Our Mission: To be a community that lives and shares the transforming love of Jesus St. Peter’s Church News, Notices & Parish Pulse October 9, 2014 Our News & Notices Heads up! This Sunday’s Team: Leader: Chris Amstutz Powerpoints: Edwina & Danielle Kuewor Prayers of the People: Wentworth Brookes Refreshments: Voa Rajarison & Ravaka Olivia Sunday School: Di Keener (Pre K & K); Mona Williams (Gr 1-3); Fiona Crossling (Gr 4-6) Altar Guild: Myrtle Anderson & Shirley Harvey, Nevilla Parris This Sunday’s Readings: 1st Reading – Deuteronomy 8: 7-18 Psalm: Psalm 103: 1-5, 20-22 Third Language 2nd Reading – 2 Corinthians 9: 6-9 Gospel Reading – Luke 17: 11-19 FOR YOUR PRAYERS THIS WEEK Thu 9th Teamwork in Statten Island p11 Fri 10th Sunday School Sat 11th Alpha World Cup witness Sun 12th Pastors Mon 13th Thanksgiving Tue 14th Diocese of Montreal Wed 15th Ukraine Give thanks for the practical ministry of MDS & our team this Summer. May those they helped be encouraged. We give thanks for all our teachers and pray that He might bless & encourage them in their ministry. An Alpha VW van on the streets of Rio de Janeiro during the World Cup! May those who heard the Good News respond to Him. We give thanks & pray for Chris & Brian and their families. Bless and guide them. Meditate and give thanks for all His blessings - our country, leaders, our family, food… Bishop Barry – for wisdom, grace & godly leadership. We give thanks for the support given to Mrs Awan. Hundreds of thousands displaced people facing Winter, illequipped to cope. Help needed! Pray for Christians to remain strong in their faith. YOUR HELP NEEDED BRING GOURDS, PUMPKINS, ETC THIS SUNDAY! It’s Thanksgiving this weekend, and we need your help decorating the church! Please bring your produce and place them around the font or at the front of the church. Perishables will be donated to food-banks such as Share the Warmth. “VEGGIE TALES” MOVIE FOR 4&5 YR OLDS THIS SUNDAY Children ages 4 and 5 are invited to join Di Keener in the Pre-K/K room through the nursery to the door on the left to watch a Veggie Tales movie together. SHARING YOUR TALENTS AND CREATIVITY There are two parish events this Fall for which we need your creativity and talent. First is the Talent Show, at the Fall Dinner on Sat., Oct.25. Then comes the Art Show (including painting, photography, hanging crafts, and computer-generated art) at the Advent Party, Fri., Nov.28. Please be thinking and planning for one or both of these! If interested in participating, contact Brian for the Talent Show and Chris for the Art Show. ONLY 20 TICKETS LEFT FOR THE FALL DINNER (OCT 25)! Don’t miss out on this fun evening! Get your tickets this Sunday! Cash or cheque accepted. $10/adult, $5/child under 17; $25/family (max two adults per family). Tickets cannot be reserved, will not be available through the church office, nor available at the door. Talent Show participants will need to purchase dinner tickets. Activities for young kids will be available at the dinner. Friends are welcome. For more information regarding tickets please talk with Berney Creighton. 900 boul. Laird, TMR, Montreal QC H3R 1Y8 514.739.4776 514.564.5575 [email protected] www.stpeterstmr.org Page 1 LAURIN GOING TO SOMALILAND! Laurin Vroom, who co-leads our youth with Luke Bayly, is a nurse who works with high-risk deliveries in the Labour and Delivery Room at the Jewish General. For two months, from the end of October to nearly Christmas, Laurin will be volunteering her skills at a hospital in Somaliland, the northern-most (and least unstable) region of Somalia. Laurin will have living expenses while there, and so we are inviting St Peterites to provide both prayer and financial support for Laurin. Let's raise at least $500 for Laurin's living expenses there! If interested, please make out a cheque to St Peter's, submit it in an offering envelope, and mark the "Mission: General/Other" option on the envelope. WEBSITES OF INTEREST