Melissa L. Shirley Knowles Science Teaching Foundation 1000 North Church Street Moorestown, NJ 08057 856-840-8263 (O) melissa.shirley@kstf EDUCATION Ph.D., Curriculum and Instruction (emphasis in Science Education), The Ohio State University, Columbus OH, 2009 ³ Dissertation: A Model of Formative Assessment Practice in Secondary Science Classrooms Using an Audience Response System ³ Cognate Area: Quantitative Analysis ³ Committee Members: Dr. Karen E. Irving, Chair; Dr. Douglas T. Owens; Dr. Ross H. Nehm M.S., Education and Allied Professions (Educational Leadership), University of Dayton, Dayton OH, 2005 M.S., Developmental Neuroscience, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland OH, 1997 Post-Baccalaureate Initial Teacher Certification Program, Ashland University, Ashland OH, 1997 B.S., Biological Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA, 1993 ³ Concentration in Biochemistry CURRENT APPOINTMENT June 2014-present Knowles Science Teaching Foundation, Moorestown NJ ³ Program Officer for Teacher Development ³ Responsibilities include mentoring early career mathematics and science teachers, planning and implementing professional development, and contributing to the evaluation and growth of the organization. PREVIOUS APPOINTMENT July 2009-May 2014 University of Louisville, Louisville KY ³ Assistant Professor, Science Education; College of Education and Human Development; Division of Teaching and Learning; Department of Middle and Secondary Education ³ Responsibilities include: teaching courses across undergraduate and graduate degree programs; recruiting, advising, and mentoring students across programs; developing new courses; conducting scholarly research and disseminating findings; seeking internal and external funding; engaging in service to the College, University, and professional community; establishing collaborative relationships with colleagues Curriculum Vitae – April 2014 Melissa L. Shirley Page 2 of 16 TEACHING POSITIONS July 2009-present University of Louisville, Louisville KY ³ Teacher Certification Courses Taught (BS and MAT programs): o EDTP 355 (Assessment and Research; Spring 2010) o EDTP 506 (Public Schools in America; Fall 2009, Fall 2010, Fall 2011) o EDTP 409/424/609/624 (Formerly EDTP 407/607/608/609; Methods of Teaching Middle/Secondary Science; Fall 2009, Fall 2010, Fall 2011, Fall 2012, Fall 2013) o EDTP 582 (cross-listed with EDAP 676; Technology Applications for Science Teachers; Summer 2010, Summer 2011, Summer 2012, Summer 2013) o EDTP 477/677 (Student Teaching Capstone; Spring 2011, Spring 2012, Spring 2013) ³ Advanced Level Courses Taught (MEd and PhD programs): o EDAP 637 (Using Assessment to Improve Student Achievement; Spring 2010, Spring 2011, Fall 2011, Fall 2012, Fall 2013, Spring 2014) o EDAP 694-77 (Ways of Knowing: Learning Theories in Mathematics and Science Education; Spring 2012) o EDAP 694-77/76 (Doctoral ProSeminar II; Spring 2013, Spring 2014) ³ Courses from above lists that I developed and piloted o EDAP 637 Using Assessment to Improve Student Achievement o EDTP 582/EDAP 676 Technology Applications for Science Teachers o EDAP 694-77 Ways of Knowing: Learning Theories in Mathematics and Science Education o EDAP 694-77/76 Doctoral ProSeminar II September 2007-June 2009 The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH ³ University supervisor for M.Ed. students engaged in field experiences and student teaching; worked with interns during middle school and high school placements in urban, rural, and suburban environments ³ Provided support to weekly program-wide seminars, including giving prepared talks on specific topics. ³ Conducted periodic classroom observations of student interns, led conferences between interns and mentor teachers, gave feedback on lesson planning, led weekly reflective seminars, and assessed interns’ weekly assignments. Contacts: Dr. Patricia Brosnan, Gail Hoskins Winter 2009 The Ohio State University, Columbus OH ³ Assistant Instructor for Ed T&L 636.02: Advanced Methods in Teaching Secondary School Science. ³ Planned and implemented specific lessons on animal use and dissection, assessment. Engaged in planning and instructional support throughout the course. Monitored and provided feedback during small group discussions and work sessions. Contact: Dr. Karen Irving Summer 2007, Summer 2008 The Ohio State University, Columbus OH ³ Graduate Teaching Assistant for ED T&L 721.03: Learning and Cognition in Science, Math, and Technology Education. ³ Developed and maintained online course system, graded major projects, and facilitated class discussions of academic journal articles. Contact: Dr. Doug Owens March 1998-June 2006 Olentangy Local School District, Lewis Center OH ³ Science teacher, grades 9-12. Courses taught include Advanced Placement Biology, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Honors Physical Science, and Physical Science. ³ Department Chair, Science Department of Olentangy Liberty High School, June 2003-June 2006 Curriculum Vitae – April 2014 Melissa L. Shirley Page 3 of 16 March 2004-September 2004 Columbus State Community College, Columbus OH ³ Adjunct faculty member in the Department of Biological and Physical Sciences ³ Taught lecture and laboratory components and assisted students in developing long-term independent projects for Bio 174, a general biology course for science majors, spring and summer terms. September 1996-December 1996 Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland OH ³ Graduate Teaching Assistant for sophomore-level Molecular Biology course. Graded weekly problem sets, prepared review lectures for recitation sections, and conducted test review sessions. PREVIOUS RESEARCH AND EVALUATION POSITIONS September 2007-June 2009 The Ohio State University, Columbus OH ³ Graduate Research Assistant for the Classroom Connectivity in Promoting Mathematics and Science Achievement project (funded through US Department of Education, IES) ³ Performed data analysis, collected project data from students and teachers, conducted participant interviews and observations, and