OCTOBER 2013 THE NEW JESUIT In this issue: Politically incorrect p. 3 Celebrating Mastership p. 5 SWAG p. 9 HALLOWEEN SPECIAL EDITORIAL OCTOBER 2013 Nadia Blostein, Yves Blain-Montesano, Peter Chung, Alessio Marcogliese and Davide Spinato would like to thank you all for reading the first, but definitely not the last, edition of this year’s secondary five English newspaper, The New Jesuit. The newspaper has had tremendous success since it was founded over ten years ago! The staff, as well as its numerous writers, techies and artists, intends to pursue this long-standing tradition of an excellent English paper at Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf. We aim to cover numerous topics ranging from art, to sports, to film, all the way to student life. This is a true testament of the diverse interests of secondary five students at Brébeuf! In keeping with the spirit of free speech, we promote freethinking and warmly welcome your input and feedback. We urge you all to share with us any suggestions, questions, criticisms, and/or thoughts. The New Jesuit will offer different points of view and will provide information that you, the students, need to know, all the while conserving our proud Jesuit culture and tradition. Another of our endeavours is to promote school pride, by displaying the work of our phenomenal artists and the wit of our writers and by informing readers about upcoming sporting events of our prolific athletes. Enjoy, and please write to us! Very special thanks must go to Mr. Richard Michon, vice-principal of secondary 4 and 5, and Mrs. Cathy Brazeau, principal, without whom this project would not have been possible ! Sincerely, Your English Newspaper Editors The New Jesuit October 2013 Current events 1 Only in America: A Meditation on Twerking and Modernity By Bhavish Beejan 1 Grappling with Themselves 2 The War on Guns By Clara Champagne Current events Politically incorrect Sports 3 AN OPEN LETTER TO “DEMOCRACY” By Camaradissime 4 Die-Hard Fans of the Dynamiques By Alessio Marcogliese 5 Ready to Impact Montreal By Jia Liang Shen 5 Celebrating Three Decades of Hard Work and Excellence By Christopher Lu Short Story Entertainment 6 The Haunting of Red Fells House By Jonathan Classen-Howes 7 ROB ZOMBIE: THE BEETHOVEN OF HORROR By Davide Spinato 8 American Horror Story By Nadia Blostein 8 The Undying 70s Cult Phenomenon: Rocky Horror Picture Show By Gabriele Del Busso 9 Urban Contemporary By David-Dan Nguyen Halloween Special 10 Trick or Treat? By Kevin Yip 10 Wicked Halloween Playlist By Nadia Blostein 11 Halloween Crossword Puzzle By Nadia Blostein 12 Top Ten Thriller Movies of All Time By Gabriele Del Busso Current events Only in America: A Meditation on Twerking and Modernity To my home girls here with the big butt Shaking it like we at a strip club Remember only God can judge ya Miley Cyrus Thomas Cole, in his brilliant 1833-36 five-piece set of paintings "The Course of Empire" perhaps best captured the pastoral Weltanschauung that shaped the ideals of Republican government in America, presenting a civilization at various stages of its development, from virtuous modesty to opulent decadence, that which the Founding Fathers feared most. Nearly two centuries later, as America basks in its successful post-Cold War predication of liberal ideology, one can only wonder if occidental society has finally reached the proverbial breaking point of degeneracy. Miley Cyrus’ performance at the MTV Video Music Awards has been scrutinized, dissected, deliberated ad nauseam, in a debate as ludicrous as it is polarizing. Cyrus, a twenty -year-old pop performer who rose to stardom during her run as the lead on the Disney Channel sitcom Hannah Montana, danced in a pale latex bra and panties and rubbed herself with a large foam finger to fellow entertainer Robin Thicke’s “Blurred Lines”. This shockingly risqué routine rapidly succumbed to the craze and outrage of Internet and media outlets, which both criticized the hyper-sexualized performance and hailed the young singer’s striking energy. What Cyrus did onstage was less a song-and-dance routine than a series of unbalanced movements and absurd facial expressions and the reactions to the candid and shameless singularity named Mi- Grappling with Themselves Why the U.S. government shutdown isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be On October 1, 2013, Congress failed to reach a consensus on the budget for fiscal year 2014, and thereby thrust the United States government into a state of lockdown. The news, unsurprisingly, made worldwide headlines and reinforced the capricious and fickle image the government seems to radiate these days. Irresolute, dithering and puerile, is it surprising that Congress’ approval rating is at an all-time low? More entertainingly perhaps - or worryingly, depending on your perspective - recent polls have found that Americans hold in higher esteem root canals, NFL replacement referees, lice, Nickelback, colonoscopies, traffic jams, cockroaches, Genghis Khan, used-car salesmen, and, most surprisingly, France. You can only truly begin to grasp how frustrated Americans are with their elected representatives when France exceeds them in popularity. To their credit, however, Congress did manage 1 - The New Jesuit ley quickly became far more fascinating than the nearly habitual reality of the objectification of women. What does all this attention mean? It is a symptom of the screen-bound society that we have shaped ourselves to become; an online community where accessible communication renders the reaction to the performance more important than the act discussed. After all, are we not constantly requested to tweet, share, like, and comment our thoughts on various platforms? We increasingly require immediate reaction to the latest event, whether it is national stories or personal posts on networks such as Facebook or Instagram. The veritable plethora of memes, caricatures and posts responding to social phenomena such as Ms. Cyrus’ performance is but a testament to the sentient impatience and hunger for discussion that characterizes modernity in the 21st century. This uncontrolled and libertine diffusion of opinions and images is unquestionably a little daunting. Yet there is a sense of excitement and hope in this strange new wildness that is Internet 2.0. A new aesthetic, vulgar, collage, assembled