A Publication of School Administrative Unit 18 — Franklin/Hill Three Rivers News We’re Growing!! There are so many positive things happening in our community, they cannot all fit in the 14 page format. Rather than exclude or “squish” anyone, the newsletter has been expanded to 16 pages. This has no financial impact on the email version; however, in order to avoid any increase in printing costs, there will be fewer copies available at our “drop off” locations. If you would like to be added to our email distribution list so you don’t miss anything, please email [email protected]. Thanks to the many organizations that provide input each month! Superintendent’s Corner Robert McKenney Once upon a time many years ago in the City of Boston there was a little boy named Bobby who lived on the middle floor of a three decker house with his mother and father and his older sister Barbara and his older brother Billy. During the winter months, Bobby would wake up on a snowy morning filled with excitement and anticipation that school might be cancelled. His brother and sister shared the excitement. “Turn the radio on Mom, turn the radio on, see if school is called off”. Then mother and the three children would listen anxiously for the joyful words, “In Boston no school, all schools, all day.” All three children would hoot and holler and make plans to go out and play as soon as they ate their breakfast and dressed in their winter clothing. Often times Bobby would say to his brother and sister “wouldn’t it be great to be the person to call off school. I’d like to do that some day.” Fast forward many years. Little Bobby is now grown up and he has become a high school teacher. He still wakes up on snowy days, hoping that school would be called, and when it was he would quickly get on the telephone and call his fellow teachers to meet for coffee and go to the high school gym to play basketball all morning. During this time he’d frequently say to his fellow teachers, “Boy I wish I had the power to call off school. I’d call school every chance I got.” Snow days were still fun for Bob and his friends. Fast forward many more years and now Superintendent Bob is watching the weather report on television and hears the warning that in 3 days there could be a storm developing with “mixed precipitation.” He monitors several weather forecasts over the next few days until the evening of the approaching storm. He sets his alarm for 4:30 AM and he has phone numbers beside him at the ready to call the bus transportation supervisor, highway department people and secretaries to put out the word should there be a delay or cancellation of school. Setting the alarm is not needed, however, because Superintendent Bob will be up about every hour during the night looking out the window and checking the forecast on Weatherchannel.com. Finally at 4:45 AM, after conferring with the Bus Transportation Supervisor, the Superintendent decides to: (a) cancel school or (b) delay opening by two hours or (c) go ahead with the regular school day. The primary consideration in making the decision of which of the 3 options to choose is the safety of our students and our employees. School buses, private automobiles and walkers all must be considered. He hopes and prays that he makes the correct decision each time a winter storm rolls in. And so, dear readers, you can probably guess that the moral of this story is, “Be careful what you wish for.” Finally, please be reminded that on days of inclement weather you, the parents, have the final say as to whether or not it is safe for your children to travel to school. Be assured that any parent who determines it is unsafe for his/her children to travel to school because of inclement weather, may keep their child(ren) home and their absences will be excused for that day. Let’s enjoy the winter activities of central New Hampshire, but let’s always be safe in doing so. December 2014 Volume 8 Issue 5 This newsletter is produced by SAU 18. Therefore, the following requirements are necessary: (1) No political advertisements; (2) No articles fostering drug, alcohol or tobacco usage; (3) No derogative statements in regard to culture, gender, age or sexual orientation. All decisions by the editor are final. Any submissions for future issues must be received by the 20th of the month preceding publication. Please e-mail to [email protected] or mail to Marcia Rollins at 119 Central Street, Franklin, NH 03235 The Franklin/Hill School Boards are committed to a policy of nondiscrimination in relation to race, religion, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation and handicap. Inside this issue: School News 2-3 City/Town News 4-5 Organizations 6-15 Community News 6-15 Sports 16 Page 2 Three Rivers News What’s Cool in Franklin Middle School — First and foremost, we would like to acknowledge all FMS students for their unbelievable behavior at the Veteran’s Day assembly. All students were extremely respectful and conducted themselves as mature young adults. They were even commended for their behavior in the Laconia Daily Sun “Letters to the Editor” section. Nice job all. Winter sports have begun! There were a large number of student-athletes that completed tryouts, but, unfortunately, due to limited spaces, we weren’t able to place everyone on a team. We commend all for trying out and welcome those that did not make the team to try again next year. Plymouth State’s T.I.G.E.R. program was a big success! Students were very receptive of the message and we had break -out sessions with the seventh and eighth grades. Trish Lindberg, the program director, came to the November PTO meeting and conducted a workshop on bullying with the parents during which we created aluminum foil sculptures and discussed how bullying affected us as children. Here, in the lovely world we so affectionately call the 6th grade of Franklin Middle School, we just successfully completed our first QPA showcase of the year on ancient Egypt and the human body. The