TRAINING MANUAL TEXAS LUTHERAN SECRETARIAT VIA DE CRISTO – UPDATED 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Introduction Brief History of Via de Cristo Movement Intent and Purpose of Via de Cristo Via de Cristo Defined Weekend Progression/Growth in Spirituality (chart) Dynamics of the Via de Cristo Weekend Progression of the Weekend Weekend Overview: The Four Days/Talks Thursday - the Arrival Friday - the First Day Ideal # 1 Grace #2 Laity #3, Grace in Action # 4, Piety #5 Saturday-the Second Day Study #6 Means of Grace #7, and Grace Filled Days Action #8 Obstacles to Grace #9, Leaders #10 Sunday - the Third Day Environment #11, Life in Grace #12, CCA #13 Total Security #14, Fourth Day #15 Affirming/Critiquing Rollos Role of the Team Techniques for the Rollo Room Via de Cristo Palanca Team Organization of Palanca Teams Participant's Selection Guidelines Guidelines for being a Sponsor Palanca Writing Role of Music for Weekend "Spirit of the Living God" "De Colores", "Servant Song", "You Are Loved" "Las Mananitas", "Here I am, Lord" Sample letter for sponsors to mail out Glossary 1 2 3 4&5 6 7 8&9 9 & 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 & 15 15 15 15 & 16 16 17 17 18 18 & 19 19 & 20 20, 21, 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 29 30 31 32 33 1 INTRODUCTION Just what is that universal quality that makes one Via de Cristo or Cursillo weekend like any other weekend, even though every weekend is unique? They are the same because the essentials of a Via de Cristo weekend are the same essentials of the Cursillo weekends that spawned the Lutheran VDC movement. They are unique because every team is unique, and each team member relates the message of the weekend in his or her own way. What are the essentials that are basic to a weekend and what are the "extras" that are woven around those essentials making each weekend to have a different flavor? This Manual attempts to clarify that which is essential to a weekend and also to identify that which is adiaphorous. There is power in an idea. When an idea becomes an ideal, there is power to direct a life. In the 1940's on the island of Mallorca, Spain, some very powerful ideas were developed by Christian men. By grace, these ideas — based on God's revealed Word — became the Cursillo movement focused in the Christian Ideal of a life filled and directed by God's grace. This manual (adapted from the Cursillo method) contains information for training members to serve on a Via de Cristo weekend, is based on Lutheran Christian doctrine, and uses methods of the Cursillo founders. No person can truly understand Via de Cristo simply by studying this manual, Via de Cristo must be lived - on the weekend, in the 4th Day, with faceto-face encounters. No one can explain what only the experience can impart. It is important that all Via de Cristo team members 1) read this manual, 2) listen to the presentations taken from these pages that are presented at the important Team Building Sessions, and 3) use the information in the manual that will enable them to serve in Christian love on a Via de Cristo Weekend 2 BRIEF HISTORY OF THE VIA DE CRISTO MOVEMENT The birth of the Cursillo movement came about as the result of the preparations for the Great Pilgrimage of 1948 to Compostela, the tomb of St. James the Greater, the brother of John the Apostle. These preparations began in 1941, with many workshops (called "Cursillos" - short courses) to form the Catholic Action leaders. The notion of a pilgrimage to God began to be given greater theological emphasis. Personal-witness talks of the speakers' own experiences of the Christian life were given. These Cursillos were held in various parts of Spain, but it was at the Island of Mallorca that they would evolve into the Cursillo Movement as we know it today. This phenomenon is due to the leader's school which was developed for controlled experimentation, pastoral planning, and the deepening growth of the leaders in Christian community and to the dynamic leadership of the young Eduardo Bonnin. Eduardo born in 1917 and from his early childhood, his mother and grandfather, Jorge (a person who impacted his life), instilled in him the basic Christian fundamentals: Love of God and the importance of "walking the road" in the company of others. This became the principal cornerstone in his life. One of its other objectives was to overcome the aftermath of the Spanish Civil War which had left the nation and the Church sorely divided, just before the beginning of World War II. Eduardo was always seeking new ways to let everyone know the love of God, and since then he dedicated his entire life to developing the union of these principles, expressing them in a work which eventually became a Rollo entitled "The Study of the Environment." “The Study of the Environment" gave birth to what would be known as the Cursillos in Christianity Movement. The Cursillo Movement is widespread today. From Spain it went to Latin America. It was brought to the United States by two airmen from Spain who were training in Texas. The first weekend in the United States was held in Waco, Texas, in May of 1957. The movement began to then spread into Corpus Christi and, in 1959, spread through Texas into Arizona and beyond. In the early 1980's the Roman Catholic National Secretariat began requesting that we change our name, because to use the name "Cursillo" required us to sign an agreement ensuring that the team and participants on any given weekend were all from the same denomination. In 1986 the National Lutheran Secretariat decided that its commitment to ecumenism rather than holding weekends for same-faith participants outweighed its attachment to the name Cursillo and adopted the name Via de Cristo. Today the Episcopalians use the name Cursillo, the United Methodists use the name Walk to Emmaus, some inter-church efforts use Tres Dias, Lutherans use Via de Cristo and a prison ministry is titled Kairos. Via de Cristo is a Spanish term meaning “Way of Christ”. As of 2014, there are forty-seven Secretariats serving in thirty-two states affiliated with the National Lutheran Secretariat with a total of over 103,000 (4th Dayers). 3 INTENT AND PURPOSE OF VIA DE CRISTO The Mission Statement of Via de Cristo: By grace, with the Holy Spirit, we challenge leaders to discover and achieve their personal calling, assisting them to influence their environments with the Gospel. The purpose of VDC is, above all, to see the world reconciled to Jesus Christ (Colossians 1:20). We believe that Jesus, in the great commission, has challenged every Christian to "go into all the world and make disciples" (Matthew 28:18-20). By the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, Via de Cristo is an effective method through which He reaffirms His original charge to us. It is one of several methods available to the church today to renew and increase a faith that is already a gift to believers. Via de Cristo is a movement within the church of Jesus Christ. We can in no way function independently of the Church, and we encourage each Christian to remain loyal to a home congregation and serve that congregation as an exemplary servant of Jesus Christ. Lay persons are encouraged to strengthen their partnerships with their pastors and to use their personal callings to extend the work of the church. Via de Cristo should not be considered an entity in itself like an organization or a building. Via de Cristo is also a method. In keeping with its purpose, the Via de Cristo method assists individual Christians to actively be the church. In the VDC method, individuals are increasingly equipped with God's grace (Ephesians 1:19) and empowered to be truly effective servants in the body of Christ. VDC presents a method for renewal of the Christian life, a strategy to affect daily living. It uses careful selection of participants, an inspirational weekend, and friendship accountability groups as outward tools. This renewal only becomes effective through the work and power of the Holy Spirit. We know that "we cannot by our own reason or strength believe in Jesus Christ, or come to him. The Holy Spirit calls us by the Gospel, enlightens us with his gifts and sanctifies and keeps us in true faith. (Luther's Explanation to the Third Article of the Apostle's Creed) All of the activity during a Via de Cristo weekend - through team members, rollos, liturgy or tasks performed by volunteer workers - is done with the intention of being a channel through which the presence and work of the Holy Spirit is vital to every dimension of the VDC. Via de Cristo is not to be identified with the Charismatic Movement. The expressed use of the gifts of the Holy Spirit or actively seeking these gifts especially during a weekend is strongly discouraged. Rather, the purpose and intent of VDC is to provide a method whereby a new Cursillista can become increasingly equipped with the power of God's grace to be an effective member of the Body of Christ. This does not discredit the gifts of the Spirit such as speaking in tongues, healing, etc., but such expressions are discouraged during a VDC weekend. Great care must be taken so as to keep the focus on what God has done for us through Jesus Christ and what that means for His people. All glory and praise and honor should be given to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. A VDC weekend is intended for the baptized individuals who already know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior; it is assumed that there is a desire on the part of the participants on a weekend to grow in their faith and to become more intimately involved in a relationship with Jesus Christ. It is true that the faith of many participants has been 4 vitally renewed or awakened. But it is not the intention of the VDC to seek to convert participants. Rather, through the use of this method, participants are encouraged to persevere in their Christian faith and to become effective channels of God's grace to others. The fundamental aspect of being Christian is that Christ is alive in the Christian (Galatians 2:20). This happens as a gift of grace from God (Ephesians 2:8). It is expressed in love for God and love for neighbor (Matthew 22: 38-39). The four basic themes of Via de Cristo (according to The Essentials of the Via de Cristo from the National Lutheran Secretariat) are: 1) God encounters us, and it is He who brings us into a true encounter within ourselves. 