October 12, 2014 CALENDAR OF CURRENT EVENTS Sunday, October 12 (Mission Focus) Blood Pressure Check 7:45/9:00/10:45am Worship 8:40am Library OPEN 9:00am LIJ Discipleship Studies Monday, October 13 9:30am Peace Scrappers (LL6) 9:30am Living Stones Prayer Ministry 1:30pm Shut-In Meeting (CR) 4:00pm Violin Lessons (WFLC Worship Arts Office) 5:30pm Upward Practices (BLC Field, Mitchell Property) 6:00pm Men's Discipleship Study (Panera's/Ruby Isle) Tuesday, October 14 7:00am Men's Study (Maxim's) 9:00am Open Bible Study (LL10) 9:00am Women's Bible Study (Sanctuary) 1:00pm Gruetzmacher Home Group (LL10) 5:00pm Violin Lessons (WFLC Worship Arts Office) 5:30pm Upward Practices (BLC Field, Mitchell Property) 6:30pm Stephen Ministry Meeting (CR) 6:45pm Family Ministry/Leadership Film Preview (FC) 7:00pm Handbell Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary) Wednesday, October 15 7:15am Men's Study (Maxim's) 9:00am Mom to Mom (Sanctuary) 9:00am Library OPEN (Library) 5:30pm Upward Practices (BLC Field, Mitchell Property) 7:00pm Senior Youth Group (Activity Center) 7:00pm Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary) 8:00pm AA Meeting (Parsonage Center) Thursday, October 16 10:30am ESL Classes (Parsonage Center) 10:30am POBLO ESL Childcare (Nursery) 1:30pm Gruetzmacher Home Group (LL10) 5:30pm Upward Practices (BLC Field, Mitchell Property) 7:00pm Knowledge & Action (LL15) Friday, October 17 8:30am Bulletin Collating (CR) Saturday, October 18 7:00am Men's Ministry (FC, Sanctuary) 10:00am Upward Games (BLC Field) 10:00am ESL Classes (Parsonage Center) 11:00am Mpesha Memorial Service (Sanctuary) 11:30am Mpesha Memorial Meal (FC) 2:00pm ESL Classes (Parsonage Center) Sunday, October 19 7:45/9:00/10:45am Worship/Communion 8:40am Library OPEN 9:00am LIJ Discipleship Studies Monday, October 20 1:30pm Wouldworkers Home Group (UL105-blue) 4:00pm Violin Lessons (WFLC Worship Arts Office) 5:30pm Upward Practices (BLC Field, Mitchell Property) 6:00pm Men's Discipleship Study (Panera's/Ruby Isle) 6:00pm Personnel Committee (CR) 7:00pm Board of Directors (LL6) SUNDAY SERVICES 7:45 AM Traditional 9 & 10:45 AM Contemporary Life in the Word Life in Service SUNDAY LIFE IN JESUS DISCIPLESHIP STUDIES ▪ 9–10:15 AM Life in Jesus KIDS Age 3 thru Grade 4 Life in Jesus YOUTH ▪ Grades 5 & 6 Life in the Word (LL2/4) ▪ Grades 7 & 8 Life in Service (Parsonage Center) ▪ Grades 9 & 10 Life in the Cross (Activity Center) ▪ Grades 11 & 12 Life in Mission (Activity Center) Ministry Office 262/783-4270 (extensions below) Senior Pastor Robert Mrosko (x12) Associate Pastor Alexander Whitfield (x30) Executive Director Andrew Vechart (x15) Dir. Discipleship & Outreach Duane Tweeten (x28) Dir. Life in Jesus Development Mary Stafford (x14) Vacation Bible School Karen Metzger Dir. Music & Worship Joel Wetzstein (x27) Choir Dir./Traditional Service Planner Gela Ashcroft Child Care Coordinator Martina Kunzler Church Office Assistance Bonnie Halverson (x11) Facilities Assistance Tim Rondone Caring Ministry Nurses Sherrill Marrs, Nancy Lippert Stephen Minister for Men Dave West Stephen Minister for Women Kathy Schwerin Phone Prayer Chain Leader Eva Kolberg Spiritual Life/Elders Leader Doug Neis President, Board of Directors Gary Kilvinger Brookfield Lutheran Church Cell Phone No. 262/409-3958 262/385-8506 262/613-0820 262/844-3656 262/408-0669 262/349-0428 713/454-3963 414/460-3875 414/430-2959 414/460-1580 262/781-8336 (h) 262/853-1860 262/781-3457 (h) 414/453-8516 (h) 262/785-1419 (h) 262/784-5576 (h) Email [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 18500 W. Burleigh Road Brookfield, WI 53045 www.brookfieldlutheran.org Church Office Hours: Monday–Friday 8:30 AM–4:30 