topics covered were graphing, the digestive system, and the sequential steps of the mummification process. Every six weeks our students put on one of these showcases. Please be looking for directions coming home for the next project; as well as the date of the next showcase, which will be before Christmas vacation. Currently, in our ELA classes we are working on 6-Traits of Writing as the students create their own fairy tales and persuasive pieces. After this, we will be starting the third unit in the Treasures Reading Program, which will include the grammar topic of verbs and the comprehension topics of: cause and effect, summary, and drawing conclusions. Within our math classes we will be working on the topic of algebra at the 6th grade level. In the coming weeks, science classes will cover the topic of the earth’s structure, which will include volcanoes for our scientists. This study will go right along with our ancient Greece and Rome investigation. Please remember that we use the School-Home Newsline as our homework and daily activity reminder. We would like to thank all of our students and parents for a great start to the 2014-2015 school year! Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @fms_sau18 Dates to Remember: Dec. 3 – Midterms close Dec. 5 – Midterms issued Dec. 8 – PTO meeting Dec. 11 – FMS Winter Concert 6:30 – 8 PM Dec. 19 – Lip Sync Contest 6:30 PM Dec 24-Jan. 2 – No School for Winter Break The Magic of Reading On Wednesday evening, November 5, PSS held its Annual Title I Meeting. The theme was “The Magic of Reading”. There were over 100 people in attendance. After the meeting, the audience was treated to a magic show performed by magician Scott Jameson. He was very entertaining and held everyone’s attention. After the show, everyone was able to enjoy a snack of fruit and pretzel wands. Each child was able to choose a book to take home. Volume 8 Issue 5 Page 3 December Events Franklin High School Coffee with the Principal: Each month randomly selected parents will be invited to our school to share a cup of coffee and conversation with FHS Administration. We are doing this to get feedback directly from parents regarding their child’s educational experience in a more informal setting during the school day. We are providing snacks made in our foods program and a tour of the building. Riverbend Counseling Services: Beginning in December of this year Riverbend will establish an office at FHS to see current clients on their regularly scheduled appointment days. The Riverbend staff will also be on hand to assist parents with the referral and enrollment process that is required in order to access their counseling services for new clients. Grant for Social Worker Services: The School District was recently awarded a grant to increase the mental health and social work services for our students. This grant will provide for the hiring of a social worker for each of the schools in the district. Our current social worker Jenn Sumner will become the manager of this program and fulfill a supervisory role for these services. Business/School Partnerships: On Tuesday, November 18, grade 10 students toured Watts Regulator here in Franklin. Students toured every aspect of the facility as a matter of career exploration for our advisory program. We are also hopeful that these tours will lead to renewed interest in the pre-engineering program we have begun as well as the program at the Huot Tech Center in Laconia. It is also our hope that students will seek internships at Watts as the beginning of a career in engineering or manufacturing. Open Houses: Saturday, December 6 · 9 am – Noon Thursday, January 8 · 5-7 pm Saturday, April 11 · 9 am - Noon December 3 — PSS and JDB Picture Retake Day December 4 — SAU 18 School Board Meeting/Public Hearing on 15-16 Budget at JDB at 7 PM December 8 — Financial Info Night for Seniors/Parents @ 5:30 PM December 8— FHs Parent Advisory Mtg. 6:30 PM December 8 — FMS PTO Mtg at 6 PM December 10 — Hill School Board Mtg @ 6:30 PM December 11 — FMs winter Concert @ 6:30 PM December 15 — Franklin School Board Mtg—FMS @ 7 PM December 16 — JDB Holiday concert at 6 PM (Snow date December 19) December 19 — FMS Gr. 8 Fundraiser—Lip Sync @ 6:30 PM December 19 — FHS Student Council—Polar Express Night December 24—January 2 — NO SCHOOL—Holiday Break Paul Smith School Although all classes were busy during the month of November at PSS, the second graders were especially involved in enrichment activities. On November 6 grade 2 students presented their fall concert. The students performed “The Star-Spangled Banner” in honor of that song’s 200th anniversary. They also performed songs by Woody Guthrie, the Beatles and Bob Marley. The concert was well attended and the students did a great job! Mrs. Charnley’s second graders created posters for a bulletin board display outside of the Franklin Regional Hospital cafeteria. These fantastic posters show ways to stop the spread of germs. A picture of their great work was included in the LRGHealthcare News! Another great second grade project was making pies for the “Franklin Farm” disability group’s Fall Festival. Performers from Plymouth State University came to the school to present the TIGER Program “I’ve Got Your Back!”, raising awareness and seeking solutions to bullying behavior. Discussions were held with students and their parents prior to the presentation which took place on November 20. The TIGER Program is ongoing, helping to support the school’s efforts toward creating a positive school climate and creating safe schools for everyone. The first trimester closed on November 25 — watch for report cards which will go home on December 5. Your child’s teacher should be contacting you about parent/teacher conferences. Page 4 Three Rivers News What’s Happening in City/Town Government December 1 — City Council Meeting—6 PM December 2,9,16,23,30 — Hill Selectmen’s Meeting—6:30 PM December 3— Franklin Zoning Board at 7 PM December 4 — SAU 18 