from heterogeneous realities – the very diversity, which is humanity – has developed on the Web, and now begins to typify the zeitgeist of our generation. Would the 18 th century Puritans that enacted the Empire of Liberty have been shocked by the results of the virtuous civilization they had intended to create? Unquestionably. Does it matter? Not really. The idea of a degenerate modernity merely stems from a rigid moralistic view on social trends, which considered in the optic of progressive and liberal thought, the ideology of Internet-age occidental society, is an obsolete point of view. As maven Jay Z best put it in his song “Somewhere in America”: “ Twerk, Miley, Miley, Miley. Only in America.” - Bhavish Beejan to beat telemarketers, North Korea, the Ebola virus, Fidel Castro, meth labs, communism and gonorrhea. The U.S. Government shutdown is but the latest of the antics that have rocked the Capitol this past year: on March 1st, after Congress failed to reach an agreement to renew the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012, automatic spending cuts were enacted across the board. With a drunken Uncle Sam at the wheel, the United States careened over the fiscal cliff. Fortunately, it proved to be, at least until now, a short fall. The pundits who had decried that the 1.2 trillion dollar spending cuts would throw the still-convalescing economy back into a recession either retracted their statements, or conveniently moved on to other topics. But what about the shutdown? Despite being touted as a major calamity by the mainstream media, it is by and large merely another episode in the unfortunately petty and divided world of American politics. It is neither the first time such an event has occurred - recall the shutdowns of 1995 and 1996 under the Clinton administration - nor in all probability will it be the last. In the increasingly factional and dogmatic atmosphere at Congress fostered large- Current events ly by fringe extremism within the Republican Party, it comes as little surprise that basic measures such as the passage of a budget or the guarantee that America can pay its bills, become laborious and protracted. Whilst the shutdown of the government is undoubtedly unpleasant and completely unnecessary, it is frankly just not that big of a deal. Despite the furloughing of several hundred thousand government employees and the closure of national parks and monuments, essential government services are maintained and day-to-day life goes on for most Americans. On a lighter note, Newt Gingrich has even offered to personally cover the cost of running the camera that follows the activity of pandas in the Smithsonian National Zoo, which was turned off following the government shutdown. At least some Republicans acknowledge the consequences of the quagmire we’ve tumbled into. But in all seriousness, something must be, and inevitably will be, done to end this farce. Moderate Republicans will be forced to see reason if the emergence of The War on Guns “A belief is not merely an idea the mind possesses. It is an idea that possesses the mind.” –Robert Oxton Bolton In light of the numerous recent shootings in the United States, several people have voiced their opinion about whether or not there should be stricter gun control laws in the United States. While it’s certainly important to develop an opinion in today’s society, I find it unfortunate that most do so without informing themselves on the subject beforehand. That is why, after hefty reflection, I have decided to focus on presenting this touchy and controversial issue. It might not be the easiest subject to start off with, considering the multitude of arguments on both sides of the debate - if one agrees that there are two sides - but it’s without a doubt one of, if not the “hottest” issue in American politics today. To start off, we must go back to the roots of the problem – why on Earth are Americans so passionate about this? Canadian gun laws were introduced more than 140 years ago; why is it that Americans still can’t “get to it”? In a nutshell, Americans are obsessed with their guns mostly because they strongly believe that firearms are what got them through the hard times back in the day – that is, during their Revolutionary War in the 18th century. It’s hard for gun control fanatics to admit is that it’s true – these weapons are the pillars of the stereotypical American way of thinking, as crazy as it sounds. What’s not true, however, is the belief that guns can protect you as much as they possibly did during the Revolution. Actually, according to the Harvard School of Public Health, a gun kept at home is 43 times more likely to be used to kill a family member than an intruder. The presence of a gun in a home more than doubles the odds that an adolescent member of the family will commit suicide. Every year, nearly 20,000 Americans shoot themselves to death using a gun kept at home and that over the course of the next two years, more impending default is staring right in their faces, however ideologically tempting it may be to blackmail the Obama administration into postponing the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as “Obamacare”, by refusing to pass a budget. Default is not on the horizon, because no one - or at least we hope - is foolish enough to let it become a reality. But even with default off the table, what does this situation say about American politics today? Well, it speaks volumes about the gridlock that so frequently paralyzes the upper echelons of American leadership and shows that lawmakers are much too eager to quibble over trivial matters when assertiveness is most needed. How can America credibly promote the democratic model abroad when its results are so disappointing at home? But, with approval rates so low, we can only hope that the next time American voters hit the ballots, they will elect representatives that are actually capable of reaching bipartisan agreements and collaborate to further America’s interests. Otherwise, we’ll have to wait another two years. - Tomas Langsetmo Americans will die from gunshot wounds than the total number of U.S. soldiers killed during the entire Vietnam War. So, while the need for guns to “protect” oneself is minimal, the number of annual deaths due to the lack of gun control just continues to rise. Even though it’s always fun to