Candidate Reference Manual #1 Reference Manual #2 will be available on September 15, 2014 2014 Municipal Election Prepared by Christine Tarling City Clerk City Hall, Kitchener December 20, 2013 TABLE A. B. C. D. E. OF CONTENTS SUBJECT Introduction 1. General ................................................................................... 2. Important Dates ...................................................................... 3. Term of Office ......................................................................... 4. Offices ..................................................................................... 5. Corporate Logo and Crest ...................................................... Elector & Candidate Qualifications 1. Elector Qualifications Qualifications .................................................................... Prohibited from Voting ...................................................... 2. Candidate Qualifications Who may be nominated ................................................... Mayor and Ward Councillor .............................................. Waterloo Region District School Board - English Public Waterloo Catholic District School Board - English Separate ............................................................................ Conseil scolaire de district catholique – Centre-Sud Nomination Procedures** ......................................................... Campaign Information 1. Access to apartment buildings and condominiums ............... 2. Election campaign finances .................................................... 3. Election Signs** 4. Prohibition - Canvassing in Voting Places ............................. 5. Scrutineers** General ............................................................................. Rights of Candidates and Scrutineers ............................. Candidates and Scrutineers are prohibited from ............. 6. Campaigning in City Facilities - Policy** ................................ General Information 1. Communications ..................................................................... 2. Advance Votes ........................................................................ 3. Elector Notice .......................................................................... 4. Voters’ List Posting .............................................................................. Availability of copies ......................................................... School Support extract ..................................................... Appeal process ................................................................. 5. Proxy Voting ............................................................................ 6. Voting Places .......................................................................... **indicates enclosures 2 | Page PAGE 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 9 9 10 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 16 INTRODUCTION (PART A) 1. GENERAL The information in this guide has been prepared to assist individuals intending to stand for elected office. It is intended only as a guide to certain relevant legislation and does not provide all applicable statutory references. Each candidate is responsible for ensuring s/he is compliant with all statutory requirements. Thus, candidates are strongly encouraged to review and become familiar with the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, as amended, which can be downloaded from the provincial web site. 2. IMPORTANT DATES - 2014 MUNICIPAL ELECTION January 2 – September 11, 2014 Period preceding Nomination Day when nominations for: Mayor Ward Councillor Waterloo Region District School Board Waterloo Catholic District School Board Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre-Sud (when established) may be filed in the City Clerk’s Office, City Hall (8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily when the office is open to the public). Candidates must meet the qualification requirements of the Municipal Elections Act as outlined on Page 5 of this manual. September 2 – October 27, 2014 Voters' List Revision Period September 2 - September 12, 2014 to have another person deleted from list September 2 - October 27, 2014 to amend own information September 12 Nomination Day - Nominations accepted in the City Clerk's Office from 9am to 2pm October 27 Voting Day - Voting Places open from 10am to 8pm The date on which electors must meet the qualification requirements of the Municipal Elections Act as outlined on Page 5 of this manual. December 31 Campaign period for candidates ends. candidates to erase a deficit. 3 | Page If necessary it may be continued to permit 3. TERM OF OFFICE The Term of Office is 4 years commencing December 1, 2014. 