, ,_ L_.', Application Brief No. I D .... "_"--_"" ;_: _" _ "_ OrganicAcidAnalysisin WineandGrapeJuiceby CapillaryElectrophoresis 1006 Highlights Organic " Operating Conditions acids influence the stability and flavor of wines, s_mpI,pml_mllbn:Dilute1.0 mlof juiceorwine1o50 mlwilhHPLC gradev,,ape_. Add the in_rna_ stondard butyric acid, I O0 pg/ml, 1 : I and mix we_t. When it comesto fermentinggrape juice, theyhelp producers monitorthewine makingprocesssincetheyare good indicatorsof how far the fermentationprocesshas progressed. Currentmethodsof measuringorganic acidsare eitherexpensive or aren't ruggedenough for routineuse. Sy_,m: WaersQuan_ 4000 Capillary Elec_'ophoresis coChinFused silica, 75prn X 100 cm _,¢,.o1_: 5 mM Polassium phlflalale, 0.5 mM OFMTM Anion-BT, pH7 Injedlon:H_d_os_a_c 45 seconds vow: 20kVINego,,,e Po,.._ S_,pp¥ o._dlo= 254 rim, 0.3secondtime constant Capillary Electrophoresistogetherwith WatersTM NICE-Pak TM ChemistryPackage is a new, simple,and inexpensiveapproach to organic acid analysis. To preparea sample,you simplydilule it and add an internalstandard. Theautopurge featureof theWaters Quanta 4000 Capillary Electrophoresis Systemmakesany other samplepreparationproceduresunnecessary.Themethodis linear overa broad range of co_centrations,is reproducibleand hasshowngood recoveries. Thecost per testisa mere50¢. o,lq,ic._a 1Ch_o, id_ Or_i_l_,_,_,_ _/mq 2 Sulfale 3 Citricacid 127 2,645 :3,291 3oo 4 Tartaricacid 5 Mal_c acid 6 s,._,:_,_: ac_ 7 Acetic g _,pho_ acid 9 Lac_c acid _0Intemat standard _ 260 296 ChablisWine 10 4 2 I 7.15 min_ I Reference 1 2 Jones,W.R., and }andlk, P.,Am. lab., Iq_O, 22{91, 51 . 64 Kenney,BF.. InternationalIonChro_uk_,.c_y Sympos_'n,SanDiego, Coht.,Po,,e_ p_o,o_ (1¢x:_1. © 1990 Millipo_eCorporation N42 Waters Chromatography Division, Millipore Corporation, 34 Maple Street, Milford, MA 01757 (508).478-2000 : Ion Chromatography PowerLine" Systems Chemical Products ( Single keyboard control and Stainless steel and non-metallic systems. Innovative detectors. Linear quantitation over a wide concentration range with single point calibration. If you need to analyze for mona- and divalent cations, ionic surfactants, organic acids, anions, metals, and metal complexes, talk to Waters. and detectors with or without a separate personal computer. Waters PowerLine HPLC Systems put HPLC programming pumps, injectors, power where of it belongs--at your fingertips. All Waters PowerLine HPLC, IC, GPC, GC and Prepararive Chromatography Systems are controlled from the keyboard of the 600E PowerLine Module. Analytical to pilot plant scale chemistries. Bulk media. Specialty columns for amino acids, peptides, proteins, fatty acids, carbohydrates, organic acids, carbamate pesticide residues and polymers. Guard columns. Solid phase extraction cartridges. compression technology. Radial Sample filtration. Robotics. From sample preparation to post-column derivatization, Waters chemical products are essential for doing high-resolution Detection lit _--- ement • , -.. • ": II . UV/Vis: photodiode array, fixed, variable and programmable wavelength. Refractive index. Conductivity. Electrochemical. Fluorescence: fixed and programmable/scanning wavelength. Waters offers the food _7,"_,] Single and multi-system data acquisition and control. Networking computers. Baseline,TM Maxima," and technologist the best choice of derectors to solve separations problems now and in the future. Expert" Ease Chromatography Software. NEC and DEC hardware. From integrators to networking Special-purpose computers, Waters has a data solution to meet your every need. • "_ " systems __7._¢:_; representatives are the best in the business. Along with Waters applications chemists, they create a support network which guarantees your satisfaction. Waters D,v,s,ooof M_LUPORE i _._ ...... -, Waters Chromatography Division Millipore Corporation 34 Maple Street Milford, MA 01757 508-478-2000 Waters offers special-purpose systems for polymer analysis, amino acid analysis, peptide analysis, carbamate analysis, preparative chromatography, LC-MS, and sugar analysis. These systems come with installation and training, optimized methods, quality-tested chemistries, and the right combination of pumps, injectors, and detectors for reproducible analyses. PowerLine, Maxima, Baseline, Expert and Waters are trademarks ot Millipore © 1989 Millipore Corporation Printed in the U.S.A. 4/89 \ Support and Service chromatography. Waters technical and service Corporation / .... /
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