3-Heights™ PDF to PDF/A Converter Shell Version 4.3

User Manual
PDF to PDF/A Converter
Version 4.3
Introduction . . . .
Description . . . . .
Functions . . . . . . .
Operating Systems
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
License Management . . . . . . . . . .
Graphical License Manager Tool . . . .
Command Line License Manager Tool
License Key Storage . . . . . . . . . . . .
User’s Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Process Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Conversion Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
What is PDF/A? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Color Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fonts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Digital Signatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Validation of a Qualified Electronic Signature
Certificates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Caching of CRLs, OCSP and TSP Reponses . .
Reference Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
General Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
-cl: Set Conformance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-cem: Mask Conversion Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-fd: Set font directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-id: Set value in the document information dictionary . .
-ma: Analyze the Input File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-mc: Force Conversion even if there Are Analysis Errors
-mp: Post-Analyze the Result . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-p: Read an Encrypted PDF File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-ax: Add XMP Metadata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-ow: Optimize for the Web . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-q: Image Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-rd: Report Conformance Violations in Detail . . . . . . .
-rs: Report Conformance Violations Summary . . . . . .
-cff: Embed Type 1 fonts as CFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-uf: Update the fonts’ Unicodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-ef: Add embedded file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-af: Add associated file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-az: Add a ZUGFeRD XML invoice file. . . . . . . . . . . . .
-v: Verbose Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-lk: Set License Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Processing Files in a Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Color Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
-cs: ICC Profile for Device-Specific Color Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
-oi: ICC Profile for Output Intent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Digital Signatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
-ap: Signature Page Number . . . . . . . . . .
-ar: Signature Annotation Rectangle . . . . .
-cn: Certificate Name (Subject) . . . . . . . . .
-cr: Signature Reason . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-cci: Signer contact info . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-ca: Abort Conversion if Document Is Signed
-ci: Certificate Issuer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-cno: Certificate Serial Number . . . . . . . .
-cfp: Certificate Fingerprint . . . . . . . . . . .
-co: Do not Embed Revocation Information .
-cp: Cryptographic Provider . . . . . . . . . .
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-cps: Cryptographic session property (string)
-cpf: Cryptographic session property (file) . .
-csl: Certificate Store Location . . . . . . . . .
-csn: Certificate Store Name . . . . . . . . . .
-tsu: Time Stamp URL . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-tsc: Time Stamp Credentials . . . . . . . . . .
-wpu: Web Proxy Server URL . . . . . . . . . .
-wpc: Web Proxy Server Credentials . . . . .
-nc: Disable cache for CRL and OCSP . . . . .
OCR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
-le: List OCR Engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-ocr: Load OCR Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-ocl: Set OCR Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-ocp: Set OCR Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-ocs: Do Not Re-embed De-skewed Image . . . . . . . . .
-ocd: Resolution for OCR Recognition . . . . . . . . . . .
-oct: Threshold Resolution for OCR . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-ocb: Convert Images to Bitonal before OCR Recognition
-ocm OCR mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-oci: Do not deskew image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-oca: Rotate the image according to the detected angle
-ocbc: Embed barcodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-ocx: Export recognized ocr text to file . . . . . . . . . . .
Return Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Log File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Licensing and Copyright . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Contact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
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The 3-Heights™ PDF to PDF/A Converter Shell converts PDF files into PDF/A files. PDF/A has been acknowledged
world-wide as the ISO standard for long-term archiving since 2005. The tool analyzes and converts the input
file, applying a digital signature where required.
The integrated validator then optionally checks conformity once again. This product is robust and powerful
and therefore predestined for archive migrations of any size.
Convert (+ OCR)
PDF to PDF/A Converter
ICC Profiles
The 3-Heights™ PDF to PDF/A Converter Shell accepts files from many different applications and automatically
converts them into PDF/A. The level of conformity can be set to Level A or Level B. ICC color profiles for devicedependent color profiles and font types are embedded in the document. There is an option to provide the
entire character set for fonts (no subsetting) to facilitate editing at a later stage. Missing fonts are reproduced
as close to the original as possible via font recognition. Metadata can be generated automatically or added
from external sources. The tool also detects and automatically repairs problems typical of the PDF format. A
digital signature can be applied and a conformity check carried out at the end of the process. The optional OCR
Add-On and linearization for fast web display are valuable additional functions.
Conversion (PDF/A-1, PDF/A-2, PDF/A-3)
Selectable level of conformity
Embedding ICC color profiles for device-dependent color spaces
Replace and subset fonts
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File analysis and repair
Conversion reporting
Digital signatures, PDF/A-compliant
Configure the virtual appearance of the signature (page, size, color, position, text, background image, etc.)
Write the application log in a log file or in the event log of the operating system (with Windows Service)
Enforce conversion even if the file is unconvertible
Metadata management
Read encrypted input files
Encryption with access authorizations (not for PDF/A)
Linearization (fast web display)
JBIG2 compression
JPEG2000 compression
Conversion of embedded and attached files (PDF/A-2 and later)
Colorants management (PDF/A-2 and later)
OCR (optional)
List OCR plug-Ins
Set the OCR language
Add embedded files (PDF/A-2) and associated files (PDF/A-3)
Embedded XML invoice data conforming to the ZUGFeRD specification (PDF/A-3).
Input Formats
PDF 1.x (PDF 1.4, PDF 1.5, etc)
Target Formats:
PDF/A-1a, PDF/A-1b
PDF/A-2a, PDF/A-2b, PDF/A-2u
PDF/A-3a, PDF/A-3b, PDF/A-3u
Standards: ISO 19005-1 (PDF/A-1), ISO 19005-2 (PDF/A-2), ISO 19005-3 (PDF/A-3), ISO 32000 (PDF 1.7), PAdES
Part 2
Quality assurance: Isartor test suite
Operating Systems
Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, - 32 and 64 bit
Windows Server 2003, 2008, 2008-R2 - 32 and 64 bit
FreeBSD 4.7 for Intel
HP-UX 11.0 - 32 bit and Itanium
IBM AIX (4.3: 32 Bit, 5.1: 64 bit)
Linux (SuSE and Red Hat on Intel)
Mac OS X
Sun Solaris (2.7 and higher)
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The retail version of the 3-Heights™ PDF to PDF/A Converter Shell comes as a ZIP archive containing various files
including runtime binary executable code, files required for the developer, documentation and license terms.
1. Download the ZIP archive of the product from your download account at www.pdf-tools.com.
2. Unzip the file using a tool like WinZip available from WinZip Computing, Inc. at http://www.winzip.com to a
directory on your hard disk where your program files reside (e.g. C:\program files\pdf-tools).
3. Check the appropriate option to preserve file paths (folder names). The unzip process now creates the following subdirectories:
Contains the runtime executable binary code.
Contains two required standard fonts and the font mapping file.
Contains the two color profiles “USWebCoatedSWOP.icc” and “sRGB Color Space Profile.icm”.
Contains documentation files.
For Windows there is the option download the software as MSI file, which makes the installation easier.
4. To easily use the 3-Heights™ PDF to PDF/A Converter Shell from a shell, the directory needs to be included
in the “Path” environment variable.
5. Make sure your platform meets the requirements regarding color spaces and fonts described in chapters
Color Profiles and Fonts respectively.
How to set the Environment Variable “Path”
To set the environment variable “Path” on Windows 2000, go to Start ->Settings ->Control Panel ->System >Advanced ->Environment Variables
Windows XP, go to Start ->Control Panel (classic view) ->System ->Advanced ->Environment Variables.
Select “Path” and Edit, then add the directory where pdf2pdf.exe is located to the “Path”. If the environment
variable “Path” does not exist, create it.
License Management
There are three possibilities to pass the license key to the application:
1. The license key is installed using the GUI tool (Graphical user interface). This is the easiest way if the licenses
are managed manually. It is only available on Windows.
2. The license key is installed using the shell tool. This is the preferred solution for all non-Windows systems
and for automated license management.
3. The license key is passed to the application at runtime via the switch -lk. This is the preferred solution for
OEM scenarios.
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Graphical License Manager Tool
The GUI tool LicenseManager.exe is located in the bin directory of the product kit.
List all installed license keys
The license manager always shows a list of all installed license keys in the left pane of the window. This includes
licenses of other PDF Tools products. The user can choose between:
Licenses available for all users. Administrator rights are needed for modifications.