2) Christ develops and maintains a friendship with us that last through all eternity. 3) We take our place in a community of brothers and sisters in Christ. 4) We have the responsibility for sharing Jesus Christ with the world. We know that in baptism the Father assured our place in him. We are then enabled to respond with all we are to the call of Christ. When Christ is alive in Christians, then community is fundamental. We are each unique, specially created individuals, and we must struggle to maintain this uniqueness. We believe God intends this great diversity, and that He created each of us to be dependent upon others. We must live in and be part of a community of faith, hope and love. Via de Cristo helps individuals to find their personal callings and then be built into community. 5 VIA DE CRISTO DEFINED In today's world, Christianity must penetrate the many areas of secular life; it must live there; it must transform the world in a way that is more fruitful than in the past. Via de Cristo is an experience which presents a New Testament look at Christianity as a lifestyle - designed to strengthen and renew the faith of individuals and, through them, their families, congregations and environment in which they live and work. Via de Cristo is not a retreat - but can make retreats more meaningful. Via de Cristo weekend is a pragmatic three-day course to review Christian fundamentals, discuss ways to live them actively, and learn some practical tools to keep them vital. During this weekend we discover that Jesus intends to be our friend for life, helping us to understand the true meaning of the body of Christ, the church, and giving a deeper understanding of family, work, and community. During the three days, the gospel is experienced in the same way Jesus proclaimed it: the word is living (John 1:14). By the grace of God, the participant becomes a witness to the living word. Beginning on a Thursday evening and ending on Sunday evening, the new Cursillistas attend meditations, receive communion, listen to Rollos given by volunteer laypersons and clergy, discuss the teachings of Christ in a climate of joy and love, and experience Christian community. Subjects for the Rollos include Ideal, Grace, Laity, Grace Too, Piety, Study, Means of Grace, and Action, Obstacles to Grace, Leaders, Environment, and Life in Grace, Christian Community in Action, Total Security and Fourth Day. During the weekend tools are shared that will encourage the participants to maintain a Christian walk. The weekend also gives methods that will serve as a backbone to their daily life in the world. People leave the weekend with a clearer understanding of Christianity, a powerful experience in Christian community, and a desire to keep faith active. Through Via de Cristo we have found that a person will: 1) experience more joy, happiness, and satisfaction from their Christian faith; 2) experience a closer walk with Jesus Christ; 3) develop a more joyous fellowship with brother/sister Christians; and 4) discover sharing faith with others easier and more rewarding. While it is true that the community lived on the weekend may not be that which is lived in reality in our daily lives, it does give a vision and an experience of human love centered in Jesus Christ. The lifestyle lived during the weekend is a lifestyle that each New Cursillista may continue to follow - in expanding his/her inner spiritual life through study and congregational participation and through becoming a more active Christian. By the grace of God, the three-day Via de Cristo will illuminate all of life with the light of the gospel. Via de Cristo is truly a journey of a lifetime! 6 WEEKEND PROGRESSION & GROWTH IN SPIRITUALITY The following chart points out how many ways we hope an individual will grow during the three-day Weekend of Via de Cristo. Weekend Growth in Spirituality 1) Hearing our name 2) Part of our family. 3) Part of a church family 4) Understanding we are part of God's family 1) See others love us 2) Loving ourselves 3) Think and meditate on the words 4) Sharing God's love with others 1) Rote singing 2) Relate songs to special experiences 3) Think and meditate on the words 4) Worship and praise God in songs 1) Reticent to talk 2) Discuss in small groups 3) Stand in front of a small nonthreatening group 4) Witness to groups... and to others 1) Handshake 2) Touch 3) Enthusiastically reaching out 4) Abrazo 1) Pray privately 2) Pray together with a group 3) Pray by oneself in a small group 4) Lead in prayer 1) Attend worship service 2) Worship attentively 3) Participate in worship 4) Worship in spirit and in truth. 1) Burdened with sin 2) Understand God's mercy 3) Truly desire forgiveness 4) Completely forgiven and free 1) Friendly 2) See joy in others 3) Understand source of joy 4) Have and share the joy of the Lord 1) Hear about God's grace 2) Better understand God's grace 3) Desire to live in grace 4) Live in God's grace 1) Define ideals 2) Understand ideals 3) Desire the best ideal 4) Make living in God's grace the ideal of life 1) Priorities mixed up 2) Understand what is important 3) Apply the great commandment 4) Priorities in correct order 1) Define church. 2) Understand WE are the Church 3) Understand the Church's mission 4) Help the Church change the world for Christ 1) Understand piety 2) Utilize practices of piety 3) Grow in relationship to God. 4) Turn our whole life over to God 1) Understand the need for Study 2) Learn how and what to study 3) READ the bible 4) Develop a study program 1) Understand the need for Apostolic action 2) Learn procedures 3) Desire to share Christ 4) Practice apostolic action in daily life 1) Understand CHRISTAN LEADERSHIP 2) Team the qualities of a leader 3) Desire to grow as a Christian leader 4) Develop and implement a program to GROW 1) Understand ENVIRONMENT 2) Desire to be God's person in environment 3) Learn what to do 4) CHANGE your environment 1) Understand CHRISTIAN community 2) Desire to become a part of 3) Learn what to do 4) Be ACTIVE in Christian communities 1) Persevere 2) Keep Going 3) PERSEVERE 4) KEEP GOING!!!! 7 DYNAMICS OF THE VIA DE CRISTO WEEKEND Much goes into a weekend that has influence on the participants. Dynamics are those particular things, words or events that have a significant influence on, move or motivate participants. Positive dynamics move a participant to participate, open up, tear down walls and accept God's grace and love in their lives. Negative dynamics can push a participant into a shell and defeat the weekend's objectives. Some negative dynamics include • Intimidation - anything putting a person on the defensive • Confusion - disorganization, wasting time, arguments • Secrecy - whispering, evasive answers, not being honest • Bragging - in talks, conversations, discussions • Irritations - childish actions, physical discomfort, lewd behavior even in jest • Theological error - misquoting the Bible, misinterpreting the role of VDC in the church (Ex: "I was baptized as a baby but I finally became a Christian on my VDC weekend") • Uninteresting talks - long lectures, sermons, off the subject, too complicated • Overly regimented - "brain washing", lack of free thought, feeling manipulated • Fear & Fatigue - using intimidation in any form, to do it ''this" way, no feeling of rest. We minimize these negatives through team training and critiquing of talks while bathing the whole weekend in prayer and allowing a Christ-like spirit to prevail. For the weekend, there is a plan and general awareness of what needs to be done. In outlining this, we draw a clear distinction between what is essential and what is adiaphorous. Essential is that which is basic, complete, necessary to make a thing what it is, indispensable. Adiaphorous is that which is morally neutral or indifferent, that which is neither right nor wrong. For an authentic 3-day VDC weekend, the following items are essential: • Palanca - Heart and lifeblood of movement - deep, intentional, selfless sacrificial prayer • 72 Hours - 3 full days of Christian community, away from ALL distractions of daily life • Holy Communion - Daily - Jesus is truly present in word and sacrament; both available to participants • 5 meditations - Guided image meditations assisting participants in examining their relationship w/ Christ • 14/15 Talks - Actually separated parts of one talk which cover the basics of the Via de Cristo method • Note taking - Specific ideas and phrases that capture essential points of each of the talks • Discussions - Small group encounters where Christ can come alive in the community • Posters – Hand-drawn expressions of essential meaning of each of the talks • Decuria Sharing - Summarizing of day's talks; opportunity for participants to talk before larger group • Silent Retreat - Period without talking; offered first night to prick consciences of participants • Celebration of Repentance - Examination of life in light of gospel; offered 1st night for reflection • Crosses - Common to Cursillo movement with "Christ is Counting on You" inscription • Closing - Welcoming new participants into community as whole • 4th Day - Term to d scribe days following 3-Day weekend - to live out the VDC method • Group Reunion - Friendship/Accountability meeting of VDC