FUSION 2014 UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BAPTIST CHURCH FEBRUARY 7TH-9TH [1] [2] PRAYER #fusion2014 Dear FUSION Participants, ! You know it never fails, when FUSION gets closer, I can not help but think of all that still has to be done. There are videos that I need to get done, registration information that needs to be entered, phone calls that need to be made, food that needs to be ordered, kids that still need to be contacted, IRONMAN details that need to be worked out, stage decorations that need to go up. I need to get Wednesday night’s lesson finished, and I think you get the idea! ! However, when I look back over my “to do” lists, I am always reminded how flippantly I use the word need. The truth is the only thing we NEED this weekend is for the Holy Spirit to do what he does best: speak to us! But, communication is a two way street, and it scares me that prayer was not in my list of things I need to do. Is prayer in your “to do” list for this weekend? ! If we want God to do something amazing in the lives of our students, we have to be willing for him to do something amazing in us first! Please understand this: you are vital to the life and ministry of this church. What you are willing to do this weekend has eternal value, so let me give you some more important things that need to be on our “to do” list leading up to this weekend. ! PRAY…for real salvation experiences; for the students, with the students (during the week, Wednesday night, on the phone, text messages); for Allen Frans (the speaker) and the Kevin Dixon Band, FUSION leadership team; for safety as we travel from the church to the houses and vice versa; pray that everyone will be able to be real and honest when God decides to get in our faces; pray that we will not leave the same, that in some way we will be changed. ! BE DETERMINED TO BE FLEXIBLE…understand having a weekend that involves around 200 people also involves 200 ways of how things could work better. Things will probably go wrong or at least not go the way WE expect. Things may have to get switched around to better accommodate the number of students. However, this is God’s event, and all He asks us to do is serve each other and serve our students. The better we serve together as adults, the more we model Christ’s love. ! I am looking forward to this weekend, and I hope you are too. Thank you for giving up your home and your calendar for this weekend to reach students for Christ! I will be praying for you as you get ready for this weekend. ! Because He Lives, BJ McMichael [3] #fusion2014 CONTACT INFO & SCHEDULE BJ McMichael (cell: 936-577-2536)—Student Pastor & Transportation ! ! Rosie Knight (cell: 936-662-2391)—Cook/Clean and Food Coordinator ! Charly Baker (cell: 936-661-5067)—Registration Coordinator ! Becky Rowley (cell: 936-661-7834)—Pics and Vids Coordinator ! Tracie Hoot (cell: 936-577-1122)--Prayer Coordinator ! Gaven Sublet (cell: 254-423-1547)—Student Ministry Intern ! Holly McMichael (cell: 936-577-2516)—Host Home and Small Group Coordinator Phillip Evans (cell: 979-997-1274)—Student Ministry Intern TENTATIVE FUSION 2014 SCHEDULE FRIDAY PM SATURDAY AM 6:00 CHECK IN" 7:00 FUSION ! LARGE ! GROUP! 8:45 DISMISS " TO HOMES" 9:00 SMALL ! GROUPS! 10:00 BREAK" 10:30 GROUP ! PRAYER ! TIME! 11:30 LIGHTS " OUT 8:30 BREAKFAST ! 1:00 SERVICE " IN HOMES! PROJECTS! 9:30 FUSION " 3:30 FREE TIME ! LARGE " OR MORE ! GROUP! SERVICE ! 11:00 SMALL ! PROJECTS! GROUPS! 5:30 DINNER IN " 12 PM LUNCH AT " HOMES! CHURCH 7:00 FUSION ! LARGE ! GROUP! 9:00 SAME AS " FRIDAY " NIGHT [4] SATURDAY PM SUNDAY AM 8:00 WAKE UP! 9:00 DONUTS AT " UHBC! 9:30 FUSION ! LARGE ! GROUP! 10:45 IN THE " BIG " HOUSE! 12:15 FUSION ! ENDS GUIDELINES #fusion2014 ! ! 1. 2. 3. Once a student is in your home, they CANNOT leave without a Time Away slip! (It must have their parent’s signature and information. Students must check in with the Host Home before they leave and when they return.) 4. 5. 6. No egging, toilet papering, water balloons, shaving cream, or shoe polishing other homes. (Remember, YOU are the adult!). All groups must adhere to the schedule...speak to BJ if there are issues that arise. Student’s are encouraged to use cell phones for EMERGENCY purposes only. Please, show NO television or movies in the homes. 7. Dress modestly. The Student Ministry reserves the right to ask someone to change clothes if dress is deemed inappropriate. 8. ! ! ! Absolutely no drop-ins are allowed for the weekend. Only those who are registered (wearing the colored wrist bands Friday-Sunday) for FUSION can participate. There can be absolutely no exceptions to this rule! If someone “arrives” at your home without a wrist band, please call BJ, Holly, or Charly to see if they registered. ! Driving rules: Must be 21+ to drive students. All people in vehicles must have a seatbelt and be wearing it. Be sure that anyone who is involved in transporting our students to and from your house understands the need for safety. Anyone seen driving in an unsafe manner will be asked not to help out for the rest of the weekend! 