PM Life in Jesus ADULTS ▪ Great Beginnings Home Groups (LL6) ▪ Glory (LL10) ▪ Faith Legacy (LL15) ▪ Restored for Discipleship (LL14) ▪ Watch for new studies later this fall WEEKDAY DISCIPLESHIP STUDIES Tuesday Sermon Series Study (Open Study) 9 AM, Pastor (LL10) Men’s Leadership Study (Men) Alternate Tuesdays, 7 AM, Maxim’s/Brookfield Duane Tweeten, next meeting Oct. 14 EMERGENCY PASTORAL CONTACT AFTER OFFICE HOURS: Please contact one of the pastors below. Life in Mission Welcome to Brookfield Lutheran Church (BLC)! We praise God that you are with us. Our mission is to connect people to life in Jesus. We are committed to this because we know that nothing and no one else can offer true life and satisfy a person except Jesus Christ. It is our prayer that you will experience the truth and love of Jesus in all that you encounter here today and that you will be blessed by your time with us. Children of the Day by Beth Moore (Women) Tuesday, 9–11 AM (Sanctuary) Jenny Fostner Last Week’s Attendance 7:45/125 9:00/336 10:45/356 TOTAL/817 Locally Supported Missions - July/August Bethany Lutheran Church $5,371.50 Life in the Cross Spice Ladies: Heart for Jesus (Women) Thursday, 9–11 AM Sherrill Marrs’s home; Nancy Lippert, Coordinator Knowledge & Action (Open Study on Revelation) Thursday, 7 PM Bill Schuerman (LL15) Wholeness in Christ (Men) Thursday, 7–8:30 PM, (UL105) Wednesday Sermon Series (Men) 7:15 AM, Maxim’s/Brookfield Pastors Looking for answers? Ask a pastor … Did something in the message or the service spark a question for you? Send questions to Pastor Rob by text 262/409-3958, Pastor Whitfield by text 262/385-8506, email [email protected] or put a note in the pastor’s church mailbox. You will receive answers directly or by video at brookfieldlutheran.org. Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost Matthew 22:5 “But they paid no attention and went off, one to his farm, another to his business.” The invitation to join God in His feast and in His work is easily ignored. The rest of life seems so much more pressing, and we tend to think that there will be another time when we can catch back up with God. But what joys are we missing when we set aside God’s invitation to join Him in His plans and purposes? What inheritance are we trading for the world’s bowl of pottage? Witness: God gives us the boldness, power and love to testify and witness about Him. Through His grace we are able to suffer for the Gospel’s sake. Altar Flowers Terri Thomas has made the altar arrangement today as she celebrates her birthday. Happy Birthday from your BLC friends, Terri! Another contribution, the mum plant, is from Gertie and Arnie Korth who are so thankful to be celebrating their 66th wedding anniversary. Congratulations! Seeking interim Youth Director/Intern (part-time) Work with 5th thru 12th grade students to assist in leadership for youth activities and events during the current vacancy. Please contact Mary Stafford. The Youth Director Search Team has thanked Matt Griepentrog for engaging in the interview process with BLC. We gained better insight to Matt’s unique ministry gifting and calling in the Kingdom. The Search Committee and SLC continue searching for the person God has planned to engage and grow our youth and families as we all continue on our discipleship journeys. We move forward confidently trusting in God’s plan and timing. SUPPORT MISSIONS / MINISTRIES Locally Supported Mission Focus for September/October International Student Ministries is a Christian based organization offering those “at our doorstep” friendship, hospitality and the Gospel message, also sharing God’s love with their families and associates. Eighty-plus campuses have