New Asia titles from Sweet & Maxwell Special discount until 31 October 2014 Business Law in Hong Kong 4th 2014 9789626615362 / D.K. Srivastava / Paperback / Sep 2014 / HK$ 1,350 Now at HK$ 1,215 The fourth edition of Business Law in Hong Kong continues to provide an overview of some basic themes relating to law and the legal system in Hong Kong. The new edition takes into account the most important development which has been coming into effect of the new Companies Ordinance (Cap.622) in March 2014. While the substance of company law is the same, the landscape has changed significantly, required a radical revision to the chapter on company law and consequential revision of the partnership law chapter. Worth noting the insolvency provisions of the previous Companies Ordinance (Cap.32), now re‐titled Companies (Winding up and Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Cap.32), remain in force and these should now be read with the new Companies Ordinance (Cap.622). Civil Procedure In Hong Kong, A guide to Main Principles 3rd 2014 9789626616185 / Dave Lau / Paperback / Aug 2014 / HK$ 1,100 Now at HK$ 990 Civil Procedure in Hong Kong: A Guide to the Main Principles, 3rd Edition is a popular text with students and practitioners, has developed a reputation as being user‐friendly, simply written guide to the main principles of civil procedure. More than five years have passed since the coming into effect of the Civil Justice Reform (CJR). The Court has given much guidance on many aspects of the new rules, including in the last couple of years or so where there have been more appellate decisions. Important developments, updated case law and refinements include: The Court of Final Appeal’s restatement of the law on dismissal of want of prosecution The large body of post CJR‐case law which has developed A substantial amount of guidance issued by the Courts on the new CJR rules Many parts of the existing text have also been revised or refined, in order to provide clearer or expanded explanations. More examples from recent cases have also been included Increased emphasis on the Court’s post‐CJR approach New Companies Ordinance provisions A Guide to wills and Probate in Hong Kong 2014 9789626615881 / Rebecca Ong / Paperback / Aug 2014 / HK$ 955 Now at HK$ 860 Written for both practitioners and students, A Guide to Wills and Probate in Hong Kong is practically oriented with: Detailed checklists A useful selection of precedents and Probate Registry forms Practice Directions Guidance on specific matters such as what one might do where one is not capable of managing one’s affairs whilst still alive How one might deal with digital assess New Asia titles from Sweet & Maxwell Special discount until 31 October 2014 Law and Justice in Hong Kong 2014 9789626614600 / Eric Ip / Paperback / Sep 2014 / HK$ 950 Now at HK$ 855 Written in a lucid narrative style, Law and Justice in Hong Kong encourages readers to appreciate the underlying values of law and justice in the context of wider global and regional developments. It also explains the crucial role played by the rule of law throughout Hong Kong’s transition from a cluster of fishing settlements into a consequential international financial centre over the course of one hundred and seventy years. Comprehensive content on common law, international law & Chinese law in Hong Kong: An essential primer on the legal system of Hong Kong Places the study of Hong Kong law into the context of wider global and regional developments Discusses aspects of public international law and Chinese law that are relevant to the practice of law and administration of justice in Hong Kong Up‐to‐Date cases and latest developments: Uses new and engaging cases to illustrate the fundamental principles of law and justice Covers latest developments including heightened public concern over the rule of law and judicial independence, the nascent statutory frameworks governing arbitration and mediation, and cross‐border legal exchanges between Hong Kong and mainland China A practical approach to provide a concise & quick summary of fundamental legal and constitutional principles: Uses charts and diagrams to enhance understanding of legal concepts Includes a concise summary of key points at the end of each chapter Corporate Law in China – Structure, Governance and Regulation 9789626614365 / Shen Wei / Paperback / Aug 2014 / HK$ 2,000 Now at HK$ 1,800 Corporate Law in China – Structure, Governance and Regulation examines the latest 2013 amendments to the PRC Company Law, which is considered by many as a milestone in China’s quest for what is thought to be an eventual consolidation of one single corporate law regime, applicable to domestic entities, as well as foreign‐invested enterprises. Provides a comprehensive and critical study of China’s corporate law regime and the newly revised PRC Company law: - Includes an in‐depth analysis of the two main types of corporations in China: Limited Liability Companies and Joint Stock Companies Highlights the amendments made to the Company Law in 2013, including: - New corporate finance rules abolishing the paid‐in capital - Minimum registered capital - Installment of registered capital contribution - Restriction on the percentage of contribution in cash - Creation of a capital subscription system - New practices in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone New Asia titles from Sweet & Maxwell Special discount until 31 October 2014 Data Protection Law in Asia 9789626616598 / Abu Bakar Munir, Siti Hajar Mohd Yasin & Md. Ershadul Karim / Oct 2014 HK$ 2,000 Now at HK$ 1,800 In the Asia Pacific region, the protection of personal data in maintaining a business relationship is beyond doubt and considered as a prerequisite for trusted business ties. Apart from such business demands, protection of personal data of those involved is a paramount concern for jurisdictions. Data Protection Law in Asia is the first publication of its kind to provide a detailed, comparative and critical overview as to personal data protection laws in 11 jurisdictions of the Asia Pacific region. Specific legislation on personal data and information examined: Australia’s Privacy Act 1988 Hong Kong’s Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance Japan’s Personal Information Protection Act Malaysian Personal Data Protection Act New Zealand’s Privacy Act 1993 Philippines’s Data Privacy Act Singapore’s Personal Data Protection Act South Korean Personal Information Protection Act Considers the statutory definition of personal data and sensitive data within each jurisdiction including: Data protection principles Responsibilities of the data user and data processor Rights of the data subject Roles and functions of the data protection authority Evaluation of performance of the functions of the data protection authority Compliance and Company Secretarial Practice in HK Companies 2014 9789626615348 / Andrew Tsang & Natalie Chan / Oct 2014 HK$ 1,200 Now at HK$ 1,080 This Book serves as a practical guide for company secretarial practitioners in the discharge of their duties and at the same time as a practical and/or study guide for non‐company secretarial practitioners, including those who are studying company secretarial or corporate governance related disciplines. For ease of understanding, this Book provides illustrations as to how company secretarial practitioners perform some Certain compliance functions of a listed company by applying the respective laws, rules and regulations in different fictitious scenarios, which are the most common scenarios we consider company secretarial practitioners usually come across. The illustrations are mainly narrative with dialogues, and generally based on a fictitious company, CS Private co Limited, a Hong Kong incorporated private limited company which is subsequently restructured to be a wholly‐owned subsidiary of CS Listed co Limited which will be listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange. Although not all situations can be covered in this Book, this publication seeks to provide readers – company officers, company secretarial practitioners, beginners of company secretarial studies, etc – a clear and basic concept of compliance, common and usual company Secretarial practices as well as continuous and ad hoc obligations with regard to a listed company and practical applications. 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