9. Ok...now for the obvious: no alcohol, drugs, or tobacco are permitted at FUSION. 10. No guns, knives, tanks, bazookas...you get the point...are permitted at FUSION. 11. No PDA (public displays of affection) allowed. Holding hands is acceptable; however, if you have to ask if something is appropriate, it probably isn’t. [5] #fusion2014 SOCIAL MEDIA The way we live our social media lives matter more today than ever before. It doesn’t matter if you still live in Huntsville, or another city people are ALWAYS watching CLOSELY. That is why it is important for us to cover our expectations concerning your social media BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER Fusion. Here are 5 social media boundaries for us to follow. 1) Accept that leaders live in “glass houses.” This is hard to accept, but when you are in ministry and you are using social media, it automatically means that you are under the spotlight. Leaders, parents, and students are looking up to you and will often follow you for inspiration, guidance, and hope. On the other hand, others will follow you to get an inside track to see whether you fit their mold of an acceptable youth worker. Like it or not, the reality is that a leader is always watched closely. What are others seeing? 2) Wait to be Friended or Followed: If you don’t know a student well, wait for them to friend or follow you. I know this might seem a little extreme, but unless I know a student quite well, I will wait for them to friend me. If there is a student in your ministry who is new and getting plugged in, it might be worth waiting for them to friend you. Waiting for a student to ‘friend’ you simply avoids any weirdness and ensures they are happy for you to get an inside track to their life. 3) Avoid Private Conversations: Avoid private messaging students. Try to keep messages public and for all to see. If a student wants to talk to you about an issue or a problem, try to do it face to face in full site of others. It’s also essential to communicate with parents that you are talking to their student. I know this might seem a little over the top, but here are two good reasons why contacting parents is a good idea: ! ! 1. It opens the door for a relationship to partner with parents. 2. It avoids parents wondering what your intentions are. In this day and age, parents are protective when other adults contact their kids, and rightly so. Honor parents by touching base and letting them know who you are. [6] #fusion2014 SOCIAL MEDIA 4) Consider carefully what you post: Here are three things that can get you in trouble. ! 1. Questionable pictures: In certain social media platforms such as Facebook, you can create a setting that gives you the option to ‘allow’ pictures you are tagged in. Ensure that the pictures of you will always allow others to see you in a positive light. 2. Complaints: Complaining about others simply does not look good. It shows weakness that we can’t talk to the person directly as well as modeling a poor method of dealing with conflict. 3. Controversial Issues: For me I don’t post anything that could divide people in my church. Political statements, local controversies, and attacks on political leaders should be avoided. In what you post, would others describe you as a divisive and opinionated person, or an inspirational leader? 5) Leverage social media to inspire and uplift: This should be a given, but many of us have discounted the great value of regularly posting to inspire others. As I said at the beginning of this post, people are looking for hope and direction. Consider what influence you can have by using social media effectively? PLEASE UNDERSTAND we are not trying to be the moral police. We are just the ones who have to answer questions from parents asking, “Weren’t they small group leaders at FUSION this year?” when they see your post on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter that reflect a questionable lifestyle. Majority of this social media article can be found by following this link http:// youthworktalk.com/2013/01/22/5-social-media-guidelines-for-youth-workers/ [7] #fusion2014 HOST HOME FAQ’S Why can’t we let them watch movies? — It is difficult to find a movie that is an acceptable rating for everyone. Some parents are fine with PG and some are not. There are some movies that have a PG-13 rating that should be rated R. So it is easier to say no movies; plus, movies don’t allow conversation. Go to Wal-mart and pick up a board game like Apples to Apples, Guestures, Mad GAB, Loaded Questions, or a card game like Phase 10. Target also has a fun party game called List of Things...Anything that will foster conversation and fellowship is a good thing! ! Can I be a part of the small group sessions? —Yes, if you are the same gender of those in the small group. However, please remember you