4. OFFICES OFFICE NO. TO BE ELECTED Mayor 1 Councillor 10 (1 from each ward) Waterloo Region District School Board (English Public) Pursuant to the Education Act, each School Board has until March 31 of an election year to determine the number of members to be elected to their respective boards. Waterloo Catholic District School Board (English Separate) Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre Sud (when established) 5. 1 CORPORATE LOGO AND CREST Use of any corporate logo or crest by candidates on signs, brochures or any other election related material is strictly prohibited. This includes the City of Kitchener clock tower logo which is protected under the Copyright Act. The reason for this prohibition is to remove any suggestion that the Corporation of the City of Kitchener supports or otherwise endorses any campaign material or statements made by candidates. Any disregard of this prohibition will be acted upon by the Corporation and could result in legal action. 4 | Page ELECTOR & CANDIDATE QUALIFICATIONS (PART B) 1. ELECTOR QUALIFICATIONS A person is entitled to be an elector at an election held in a local municipality if, on voting day, he or she: (a) resides in the local municipality or is the owner or tenant of land there, or the spouse of such owner or tenant; (b) is a Canadian citizen; (c) is at least 18 years old; and (d) is not prohibited from voting as stated hereunder or otherwise by law. The following are prohibited from voting: 2. (a) A person who is serving a sentence of imprisonment in a penal or correctional institution. (b) A corporation. (c) A person acting as executor or trustee or in any other representative capacity, except as a voting proxy. (d) A person who was convicted of the corrupt practice described in subsection 90 (3) of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, as amended, if voting day in the current election is less than 5 years after voting day in the election in respect of which he or she was convicted. CANDIDATE QUALIFICATIONS Who May be Nominated? A person may be nominated for an office only if, on the day the person is nominated he or she: (a) is qualified to hold that office under the Act that creates it; and, (b) is not ineligible under the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, as amended, or otherwise prohibited by law to be nominated for or to hold the office. Mayor and Ward Councillors Every person is qualified to be elected or to hold office as a member of a Council of the City of Kitchener, who is: (a) entitled to be an elector in the municipality under section 17 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, as amended; and (b) not disqualified by the Municipal Act or any other Act from holding such office. (Note: 5 | Page See Part B, Section 1 above) 2. CANDIDATE QUALIFICATIONS (CONT’D) School Boards [See Education Act, Section 219(1)] Waterloo Region District School Board (English Public) A person is qualified to be elected as a member of the Waterloo Region District School Board, who on voting day is: (a) a Canadian Citizen; (b) of the full age of eighteen years; (c) resident within the area of jurisdiction of the Board; and (d) a English public school elector. Waterloo Catholic District School Board (English Separate) A person is qualified to be elected as a member of the Waterloo Catholic District School Board, who on voting day is: (a) a Canadian Citizen; (b) of the full age of eighteen years; (c) resident within the area of jurisdiction of the Board; and (d) a English separate school elector. Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre-Sud (French Separate) (when established) A person is qualified to be elected as a member of the Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre-Sud, who on voting day is: 6 | Page (a) a Canadian Citizen; (b) of the full age of eighteen years; (c) resident within the area of jurisdiction of the Board; and (d) a french separate school elector. NOMINATION PROCEDURES (PART C) The Municipal Elections Act, 1996, as amended, provides that a candidate's election campaign period for all offices begins on the day he/she files a nomination for the office. Candidates cannot spend or raise money for their election until a nomination is filed. Money, goods and services given to or accepted by or on behalf of a person for his/her election campaign are contributions. This can occur only after the individual intending to run for office has been nominated. Please read Part D, Section 2 of this Reference Manual carefully (Page 9). * A blank nomination paper and a separate Declaration of Eligibility are enclosed, the details of which are explained hereunder: 1) Nominations, using the prescribed form and signed by the person being nominated, shall be filed in the Office of the City Clerk, 2nd floor, City Hall, 200 King Street West, Kitchener, either personally by the candidate or by his/her agent: a) during the hours 8:30am to 5pm on any day from January 2 to September 11, 2014 when the office is open to the public; or b) during the hours 9am to 2pm on Nomination Day, Friday, September 12, 2014. 