prepared IRB amendments and annual IRB reviews. ³ Worked with the research team to develop annual professional development sessions and conducted workshop sessions with teacher participants. ³ Douglas T. Owens, Ed. D, P.I.; Karen E. Irving, Ph.D., Co-P.I.; Stephen J. Pape, Ph.D.,Co-P.I. January 1993-May 1997 Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland OH ³ Conducted independent laboratory research in a variety of areas during several laboratory rotations (including fruit fly genetics, molecular biology work, and embryological studies) and full-time thesis work in developmental cell biology. Alison K. Hall, Ph.D., thesis advisor Spring, 1997 Cleveland Education Fund, Cleveland OH ³ Served as Program Evaluator. In this program, fourth grade teachers from Cleveland City Schools used Inquiry-Based Learning techniques to learn about electricity in order to gain confidence in using and teaching about electricity. My role was to observe the teachers as well as the workshop leaders, identify problem areas, and conduct written and oral evaluations of each session. June 1994-August 1994 Wood’s Hole Marine Biology Laboratory, Falmouth MA ³ Embryology: Cell Differentiation and Gene Expression in Early Development. Six-week intensive study through both lectures and laboratory studies of the development and embryogenesis of experimental organisms. Selected from an international applicant pool of graduate students, physicians and post-doctoral researchers to be one of twenty-four participants in this prestigious annual course. August 1992-December 1992 National Institutes of Health, Bethesda MD ³ Participated in highly selective internship to conduct biomedical research in medical genetics. Worked on a project aimed at the identification, cloning, and sequencing of the gene for Huntington’s Disease on human chromosome 4. R. Daniel Camerini-Otero, Ph.D., Principal Investigator June 1992-August 1992 Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA ³ NSF-sponsored summer undergraduate research program. Project focused on isolation and characterization of a protein involved in the inflammatory response. William E. Brown, Ph.D., research advisor Curriculum Vitae – April 2014 Melissa L. Shirley Page 4 of 16 PUBLICATIONS AND MANUSCRIPTS UNDER REVIEW Shirley, M.L., & Irving, K.E. (In Press) Connected classroom technology facilitates multiple components of formative assessment. Manuscript accepted for publication in Journal of Science Education and Technology. DOI: 10.1007/s10956-014-9520-x Shirley, M.L., & Thomas, M.S.(submitted). Willing but not yet able: Describing pre-service teachers’ perspectives on and capacities to teach students from low-income families. Submitted to Teaching and Teacher Education. Perry, A.D, & Shirley, M.L. (submitted). Cultivating agency. Blog post submitted to the Knowles Science Teaching Foundation website. Shirley, M.L. (September, 2014). Whole class questioning (Part 5): Whole class questioning: Hearing from many student voices. Published in the September 2014 edition of the Kentucky Department of Education Connections newsletter for science teachers. Shirley, M.L. (2014, August). Whole class questioning (Part 4): Whole class questioning: Extended, focused cycles of questioning. Published in the September 2014 edition of the Kentucky Department of Education Connections newsletter for science teachers. Shirley, M.L. (2014, May). Whole class questioning (Part 3): Eliciting deep student responses. Published in the May 2014 edition of the Kentucky Department of Education Connections newsletter for science teachers. Shirley, M.L. (2014, April). Whole class questioning (Part 2): Are we maximizing the potential for rich formative assessment? Published in the April 2014 edition of the Kentucky Department of Education Connections newsletter for science teachers. Shirley, M.L. (2014, April). Whole class questioning (Part 1): Questions that stretch students’ thinking. Published in the April 2014 edition of the Kentucky Department of Education Connections newsletter for science teachers. Pape, S. J., Irving, K. E., Bell, C. V., Shirley, M. L., Owens, D. T., Owens, S., Bostic, J. D., & Lee, S. C. (2012). Principles of effective pedagogy within the context of connected classroom technology: Implications for teacher knowledge. In Ronau, R. N., Rakes, C. R., & Niess, M. L. (Eds.), Educational Technology, Teacher Knowledge, and Classroom Impact: A Research Handbook on Frameworks and Approaches. (pp. 176-199). doi:10.4018/978-1-60960-7500.ch008 Shirley, M.L., Irving, K.E., Sanalan, V.A., Pape, S.J., & Owens, D.T. (2011). The practicality of implementing connected classroom technology in mathematics and science classrooms. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 9(2), 459-481. Irving, K. E., Sanalan, V.A., & Shirley, M.L. (2009). Physical science connected classrooms: Case studies. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 28(3), 247-275. Shirley, M.L., Campbell, J.D., & Hall, A.K. (1996) “Development of neuron-specific tubulin precedes catecholamine synthesis in sympathetic neuronal precursors in vivo” J. Neurosci. Res. 46, 42-48. CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS (National/International; Peer-Reviewed) Curriculum Vitae – April 2014 Melissa L. Shirley Page 5 of 16 Shirley, M.L., Thomas, S., and Finch, J.T. (2014, April). Willing but not yet able: Preparing pre-service teachers to teach students from low-income families. Proceedings manuscript for 2014 AERA conference. Bohm, M., Nagel, R., and Shirley, M. (2012, Aug.). A tablet based application for teaching function and exploring concept alternatives during early design. A presentation at the ASME 2012 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering, Chicago, IL, USA. Proceedings available at: DETC2012-71118. Philipp, S.B. & Shirley, M.L. (2011). Understanding aspects of pre-service teacher questioning skills. Proceedings manuscript for work presented at the National Association of Research in Science Teaching annual conference, Orlando, FL. Shirley, M.L. & Philipp, S.B. (2011). Qualities of pre-service teachers’ classroom questioning. Proceedings manuscript for work presented at the National Association of Research in Science Teaching annual conference, Orlando, FL. MANUSCRIPTS UNDER DEVELOPMENT Shirley, M.L., & Thomas, M.S. (under revision). Mandates as opportunities: Curricular enhancement in an educational foundations course. Manuscript to be submitted to JoSoTL in September 2014. Shirley, M.L. Review of Donohoo, J. (in preparation). Collaborative inquiry for educators: A facilitator’s guide to school improvement. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin. Anticipated submission to Education Review. Shirley, M.L. Technology applications for middle and secondary science teachers: Course development and implementation. Manuscript under revision for resubmission. Shirley, M.L. Characteristics of questioning patterns in secondary science classrooms. Anticipated submission in 2014 to International Journal of Science Education (research). Shirley, M.L. Profiles in teacher knowledge and implementation of formative assessment. Anticipated submission 2014 (research). Shirley, M.L. Development and validation of the Student Science Reasoning Test (SSRT). Anticipated submission 2014 to Electronic Journal of Science Education (research). OTHER SCHOLARLY OR CREATIVE WORKS BESST Practices (M.L. Shirley, P.I.). (2013, March). First-year review for BESST Practices Mathematics and Science Partnership Grant. BESST Practices (M.L. Shirley, P.I.). (2013, November). End-of-project review and evaluation for BESST Practices Mathematics and Science Partnership Grant. Curriculum Vitae – April 2014 Melissa L. Shirley Page 6 of 16 BESST Practices (M.L. Shirley, P.I.). (2012, June). Student Science Reasoning Test. An instrument for middle and early high school science students addressing NGSS science practices, with items taken from AAAS and NAEP released item banks. CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS (National/International) Shirley, M.L., Thomas, S., and Finch, J.T. (2014, April). Willing but not yet able: Preparing pre-service teachers to teach students from low-income families. A presentation at the 2014 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA. Rich, C., Tretter, T.R., Willing, G., Philipp, S., & Shirley, M. (2014, March). Empirical evidence of elements that positively impact STEM retention. A poster presented at the ASEE NSF-STEP Grantees Conference, Washington D.C. Shirley, M.L., & Higgins, R.M. (2013, January). Development of a scoring checklist to assess pre-service science teachers’ concepts of formative assessment. A poster presentation at the 2013 Association of Science Teacher Educators (ASTE) International Conference, Charleston, SC. Weiland, I., Tretter, T.R., Brown, S.L., and Shirley, M.L. (2012, October). Is a PhD in science education the right next step for me? A presentation at the 2012 National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) Regional Conference, Louisville, KY. Pape, S.J., Irving, K.E., Bell, C.V., Shirley, M.L., Owens, D.T., Owens, S.K., Bostic, J.D., & Lee, S.C. (2012, April). Principles of effective pedagogy within the context of connected classroom technology: Implications for teacher knowledge. A presentation in Manfra, M.M. (Chair). Education technology, teacher knowledge, and classroom impact: Frameworks and approaches to research. A symposium presented at the 2012 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC. Shirley, M.L. (2012, March). Playing with your food: Issues related to using food to model science concepts. A presentation at the 2012 National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) National Conference, Indianapolis, IN. Shirley, M.L. (2012, March). Formative assessment through whole-class discussion: Recommendations for effective practice. A presentation at the 2012 National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) National Conference, Indianapolis, IN. Shirley, M.L. (2012, January). Evidence of formative assessment skills in pre-service teachers’ lesson plans. A presentation at the 2012 Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE) International Conference, Clearwater, FL. Philipp, S.B. & Shirley, M.L. (2012, January). Preservice teachers’ plans for questioning practice development. A presentation at the 2012 Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE) International Conference, Clearwater, FL. Pape, S.J., Irving, K.E., Owens, S., Shirley, M.L., Bell, C.V., Bostic, J.D., Lee, S.C., & Owens, D.T. (2011, April). Mechanisms for effective implementation of classroom connectivity technology in algebra I classrooms. A presentation at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual conference, New Orleans, LA. Curriculum Vitae – April 2014 Melissa L. Shirley Page 7 of 16 Lee, S.C., Irving, K.E., Owens, D.T., Pape, S.J., & Shirley, M.L. (2011, March). Modeling of student perceptions of learning in connected science classrooms: How to facilitate learner-centered environments. A presentation at the National Association of Research in Science Teaching annual conference, Orlando, FL. Philipp, S.B., & Shirley, M.L. (2011, January). Pre-service teachers’ self-analysis of questioning practices. A poster presented at the 2011 Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE) International Conference, Minneapolis MN. Shirley, M.L., & Philipp, S.B. (2011, January). A characterization of middle and secondary pre-service teachers’ questioning skills. A presentation at the 2011 Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE) International Conference, Minneapolis MN. Shirley, M.L., & Peters, S.A. (2011, January). Development and implementation of a revised technology course for middle/secondary science teachers. A paper presentated at the 2011 Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE) International Conference, Minneapolis MN. Shirley, M.L., & Irving, K.E. (2010, March). A characterization of rich formative assessment practice in secondary science classrooms equipped with an audience response system. A paper presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) annual conference, Philadelphia, PA. Shirley, M.L., & Irving, K.E. (2010, Jan.). A descriptive model of formative assessment in secondary science classrooms using an audience response system. A presentation at the 2010 Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE) International Conference, Sacramento, CA. Shirley, M. L., Irving, K.E., Owens, D.T., Pape, S.J., & Abrahamson, L. (2009, June). Formative assessment cycles in secondary science classrooms using interactive networked classroom technology. A poster presented at the Fourth Annual Research Conference of the Institute of Education Sciences (IES), Washington, DC. Irving, K.E., Sanalan, V.A., Pape, S.J., Owens, D.T., Abrahamson, L., & Shirley, M.L. (2009, June). Classroom connectivity in promoting mathematics and science achievement: Year 3 implementation fidelity. A poster presented at the Fourth Annual Research Conference of the Institute of Education Sciences, Washington, DC. Shirley, M.L., Irving, K.E., Sanalan, V.A., Pape, S.J., & Owens, D.T. (2009, Jan.). Implementation of connected classroom technology in mathematics and science classrooms. A paper presented at the 2009 Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE) International Conference Hartford, CT. Irving, K.E., Sanalan, V.A., Shirley, M.L., Pape, S.J., & Owens, D.T. (2009, Jan.). Implementation fidelity: Connected mathematics and science classrooms. A paper presented at the 2009 Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE) International Conference, Hartford, CT. Irving, K.E., Sanalan, V.A., Pape, S.J., Owens, D.T., Abrahamson, L., & Shirley, M.L. (2008, June). Classroom connectivity in promoting mathematics and science achievement: Implementation fidelity years 1 & 2. A poster presented at the Third Annual Research Conference of the Institute of Education Sciences (IES), Washington, DC. Irving, K. E., Sanalan, V.A., & Shirley, M.L. (2008, April). The connected classroom: Physical science case studies. A paper presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) annual conference, Baltimore, MD. Curriculum Vitae – April 2014 Melissa L. Shirley Page 8 of 16 Nehm, R., Shirley, M., Carassco, A., & Driscoll, M. (2008, April). Development, implementation, and evaluation of a new assessment instrument for measuring student knowledge of genetics and natural selection. A paper presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) annual conference, Baltimore, MD. Irving, K. E., Sanalan, V.A., & Shirley, M.L. (2008, Jan.). Technology-facilitated formative assessment in physical science connected classrooms: Case studies. A presentation at the 2008 Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE) International Conference, St. Louis, MO. Shirley, M.L., Irving, K.E., & Sanalan, V.A. (2008, Jan.). Teaching and assessing science through connected classroom technology. A workshop presented at the 2008 Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE) International Conference, St. Louis, MO. Irving, K.E., Sanalan, V., Abrahamson, L., Ucar, S., Shirley, M., & Pape, S.J. (2007, June). Classroom connectivity in promoting achievement in algebra and physical science: Implementation fidelity. A poster presented at the Second Annual Research Conference of the Institute of Education Sciences (IES), Washington, DC. Shirley, M.L., & Irving, K.E. (2007, March). Using TI-Navigator™ to explore science graphs. A workshop presentation at the 2007 Teachers Teaching with Technology (T3) International Conference sponsored by Texas Instruments, Inc., Chicago, IL. CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS (Regional/State) Thornburgh, W. R., & Shirley, M.L. (2014, April). Scoring the SSRT (Student Science Reasoning Test). A presentation at the 2014 Graduate Student Research Conference, University of Cincinnati, Ohio. Shirley, M.L., & Higgins, R.M. (2012, Sept.). Assessing pre-service science teachers’ concepts of formative assessment. A poster presented at the 2012 Mid-Atlantic Association of Science Teacher Educators regional conference, Pembroke, VA. Thomas, M.S., Shirley, M.L., & Weiland, I.S. (2012, May). Technology innovations in a culturally relevant foundations course. A presentation at the 2012 Kentucky Converging Trends Conference, Erlanger, KY. Shirley, M.L. (2011, Nov.). Emerging technology for enhancing science instruction. A presentation at the 2011 Kentucky Science Teachers Association regional conference, Lexington, KY. Philipp, S.B. & Shirley, M.L. (2011, Sept.). Pre-service science teachers’ reflections on questioning practice. A presentation at the 2011 Mid-Atlantic Association of Science Teacher Educators regional conference, Olive Hill, KY. Shirley, M.L. (2011, Sept.). Evidence of formative assessment in pre-service teachers’ lesson plans. A poster presented at the 2011 Mid-Atlantic Association of Science Teacher Educators regional conference, Olive Hill, KY. Webb, J., Doyle, B., & Shirley, M.L. (2011, September). Strengthening critical thinking in the teacher education program. A presentation at the 2011 Kentucky Association for Teacher Education Annual Conference, Georgetown, KY. Curriculum Vitae – April 2014 Melissa L. Shirley Page 9 of 16 Wolph, J., Sheffield, C., Peters, S., & Shirley, M.L. (2011, September). Balancing process and assessment in the education field experience. A presentation at the 2011 Kentucky Association for Teacher Education Annual Conference, Georgetown, KY. Shirley, M.L. (2011, May). Using word clouds to enhance teaching and learning. A poster presented at the 2011 Kentucky Converging Trends Conference, Erlanger, KY. Shirley, M.L., Thomas, M.S., & Schack, G.D. (2011, May). I-Searching for Meaning: Convergence of Critical Thinking, Technology, and Relevance. A presentation at the 2011 Kentucky Converging Trends Conference, Erlanger, KY. Philipp, S.B. & Shirley, M.L. (2010, Sept.). Development of pre-service teachers’ questioning practice through self-analysis. A presentation at the 2010 Mid-Atlantic Association of Science Teacher Educators regional conference, Johnson