C lick to view this em ail in a browser Franklin County Caring Communities Happy Harvest !!! twitter.com/2014fcccp1 Swanton Mentor Needed !!! National Walk to School Day October 8 ,2014 Our vision: A safe and healthy community that values all its members. Our mission: To promote healthy communities in Franklin County through positive youth development and substance abuse prevention. Remembering Catherine Join the Watershed Mentoring movement! Visit www.fcccp.org and click on Watershed Mentoring or call Beth at 527-5049 x 2 for more information. Link to our website Click to view this email in a browser Forward this message to a friend During the past several months, we were fortunate to have an old friend join our team to help out in the office. Catherine Bennett Silverstein, who several years ago was the director of the Franklin Grand Isle Community Partnership, joined us to promote family prevention, parenting programs, and mentoring. Catherine was full of enthusiasm and creative ideas, and she had loads of passion--and compassion--for moms in recovery, having experienced very tough times herself on the road to recovery. She was looking forward to helping with our Rocking Horse and other parenting initiatives when she suffered a broken arm in September. Shortly afterward, she died in her sleep. Catherine was always a bundle of energy and ideas, with a great smile and a word of encouragement no matter what the situation or challenge, so it is hard to believe that she is no longer among us. For her children, Rob, Catrina, and Levi, her parents, sisters, and their families, and her dear friend Mike we wish the comfort of love and happy memories. To all the people in the recovery and community justice families, we know that her life will provide inspiration for the journey, as it does for us. Link to my website Enosburg Prevention Group Northwestern Medical Center Fresh Start Smoking Cessation Classes Thinking about Quitting? Call Chari at 524-8480 to register for the next 4-session series to help you successfully quit smoking. Concerned residents of Enosburg Falls and Enosburgh Town have begun meeting to support a positive, healthy, safe community and tackle the challenges of risk, especially risk related to substance use disorders. The group drafted a mission statement at its September meeting. This group is open to anyone who has a concern and would like to support youth aspirations for a healthy community. The next meeting is scheduled for October 16, 4:00 p.m. Call Beth Crane at 527-5049 for more information. Link to my website www.buildingbrightfutures.org Guiding Good Choices Workshop Program designed for parents of children ages 9-14 years Do you want to learn more about how to: Is the way or amount I drink harming me? Click here to find out. "Talk. They Hear You." How to prevent drug use in your family? How to develop healthy beliefs and clear standards? How to say no to drugs & keep your friends? How to control and express your anger constructively? How to strengthen family bonds? Practice talking with your kids about the dangers of underage drinking. http://www.samhsa.gov/underagedrinking/ Contact us to sign up! Franklin County Caring Communities 802-527-5049 x 2 Betsy Fournier email [email protected] 67 Fairfield Street, St.Albans VT 05478 www.fcccp.org Underage drinking - it''s not a minor problem. Underage drinking, whether in the home, in a bar, or on the road, is never safe and always illegal. Concerned about underage drinking in Franklin County? Report planned and ongoing underage drinking parties, events, and violations to your local law enforcement and ask them to activate START. Questions? Call 5275049 for more information. Safe Home Parent Network is currently looking for town liaisons to promote, recruit, and support your community in efforts to have safe, healthy, drug free, and violence-free homes and communities. stipends available contact Beth or Betsy for more information @ 527-5049 Turning Point of Franklin In recovery or looking for support for your recovery? Contact Turning Point at 7828454 or drop in at 182 Lake Street for information on meetings and services. Prevent Child Abuse Vermont PCAV offer a range of parenting programs and classes. Patricia Hendee is our regional representative. PARENTS STRESS LINE: 1-800- CHILDREN (1-800-244-5373) or 802-229-5724 FAX: 802-223-5567 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.pcavt.org Parents of kids ages 9-20: Join today! SHPN member commitment: • We will supervise all gatherings of youth in our homes/property and ask for help if needed; • We will not allow the underage possession or use of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs in our home or on our property; undefined Front Porch Forum It’s free. It’s local. And it''s friendly. Check it out online at http://frontporchforum.com • We will set expectations for our children by knowing where they are going, with whom, what their plans are, and when they will be home; • We will monitor/lock up/properly dispose of prescription medicines; • We will welcome calls from other parents and support joint efforts to have safe, healthy, drug- and violence-free home Join the network online by following this link: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/safehomesfc . You may think that poisoning affects only a certain group of people – such as young children or older adults. This, however, is not true. Anyone, regardless of their age, race, ethnicity, or career, can be poisoned. Poisonings happen more often than you think. In 2008, 2.5 million people called a poison center because someone had 1 been exposed to a poison. Children under age 6 accounted for half of all human poison exposures reported to poison centers.2 However, adults are also at risk. That year, more than threequarters of all poisoning deaths reported to poison centers occurred among people ages 20 to 59 Help us spread the word about SAFE HOMES Parent Network! Share the link on facebook and twitter! Details about SAFE HOMES of Franklin County are also available at www.fcccp.org . Need more information? Call 527-5049 or email [email protected] to learn more. Red Ribbon Week