Licenses available for the current user only.
Add and delete license keys
License keys can be added or deleted with the “Add Key” and “Delete” buttons in the toolbar.
The “Add key” button installs the license key into the currently selected list.
The “Delete” button deletes the currently selected license keys.
Display the properties of a license
If a license is selected in the license list, its properties are displayed in the right pane of the window.
Select between different license keys for a single product
More than one license key can be installed for a specific product. The checkbox on the left side in the license
list marks the currently active license key.
Command Line License Manager Tool
The command line license manager tool licmgr is available in the bin directory for all platforms except Windows.
A complete description of all commands and options can be obtained by running the program without parameters:
List all installed license keys
licmgr list
Add and delete license keys
Install new license key:
Delete old license key:
Both commands have the optional argument -s that defines the scope of the action:
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g: For all users
u: Current user
Select between different license keys for a single product
License Key Storage
Depending on the platform the license management system uses different stores for the license keys.
The license keys are stored in the registry:
HKLM\Software\PDF Tools AG (for all users)
HKCU\Software\PDF Tools AG (for the current user)
Mac OS X
The license keys are stored in the file system:
/Library/Application Support/PDF Tools AG (for all users)
~/Library/Application Support/PDF Tools AG (for the current user)
The license keys are stored in the file system:
/etc/opt/pdf-tools (for all users)
~/.pdf-tools (for the current user)
Note: The user, group and permissions of those directories are set explicitly by the license manager tool. It
may be necessary to change permissions to make the licenses readable for all users. Example:
chmod -R go+rx /etc/opt/pdf-tools
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User’s Guide
Process Description
The workflow of the PDF to PDF/A Conversion is outlined in the graphic below.
Conformance violations in categories
which inhibit a conversion
Conformance violations in categories
which do not inhibit a conversion
Document meets
conformance level
If conformance level is A and there
are corresponding conformance
violations downgrade the level to B
Conversion error:
Output document
is visually different
Output document
is not visually
Option postanalysis set?
Option postanalysis set?
Do postanalysis
Do postanalysis
Copy file
1. The license is checked.
2. The input document is analyzed. If the document is already compliant to the requested standard it is copied.
If the required standard cannot be met, but a lower standard can, the target standard is downgraded, e.g.
from PDF/A-1a to PDF/A-1b. If it contains non-convertible elements the conversion is stopped. If convertalways is enabled, the conversion is always executed.
3. The actual conversion is applied. A failure indicates a case where no output file is created. Possible causes
of that are: input file does not exist, output file cannot be written, conversion was aborted.
Success indicates a correct execution of the function. However it does not imply there were no problems
during the process. Conversion or other errors can be retrieved after the conversion (API: property ErrorCode, Shell: return value, Service: log)
4. If the conversion process detects elements which may result in an information loss by the conversion (e.g.
transparency in the content or not convertible metadata), a conversion error is raised. The conformance of
the resulting output document is unrelated to conversion errors.
5. If Post-Analysis is enabled, the resulting PDF document is validated. If the resulting document does not
meet the requested standard a post-analysis error is raised.
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The above graphic includes PDF/A related errors only. Errors with digital signatures are not reflected in this
workflow chart.
Conversion Steps
The goal of the conversion is to create a PDF/A document which is conforming to the international standard
If the analysis of the document indicates a conversion to the requested standard is possible, the following steps
are performed:
Embed and subset non-embedded font programs
Replace device specific color spaces with CIE-based color spaces
Add a GTS_PDFA output intent
Remove prohibited entries
Remove entries with a default value
Remove entries with unknown values
Add mandatory entries Add XMP metadata if missing
Apply implicit optimization functions (e.g. replace and subset embedded fonts)
Apply implicit repair functions (to conform with ISO19005-1 chapter 6.1)
If the analysis indicates a conversion is not possible, a “best effort” conversion can be forced. In this case the
output may or may not be PDF/A conformant. It is also possible the output file looks visually different from the
input file due to the forced conversion.
Conversion Errors
A conversion error means the input document contains an element that does not exist in PDF/A, i.e. can only
be converted in a way that the result may have visual or other differences. However the resulting document
is PDF/A compliant. The following issues result in a conversion error, depending on the setting of the property
Optional content removed
FFilter or FDecodeParms removed
Prohibited annotation type converted to text annotation
Prohibited action removed
Embedded files removed
Annotation without appearance stream
Transparency removed
Character from show string removed because glyph missing in font
Unconvertible metadata
Some of these conversion errors, such as transparency or optional content may be resolved by creating PDF/A-2
or PDF/A-3 instead of PDF/A-1.
Post Analysis
The converted file is validated against the selected compliance level. If a document raises conversion errors,
but the post analysis reports no violations, the output may have visual differences compared to the input, but
it is PDF/A compliant. If a document raises no conversion errors, and the post analysis reports no violations,
the conversion was successful.
What is PDF/A?
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The PDF/A-1 format is described in the international standard ISO-19005-1. It bases on the PDF 1.4 reference and has some additional requirements. Best is to have a general understanding of PDF/A. Here is a brief
overview of how to create a PDF/A document from a non-PDF/A document.
1. A PDF/A has requirements about meta data and the structure of the file. The PDF to PDF/A Converter takes
care of this and the user does not have to apply any settings. However he can provide the XMP meta data
himself if desired.
2. In PDF/A, colors (including grayscale and black/white) must not be represented in a device color space
(DeviceRGB, DeviceCMYK, DeviceGray). Suitable default color space profiles to substitute the device color
spaces, one for RGB, CMYK and grayscale respectively can be provided by the user. In addition, or alternatively, one color space profile can be embedded as output intent. In this latter case, device colors are
automatically managed by the output intent if the color can be represented in the space given by the color
space profile in the output intent.
If the converter encounters unmanaged colors, e.g. because no color space profile was set, then a calibrated color space is generated automatically, one RGB and one grayscale, for RGB and grayscale colors
respectively. If unmanaged CMYK colors are encountered, a default CMYK output intent is embedded.
3. Fonts used in visible text must be embedded. This is automatically done by the Converter.
4. For PDF/A 1a: The original document structure information will be retained when converting the file to
PDF/A. However, new tags will not be added and the structure will not be changed. To create a PDF/A-1a
compliant file, the original file must have been created with the required structure and tagging. Otherwise,
a PDF/A-1b file will be produced.
What is the difference between PDF/A-1b and PDF/A-1a?
PDF/A-1a has additional specifications on top of PDF/A-1b. These are:
1. The encoding of fonts must meet additional requirements, e.g. include a ToUnicode mapping (ISO 19005-1,
chapter 6.3.8)
2. The document must contain a logical structure (ISO 19005-1, chapter 6.8)
The idea of the PDF/A-1a requirements is mainly to provide support for disabled people, i.e. by providing the
required information needed for applications that support the read out loud feature.
The logical structure of the document is a description of the content of the pages. This description has to be
provided by the creator of the document. It consists of a fine granular hierarchical tagging that distinguishes
between the actual content and artifacts (such as page numbers, footers, layout artifacts, etc.). The tagging
provides a meaningful description. Examples are “This is a Header”, “This color image shows a small sailing
boat at sunset”, etc. One can easily understand this information cannot be generated automatically, it needs
to be provided. This is one of the reasons why not every PDF document can be converted to PDF/A-1a.
PDF/A-2 is described in ISO 19005-2. It is based on ISO 32000-1, the standard for PDF 1.7. PDF/A-2 is meant
as an extension to PDF/A-1. The second part shall complement the first part and not replace it. The most
important differences between PDF/A-1 and PDF/A-2 are:
The list of compression types has been extended by JPEG2000
Transparent contents produced by graphic programs are allowed
Optional contents (also known as layers) can be made visible or invisible
Multiple PDF/A files can be bundled in one file (collection, package)
The additional conformity level U (Unicode) allows for creating searchable files without having to fulfill the
strict requirements of the conformity level A (accessibility)
Documents that contain features described above, in particular layers or transparency, should therefore be
converted to PDF/A-2 rather than PDF/A-1.
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PDF/A-3 is described in ISO 19005-3. It is based on ISO 32000-1, the standard for PDF 1.7. PDF/A-3 is an extension to PDF/A-2. The third part shall complement the second part and not replace it. The only two differences
between PDF/A-2 and PDF/A-3 are:
Files of any format and conformance may be embedded. Embedded files need not be suitable for long-term
Embed files can be associated with any part of the PDF/A-3 file.
