The Bar-Ilan University School of Medicine in the Galilee Team Based Learning Dr. Nomy Dickman Head of Assessment and Teaching Development Unit Education for the 21st century: Multiculturalism, children’s rights and global citizenship 30.6.2015 October 2011 1949 February The opening 2011 Old Hadassah Hospital 3 The context • Recognizing , especially for medical students in the periphery, on understanding and promoting • The role of physicians in reducing health gaps • TBL, a method that promotes practical problemsolving in teams - was one of the approaches used Practical ideas for reducing the gap. • . Understanding the issue of inequality in health and developing social commitment to reduction of gaps in health, using Team Based Learning The case of public health course at the Faculty of Medicine in the Galilee, in Israel. Mary Rudolf Professor of Public Health Faculty of Medicine in the Galilee Bar Ilan University ISRAEL Tsfat What is TBL? Team Based Learning • Team Based Learning was developed in the 1970’s by Dr. Michaelsen, a Professor of Management at the University of Oklahoma • His goal: to change the passive learning in his lectures into active learning by testing and assigning students to teams. Team Based Learning What is TBL? It’s an active learning method that is learner centered but instructor led (Koles et al. 2010). Why use TBL? It fosters individual and group accountability as groups of five to seven students work together to solve clinical problems (Hrynchak & Batty, 2012) . to do TBL? In what setting to use TBL? This method is used for large classes that are divided into smaller groups (referred to as teams) that have maximal diversity within the teams but relative evenness between the teams. Team Based Learning Active Learning Active Learning I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. (Confucius, 551 BC - 479 BC) Professor Moshe Kaveh President of Bar Ilan University 2011 What is TBL? Team-Baased Learning Process Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Preparation (Pre-class) Readiness Assurance (In-class) Application of Course Concepts Individual Study Instructor Feedback Small Group Assignments Group Test Team Appeals Individual Test Individual Work X Small Group Discussion X scratch card Total Class Discussion = Impact on Learning Duke School of Medicine embraces Team-Based Learning 1.27 :סיום 2.16 What is TBL? Team Based Learning Team Based Learning is a small learning group method where individual work is done outside the class and team work is completed in class. What is TBL? Team-Based Learning Course Objectives By the end of the course, the student will be able to: • Master the course subject matter Similar to • Utilize the course concepts in thinking lecturing and problem-solving • Develop interpersonal and group interaction skills • Prepare for life-long learning Meets LCME guidelines /council-on-med-ed/a08cmerpt3.pdf Purpose of Team-based learning *From Baylor College of Medicine, Team Learning in Medical Education, February 04 Workshops Liaison Committee on Medical Education What is TBL? Team-Baased Learning Process Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Preparation (Pre-class) Readiness Assurance (In-class) Application of Course Concepts Individual Study Students read the Israeli Medical Association document on inequalities in health Group Test ? Team Appeals Individual Test orage/Type1/epstein_report.pdf Individual Work Small Group Assignments Instructor Feedback X Small Group Discussion X reconvene AS BIG GROUP assignment about "lack of Groups balance in Diabetes" in four rapporteur s cultural groups Total Class Discussion ? = Impact on Learning Individual Test Good Scores 2012: N=65 AVG 82.24 2013: N= 60 AVG 84.00 Phase 2 Phase 2 Group Test Teaching Assistant • What was the uniqueness of the TBL’s teaching method • What was the TBL’s contribution to understanding inequality in health Jumanah Essa - Hadad • Jumanah1 (1).wmv Team applied problem-solving exercise Students perform an assignment about "lack of balance in Diabetes" Four cultural groups: • • • • Arab Haredi Ethiopian immigrants Jews living in poverty The assignment includes discussion in teams about The social causes to the phenomenon The doctor duty for the patient The community and the State liability for reducing the gaps 20 Phase 3 Group Application of Course Concepts Why use TL? The Student TBL Advantages Motivated to Attend Applies Knowledge -Offered alternative to large lecture classes -Becomes part of a team -Achieves higher-level cognitive skills -Learns basic concepts and experiences their application in assignments Participates Actively in Education Develops Interpersonal skills -Acquires life-long skills -Engages students who prefer to work alone -Assists “at