2) Facsimile transmissions or mailed-in nomination forms are not permitted. 3) All nominations must be accompanied by a filing fee of $200. for the Office of Mayor and $100. for all other offices payable in cash, debit, certified cheque or money order to The City of Kitchener. Note: a candidate for an office is entitled to receive a refund of the nomination filing fee if he or she receives more than 2% of the votes cast in the election for the office. 4) If insufficient nominations for an office are received by the deadline described above, additional nominations may be filed between 9am and 2pm on Wednesday, September 17, 2014. 5) The onus is on the person nominated for election to an office to file a bona fide nomination paper. 6) All nominations filed on or before nomination day shall be examined by the Clerk before 4pm on Monday, September 15, 2014. Any additional nominations filed as described in Section 4 above shall be examined by the Clerk before 4pm on Thursday, September 18, 2014. 7) If satisfied that a person is qualified to be nominated and that the nomination complies with the Act, the Clerk shall certify the nomination by signing the nomination paper. 8) If not satisfied that a person is qualified to be nominated or that the nomination complies with this Act, the Clerk shall reject the nomination. The Clerk will then give notice of such rejection to the person who sought to be nominated and to all candidates for the office. 7 | Page 9) The Act provides that the Clerk's decision to certify or reject a nomination is final. 10) A person may withdraw his/her nomination by filing a written withdrawal in the Clerk's office before 2pm on Nomination Day, Friday, September 12, 2014. If the withdrawal relates to additional nominations filed as described in Section 4 above, the person has until 2pm on Wednesday, September 17, 2014 to file with the Clerk a written withdrawal of his or her nomination. 11) No reference to a candidate's occupation, degree, title, honour or decoration shall appear on the ballot. If the candidate wishes and the Clerk agrees, another name that the candidate also uses may appear on the ballot instead of or in addition to his or her legal name. 8 | Page CAMPAIGN INFORMATION (PART D) 1. ACCESS TO APARTMENT BUILDINGS & CONDOMINIUMS (By Candidates or their Authorized Representatives) Residential Tenancies Act, 2006 states: Section 28 No landlord shall restrict reasonable access to a residential complex by candidates for the election to any office at the federal, provincial or municipal level, or their authorized representatives, if they are seeking access for the purpose of canvassing or distributing election material. Note: Section 118 of the Condominium Act contains similar wording to the above Section 28. Section 238 Any person who knowingly contravenes Section 28 is guilty of an offence and on conviction, is liable to a fine not exceeding $25,000. under this Act and also under the Condominium Act. Where a corporation is convicted of an offence, the maximum penalty is $100,000. under this Act and also under the Condominium Act. 2. ELECTION CAMPAIGN FINANCES Candidates are strongly encouraged to review and be familiar with the Municipal Election Act which can be downloaded from the Province’s website under E-laws. It is very important that candidates understand and comply with the Act especially with the responsibilities and obligations related to campaign finances and reporting. In addition, a Candidates Guide 2014 – Municipal Election prepared by the Province of Ontario will be available on the Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing website ( ** Please refer to the section on “Financial Responsibilities of a Candidate”. Candidates cannot spend or raise money for their election until a nomination is filed. Notes: O.Reg. 101/97 provides that for the purposes of subsection 76(4) of the Act, the maximum amount of expenses shall not exceed: (a) in the case of a candidate for the office of head of council of a municipality, the amount shall be calculated by adding together, (i) $7,500., and (ii) .85 cents for each elector entitled to vote for the office. (b) 9 | Page in the case of a candidate for another office, the amount shall be calculated by adding together, 2. ELECTION CAMPAIGN FINANCES (CONT’D) (i) $5,000., and (ii) .85 cents for each elector entitled to vote for the office. When a nomination is filed at the Office of the City Clerk, the person filling will be given a certificate of permitted amount of expenses. This certificate will provide the maximum amount the candidate may incur for their campaign and it will be based on the formula provided above using the number of voters for the office as of nomination day 2010. A second certificate of permitted amount of expenses will be calculated using the number of voters as of nomination day 2014 and within 10 days of nomination day, will be provided to the candidate. The certificate with the greater number of electors and therefore the greater dollar amount, will be the certificate to be used in determining the maximum amount for the candidate’s campaign. Candidates can not exceed the maximum permitted expense for their campaign. 