Saints Alive New Electronic Edition 10-12-14 1 of 4 Worship for Sunday, October 12, 2014 Traditional Service: 8:30 & 11am ~ Sanctuary ~ 1 Kings 17:7-23 ~ Mark 12: 41-44 ~ "No Half Measures" ~ The Reverend Dr. Silas Ncozana ~ The Reverend Steven E. Hein, DD (Hon) Contemporary Service: 10:50am ~ Brown Hall ~ Mark 12: 41-44 ~ "No Half Measures" ~ Silas Ncozana ~ David Augustus October 12-October 18, 2014 GOD GOD We seek to know, love and worship the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. FAITH FAMILY SERVING EQUIPPING Mark Your 2014 Calendar Riverboat Cruise, Saturday, October 18 Congregational Meeting, Sunday, October 19 Music on Market, Whitetop Mountain Band, Saturday, November 1 Fall Cookout, Sunday, November 2nd Bingo Night, Thursday, November 6th For a weekly schedule of events, please visit our website: CHILDREN'S MINISTRY Announcements for children and children's newsletter "Reel News" (Click Here) October 26 from 4-5:30 in Brown Hall (Printed copies of the "Reel News" are located throughout the church as well). The Session has approved a Congregational Meeting for Sunday, October 19, 2014 after the 11am Traditional Worship Service to be held in the Sanctuary. The purpose of this meeting is to elect the Elder and Deacon officers to serve as the Class of 2017. We thank those who have faithfully served on the Officer Nominating Committee: John Bohbrink, Joan Gray, Cliff Hester, Tom Lubbers, Carol McGowan, Angie Moore, Rita Pasquariello, Sandra Williams, Terry Wilson, Chris Johnston, co-chair and Jason Swain, co-chair. FAITH We strive to follow Jesus Christ, trusting in His grace, power, and love. SPIRITUAL LIFE "Come to the Waters: Spiritual Practices for Thirsty Souls": The Spiritual Life Committee invites all men and women to a one-day retreat led by Rev. Kathy Beach-Verhey of First Presbyterian Church. It will take place Saturday, Nov. 8, from 9am to 3pm at the Hub. The price of the retreat, which includes lunch and materials, is $15. You can find the registration form online, in the Gathering Area, or by contacting Catheryn Thomas (x229; [email protected]). Registration deadline is Oct.24th. Are you a mom with young kids? A working woman with flexible schedule? A retired woman? No matter your age or stage in life, we all desire to THRIVE Join us this fall for THRIVE WOMEN'S BIBLE STUDY Thursdays, October 2 - November 20, 2014 @ 9:30-11a.m. in the Hub (youth center across 15th street from the church) Topic: 8 Hard Questions Jesus Asked Led by Kay Hein and Dawn Mann A very limited number of childcare spots are available. Email Megan McNamara for more information: [email protected] To be added to the Thrive class list or for questions: email Kathy Risley ([email protected]) 10/10/2014 9:10 AM Saints Alive New Electronic Edition 10-12-14 2 of 4 YOUTH MINISTRY Link to the Youth Newsletter "Sprinkles". Packed full of yummy goodness for the upcoming week! (Paper copies are available around the church for those looking for printed youth announcements). The Spiritual Life Committee would like to thank those members who have signed up to contribute to the annual Advent Meditation booklet. Please remember that the Submission deadline is October 17: Send submissions to Jane Raney ([email protected]) Family We endeavor to be a welcoming community, caring and sharing with love and joy. Sojourners for October: You are invited to come hear Brooks Priek speak about haunted houses in Wilmington at the Sojourners meeting on October 16th. Program will begin at: 10:30 am, Lunch will be served at 12pm (cost is $5) Sign up in the Church Office on or before October 13th. Questions? Call Jane at 762-9693 Membership classes will be held in the Parlor (ground level - Market Street side) on Sundays - November 2nd, 9th and 16th at 9:45 a.m. We will be sharing about our congregation, our denomination and ways to make membership meaningful. New members will be welcomed on November 16th . Please contact Robert Lapp at 762-9693 or at [email protected], if you are interested in church membership or have any questions. FELLOWSHIP & CHURCH FAMILY RECREATION Riverboat Cruise: Join us on the Capt. J.N. Maffitt for a cruise on the Cape Fear River, Saturday, October 18th, 10am to 12pm. Cost will be $10 per person; snacks and drinks. We will meet at the Cape Fear Riverboats pavilion on Water Street at the foot of Dock Street at 9:30am (pay parking across the street). RSVP to Catheryn Thomas ([email protected]; 762-9693 x229) by October 13th Fall Cookout: Join us at Hugh MacRae Park, Sunday, November 2nd, 4-6pm, for fellowship, food and fun! We'll provide the barbeque, hamburgers, hot dogs and drinks. Bring a side dish or dessert to share; and bring a blanket or lawn chair if you like. Enjoy games, music and more with your SACPC family! Bingo Night: Thursday, November 6th, 6-8pm, in Brown Hall. Come for hot dogs and chili and great fun! Preparing our People for Service (POPS) Wednesdays @ 6:30 p.m. in Brown Hall Silas Ncozana will be teaching POPS on October 15th. Take advantage of this opportunity to hear how God is at work throughout the world. Our Malawi Friends will help our POPS crew cook an African meal for POPS Wednesday, October 15. Come join us! PLEASE BE AWARE: LIMITED child care will be available for those parents attending this class or leading D-Groups. Please take your child to the temple room downstairs and sign in to receive a beeper. (K-5th) 10/15/14 5:30-6:15 PM Wednesday Dinner Menu: Chicken Thighs and Legs, White Rice, Green Beans, with Dessert, and Beverages Cost: 13 - Adults ($5) 12 and younger ($3) Family Max. ($20) 