watch gun lovers squirm as they attempt to come back with statistics to top antigun statistics, it’s important to go back to the ideological and moral debate that surrounds guns. People use demagogic arguments to refute the simple fact that guns are made to kill people and that by favoring guns they are favoring murder, suicide, rape, and overall violence. It’s unthinkable that so many can accept the fact that guns are used to kill other human beings, to take away another person’s life. When it’s considered “legal” for a white man to stalk and murder a black teenager using his “legally” obtained and carried handgun, then maybe it’s time to stop using “Well it’s legal.” as the ultimate last word in any argument. We can keep calling the 400 school shootings in American history “accidents”, or we can accept the responsibility and acknowledge the fact that every shooter who woke up one morning and decided to murder school children just took a path carefully carved for him by the seemingly lack of concern coming from pro-gun lobbies and citizens. As far as I’m concerned, weapons should not be available to citizens. Although I have a feeling that the progun side will not see the light during my lifetime, I have hope that gun control laws in the United States will be implemented in the near future. As Thomas Paine said in 1776, “If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, so that my child may have peace.” - Clara Champagne The New Jesuit - 2 Current Events Politically incorrect WARNING: This article is NOT meant to be offensive in any way. The sophisms and outrageous fallacies are only there to add a touch of drama and humour. I’ve only written it to entertain, not to express my personal opinions. Any attempt to take it seriously and/or literally will result in bad mood, anger and the dark side of the Force. AN OPEN LETTER TO “DEMOCRACY” Dear Democracy, Get it together. Weren’t you supposed to be like mankind’s best invention - of all time? Now, I can only hear about recession and eavesdropping and comrade-dictator-terrorist-Obama. Where did all the fun and liberty and bald eagles go? Since the Communists and Nazis left us, who is there left to blame for all the things going wrong? Our parents’ generation? Arab oil? Immigrants? Bad music trends? The only thing you’ve not thought to blame is – surprise, surprise – yourself. Just look at the mess you've made in the United States. As though one civil war were not enough! Because of you, the former cradle of human rights and liberty is now a police state. Because of you, their politicians spend the hard-working taxpayer’s billions to bicker amongst themselves. Because of you, they gave carte blanche to fanatical consumerism in order to ruin people’s lives. Because of you, they’ve accumulated enough debt to solve world poverty and illiteracy, cure every disease, achieve world peace, pay Justin Bieber to shut up and build a mini Death Star –. TWICE! Because of you, they’ve banned the Kinder Surprise. What kind of country bans the Kinder Surprise? The kind that allows automatic firearms instead. #secondAmendment And did I mention the Middle East? Remember when the whole world – by that I mean the West, as the Russians, Chinese and deposed dictators weren’t too happy to hear it – was so hyped because we thought that democracy was finally coming to restore civilization and order to those poor “sand people”? Well, I can’t say you didn’t show up. Your drone strikes were real convincing. But after all the fighting and half-hearted resolutions at the UN, not a fraction of the rebels have had a taste of real democracy yet and those who did, well, they rebounded to the older and simpler way of politics: military coups and assassinations. The Arab Spring, successful or not, had a very significant impact, even back home. Some proud Quebeckers were so determined to practice democracy that they even decided to start their own little revolution because they could no longer pay for their Canada Goose and daily $14 latte. Yeah, welcome to Quebec, the glorious land where our taxes go fill the bottomless potholes and politicians’ potbellies. You know, we were quite all right before you showed up and decided to give us a budgetary deficit and a brand new charter of Quebec “values”. Thanks! You've just brought us a step closer to the socio-economic context of the Third Reich (please do not take this last sentence seriously). What happened to glorious days of old when you stood off honorably against the phantom menace of Communism, when you were involved in a couple of not-so honorable wars against harmless third-world countries you decided to invade, when only the important people were assassinated? Sure, it rained napalm and hailed bullets for a few decades, but at least back then we had good ideas for movies! Now, the only entertainment we’ve got are pictures of cats on the Internet and Photoshop, because of the NSA (National Security Agency). Every now and then, we should take a lesson or two from our Korean brothers. They understood. And yes, by Korean, I mean the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea –U mad, Peter - ? Their citizens are so equal that everyone starves – except for Kim, he was voted too sexy, too sexy to starve – and they’re so courteous they actually give us warning shots before they launch real nukes. I don’t remember the U.S. warning Japan in 1945. I now realize that I couldn’t have survived to write this letter without you, Democracy. Back in China, I would have been sent away to be “re-educated” in some kind of booked-out vacation camp. But let’s keep our hopes up: maybe someday you’ll be smart enough to bring camps to Canada! Much love, Camaradissime P.S. Isn’t it ironic that this letter, published in a free country, has to be censored? 