City, TN. Shirley, M.L. & Philipp, S.B. (2010, Sept.). Characteristics of pre-service middle and secondary science teachers’ whole-class questioning patterns. A presentation at the 2010 Mid-Atlantic Association of Science Teacher Educators regional conference, Johnson City, TN. Lee, S.C., Irving, K.E., Owens, D.T., Pape, S.J., & Shirley, M.L. (2010, September). Relationships among student perceptions of learning and student metacognition and teacher awareness in connected science classrooms A presentation at the 2010 Mid-Atlantic Association of Science Teacher Educators regional conference, Johnson City, TN. Shirley, M.L. (2010, May) Knowing what students know: Identifying and implementing high-quality formative assessment. A presentation at the 10th Annual Kentucky Conference on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Lexington KY, May 26-27. Shirley, M.L. & Irving, K.E. (2009, Sept.). Components of formative assessment cycles in secondary science classrooms using an audience response system. A presentation at the 2009 Mid-Atlantic Association of Science Teacher Educators regional conference, Portsmouth, OH. Shirley, M.L., Irving, K.E., Sanalan, V.A., Pape, S.J., & Owens, D.T. (2008, Oct.). Implementation of connected classroom technology: Comparison of mathematics and science classrooms. A presentation at the 2008 Northeast Association of Science Teacher Educators regional conference, East Stroudsburg, PA. Shirley, M.L., Irving, K.E., Sanalan, V.A., Pape, S.J., & Owens, D.T. (2008, Sept.). The practicality of connected classroom technology: Comparison of mathematics and science classrooms. A presentation at the 2008 MidAtlantic Association of Science Teacher Educators regional conference, Lake Lure, NC. Sanalan, V. A., Irving, K. E., Pape, S. J., Owens, D. T., Abrahamson, L., Boscardin, C. K., Ucar, S., Kaya, S., & Shirley, M.L. (2007, Sept). A professional development program for science teachers: Classroom connectivity. A presentation at the 2007 Mid Atlantic Association of Science Teacher Educators meeting, Ansted, WV. Irving, K. E., Sanalan, V. A. & Shirley, M.L. (2007, Sept). Connected classroom technology in physical science classrooms: Preliminary findings. A presentation at the 2007 Mid Atlantic Association of Science Teacher Educators meeting, Ansted, WV. Curriculum Vitae – April 2014 Melissa L. Shirley Page 10 of 16 Shirley, M.L., Irving, K.E., Sanalan, V., Boscardin, C.K., & Ucar, S. (2006, Oct.). A comparison of two approaches to statistical analysis of a physical science pilot assessment. A presentation at the 2006 Mid-Atlantic Association of Science Teacher Education annual conference, Marion VA. GRANTS AND GRANT PROPOSALS (as PI or Co-PI) - Funded Shirley, M.L. (2013, August). “Kentucky Junior Science and Humanities Symposium”. A proposal submitted to the American Academy of Sciences. Amount requested: $15,000 to coordinate annual high school research presentation event. Shirley, M.L., & Brown, S.L. (2012, September). “Kentucky Junior Science and Humanities Symposium”. A proposal submitted to the American Academy of Sciences. Amount requested: $15,000 to coordinate annual high school research presentation event. Bohm, M.R., & Shirley, M.L. (2012, February). “iDEAS: Transferring research from the laboratory to the classroom.” Proposal submitted to the University of Louisville Competitive Enhancement Grant program. Amount requested: $9300. Amount funded: $9000. Shirley, M.L. (2011, December). “Bullitt county educators studying science teaching practices (BESST Practices)”. Proposal submitted to the 2012 Kentucky Math/Science Partnership Grant Program. Amount requested: $224,602 over 1.5 years. Shirley, M.L., Thomas, M.S., & Weiland, I.S. (2011, October). “Advancing critical thinking about relevant issues in public schools”. Proposal submitted to the 2011-2012 University of Louisville I2A SUN Grant competition. Amount requested: $4300. Shirley, M.L. (2011, July). “Implementing technology to assess science concepts (iTASC)”. Proposal submitted to the University of Louisville College of Education and Human Development Research and Faculty Development fund. Amount Requested: $4000. Amount Funded: $2800. Shirley, M.L. “Supporting gifted students through academic competition”. (2005, May). Grant-to-Educators award funded by the Martha Holden Jennings Foundation to purchase training materials and pay tournament registration fees for a high school academic quiz bowl team. Amount Funded: $1800. Shirley, M.L. “Scientific investigation in the palms of our hands”. (2001, June). Grant proposal funded by the Olentangy Pride Foundation to purchase Palm Pilots ™ and ImagiProbe ™ sensors. Amount Funded: $5900. GRANTS AND GRANT PROPOSALS (as PI or Co-PI) – Not Funded Bohm, M., Shirley, M.L., & Nagel, R.L. (2012, May). “Collaborative research: iPads™ for design engineering alternative solutions (iDEAS)”. Proposal submitted to 2012 NSF-TUES award competition. Amount Requested ~$133,000 to UofL and ~$66,000 to James Madison University over 2 years. Shirley, M.L. “Measuring formative assessment skills of student teachers”. (2011, October). Proposal submitted to Nystrand/Offutt Scholar Competition for course buyout in Spring 2012, Summer 2012 salary support, $1000 in conference travel support, and $500 for supplies. Curriculum Vitae – April 2014 Melissa L. Shirley Page 11 of 16 Shirley, M.L. (2011, June). “LabQuests™ for science teachers”. Proposal submitted to the Vernier: Celebrating 30 Years award competition. Amount Requested: $10,000. Bohm, M., Shirley, M.L., & Nagel, R.L. (2011, May). “Collaborative research: iPads™ for design engineering alternative solutions (iDEAS)”. Proposal submitted to 2011 NSF-TUES award competition. Amount Requested $132,400 to UofL and $66,000 to James Madison University over 2 years. Shirley, M.L. “Formative assessment strategies of science teachers (FASST)”. (2011, January). Proposal submitted to NSF DRK-12 award competition, Challenge 3. Letter of Intent # L02272689 submitted November 4, 2010. Full proposal # 1118647 submitted January 5, 2011. Amount requested: $327,969 over 3 