risk” students -Student learn about themselves in collaborating with others on tasks -Students learn to work as a team to accomplish difficult intellectual tasks The Student TBL Advantages • TBL is effectively grounded in constructivist learning theory. Students apply their knowledge to solving clinically relevant problems by working actively in effective teams. TBL contributes to develop skills that healthcare professionals need: critical thinking and teamwork skills. HRYNCHAK & BATTY, 2012 24 Professional authenticity A SIMPLE MODEL OF COMPETENCE Does Behaviour Shows how Knows how Knows Miller GE. The assessment of clinical skills/competence/performance. Academic Medicine (Supplement) 1990; 65: S63-S7. Cognition How to do TBL? Change Your Teaching Role From “Sage on the Stage,” and disseminating information to “Guide on the Side,” and asking open-ended questions to prompt the team to find the information Flipped Classroom L L L Summary What is TBL? What makes TBL? Why use TBL? How to do TBL? • Team Based Learning is a small learning group method where individual work is done outside the class and team work is completed in class. • The four principles of TBL are (1) properly formed and managed groups, (2) student accountability, (3)team assignments that promote learning, group interaction and team development, and (4) frequent and immediate feedback to students. • The rationale for using TBL is that it is a good interactive alternative to passive lectures, requires no extra facilities or faculty, develops interpersonal skills and assists “at risk” students. • Implementation of TBL involves planning before the class, forming groups in the 1st class and reminding the students of the learning objectives, content application and team work near the end of the class. Students’ Evaluation of the Teaching/Learning Method • A teaching survey, attitude questionnaire and focus group were held to evaluate the method. • Data analysis was quantitative and qualitative. 28 Results Students rated the Group Facilitator very high: 4.80; 4.64; 4.60; 4.13 (2nd cohort; five-rank-scale). 29 Results and Conclusion TBL was well received, particularly in the first cohort of students. Students rated the method as deepening their understanding of written material (1st cohort: 4; 2nd cohort: 3.7; five-rank-scale). However they failed to see its value in contributing to their skills as doctors (1st cohort: 3.4; 2nd cohort: 2.3; five-rank-scale). 30 Results and Conclusion Focus groups provided insights into how the approach can be improved. TBL has potential as a teaching method to encourage students to read in depth, test their knowledge and work in teams. 31 Group Facilitator What was the TBL’s unique contribution to • Understanding the doctor’s rule • The team applied problem-solving exercise? Jumanah Essa - Hadad Jumanah (2).wmv Sivan Spitzer Shohat sivan (2).wmv , סה"כ מידת שביעות רצוני מהלמידה מבוססת צוות ()TBL 4.55 ks.html • מהו הערך המוסף שהייתה ללמידת הנושא (מיומנויות לעבודה בצוות רב-מקצועי) בשיטת TBL על למידה מסורתית במליאה? • 18.2.15 • שיחת סיכום של ד"ר סרור עם הסטודנטים בסבב רפואת משפחה (סבב )4 • מה דעתכם על שיטת הלימוד ?TBLאחלה • בקשות: • רוצים מצגת סיכום הנושא הנלמד באותו היום • ייתרון – ייחודיות • כל הזמן מרוכזים במשימה :קוראים ,פותרים ,מחייב להתרכז במשימה • הדגישו שבשיטה זו הם חייבים להכין וללמוד מקודם .באים מוכנים • • ד"ר סרור :חוותדעתו על ההוראה והלמידה בשיטת TBL • בהתחלה חששתי ,בגלל שאף פעם לא היה לי ניסיון בלימוד ובהוראה בשיטה זו. • אחרי ניסיון של 4סבבים אני מעדיף את השיטה הזו. • חששות :אי סדר בזמנים ,חשש שיתפזרו ולא יתרכזו בנושא ויצא להיפך :הם היו יותר מרוכזים. • יתרונות :הכנה מוקדמת ליום הזה ,הפעלה אקטיבית של הסטודנטים ,המדריכים פעילים וגם צריכים להיות פסיביים • לא קל בהתחלה להיות פסיבי ,בסבב הראשון התערבתי לא יכולתי לשתוק ,אחר כך למדתי • אמרתי לסטודנטים שהשיטה שהם מופעלים ועושים הרוב היה לי מאד קשה לשתוק ולא להתערב אבל הרגשתי שאי • ההתערבות שלי תורמת להם להיות אקטיביים תפקיד המנחה :ארגון הזמן ,ארגון הקבוצות הקטנות ,בקרה של המליאה • כשהיו התלבטויות והם שאלו – נתתי להם שהם יהיו אקטיביים – עניתי כדי שיתקדמו ,עזרתי ,הדרכתי ,הם הגיעו לבד לא נתתי ממש תשובה. How to do TBL? Facilitating TBL Getting Started Phase 2 Phase 3 1st Class Readiness Assurance (In-class) Application of Course Concepts 1. Describe the TBL unit 2. Form the Teams 3. Set grading weights 4. Develop positive group norms 1. Distribute RATS and collect answers in Group folders A. IRAT B. GRAT C Instructor Feedback 2. Ask for GRAT answers and provide feedback Individual Work X Small Group Discussion X Total Class Discussion Small Group Assignments 1. Distribute case 2. Time Teams 3. Facilitate team discussions 4. Collect answers 5. Call for answers 6. Provide feedback on team work = Impact on Learning
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