For additional information about PDF/A please visit: http://www.pdf-tools.com/pdf/pdfa-longterm-archivingiso-19005-pdf.aspx.
Color Spaces
Colors in PDF
The PDF format supports a range of color spaces:
Device Color Spaces: DeviceGray, DeviceRGB, DeviceCMYK. These are also referred to as uncalibrated color
spaces, because they cannot be used to specify color values such that colors are reproducible in a predictable way on multiple output devices.
CIE-based Color Spaces: CalGray, CalRGB, Lab, ICCBased. These are also referred to as device-independent
color spaces, because they are inherently capable of specifying colors which can be reliably reproduced on
multiple output devices.
Special Color Spaces: Separation and DeviceN. These require an alternate color space from one of the previous
two groups to allow the PDF consumer to simulate the color on devices which do not support the special
color space.
Colors can occur in the following objects of a PDF/A document:
Raster images (also inline images)
Text and Vector objects such as lines and curves
Shading patterns
Transparency blending (PDF/A-2 and later)
ICC Color Profiles
An ICC (International Color Consortium) profile is a file format which can be used to describe the color characteristics of a particular device. For example for the correct color reproduction when an image from a scanner
or camera is displayed on a device, such as a monitor or printer. Color profiles are usually provided with the
operating system (OS), on a Windows System, they can be found at the following location:
Alternatively, profiles can be found here:
Please note that most color profiles are copyrighted, therefore you should read the license agreements on
the above links before using the color profiles. The PDF to PDF/A Converter will try to locate color profiles
automatically in the %SystemRoot%\system32\spool\drivers\color folder as needed. On Unix platforms, you
can store the color profiles contained in the “colorprofiles.zip” download in a folder of your choice, and set the
environment variable PDF_ICC_PATH to point to that folder.
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PDF/A Requirements
In PDF/A the usage of uncalibrated color spaces (DeviceGray, DeviceRGB, and DeviceCMYK) is prohibited because colors that are specified in this way cannot be reproduced reliably on multiple output devices. Therefore,
when converting to PDF/A, all device color spaces should be replaced by CIE-based color spaces. There is one
exception to this rule: An uncalibrated color is tolerated if the output intent holds an ICC color profile with
which this color can be represented. (E.g. a grayscale color can be represented in an RGB color profile, but a
CMYK color cannot.)
The 3-Heights™ PDF to PDF/A Converter Shell uses the following strategy:
For each device color space (DeviceGray, DeviceRGB, and DeviceCMYK) an ICC color profile can be specified
to be used as substitute for the respective device color space.
One ICC color profile can be set to be used in the output intent.
During conversion, if a device color space is encountered then the following is done:
If an output intent was set that is capable of managing this color, no action is needed.
Otherwise, if an ICC color profile is set to substitute this device color space then this color profile is used.
Otherwise, for DeviceRGB and DeviceGray color spaces: A calibrated color space (CalRGB1 and CalGray
respectively) is generated and used as a substitute.
Otherwise, for DeviceCMYK color spaces:
If the output intent is not set, then a default CMYK ICC color profile is used for the output intent.
If the output intent holds a non-CMYK ICC color profile, then a default CMYK ICC color profile is generated and used as a substitute for DeviceCMYK.
The above strategy is motivated by the fact that CalRGB and CalGray color spaces occupy very little memory in
comparison to ICC color profiles. Also note that the primary purpose of the output intent in a PDF document
is to describe the characteristics of the device on which a document is intended to be rendered. Traditionally,
the target device is a printer, which motivates CMYK output intents. The default CMYK color profile USWebCoatedSWOP.icc is provided in the sub-directory bin\icc.
The PDF/A standard requires all fonts to be embedded in the PDF file. This ensures that the future rendering
of the textual content of a conforming file matches, on a glyph by glyph basis, the appearance of the file as
originally created.
Hence, if non-embedded fonts in a PDF are used, the font must be embedded. For this, a matching font has to
be found in the font directories. The method AddFontDirectory should be used to define your font directories.
The default font directories are listed in the documentation to the method AddFontDirectory.
It is important that the font directories contain all fonts that are used for the input files. In particular, the fonts
ZapfDingbats and Symbol are widely used in PDF, but not available on most systems. Therefore, the product
kit includes these fonts, which should be added to a font directory.
Fonts should be added to one of the font directories, if the post analysis returns validation errors like the
following: “output.pdf”, 9, 20, 0x00418704, “The font ShinGo must be embedded.”, 1
Font Configuration File fonts.ini
The font configuration file can be used to control the embedding of fonts. The file fonts.ini must reside at the
following location, which is platform dependent:
Windows: In a directory named “Fonts”, which must be a direct sub-directory of where the main DLL or
executable resides.
Unix: The “fonts.ini” file is searched in the following locations
1. If the environment variable PDFFONTDIR is defined: $PDFFONTDIR/fonts.ini
2. ~/.pdf-tools/fonts/fonts.ini
3. /etc/opt/pdf-tools/fonts/fonts.ini
1 The
generated CalRGB color space is an approximation to the ICC color profile sRGB Color Space Profile.icm.
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fonts.ini uses the ini file format and has two sections. The section “fonts” is ignored by the PDF to PDF/A
Converter, so you may remove it. In the section “replace” font replacement rules of the form key=value can be
defined. The key specifies the font that is to be replaced. The key should match the name of the font mentioned
in the pre-analysis of the PDF to PDF/A Converter. e.g. “ShingGo” for:
“file.pdf”, 9, 20, 0x00418704, “The font ShinGo must be embedded.”, 1
The value should match the true type name of an installed font. Do not replace any standard fonts (Helvetica,
Arial, Times, TimesNewRoman, Courier, CourierNew, Symbol, and ZapfDingbats).
Please note that this feature should be used with care. Replacing a font with another might change the visual
appearance of the file because of different glyph shapes or glyphs that are not available in the replacement
font. Embedding another font might also have legal consequences.
This rule defines, that in order to embed a font program for font MS-Mincyo the font MS-Mincho should be
used. This rule is useful, because both names are possible transliterations of the same Japanese font. However,
the official transliteration used by the actual font is MS-Mincho.
Digital Signatures
Digital signature is a large and slightly complex topic. This manual gives a brief, general overview about digital
signatures and describes how the 3-Heights™ PDF to PDF/A Converter Shell is used to apply them. It does
however not describe all the details that are involved when it comes to for example meet the prerequisites for
applying a Qualified Electronic Signature.
Digital Signature is a cryptographic technique of calculating a number (a digital signature) for a message. Creating a digital signature requires a private key from a certificate. Validating a digital signature and its authorship
requires a public key. Digital Signature is a technical term.
Electronic Signature is a set of electronic data that is merged or linked to other electronic data in order to authenticate it. Electronic Signatures can be created by means of a digital signature or other techniques. Electronic
Signature is a legal term.
Table: Abbreviations
Certification Authority
Cryptographic Message Syntax
Certificate Revocation List
Cryptographic Service Provider
Hardware Security Module
Online Certificate Status Protocol
Public Key Cryptography Standards
Qualified Electronic Signature
Time Stamp Authority
Time Stamp Protocol
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Why Digitally Signing?
The idea of applying a digital signature in PDF is very similar to a handwritten signature: A person reads a document and signs it with its name. In addition to the name, the signature can contain further optional information,
such as the date and location. A valid electronic signature is a section of data that can be used to:
Ensure the integrity of the document
Authenticate the signer of the document
Digitally signing a document requires a certificate. How to view and access a certificate is described in the
chapter Certificates.
The digital signature consists of two parts:
A signature type related part: This part consists of the required objects for the selected signature, which vary
on the signature type (Document Signature, MDP Signature, see table below). Information such as name
of the signer, reason, date, location is stored here. The signature may optionally have a visual appearance
on a page of the PDF document, which can contain text, graphics and images. This part of the signature is
completely created by the 3-Heights™ PDF to PDF/A Converter Shell.
A cryptographic part: A digital signature computes a hash value based on the content of the document that
is being signed. If the document is modified at a later time, the computed hash value is no longer correct
and the signature becomes invalid, i.e. the validation will fail and will report that the document has been
modified since the signature was applied. Only the owner of the certificate and its private key is able to sign
the document.