Board Budget Public Hearing/Meeting— 7 PM—JDB December 10 -Hill School Board Mtg—6:30 PM—JDBS December 11 — Franklin Mayor’s Drug Task Force Meeting at 5 PM December 17 —Hill Water Commissioners Mtg—7 PM December 18 —Hill Planning Bd Mtg—7 PM December 15 —Franklin School Board—7 PM at FMS December 25-26 — SAU/School Offices closed—Christmas December 25 — Hill/Franklin Municipal Offices closed— Christmas Planning will soon begin for the 11th Annual Community Day on May 9, 2015 If you would like to be part of planning this fun event, please contact [email protected] Franklin Public Library The staff of the Franklin Public Library hopes that everyone will have a wonderful Winter! During your activities this December, we invite you to stop by the Library to check out some books, movies, magazines, music or to use our public computers and free wi-fi. Remember, the Franklin Public Library welcomes those from other towns and visitors from other places to any of our programs. Here are the events scheduled at the Library in December. For the children of the region and their families – Storytime at the Library – Every Thursday and Saturday at 9:30 AM Miss Rachel, Children’s Librarian, will read stories to children and their grown-ups, then help the children make a fun craft project. This month’s sessions will involve stories and crafts about winter and all the fun holidays that December has. All ages are welcome to attend and there is no signup needed. The Franklin Public Library is sponsoring a Christmas Tree for the Festival of Trees in the Franklin Opera House! Come by the Library to watch our tree as it is decorated over the month of November by the children that come to our Family Storytime. The tree will be taken to the Opera House theater (City Hall City Council chamber) to be displayed with other trees from December 5 - 7. Every Friday between 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM, a representative from NH Employment Security is at the Library. He is here to help people with job searching and filing claims for benefits. Please call the NHES at (603) 229-4413 for information or to make an appointment at the Franklin Library satellite location. Every Saturday between 1:00 PM and 4:00 PM, there is an open crafts group that meets in the second floor meeting room. Anyone is welcome to attend and bring their own craft project to work on with this fun group of crafters. Tuesday, December 9, at 6:30 PM the Franklin Public Library is proud to present an evening with New Hampshire author, Ernest Hebert. He is best known for the Darby series, five novels written between 1979 and 1990, about modern life in a fictional New Hampshire town. Mr. Hebert is a native of Keene, NH and currently is a professor at Dartmouth College. He will read from his writings and will be available to meet after the lecture. There will also be books available for purchase and books can be brought to be signed. Please join us for a wonderful evening of literature. The program is free. Thursday, December 11 at 1:30 PM the Library Book Group meets to discuss the book, “Live Free and Eat Pie!” by NH storyteller Rebecca Rule. The book for January will be available to pick up after the meeting. Tuesday, December 30 at 7:00 PM – “Tea & Tales”. On the last Tuesday of each month, area storytellers come to perform at the Library. The evening consists of an open mike time, followed by the featured teller. The program is free and refreshments will be served. Please note that the Library has a large room available for meetings and other events (for example, baby showers). This room is on the second floor of the Library, is accessible by elevator or stairs and has a handicapped bathroom. Tables and chairs are available. The room can be used for free while the Library is open or otherwise by arrangement with the Library Director. Call us at 934-2911 to ask for information and to check availability. Call the Library at 934-2911 for more information on these programs. The Franklin Public Library is located at 310 Central Street in downtown Franklin. Happy reading! Volume 8 Issue 5 Page 5 Classes for Grades K-4 will be held on Mondays from 5:30—6:30 PM CLUB Grades 5-8 will be held on Thursdays from 6– 7 PM both will take place at the Bessie Rowell Community Center Lego brand building blocks engage children into concrete thinking with an interactive approach. LEGO Club will encourage creative play through the use of manipulatives and help to promote science, technology, engineering and mathematics, better known as STEM. Students will create their own designs each week and some weeks will have a theme. Interested in a hands-on approach to problem-solving and creative thinking? Call 934-2118 or visit the Franklin Parks & Rec Dept. at 12 Rowell Drive. FRANKLIN PARKS & RECREATION Krystal Alpers, Director Check out the Winter Brochure (available online or at the Community Center) for the following programs: PRE-SCHOOL—KINDERGARTEN BASKETBALL When: Saturdays — January 10—February 14 Pre-school: 9—9:45 AM Kindergarten: 10—10:45 AM Cost: $20 (resident)/$30 (non-resident) Registration Deadline: January 3 1st & 2nd GRADE BASKETBALL When: Saturdays — December 6-February 14 (weeknight practice TBD) 11 AM to Noon Cost: $30 (resident)/$40 (non-resident) Registration Deadline: November 28 IRISH STEP DANCE CLASSES — ages 5 and up When: Wednesdays 5:30—6:30 PM — December 10—January 28 (no class 12/24 or 12/31) Cost: $40 (resident)/$45 (non-resident) Registration Deadline: December 7 TUMBLING TYKES—ages 2-4 When: Tuesdays — January 6—February 10 9—9:30 AM Cost: $25 (resident)/$30 (non-resident) Registration Deadline: December 30 ARCHERY — ages 6—adult When: Thursdays — December 4-18, January 8-29, February 5 Cost: $40 (resident)/$50 (non-resident) Registration Deadline: November 28 BEGINNER & INTERMEDIATE GUITAR LESSONS—Grades 5-9 When: Wednesdays — January 7 - February 11 Beginner: 4—4:45 PM/Advanced 4:45—5 PM Cost: $70 (resident)/$75 (non-resident) Registration