3 - The New Jesuit SPORTS This Time of Year Again! It’s that time of the year again! The time where we are crammed with last-minute school work, the time where we are totally bewildered by exams, the time where the weather is getting cold and icky. Oddly enough, it is my favorite time of the school year. It’s a time when we can all feel united, come together and demonstrate our school pride, all thanks to one event: our Varsity Basketball homecoming game. At any other institution this wouldn’t be particularly interesting, but at the Collège, for years on end we have been supporting the Dynamiques with unyielding zeal. Let me just say: we fans, we do our part to encourage our team, but the players also rarely disappoint as they put on an awesome show. They have a reputation for excellence and glory all across our province. Bas- ketball at Brébeuf is not only a sport, but a passion; our players practice almost every night and have strenuous workouts in the gym. They are also blessed with a phenomenal basketball "IQ" due to the stellar coaching they receive. It is no surprise that Brébeuf barely ever loses the provincial championship. After a dismal performance in the past provincials, our team hopes to start off the season on a good note to capture the title of Champions once more. They will have their plates full as they are challenged by their Western Conference rivals, Collège Charles-Lemoyne. I urge you all to attend this game and encourage our fellow students. I assure you that you will be entertained. Alessio’s Factor Players to Watch Jerome Lavallée Had a phenomenal junior year by leading his age category in scoring at our school. Streaky player, when hot, is unstoppable, and to rival players, highly recommended to get out of his way . Perfect hybrid: strong, athletic, a sharp shooter and a smart player (2012-2013 league Student Athlete). Aymeric Gaba-Idiamey Third best rebounder in the entire league last year and lead of all juniors. Great size and among the cream of the crop in the finishing of the paint. Alex Ferraro Brébeuf’s basketball team Alex is the definition of athleticism. Will assume an important role as Shooting Guard, and is vital for team’s success. Good things come in small packages; he will always find a way to get to the hoop. -Alessio Marcogliese [email protected] The New Jesuit - 4 SPORTS Ready to Impact Montreal 2012 was the Montreal Impact’s inaugural season in Major League Soccer (MLS). They finished seventh in the league and missed the playoffs. 2013 was supposed to be no different. Experts predicted a middle-of-the-pack finish for this rejuvenated team that brought along a new coach and a different roster. Marco Schällibaum, also known as the Swiss Volcano, proved them dead wrong. Earlier this season, the team won the Voyageurs Cup, made their way into the CONCACAF Champion’s League and, as the end of the season approaches, stands third in the MLS with forty-five points and fewer games played than any other team. They are now aiming even higher: the MLS Cup. Without a doubt, they have the gear and artillery to make it. Not only does the Italian striker Marco Di Celebrating Three Decades of Hard Work and Excellence When 2014 hits, Brebeuf’s Dynamique fencing club will be celebrating its 30th anniversary. The prestigious club was founded in 1984 by former Olympian Jean-Marie Banos who until this very day still runs the club as head coach. Even after three decades, “Maestro” Banos has maintained the energy and enthusiasm to pass on the knowledge and skills of a sport that first appeared half a millennium ago. Many club alumni remember the old fencing room next to the boys’ lockers in the basement. However, today, the club, with its ever-growing number of fencers, has its own spacious room in the new Pavillon Coutu. The number of strips or playing areas, doubled from six to twelve, and the electric equipment was modernized and incorporated into an underground electronic system. The training room even has a large window for spectators! Fencing isn’t the most widely known of competitive sports, but it has made its place at Brébeuf. Winning over 100 5 - The New Jesuit Vaio excel as the best goal scorer in the league, but Patrice Bernier and Troy Perkins are also stronger than ever and ready to assume the leadership. Even more notable is the fact that although this team is only in its second season, it has already set a Canadian record in the MLS. Then there’s the great Joey Saputo who’s ready to give everything for his team, from signing new international players (Hernan Bernardello) to tolerating an out-of-control coach who’s been suspended four times in twenty-eight matches. The Montreal Impact is going to make a huge impact - no pun intended - on North American soccer. With great ambitions and a bright future ahead, soccer is becoming a significant sport in Montreal, and the Impact has the potential to prove haters wrong. Forza Impact! - Jia Liang Shen medals annually, the Dynamiques ,the school team, has left its mark in Brébeuf’s sport history. Many Canadian champions and Olympians started fencing under the current coaches’ guidance. Philippe Beaudry, the club’s most recent Olympian, participated in the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games and London 2012 Olympic Games. A new fencing season has just started and the four coaches, Banos, Cardyn, Badea, and Moore, are determined to reach higher goals and new horizons. As Brébeuf opens its doors to secondary one girls, the Dynamique fencing club welcomes its first official U14 girls fencing team. Thirty years ago, JeanMarie Banos built a club founded on perseverance, excellence and respect, and he still devotes himM. Jean-Marie Banos self relentlessly to it. Let’s hope we can see another thirty years of Maestro Banos as head coach of one of the best fencing clubs in Canada. - Christopher Lu SHORT STORY The Haunting of Red Fells House by Jonathan Classen-Howes Late into the night, bathed in the light of the full moon, the great boats continued to drift in and out of harbour, gliding across the calm, dark bay. Their silence was only troubled by the occasional sound of a horn, a faint tremor rippling through their somnambulistic journey. As Eve observed the tranquil night-life of the harbour through the large windows of her house, high up on Red Fells hillside, a sense of serenity overcame her. The scene was so beautiful, so peaceful! No! She wrenched herself awake. Had she been asleep? She shot a panicky glance across the room. The table was in the corner, exactly where she had left it. That was good. What about the couch? It was still lined up against the right wall. Eve heaved a sigh of relief. Her friends and family hadn’t believed her when she had told them about the event. After all, it had only happened once, when she had been asleep. But tonight, there was a full moon, like the last time. She was certain it would happen again. This time, she would