3. ELECTION SIGNS WITHIN THE CITY OF KITCHENER The City’s By-law Enforcement Division wishes to take this opportunity to advise all municipal candidates within the City of Kitchener of the provisions of the City’s Sign By-law relating to the display of campaign signs. The following is a general overview of these provisions: Permits are not required for campaign signs. However, you require the property owner’s consent to place a sign on private property. Campaign signs are not permitted on any City property, including the road allowances on streets within the jurisdiction of the City of Kitchener without the consent of the Clerk of the municipality. Any such request will not be granted without the specific approval of Council. Campaign signs cannot be displayed within the City of Kitchener prior to the 45 days preceding the election date. Thus, the first date that signs can be displayed is September 12, 2014, with the exception of signs that may be permitted with Regional Road right-ofways. Campaign signs placed within the road allowance on a Regional road are governed by the relevant by-law enacted by the Regional Municipality of Waterloo. For further information regarding the Region’s Sign By-law, please contact their Licensing and Regulatory Services office at 519-575-4591. A list of all Regional roads within the City is attached. The maximum size of a campaign sign (face) is 1.5 square metres. If you choose to use a sign larger than this size, the sign must comply with the provisions of the by-law that regulates the type you are using, with respect to structure, location, dimensions and sign characteristics. In other words, any campaign sign other than the conventional type (1.5 square metres) will be treated as a normal sign as it relates to the items listed above. Campaign signs shall be removed within 72 hours of Election Day. Thus, you are required to remove any signs you have erected no later than midnight on October 30, 2014. You must ensure that your signs do not negatively impact vehicular and pedestrian traffic. 10 | P a g e 3. ELECTION SIGNS WITHIN THE CITY OF KITCHENER (CONT’D) A permit is not required for a portable sign when used for campaign purposes. However, the sign must comply with the provisions of the City’s Sign By-law relating to structure, location, dimensions and sign characteristics. In short, the general regulations relating to the placement and display of portable signs apply, except for the requirement to obtain a permit. With regard to the possible use of portable signs, please be advised that the property owner’s written consent is required to be submitted to the front counter staff of the Planning Division, 6th floor, Kitchener City Hall. Also required is a drawing to indicate the intended location of the sign on the subject property. Please note that portable signs can only be erected within the pre-approved locations on private property, as determined by Planning staff. Although a permit is not required for a portable sign when being used for campaign purposes, the abovenoted information is required in order to avoid any potential conflict involving a permit application which may be received by the City for a business sign, for the same location that is being used for a campaign sign. Thus, it is in your best interest to ensure that front counter staff in the Planning Division, 6th floor, Kitchener City Hall obtain the above-noted required information to ensure that your sign can remain in the intended location. It is important to note that the City will not get involved in determining who or what type of sign (business or campaign sign) is to be displayed on a property, other than to advise if a preapproved location is available. All decisions of this nature must be dealt with by the property owner and their tenants. Please be advised that it is the intent of our office to ensure compliance with the provisions relating to campaign signs, fairly and consistently to the best of our ability. In the event that a sign is found to be in violation of any of the provisions of the City’s Sign Bylaw, it is the intention of this office to contact your campaign office and request that the sign be removed or relocated as soon as possible. If you fail to comply with