengers e. complete the notification and receive receipt confirmation Viewing the history of notifications Data editing Changing the password Logging out Personal data protection p.3 p.4 p.5 p.6 p.7 p.8 p.9 p.13 p.14 p.15 p.16 p.16 p.17 1. About the system The idea behind the eBooking_BUS project is to facilitate tourist and cultural contacts between the citizens of the EU and Russia, Belarus and Ukraine by removing barriers and making it as easy as possible for foreigners to cross the border for tourist purposes. The purpose of the eBooking_BUS project is to notify the Polish Customs Service (and automatically notify the Border Patrol through the Customs Service) about planned arrival of a bus transporting organized tourist groups together with a list of passengers in order to ensure the best configuration of Customs Service personnel members for clearance and to assess the risk related to the crossing of the border beforehand. The main goal of the project is to reduce the time needed for crossing the border by organized groups of tourists. The eBooking_BUS project provides for sending a report to the customs services of the neighbouring country in order to cross the whole section of the national border without unnecessary delay. Risk assessment, carried out automatically and through separate units of the Customs Service situated outside border crossing points, will release the customs officers from border crossings and reduce the waiting time at the border. The scope of inspection depends on the crossing risk level. Depending on the results of the analysis, customs and border patrol inspections of low-risk transports can be facilitated as much as possible, reducing the time needed for crossing the border by a tourist bus. Since 2014, it is possible to notify the authorities about a specific date and hour of border crossing using the eBooking_BUS system. It should improve the business of tourist agencies by ensuring that their buses will cross the national border at a specific time. The current version of the project has been adjusted for priority clearance of organized groups of children. When transporting organized groups of children, you will be sure that customs clearance of such buses will be carried out with priority regardless of the number of buses crossing the border. 2. User registration In order to register a user in the Site, you must: complete the registration form directly at, providing the following information: company name, city, street, building number, office number, e-mail address (becoming the username for the Site), as well as password. The password should consist of at least 8 characters, including capital and small letters, symbols and numbers. During registration, you must accept the Terms and Conditions of the Site. After completing the form, an activation link will be sent to the e-mail address provided during the registration. The user must activate the account by clicking on the link. 3. Getting started After registration, you can start your work with the Site. In order to log in to the Site, enter your username, i.e. your e-mail address used for registration and your password: After logging in to the Site, there will be the following options available: Add new transfer, History of reports, Data editing, Password change, Log out. 4. Adding a new crossing a) specify the destination In order to notify about a crossing, click “Add new transfer” button. You will be redirected to the first stage of registration – specifying the destination: First of all, specify the direction of border crossing – entering the European Union or leaving the European Union, then the border crossing point and finally – the place of destination. At this stage, specify if the border is to be crossed by an organized group of children and young people. By checking the “Transportation of children and young people” box will ensure priority clearing and provide an opportunity to choose any hour, regardless of the number of buses reported in that period. For the purposes of the Site, it is assumed that the transport of children and young people means any transport, where passengers below 17 years of age make up more than 70% of all the passengers. The data will be verified automatically by the system on the basis of the enclosed passenger list. When stage 1 is complete, click the “Next” button. b) choose the date and hour of crossing the border At stage 2 of the notification process, you can choose the date and hour of crossing the border. The notification can be submitted not earlier than 24 hours before the planned arrival at the border crossing. Unavailable dates are marked with grey. Then, choose the date and hour of crossing the border. To do this, click the appropriate day of the month, which will provide you with available notification hours. The available time intervals are marked with green and the unavailable periods are marked with red. After clicking the appropriate hour box, it will turn orange, meaning confirmation. To proceed, click the “Next” button. c) specify the carrier’s details At stage 3 of the notification process, you must specify the carrier / travel agency. The Site assumes, by default, that the carrier and the travel agency is the same company and fills the fields with user’s details automatically; at this stage, enter the registration number of the transportation vehicle crossing the border and click “Next”: If a transport company other than the travel agency / organizer is responsible for the transportation, uncheck the box “Tour operator as a transporter” and provide the name and full address details of the company carrying out the transport, enter the registration number of the transportation vehicle crossing the border and click “Next”. d) specify the passengers At stage 5 of the notification process, you must specify the identification details of the passengers. First of all, enter the total number of persons travelling as drivers, tour guides and passengers and click the “Passengers data” button. Then, complete the details of each person by filling in the following fields: “Surname”, “First name“, “Passport No.”, “Date of birth” in YY-MM-DD format and click the “Send” button. You can make this easier by using a ready template that can be downloaded using the “template Excel to download” button. To do this: download the form from the site and complete it as described. You can also fill in the field by copying and pasting personal details from your other documents. click the “Zapisz jako XML” [Save as XML] button and save the file to the desired location. Then you must load the saved file. To do this, click the “Przeglądaj” [Browse] button and find the location, to which the completed file had been saved, highlight the file and click the “Otwórz” [Open] button. After clicking the “Otwórz” [Open] button, the file will be imported to the system. Import is confirmed by the name of the file with .xml extension appearing next to the “Przeglądaj” [Browse] button. Then load the file by clicking the “Load” button; this will cause all the fields to be filled in automatically. Then, click the “Send” button. e) complete the notification and receive receipt confirmation At stage 5 of the notification process, you will receive an official confirmation of successful submission of the notification stating “The notification has been sent” together with the number of the notification, date and hour of sending the notification, as well as the planned border crossing point. By clicking the button “Plan your returning”, you will be automatically redirected to planning your return. All the details of your notification, such as personal details of all passengers, will be remembered, which will shorten the notification time. We encourage you to print the notification information sheet in eBooking_Bus system and put it behind your windscreen before entering the border crossing, which will enable the officers to identify the vehicle quickly to ensure priority clearance. You can print the sheet showing the date and hour of crossing the border by clicking the “Print an information table PDF” button. 5. Viewing the history of notifications Using the system, you can view the notification submitted by the user. To do this, click the “History of reports” button on the home page. By accessing the notification history, you can browse such elements of notification as: notification number in the system, border crossing direction, selected border crossing point, date and hour of notification, place of destination, number of persons travelling by bus, as well as registration number of the vehicle. 6. Data editing If any details related to the user change (such as company name or business address), it is possible to update the relevant data using the Site. To do this, click button on the home page. Enter the updated information and click the “Save” button. 7. Changing the password In order to change the user’s password, press the “Password change” button on the home page. The password should have at least 8 characters, small and capital letters, as well as symbols. To save the new password, click the “Save” button. 8. Logging out When you are done with your work with the Site, click the “Log out” button. You will be automatically redirected to the log in page. 9. Personal data protection Personal details related to notifications will be gathered and processed by the authorities of the Customs Service in accordance with the provisions of the Act dated 29 August 1997 on Personal Data Protection (Dz. U. of 2002, No. 101, item 926 as amended). Any data obtained in such a way, protected under separate provisions, is a customs secret and cannot be disclosed by any Customs Service authorities without the consent of the person or the authority communicating such data. Communication of customs secrets is possible if the Customs Service is obliged or authorized to do so in accordance with the law in force. Any breach of a customs secret is subject to criminal liability as for the breach of a fiscal secret. Personal details of passengers are not communicated to any other authorities participating in the notification process, such as the Polish Border Patrol or customs service in other countries.
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