see it with her own eyes. So, even late into the night, Eve waited, and waited, forcing herself to remain vigilant for hours on end. But the air felt so heavy; her eyes so leaden that she could not help but drift slowly away, like one of the ships floating on the bay. Then the nightmare returned. A sound of screeching, a feeling of profanation, of anger, of hate, rumbling, objects moving, and her eyes opened. She caught a glimpse of a ghostly figure with piercing eyes. Then a ray of light from the rising sun struck it and it vanished. Eve jerked upright and looked around. It had happened again: the furniture had moved. Every item had reverted back to its original position, the way it had been when she bought the house fullyfurnished, before she had rearranged the furniture. It was almost as if the house itself were frozen in time. Eve looked around, dumbstruck. All the doors were securely locked. Nothing could have gotten in from outside. Who, or what, was moving the furniture? Eve decided she must find out about the past. She tried to contact the man who had sold her the house, but he had seemingly disappeared. In the library, however, she came across an old newspaper article entitled Dead Body Found in Secluded House. She read with horror how the body of the owner of Red Fells house had been found, long after death, seated in her favourite living room chair, her blank eyes staring out over the bay. The article stated that Delores Winterstone, who lived alone, had refused to leave her isolated home to go to a seniors’ residence, because she was too attached to the house which she had built. There was a photo of Delores sitting in her chair, a faint smile etched on her lips. Eve recognized the piercing eyes and shuddered. The next day, Eve left Red Fells House and moved into an apartment in the town eight kilometres away. She hoped to never see the house again; but she didn’t sell it. She didn’t dare. Months passed, eventless full moon after full moon, and Eve began to forget her bad experiences. Finally, she agreed to sell the house to a construction company whose owner wished to demolish it and then build a condominium project. However, she made a terrible mistake with the date. The night before the signing, there was a full moon. It was a cold, autumn night. Eve had spent the evening out with some friends from work and was heading home when she suddenly felt a strange pulling, an immense urge. She began to walk, not home, but away, far away from the town, into the wilderness, up the barren, lifeless slopes of Red Fells Hill. She walked for hours. She was cold. She was tired. She wanted to stop; but she couldn’t. After what seemed an eternity, she finally confronted the terrifying silhouette of her old house. The door was open. The pull was too strong. She entered. The mysterious force led her to the very living room where Delores Winterstone had died. At Eve’s back were the immense windows which looked out onto the bay. No moonlight shone in this time: they were covered with red velvet The New Jesuit - 6 SHORT STORY curtains. In front of her, at the other end of the room, stood the tall, ghostly figure of Delores Winterstone. Its dark eyes glowered. In one hand it held a knife. “I will not let you destroy my home,” whispered the ghost as it advanced slowly. Eve backed up, trembling. A pale, clenched hand raised the knife. Eve felt frozen with fear, unable to run. The ghost’s immense power was too much for her. She could feel all its rage and hatred. It pressed the knife against her throat. Eve fell back against the red velvet curtains - . A week later, at noon, the house on the hillside still stood, proud, defiant, and unconquerable. All was quiet: no bird cried, no leaf rustled, silence. But then, with a resounding crash, the majestic home was reduced to nothing more than Entertainment ROB ZOMBIE: THE BEETHOVEN OF HORROR If you are a horror or gore enthusiast, then you are surely familiar with Rob Zombie. If you haven't heard of him or are simply faint-hearted, then you should know that he stands as one of the most influential artists in music and filmmaking, most notably for his contribution to the horror genre. So, who is Rob Zombie anyway? Robert Cummings - not so scary, huh? - was born on January 12, 1965, in Massachusetts. He started off his career in the early 1980s as the singer and songwriter for the band White Zombie, and since 1998, he's been a solo act. During his career, he wrote and directed six films and even published a few graphic novels. Why does this make him a prominent figure in today's pop culture? It is simply because he changed and radicalized the way that horror genre has been seen or heard since, and I am certainly NOT speaking of the type of radicalization found in films such as The Human Centipede. In fact, Zombie's scripts are works of art. The characters are actually welldeveloped instead of hacked and slashed, and their fates are intertwined by misfortune, tragedy and pure evil. broken glass and timber. Delores’ creation lay in ruins at the feet of demolition workers. As Eve watched the destruction of Red Fells House from her car, she recalled the horrifying events of her last night in the house: how the ghost had advanced, wielding the knife; how she had fallen back against the curtains pushing them to the side; how the light of dawn had shone in; and then, how the ghost had disappeared, crying out in despair as the knife clattered on the ground. Eve wondered what would become of Delores Winterstone now that her house was gone. She started up her car with a feeling of release. Whatever happened, Eve knew that she herself was finally free. It was only at that moment that Eve felt something cold and soft brush her arm, raising goose bumps. She looked into the rear-view mirror. Piercing eyes stared back. any well-informed film fanatics. I'm not talking about your friend who just watched Scary Movie 7 or Paranormal Activity 5! They can all tell you that movies such as The Devil's Rejects and The Lords of Salem are unforgettable. Zombie’s films aren't all so bad; his cult-classic Grindhouse combines humor with exaggerated characters and action, accompanied by the eerie feeling of an outdated horror flick. Onto what he is most known for: his music. His songs and albums are all about horror as well. I wish you luck on finding a song published by Rob