our request, City staff reserve the right to enforce the provisions of the By-law which can include removing the signs and/or initiating legal action. However, in the event that a sign is found to be creating a safety hazard in any way, it is important to note that City staff reserve the right to remove the sign immediately. Note: The Regional Municipality of Waterloo By-law regulates what is and is not permitted in regard to roads within the City of Kitchener boundary which are under the jurisdiction of the Regional Municipality of Waterloo. For further information call 519-575-4591. For additional information, please contact: In Person: Planning Division 6th Floor, City Hall 200 King Street West, Kitchener By Phone: Zoning Administration Enforcement 11 | P a g e 519-741-2317 519-741-2330 4. PROHIBITION - CANVASSING IN VOTING PLACES Section 48 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 provides that: While an elector is in a voting place, no person shall attempt, directly or indirectly, to influence how the elector votes. No person shall display a candidate's election material or literature in a voting place. Note: in most cases, a Voting Place will include the entire property not just the building (e.g. parking lot, walkway, garden, etc.) 5. SCRUTINEERS General ** A candidate may appoint scrutineers, using the attached form, to represent him/her during the voting and at the counting of the votes. The appointment of a scrutineer shall be in writing and a scrutineer shall, upon request, show proof of his/her appointment to the election official in charge of a voting place or of a place where votes are being counted. A scrutineer or the candidate who appointed him/her, may remain in a voting place when the vote is being taken or where the votes are being tabulated (not both). Scrutineers are reminded to bring a clipboard for their use, as sharing the table used by the Deputy Returning Officer is not permitted. In previous municipal elections, a small number of scrutineers have attempted to place unwarranted demands on the Deputy Returning Officer which extend far beyond what is permitted. Accordingly, candidates are responsible to inform their scrutineers as to their expected conduct and what is permitted at the voting place. Rights of Candidates and Scrutineers to enter the voting place 15 minutes before it opens and to inspect the ballot box, the blank ballots and all other papers, forms and documents relating to the vote (but not so as to delay the timely opening of the voting place); to place his/her own seal on the ballot box before the opening of the voting place but not so as to impede ballots being deposited into the ballot box; to place his/her own seal on the ballot box immediately after the close of voting on each day of an advance vote but not so as to impede ballots being deposited into the ballot box; to sign the statement of the Deputy Returning Officer; to place his/her own seal on the ballot box prior to its return to the Clerk by the Deputy Returning Office but not so as to impede ballots being deposited into the ballot box r; and, to be present when materials and documents relating to the election are delivered to the Clerk after the close of advance voting and at the conclusion of the vote on voting day; 12 | P a g e 5. SCRUTINEERS (CONT’D) Candidates and Scrutineers are prohibited from: 6. attempting, directly or indirectly, to influence how the elector votes; displaying a candidate's election campaign material or literature in a voting place; compromising the secrecy of the voting; interfering or attempt to interfere with an elector who is marking the ballot; obtaining or attempt to obtain, at a voting place, information about how an elector intends to vote or has voted; communicating any information obtained at a voting place about how an elector intends to vote or has voted; interfering with any election worker while they are performing their duties. USE OF CITY FACILITIES FOR CAMPAIGN PURPOSES Appended to this manual (page 18) is a copy of the City’s policy with respect to parameters around the use of City facilities for campaign purposes. 13 | P a g e GENERAL INFORMATION (PART E) 1. COMMUNICATIONS Unless specified under the Municipal Election Act, the preferred method of communicating ongoing information between the Office of the City Clerk and candidates is via email. Please ensure that your email address is provided to this office. 2. ADVANCE VOTES The dates of the Advance Vote will be established by Council by-law no later than September 2014. Once established, the dates will be referenced in Candidate Manual #2, be published in a local newspaper and be available on the City’s website. 3. ELECTOR NOTICE Several days prior to the date of the first advance vote, Kitchener electors will be notified by mail as to the location and hours of operation of the voting place at which they are entitled to vote. The time and place of the advance votes also will be identified. 