New Directors Meeting September 11, 2012 Office of Federal Programs West Virginia Department of Education AGENDA 7:45 a.m. 8:30 a.m. Registration and Continental Breakfast Welcome and Introductions 8:45 a.m. High Quality Standards Federal Programs’ Purposes Resources Break Major Program Components Lunch Major Program Components – continued Break Private Schools Monitoring 10:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 2:15 p.m. ESEA Flexibility Request Three Principles – College-and Career-Ready Expectations for all Students – State-Developed Differentiated Recognition, Accountability and Support – Supporting Effective Instruction and Leadership WV Standards for High Quality Schools Positive Climate and Cohesive Culture School Leadership Standards-focused Curriculum, Instruction and Assessments Student Support Services and Family Community Connections Educator Growth and Development Efficient and Effective Management Continuous Improvement Intent of Federal Programs Purpose of Title I Provide supplemental educational services, staffing and materials Ensure children have fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain high quality education. Ensure children reach, at minimum, proficiency on challenging state standards & assessments (reading, mathematics, and readiness). Purpose of Title II Increasing (core) academic achievement by improving teacher and principal effectiveness Increasing the number of HQ teachers and principals Recruit Retain Retrain Providing teachers and principals with high quality professional development Purpose of RLIS (Title VI) Providing financial assistance to rural districts to assist them in meeting their state's definition of adequate yearly progress (AYP). Funding must first be targeted at schools identified for improvement. Must show evidence that funds were used to target the issues causing them to be identified Purpose of RLIS (Title VI) May be used for the purpose of: Title I Title II Part A Title II Part D Title III Title IV Part A (Safe & Drug Free Schools) Title IV Part B (21st Century Community Learning Centers) Part A Title V (State Grants of Innovative Programs) Purpose of Title III Ensure LEP students attain English Proficiency, achieve at high academic levels in English. Help LEP students meet the same challenging State Academic Content and student academic achievement standards as all other students. Supplemental Opportunities ESEA provides federal dollars to help supplement educational opportunities for children who live in high poverty areas who are most at risk of failing to meet state’s challenging achievement standards. How Do We Know What to Do? Level of Authority – Statute (ESEA - NCLB) – Regulations including EDGAR (CFR) – Non-regulatory guidance – Policy letters USED web: Federal Register Title I Resources WVDE Title I Website Non-Regulatory Guidance The New Title I: The Changing Landscape of Accountability (Cowan and Edwards) Title II and RLIS Resources Title II and RLIS Website Title II and RLIS Resources Non Regulatory Guidance - Title II qual/guidance.doc Non Regulatory Guidance – RLIS reap03guidance.doc Title III Resources U.S. Department of Education Title III – Part A – Subpart I – OELA WV Connections State Policy 2417 TransAct Resource Scavenger Hunt Directions and materials can be found behind Tab 5 Timelines for federal programs Title I Title II, RLIS Title III Timeline of NCLB Funds 30, Important Dates July 1 – Initial period of availability September 15 – Core plans due September 30 – End of initial period of availability for current funds and final obligation date for last year’s funds October 31 – Liquidation date for last year’s funds. Major Program Components Title I Program Components Highly Qualified and Effective Staff Professional Development Parent Involvement Extended Day/Year Transition activities Title I Program Models Targeted Assistance – Eligible Students – Targeted Resources Schoolwide – Needs Assessment – Schoolwide Plan Targeted Assistance The term “targeted assistance” signifies that the services are provided to a select group of children - those identified as failing, or most at risk of failing, to meet the state’s academic achievement standards. Schoolwide Model A Title I school is eligible to become a schoolwide program when the student poverty level is at or above 40 percent. Title II Program Components Highly Qualified Teachers and Professionals Professional Development Parental Involvement RLIS Components Title I Title II Part A Title II Part D Title III Title IV Part A (Safe & Drug Free Schools) Title IV Part B (21st Century Community Learning Centers) Part A Title V (State Grants of Innovative Programs) Title III Program Components Fidelity in Implementing Programs for LEP Students U.S. Department of Justice WV Inquiry May 6, 2011 Joint Letter from U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Department of Education Commitment to Serve ALL students Building Responsive Programs Title III Program Components LEP students’ Enrollment Process/Identification Parents’ Notification Letter Title III Program Components Guidelines for ESL instruction by Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 How much? A minimal range of 30 – 60 minutes A minimal A minimal Between 30 Monitor range of 30 range of 30 -60 minutes -60 minutes -60 minutes How often? 