supporters to review one's 4 th Day work • Ultreya - Larger gathering of VDC supporters to encourage individuals to persevere in the 4th Day 8 If too much is added to a weekend schedule, it crowds out important time for reflection and community building. Things that are considered adiaphorous for the 3- day weekend include Bible enthronement Special banquet Flower for each Rollista (women) Skits Singing for meals Send-off Sunday wakeup serenade Bible Recessional Table palanca, trinkets De Colores "productions" Big chicken or rooster Stations of the Cross It is important to remember that genuine palanca is deep, intentional, selfless prayer. It takes place before, during and after the weekend. Palanca letters are written to the participants so they will be aware of the many efforts on their behalf. Palanca is misapplied when inordinate time is spent just doing "cutesy" things. Whenever a weekend is being planned, it is crucial that the essentials be emphasized and the adiaphorous placed to assist the essentials. The whole weekend is worship in that we confess our sins; we are blessed; we praise and raise questions, and our whole attention is turned to God and His word. PROGRESSION OF THE WEEKEND All parts of the weekend are woven to fit together in a progression: the talks, worship, music, palanca notes, food, and visibility of the support teams. The weekend is allowed to move at its own progression - from handshakes to hugs, from conversation to prayers, all elements become a part of a fine unique tapestry being woven at each weekend. It is important that the exact number of chairs is always set up in the Rollo Room, Chapel, and Dining Room so that "no one is missing". Nothing is left to chance. The weekend is intended to begin somewhat subdued and non-threatening with a steadily increasing dynamic which will involve not only rollos, meditations and worship, but other elements of the weekend such as music, meals and food presentation, room and decor ambiance, and palanca. in this framework the Holy Spirit is allowed to work in the hearts of the participants. It is important to remember that we keep building community slowly - it is best for the participants to come along at their own pace. We do not force emotions. When Palanca is introduced, it is a surprise and a moving experience. With this experience the participants can experience the work of the Holy Spirit as they experience how our Living God works through other people. God becomes more personal and loving to many of them. Not all people will respond the same way- God's Spirit works as He wills in the participants; we must be careful not to interfere. Through specific activities of the weekend, the progression is played out to fit the overall progression of the weekend: • Singing is a powerful dynamic during the weekend - building community and getting people involved. It progresses as words and music begins to build foundations for expressions of happiness, joy, peace and contemplation, and praise. "De Colores" is not introduced until Friday afternoon when the participants become familiar with the rooster. The gift of song in praise to God is evident at the Agape banquet. "Las Mananitas" starts the Sunday morning. • Silence is also very effective - begun the first night after chapel; helpful before and during chapel and before discussions. It is also used effectively by encouraging the individual to a serious exploration of his/her own life and a desire to be in God's grace. 9 • Meditations open the door for daily talks by helping listeners to be more aware of Christ's presence and by emphasizing the need to respond to God. This culminates in the Apostolic Hour when the participants receive their crosses. • Palanca (written) is not introduced until Friday afternoon so should be plain. More colorful pieces of mail are delivered Saturday in 2 mailings. Prayer palanca has begun as soon as the Team begins its weekend and is taking place in many 4th Day communities. Participants add prayer requests, with the depth of the requests increasing each day. • Rollos begin to build one upon the other. Banners are selected to complement Rollos. • Color is introduced through clothing, chapel, place mats and written palanca. Sunday morning's breakfast is very festive. WEEKEND OVERVIEW: THE FOUR DAYS Thursday - the Arrival The weekend begins when the first participant arrives. From the first encounter, we focus on community building, giving the participants the feeling that "this is a good place to be" (quite a challenge since participants may or may not want to be there). The team itself will be a Christian community before it comes to the weekend. The team's "come to unity," which has been attained through team meetings, is vital for the weekend to come to unity. All of this team training is done so that team members can spread out among the participants and incorporate them into their community. The team that comes to the weekend on Thursday night is the key in forming Christian community for the participants. The job of the team members upon arrival of the participants is to welcome them and draw them into the caring environment. It is important that the team members help the participants to get as much sleep as possible. It is never the intent to get the candidates tired or to wear them down, for sleep is needed in order for the participants to be receptive to everything that is presented to them. . The meditations for the evening are "Know Thyself” and "The Prodigal Son" which remind us that we have often strayed away from our Heavenly Father who is eager to welcome us home. These meditations (as all on the weekend) open the door for the daily talks by helping the listeners be more aware of Christ's presence and by emphasizing the need to respond to God. From this point of the weekend, the listeners are made aware that Christ is here, loving us, asking us for a response and that His Spirit is moving us to be more fully and unreservedly open to Him. The silent spiritual retreat begins to work upon the participants' hearts and challenges them to face their personal spiritual selves. 10 Friday - The First Day On Friday, the intention is to continue bringing the participants face-to-face with themselves. We try to answer the question, "Who Am I?" We present a set of values and ideals for life, much higher and more spiritual than the participants may have held before now. The meditation Friday morning is designed to help people recognize and make personal responses to God. In "The Three Glances of Christ" the participants are given examples from the gospels of three people on whom Christ directed his gaze. Each of them responded differently. Each of the listeners also responds differently when asked through the meditation, "How will I respond?" The content of the five talks on the first day presents clearly the ideal of living a life of grace. We do not challenge the attitude of the participants directly, but we present the much more worthwhile ideology, a “value” much more sublime that by its intrinsic power will displace the perhaps not so Christian standards, which they have upheld until now. # 1 Ideal - 20 minutes This talk seeks to convince the listeners of the need for having an ideal in life. Our human nature demands that we have a goal toward which we direct all our efforts. The talk is a philosophical study of the human mind and will, and how they operate. It is not a "spiritual talk". The strategy is to arouse interest in our humanity, so that the talks that follow can build upon this, helping the listeners to be more and more aware of God's image (divinity) in us. The point is made that we all have ideals of one sort or another, but that we must examine our ideals to see what they are and where they are leading us. The talk ends with a soul-searching challenge to know our ideal in life. This discussion of our ideal serves as the basis and .point of departure for the rest of the weekend. As it awakens in us the desire to know our ideal, it makes us think, and thus prepares our mind to listen attentively to the remaining talks. It puts us in the proper mood to pursue this Way of Christ. We do not pray the prayer of the Holy Spirit for this talk. Introduction Consequences of being human Limitations of being human Despite limitations, persons have limitless hopes and dreams Self-giving is a measure of a person's human development Process of becoming fully human What is an ideal? Qualities of an authentic ideal Influence of the authentic ideal on life Kinds of ideals Necessity of knowing our ideal 11 # 2 Grace- 30 minutes In the Ideal talk, no attempt was made to point out any concrete ideal. In this talk we are presented with God's supreme ideal: that all of His children might live in His grace and love. This is an intensely important talk, because it constitutes the doctrinal nucleus of all others. The other pastors' talks build upon the central truth of God's habit of gracing us. While the lay talk show in detail how this life in grace is to be lived, the doctrine of this talk can be summed up in the notion that our heavenly Father, through His Son and His Spirit, has given us a share in His own divine life. Thus we are members of the family of our Father, living as brothers and sisters, with Christ as our brother. This was done, not by any merit we have, but solely on His divine nature. Introduction, three R's of God's grace Revelation of God’s grace Rudiments of God’s grace Results of God’s grace # 3 Laity - 20 minutes After presenting the Christian ideal of living the life of grace in the family of God, we move to a layperson's view of the Church. We learn that the Church is this family of God. In the words of St. Paul it is the mystical body of Christ. Laypersons are the Church, the people of God: the hands, feet lips, etc., of Christ, so that Christ can work and speak to the world today through us. Although this talk is rooted in the concept of the body of Christ that Paul draws for us, its primary emphasis is on the mission of the laity as living, active members of the Church. Its purpose is to initiate in the listener an active response to God's grace. Introduction, God's plan for the world What is the Church Body? Mission of the Church Specific mission of the layperson Characteristics of the laity’s mission Conclusion #4 Grace in Action - 30 minute The call to action in the Laity talk can make the listeners feel inadequate to the task, so we are reminded that we have not been left alone in our efforts to live a dynamic Christian life. Through faith, the same grace that showers blessings on us indiscriminately is channeled in special ways to us by God's Spirit in our midst. The Holy Spirit lives and works in us, enlightening our mind and inspiring our will. The Holy Spirit works in various ways through various means, such as the reading of scripture, preaching, the sacraments, fellowship, etc., to call, gather, enlighten and make us holy, enabling us to be active ministers, a part of the priesthood of all believers. As the body of Christ we are all in this together, encouraging, uplifting, nurturing, and exhorting each other through prayer and fellowship. Palanca is the spiritual "lever" of prayer and sacrifice on the weekend and in our ministry. 