Deadline: December 31 ZUMBA When: Tuesdays 5:15—6 PM; Thursdays 4:15—5 PM; Saturdays 8:30—9:15 AM Cost: $5 session or $20 for 5 classes! First Class FREE BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM — OPEN SNOW DAYS & DELAYS, TEACHER WORKSHOP DAYS & EARLY RELEASE DAYS Monday—Friday — Grades K-8 LICENSED FACILITY For more information, please call 934-2118 or visit our website at www.franklinnh.org Page 6 Three Rivers News Upcoming Events 2nd Annual Festival of Trees December 5—7 A fun and festive holiday fundraiser for the Franklin Opera House; this year's event will be bigger and better - we've added decorated wreaths to our selection of floor-stand and table-top trees! Enter the raffle to win a variety of prizes featuring trees and wreaths decorated by local families, individuals, businesses and organizations. A special holiday themed afghan has been added too! Admission: Only $5.00; Children under 12 are free. Raffle Tickets: Hours: $5.00 for a sheet of 25 tickets. Select multiple items and/or increase your odds for winning your favorites! Friday December 5th - 5:00pm to 8:00pm Saturday December 6th - 10:00am to 5:30pm Sunday December 7th - 10:00am to 12pm Sweet, Hot & Sassy December 6 at 7 PM Tickets: $18 Adult/$16 Seniors/$10 Children Ticket also entitles you to free admission to the Festival of Trees on any day. Just bring your ticket with you for free entry Strathspey & Reel Society of NH December 7 at 2 PM Tickets: $12 Adult/$10 Seniors/$6 Children Ticket also entitles you to free admission to the Festival of Trees on any day. Just bring your ticket with you for free entry Buy tickets early for the always popular Murder Mystery Dessert Theater January 10 at 7:30 PM Volume 8 Issue 5 Page 7 Paul Smith Elementary School Garden Over the past few years a great group of volunteers have worked many hours to implement a school garden at Paul Smith Elementary School. In an effort to keep the garden “growing” we are looking for volunteers to join our Garden Committee in an effort to properly schedule needed maintenance (watering, weeding, harvesting) as well as work with the school to give the students the wonderful hands on learning this garden provides. If you are interested in helping out please fill out the bottom portion of this form. I would love to help with the following: □ Become the Coordinator of the Garden Committee □ Become a member of the Garden Committee □ Help in Harvesting the Garden □ Help Maintain the Garden Name: ________________________________Phone: ________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________________________________ Please return this form to: Krystal Alpers at 12 Rowell Drive, Franklin ~ email: [email protected] ~ fax: 934-7410 Page 8 Page 9 VISIT SANTA’S WORKSHOP Friday, December 5 from 3:30—6 PM FREE event for area children ages 12 and under GOODY BAGS — MAKE & TAKE CRAFTS — COOKIE DECORATING TOYS — CANDY — FACE PAINTING — CAROLING — REFRESHMENTS PICTURES WITH SANTA!! Children 12 and under MUST be accompanied by an adult. TREE LIGHTING CEREMONY WILLTAKE PLACE AT 6 PM AT SCOTT MARCEAU MEMORIAL PARK 64GB iPad Air Raffle Franklin Area Lions Club Presents The Franklin Mayor’s Drug Task Force is a grant-funded community coalition. Our current grant is ending and it is time to re-apply. All proceeds of this raffle will go toward hiring a grant writer to help us achieve future funding. SANTA & MRS. CLAUS PANCAKE BREAKFAST Free Photos Taken with Santa! SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20 7:30—10 AM TICKETS ARE $20 EACH Only 100 tickets will be sold — so buy yours today! Soda Shoppe—Central Street—Franklin Drawing will be held on December 24 You do not have to be present to win! Tickets $5 Price includes blueberry, chocolate chip or plain pancakes, syrup, sausage, juice, milk coffee Purchase raffle tickets at the Franklin Mayor’s Drug Task Force office located at the Bessie Rowell Community Center For more information contact Angela Lynch at 998-5337 or [email protected] FRANKLIN REGIONAL HOSPITAL AUXILIARY’S 30th ANNUAL LIGHTS OF MEMORY Sunday, December 7 at 4 PM Downstairs at the Hospital - Parking and Entrance on Edwards Street or main entrance on Aiken Avenue EVENT INCLUDES: Short Ceremony—Reading of Names — Light Refreshments Bulbs can be purchased for $3 (tax deductible donation) for each name read. Forms available in the hospital gift shop or by contacting Auxiliary. [email protected] Page 10 Three Rivers News December TRIP Center Events Ongoing Events for December Decorate a Cookie Monday, December 8 at 10:30 AM Decorate a delicious and festive holiday cookie to your liking with an array of toppings. Enjoy as your dessert after lunch. Bring a friend and let’s all get in the holiday spirit. Line Dancing Every Monday & Friday at 10 AM Chair Exercises Tuesday & Thursday Yankee Swap at 10 AM Friday, December 12 at Noon Join us for a delicious lunch then gather around the Christmas tree for an old fashioned Yankee Swap. To participate you will need to bring a gift-wrapped item ($5 limit). Enjoy punch, eggnog and dessert as we swap gifts and sing your favorite Christmas carols with us. Please sign up at the TRIP Center. BINGO Tuesday & Thursday at 12:15 after lunch Keep Movin’ Tuesday & Thursday at 8:30 AM Holiday Dinner Yoga Thursday, December 18 at 11:30 AM Join us for a delicious luncheon with us! Special musical entertainment will follow lunch. There will be door prizes, raffles and Santa will make an appearance for us. Have your picture taken with Santa! Menu: stuffed chicken breast, gravy, squash, mashed potato, peas and onions, rolls and special dessert. Sign up!! Wednesday at 10 AM $7 per session Cribbage Group Tuesday at 9 AM Craft Group Tuesday from 9-10:30 AM New Year’s Dinner Wii—Thursday at 1 PM TRIP Center walkers meet Monday at 11:30 AM and Wednesday & Friday at 9 AM at Bessie Rowell Community Center Wednesday, December 31 at 11:30 AM Enjoy New Year’s Dinner with us. The menu is baked ham or roast turkey, mashed