4. VOTERS’ LIST Posting The preliminary list of electors will be compiled by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation from which the Voters’ List will be established and posted on September 2, 2014 in the locations stated herein: Office of the City Clerk, 2nd floor, City Hall 200 King Street W., Kitchener Kitchener Public Libraries Regional Clerk's Office, 2nd floor, 150 Frederick Street, Kitchener Availability of Copies The Act provides that upon written request of a candidate for an office, the Clerk shall provide him/her with the part of the Voters' List that contains the names of the electors who are entitled to vote for that office. A candidate may obtain an electronic copy for no charge by completing an application form available in the City Clerk's Office. Candidates are strongly encouraged to request the electronic Voters’ List. School Support Extract Candidates for school board office can also apply to the Secretary of the relevant board for a copy of the extract taken from the preliminary list. Extracts do not constitute an official preliminary list and are not subject to revision. Appeal Process A person may make application to the Clerk for correction, addition to or deletion of information relative to themselves from the list from Tuesday, September 2 to Monday, October 27, 2014. The application shall be in writing on the required form and shall be filed: (a) in person, by the applicant or his/her agent; or 14 | P a g e 4. VOTERS’ LIST (CONT’D) (b) by mail, by the applicant. If the deletion relates to another person, the application can only be made from September 2 to September 12, 2014. On Voting Day, it will be preferable if these applications are dealt with in the voting place where the elector would normally vote. Each Deputy Returning Officer will have the delegated authority to carry out this function. 5. PROXY VOTING A person who is entitled to be an elector in a local municipality may appoint another person who is also so entitled as his/her voting proxy, using the prescribed form available from the Clerk. A person shall not: (a) appoint more than one (1) voting proxy; (b) act as a voting proxy for more than one (1) other person unless the proxy and other person are spouses or siblings of each other, parent and child, or grandparent and grandchild. Proxies can be made only after the last date to withdraw nominations and remain in force only until Voting Day October 27, 2014. A person who has been appointed a voting proxy shall: (a) complete an application in the prescribed form, including a statutory declaration that he/she is the person appointed as a voting proxy; and (b) present the application and the appointing document to the Clerk at the Clerk's Office, in person. The application may be presented at any time when the Clerk's Office is open. On the day of an advance vote, it will be open for this purpose from noon to 5pm. If satisfied, after considering the application that the person who appointed the voting proxy is entitled to do so and that the person appointed is entitled to act as the other's voting proxy, the Clerk shall apply a certificate in the prescribed form to the appointing document. A person may vote as a voting proxy only if he/she: (a) produces to the Deputy Returning Officer the appointing document with the Clerk's certificate; and (b) takes the prescribed oath. A person who votes as a voting proxy is also entitled to vote in his/her own right. 15 | P a g e 6. VOTING PLACES A complete list of voting places will be available from the Office of the City Clerk on September 2, 2014. In addition to the Voter Notification Cards mailed to each elector, those with computer access can use a GIS application in the Election section of the City’s website to determine where they should go to vote. 16 | P a g e APPOINTMENT OF SCRUTINEER Municipal Election Act, 1996 [s. 16(1)] VOTING PLACE # Check here if appointment applies to all Voting Places I hereby appoint to act as a scrutineer to represent me at the Voting Place, set out above, during voting or tabulating of votes in City Hall in respect of the Municipal Election to be held on October 27, 2014. Signed Candidate for Office of This form must be signed by the Candidate and may be required to be shown to an Election Official at the Voting Place or at the place where votes are being counted. Failure to show proof of appointment may result in a direction to you to leave the Voting Place. 