12 # 5 Piety - 20 minutes This is the key talk in the method of the weekend, At this point many of the participants have let go any defensive attitudes they may have had, and have taken on the spirit of an open mind and heart. This talk has the mark, of the "personal testimony" and is presented in such a way that we can see in the speaker the happy and attractive embodiment of true piety. The first part of the talk is about growing life in grace. A certain amount of admiration for the Piety speaker should develop among the participants, so the speaker should make every effort to be available to them for personal conversation. Normally a change in the atmosphere of the weekend will be evident after the Piety talk. The spirit of idealism, commitment and charity will show forth in the words of the speaker. The Piety talk uses living testimony in a way that none of the other talks of the day has, but it uses it in a different way from the way that will be used later on. Piety presents the picture of a truly pious individual, of how this person came to realize what piety involves and of what a difference this has made in this life. It should not contain the kind of examples that show in a concrete way: "how to do it". That is only sketched broadly and awaits development on the second day. Piety Introduction, False piety Authentic piety Style of piety Acts of piety – nourish a life of piety Conclusion Saturday - the Second Day By the beginning of the second day the participants may be asking themselves, "Can I really attain the ideal of a conscious and growing life in Christ? How? How can I become a truly dynamic Christian?" The talks on this day are geared to answer these questions by presenting a Christ - centered, sacramental piety that makes people more fully aware of being the body of Christ, the people of God. Prayer is introduced as a personal conversation with our brother Jesus Christ. We start this day with the meditation; "The Figure of Christ". The emphasis is on the humanity of Christ, on the Christ who is living now, and on the personality of Christ that attracts so many. We are invited into a personal, intimate friendship with Him. The daily liturgy will blend in very nicely with the sacraments talk given by a spiritual director. In truth, the whole weekend serves as a preparation of the community to truly celebrate the liturgy. On Saturday before the liturgy we introduce the abrazo as a form of the peace greeting: a very legitimate expression of Christian love. We don't force a participant to participate; however, we have been preparing the participants for this since Thursday night. It began with firm handshakes and good eye contact. Maybe try a pat on the back for men or a touch on the arm for ladies. Perhaps an arm around the shoulder or touch whenever and as often as it is appropriate. When people care they learn to touch in sincere ways, never offensive but confident and loving. The talks today move beyond the ideals, the beauty of the calling, and the importance of the relationship to God, that essential message of the first day. Now the speakers patiently explain how it is done, or to be more precise, how the participants can do it. 13 # 6 Study - 30 minutes This talk is not a dissertation on study. Rather, its purpose is to make us feel the need to grow in depth and deepen our knowledge of Christ in our life in grace. The talk intends to show that our life in grace is to be conscious and enlightened so we can give testimony to our faith. It gives us the desire to study and appeals to persons at varying levels of intellect. Examples of spiritual reading should be suggested, from the reading of the gospels to the study of other acceptable documents. Other modern methods should also be mentioned such as audio and video tapes, computer programs, Kindles and radio. Introduction Definition: applying minds to learn the truth The need for study Objectives of study Methods of Study Obstacles to study: cowardice, childishness Remedies to obstacles: courage, childlike humility Resources for study Conclusion #7 Means of Grace (Word and Sacrament) - 30 minutes In this talk we speak of word and sacraments as God Himself intervening in our human history and in our human lives in three different stages of time: 1) the wonderful works of God among the people of the Old Testament; 2) the work of Christ in redeeming humanity, in particular his death and resurrection; and 3) the work of Christ in His continuing redemption, making himself present to us through His Church, and in particular ("for you") through the sacraments, Following the theme of the day, this talk is centered on Christ. The means of grace are how Christ personally touches us, making God's forgiveness ours. The listeners also see themselves as having a sacrament-like quality in that they bear God's grace to others. Means of Grace with Word and Sacrament Introduction: means of grace central in life of Church Jesus is the means of grace Word and sacrament as means of grace. Word of God Holy Communion Holy Baptism. Sacramental character of the Christian life Conclusion the mark of the cross OR Grace-Filled Days (Day in the Life) - 30 minutes In some movements, Grace-Filled Days is used in place of the traditional sacraments talk developed by the Catholic Cursillo movement. In this style the grace of God is seen as touching our lives from birth through the many events of our life to our death. Each event, baptism, Sunday school, first communion, confirmation, teen years, young adulthood, courting, marriage, occupation, children, grandchildren, old age, and death is part of a “grace-filled day." Introduction Baptism Lord's Supper 14 Confirmation Marriage Children Ministry Death Conclusion # 8 Action - 20 minutes This talk, along with the Leaders talk, serves as a transition to the third day of the weekend, where the emphasis is on apostolic action. The purpose of this talk is to show the connection between the life of grace and apostolic action, namely that the life of grace flows into a life of action, that grace causes action, and that apostolic action is a logical demand of the life of grace. In a word, to be graced by God evokes a response in us; we must be doing something. The notion of action in this talk can best be presented in terms of love for others flowing from our life in grace. Love is action. Love is the foundation of the priesthood of all believers and the essence of living in grace. In our apostleship, Christ asks us, both in word and deed, to give testimony to others concerning our relationship with Him. Our commission is to "make disciples of all nations, (by) baptizing...and teaching...." Qualities of apostolic action, i.e. method of action: (1) Make a friend, (2) Become a friend, (3) Bring your friend to Christ. # 9 Obstacles to Grace - 30 minutes The purpose of this talk is to remind us of the real difficulties that we will meet in living the life of grace. The talk is to be totally positive and constructive. The life of the believer is presented a joyful and triumphant living in grace in spite of the obstacles we face. The commandments, like the laws of nature, are not meant to be a burden, but a positive guide. Having been obeyed perfectly by Christ, the commandments are obeyed by us as a way of responding to God's grace. Sin is failure to love as we should. Obstacles are seen as tests of our love and are really reminders to love God more through our neighbor. Obstacles are; the devil, the world, and our own flesh, but the greatest obstacles are found in us as attitudes of our mind and heart that frustrate our lives and growth in grace (for example, indifference, misunderstanding of real life, not knowing ourselves). This talk is not a tirade against sin, nor does it go into any particular moral problems. Introduction Definition God's plan Man's sin and obstacles to grace God's remedy for our obstacles Conclusion # 10 Leaders - 20 minutes This talk is a complement to the Action talk. It points out that in the Church; leaders are not only those who are active in the organizations of the local congregation, but include anyone who bears witness to Christ in his or her sphere of influence in life. Every baptized believer is called in baptism to be a servant, to lead others by being of service to them. An example of each quality or characteristic of leadership should be given. Care must be taken to avoid the impression that every person must possess all the qualities in order to be a leader. Each person may be a leader even if possessing only one of the qualities or characteristics of a leader. Introduction Definition Natural qualities of a leader Supernatural qualities Christian leaders Me, a leader? Conclusion 15 Sunday - the Third Day By the beginning of the third day, most of the participants are beginning to feel renewed, committed, and filled with enthusiasm. On the first day we studied about ourselves and our ideal. On the second day we entered into intimate friendship with Christ. Today our thoughts are projected out into the world. We are told how we can bring Christ to the world in which we live. The third day is a call to apostolic action. The day begins with the meditation, "Christ's Message to the Participant." We hear that Christ has called us: "I have chosen you and have appointed you that you should go and bear fruit" (John 15:16). This day's talks present the Via de Cristo method, and the Via de Cristo understanding of environment. Each talk presents its part of the method. Candidates are being given instructions on how to operate a successful approach to Christian life. The instructions, therefore, are intended to be as careful and as clear as possible. They are the same sort of instructions that might be given to someone about how to drive a car. The instructions cannot substitute for actually driving and getting the feel of it, but they do need to be provided, and they must be practical. 