Zombie that doesn't have heavy electric guitar melodies or lyrics that don't mention the undead. After Ozzy Osbourne, the Prince of Darkness, and his band Black Sabbath paved the way for the heavy metal Mecca of the early 70s and late 80s, Rob Zombie showed that performers needed to move on from Ozzy eating a dead bat on stage. Zombie goes balls to the wall in his live performances. Hell-like fire burns throughout the whole show; there are explosions, band members dressed as if they were straight out of a Goth-horror pageant, multiple giant screenings of scary movie scenes, and, of course, his contraptions. These are giant steam punk monsters ranging from 10 to 20 feet in height, on which he rides as he sings. A different song means a different monster. His shows can portray over 15 different colossi all assembled before the show. Sure, there is a fair amount of gore and, of course, there is an endless body count, but the highlight of it all is the story. Rob Zombie doesn't attract viewers through devices such as nudity or outlandish death scenes; he chooses to implement scenes that bring up questions, not your last meal. However, don't underestimate the fear factor, these are movies to be taken seriously and are definitely not for the faint of heart. In case you haven't quite yet grasped the mechanics, these films will affect you psychologically. Not just “pop-up scary”, they will rake your mind and make you wish that what was portrayed was strictly confined to the very depths of hell! The realistic settings, atmospheres and attitudes will have already convinced you otherwise. I was fortunate enough, or unfortunate enough, to attend one of his shows. It was without a doubt the scariest thing I have ever witnessed and left me scarred for life. If I had to give a short description of what happened: Rob Zombie literally raised Hell. The huge mosh pits and “walls of death”, and the cold atmosphere of the blood moon night - it was an outdoor concert - took all spectators out of the real world. Ask anyone who knows about the horror genre or - Davide Spinato 7 - The New Jesuit And that is why this Halloween, if you're up for a true scare, or want to experience an appropriate art form, then look no further than the works of Rob Zombie. You will not be disappointed. Entertainment Nowadays, the first things that come to mind at the word “horror” are Freddy Krueger, Saw and a lot of blood. What happened to the good old classics such as Psycho or Cape Fear? It is sad to see that the original goal of causing fear through quality suspense has gradually vanished from modern cinema. Although the prospect of horror today seems bleak and gory, do not despair. There is still hope with the future of quality thrills. Just plunge into American Horror Story, a gripping television series currently airing on FX. The setting of the first season, an eerie 100-year-old mansion in 21st century L. A., may seem a little cliché at first glance. But the gripping mystery of the plot, enhanced with the introduction of every new character, will keep the viewer hooked. Full of astonishing plot twists, this season is notable for its smooth jumps in time, all the way back until the 1920s. Although a fantasy thriller, some episodes try to emulate real appalling historical events, such as the cryptic Black Dahlia Murder. The creators skillfully terrify the audience, yet they maintain a pretty high intellectual level to their show. The second season, American Horror Story: Asylum, takes fear a notch higher in an American asylum set in the 60s. Conflicting rigid tradition with fresh, yet weak, liberal values, this season gets a little more controversial as it explores religion. The Undying 70s Cult Phenomenon: Rocky Horror Picture Show Halloween-themed movies have left major impacts on our society for over nearly a century. These movies have brought us great thrills as well as gut-busting chills. Why, you can tell if a movie will be scary or not just by reading the title. For instance, take Tarantula, a film about a giant spider which takes over the state of Arizona, or Attack of the 50 ft. Woman, whose title basically explains the premise of the film. And who can forget I was a Teenage Werewolf starring Michael Landon? These films knew how to dish out a great scare, but the film I am going to recommend you watch this Halloween is far from a thrill ride. It is none other than the famous cult 70s film The Rocky Horror Picture Show, starring the notable Susan Sarandon in one of her earliest works. This film is perhaps the strangest satiric movie ever known to mankind. Its very unusual plot is so complex and convoluted, that it will leave you pondering about the big mystery of the movie: what kind of drugs was Richard O’Bri- The combination of horror and spirituality has a petrifying effect. It leads the audience to experience awe and disgust, as well as a deeper reflection on their personal beliefs. Thrill loses its subtlety as old methods of torture are exposed and sadistic nuns and doctors face the evils of the Devil himself. As Jessica Lange hypnotizes the audience as a dubious and controversial nun, the multi-dimensional, grey characters are fascinating to follow from the perspective of a viewer. Through this melting pot of demoniac powers, sadism and inhumanity survive ever-present, useless and shattered hopes. It is hauntingly beautiful to see this terrifyingly dark world unfold. Recently, on October 9th, the third season officially premiered. Very little has been revealed of what is yet to come in American Horror Story: Coven, but expect the unexpected in a historical setting of the Salem witch trials 300 years ago. The demoniacal, perverse and epic producers Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk most probably have some very terrifying surprises in store. It is through many details, such as a brilliant plot, a witty script, realistic character development, a haunting soundtrack and a dazzling cast - including the notable Jessica Lange and oddly attractive Evan Peters - that American Horror Story makes for a terrifically horrifying watch. - Nadia Blostein en on while writing the musical this movie is based on? It’s a question most people still can’t answer today. In the film’s overture, a big bright red pair of lips sings the classic “Science -Fiction/Double Feature” song. Afterwards, a middle-aged