17 | P a g e POLICY NUMBER: I-226 DATE: November 28, 2005 POLICY TYPE: ADMINISTRATION SUBJECT: ELECTIONS - USE OF CITY FACILITIES FOR POLITICAL CAMPAIGN PURPOSES POLICY CONTENT: Purpose / Intent Provide guidance to City staff, candidates and members of the public regarding the use of City facilities, including sidewalks and boulevards around these properties, for campaigning and campaign related activities with respect to municipal, provincial and federal elections. Ensure a balance between political expression and the right to unobstructed use, operation and enjoyment of City facilities for recreational or non-political purposes. Scope This policy applies to the following: - City-run outdoor ticket bearing events - All arenas (including Kitchener Memorial Auditorium Complex and Centennial Stadium) - All community centres - All indoor and outdoor pools - Peter Hallman Ball Yard (for ticketed events only) - Victoria Park Pavilion - Your Kitchener Market (including any outdoor areas occupied by vendors) - Golf course clubhouses - Kiwanis Park (portion of park where paid admission required) - Budd Park Indoor Soccer Facility This policy does not apply to the following City-owned facilities which are operated by arms length organizations. Notwithstanding, election sign prohibitions as outlined in the City’s Sign By-law would apply as these are City-owned facilities: - Gymnastics / Judo Club - Centre in the Square - Kitchener Public Library Main and Branch facilities - Children’s Museum This policy applies to campaigning in relation to municipal, provincial and federal elections. ‘Campaigning’ refers to any and all forms of candidate promotion, including, but not limited to: distribution of promotional material; display of placards; posting of election or campaign signs; surveys by candidates or candidate representatives; an organized group demonstration of support; and, any related campaign activity that obstructs the enjoyment and use of the facility. For purposes of this policy, a ‘campaign period’ is defined as the interval of time wherein campaigning is permitted by law. In the case of federal and provincial elections, the period following the issuing of an Election Writ; in the case of municipal elections, the period between January 1 of an election year and voting day, the latter being the second Monday in November. 18 | P a g e Any bookings by political organizations outside of a campaign period established by law are regulated by the normal booking policies of the City-owned facility. Corporate Position A. Interior of Facility (1) campaigning no campaigning is permitted inside any City facility with the exception of those activities referred to in the meeting subsection below. Inside a building is also intended to mean the space between two sets of doors or any similar anteroom. (2) B. campaign related meetings ‘all candidate debates’ are permitted at any rentable City facility, such debates being those to which every registered candidate for the respective race has been invited, though not all may attend. The sponsor of the debate would be required to sign a declaration indicating that they have sent invitations to all registered candidates, and in addition, would be responsible for any setup or takedown. Individual registered candidates would also be permitted to book rooms and resources, but all such campaign related bookings are to be made through Community Services Department staff. Any room being used for campaign purposes will be offered on a first come, first served basis, subject to availability. Neighbourhood Associations are not allowed to re-allocate any space blocked out for them as this may favour some candidates over others. No such restriction would apply to all candidate debates provided the declaration referred to above is signed. Full rental charges are to apply to all room bookings for individual, registered candidates, but do not apply in the case of all-candidate debates organized as described in this policy. Notwithstanding Chapter 680 (Signs) of the City of Kitchener Municipal Code, signs, banners and other similar devices would be permitted within the confines of the room rented for an all-candidates debate or an individual candidate. Under no circumstances would signage be permitted outside of the room, or on any interior or exterior windows. Distribution of campaign literature would also be permitted within the confines of the room, but again under no circumstances is this to take place outside of the room itself. Exterior of Facility Campaign signs of any kind are not permitted on the exterior of any building or on any City property unless the written consent of the City Clerk has first been obtained and the circumstances are of such a unique nature that an exemption would be warranted. Candidates and candidate representatives are permitted to hand out campaign literature to patrons outside of City facilities provided this does not obstruct entry or exit from the facility by patrons using the facility, or otherwise obstruct any emergency exit. Such campaigning is not permitted anywhere within the confines of an enclosed entryway to a building, but must be limited to outside or exterior doorways or on other areas of the property where this does not pose a safety or other hazard. Notwithstanding the ability to campaign outside of City facilities, under no circumstances is such campaigning to take place outside of City Hall. This on the basis that City Hall is the seat of government and its use for campaign purposes could directly or indirectly suggest endorsement of a particular candidate or political party. Any requests for exemption from this policy must be made to the City Clerk in writing. 