16 # 11 Environment - 20 minutes After the morning meditation, there awakens in our soul a desire to do something for Christ. This talk tells us where we have opportunities to work for Him. It unfolds the environment of the world, its people and its institutions, where we can be of influence for Christ. We simply cannot transform and Christianize the world in which we live unless we understand it. The emphasis in this talk is on our vocation (personal apostleship), bearing witness to Christ in our workplace, our family, our community, wherever we may be. The talk helps us to examine the specific area that God has selected focus in which to work. This talk does not go into the various methods of apostolic action; those will be covered later. Introduction Christianity Environment Study of the environment Christian transformation of environments (evangelization) Conclusion # 12 Life In Grace - 30 minutes At this point in the weekend we are beginning to wonder how we are ever going to maintain, in our daily lives, the awareness of Christ that we are experiencing during these three days. This talk tells us the answer is found in the practices of our own piety. The practices themselves are only the means of maintaining a conscious and growing awareness of Christ in our lives. The purpose of the talk is to explain each one of the practices of piety, study and action, and to show us how to make them a part of our daily spiritual life. We are invited to set up our own plan for our spiritual life and to promise Christ that we will follow it to insure our perseverance after the weekend. We are reminded that this is just the beginning. We will grow and deepen our spiritual lives. We will get new insights into living the life of Christ. So our practices of piety will also change and take on new forms, to keep pace with our spiritual growth. Life in Grace Introduction: how can we keep this faith alive? What is this life in grace? New identity as God's child Ambassadors for Christ A plan to deepen this grace life Piety Study Action Conclusion 17 # 13 Christian Community in Action - 20 minutes In this talk we get very specific about the ideas presented in the Action and Leadership talks. We are given examples of what we can do and how we can do it. In Environment we heard about the call to bear witness to Christ in our particular circumstances in life. In this talk we are impressed with the idea of acting as a member of a group. As Christians, we are a group, the people of God, the body of Christ, the Church. Our attitude cannot be individualistic. This talk seeks to dispose us to be active apostles in Church groups as well as through our civic organizations (various examples are given). It's best to give this talk the character of personal testimony, relating practical examples and living stories of Christians acting together. The talk should stress not so much the theory, but the spirit of group action that has succeeded in changing the world. This talk prepares us for the idea of the group reunion in the next talk. Introduction Christians in the Christian community Need for community Christian community Christian community in action and Conclusion # 14 Total Security - 20 minutes We are assured that what we have experienced during the weekend is not the climax of something but a new beginning. We can look forward to a richer Christian life because we see new dimensions we never knew existed. The key to our perseverance and growth is the "group reunion." Our experience in Christian living on the weekend makes us aware that we are dependent on others, their prayers, the talks, the table discussions. If we are to continue in this spirit, we will need each other after we return home. The group reunion continues the Via de Cristo weekend experience of living in a Christian community. The group reunion is simply a small community of Christians inspiring each other to grow in the spirit of idealism, involvement, and love that we began to live on the weekend. The Ultreya is explained as an extension of the group reunion by being a reunion of groups. Introduction What do we insure? How do we insure ourselves? (Group reunion) Guarantees of the insurance Ultreya Conclusion 18 # 15 Fourth Day and Total Security combined - 35 minutes minimum The theme of this talk is again our perseverance in living the life of grace. The simple rule for us to follow is "contact with- Christ and contact with our brothers and sisters." The effectiveness of this talk depends a great deal on the personal conviction of the speaker and the power of persuasion he or she puts into his or her words. Through personal testimony, the speaker shows that it is possible to live and grow in the life of grace throughout the rest of our lives. Introduction : Your mission Your responsibility Two dangers encountered in the fourth day Solution to avoiding these dangers What the Christian should be What the Christion should have Life is a perennial Via de Cristo AFFIRMING & CRITIQUING ROLLOS SEND OFFS & RETURNS: TEAM TRAINING 1. SEND-OFF is same as on weekend: Rollista, Asst. Rector, prayer partner, team members (never having been part of send-off) 2. RETURN includes Spiritual Director, Asst. Rector, Rollista, prayer partner. CRITIQUE group includes only Spiritual Director, Asst. Rector, Past Rector and Rollista AFFIRMING/ CRITIQUING ROLLOS 1. The Training Manual (pgs. 9-16) has a brief summary and outline for each Rollo. Asst. Rectors - READ these summaries and outlines to the team members planning to affirm so they may be familiar with the specific points presented in the Rollo, 2. Team members who have listened to Practice Rollos will affirm - using Affirmation sheets. 3. After the Rollo, listeners form small groups to discuss. Each group will give summary to Rollista. 4. All Affirmation Sheets are given to the Rollista. 5. Points to consider while Affirming: - Pray for open mind and heart - Think as a New Cursillista (instead of Team) as you listen - Be familiar with structure, purpose and key points of Rollo you are affirming - Take notes during Rollo at Team Training - just as you would on the weekend - Give positive feedback - remember you are a "cheerleader" - Anything that needs to be "fixed" will be handled by pastors and Rectors during Critique 6. Points to consider while Critiquing - Be Affirming: Be positive and helpful! - Approach criticism humbly - Criticize Constructively - to remind Rollista of points needing emphasis (Refer to Rollo Outline and points to be made found in Training Manual) - to question whether Rollista is including too much or too little - to help Rollista make a "fuzzy" point more clear - Concentrate on what is being said: - try to grasp the general idea of the message rather than trying to remember facts 19 - check to see that all the points in the outline have been covered effectively If not - point out to Rollista importance of areas weak or missing - to make sure the Rollista has laid foundation for Rollo to follow - Put yourself in the Rollista's place - try to see his/her viewpoints, attitudes, needs - Look beyond the words: - Look for meaning and emotions Rollista is attempting to convey (Tone of voice, Facial expressions, Body language; don't let these distract) - Make mental summaries while listening; jot down major points - Listen for: - Introduction: Name, church where worship, occupation, initial VDC weekend and table name (NO THEME), rollo number and title of rollo - Authenticity, gender references, humor - Diction, grammar & spelling and if distracting 7. Give Rollista the Critique Sheets after critique is completed. ROLE OF THE VDC TEAM The role of the team is many-faceted. It is more than performing functions and carrying out duties. It is physical, emotional, spiritual, and memorable. It is working, praying, singing, sharing, eating, laughing, and crying. It is giving and receiving. The role of the team is structured and purposeful with expectations to be met: 1. To form a team by developing a covenant relationship with God, team & participants 2. To commit to attend all training meetings and the 3-day weekend 3. To commit time & energy to prepare to: a. serve as one body - without individual recognition b. prepare spiritually, emotionally, and physically for the weekend c. pray for participants and team before, during & after the weekend 4. To commit to grouping and local Ultreya