years. Shirley, M.L. “Induction year teachers’ use of formative assessment strategies”. (2010, October). Proposal submitted to Nystrand/Offutt Scholar Competition for course buyout in Spring 2011, Summer 2011 salary support, $1000 in conference travel support, and $500 for supplies. GRANTS AND GRANT PROPOSALS (as Key Personnel, Consultant, or External Evaluator) Tretter, T.R., Rich, C.L., et al. (Project funded 2012, Jan.; my involvement began 2013, Aug.) Partnership for Retention Improvement in Mathematics, Engineering, and Science (PRIMES). Project funded by NSF for ~$2M over 5 years. My role: Collaborator/Key Personnel, 10% effort. Funded through 2016. Saul, W. (2012, Jan.). “SciJourners”. Proposal submitted to NSF program. Amount requested: ~$3M over 3 years; amount designated for University of Louisville ~$500K over 3 years. My role: Educational Consultant/science content expert. Unfunded. Rich, C.L., Tretter, T.R., Riedel, T., Brown, D.N., & Steffen, J.M. (2010, Oct.). “Collaboration in mathematics and science (CIMS)”. Proposal submitted to NSF Mathematics and Science Partnership competition. Amount requested: $9,584,556 over 5 years. My role: Key Personnel, 25% Effort. Unfunded. Fenty, N.S. & Landrum, T.J. (2010, Sept.). “Collaborative teacher training model for adolescent content literacy and social development”. Proposal submitted to U.S. Department of Education IES Research in Special Education competition. Amount requested: $1,145,898 over 3 years. My role: Key Personnel, 10% Effort. Unfunded. Larson, A.E.& Kyle, D. (2009, Oct.) “Turning points”. Proposal submitted to U.S. Department of Education Teacher Quality Partnership competition, in collaboration with Jefferson County Public Schools, Louisville KY. Amount requested: $2,043,846 to UofL over 5 years. My role: Key Personnel, 20% effort. Unfunded. Rich, C.L., Tretter, T.R., Riedel, T., Brown, D.N., & Steffen, J.M. (2009, Aug.). “Collaboration in mathematics and science (CIMS)”. Proposal submitted to NSF Mathematics and Science Partnership competition. Amount requested: $9,560,395 over 5 years. My role: Key Personnel, 25% effort. Unfunded. Steffen, J.M. & Corbitt, C. (2009, July). “Revitalization of urban biology: Investigational education in schools (RUBIES)”. Proposal submitted to NSF GK-12 competition. Amount requested: $2,980,757 over 5 years. My role: Key Personnel/Educational Specialist, 10% effort. Unfunded. Curriculum Vitae – April 2014 Melissa L. Shirley Page 12 of 16 INVITED TALKS AND WORKSHOPS Using TapForms for Qualitative Research: Modifying a tablet-based database application for use in coding and analyzing qualitative research data. (2014, February). An invited presentation for ELFH 705, Qualitative Data Analysis. Contact Person: Dr. Melissa Evans-Andris, course instructor and Associate Dean for Research. Using NVivo for Qualitative Analysis. (2013, July). An invited presentation for EDAP 694, Introduction to Qualitative Analysis. Contact person: Dr. Maggie McGatha, course instructor. Advancing critical thinking through relevant issues in public schools. (2013, May). A poster presented at the 2013 University of Louisville Delphi Center Ideas to Action Institute, Louisville, KY. Contact person: Dr. Cathy Bays, Delphi Center. How It (Teaching Critical Thinking) Really Works: Aligning Assessments with a Strong Rubric. (2013, May). An invited talk given at 2013 University of Louisville Delphi Center Ideas to Action Institute. Contact person: Dr. Nisha Gupta, Delphi Center. Who’s Doing the Thinking in Your Classroom? Using Formative Assessment to Promote Student Learning. (2013, February 8). An invited talk given at the University of Louisville’s annual Celebration of Teaching and Learning. Contact person: Dr. Marie Kendall-Brown, Delphi Center, program chair. Using Concept Mapping Tools. (2010, October 16). An invited presentation for the Louisville Writing Project. Contact person: Jean Wolph, Director of the Louisville Writing Project. Implementing Effective Formative Assessment. (2010, September 22). An invited talk to a class of 8 Kentucky Teacher Internship Program interns enrolled in a seminar course at the University of Louisville. Contact person: Peggy Brooks, KTIP Regional Coordinator. Using Concept Mapping Tools in Science Teacher Education. (2010, August 20). An invited talk at the Teachnology Fair sponsored by the University of Louisville College of Education and Human Development Technology Committee., Louisville, KY. Formative Assessment in Connected Classrooms. (2009, October 30). An invited talk to the Assessment for Learning research group at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI. Cover Letters and Highly Qualified Teacher Status (2009, Jan. 30). An invited talk to pre-service secondary math/science licensure and M.Ed. students at The Ohio State University. Contact: Gail Hoskins, Program Manager. Using TI-Navigator™ to Assess Student Understanding (2008, Dec. 3). An invited presentation to a group of Indonesian education research scholars visiting The Ohio State University. Contacts: Dr. Doug Owens, Dr. Karen Irving. Crisis Planning and Prevention: Dealing with Emergencies in Schools (2008, Oct. 24). An invited talk to pre-service secondary math/science licensure and M.Ed. students at The Ohio State University. Contact: Gail Hoskins, Program Manager. Using TI-Navigator™ to Explore Linear Equations (2008, Oct. 3). An invited presentation to the faculty and staff of the College of Education and Human Ecology, The Ohio State University. Contacts: Dr. Doug Owens, Dr. Karen Irving. Curriculum Vitae – April 2014 Melissa L. Shirley Page 13 of 16 Introduction to Innovative Technology Use (2008, April 29). An invited presentation for an integrated math and science graduate course offered through The Ohio State University, Mansfield Campus. Contact person: Dr. Donna Farland-Smith, course instructor. A Perspective on Interviewing (2008, March 7). An invited talk to pre-service secondary math/science licensure and M.Ed. students at The Ohio State University. Contact: Gail Hoskins, Program Manager. AWARDS AND HONORS ³ Recipient of Kentuckiana Metroversity Grawemeyer Award for Outstanding Instructional Development for the project entitled “Preparing science teachers to implement emerging technology” (2012) ³ Nominated as a “Faculty Favorite” at the University of Louisville (2012) ³ University Fellowship recipient for first year of graduate study at The Ohio State University (2006-2007) ³ Member of Pi Lambda Theta (National education honor society) ³ Member of Phi Kappa Phi (National academic honor society) ³ Selected for inclusion in Who’s Who Among American Teachers (2004, 2005, 2006) ³ Nominated for Disney Teacher of the Year award (2005) ³ Carnegie Tradition Award (1989), merit-based scholarship award ³ Yale Book Award (1988) PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS ³ State of Ohio 5-year Adolescence/Young Adult (grades 7-12) Teaching Licenses in Biological Sciences, Chemistry, and General Science (Expiration July, 2014; renewal through 2019 in progress) ³ Collaborative IRB Training Initiative (CITI) Certificate of Protection of Human Research Subjects, Social and Behavioral Basic Course ³ Proficient with various software packages: SPSS, nVivo, Microsoft Office Suite, WinSteps, TQAS, HLM6. Experienced with integrating instructional technology into classroom teaching. Proficient with mobile technologies and their educational uses. OTHER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ³ Attended workshop on using an iPad app for the EQUIP classroom assessment tool (Jeff Marshall, EQUIP developer and presenter; January 2013) ³ Attended “Grant Writing Fundaments” CEHD Faculty Development Workshop (March 2011) ³ Attended “Developing High Quality Reviews for JRST” workshop (March 2011) ³ Attended “NSF Day” at Kentucky State University (training for writing NSF grants; December 2010) ³ Attended “Research! Louisville: The Art of Grantsmanship” workshop (October 2009) ³ Attended “Leading Professional Development in Classroom Assessment” workshop (September 2009) UNIVERSITY SERVICE ³ Faculty representative to Graduate Teaching Academy, University of Louisville (2013-2014) ³ Member of Middle/Secondary Education Personnel Committee (2013-2015) ³ Member of UofL CEHD Curriculum Committee (2010-2011; 2011-2012; 2012-2013, 2013-2014) ³ Member of CEHD Middle Level Task Force (2012-2013) ³ Member of University of Louisville Intramural Research Incentive Grants (IRIG) Review Panel (Spring 2012, Fall 2012, Spring 2013, Fall 2013) Curriculum Vitae – April 2014 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Melissa L. Shirley Page 14 of 16 Member of planning team for annual University of Louisville Celebration of Teaching and Learning (2012-2013) Representative to I2A Task Force, University of Louisville (2011-2012; 2012-2013) Member of UofL I2A SUN Grant Subcommittee (2011-2012; 2012-2013) Member of University of Louisville I2A HAT Revision Ad Hoc Committee (2009-2011) Member of UofL CEHD Student Grievance Committee (2011) Representative from University of Louisville to APLU-SMTI Conference (June 2010) Co-organizer of annual Graduate Student Research Symposium at Case Western Reserve University (1994, 1995, 1996). Responsible for organizing, publicizing, and managing food and facilities for a weekend-long event of student research presentations and keynote presentation by internationally known researcher. NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL SERVICE Professional Organizations ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Member of the Membership Committee for the Association for Science Teacher Education (2011-2014) Co-Chair, 2011 Mid-Atlantic Association for Science Teacher Education (MA-ASTE) annual regional conference (2011) Planning Team member for 2009 Mid-Atlantic Association for Science Teacher Education (MA-ASTE) annual regional conference (2009) Graduate Student Representative to the Publications Committee of ASTE (2009) Graduate Student Representative to the Regional Units Committee of ASTE (2008) Proposal reviewer for annual ASTE national conference (2007, 2008, 2012) Proposal reviewer for annual NARST national conference (2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010) Journals ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Article Editor for SAGE Open (2013) Manuscript reviewer for Journal of Science Education and Technology (2013, 2014) Manuscript reviewer for Journal of Advanced Academics (2013) Manuscript reviewer for Journal of Research in Science Teaching (2011, 2012, 2013) Manuscript reviewer for Journal of Teacher Education (2011, 2012, 2014) Manuscript reviewer for School Science and Mathematics Journal (2008, 2009) Other National/International Service ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Panelist for Standard-Setting Study for Middle School Praxis II test, Educational Testing Service (2014) Regional Director of Kentucky Junior Science and Humanities Symposium (2012-2013) Panel Reviewer (Science 7-12) for the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST; July 2011) National Teacher Advisory Board in Physical Sciences for Glencoe-McGraw Hill publishers (September, 2004) Selected from a large pool to be one of 20 NSTA WebWatchers, responsible for locating and evaluating web sites for inclusion as SciLinks in NSTA resources and publications, 2002-2003. This joint venture of NSF and NSTA trained educators to calibrate and use a rubric to assess Internet resources for appropriateness and usefulness, and to correlate them to National Science Education Standards. Curriculum Vitae – April 2014 Melissa L. Shirley Page 15 of 16 LOCAL AND REGIONAL SERVICE ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Judge for STLP/JCPS Regional Robotics Competition (2012, 2013, 2014) Judge for Kentucky Junior Science and Humanities Symposium (2014) Teacher Educator committee member for Kentucky Teacher Induction Program (2009-2010; 2010-2011) Science Fair judge (DuPont Manual Science Fair; March 2010) Treasurer, “Ohio State University Mathematics, Science, and Technology Educators and Researchers” (OSUMSaTERs) graduate student organization (Fall 2007 – Spring 2009) Science fair judge, 57th Ohio State Science Day (Spring, 2005) STUDENT ADVISING/MENTORING ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Co-Advisor and Program Committee Co-Chair for William Thornburgh, doctoral student o Taking courses Dissertation Committee Member for Stephanie Phillip, doctoral student o Completed dissertation summer 2013; currently in post-doctoral position at Miami University, OH Dissertation Committee Member for Cherry Boyle, doctoral student o Developing dissertation proposal Dissertation Committee Member for Pamela Larkin, doctoral student o Developing dissertation proposal Program Committee Member for Erin Moss, doctoral student o Preparing for comprehensive exams Advisor in M.Ed., Rank I, M.A.T., and B.S. science education programs o Approximately 10-20 students per year across programs Comprehensive Examination Question Reviewer and/or Writer for PhD and EdD programs Sponsor of student-directed Independent Studies o Fall 2011: Erin Moss; Teaching Secondary Science Methods o Spring 2014: Carly Speigel, Applied Science Inquiry OTHER RELATED EMPLOYMENT Fall 2004-Summer 2008 Glencoe-McGraw Hill Publishers/CMYK Publishing ³ Authored ability-differentiated mid-chapter and end-of-chapter assessments for a high-school biology textbook ³ Authored lab activities for selected chapters of a high-school biology textbook ³ Authored standardized test preparation questions incorporating higher-order thinking and data interpretation for a high-school chemistry textbook ³ Authored end-of-chapter test bank questions incorporating graphical interpretation, data analysis, and critical thinking for a high-school chemistry textbook ³ Authored end-of-chapter test bank questions for a high-school physics textbook ³ Reviewed high-school biology textbook activities for content and appropriate teaching strategies ³ Reviewed teacher ancillary materials for “above-level” students for a high-school biology textbook ³ Performed correlations between a wide variety of materials (chapter content, lab activities, assessment items, teacher resource materials) and science content and process standards for a variety of states for high school biology, chemistry, and physical science textbooks Curriculum Vitae – April 2014 Melissa L. Shirley Page 16 of 16 August 1997-June 1998 Upper Arlington School District ³ Computer consultant for Upper Arlington Early Childhood Center. Provided professional development and on-call technical services for preschool teachers and administrators in use and maintenance of computers in offices and classrooms. Reviewed educational software and made recommendations for purchase. SUPERVISION, ADMINISTRATION, AND SERVICE - OLENTANGY LOCAL SCHOOLS ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Member of hiring and mentoring team for new high school science faculty (2003-2006) District-level Continuous Improvement Plan committee member, 3 years. Co-author, successful Blue Ribbon National Award of Excellence application for Olentangy H.S. (2001). North Central Accreditation Committee member (Fall 2000-Spring 2002; Fall 2004). Led staff in-service meetings to solicit input regarding areas of improvement for the district for inclusion into the North Central process. Attended workshops and conferred with principal regarding accreditation process. Began new program of Advanced Placement Biology at Olentangy High School (2000). Researched textbooks, planned curriculum, and determined appropriate instructional materials to use to meet objectives of the class. Served on Gifted Study Team (Fall 2002-Fall 2004). Helped to develop the district vision of how to enable gifted students to maximize their potential in the Olentangy Local School District. Meeting Ohio Graduation Test Outcomes in Science (MOG-TOS) seminar series and 2-week long course sponsored by Ohio Wesleyan University, Dr. Mike Grote, facilitator; Spring and Summer 2001. Participant in SIRI workshop to enhance literacy in the content areas (Summer, 2005) Math and Science Leadership Academy, serving as a school representative to learn more about the Ohio ACS and the HSGQE/OGT testing program and assist colleagues in preparing students, 2002-2003 Data Analysis Expert, Summer 2002. Worked with the district Office of Curriculum and Instruction to collect and analyze testing data for the district. Used Microsoft Excel and Access to prepare reports and charts. Worked with Curriculum Department of Olentangy Local Schools. Evaluated teacher-designed lessons, entered them into a database, and correlated them to state and local standards. Served as on-call faculty advisor to elementary and middle school teachers to help them understand the science content of the Ohio Academic Content Standards so they may use them in the classroom. Participated on an ongoing basis in curriculum revision and implementation. American Electric Power-sponsored Energy Bike Coordinator, Summer 2001 to 2004. Attended a week-long workshop sponsored by AEP and the Ohio Energy Project to assemble and wire a bicycle connected to a generator and circuit board. This bike can be used in the classroom to support the teaching and learning of essential energy concepts. As part of my ongoing responsibilities, I managed the bicycle and associated resources, distributed information to staff members regarding usage of the bike, and presented a workshop to district science staff (grades 6-12) regarding the bicycle and how it can be implemented in their classrooms. Co-Advisor of In The Know quick-recall trivia team (2001-2006). Additional duties also included organizing an all-day tournament for 10-12 schools, spearheading fundraisers, and establishing a committee in 2005 to award the WOSU In The Know academic scholarship to two OSU-bound seniors. Chess Club Initiator and Advisor, Fall 1998-Spring 2002. Started the OHS Chess Club at student request. Led several fundraisers, enabling us to purchase chess boards and tournament chess timers. Initiated and coordinated several school-wide Chess Tournaments.
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