19 | P a g e C. Campaigning and Signage on Election Day and at Advance Votes D. The Municipal Elections Act stipulates that no one is allowed to display a candidate’s election material or literature in a Voting Place. Voting takes place not only on Election Day, but also at a series of Advance Votes which are usually held at City-owned facilities. Numerous City facilities are used for municipal and other elections and the definition of a ‘Voting Place’ includes any place in the immediate vicinity of the Voting Place itself. In other words if a poll was inside a community centre, there could be no display anywhere else on the community centre property, including the parking lot or sidewalks. The Deputy Returning Officer in a Voting Place is responsible for the conduct of that Voting Place and therefore is required to deal with any display of campaign material or literature within the confines of the Voting Place. Staff are asked to report any infraction in this regard to the Deputy Returning Officer or otherwise effect the removal of the materials or literature from City property if outside the building or the immediate confines of the room used as a Voting Place. The same prohibition applies to municipal, provincial and federal elections. Staff is asked to report any repeated or ongoing infractions to the Office of the City Clerk for further action. Filming in Voting Places on Election Day When the media requests permission to film in a Voting Place, the permission of every individual in the Voting Place at the time of filming must be obtained. The media or press person requesting such filming should be referred to the Deputy Returning Officer responsible for that respective Voting Place. Election\Schedule.040 20 | P a g e Regional Roads By Name - KITCHENER As of January 1, 2013 Road No. Street Name Municipality From To 6 Benton Street KIT Courtland Ave. (53) King St. 56 Bleams Road KIT Trussler Rd. (70) Manitou Dr. (69) 20 Bloomingdale Road KIT Bridge St. (52) Ebycrest Rd./Sawmill Rd. (17) 52 Bridge Street WAT/KIT/WOO Northfield Dr. (22) Ebycrest Rd. (17) Bridgeport Road WAT/KIT Albert St. Lancaster St. (29) 61 Bruce Street KIT Victoria St. (55) Frederick St. (6) 64 Charles Street KIT Victoria St. (55) Ottawa St. (4) 12 Conestoga College Boulev KIT Homer Watson Blvd. (28) New Dundee Rd. (12) 53 Courtland Avenue KIT Queen St. (6) Manitou Dr. (69) 62 Edna Street KIT Victoria St. (55) Frederick St. (6) 53 Fairway Road KIT/CAM Manitou Dr. (69) Fountain St. (17) 58 Fischer-Hallman Road WAT/KIT/NDF Laurelwood Dr. Roseville Rd. (46 & 58) 6 Frederick Street KIT King St. Bruce St. (61) 6 Highland Road KIT Trussler Rd. (70) Queen St. (6) 28 Homer Watson Boulevard KIT Ottawa St. (4) Hwy. 401 28 Huron Road KIT 120 metres east of Trillium Drive Reg. Rd. 28 NB On/Off Ramp 70 Ira Needles Boulevard WAT/KIT Erb St. (9) Hwy. 7/8 8 King Street KIT Weber St. (8)/Hwy. 8 Cam. Lmts/Hwy. 401 15 King Street KIT Ottawa St. (4) Dixon St./Montgomery Rd. 15 King Street WOO/WAT/KIT Lobsinger Ln (15) Victoria St. (55) 54 Lackner Boulevard KIT Victoria St. (55) Fairway Rd. (53) 29 Lancaster Street KIT Bridge St. (52) Victoria St. (55) 69 Manitou Drive KIT Courtland Ave./Fairway Rd. (53) Homer Watson Blvd. (28) 12 New Dundee Road NDF/KIT Trussler Rd. (70) Homer Watson Blvd. (28) 4 Ottawa Street KIT Trussler Rd. (70) 150m E of Keewatin Ave. 6 Queen Street KIT Highland Rd. (6) Courtland Ave. (53) River Road KIT Fairway Rd. (53) King St. (8) 9 56 Last Print Date: Thu, Nov 14, 2013 Limits Are Approximate - For Legal Description see Regional Municipality of Waterloo Bylaw No. 01-059 Page 1 of 2 Road No. Street Name Municipality From To 38 Sportsworld Drive KIT King St. E (8) Cam. Lmts. (350m E of Hwy. 8) 70 Trussler Road KIT/NDF Hwy. 7/8 Brant Waterloo Rd. 55 Victoria Street KIT Ira Needles Blvd. (70) 300m E of Fountain St. (17) 8 Weber Street WOO/WAT/KIT King St. (15), Woolwich King St.(8)/Hwy. 8, Kitchener Westmount Road WAT/KIT Northfield Dr. (50) Fischer-Hallman Rd. (58) 50 Last Print Date: Thu, Nov 14, 2013 Limits Are Approximate - For Legal Description see Regional Municipality of Waterloo Bylaw No. 01-059 Page 2 of 2
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