criminologist narrates the lives of a newly-engaged couple, who are forced to spend the night in an eerie nearby mansion, once their car breaks down. Upon their arrival, they are welcomed by a creepy hunchbacked-man, two peculiar maids and two dozen freaks who all suddenly break into the song The Time Warp, considered to be one of the greatest songs in film history. Then, the couple is greeted by the famous “Sweet Transvestite from Transsexual, Transylvania” who then proceeds to remove the couple’s clothes because it is “customary to do so in his home”. Tim Curry as the transvestite gives the audience an utterly legendary performance. Events take a stranger turn when the transvestite engages in intercourse with both newly-weds and creates a monster or, as the title clearly states, “Rocky” - in the style of the 1931 film Frankenstein. The plot just keeps on getting wilder as The New Jesuit - 8 Entertainment jealousy, mayhem and slaughter ensue. While the crazy ending helps elucidate some elements of the movie, it may end up plunging the viewer into even deeper perplexity! I suggest that you view the film this year, not so you can study the artistic point of view, but rather for the astonishing cult status it has obtained throughout the last three and a half decades. Every Halloween since 1975, thousands of movie theatres have screened the film all across the globe. What happens in the movie theatre is actually far more interesting than the movie itself. In fact, every year, people arrive in the theatre dressed up as their favourite characters, most commonly as Urban Contemporary “Fresh, smooth and ****** swagged out!’’ is how alternative rapper Tyler, The Creator, describes fellow OFWGKTA member of Frank Ocean’s major label debut, CHANNEL Orange. Frank Ocean titled the album as a reference to the neurological phenomenon of associating feelings to color, synesthesia, and the color he perceived when he first fell in love one summer - with another man. Revealed in the hit song Forrest Gump and confirmed by an open letter posted on Tumblr, Ocean’s coming out was perceived as a great step forward for Hip-Hop and R&B that accurately pride themselves on “sonic progression” though it can be woefully conservative when it comes to sexuality. Channel Orange won the Album of the Year Award at the 2012 Soul Train Music Awards and also earned Ocean nominations for the 2013 Grammy Awards in the categories of Album of the Year, Best New Artist, and Record of the Year for Thinkin Bout You. It won a Grammy Award for Best Urban Contemporary Album. the famous transvestite. If you are a newcomer and have never seen the film before, viewers will yell out mocking comments at you. To make matters worse, they will also write “VIRGIN” on your forehead using red lipstick and will make you run across the aisles of the theatre holding a water balloon between your legs. As the movie is shown, the fans will yell out call backs at specific moments in the film, throw rice grains at the screen during the start of the wedding scene and also happily dance along to the song “Time Warp”. “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” is a wild ride! Don’t forget to reserve your tickets for the live performance given in Montreal at Cinéma Impérial on October 31st, November 1st and November 2nd. You’ll be in for a heck of a treat! - Gabriele Del Busso with his own dark fantasy, in a 1980-esque universe. His music captures that feel perfectly, pulsing with electro-soul grooves and vintage jazz-funk, recreating that vibe of riding in an old convertible on a lonely highway with ocean view, with a lot of problems on your mind. His stories are scripted in decadent, sun-dazzled L.A., a landscape teeming with privileged slackers. Music journalist Sasha FrereJones noted "a combination of decadence and spiritual ache similar to Prince's". Indeed, Frank Ocean’s swagger might be demonstrated with the following quote: “I miss you, missing you insane, but if I got with you, could it feel the same?” It is exquisite and painful. Indeed, the question isn't who, but how he loves: ardently, recklessly, and with a mordant philosophy way past his years. For Frere-Jones, discovering Frank Ocean was also discovering a renewed love for music. Ocean’s originality is changing the game. As described by the Rolling Stone magazine, Thinkin Bout You is a bisexual, black, Bohemian, New Orleanian-turned-Angeleno's, avantR&B torch ballad. But, what really appeals to me about CHANNEL Orange, Def Jam, 2012 Ocean’s style is simply and Off the bat, in throwing his emotional locker wideArtist : Frank Ocean plainly its swagger. open, Frank Ocean has made a tender, engrossing classic. However, he's above the “vividly realized lost souls that slouch, preen, and weep throughout his album”. That's just not - David Dan Nguyen who Frank is. Ocean is less concerned with urban realism than 9 - The New Jesuit HALLOWEEN SPECIAL Trick or Treat? All Hallows' Eve is right around the corner, and who wouldn't get excited when faced with the prospect of obtaining free candy and having an excuse to stay up late with their friends on a weekday? Whether it is your fifteenth or sixteenth year in a row or your first time since grade six, everyone who enjoys trick-or-treating is going to return home bags or buckets filled with sugary delicacies. Others prefer to stay home and hand out candies to younger generations of youth, while they reminisce about their past Halloween memories. Trick-or-treating has been a customary tradition practiced on Halloween since the 1950s in North America. As people fall into a state of frenzy over the appeal of their costumes or the worry about not having enough candies to satisfy the general demand, the question "what are the dangers of trick-or-treating?" is often asked by parents. Well, they are rare, if not nonexistent, but it never hurts to be informed before heading out, right? The most common fear is that everyone might for some reason or another find themselves in possession of "tainted" candy. This belief may have originated from an event that occurred around 1964, when a woman allegedly handed out dog biscuits, steel wool pads and ant poison to teenagers she found too old to be trick-or-treating. However, the notion of psychotic strangers handing out poisoned or contaminated treats has been proven false by history, since over the