The 3-Heights™ PDF to PDF/A Converter Shell supports the following types of digital signatures:
Document Signature: Check the integrity of the signed part of the document and authenticate the signer’s
identity. One or more signature can be applied. A signed document can be modified and saved by incremental update. The state of the document can be re-created as it existed at the time of signing.
MDP (Modification detection and prevention) Signature: Enable detection of disallowed changes specified by
the author. A document can contain only one MDP signature; it must be the first in the document. Other
document signatures may be present. Remark: Object digests (PDF 1.5) are no longer supported by Adobe.
Document Time Stamp Signature: Establish the exact content of the file at the time indicated by the time
stamp. One or more document time stamp signatures can be applied. A signed document can be modified
and saved by incremental update.
What is an Electronic Signature?
There are different types of electronic signatures, which normally are defined by national laws, and therefore
are different for different country. Quite advanced in this manner are German-speaking countries where such
laws and an established terminology exist. The English terminology is basically a translation from German. It
is distinguished between three types of electronic signatures:
Simple Electronic Signature “Einfache Elektronische Signatur”
Advanced Electronic Signature “Fortgeschrittene Elektronische Signatur”
Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) “Qualifizierte Elektronische Signatur”
Applying Simple Electronic Signatures is supported since version (Oct 2009). Applying advanced and
Qualified Electronic Signatures is supported since version (Mar 2010). All applied digital signatures are
PDF/A compliant.
Simple Electronic Signature
A simple electronic signature requires any certificate that is intended to be used for digital signing. The easiest
way to retrieve a certificate, which meets that requirement, is to create a so called self-signed certificate. Selfsigned means it is signed by its owner, therefore the issuer of the certificate and the approver the legitimacy
of a document signed by this certificate is the same person.
Example: Anyone could create a self-signed certificate issued by “Peter Pan” and issued to “Peter Pan”. Using
this certificate one is able to sign in the name of “Peter Pan”.
If a PDF document is signed with a simple electronic signature and the document is changed after the signature
had been applied, the signature becomes invalid. However, the person who applied the changes, could at the
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same time (maliciously) also remove the existing simple electronic signature and - after the changes - apply a
new, equally looking Simple Electronic Signature and falsify its date. As we can see, a simple electronic signature
is neither strong enough to ensure the integrity of the document nor to authenticate the signer.
This drawback can overcome using an advanced or Qualified Electronic Signature.
Advanced Electronic Signature
Requirements for advanced certificates and signatures vary depending on the country where they are issued
and used.
An advanced electronic signature is based on an advanced certificate that is issued by a recognized certificate
authority (CA) in this country, such VeriSign, SwissSign, QuoVadis. In order to receive an advanced certificate,
its owner must prove its identity, e.g. by physically visiting the CA and presenting its passport. The owner can
be an individual or legal person or entity.
An advanced certificate contains the name of the owner, the name of the CA, its period of validity and other
The private key of the certificate is protected by a PIN, which is only known to its owner.
This brings the following advantages over a simple electronic signature:
The signature authenticates the signer.
The signature ensures the integrity of the signed content.
Qualified Electronic Signature
Requirements for qualified certificates and signatures vary depending on the country where they are issued
and used.
A Qualified Electronic Signature is similar to an advanced electronic signature, but has higher requirements.
The main differences are:
It is based on a qualified certificate, which is provided as a hard token (USB stick, smart card).
Only one signature can be applied at a time. This means for every signature it is required to enter the PIN
It requires an online query of the status of the used certificate (OCSP/CRL). The response (valid, revoked,
etc.) must be embedded in the signature.
The certificate It may require a time stamp (TSP) that is acquired from a trusted time server (TSA).
This brings the following advantages over an advanced electronic signature:
The signature ensures the certificate was valid at the time when the document was signed (due to the
embedding of the OCSP/CRL response).
The signature ensures the integrity of the time of signing.
Legal processes that require a QES are supported.
Note that a time stamp can be added to any type of signature. OCSP/CRL responses are also available for
advanced certificates.
Selecting a Certificate for Signing
The 3-Heights™ PDF to PDF/A Converter Shell offers different ways to select a certificate. The API tries the first
of the following selection strategies, for which the required values are specified by the user.
1. Certificate fingerprint
SHA1 fingerprint of the certificate. This is an array of 20 bytes.
2. Issuer and SerialNumber
Certificate Issuer (e.g. “QV Schweiz CA”), in Windows Certificate Store this is called “Issued By”
SerialNumber of the certificate (hexadecimal string representation, e.g. “4c 05 58 fb”). This is a unique
number assigned to the certificate by its issuer. In Windows Certificate Store this is the field called “Serial
number” in the certificate’s “Details” tab.
3. Name and optionally Issuer
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Common Name of the certificate (e.g. “PDF Tools AG”), in Windows Certificate Store this is called “Issued
Optional: Certificate Issuer (e.g. “QV Schweiz CA”), in Windows Certificate Store this is called “Issued By”
Steps to Create an Advanced or Qualified Electronic Signature
1. Identify if an advanced or qualified signature is required. For most automated process an advanced signature suits best.
2. Acquire a corresponding certificate from a CA. Note that some CA offer USB sticks or smart cards that
contain both, an advanced and a qualified certificate. Besides the private key, the certificate contains the
information for the OCSP Server, Authority Information Access [2].
3. Access a trusted time server (TSA) using the protocol HTTP (e.g. using the format: server.domain.com or
server.domain.com:80/tsa) to acquire a time stamp (TSP).
4. In case the certificate resides on a USB token or a Smart Card, the required drives (e.g. CardOSAPI) need to
be installed.
5. Apply the signature by providing the following information:
Values for signature selection as described in the section Possibilities to Select a Certificate for Signing.
Optional: Time Stamp URL (e.g. “server.mydomain.com:80/tsa”)
Optional: Time Stamp Credentials (e.g. username:password)
Optional: Embed OCSP Responses (default: true)
Optional: Cryptographic Provider (default: Microsoft Crypt API)
Optional: Certificate Store (e.g. “MY” (default), ROOT, CA, etc.)
Optional: Certificate Store Location (e.g. 0 (default), 0: Current User, 1: Local System)
Example: How to Create a simple Electronic Signature
In order to digitally sign a PDF document with the 3-Heights™ PDF to PDF/A Converter Shell, a certificate is
required. What a certificate is and how they can be listed on a Windows system is described in the chapter
In order to add an electronic signature with the 3-Heights™ PDF to PDF/A Converter Shell the following steps
need to be done:
1. Provide the certificate name (Subject)
2. Apply settings for the signature, such as the reason text, or the visual appearance (color, position, etc).
3. Process the PDF document by a user which has access to the selected certificate and thereby add the signature
The certificate name is provided with the switch -cn, the reason with the switch -cr. A sample command looks
like this:
-cn " Philip Renggli "
-cr "I reviewed the document "
Example: How to Create a QES
In order to create a Qualified Electronic Signature a qualified certificate and additional settings are required.
The qualified certificate resides on a hardware which requires drivers and software provided by the manufacturer to be installed. At the time when the signature is applied, this software prompts a dialog where a pin
must be entered.
-cn " Philip Renggli "
-ci "QV Schweiz ICA"
-tsu server . mydomain .com :80/ tsa
-tsc username : password
-csn MY
-csl 0
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The visual appearance of the digital signature on a page of the resulting output-document looks as shown
Validation of a Qualified Electronic Signature
There are basically three items that need to be validated:
Trust Chain
Time Stamp
Validation can be in different ways, e.g. Adobe Acrobat, from which the screenshots below are taken. Before
validating with Adobe Acrobat under Windows, the following setting must be applied:
Open Acrobat, from the menu “Edit”, choose “Preferences”
From Categories, select “Security”
Click on “Advanced Preferences”, select the tab “Windows Integration”
Tick the checkboxes for:
Enable import and use of identities from Windows Certificate Store
Validating Signatures
Validating Certified Documents
Trust Chain
The trust chain must contain at least two certificate subjects and their issuer. Before the trust chain can be
validated, ensure the root certificate is trusted. There are different ways to add a certificate as trusted root
certificate. The best way on Windows is this:
1. Retrieve a copy of the certificate containing a public key. This can be done be requesting it from its issuer
or by exporting it from an existing signature to a file (CertExchange.cer). Ensure you are not installing a
malicious certificate!