are not the small group leader so don’t take over the conversation. In some cases some of you are the Host Home and Small group leader for your house...this doesn’t apply to you. ! If I don’t have enough seats in our vehicles for the number of students coming over to our house, can I just pack them wherever I have room? —Uh...no! The rule of thumb is a seat belt per person. There are a TON of insurance and legal matters that come into play. It is much better to play this one safe! ! What if we get done with our service project early? —If this happens feel free to borrow some of our rec equipment from the church (flag football, ultimate frisbee, frisbee golf). For girls take a look at PINTREST and see if there are some ideas you could use. Just make sure you do something that includes interaction and not isolation. [8] #fusion2014 SMALL GROUP DO’S & DON’TS DON’T BE AFRAID OF SILENCE Let the students sit for a moment and think. ! DO VALUE STUDENT INPUT Do whatever it takes to affirm the comments of student input, but do not be artificial with your praise. Be delicate with answers that are clearly wrong (you probably don’t want to put a big red “idiot” stamp on their forehead). Do not feel like you have to finish, complete, or correct a student’s answer. ! DON’T FEEL LIKE YOU HAVE TO KNOW ALL THE ANSWERS We are human, and it’s good for your students to see that you are limited. You are, but most of them don’t think so. ! DON’T BE A LECTURER; BE A FACILITATOR In other words don’t talk more than the students. Ask questions to generate discussion, ask students to explain their answers and go into more depth. Allow multiple students to respond, even if the first person gets the “right” answer. ! DO ASK STUDENTS IF THEY HAVE QUESTIONS Encourage them to deal with the material on their own terms. Create a climate where people feel the freedom to ask any question. ! DO ECHO SOME RESPONSES TO YOUR QUESTIONS If a student’s answer or comment is long-winded or unclear, repeat it back (summarize it) for clarity. This proves you are listening and it keeps the attention of the rest of the group. ! DO KEEP THE GROUP FOCUSED AND ON PURPOSE Don’t go down a rabbit trail and leave the topics and/or Scripture passages unless something “big time” comes up (e.g., a family crisis). Be sensitive to the Spirit (but that’s not an excuse to be lazy and let the group wander). Wandering is easy, being a leader isn’t! ! **portions of Do’s and Don’t’s was taken from the Small Group leader’s guide by Doug Fields found in the freebie section of www.simplyyouthministry.com [9] #fusion2014 SMALL GROUP LEADERS BEWARE Throughout the course of the weekend, as you begin to gain the trust of the students, you will find yourself in some counseling situations. It is imperative that you are vividly aware of the following: ! NEVER TELL A STUDENT, “YOU CAN TRUST ME; I WON’T TELL ANYONE ELSE.” We are bound by law to report any type of physical/sexual abuse or suicide attempts that any child (0-17 years of age) may be facing. ! Know when you are in over your head. If a student begins talking about a “Red Flag” issue, you should admit you are not qualified to discuss those things and refer him/her to BJ. Some “RED FLAG” words you need to listen for are: suicide, drugs, sexual or physical abuse, eating disorders, cults, etc… ! Never wander off to an isolated part of the house to encourage a student. Make sure that you are never alone with a student in a place where no one can see you. Guys need to counsel guys, and ladies need to counsel the girls. Watch for “Emotionalism.” Some students, as well as some adults, get a thrill out of over-emotionalizing certain situations. Allow each student to share his/her heart with you and the group, but be careful to keep the discussion steered in a positive direction. If a student shares too much, it may come back to haunt him/her simply because other students in the group may not be mature enough to maintain confidences. ! Be sensitive to the “fringe” kids! A “fringe” kid is the one who needs a little extra encouragement to participate and feel included. Students get excited and focus on the people that they know. You must be aware of all your students and their particular needs. ! ***During the course of the weekend, you need to make it a priority to talk to each youth individually and ask them about their relationship with God. *** Don’t be overly aggressive. Simply let them know that you are concerned and would like to be an encouragement to them on their spiritual journey. [10] #fusion2014 ASKING QUESTIONS Telling someone what they need to know can be ineffective for at least two reasons: a) The learner is passive and uninvolved b) The learner may not be convinced they need the truth, and therefore the lesson doesn’t “stick.” ! The eternal truths of God and wisdom for everyday living are too important (and complex) to reduce to a lecture of platitudes and clichés. ! As a Small Group Leader, you