last fifty years, only 100 or so cases of poisoning have been reported, all due to allergic reactions. Other problems related to these sugary delicacies involve excessive consumption which leads to a killer bellyache or a trip to the dentist’s office. People may laugh at this, but for some the temptation of wolfing down free candy is no joke at all. Other dangers and fears include the usage of body paint and makeup to enhance a costume. Many sites on the internet propose different recipes that recommend mixing "some type of thick lotion" with food colouring that may contain dyes harmful for the skin despite being non-toxic. It technically is though, if one considers the ingredients. In fact, some can even cause severe allergic reactions to kids and adults alike. So, before you paint your face black and white like Mickey Mouse, or green like the Hulk, please do try to apply a small quantity on your skin first. Car accidents also pose a real threat to children on Halloween. According to a study conducted by Safe Kids USA in 2012, children are more likely to suffer from collisions on the 31st. As the sun sets earlier and families and friends usually go out between 5:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m., the darkness actually becomes even deadlier. As responsible adults or teenagers, you should make sure that your children or siblings do not wear any pieces of clothing or props that may hinder their movements or cause them to trip. Always keep an eye out for the children. Although there are only a few dangers when trick-ortreating, we should still be careful and alert both when we walk down the street to request candy and before we apply makeup for a costume. We should take responsibility for our safety and that of the younger generation. However, this is not a reason for parents to complain and ban their children from having fun. After all, simple precautions can be taken to avoid the worst. So to all those who desire to be Superman or Wonder Woman on the 31st, start by being vigilant and informing others of your newfound knowledge. Happy Halloween, everyone! - Kevin Yip Wicked Halloween Playlist 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. This is Halloween – Marilyn Manson Ghostbusters – Ray Parker Jr. Helloween – Dr. Stein Monster Mash – Boris Pickett Thriller – Michael Jackson Time Warp – Richard O’Brien, Patricia Quinn & Little Nell Where Did Jesus Go? – The Pretty Reckless Make Me Wanna Die – The Pretty Reckless Shadow Moses – Bring Me the Horizon Dead City Radio And The New Go – Rob Zombie Living Dead Girl – Rob Zombie Dragula – Rob Zombie Fear of the Dark – Iron Maiden 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Feed My Frankenstein – Alice Cooper Devil In a Midnight Mass – Billy Talent The Dead Can’t Testify – Billy Talent American Horror Story – Cesar Davila Irizarry & Charlie Clouser Special Death – Mirah Lose Your Soul – Dead Man’s Bones Found Love In A Graveyard – Veronica Falls Kids In Cars – Thee Oh Sees Dazed And Confused – Led Zeppelin Enter Sandman – Metallica Sweet Dreams – Marilyn Manson Science Fiction/Double Feature – Richard O’Brien - Nadia Blostein The New Jesuit - 10 HALLOWEEN SPECIAL Halloween Crossword Puzzle By Nadia Blostein Vertical Horizontal *Spaces between two words answers are to be removed *Spaces between two words answers are to be removed 1. Vegetables used to carve Jack-o’-lanterns before pumpkins took over the tradition. 2. Term used to designate cotton candy in Australia. 3. This terrifying character began the horror cliché of a psycho killer in a goaltender mask. 5. First of a series of comedy/horror spoof film, it came out in 2000. 6. Mouth-watering combination of marshmallows and chocolate melted on Graham crackers. 7. Legendary thriller directed by Steven Spielberg. 9. Famous and macabre short story writer (last name). 10. This notable novel is at the base of what became the 21st century vampire pop phenomenon. 11. Main antagonist of movie Nightmare on Elm Street. 14. First name of the scientist who created the Frankenstein monster. 17. Place where a series of famous American witch trials were held in 1692-1693. 19. City in which the Hitchcock movie Frenzy is set. 4. Nickname of the famous John Kramer. 8. The fear of Halloween. 12. Most famous song from the Rocky Horror Picture Show. 13. “Halloween” is actually a contraction of this term. 15. This candy company was founded in 1896 by two brothers. 16. The holiday of Halloween is of this origin. 18. Ghost named after British queen renowned for viciously persecuting Protestants. 20. Last name of the man who invented Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. 21. Female protagonist from the movie Psycho (last name). 11 - The New Jesuit Top Ten Thriller Movies of All Time 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Psycho – Alfred Hitchcock (1960) Jaws – Steven Spielberg (1975) The Exorcist – William Friedkin (1973) The Shining – Stanley Kubrick (1980) Alien – Ridley Scott (1979) Poltergeist – Tobe Hooper (1982) The French Connection – William Friedkin (1971) Cape Fear – J. Lee Thompson (1962) The Silence of the Lambs – Jonathan Demme (1991) The Great Escape – John Sturges (1963) ANSWERS (Horizontal) 4. Jigsaw 8. Samhainophobia 12. Time Warp 13. All Hallows’ Eve 15. Maynards 16. Celtic 18. Bloody Mary 20. Reese 21. Crane ANSWERS (Vertical) 1. Turnips 2. Fairy floss 3. Jason Voorhees 5. Scary Movie 6. S’mores 7. Jaws 9. Poe 10. Dracula 11. Freddy Krueger 14. Victor 17. Salem 19. London The New Jesuit - 12 THE NEW JESUIT TEAM SPONSOR Mrs. L. EDITORS Yves Blain-Montesano Nadia Blostein Peter Chung Alessio Marcogliese Davide Spinato DESIGN EDITORS Zixin He Alina Ivlev ILLUSTRATORS Yves Blain-Montesano (back cover colour) Eric Luu (cover) Davide Spinato (back cover) Simon Zhang (“The Haunting of Red Fells House”) WRITERS Bhavish Beejan Nadia Blostein Clara Champagne Jonathan Classen-Howes David Dan Gabriele Del Busso Tomas Langsetmo Christoper Lu Alessio Marcogliese YongMu Ouyang Jia Liang Shen Davide Spinato Kevin Yip Feel free to contact us through our Facebook page for questions, suggestions and/or comments. We have a few columns coming up in our next edition that would require our readers’ participation, such as a Dear Abby Column, a Shoutout section, etc. www.facebook.com/TheNewJesuit
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