Looking for some websites about Christian faith? Here are some sites that might be of interest: http://www.colossianforum.org/ http://www.theosthinktank.co.uk/home http://www.faith-theology.com/ BEQUESTS AND MEMORIALS Corporation wishes to remind our members that a valuable means to support St Peter's financially is by providing bequests through wills, or providing memorials in memory of loved ones. Contributions of this nature will be suitably acknowledged. Sun., Oct 26 – THE MARRIAGE COURSE, IN NDG BEGINS Emmaus Anglican Church will be hosting the Alpha Marriage Course on Sundays, October 26th to November 30th, 6:00-7:45 p.m. at Isaiah 40 Foundation (5867 Cote St-Antoine Road, NDG). The course will be held over coffee, tea, and desert. The course will cover such topics as: taking stock of your marriage, building strong foundations, communication, resolving conflict, forgiveness, sex and finances. Registration is 50$ per couple; child care available. Registration cheques should be made out to Emmaus Anglican Church, in the memo section "Alpha Marriage Course", mailed to Emmaus Anglican Church, 982 Manning, Verdun, Quebec, H4H 1Z8. Please include your names, email addresses and telephone number on the cheque. For more information, contact Stephen Wishart, 514-630-6083; [email protected]. Fri.,Oct 31 to Sun. Nov 2 – FLAME RETREAT For a marvellous time of fellowship and learning with about fifty other men, talk to Brian about joining him for the annual FLAME retreat (Fellowship & Learning for Anglican Men's Enrichment), this year at Ermitage Ste Croix, near Cap St Jacques. The Speaker this year is highly recommended, The Rev Dr Ron Kydd, from Tyndale Seminary in Toronto. Sat., Nov 8 – ST. PETER’S TO HOST INTER-VARSITY QUEBEC’S ANNUAL FUNDRAISER DINNER Come represent St. Peter’s and support this Christian student network at their annual fundraiser supper to be held here at St. Peter’s on Saturday, November 8 at 6pm. Tickets $20 each, or $100 for a table of 6. Invitations on the info table. Let’s put together a couple of St. Peter’s tables. Please speak with Chris, or contact the office. Fri., Nov 14 to Sat., Nov 15 – YOUTH MOVIE MARATHON! It's back! Round 3 of non-stop watching of some of the best movies of all time. We are going to watch movies, eat snacks, hang out, and finish off with a lovely home-made brunch Saturday!! This event is to promote Crosstalk Ministries Senior Youth Camp! Please bring yourself, something comfortable to sit/sleep on (i.e pillow, sleeping bag, air mattress, lazy boy, etc.) and LOTS OF SNACKS to share!! Also we decided to make brunch this year, so we are asking for a 5$ donation to off-set any costs we have! Hope to see ALL of you there!! Senior Camp Staff MOUNT ROYAL COMMEMORATIVE SERVICES EVENTS For more info on any below, please call 514.279.7358 or click here. Sun., Oct 26 “Forever a Baby” Memory Service Mount Royal Cemetery has created a special children’s garden for the burial of babies who have died before or after birth. Family, friends, and especially children, are welcome to take part in a Service of Memory. Refreshments provided. 1297 chemin de la Forêt at 2pm. Thu., Dec 4 “Hope for the Holidays” A special evening of sharing ideas for coping with the loss of a loved one, with music, candles and the lighting of the Memory Tree. Begins at 7pm. 1297 chemin de la Forêt. Sat., Dec 6 “Good Grief” Workshop for Children & Teens Especially for children and teens who have experienced the death of someone close to them (ages 4 – 15 years old). Age-specific groups led by a team of trained volunteers provide a group format to help in understanding and expressing grief. Free admission and lunch provided. Registration required. From 9:30am – 2:00pm at Selwyn House School (101 Côte St. Antoine, corner Staunton) 900 boul. Laird, TMR, Montreal QC H3R 1Y8 514.739.4776 514.564.5575 [email protected] www.stpeterstmr.org Page 2
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