2. Add the certificate to the trusted root certificates. If you have the certificate available as file, you can simply
double-click it to install it.
After that you can validate the signature, e.g. by open the PDF document in Adobe Acrobat, right-click the
signature and select “Validate”, then select “Properties” and select the tab “Trust”.
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An OCSP response must be embedded. This is shown in the tab “Revocation”.
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Time Stamp
The signature must be time-stamped. This is shown in the tab “Date/Time”. The certificate of the time stamp
server must be a trusted root certificate.
All Certificates
This chapter assumes the standard signature handler is used as described in the chapter Digital Signatures.
In order to sign a PDF document, a valid, existing certificate name must be provided and its private key must
be available.
There are various ways to create or obtain a certificate. How this is done is not described in this document.
This document describes the requirements for, and how to use the certificate.
On the Windows operating system certificates can be listed by the Microsoft Management Console (MMC),
which is provided by Windows. In order to see the certificates available on the system, do the following steps:
1. To launch the MMC, go to Start ->Run…->type “mmc”, or start a Command Prompt and type “mmc”.
Under “Console” ->“Add/Remove Snap-in” select “Add”
In the next window activate “Certificates” and chose “My user account”
Click “Finish”
The certificate must be listed under the root “Certificates - Current User”, for example as shown in the
screenshot below:
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6. Double-click the certificate to open. The certificate name corresponds to the value “Issued to:”.
7. In the tab Detail of the certificate, there is a field named “Key Usage”. This field must contain the value
“Digital Signature”. Additional values are optional, see also screenshot. You must have the private key that
corresponds to this certificate.
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Qualified Certificates
A qualified certificate can be obtained from a certificate authority (CA). Besides the requirements listed in the
previous chapter it has the additional requirement to contain the key “Authority Information Access” which
contains the information about the OCSP server.
Caching of CRLs, OCSP and TSP Reponses
In order to improve the speed when mass signing, the 3-Heights™ PDF to PDF/A Converter Shell provides a
caching algorithm to store CRL (Certificate Revocation List), OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) and TSP
(Time Stamp Protocol). This data is usually valid over period of time that is defined by the provider, which
is normally at least 24 hours. Caching improves the speed, because there are situations when the server of
the provider does not need to be contacted for every digital signature. The following caches are stored automatically by the 3-Heights™ PDF to PDF/A Converter Shell at the indicated locations within the directory for
temporary files:
OCSP responses:
TSP responses2
The caches can be cleared by deleting the files. Usage of the caches can be deactivated by setting the option -nc.
The files are updated if the current date and time exceeds the “next update” field in the OCSP or CRL response
respectively or the cached data was downloaded more than 24 hours ago.
The directory for temporary files is determined as follows. The product checks for the existence of environment
variables in the following order and uses the first path found:
1. The path specified by the TMP environment variable.
2. The path specified by the TEMP environment variable.
3. The path specified by the USERPROFILE environment variable.
4. The Windows directory.
2 The sizes of the TSP responses are cached only. Cached TSP responses cannot be embedded but used for the computation of
the signature length only.
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1. The path specified by the PDFTMPDIR environment variable.
2. The path specified by the TMP environment variable.
3. The /tmp directory.
Reference Manual
General Settings
-cl: Set Conformance
Set the PDF/A conformance level. Support parameters are: pdfa-1b, pdfa-1a, pdfa-2b, pdfa-2u, pdfa-2a, pdfa3b, pdfa-3u, pdfa-3a. The default value is pdfa-2b. The following example will set the conformance level to
-cl pdfa -2u
-cem: Mask Conversion Errors
The conversion error mask defines which operations and conditions are not allowed and consequently cause
a conversion error (return value 5).
None (never return a conversion error)
Upgrade file’s conformance to PDF/A-2, if necessary (PDF/A-1 only).
Downgrade file’s conformance level, if necessary.
(default) Visual differences in output file.
Resolve name collisions of colorants (PDF/A-2 and PDF/A-3 only).
(default) Remove optional content groups (layers) (PDF/A-1 only).
(default) Remove transparency (PDF/A-1 only).
(default) Remove embedded files.
(default) Remove non convertible XMP metadata.
(default) Error during linearization of output file.
Conversion of signed document forced removal of signatures.
(default) Failed to create signature.
Failed to add OCSP or TSP to signature.
(default) The input document is corrupt and should be repaired. The errors encountered are
printed to the log file. Some errors can be repaired, but it is crucial to review the output file and
perform the post analysis.
(default) OCR error occurred.
Font substituted.
Add up all operations are conditions to define the conversion mask. The default is 13812. In order to accept all
conversion errors, set the mask to 0.
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-cem 0
-fd: Set font directory
In order to create a valid PDF/A all fonts must be embedded. If the input file contains a font which is not
embedded, the font folder is searched for a font with the same name. If such a font is found, the font is
embedded. If no valid font directory is added, the default font directories are used. The location of these
directories depends on the operating system:
Windows: %SystemRoot%\Fonts and directory “Fonts”, which must be a direct sub-directory of where the
main DLL or executable resides.
Mac: /System/Library/Fonts and /Library/Fonts
Unix: $PDFFONTDIR or /usr/lib/X11/fonts/Type1
The fonts of the default font directories and their properties are cached in a font cache, located in the files
%TMP%\font-database*. It is recommended to clear the cache, if you add or remove fonts from these directories. If replacement fonts shall be taken from another location, this location can be set using the switch
-fd C:\ MyFonts
-id: Set value in the document information dictionary
Set or get the value of an info entry key. Examples for keys are “Author”, “Subject”, “Title”, “Producer” or custom
-ma: Analyze the Input File
Analyze the input file and verify if it meets a certain compliance level. In order to get a report either the option
-rs or -rd can be used in combination, otherwise only the return code it set.
pdf2pdf -ma -rs input.pdf output .pdf
The document contains fonts without embedded font programs or encoding information
( CMAPs ). The documents meta data is either missing or inconsistent or corrupt .
An output file name must be provided, since the output name also specify the name of the log file which is
generated. However no output PDF document is created. The analysis is equal to the analysis using the 3Heights™ PDF Validator and validating against PDF/A.
-mc: Force Conversion even if there Are Analysis Errors
Setting this option forces the conversion even if there is a problem with the input file. A conversion to PDF/A
can fail if the document stands in conflict with one of the following issues:
Non-conformance with the PDF Reference
Missing or ambiguous annotation and form field appearances
Unknown annotation types (optional)
Multimedia annotations (optional)
Under the following circumstances the conversion is automatically downgraded to PDF/A-1b, (in case PDF/A-1a
was selected).
Missing Unicode information
Missing logical structure
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-mp: Post-Analyze the Result
Analyze the created output file directly after the conversion to verify it meets the required compliance level. In
order to get a report either the option -rs or -rd can be used in combination, otherwise only the return code it
set. The post analysis is only executed if the conversion was successful. This switch is ignored if the switch -ma
(Analysis only) is set. The post analysis can detect errors in the created output file that could not be predicted
based on the analysis of the input file nor could they be detected during the conversion, because the conversion
also depends on the input parameters (such as ICC profiles).
-mp -rs
The post-analysis is equal to the analysis using the 3-Heights™ PDF Validator and validating against PDF/A.
-p: Read an Encrypted PDF File
When the input PDF file is encrypted and has a user password set, (the password to open the PDF) the password
can be provided with the option -p. If for example the user password were “userpwd”, then the command would
look like this:
-p userpwd
When a PDF is encrypted and the user password is not provided or is incorrect, pdf2pdf cannot decrypt and
read the file. Instead it will generate the following error message:
0 x80410112 - E - The authentication failed due to a wrong password .
Couldn 't open input file input .pdf.
-ax: Add XMP Metadata
Add XMP meta data from a file. Providing a path that does not exist or an invalid XMP file results in return
code 3.
-ax metadata .txt
-ow: Optimize for the Web
Add so called linearization tags to the document. A linearized document has a slightly larger file size than a
non-linearized file, and provides the following features (among others):
When a document is opened through a PDF viewing application plug-in for an Internet browser, the first
page can be viewed without downloading the entire PDF file.
When another page is requested by the user, that page is displayed as quickly as possible and incrementally
as data arrives, without downloading the entire PDF file.