The role of individual team members is very important: 1. to pray (before, during and after the weekend) 2. to develop a servant attitude and become a servant 3. to build team unity and acclimate new team members 4. to review individual duties and affirm team responsibilities 5. to affirm/critique rollos of the team, laity, and clergy at Team Trainings 6. to orient team to physical facilities, equipment & supplies at weekend Progression with support team and community 1. Thursday, Friday, Saturday (during day) - invisible servant 2. Saturday evening and Sunday - progress from a few to a multitude 3. Post weekend - visible servant 20 THREE PRECEPTS SHAPE THE ROLE OF THE TEAM 1. GOD IS IN CHARGE (Ephesians 2:8-10) "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this is not from yourselves; it is a gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus, to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us. " Just as we believe God sends the New Cursillistas to us, we believe we are called by God to be here for them. We bring our God-given talents and create an environment. We are people from all walks of life but we become one team. It is important not to use the cliché that "God's in charge" and wait for Him to do the work. He has sent US, as servants, to do His work - and He has promised to be our strength and support. (Ephesians 4:16) "From Him, the whole Body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work." We are a Christian Community in Action. Through the Holy Spirit God invites the New Cursillistas to this place and appoints us the hosts. The best host gives the best to his/her guests. We ask our guests to leave their worldly cares behind and trust us with their time and their lives for three days. And for three days we are here to serve them. Our ultimate role - A SERVANT - as servant of God and of His people, according to His will, 2. THE WEEKEND IS FOR THE NEW CURSILLISTAS (Mark 10:43-45) "Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant and who wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many." Just as we ask the New Cursillistas to leave worldly cares behind, we must do likewise. Our concern is to be for THEM - all their needs, comforts, their peace of mind. Our focus is on them so that their focus is ON GOD. Each weekend is made up of two teams: Rollo Room and Palanca 1. Rollo Room has constant interaction with the New Cursillistas. They listen and share together, eat and sleep in same quarters. This is where community is formed - where groups of individuals can communicate honestly with each other, developing a significant commitment to rejoice together, mourn together, delight in each other, share their ideas and build upon each other's thoughts. What the participants say to one another at the table is much more important to the growing community than what was said by the speaker in the talk. The job of the Table Leader is a delicate one - sharing personally, listening attentively, and encouraging others to do the same. The table dynamics are most effective when everyone is involved and participating in discussion, in posters and in Decuria. (More info on Rollo Room Team - page 19) It is important that each Table Leader read carefully the Table Leaders Manual 2. Palanca Team is behind the scenes and provides support services for the entire team and the New Cursillistas, Rollista and other team members. For the most part they are unseen and unheard and see to all the "creature comforts" (often at great sacrifice of their own). They are the Silent Servants running a smooth operation so that nothing distracts the New Cursillistas or disrupts the weekend. (More on Palanca Team - page 20) 21 Holding this entire operation together is LOVE; love of God for us and ours for Him, for each other and for the New Cursillistas. This is what the new Cursillistas feel. Listen to comments at the Clausura of what most impressed the New Cursillista. The answer most often is "the love." (I Corinthians 13:5) " .. Love is not self-seeking" - and it is perhaps because we do not enter our team commitment for selfish reasons that we find at the end of the weekend that we, too, have received - again and again. The service of the teams reinforces the Via de Cristo experience. Members are renewed and refreshed and ready for entry into the 4th Day along with the New Cursillistas. 3. VIA DE CRISTO IS NOT THE WEEKEND In our experience as New Cursillistas, we were recipients of the gift of spiritual renewal through Via de Cristo. As members of the Team, we are able to "pass it on". However we are honored to receive another gift: seeing Via de Cristo work from the inside out. We are able to see how all the pieces of the puzzle fit together and why it works. The Role of the Team carries over into our home environments. We see the importance of: 1. Palanca - We prayerfully approach the weekend keeping the team leadership, Rollistas, Spiritual Directors, New Cursillistas, and fellow members lifted up in prayer. We sacrifice more of our time to write personal notes to the New Cursillistas. 2. Clausura - We remember our weekend - the surprise, the warmth, and the joy of seeing our friends, family and total strangers - of being surrounded by love. We encourage the 4 th Day to come to Clausura to create that once-in-a-lifetime environment for our New Cursillistas. 3. New Cursillistas Recruiting - We introduce, invite, and encourage - always trusting in the Holy Spirit - and in God's timing. 4. Responsible Sponsorship - We support and follow sponsorship guidelines. We honor our responsibilities before, during and after the weekend. 5. Groupings and Ultreya - We commit ourselves to participate in grouping,; we also help, organize and attend Ultreyas, encouraging New Cursillistas to attend. (Hebrews 10:24-25) "Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another..." This is the Role of the Team - For all of this we GIVE thanks, but we do not WANT thanks, for our Lord tells us (Luke 17:10) "We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty." 22 TECHNIQUES FOR ROLLO ROOM Remember the Via de Cristo Weekend is for the New Cursillistas. Here are some helpful hints to remember: 1. Welcome the New Cursillistas and make them feel welcome. Talk with them, make them comfortable; do not leave anyone out; seek out the shy person. If there is fear or any kind of apprehension, assure them it is not unusual. . 2. Be Leaders: In answering the bell, singing, taking notes, etc... In dialogue homilies, give the New Cursillistas a chance to respond first. Team should share if C's do not. 3. Lead the table Discussion: Lead - Do Not Dominate! Involve everyone; make them think; help them share; keep discussion on track; respect all opinions and views. 4. Get to know the Family: Know your family first and then branch out to others. Remember this at breaks. 5. Be open and honest: Allow new C's to see your weaknesses as well as your strengths; share yourself with them; and - unless you are perfect - don't give them the feeling that you are!! 6. Accept individual reactions: Expect no specific reaction from anyone. If there is a serious problem with anyone, check with Rector or Spiritual Director. Do not discuss individuals' problems with others - respect all confidences shared. 7. Never make New Cursillistas uncomfortable: Never make them feel they are forced to pray or share. Do not force discussions at the tables, just encourage participation. 8. Do not promote anticipation: Avoid statements such as "Wait until you hear the next Rollo" or mentioning surprises. 9. Encourage permanent grouping: Follow-up notes, e-mails, phone calls to the people in your family urging them to get into a group and attend Ultreyas is YOUR responsibility. 10. Relax and be yourself: Be totally concerned for the New Cursillistas and let the Spirit do the rest. 11. Table Procedures: On Friday, team members are Leader/Secretary for 1st Rollo. - Attempt to close discussion to work on posters in time allotted - During Rollos: be attentive, listen eagerly, and take prolific notes; stay awake - Your attitude makes a difference!!!! More specific suggestions can be found in the Table Leaders Manual checked out at Team Buildings. 23 THE VIA de CRISTO PALANCA TEAM To serve on Palanca Team is SERVANTHOOD in its truest sense. The team does not come just to "lend a hand". We come to create a Christ-centered environment and in Grace for the weekend - becoming united in a common cause. We leave the world behind and become Christ's Hands, Feet and Voice. No matter in what position you may serve on the weekend - in Rollo Room or Palanca Team - you are essential in carrying out God's plan for the weekend. The Spanish word Palanca means "lever" - an instrument that allows a person to move something beyond his/her strength. The prayer and sacrifice of the Palanca Team become the leverage needed to support the Rollo Room Team and the New Cursillistas. Whether hanging banners, cleaning potties, preparing food - you are serving in a special way. And the miracle is that even though you come to serve, you come away from the weekend spiritually renewed with a fresh look at your own life and at Via de Cristo as a method for living in grace. God has called each Palanca Team member to be a special blessing for the weekend. You will be blessed on the weekend as you devote your God-given talents as sacrificial gifts to God. The members of the Palanca Team serve as Silent (but VERY active) servants who are vessels of God's grace - in Piety, Study and Action - during the weekend. PIETY: Each member of the Palanca Team will schedule at least one hour in Prayer Chapel The prayer vigil fuels the weekend and provides protection so the Holy Spirit can work effectively among the New Cursillistas and team, without influence from the outside world. The Prayer Vigil is TOP PRIORITY!!! STUDY: The Palanca Spiritual Directors will provide opportunities for Bible Study each day. Check the schedules that are posted and be sure to participate. This is a wonderful opportunity for spiritual growth and for building a closer community with your sisters and brothers in Christ. Everyone is expected to attend Bible study. ACTION: We know there are plenty of opportunities for this. The temptation is to neglect Piety and Study in favor of Action. DON'T DO IT!! Always offer your services, whenever and wherever you can help and do it cheerfully! But do not miss your turn in the Prayer Vigil - and don't turn down an opportunity for Bible Study. 