potato, gravy, veggie, stuffing and cheese cake. Make your New Year’s resolution. Bring your family and friends. Lets make 2015 our best year yet!! Lunch in Concord Shop at Concord area stores then enjoy a delicious lunch. Transportation is $2 and the cost of lunch is your responsibility. SERVICE LINK RESOURCE CENTER Tuesday, December 23 at 10:30 AM Anita Oelfke will help you with your Medicare questions. You may have a oneon0one appointment. VNA Blood Pressure Clinic Tuesday, December 23 at 10:30 AM FREE HEARING EVALUATIONS Thursday, December 4 from 10:45 to 12:45 Licensed Hearing Instrument Specialist Christopher Streeter from Affordable Hearing LLC will be here for free hearing evaluations, hearing aid maintenance and hearing aid cleanings. Sign up at the TRIP Center or call 934-4151 for an appointment. Medicare Part D Open Enrollment October 15—December 7 Because your drug plan and the private Medicare health plans are allowed to change the premiums, deductibles, drugs covered and your cost in co-pays each year, you have the ability to change to another plan each year from October 15 through December 7. Even if you are happy with your current plan, you could save money by selecting another option. If you’d like help reviewing your options, call us. We are the State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) at ServiceLink: 1-866-634-9412. Monday, December 8 at 9 AM Gift Wrapping — Friday, December 12 from 9—11 AM Too many gifts to wrap? Too many cards to address? Bring your gifts to the Center and have them wrapped and cards addressed by our wonderful volunteers!!! We provide the paper and bows. This is free service but donations are always appreciated. The Center will be CLOSED on: Thursday, December 25 and Thursday, January 1 MOVING WEEK — January 12—16 The TRIP Center will be moving to our new location at the Bessie Rowell community Center on Rowell Drive in Franklin Volume 8 Issue 5 Page 11 MIX 94.1 FM’s 28th ANNUAL CASH AND CANS MONEY AND FOOD DRIVE This annual event is set for December 5—12. All monies and food raised stays local, benefitting a number of area organizations, including the Franklin Police Toys for Tots Program; Twin Rivers Interfaith Food Pantry; Bread & Roses Soup Kitchen; Community Action Program and many more. Last year was another record year for donations, with over $32,000 in cash and over 30,000 in non-perishable food items raised. A BIG THANK YOU to the students and teachers at Paul smith School and Franklin Middle School for holding canned food drives!! As always, your help is needed and greatly appreciated. You can make a Cash & Cans donation at any of these broadcast locations: FRIDAY, December 5 — 3:30—6 PM at Santa and his Workshop at the TRIP Center, Franklin SATURDAY, December 6 — 7:30—9 AM at the Annual Christmas Breakfast at the Pines Community Center in Northfield MONDAY, December 8 — 5:30—10 AM, George’s Diner, Meredith; 11 AM—2 PM, Sal’s Pizza at the Belknap Mall; 2:30—5:30 PM, Grevior Furniture, downtown Franklin TUESDAY, December 9 — 5:30—10 AM, McDonald’s in Tilton; 11 AM—1 PM, HK Powersports, Laconia; 2-5 PM, Belknap Subaru, Route 140, Tilton WEDNESDAY, December 10 — 5:30—8 AM, Willow Hill Food & Beverage, Franklin; 8—10 AM, Stafford Food & Beverage, Tilton; 11 AM—1:30 PM, Franklin Savings/Kramer & Hall Goldsmiths/Prescott’s Florist, Downtown Laconia; 2-4 PM, Irwin Motors, Laconia; 5-8 PM, Spaghetti Dinner, Tilt’n Diner THURSDAY, December 11 — 5:30-10 AM, Park-N-Go Market, Northfield; 11 AM—1 PM, T-Bones, Laconia; 1-3 PM, Wine’ing Butcher, Gilford; 4-7 PM Ciao Pasta, Northfield FRIDAY, December 12 — 5:30—10 AM, McDonald’s in Franklin; 11 AM—2 PM, Benson Auto, Franklin, 2-6 PM, Franklin Savings Bank, Upper Central Street, Franklin Donations may also be made by mail, payable to Mix Cash & Cans, mailed to Mix94.1fm, PO Box 941, Franklin 03235. For more information about this program, contact Fred Caruso at [email protected] Franklin Adult Education currently offers ongoing Adult Basic Education/ HiSET Preparation classes and the Franklin Adult High School classes which lead to an adult high school diploma. For next semester, we are considering the possibility of scheduling some enrichment classes based upon the interests of community members. In order to offer any enrichment class, there would need to be sufficient enrollment for it to be self-sustaining. Please complete the survey available at the link below if you would be interested in participating in any enrichment classes. If you know of anyone else who may be interested, please have him/ her complete the survey as well. The deadline for survey completion is December 31, 2014, and the survey results will be compiled and available on the SAU website You can access the survey as follows: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/XKLVKSY FRANKLIN LIONS COLLECTING INSTRUMENTS Franklin School District Music Program (chorus, band) is in need of musical instruments at the elementary, middle and high school levels. Please donate your old, gently used musical instruments, in consideration of up to $200.00 tax deduction. You can drop off instruments in the reception area at Franklin High School during school hours or call 9345441. To arrange for pick-up, email Paul Bourgelais, Music Director, [email protected] or call for pick up: Heather Makechnie, President, Franklin Area Lions Club, 738-4002. Page 12 Three Rivers News BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF FRANKLIN Elks Hoop Shoot — Saturday, December 6 Contact Information State Elected Officials Rep. Scott A. Burns PO Box 507, Franklin Rep. Lorrie J. Carey 151 King Street, Boscawen Rep. Dennis Reed [email protected] 934-3657 Rep. Leigh A. Webb PO Box 154, Franklin 934-8222 [email protected] Sen. Jeanie Forrester 78 Tracy Way, Meredith Sen. Andrew J. Hosmer 8 Summit Avenue, Laconia The Boys & Girls Club of Franklin, along with the Franklin Lodge of Elks, will host the Elks National Hoop Shoot Free Throw Program at the St. Gabriel’s