are a facilitator of God’s truth. One thing you ought to continually work to master is The Art of Asking Questions. ! THE BENEFITS A good question puts the ball in the court of the learner. Aside from generating verbal interaction, everyone can answer the question quietly and softly in the privacy of their own thoughts...when you hear a question, it’s almost impossible not to think about your answer. Questions create an opportunity for your students to become active participants. Good questions allow for self discovery, as after the need is recognized by the leader, he or she seeks to fill that gap in his or her knowledge, maturity, etc. Personal understanding and ownership can be facilitated by good questions. Teach people to think for themselves! ! SOME KEYS TO GOOD QUESTIONS 1. Think through a series of questions. Phrase the same thing in a couple different ways. Because people think differently, at times a single truth ought to be expressed in several different ways. ! 2. Discern the particular truth communicated by the speaker, and then create good questions to lead your group there. Good questions build on one another and lead to a particular destination. ! 3. Ask questions that are understandable. ! 4. Use every ounce of imagination you have, and consider where your students are really “at.” Use this wisdom to craft your question beforehand and to make adjustments during your small group. [11] #fusion2014 ASKING QUESTIONS 5. Maintain eye contact. It’s more personal and encouraging. ! 6. Don’t settle for the “Right Answers.” When someone gives you a quick answer, press them to determine confidence level—are they saying something they believe, or repeating something they’ve heard before. Ask them, “Ok, I hear what you’re saying, but what does that really mean?” Prompt further responses with phrases like “Good, who else...what’s your take?” “Does anyone have something to add?” “Who agrees with what was said? Ok why?” “Who disagrees…why?” ! 7. Create confusion, don’t shy away from things that are difficult and controversial. Don’t let your students “off the hook” with difficult issues. Healthy confusion leads to growth. This is based upon the “Poor in Spirit” Principle: if a learner doesn’t feel the need to learn, he or she won’t. ! 8. Admit confusion. You don’t know everything, so don’t worry about hiding this when you’re confused. 9. Be positive. According to the example set by Jesus, only hypocritical religious leaders deserve negative input...chances are you don’t have too many of those in your small group. ! 10. Be focused. Being sensitive to the Spirit doesn’t mean wandering around every spiritual truth, guided only the tangents of your group. Rather than covering a ton of subjects on a surface level, go deep with just one or two. ! 11. Repeat long answers with a quick summary, when one student talks for a long time, and is confusing, you’ll loose the rest of your group. To bring them back in, give a quick summary, or gently ask for one. ! 12. Don’t answer your own questions… or let other leaders answer...if you need to hurt the feelings of another leader, do so. Do it gently, but do it. ! 13. Learn multiple sides of an issue. Consider common misapplications/misunderstandings/myths. This will help you create “healthy confusion” and present different angles on the same subject. ! 14. Be transparent. Share your inadequacies in understanding different truths. [12] #fusion2014 ASKING QUESTIONS ! 15. Jesus commanded us to teach others to OBEY has commandments. Keep your discussions real. Head knowledge is for the classroom. You’re at a small group; keep the significance of the conversation in front of your learners. ! 16. Learn to push things to the extremes. We often accept truths because they are nice in the few situations in which we apply them. Challenge the answers your students give you by applying them in all kinds of situations, test them for consistency and accurately consider the implications. ! 17. Have students write down especially good questions and tell them to journal on them. This is also great for questions you don’t have a chance to get to… but be realistic, don’t dish out a dozen questions! ! 18. Ignite your passion. If you’re never passionate when you talk about God’s Word, spend a day or two fasting and studying and praying. If that doesn’t work, you need to talk with someone about your spiritual health, and you probably shouldn’t be leading a small group. ! Excitement and passion don’t mean doing back flips every small group session. Nor does it mean you’ll always feel “up.” I’m talking about the deep rooted joy that comes from walking in the Spirit. Don’t try to fake it, if you find yourself lacking, then run to God’s presence ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! **portions of The Art of Asking Questions was taken from the Small Group leaders guide by Doug Fields found in the freebie section of www.simplyyouthministry.com [13] #fusion2014 QUESTIONS TO USE ! Listed below you will find a series of questions that you can use to get a conversation going. Please GUARD yourself from being a LECTURER. Many times students have wisdom beyond their years and could potentially teach you something. Enjoy this time as you discuss issues relating to the message. ! 