-q: Image Quality
Set or get the image quality index for images that use a prohibited lossy compression type are must be recompressed.
Example: JPX is not allowed in PDF/A-1. If a PDF contains a JPX compressed image, its compression type must
be altered. Thus the 3-Heights™ PDF to PDF/A Converter Shell converts it to an image with regular JPEG compression and the image quality as defined by this switch.
Supported values are 1 to 100. A higher value means better visual quality at the cost of a larger file size.
Recommended values range from 70 to 90. The default value is 75.
-rd: Report Conformance Violations in Detail
This option lists all conformance violations per page. Each violation is listed with a page number (page 0 =
document level), error number, a description and a counter of how many times the error occurs. The option
provides more detailed information than the summary (Options -rs). This option can be used in combination
with -mp or -ma.
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pdf2pdf -ma -rd input.pdf output .pdf
0, 0x80410604 , "The key Metadata is required but missing .", 1
0, 0x80410604 , "The key MarkInfo is required but missing .", 1
1, 0x00418704 , "The font Arial - BoldMT must be embedded .", 1
1, 0x00418704 , "The font Arial - BlackItalic must be embedded .", 1
1, 0x83410612 , "The document does not conform to the requested standard .", 1
-rs: Report Conformance Violations Summary
This option gives a summary of all conformance violations. If any of the following violations is detected at least
once, it is reported (once). This option provides less detailed information than the detailed list per page (Option
This option can be used in combination with -mp or -ma
The file format (header, trailer, objects, xref, streams) is corrupted.
The document doesn’t conform to the PDF reference (missing required entries, wrong value types, etc.).
The file is encrypted and the password was not provided.
The document contains device-specific color spaces.
The document contains illegal rendering hints (unknown intents, interpolation, transfer and halftone functions).
The document contains alternate information (images).
The document contains embedded PostScript code.
The document contains references to external content (reference XObjects, file attachments, OPI).
The document contains fonts without embedded font programs or encoding information (CMAPs).
The document contains fonts without appropriate character to Unicode mapping information (ToUnicode
The document contains transparency.
The document contains unknown annotation types.
The document contains multimedia annotations (sound, movies).
The document contains hidden, invisible, non-viewable or non-printable annotations.
The document contains annotations or form fields with ambiguous or without appropriate appearances.
The document contains actions types other than for navigation (launch, JavaScript, ResetForm, etc.).
The document’s meta data is either missing or inconsistent or corrupt.
The document doesn’t provide appropriate logical structure information.
The document contains optional content (layers).
-cff: Embed Type 1 fonts as CFF
Convert Type1 (PostScript) fonts to Compact Font Format before embedding. This reduces the file size. This
affects the embedding of fonts only, existing Type1 fonts of the input document will not be converted.
-uf: Update the fonts’ Unicodes
Update the fonts’ Unicodes as specified by file. The file must contain the mapping of character codes to Unicodes for specific fonts.
-ef: Add embedded file
-ef “file” is the same as -af “;;;file”.
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-af: Add associated file
Add a file to the document’s embedded files. For PDF/A-3, the embedded file is associated with an object
of the document, i.e. it is an associated file. The file is embedded as-is. Embedding files is not allowed for
PDF/A-1 and restricted to PDF/A compliant files for PDF/A-2. The argument is of the form “i;r;m;d;f” where:
The object to associate the embedded file with. -1 for none, 0 for document, number greater
than 0 for respective page. Default: 0 for PDF/A-3 and -1 otherwise.
The relationship of the embedded file to the object associated, PDF/A-3 only. Allowed values are
“Source”, “Data”, “Alternative”, “Supplement”, and “Unspecified”. Default: “Unspecified”.
Mime-type of the embedded file. Default: “application/octet-stream”. Other common values are
“application/pdf”, “application/xml”, or “application/msword”.
A description of the embedded file. This is presented to the user when viewing the list of
embedded files.
The path (or URL) to the file to be embedded.
pdf2pdf -cl pdfa -3a -af "0; Source ; application / msword ;The source
document ; input .doc" input.pdf output .pdf
-az: Add a ZUGFeRD XML invoice file.
Add a ZUGFeRD XML invoice file. Note that this requires the compliance to be set to PDF/A-3. If the specified
ZUGFeRD XML invoice file cannot be added during conversion, the following conversion error event is generated: Remove embedded files.
-v: Verbose Mode
This option turns on the verbose mode.
-lk: Set License Key
Pass a license key to the application at runtime instead of installing it on the system.
Processing Files in a Directory
Wildcards return a list of existing files. If you would like to convert all files in a directory to individual PDF
documents, it is required to use a variable to name the output files. Here is an example for the FOR-command
of the CMD-shell. It converts all TIFF files to PDFs with the same name and the extension “.pdf”, in the same
for %i in (*.pdf) do pdf2pdf -v %i %~ni.pdf
Of course, one can adjust the paths, or use a different output name:
for %i in (.\input\*.pdf) do pdf2pdf %i .\output\new_%~ni.pdf
For additional help to the FOR command, use the command (Windows):
for /?
Note, that variables used in a batch file require two leading “%” instead of one.
Color Profiles
See the dedicated section Color Profiles for more information on the topic.
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-cs: ICC Profile for Device-Specific Color Spaces
This ICC profile represents the color profile of the scanner. It is required if a color space is used that is different
from color ICC profile of the output intent. Initially there is a default color profile for RGB (sRGB) and CMYK
(USWebCoatedSWOP.icc) defined in the 3-Heights™ PDF to PDF/A Converter. This switch can be used to set
both, the RGB and the CMYK color profile. If an RGB color profile is passed as argument it is set as new RGB
color space, if a CMYK color is provided, it is set as new CMYK color space, if an invalid file is provided, it results
in error code 3. To set the color profile for both color spaces, use the switch -cl twice. The following command
sets the standard sRGB color profile as color space:
-cs "C:\ WINNT \ system32 \spool \ drivers \ color \sRGB Color Space Profile .icm"
If a required color space profile is not available, a conversion error is generated.
-oi: ICC Profile for Output Intent
The ICC profile for the output intent describes the color profile of the device (monitor or display). An output
intent is required for PDF/A compatibility when converting images that do not have an embedded color profile.
If no output intent is specified, a default color profile is embedded. The default color profile is the sRGB Color
Space Profile.icm. If the input document already contains an output intent, the existing output intent is kept.
Providing a path that does not exist or an invalid ICC color profile file results in return code 3.
-oi "C:\ WINNT \ system32 \spool \ drivers \ color \sRGB Color Space Profile .icm"
Digital Signatures
Apply a Simple Electronic Signature
In order to digitally sign a PDF document with the 3-Heights™ PDF to PDF/A Converter Shell, a certificate is
required. What a certificate is and how they can be listed on a Windows system is described in the chapter
“Certificates”. To create a digital signature the following steps need to be done:
Select a signing certificate, e.g. by providing the certificate name (Subject)
Apply settings for the signature, such as the reason text, or the visual appearance (color, position, etc).
Process the PDF document by a user which has access to the selected certificate and thereby add the signature
The certificate name is provided with the switch -cn, the reason with the switch -cr. A sample command looks
like this:
-cn “Philip Renggli”
-cr “I reviewed the document”
Execute the conversion
The visual appearance of the digital signature on a page of the resulting output-document looks as shown below:
Apply a Qualified Electronic Signature
The following settings are relevant for a Qualified Electronic Signature (QES):
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Table: QES Settings
Certificate Name (Subject)
-cn “Philip Renggli”
Certificate Issuer
-ci “QV Schweiz ICA”
Time Stamp URL
-tsu server.mydomain.com:80/tsa
(optional) Time Stamp Credentials
-tsc username:password
Certificate Store
-csn MY
Certificate Store Location
-csl 0
Note: The qualified certificate resides on a hardware, which requires drivers and software provided by the
manufacturer to be installed. At the time the signature is applied, this software shows a dialog where a pin
must be entered.
-ap: Signature Page Number
Set the page number of where the visual appearance of the digital signature should be placed. The default is
the last page. The last page can also be set using -1 as argument.
-ar: Signature Annotation Rectangle
This option allows positioning the digital signature annotation. The default location is in the lower left corner.