24 ORGANIZATION OF PALANCA TEAMS The way the Palanca Team carries out its "Action" is through its division of duties. Sub-teams are formed: Chapel Dining Room Computer Rollo Room Cabins/Registration Mail Music Kitchen Each sub-team has an Assistant Palanca Rector and a Mentor. Team members have an opportunity to serve in any of these areas. At some weekends, general palanca team members are solicited each morning at the Team Meeting — so every team member has an opportunity to work in most areas. We serve because we are called by God, and we serve to His glory - Joyfully! We know the Palanca Team is made up of humans, and sometimes these humans get tired and overworked!! (Just like at home!) We must remember that at those times we need to pray for a charitable attitude, a responsive spirit, and patience with each other. Serving on a Palanca Team is a wonderful experience when it is done with a loving and cooperative spirit. In the Episcopal Cursillo the one who handles the Palanca duties is called a CHA. Cheerful Caring Helpful Happy Alert Aware That's what Palanca is meant to be! To God be the Glory!! 25 PARTICIPANT'S SELECTION GUIDELINES The following guidelines are currently being used by the Texas Lutheran Secretariat to determine the selection of New Cursillistas and the order in which applications for Via de Cristo are accepted. The first 30 men's applications and the first 30 women's applications received by the Lay Director for any given weekend which meet the following guidelines, will be accepted. Applicants still on the waiting lists after the weekend will be given first attention for later weekends. Sponsors will be notified of applicants being carried over so that they may reapply to the next Via de Cristo weekend. Applicants will determine which weekend they wish to attend; Men’s, Women’s or Co-ed. 1. Only applications signed by a Pastor & sponsor will be considered. 2. Lay applicants must be recommended by the Via de Cristo, Cursillo, and Walk to Emmaus, etc. clergy of their home church. Lutheran clergy applicants must be recommended by Via de Cristo clergy. 3 Applicants should be active members of Via de Cristo, Cursillo, Walk to Emmaus, etc... congregations. 4 Applicants must be mature, 19 years or older and baptized members of a Christian church who believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. 5 A deposit or a clear indication from the sponsor of the type of financial support and source of support for the applicant is required at the time of application. Full payment is due at or before the start of the weekend. 6 . It is highly recommended that spouses attend together (co-ed) or soon after each other. 7 Up to 5 participants from any one church may be accepted for the same weekend. (3 couples for a Co-Ed weekend) 8 Up to five non-Lutheran participants may be accepted for the same weekend. 9 Up to five men clergy and five women clergy may be accepted for the same weekend. 10 Applicants divorced or widowed will not be accepted until one year from the date they became divorced or widowed. Those known to have emotional problems or chemical dependencies will not be accepted. 11 Neither children nor pets can be accommodated on the weekend. Before we sponsor a person for the weekend, take a prayerful look at his/her Christian Life: Do we see Christ in this person? Is this person able to see Christ in others? Will the person grow from the experience? The weekend is not the time or place to bring someone for a conversion. 26 GUIDELINES FOR BEING A SPONSOR As a sponsor, you should feel the Lord's work through Via de Cristo is in your hands and that you are accepting the responsibility for the New Cursillistas. Your consideration of sponsorship should include serious prayer, for you will be that person's liaison. Read carefully the Guidelines for New Cursillistas. Via de Cristo is not intended to resolve personal problems such as marital difficulties or alcoholism. Explain Via de Cristo to your candidate. Be factual and truthful - especially in answering questions. Know the participant - family, church involvement, health, diet, handicaps, etc. Be sure to explain that a continuing program is part of the Via de Cristo experience - not just the weekend. These are some of the duties as a sponsor: 1. Help process and track application . 2. Make sure pre-weekend materials have been received. Keep in touch, especially during the last few weeks before the weekend. . 3. Be prepared to help with problems that may arise during the weekend in order to ease the New Cursillista’s mind on problems back home. 4. Bring the New Cursillista to the weekend site or make sure other arrangements have been made if you cannot personally bring him/her. When delivering them to the site, do not abandon them to visit with friends. 5. If spouse's letters are used - you are responsible for getting them and delivering them - to the weekend site. Give plenty of notice for writing and make certain they understand - the importance of correspondence. Encourage children, relatives and friends to provide letters or notes. Mark the envelopes with the candidate's FULL name and specific delivery time (if desired). 6. Do not assume the spouse will write or send a card. Remind him/her. 7. Do not forget your own palanca to the New Cursillistas as well as providing a cup as a memorable gift from you. 8. Check on the family during the weekend one of the spouses is attending Via de Cristo - and be available if help is needed at home. 9. Attend the Clausura on Sunday afternoon, bringing along family members or friends (not those who plan to attend the next weekend) and see your friend home. 10. Help your friend get started in a Reunion Group and area Ultreyas. 11. Remember to keep him or her in your prayers. 12. Call, write, or e-mail him/her often to keep in touch. 27 PALANCA WRITING During the weekend you attended Via de Cristo, you heard the fourth Rollo: Grace, Too. This talk outlined a simple theme: That God is ready to help those who call on Him - and that everyone needs help. This Rollo also helps us to see that this "grace-full" life style is possible, even in today's world - because GOD WILL HELP US! Then we were made aware that others take the life in grace quite seriously as the Palanca letters were read to us. Those persons had written to tell us of their concern and of their prayer for our welfare and for our weekend. We also became aware of a large community of believers "out there" working for the Lord. Some of them also wrote us personally with words of encouragement. The two preceding Rollos (Grace & Laity) spoke of God's never ending love for all people and the life in grace in which He calls us to live and how - with other believers - we make up the Body of Christ on earth - a people with a mission and a vision! Palanca is an experience in community - an experience of God's help, and the concept is exciting because we realize that: 1. This form of witness is something each of us can do. 2. We know how to write letters. 3. Words, prayers, and loving actions can be used by God to strengthen another's faith. (Hebrews 10:23-25) states "Let us holdfast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful; and let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the day drawing near." Some things to keep in mind when writing Palanca: 1 . Be yourself. 2 . Begin by thanking God for the New Cursillistas. 3 . State your purpose in writing: joy, enthusiasm, your wish for them on the weekend, that the Spirit will renew them. 4 . A scripture verse chosen especially for each new Cursillista can speak to each of their hearts as well as to yours as you write. 5 . Try not to build expectations too high about how "glorious", "thrilling", or "great" the weekend will or should be. Do not set them up for disappointment. Include a simple and brief statement about your hope that this weekend will be enriching and rewarding. 6 . Remember - be yourself. If you include a "small" trinket like a pin at the appropriate time that is ok. No gifts (if it doesn’t fit in the sack... take it back). 