1. What was the most interesting thing Allen said tonight? ! ! ! 2. How is the Holy Spirit using this weekend to develop you as a believer? ! ! ! 3. After this session, what is one way your life will be different than it was before? ! ! ! 4. How did this session impact your understanding of God? ! ! ! 5. At what point in the service did you feel like God was the most present for you? At what point was He most tangible or real for you? ! ! ! These are 5 sample discussion starters. It is imperative that you listen to the message and develop some questions for the next small group time. Jot down things that seem relevant and powerful to you. [14] #fusion2014 FRIDAY PM NOTES [15] #fusion2014 SATURDAY AM NOTES [16] #fusion2014 SATURDAY PM NOTES [17] #fusion2014 GET TO KNOW YOU Grab a Square/Would You Rather: Have a roll of toilet paper with you before you begin the session. Pass the toilet paper around the circle and encourage each student to take as many pieces of toilet paper as they so desire. Next, tell them that they are going to tell everyone about themselves. Tell them that everyone must tell their name and the school they go to. Then tell them to count how many squares of toilet paper they have and inform them that is how many, “Would You Rather Questions?” And of course just for fun ask them to explain their answers. ! WOULD YOU RATHER? Swim through smelly sewer water or walk across hot coals with your bare feet? Be told you have a booger hanging from your nose or told you have bad breath? Use a MAC or a PC? Make a child cry or kick a puppy? Give a speech in front of 10,000 people or be arrested while on national television? Laugh or make others laugh? Give money to a friend or a stranger? Have no friends or enemies, or have many of both? Claim Christ and be put to death, or deny Christ to spare the lives of others? Change a bedpan or clean up vomit? Bleed maple syrup or sneeze grape jelly? Have a reputation as a gossip or a liar? Be lied to or about? Have your hair catch on fire or your eyes doused with Tabasco sauce? ! Take Five: Pass around a bowl of M&M’s (peanut, plain, almond, or peanut butter your choice) and instruct the students to take five M&M’s but don’t eat them. After everybody has gotten their M&M’s tell them that each color represents information they have to share with the group, besides their name and where they go to school. RED If you had to watch one move 100 times, what movie would you choose? YELLOW If you could see into the future, what would you want to know? BLUE If you ran your school, what new subject would be taught? ORANGE If you were banished to a deserted island, what four people would you take with you, and why? GREEN What is the weirdest thing your mom or dad does? BROWN What’s the one talent you wish you had, and how would you use it? [18] #fusion2014 REGISTRATION TIPS 1) Make sure student has a signed/notarized medical release form. If not, direct them to the notary.! 2) If student is not on the list, add them to the bottom of the list.! 3) Fill in any missing info on the list.! 4) Check for payment (if they have not paid, and they do not have money to give you, simply write in PIF in the payment area. You may ask, “Do you have a payment to make tonight,” but do not pressure them for money because it might embarrass them if they need a scholarship for the weekend.)! 5) Write form of payment in the space provided (if they pay with a check, please write the check number.)! 6) Make sure YOU put on the registration wristband for the student. Do not just hand it to the student. Everyone will be wearing a green wristband.! 7) Give the student ONLY the size t-shirt they requested (if they would like to exchange it for a different size, they can do so at the end of registration after everyone has been given their shirt).! 8) Direct them to the room they will meet with their host family/small group leaders for Saturday’s small group meeting at the church.! 