3-5 times a week 2-4 times a week 1-3 times a week Level 4 Once a week Level 5 6–9 weeks Title III Program Components West Virginia Test for English Language Learners (WESTELL) WESTEST 2 Highly Qualified Staff Title I All staff hired or transferred into Title I schools after the fall of 2002 must be highly qualified. Title I reading teachers require an elementary certification as well as a masters degree in reading. Reaching 100% HQTs Requires an effective HQT plan Requires tracking progress toward HQT status Requires timely cleanup of HQT reports Requires that the county and schools harvest positive culture and work environments Implementing an Effective HQT Plan Must have a written HQ plan Recruiting Retention Retraining Communicate the plan Implement the plan Title III High Qualified Staff ESL certification (monitoring document 2.8) – All teachers serving ESL students as highly qualified. Professional Development Title I One of the five program components at the school and LEA level Required annual training for staff on working with parents Planning should coordinate with other programs to provide professional development (ESEA §1112(b)(1)(D)) Professional Development Title II requires that LEAs provide high quality professional development to core subject area teachers The issue is not tracking all professional development The challenge is being specific to NCLB definitions High Quality Professional Development - NCLB Must be: Based on scientific research Based on the needs of the school district Sustained and ongoing training(s) Review collaboration is provided Core Subject Areas NCLB English and reading or language arts mathematics science foreign languages civics and government, economics, history, geography arts (including music, dance, theatre, art, etc.) special education (because they teach core subject area information to students) Title III Professional Development Professional Development (monitoring document 3.2): high quality, sustained, ongoing – School administrator/Principals – Content (classroom) Teachers (Toolkit Secondary page 9) – E-Learning Course Facilitating Instruction for English Language Learners – Registration for the session opens September 1 and closes October 1, 2011. The course session runs from October 5-November 22, 2011 Parent Involvement Title I Parent Involvement One of the five program components at the school and LEA level District Parent Involvement Policy is: • A written document. • Jointly developed and agreed upon with parents. • Distributed to all parents of participating students. • **If the district already has a parent policy, it can be amended to meet Title I requirements. Title I Parent Involvement School-Parent Involvement Policy (Plan) is: Written policy (plan). Agreed upon by parents. Describes the means for carrying out parent involvement activities at the building level. Distributed to parents, and the local community, in a format and language, to the extent practicable, that parents can understand. **If the school has a parental involvement policy that applies to all parents, it may be amended to meet the requirements of Title I. Title II Parent Involvement Parental Involvement is not limited to Title I schools alone All LEAs must strive to ensure parents are involved in their child’s education LEAs must solicit information from parents about their child’s educational experience Title II Parent Involvement LEAs must provide high quality professional development to principals, teachers and service personnel on improving parental involvement Title III Parent Involvement Parent Involvement (monitoring document 4.1 and 4.4): – Resource - If Your Child Speaks Two Languages ogy.html – Parent outreach programs – News letters Title I Parent Involvement Extended Time Title I One of the five program components at the school and LEA level LEA should incorporate plans for extended day/year learning opportunities (ESEA §1112(b)(1)(Q) Title III Extended Time Extended Day Summer School Private Schools Title I Title II Title III Private Schools Title I Private Schools - Title I Equitable services must be provided to eligible private school children, their families and teachers LEA must after extensive consultation with private school officials develop and implement the Title I program for eligible private school students Eligible attendance areas – LEA should take into consideration data on the number of children from low-income families who reside in each attendance area and attend private schools. Private Schools - Title I Low-income public and private school students residing in Title I attendance areas generate a perpupil allocation (PPA) PPA x number of low-income private school students residing in Title I attendance areas = instructional funds for the Title I program for eligible private school students Private school funds may be pooled* *Under this option, services provided to eligible children in a particular private school are not dependent upon the amount of funds generated by low-income children in the school. Private Schools - Title I Funds generated by low-income private school students who reside in Title I attendance areas are used only for instructional services to eligible private school students. Title I services must be supplemental and may not replace or supplant services that would, in the absence of Title I, be provided by private schools to participating private school children. Private Schools - Title I Resources Sample Letter for Private School Consultation Non-regulatory Guidance for Private Schools Private School Application Private School Power Point and more… Title II Private Schools Timely and Meaningful Consultation – Must occur before the annual strategic planning process begins – Must document consultation efforts – Must be informed of all PD Opportunities Allocation Calculated on a per-pupil basis Title III Private School Timely and Meaningful Consultation – How the LEP children's needs will be identified. – What services will be offered. – How, where and by whom the services will be provided. – How the services will be assessed and how the results of the assessment will be used to improve those services. – The amount of funds available for those services. Monitoring Preparation – Monitoring Indicators – States’ Monitoring Reports-Findings – Advance Materials/Documentation – Online Document Storage Conducting the Visit – LEA – Schools Report & Responses What Questions Remain? Title I Title II Title III Coordinators: Coordinator: Coordinator: Suzette Cook Robert Mellace Mami Itamochi [email protected] Kathy Hypes [email protected] Erin Sullivan [email protected] Ryan Saxe [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Robert Crawford, Assistant Director [email protected] Marsha Bailes, Assistant Director [email protected] Melanie Purkey, Executive Director Office of Federal Programs [email protected] The Future Keep the faith – Focus on the spirit, not the negatives, in the face of our challenges.
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