Parish Center on Saturday, December 6. Registration will begin at 9:30am and the competition will take place starting at 10:00am. The Elks National Hoop Shoot is a free throw contest for youth ages 8-13. Contestants are assigned age-groups based on their age on April 1, 2015. Local winners will move on to district, state, regional and national competitions. Contact the Boys & Girls Club of Franklin at 410-5184 for more information. Thanks to Our Supporters: Thank you to PSNH — The PSNH ortheast Utilities Contribution Committee recently made a $2,500 Corporate Donation to the Boys & Girls Club of Franklin. After School Programs OPEN SNOW DAYS - The Boys & Girls Club of Franklin is open on snow days from 8 AM to 6 PM at our St. Gabriel’s Parish Center Club, for no additional cost to members. That time of year is upon us, be prepared, register today and only pay for weeks that you attend. STILL ENROLLING FOR 2014 The Boys & Girls Club of Franklin After School Program engages children in affordable, highimpact afterschool programming. Kids in kindergarten through eighth grade are welcome to join. We offer a variety of activities and programs that help kids succeed in school and encourage them to become caring, productive adults. Activities in the following core program areas are offered: Education and career development (includes tutoring and homework assistance); Leadership and community service; Health and life skills; The Arts; Sports and recreation; and Technology. For more information or to register call Tom 410-5184 or email [email protected] or check out our website: www.franklinyouth.org. Brochures and registration forms are also available at the Club, PSS and FMS. New Location for Junior Program (Kindergarten – 4th Grade) FRANKLIN ROTARY CLUB CHRISTMAS TREE SALE Franklin Shopping Center Parking Lot Weekdays: 1—7 PM Weekends: 9 AM—7 PM The Boys and Girls Club of Franklin’s Junior Program (Kindergarten-4th Grade) After School Program now takes place at Paul Smith Elementary School. Students conveniently meet in the gym immediately after school for a free healthy snack, homework time, and enrichment activities, and parents can pick them up any time before 6:00pm. For more information or to register call Tom 410-5184 or email [email protected] or check out our website: www.franklinyouth.org. Brochures and registration forms are also available. Senior Program (5th – 8th Grade) at St. Gabriel’s Parish Center The Boys & Girls Club of Franklin’s Senior Program (5th – 8th Grade) now has their own space at the St. Gabriel’s Parish Center. School bus transportation drops students off immediately after school, where members enjoy a free healthy snack, engage in homework time and enrichment activities. Members also utilize the full size gymnasium and game room, which includes Wii, foosball, ping pong, pool, and computers. Supervision is provided until 6:00pm. For more information or to register call Tom 410-5184 or email [email protected]. Volume 8 Issue 5 Historical Society As 2014 draws to a close, the Franklin Historical Society has concluded its regular monthly meeting schedule by reminding those in attendance at the November meeting of the contributions of the Franklin Outing Club. The story of that organization's first 50 years was graciously narrated by Kathy Fuller, after earlier that same day she had addressed the Choose Franklin gathering with a slide show outlining the next 50 years of the Club (it was a busy day for her). Through Outing Club volunteers, the Veterans Memorial Ski Area continues to improve the facilities to the betterment of the experience it has to offer, and for enjoyment of all Franklin's families. Please support the Outing Club in its ongoing efforts, starting with making sure to get your ads in for this year's booklet (call either Kathy Fuller at 512-1078 or Cheryl Joyce at 724-3254), and by buying your Winter Carnival 2015 pins! Then make your plans to attend all your favorite Winter Carnival events, from which there are so many to choose. The Society will conclude this year with its traditional pot-luck Christmas Dinner for members and friends at Thompson Hall, Sunday, December 14, with social hour beginning at 4:30 pm, and dinner served buffet style at 5:30 pm. As always, participants are encouraged to bring non-perishable items to be donated to area food banks, so that our good fortune may be shared with the less fortunate. Also in December, the 5th-7th, the Society will be participating in the Franklin Opera House Festival of Trees, with an artificial 4 foot tree decorated with photos of Franklin's past, and offering a copy of each book the Society sells (Alice M. Shepard's "History of Franklin" alone costs $25) to it's lucky winner. Visit the Opera House's website for details, at www.franklinoperahouse.org. Donations to our archives continue to arrive, either given in person or via the mails. Our thanks in abundance go out to: Rita Norander for some wonderful vintage photos including those of Franklin RR stations and the crew that constructed the Post Office in 1921, a 1925 copy of the "Daniell Junior (High) Echo" with an article on our city's history by her mother, and various pieces of Franklin business memorabilia; Kathy Fuller, for Xeroxed copies of articles relating to some of the important projects shepherded by her grandfather, Henry J. Proulx; Hank Amsden for a copy of the 1945 Year Book of the Woman's Club of Franklin; Betsy Davison (of Virginia), for a copy of the 1885 Manuel of the NH General Court; Steve Barton, for a 1974 fishing license in its original metal holder; Stuart Trachy for two 1950's era brochures published by the (then) Franklin Chamber of Commerce; and Linda Pauwels, for two cook books from the United Methodist Church, a sesquicentennial paperweight, and an original silver bowl, given to the candidates for Winter Festival Queen in 1963! The Society is extremely grateful for the renewed interest taken by many to preserve the artifacts and ephemera