9) Highlight the student’s name once everything is complete. [19] #fusion2014 SECURITY TIPS For the course of the weekend we will be using the student building, the children’s! building, and the old white building. Students should have no reason to be in the Main! Worship center or wondering around to the other side near the air conditioners.! ! FRIDAY NIGHT! * Students will begin arriving around 5:30 pm.! * Flashlights will be provided for you in the sound booth. Please feel free to grab one and put it back when you are finished.! * Primary areas will be in front of the Student building, in between the old white building, in the student building, in the children’s building downstairs, in the fellowship hall, and in the courtyard area between the old white building and the main sanctuary.! * Walk around and have John point out some hiding places students may try to find. That way you will know where to look when it is time to look.! * Each student must register and get a colored wristband. Please direct any student without one to the fellowship hall. Once they have a wristband, please direct them to the student building.! * Continue to keep each student around or in the student building and keep them from wondering off.! * You will get word from BJ when we need everyone in the student building.! * During services, rotate and have one person walking the perimeter every 10 to 15 minutes.! ! SATURDAY! * See Friday night instructions.! * Be ready during lunch time. Students are allowed to play in the grassy areas while everyone is eating, however, make sure they stay in acceptable areas. [20] #fusion2014 LET’S TALK ABOUT HOST HOMES! ! ! *Transportation--Do you need transportation? Have you let BJ know how many you can carry in ! your vehicle(s)? Please get with him and nail down transportation needs.! ! *MAPS to your homes--Please get us a map to your home. The transportation group and the ! ! photography/videography groups will both need to know how to get to your homes. Also, parents may need maps to pick up their teenager for time away during the weekend. Please email one to BJ at [email protected], so we can forward those to the appropriate teams.! ! *Cook/Clean—Do you need cook/clean? Have you recruited your own? Some houses have cook/clean already assigned, but if you still need help, please let Holly know, OR if you have recruited your own help, please let Holly know who you have. Sometimes, parents want to know who is working with their students, and we need to know the names of everyone involved...also see BACKGROUND check under everyone.! ! *You be the disciplinarian.! ! SMALL GROUP LEADERS! ! ! *Text the keyword FUSIONLEADER to 33733 to receive IRONMAN game challenges. Also at least one of your will need an instagram account. Be sure to follow @uhsm and turn your photos are private OFF. Also be sure to use the correct hashtags when instructed.! ! *Once service projects are over, you can have free time. We have plenty of rec equipment for guys (flag football, softball and frisbee stuff). Check PINTREST for ideas for girls.! ! EVERYONE! ! ! *BACKGROUND checks will need to be run on EVERYONE who will be here during the weekend.! ! *Do you need childcare for the weekend? Susie is providing childcare of Friday night and Saturday night ONLY. Please see Holly if you have a child 6th grade or younger who will need childcare.! ! *Do you have a personal relationship with someone who we could serve on Saturday? We are asking Host Homes to consider which of their neighbors may be shut-ins, widows/widowers, or unchurched families and ask them if their group could come and rake their yard. If you know of any widow or family in need, please contact the student ministry so we can assist them. THEY DO NOT HAVE TO BE CHURCH MEMBERS OR BELIEVERS. We just want to serve whoever Christ is calling us to serve! [21] #fusion2014 THE IRONMAN COMPETITION Points will be given at the beginning of some of our large group sessions together with up front games, by pictures, and by at home challenges.! At the end of the weekend we will total the points and declare a winner. Here is how you can get the points.! UP FRONT GAMES--before large group times we will play some games to earn your host home some points.! PICTURE and VIDEO challenges--You will challenged to take random pics and vids throughout the entire weekend. You will be asked at random times for pics or vids to be completed by your group (however you will not be asked to take pictures during small group discussion times). Each leader should be ready throughout the weekend to receive the challenges. You will be asked to post pictures to INSTAGRAM so make sure whoever is uploading the pictures has an INSTAGRAM account and pays attention to the correct hashtags (like #fusion2014). Students can post for the group, however they need to have their private settings turned off just for the weekend. It will also help if they follow @UHSM. When you post pictures to be sure and tell me which host home is sending me the pictures. Points for pictures are not judged, your home is awarded points according to when they are posted. Video challenges will be judged by anonymous judges. Point breakdown for pics and videos are 1st--1000 pts, 2nd--800 pts, 3rd--600 pts, 4th--400 pts, 5th--200 pts, and 6th-12th place--100 pts! SERVICE PROJECT—The host home who rakes up the most bags of leaves will get BIG points.! AT HOME CHALLENGES--During the weekend you may receive a text about a challenge you need to complete at home and bring with you to the next sessions. We will judge the challenges at church. [22]
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