28 THE ROLE OF MUSIC FOR THE WEEKEND Music is a powerful dynamic of the Via de Cristo weekend. It is much more than a time filler or tension reliever. As has been well said by another, "Music hath power to soothe the savage beast." Note the strategic placement of music for the weekend: - in the Chapel and (in some movements) before the Rollos - singing before we eat, and the powerful community serenade before Agape banquet - awakened on third day by singing - welcomed into community at Clausura by singing All music selected should heighten and enrich the Via de Cristo experience. It should punctuate the progression of each day and sum up the entire weekend. We are gently wooed to Jesus through the progression of the weekend, and the music should match where we are at any particular point. It is important to remember that the Spirit may choose a song to be the first introduction of Himself to the participant; it often happens that way. Our music must pace itself with the weekend material. Since many of the songs will be new to the participants, they need to be repeated several times throughout the weekend. The better the participants know a song, the more likely they will be to "get into" the song and the greater probability that it can speak to them. During the weekend it is best not to solicit requests from the participants; it is too easy to disrupt the dynamic this way; nothing worse than a rousing chorus of "Roll out the Barrel" after "Surely the Presence." The character of each day is important in song selection. - Thursday night: "getting together" type songs; many familiar - Friday: Theme is Ideal of Christians living a life of grace. Low key - with Songs which encourage community and are easy to teach - Saturday: Theme is grace filled life made possible by the love and character of Jesus Songs about grace, Jesus and his character are appropriate. Also, emotionally charged songs and teaching songs - Sunday: Theme is participant's presence in the world and his relationship to others. Songs of this day bring world back in; should be positive and present the participants with the great challenge before them. Songs about Holy Spirit, consecration, perseverance and holiness fit well God's Spirit speaks to us in many ways throughout the weekend. Music is one of those channels. SPIRIT OF THE LIVING GOD Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on *me. Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on *me. Melt **me, mold **me, fill **me, use **me. Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on *me. * First time sing as written. Second time insert name ** (her or him) 29 DE COLORES De Colores, De Colores the fields love to dress in all during the Springtime. De Colores, De Colores the birds have their clothing that comes every season. De Colores, De Colores the rainbow is vested across the blue sky. De Colores, and so must all love be of every bright color to make my heart cry. (Repeat) Sings the rooster; sings the rooster with his quiri, quiri, quiri. And the cluck hen, and the cluck hen with her cara, cara, cara, cara. And the babe-chicks; and the babe-chicks with their pio, pio, pio, pi! Y por eso los grandes amores de muchos colores me gustan a mi (Repeat) Canta el gallo, canta el gallo con el quiri, quiri, quiri, quiri, quiri. La gallina, la gallina con el cara, cara, cara, cara, cara. Los polluelos, los polluelos con el pio, pio, pio, pio, pi. Y por eso los grandes amores de muchos colores me gustan a mi. (Repeat) (add VIVA after repeating line) (Alternate Ist verse) De Colores, de colores se visten los campos en las primavera. De Colores, de colores son los paj ariilos que viene de afiiera. De Colores, decolores es el arco iris que vemos lucir. SERVANT SONG Brother/Sister ("Won't you"- Co-Ed) let me be your servant; let me be as Christ to you. Pray that I may have the grace to let you be my servant, too. We are pilgrims on a journey; we are brothers/sisters on the road. We are here to help each other walk the mile and bear the load. I will hold the Christ-light for you in the night time of your fear; I will hold my hand out to you, speak the peace you long to hear. I will weep when you are weeping; when you laugh, Til laugh with you. I will share your joy and sorrow 'till we've seen this journey through. When we sing to God in heaven; we shall find such harmony. Born of all we've known together of Christ's love and agony. YOU ARE LOVED You are loved; you are beautiful. You are a gift of God - His own creation. You are a gift to all mankind, His gift of love to them. You are loved, God danced the day you were born. (Sing twice) We are loved; we are beautiful. We are a gift of God - His own creation. We are a gift to all mankind, His gift of love to them. We are loved; God danced the day we were born. 30 LAS MANANITAS How beautiful is this morning, And our hearts are light and gay. We sing God's song of blessing and awaken you today. (Chorus): The sun is now appearing and the day begins anew. Arise now and greet the morning that dawns with joy for you. How blessed was your birthday And flowers bloomed everywhere as baptismal waters flowed, All the saints were singing here, (Repeat Chorus) HERE I AM, LORD By Daniel L. Schutte I, the Lord of sea and sky, I have heard My people's cry. All who dwell in dark and sin, My Hand will save. I, who made the stars of night, I will make their darkness bright. Who will bear my light to them? Whom shall I send? (Refrain:) Here I am Lord! Is it I, Lord? I have heard You calling in the night. I will go, Lord - if You lead me. I will hold Your people in my heart. I, the Lord of snow and rain, I have borne My people's pain. I have wept for love of them. They turn away. I will break their hearts of stone. Give them hearts for love alone. I will speak My word to them. Whom shall I send? {Refrain) I, the Lord of wind and flame, I will tend the poor and lame. I will set a feast for them. My hand will save. Finest bread I will provide. Till their hearts are satisfied. I will give my life to them. Whom shall I send? (Refrain) 31 SAMPLE LETTER FOR GATHERING PALANCA FOR YOUR SPONSORED CURSILLISTA Dear friends and family of .................. ...... will be attending the Texas Lutheran Via de Cristo Weekend ......................... The Lutheran Via de Cristo (The Way of Christ) weekend is very similar to the Roman Catholic 'Cursillo' and the Methodist 'Walk to Emmaus' renewal weekends. When Jesus calls his disciples, the invitation is simple, "Follow me." Following Jesus Christ means that we live with the vision, attitude, actions and purpose of our Lord, namely to take up our cross and follow him in faith, obedience and in loving service as we reflect The Father's Love. The weekend is intended to be a weekend where people are able to get away from all duties and responsibilities of at-home duties and to be renewed through a loving and prayer-filled experience. The weekend provides spiritual growth, Christian love and surprises. One such surprise is the notes and letters that they receive from their loved ones and friends. As his/her sponsor, I am contacting family and close friends and asking them to send a letter to him. He/She will receive them at very special times during the weekend. This is an opportunity for you to share words of appreciation and encouragement. You may want to recall some special or humorous events or happenings that have been special in both of your memories. Your letter WILL BE READ ONLY BY THEM. Would you be willing to make his/her weekend special by doing the following? 1. Write ....... a note or a letter of any length. 2. Sign it and place it in a sealed envelope. 3. Write ............ first and last name (but NOT YOURS) on the envelope 4. In the upper right hand corner of the envelope, mark with an "F" for family, "CF" for close friend and an "O" for others. 5. Put the envelope in a larger envelope with your return address and mail it to me at the following address ..................................... If you need to, you may email your letter to me (mostly when time is of the essence). I will print it out and see that it gets to him/her. My email is: ..................................................... PLEASE DO NOT LET THEM KNOW ABOUT THIS LETTER! LET IT BE A SURPRISE FOR THEM. If you would like to do this, your letter should be given or sent to me no later than .................................. I will appreciate your response but he/she will appreciate it even more. Hundreds of people will be praying for the participants who attend the weekend and I want to invite you to join in those prayers for those attending this weekend. Will you do that? Thank you in advance for your assistance. In Christ's love and service, 32 GLOSSARY CLAUSURA (clau soo rah) A closing. The last event of the Cursillo Weekend. CURSILLISTA (cur see YEAST ah) A person who has taken a short course of study or made the threeday weekend. CURSILLO (cur see yo) A short course of lectures CURSILLO DE CRISTIANDAD (cur see yo day cris tee ahn dahd) The full title of the Movement meaning "a short course of ‘lectures' in Christian living". DE COLORES (day co lo rays) Literally means "of colors". A Spanish children's song which has become the theme song of the Cursillo movement. It expresses the joy which we experience in God's gift of grace and in His creation. DECURIA (day coo ree ah) A small group formed to pay careful attention to subject presented. MANANITAS (malm ya nee tahs) A popular song sung early in the morning to celebrate a birthday or other special occasion. PALANCA (pa lahnk ah) A lever or bar used for carrying a load; influence. The prayer and sacrifice which is offered to God in petition for some grace. The "lever" allows a person to move something beyond his strength, as prayer and sacrifice allow an apostle to accomplish more than he would be capable of otherwise. ROLLO (roy owe) A talk that is heavily anecdotal and experiential. ROLLISTA (ro yeast ah) A person who gives a rollo. ULTREYA (ool tray ah) This word came into the Cursillo movement from the cry used by Pilgrims at the shrine of St. James of Campostela in encouraging one another as they climb the steep slope leading to the shrine. Its meaning includes "ONWARD," "UPWARD," "KEEP TRYING." It is the name given to a meeting of several reunion groups. VIA DE CRISTO (vee ah day cree stow) The way of Christ. The Lutheran expression of the Cursillo movement in Texas. PRAYER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Come, Holy Spirit. Fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in us the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit, and we shall be created, and you shall renew the face of the earth. O God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit instructs the hearts of the faithful, grant to us, that same Holy Spirit, that we may be truly wise and ever rejoice in His consolation, through Christ our Lord. Amen 33
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