Beit Rabban Parashah Page צו / שבת הגדול פרשת

Beit Rabban Parashah Page
Parashat Tzav / Shabbat HaGadol
Leviticus 6:1-8:36
‫ שבת הגדול‬/ ‫פרשת צו‬
‫לו‬:‫ח‬-‫א‬:‫ויקרא ו‬
The Shabbat before Pesach is called Shabbat HaGadol. In addition to reading the
regular parashah of Tzav, we read a special haftarah (Malachi 3:4-24) which ends by
mentioning Eliyahu haNavi. Eliyahu haNavi has a special place in Jewish tradition—we
connect him with the future time of the Mashiach (Messiah), a time we wait for and pray
for, when the world will be at peace, without war or hunger.
Eliyahu also plays a role in the Seder. You are probably familiar with the practice of
opening the door for Eliyahu haNavi and placing a cup of wine on the table for him as
well. Some families even have the practice of setting a place at the Seder table for him!
Some say that it is the word “HaGadol—big or great,” from verse 23 below that gave
this Shabbat its name:
23) For I will send Eliyahu haNavi to you before
that great and awesome day of HaShem.
24) And he will turn the hearts of parents toward
their children, and the hearts of children toward
their parents...
‫ אֵּ ת אֵּ לִ יָה‬,‫שלֵּחַ לָכֶם‬
ֹ ‫כג ִהנֵּה ָאנֹכִ י‬
‫לִ פְ נֵּי ּבוֹא יוֹם ה' הַ גָּדוֹל‬--‫הַ נָבִ יא‬
‫וְ הַ נו ָֹרא‬
‫ וְ לֵּב‬,‫ּבָ נִים‬-‫ָאבוֹת עַ ל‬-‫כד וְ הֵּ ִשיב לֵּב‬
...‫אֲ בוֹתָ ם‬-‫ּבָ נִים עַ ל‬
What do you think of when you hear about a ‘great and awesome day of HaShem’? How
do you imagine things will be different on this day or after? Why do you think day is
connected to parents and children? What is the connection between parents and
children and Pesach? What are some of your family’s traditions about Eliyahu?