Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) Quick Reference General Education Teachers ESEA Highly Qualified Teacher Requirements The ESEA definition of a highly qualified teacher is one who meets the following three criteria: 1. Holds at least a bachelor’s degree. 2. Holds full state certification. 3. Demonstrates subject matter knowledge and teaching skill in each core academic subject assigned to teach. Core academic subjects, as defined by ESEA, are: Civics/Government (Social Studies Category) Dance Economics (Social Studies Category) Elementary Curriculum English/Language Arts Foreign Language (Designated World languages) Geography (Social Studies Category) History (Social Studies Category) Mathematics Music (general, choral, instrumental) Reading Science Theatre Visual Arts Pathways to Demonstrate Subject Matter Knowledge Teachers “New” to the Teaching Teachers “Veteran” to the Teaching Profession Profession Elementary Teachers Applies to Grades K–5/6. Teachers meet HQ through one pathway. Secondary Teachers Applies to middle and high school teachers. Teachers meet HQ through one pathway for each subject area assigned to teach. (Less than 180 days of teaching experience) • WEST-E Elementary Education* • WEST-E Early Childhood Education (P-3)* (More than 180 days of teaching experience) • WEST-E Elementary Education* • WEST-E Early Childhood Education (P-3)* • Points-Based HOUSSE** • WEST-E Subject Area Tests* • Washington Subject Area Endorsement • Academic Major • Graduate Degree • Coursework equivalent to a major (45 quarter credits or 30 semester credits) • WEST-E Subject Area Tests* • Washington Subject Area Endorsement • Academic Major • Graduate Degree • Coursework equivalent to a major (45 quarter credits or 30 semester credits) • National Board Certification • Points-Based HOUSSE** * WEST-E information may be found at http://assessment.pesb.wa.gov/assessments/weste ** HOUSSE: High Objective Uniform State Standard of Evaluation LIMITATIONS OF THE POINTS-BASED HOUSSE FORM: As of August 31, 2014, OPSI will be limiting district use of the Points-Based High Objective Uniform State Standard of Evaluation (HOUSSE) form. How is “social studies” identified under ESEA as a core academic subject area? The subject area of social studies is not considered as one core academic subject based on the ESEA definition. Rather, it is separated into four areas: history, geography, civics/government, and economics. Do ALL teachers need to meet the ESEA highly qualified teacher requirements? All teachers with the responsibility for instruction in one or more of the core academic subject areas, including the elementary curriculum, must meet the federal HQT requirements. What is the timeframe for compliance with the federal ESEA HQT requirements? The current expectation is that all teachers meet the ESEA HQT requirements prior to being hired or reassigned. Districts are required to keep supporting documentation as assignments change. American Sign Language (ASL) is not considered a foreign language under Designated World Languages. For more information on HQT FAQs, go to http://www.tacoma.k12.wa.us/careers/Documents/HQT-FAQs.pdf The information contained within this sheet is as of 02/27/2014. For up-to-date information, please refer to the OSPI website: http:/www.k12.wa.us. 02/27/2014
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