October 23-31 Since its beginning in 1985, the Red Ribbon has touched the lives of millions of people around the world. In response to the murder of DEA Agent Enrique Camarena, angered parents and youth in communities across the country began wearing Red Ribbons as a symbol of their commitment to raise awareness of the killing and destruction cause by drugs in America. Enrique (Kiki) Camarena was a Drug Enforcement Administration Agent who was tortured and killed in Mexico in 1985. When he decided to join the US Drug Enforcement Administration, his mother tried to talk him out of it. "I'm only one person", he told her, "but I want to make a difference." In honor of Camarena's memory and his battle against illegal drugs, friends and neighbors began to wear red badges of satin. Parents, sick of the destruction of alcohol and other drugs, had begun forming coalitions. Some of these new coalitions took Camarena as their model and embraced his coalitions took Camarena as their model and embraced his belief that one person can make a difference. These coalitions also adopted the symbol of Camarena's memory, the red ribbon. Today, the Red Ribbon serves as a catalyst to mobilize communities to educate youth and encourage participation in drug prevention activities. Since that time, the campaign has reached millions of U.S. children and families. The National Family Partnership (NFP) and its network of individuals and organizations continue to deliver his message of hope to millions of people every year, through the National Red Ribbon Campaign. For more than a decade, many Franklin County schools have participated in Red Ribbon Week, choosing a theme for each day of the week and high-lighting the importance of staying substance free. Is your group holding Red Ribbon Week celebration this year? Post to our Facebook page or email us. We'd love to publicize your success! Below are links to resources to help you get started: http://redribbon.org http://imdrugfree.com http://redribboncoalition.com http://redribboncelebration.com http://www.preventionpartners.com/events/red_ribbon_week.cfm http://www.redribbonresources.com/ Mentoring Works! Mentor pairs It's a new season and a great time to become a mentor. Kids and youth are waiting. Are you ready to take on a commitment that is full of rewards? Ready to mentor? Contact us at 527-5049, email [email protected], or visit www.fcccp.org and click on Watershed Mentoring for more information. We would like to thank Northwestern Medical Center and Perrigo Nutritionals for their sponsorship of Watershed Mentoring! Would your organization like to become a sponsor? Call 527-5049 x 1 to learn more. "Youth Notice" Video Contest !! Resources Join Together at the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids Safe Supportive Learning http://safesupportivelearning.ed.gov/ Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration: http://samhsa.gov News on alcohol and drug research and policy - http://www.drugfree.org/join-together http://www.bolstercollaborative.com/articles/using-day-one-to-launch-asuccessful-school-year Supports for pregnant women and mothers with addiction Circle of Parents for Moms in treatment/recovery - "Wonder Women" Circle of Parents group is a facilitated, mutual self-help group for pregnant and parenting women dealing with addictions. The group meets weekly for about two hours. While you meet with other parents, your children are cared for by childcare volunteers. The group is free of charge. Call Patricia at 498-0607,or 1-800 CHILDREN for more information. Meeting time: Mondays, 9:30-11:30 a.m. at Turning Point of Franklin County! Rocking Horse Circle of Support classes: NEW Rocking Horse Circle of Support groups will be starting in St. Albans and Richford in September! Rocking Horse is a 10-week program for pregnant and parenting women dealing with substance abuse disorders (theirs or a family member's). It focuses on understanding the negative impact of substance abuse/addiction, managing stress, managing cravings, improving communication, relationship, and parenting skills, and gearing up for change. Participants enjoy refreshments and weekly gifts while building confidence and healthy, supportive friendships. Call Pam at HowardCenter, 524-7265 ex. 7 to register for Rocking Horse in St. Albans. Call Beth at Caring Communities, 527-5049 x 1 to register for Rocking Horse in Richford. Upcoming Events Webinars, trainings, and conferences: MVU Parent Group October 9th in the MVU library from 7:00 - 8:00 pm Sheldon Guiding Good Choice Workshop Starting In October at Sheldon School to register contact us at 527-5049 *** Guiding Good Choices(TM) Starting Wednesday, October 8, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m., Sheldon Elementary School. For parents of youth ages 9-14. Five Wednesday sessions. Light meal provided. Call Betsy to register at 527-5049 x 2. *** Women's "We Can!" Expo 2014 Saturday, October 18, 8am – 3pm at BFA Keynote speaker: Madeleine Kunin This is a free event! For more information, visit http://womenwecan.com *** 3rd Annual College Symposium on High Risk Drinking Thursday, October 9, 2014, 9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Creating a Campus Commitment to Alcohol Prevention: Working Effectively with Senior Administrators, Faculty & Students Being held at Middlebury College Featuring: William DeJong, PhD,Boston University School of Public Health & Staff & Faculty from Vermont Colleges and Universities * Registration Fee of $35.00 includes morning refreshments & lunch. Contact: Patty Baroudi 802-651-1559 [email protected] http://www.healthandlearning.org/events/? action=evregister&event_id=64 Tel: (802) 527-5049 Fax: (802) 524-3952 Email: [email protected] If you no longer wish to receive these emails, please reply to this message with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line or simply click on the following link: Unsubscribe Click here to forward this email to a friend Franklin County Caring Communities, Inc. 67 Fairfield Street St. Albans, Vermont 05478 US Read the VerticalResponse marketing policy.
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