The units are PDF points (A4 = 595x842 points, Letter = 612x792 points).
create a 200 by 60 points rectangle in the upper left corner of an A4 page
-cn "..." -ar 10 770 200 60
In order to create an invisible signature use the following rectangle:
-ar 0 0 0 0
-cn: Certificate Name (Subject)
In order to sign a PDF document, a valid, existing certificate name must be provided. Consult the chapter
“Certificates” to learn more about certificates. The name of a certificate is to be provided as parameter to the
-cn switch to digitally sign a PDF document as shown in the command below:
Sign the document.
-cn " Philip Renggli "
The signature is added on the last page of the signed document.
-cr: Signature Reason
Add a descriptive text about the reason why the document was signed.
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Sign the document and add a reason text.
-cn " Philip Renggli " -cr "I reviewed the document "
The signature of the resulting output looks as shown below:
-cci: Signer contact info
Add a descriptive text as signer contact info, e.g. a phone number. This enables a recipient to contact the signer
to verify the signature. This is not required in order to create a valid signature.
-ca: Abort Conversion if Document Is Signed
If -ca is set and the input document is not PDF/A compliant (i.e. a conversion is required) and contains a digital
signature, the conversion is aborted and the error code 11 is returned.
If -ca is not set and the input document is not PDF/A compliant, all signatures (including MDP signature) and
signature appearances of the input document are removed.
If the input document is PDF/A compliant, the document is not converted and the existing signatures remain.
Optionally an additional signature can be applied.
-ci: Certificate Issuer
The issuer of the certificate. The “Certificate Issuer” corresponds to the common name (CN) of the issuer. In
the Windows’ certificate store this corresponds to “Issued by”.
-cno: Certificate Serial Number
Set the serial number of the certificate. Specify a hex string as displayed by the “Serial number” field in the
Microsoft Management Console (MMC), e.g. “49 cf 7d d1 6c a9”.
-cfp: Certificate Fingerprint
Set the hex string representation of the signer certificate’s sha1 fingerprint. All characters outside the ranges 09, a-f and A-F are ignored. In the Microsoft Management Console, the “Thumbprint” value can be used without
conversion, if the “Thumbprint algorithm” is “sha1”. E.g. “b5 e4 5c 98 5a 7e 05 ff f4 c6 a3 45 13 48 0b c6 9d e4
5d f5”.
-co: Do not Embed Revocation Information
This switch inhibits the embedding of revocation information such as online certificate status response (OCSP RFC 2560) and certificate revocation lists (CRL - RFC 3280). Revocation information is either an OCSP response
or a CRL, which is provided by a validation service at the time of signing and acts as proof that at the time of
signing the certificate is valid. This is useful because even when the certificates expires or is revoked at a later
time, the signature in the signed document remains valid.
Embedding revocation information is optional but suggested when applying advanced or qualified electronic
signatures. If the embedding is enabled then the information of the signer certificate and the issuer certificates
other than the root certificate is embedded as well. This implies that both OCSP responses and CRLs can be
present in the same message.
The downsides of embedding revocation information are the increase of the file size (normally by around 20k)
and that it requires a connection to a validation service, which delays the process of signing (normally by around
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2 seconds). For mass signing it is suggested to use the caching mechanism, see chapter “Caching of CRLs, OSCP
and TSP Responses”.
Embedding revocation information requires an online connection to the CA that issues them. The firewall
must be configured accordingly. In case a web proxy is used, it must be ensured the following MIME types are
supported when using OCSP (not required for CRL):
-cp: Cryptographic Provider
The provider can either be Microsoft’s Crypt API or a library that implements PKCS#11 to support HSM, USB
tokens and smart cards.
When using the Microsoft’s Crypt API, the value of this property with the following syntax:
The ProviderType and PIN are optional. The corresponding drivers must be installed on Windows. Examples:
Provider = “Microsoft Base Cryptographic Provider v1.0”
Provider = “Microsoft Strong Cryptographic Provider”
Provider = “PROV_RSA_AES:Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider”
The provider type PROV_RSA_AES supports the SHA-2 hash algorithms. this provider type is recommended
in order to validate signatures if no PKCS#11 device is available.
Optionally, when using an advanced certificate, the pin code can be passed as an additional, semi-column
separated parameter. This does not work with qualified certificates, because they always require the pin
code to be entered manually and every time. If the name of the provider is omitted, the default provider is
used. Examples, “123456” being the pin code:
Provider = “Microsoft Base Cryptographic Provider v1.0;123456”
Provider = “;123456”
When using PKCS#11, the value of this property is to be set to a string with the following syntax:
Non-Windows platforms must use this method.
PathToDll is the path to driver library filename, which is provided by the manufacturer of the HSM, UBS
token or smart card. Examples:
The CardOS API from Siemens uses siecap11.dll
The IBM 4758 cryptographic coprocessor uses cryptoki.dll
Devices from Aladdin Ltd. use etpkcs11.dll
SlotId is optional, if it is not defined, it is searched for the first slot that contains a running token.
Pin is optional, if it is not defined, the submission for the pin is activated via the pad of the token. If
this is not supported by the token, the following error message is raised when signing: “Cannot access
private key”.
Provider = “\WINDOWS\system32\siecap11.dll;4;123456”
Interoperability Support: The following cryptographic token interface (PKCS#11) products have been successfully tested:
SafeNet Protect Server
SafeNet Luna
SafeNetAuthentication Client
IBM OpenCrypTokI
Siemens CardOS
-cps: Cryptographic session property (string)
String property for configuring cryptographic session. The supported names and values are specific to the
cryptographic provider.
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-cpf: Cryptographic session property (file)
File data property for configuring cryptographic session. The supported names and values are specific to the
cryptographic provider.
-csl: Certificate Store Location
The location of the Certificate Store from where the certificate should be taken. Supported are:
Local System
1 The current user (default)
Usually personal certificates are stored in the current user location and company-wide certificates are stored
under local system, so that all users can access it.
-csn: Certificate Store Name
The name for the certificate store depends on the OS. The default is MY. Other values are: ROOT or CA.
use the certificate store ROOT from the Local System account.
-cn "..." -csn ROOT -csl 0
-tsu: Time Stamp URL
The URL of the trusted time stamp server (TSA) from which a time stamp shall be acquired. This setting is only
required when applying a Qualified Electronic Signature. Applying a time stamp requires an online connection
to a time server; the firewall must be configured accordingly. In case a web proxy is used, it must be ensured
the following MIME types are supported:
-tsc: Time Stamp Credentials
If a time stamp server requires authentication, use this switch to provide the credentials.
Credentials commonly have the syntax username:password.
-cn "..." -tsu SomeTimeServer -tsc username : password
-wpu: Web Proxy Server URL
In an organization where a web proxy server is in use, it must be ensured this web proxy server is specified.
The URL is something like “http://proxy.example.org” or an IP address. When applying OCSP or time stamps,
the following MIME Types must be supported by the web proxy server:
-wpc: Web Proxy Server Credentials
If a web proxy server is used, and it requires authentication, use this switch and the syntax user:password.
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set a web proxy server URL and use authentication.
-wpu "http :// proxy . example .org" -wpc user: password
-nc: Disable cache for CRL and OCSP
Get or set whether to disable the cache for CRL and OCSP responses. Using the cache is safe, since the responses are cached as long as they are valid only. The option affects both signature creation and validation.
See section on caching for more information on the caches.
In order to make use of OCR, an OCR engine must be installed. The OCR engine is provided as part of a separate
product: The 3-Heights™ OCR Enterprise Add-On.
The recommended options (besides -ocr, -ocl and -ocp) are:
For scanned documents: -oca
For born-digital documents: -ocs -oci
-le: List OCR Engines
OCR engines are accessed through the corresponding OCR interface DLLs. At present interfacing the following
engines is supported:
Abbyy FineReader OCR Engine: This engine is accessed by the OCR interface DLL pdfocrpluginAbbyy.ocr.
3-Heights™ OCR Service: This service is accessed by the OCR interface DLL pdfocrpluginService.ocr. The service
accesses the Abbyy FineReader 8.1 OCR Engine.
Tesseract: This engine is accessed by the OCR interface DLL pdfocrpluginTesseract.ocr.
The OCR interface DLLs are provided by the 3-Heights™ PDF to PDF/A Converter Shell. The OCR engine is provided as a separate product, such as 3-Heights™ OCR Enterprise Add-On. Here is an example of listing available
OCR engines:
List of available OCR engines:
- abbyy
- abbyy10
- service
- tesseract
End of list.