10/10/2014 9:10 AM Saints Alive New Electronic Edition 10-12-14 3 of 4 SERVING We provide opportunities for all ages to share their love, gifts and talents near and far. Donations for October: October is officially designated Domestic Violence Awareness Month. As part of this awareness, we at SACPC will collect various items that are used in the operation of the Domestic Violence Shelter and Services. These items will be distributed to the shelter for use by the victims. Some items can be sold in the Resale Shops and proceeds again can benefit victims. Lists of these items will be available on the S&O table or online. Please bring your donations to the S&O table in the gathering area. The October S&O Bulletin Board is featuring the Phoenix Employment Ministry, Wilmington Interfaith Hospitality Network, and the Good Samaritan Fund. PLEASE take time to view the display to learn about all the services of these agencies to our local community. Domestic Violence Shelter and Service Casseroles NEEDED-PLEASE sign-up to prepare a casserole for the clients at DVSS. Call or email Carol Query at 395-1464 or by email at: [email protected] EQUIPPING We prepare our people to use, with love and passion, the strengths God gave them. Growing in Christ - Through Stewardship This week we begin a series of Stewardship events and presentations that will culminate on November 19 when we will make our financial commitments for the coming year. Our Stewardship focus this year is "Growing in Christ - - - Through Stewardship." Stewardship is not just about fall funding raising. It is God's guiding principle for our journey of faith. He calls us to be good stewards of all He has blessed us with. This broader understanding of Stewardship will focus us in the coming year. As Christians, we grow closer and more like Christ when we recognize and respond to God's call to work through us as individuals and as a church. God is most certainly at work in the life of SACPC, but it is when we choose to join in that work that we truly grow and change. The programs and services that bring the spirit and love of Christ to our community and to the world require our time and energy as well as our financial resources to continue. Through SACPC God gives us the opportunity to do His work with our hands. How are you joining Him? Please pray for our church as we begin this important time in the life of our church. Out of the Office... The Reverend Robert Lapp will be attending a Continuing Education Event at Montreat - "More Than None: Engaging the Religiously Unaffiliated" - and will be out of the office from October 12th - 18th. The Reverend David Augustus will be attending a Continuing Education event at Duke Divinity School - "Life after Christendom - Resident Aliens 25 Years Later" - and will be out of the office on October 13th & 14th. New Members... We Welcomed New Members on Sunday, October 5th at the Unity Service (10:30am) Steven and Jessica Nelson (Avery) by letter of transfer from First Baptist Church, Wilmington, NC. Please keep these agencies in your prayers for the month of October... Phoenix Employment Ministry, Wilmington Interfaith Hospitality Network, Good Samaritan Fund. Missionaries... Missionary Prayer Request: Randy and Jan Kent, Global Outreach Mission, France;Â 10/10/2014 9:10 AM Saints Alive New Electronic Edition 10-12-14 4 of 4 Service Personnel... To learn more about our Service Personnel go to our website at: Jeffrey Butler, Laura Cameron, Will Cameron,Andy Connette, John Haake., Theresa Harris, Matthew Hawkins, Charlie Hobson, Steven Hovdesven, Charles Smith, and Dan Wagner. CareLine & Prayer Connection... The CareLine gives a current list of prayer needs in our church: for encouragement ,support sympathy, or celebration. It may be accessed at 762-3588 or (password: care7). You may add a person to the CareLine by phoning the Church Office (762-9693) or by going to our website; click on the "CARE" tab, scroll over "Careline" from the dropdown menu and select "Careline Request/Concern". The Prayer Connection is our new "prayer wall." Prayer concerns for friends, extended family, or even for the world may be added here. Prayers posted will stay on the site for 90 days. There is also an option to add an update to an original prayer request. You may add a person to the Prayer Connection by going to our website; click on the "CARE" tab, scroll over "Prayer Connection" from the dropdown menu and select "Prayer Connection Request". Stephen Ministry Contacts... Sue Strickler, 392-2664 and Robert Lapp, 762-9693 ex. 215 Save the Date! Have you had a chance to see the NEW online church directory? If not, check out what you are missing! STAY CONNECTED Jan 30-31, 2015 Please remember that SACPC now has a New streamlined news submission process Deadline for news in the Saints Alive is Friday the week before the announcement is to run. We understand how confusing it can be in order to find the right person to send your information to when you need something published on the web, bulletin, or in the newsletter (Saints Alive). We have simplified that process, instead of emailing several different people now you can submit your information all in one place! If you are having trouble our website has video tutorials and "how to's" to help you. Forward this email This email was sent to [email protected] by [email protected] | Update Profile/Email Address | Rapid removal with SafeUnsubscribeâ„¢ | Privacy Policy. Saint Andrews-Covenant Presbyterian Church | 1416 Market St. | Wilmington | NC | 28401 10/10/2014 9:10 AM
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