which document Franklin's past. In that spirit of further enriching our archives and expanding the ability to research connections past and present, the Society is seeking to Page 13 By Leigh Webb, President fill the voids in our collection of city directories, which provide invaluable information on individuals and businesses during specific periods of time. Anyone with directories from 1882-1894, 1896-1901, 1903-1916, 1918-1928, 1930-1938, or 1940-1946, 1953, 55, 64, 66, 68, or 1970, and is willing to donate them, please call Leigh Webb, at 934-8222, and an arrangement will be made to accommodate a pick-up and acknowledge the gift appropriately. In October, the annual presentation of the program "Daniel Webster's Connections to Franklin" was received enthusiastically by the fourth graders of Paul Smith School, and the project to digitize the Franklin Library's collection of vintage unframed photographs and stereocards (see this month's scan) concluded at the end of November. These photos will be the subject of two meetings of the Society in 2015, where members can possibly help identify those not labeled while getting a glimpse of images not seen in many years. As for the Webster/Tay House (our headquarters/museum at Webster Place), after Aletha Trottier noticed drips of water coming from the ceiling in the meeting room during the October presentation, a separated pipe was found, re-soldered, and the hole in the ceiling patched by the president, Leigh Webb. There is no shortage of tasks to be accomplished and chores to be done at the Society... Although no regular meetings of the Society will be held through the winter, with the monthly schedule of events commencing again on the first Thursday of April, 2015, a board of directors/ officers meeting will be held in February, at the call of the president. Until the weather gets warmer, and the flowers begin to emerge signaling the beginning of a new cycle of life, stay warm and safe. In the meantime, articles will keep you apprised in the chilly months ahead of any changes with the Society and of new additions to our collections. See you in the Spring! This month's photo from the Franklin Historical Society's scans of the Franklin Library's photos: the dam on the Winnipesaukee River just up stream from the RR trestle, winter in the 1890's. Now long gone, as is the mill for which it was created. Page 14 Three Rivers News You Are Invited to learn more about your community at the next Choose Franklin Monthly Meeting Thursday, December 4 at 8 AM Franklin City Hall/Opera House FHS Principal Richard Towne will discuss the FHS program that builds relationships between the school, local businesses and FHS students. Find out ways in which our students are learning real-life skills that better prepare them for college and careers. Thank you to PEABODY HOME for sponsoring our breakfast refreshments!! There is no meeting in January — see you on February 5 Choose Franklin is an inclusive group consisting of residents, businesses and interested parties, focusing on promoting Franklin by building on past achievements to facilitate future success. A Brief Survival Guide for the Holidays Expectations can run high during the holiday season, and it is difficult to avoid the frenzied activity and complex feelings that swirl around each of us at this time of year. Here are some simple suggestions for keeping the holidays more manageable and fun for you, your children, and everyone in your family: Remember routines — During the holidays, we all find our routines disrupted in a variety of ways, and when important routines are disrupted we can feel a little off-balance. Small children can be especially sensitive to the disruption of a routine. Say "No" — You don't have to accept every invitation you receive to cookie swaps, work and family parties, and gift exchanges. Nutrition — Have you ever noticed the lines at restaurants as the holidays approach? People are often too busy to cook a nutritious meal. Plan at least one healthy meal a day. Enjoy being together for meals, whenever you can manage it. Family traditions — Special family traditions can provide a lot of comfort and security when things feel frazzled. What are your family traditions? Honor them, create them, and cherish them. Rest and relaxation – Everyone needs to take a "time out" over the holiday season to rest. It’s sometimes helpful to schedule relaxation time for everyone in the family. Laugh - Laughter is still the best way to beat stress and improve one’s mood. Think of a few ways — funny movies, games, or perhaps singing holiday songs really loud while baking together— to lighten the mood when it needs a boost! As adults, a holiday season filled with fun, love, and laughter is a beautiful gift that we can bestow upon the children in our lives. And in order to do that well, we must give that gift to ourselves, too! Riverbend Community Mental Health — Franklin • 53 Kendall Street Office hours are 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Monday –Thursday, and Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM • 603-934-3400 • www.riverbendcmhc.org Volume 8 Issue 5 Page 15 Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce December 15 — China Information Meeting at 5:30 PM at the Chamber Office Call 524-5531 to register EXPLORE CHINA October 10-18, 2015 Your adventure begins as you board an afternoon flight from New York, JFK to Beijing. Fly Trans-Pacific aboard a wide cabin jetliner and cross the International Dateline. Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime trip! Choose from Two Travel Itineraries. Call the Chamber for more information 603.524.5531 Franklin Youth Group This group for positive-minded middle-schoolers more than doubled its membership last month, and is gearing up for lots of community service in December — helping at Santa’s Workshop, decorating a tree for Festival of Trees, ushering at the Opera House, helping at the Food Give-Away — and planning the 2nd annual kids’ activities at First Day on January 1st! The group started a new workbook, “Walking the Straight Path”, with stories and discussion on topics such as, “How do we make sure that we are not fooled by flattery?” and “What kinds of thoughts might indicate a feeling of superiority in a person?” The group meets on the first & third Fridays most months from 7-9 PM at Bessie Rowell Center. Sign up through Parks & Rec or call the facilitator, Karen Darling at 918-1998. Pictured is a balloon popping relay race during one of the November meetings. ‘Tis the Season… Teens and Holiday Drinking The widespread availability of alcohol at holiday parties gives our tweens and teens many opportunities to sneak alcohol when no one is looking, or convince a relative to let them enjoy “just one” alcoholic beverage. So, you may ask, where’s the harm? Let’s make a list: ♦ The younger a child is when he starts to drink, the higher the chances for alcohol-related problems later in life. ♦ Alcohol use by teens affects still-developing brains and impairs memory and learning. ♦ Teens who drink are more likely to commit violent acts or be the victim of violence (including sexual assault) and to experience stress, depression, and suicidal thoughts. It is a fact that parents have a strong influence on adolescent decision making. Research also supports that parental disapproval of adolescent drinking significantly reduces the likelihood that an adolescent will drink alcohol regularly. ON THE LOCAL LEVEL: Of Franklin youth who have a high perception of parent disapproval of underage alcohol use, 25% reported drinking in the past 30 days. Of those youth who had a low perception of parent disapproval, 48.3% reported drinking alcohol in the past 30 days (Source:*2013YRBS). Be sure to let your child know that you disapprove of underage drinking because it’s unhealthy; unsafe; and unacceptable. To learn more click on the Task Force link at: www.franklinnh.org www.facebook.com/FMDTF DECEMBER FHS ATHLETIC SCHEDULE December 5 — Girls Basketball — Away December 9 — Girls Basketball — Home December 10 — Wrestling — Away December 12 — Girls Basketball — Home December 12 — Boys Basketball—Away December 13 — Wrestling — Away December 16 — Girls Basketball — Away December 16 — Boys Basketball—Home December 17 — Wrestling — Home December 19— Girls Basketball — Home December 19 — Boys Basketball—Away December 20 — Wrestling — Away December 31 — Wrestling — Away For times and opponents go to our website at www.sau18.org ATHLETIC DIRECTOR’S REPORT Dan Sylvester Franklin High School Athletics with support from the Franklin Boosters Club hosted their Annual Fall Sports Banquet on November 13. The turnout was fabulous and the food delicious. Many individual and team awards were earned by our athletes and coaches shared stories that will be remembered for a long time. I am very proud of all our athletes and coaches and thank them for a great fall season. Tryouts for winter sports are in full swing for both the Middle and High School. Please, be sure to return all necessary paperwork to your coaches as soon as possible. All game schedules for all schools are on our school website. The Franklin Outing Club would like to THANK all those who participated in our First Annual Veterans Work Day at the Veterans memorial Recreation Area. It was truly a WONDERFUL way to CELEBRATE OUR VETERANS. FHS Students: Kyle Adams; Zach Cote; Matt Daniels; Garrett Fleming; Griffin Fleming; Tyler Fogg; Luke Ford; Lucas Gagne; Aimee Gargano; Ryan Grevior; Max Joyce; Shelby Joyce; Sadie Kaplan; Corey Nelson; Mariah Pickering; Bryan Sweet; Roy Wells FHS Principal Richard Towne; FHS Faculty Marie Rabinowitz and Kristian Peterson FHS Alumni Michelle LeBlanc; FMS Student Taylee Wolfe SWINGING THE BATS TO HELP LOCAL COMMUNITY CENTERS The 21st annual double-elimination Franklin Savings Bank Charity Softball Tournament may have wrapped up, but the excitement is still evident in local communities. With 14 teams taking part in this year’s tournament to benefit local community centers, a record-high $6,000 was raised and distributed. Co-chairs Erin Mercier and Ali Keith have enjoyed surprising local community centers with checks for their organizations. They recently visited the TRIP Center and the Bessie Rowell Community Center to present checks and were overwhelmed with how thankful and appreciative they were to receive the funds. “The tournament itself was a blast, but being able to surprise community centers with unexpected funds really put a smile on our faces,” co-chair Erin Mercier explained. The TRIP Center and the Bessie-Rowell Community Center were just two of the seven centers that received funds from the tournament. Others included the TiltonNorthfield Pines Community Center, Gilford Youth Center, Laconia Parks and Recreation, Boscawen Parks and Recreation and Tapply-Thompson Community Center. Franklin Boy Scouts: Cole Brouillard; Owen Brouillard; Jacob Gagnon; David Joyce; James Joyce Sant Bani Students: Ellie Beaudet; Johnny Beaudet; Cole Johnson; Lily Johnson Students worked with the following Outing Club members: Ed Briggs; Ellen & Dave Coulter; Steve Donahue; Steve & Bettina Ford; Kathy & David Fuller; Cheryl Joyce; Mike Mullavey; Marc Pickard Franklin High School Alumni Weekend The FHS Class of 1970 is excited to announce the plans for the FIRST EVER Alumni Weekend AUGUST 7, 8 & 9, 2015 The Franklin Outing Club has generously offered to support our efforts by sponsoring the venue (Veterans Memorial Ski Area) for our “main event” on the evening of Saturday, August 8. The committee is also planning a Friday night event and various daytime open houses/activities on August 8 and 9. If you would like to assist in getting the word out to your classmates, please contact [email protected]—we are gathering email addresses and will begin email blasts soon. We hope you will join us — “Visit, Reminisce, Explore — A Weekend to Remember”
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