In order to make use of the OCR engine, the OCR interface DLL and the OCR engine must be installed. The
switch -le lists all available OCR interface DLLs. It does not verify the corresponding OCR engine is installed and
can be initialized. The OCR engine is actually accessed when using the switch -ocr.
-ocr: Load OCR Engine
If a PDF document has to be made fully text searchable even if the text is part of a raster image then the images
which are contained in the PDF document must be run through an OCR engine. With this switch the user can
select an OCR engine, e.g. “Abbyy”, and instruct the tool to embed the recognized text as a hidden layer on top
of the image. If the add-in is not found or the engine cannot be initialized (because it is not installed or the
license key is not valid) then an error message is issued.
The name of the OCR engine can be retrieved using the switch -le. If the switch -ocr is not used, no OCR is
applied. The following switch sets the OCR engine to Abbyy:
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pdf2pdf -ocr abbyy input.pdf output .pdf
See also documentation for the 3-Heights™ OCR Add-On.
-ocl: Set OCR Language
In order to optimize the performance of the OCR engine, it can be given hints what languages are used. The
default language of the Abbyy FineReader 8.1 OCR Engine is English. This switch can only be used if the switch
-ocr is set. This setting depends on the OCR engine, e.g. it is different for Abbyy and Tesseract. The following
switch set the languages to English and German:
pdf2pdf -ocr abbyy -ocl "English , German " input.pdf output .pdf
See also documentation for the 3-Heights™ OCR Add-On.
-ocp: Set OCR Parameters
Using this switch OCR engine specific parameters (key/value pairs) can be set to optimize the performance. The
following switch enables the Balanced Mode to improve the speed and do not detect whether text is bold or
pdf2pdf -ocp " BalancedMode =TRUE , DetectBold = FALSE " input .pdf output .pdf
See also documentation for the 3-Heights™ OCR Add-On.
-ocs: Do Not Re-embed De-skewed Image
Using this switch the original images are kept instead of the OCR engine re-embedding the de-skewed images.
-ocd: Resolution for OCR Recognition
Resample images to target resolution before they are sent to the OCR engine. If no value is set, images are
re-sampled to 300 dpi for OCR, which is the preferred resolution for most OCR engines.
-oct: Threshold Resolution for OCR
Only images with a higher resolution than the threshold are re-sampled before OCR. The default is 400 dpi. If
set to -1: no re-sampling is applied.
Resample all images with a resolution of more than 300 dpi to 300 dpi:
-ocd 300 -oct 1
Resample all images with a resolution of 400 dpi or more to 300 dpi (default):
-ocd 300 -oct 400
Do not resample:
-oct -1
Compatibility Note: Initially this switch was called -ocD and then renamed to -oct to avoid confusions with the
switch -ocd.
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-ocb: Convert Images to Bitonal before OCR Recognition
Specify whether the images should be converted to bi-tonal (black and white) before OCR recognition.
Enabling this feature can improve the memory consumption of the OCR process. It is suggest to use this feature
with ABBYY 8 or Tesseract.
Enabling this feature automatically re-embeds the original images in the output document; the setting of -ocs
is ignored.
-ocm OCR mode
Specify behavior of converter for files with existing OCR text. Available OCR modes are the following:
Only perform OCR for images without existing OCR text (default).
If OCR engine is active, remove old OCR text and perform OCR for all images. Hence, existing OCR text is
not removed, if OCR engine is not active.
Always remove old OCR text and, if OCR engine is active, perform OCR for all images. This can be used to
strip existing, without adding new OCR text.
Set OCR Mode 2
-ocm 2
-oci: Do not deskew image
Do not deskew original image, but skew text (with -ocs only).
-oca: Rotate the image according to the detected angle
The OCR engine may detect that an image needs to be rotated in order to have the text in an up-right position.
If this is the case and this switch is used then the original image is replaced by the rotated image.
-ocbc: Embed barcodes
Embed the recognized barcodes in the XMP metadata.
-ocx: Export recognized ocr text to file
Export the retrieved OCR text to a file. This function can only be used in combination with an OCR engine (see
option -ocr). When an OCR engine is set, the OCR text is always embedded in the resulting PDF document.
If this method is used, it is in addition also extracted to a file. The output format is a table, where rows are
separated by a new line and columns are separated by a tabulator. The table contains the following columns:
Page number
PDF object number which contains the image
Font size in points
Font name, for any barcode font the name is “Barcode”. This value is only set if the font
name is returned by the OCR engine.
1: Serif
2: SansSerif
3: Monospaced
This value is only set if provided by the OCR engine.
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1: Barcode
2: Bold
4: Italic
8: Underline
16: Strikeout
This value is only set if provided by the OCR engine. Example: 6 = 2 + 4 = Bold + Italic
Baseline of the text
Left, Top,
Bounding box of the text in PDF coordinates
Recognized text
Write extracted text to the text file “text.txt”.
pdf2pdf -ocr abbyy -ocx text.txt input.tif output .pdf
Return Codes
There are different return codes supported. All but return code 0 indicate an error or problem.
Occurs when:
Analysis only and no errors
Conversion without errors
Conversion and post-analysis without errors
Cannot open input file
Cannot create output file
Parameter error
File does not exist
Invalid XMP file
File is not a valid ICC color profile
ICC version is not compliant
Other parameter error
Cannot convert input file due to conformance problems
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Output file has conversion errors
A conversion error means the input document contains an element that does not exist in PDF/A, i.e.
can only be converted in a way that the result may have visual or other differences. However the
resulting document is PDF/A compliant. This return code depends on the setting -cem.
Missing output intent of device color space
Optional content removed
FFilter or FDecodeParms removed
Prohibited annotation type converted to text annotation
Prohibited action removed
Embedded files removed
Transparency removed
Character from show string removed because glyph missing in font
Some of these conversion errors, such as transparency or optional content may be resolved by
creating PDF/A-2 or PDF/A-3 instead of PDF/A-1.
Output file is not conformant (post analysis)
Occurs when:
Post analysis failed
Missing output intent of device color space
Font not embedded
Annotation without appearance stream
There was a problem during the linearization of the file
The following return codes became deprecated with version Instead 5 is returned, depending on the
setting to mask conversion errors.
Input file is not conformant (pre analysis)
Occurs when:
Analysis only with errors
Conversion with failed pre analysis but successfully post analysis
Parts of the XMP metadata could not be repaired and had to be removed.
Input document is not PDF/A compliant and contains a digital signature and the switch -ca is set
A signature creation error occurred. Possible reasons are:
Cannot create a session (or CSP)
The certificate store is not available
The certificate cannot be found
The private key is not available
Incorrect signature length
Cannot get response from OCSP or TSP
If the input file cannot be read, the following error is returned (return code 1):
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0 x80410101 - E - The file couldnt be opened .
Couldnt open input file input.pdf.
If the output file cannot be created, the following error is returned (return code 2):
0 x80410102 - E - The file couldnt be created .
Couldnt create output file output .pdf.
Log File
All steps in the diagram from chapter “Process Description” can write to the log file. There are three types of
messages in the log file: Warnings/Information, Errors and Reports.
Warnings and Information
describe the current process step. They do not inhibit the conversion. Prefix: Example:
Opening file input.pdf
Setting font directory to C:\WINNT\Fonts
Analyzing input.pdf
Conformance level A has been downgraded to level B
inhibit a successful conversion. Prefix: *
* Cannot open file input.pdf.
Input file 001.pdf isn't convertible.
are only created if the corresponding option (Details or Summary) is selected. Prefix: none
Example: Details
0, 0x80410604, "The key Metadata is required but missing.", 1
2, 0x00418704, "The font Verdana must be embedded.", 1
2, 0x83410614, "The document contains device-specific color spaces (Annotation C or IC).", 1
Example: Summary
The document contains fonts without embedded font programs or encoding information (CMAPs).
The document's meta data is either missing or inconsistent or corrupt.
The document doesn't provide appropriate logical structure information.
Licensing and Copyright
The 3-Heights™ PDF to PDF/A Converter Shell is copyrighted. This user’s manual is also copyright protected; it
may be copied and given away provided that it remains unchanged including the copyright notice.
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