intentional ministries among international students, now including UW-Milwaukee. Below are opportunities to serve at the Luther Memorial Chapel location, 3833 N. Maryland Ave, Shorewood. For information or to volunteer, please contact Bessie Fick 414/477-9448. Bible Conversations with students: Tuesdays 10 AM, Thursdays 9:15 AM, Sundays 10:30 AM English Classes (2–10 participants): Tuesdays 9 AM, Thursdays 10 AM and 5PM (assist/lead) Children’s Activities: Thursdays at 5 PM (assist/lead) Information Table at the UWM Union: Mondays 10 AM (assist/staff) Upcoming Events: Oct 16 Oct 19 5:30 PM 11:30 AM Pumpkin Carving & Pizza Supper Congregational Potluck FEED MY LAMBS needs food for cold-weather meals: chili supplies, soups, canned veggies. FAMILY MINISTRY Trunk-or-Treat! / Fall Festival ▪ Saturday, Nov. 1, 4–7 PM Registration is open! He took the fall for us and now we’re Nuts About Jesus! You and your family are invited to BLC’s annual fall festival to hear the Gospel in a nutshell! Bring your lawn chairs and tailgate games—it’s a Family Tailgate Party! Free dinner, games, crafts and more. Wear a friendly costume and bring candy for 150 kids. Sign up online and invite your friends and neighbors! Details are on our website at brookfieldlutheran.org. Parents: First Communion Preparation for Your Child Is your youth ready for communion? We invite students 5th grade and older to join us for Holy Communion for the first time (after they’ve met with a pastor). Pick up a Communion Information packet at the Information Center. Then call the church office to set up an appointment with one of the pastors. Please contact Mary Stafford for more information. *SAVE THE DATES for VBS 2015! Vacation Bible School (VBS) is scheduled for July 13–17. YOUTH MINISTRY JAM (Jesus and Me) Grades 5–6 Sunday, Oct. 26, 12:15–2:15 PM (AC) JUNIOR HIGH Grades 7–8 Once a month on Sunday, 12:15 PM, date to be announced (AC) SENIOR HIGH Grades 9–12 Wed. nights, 7 PM (AC) Senior High Fall Retreat ▪ Friday, Nov. 14, 5 PM – Sunday, Nov. 16, 1 PM Phantom Ranch, Mukwonago We are partnering with LeaderTreks for this great retreat,“Team Up: Building Community.” Take advantage of early registration at $100. After Oct. 15, the cost is $120. Registration closes Oct. 31. Please register online at: http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=5le7iaeab&oeidk=a07e9w1ghwp5d909be4 GET CONNECTED / GET INVOLVED BLC Annual Thanksgiving Baskets Project has begun! Please visit the display table in the Fellowship Center to donate baskets and to volunteer to help. This year’s goal is 1,056 baskets to fulfill the requests from the central city food pantries we support. At $25 a basket, the financial goal is $26,400. We trust our faithful God who always keeps His promises … “in Your goodness, O God, You provided for the needy.” Psalm 68:10 “Festival of Lights” SPOTLIGHT DIWALI CULTURAL & EDUCATIONAL EDUCATIONAL EVENT Sunday, Oct. 26, 12– 12–3 PM at BLC Diwali is a festival celebrated by people from India, usually during October. Speakers will share its focus and history, and we will enjoy Indian food, decorations and customs. Learn the culture of those we are serving in English as a Second Language classes and POBLO. Please call the church office 262/783-4270 by Wed., Oct. 22, if you plan to come. SOAR “BLC WALKS” Indoor Circuit ▪ Tuesdays & Thursdays, 7:30–9 AM begins Tuesday, Nov. 4 It’s true that 145 million Americans count walking as part of their physical activity. How about you? Why not join fellow walkers as we make the circuit in the BLC building complex throughout the colder months. Come when you can and leave when you want—but COME! And bring a friend! Join us for Great Pizza and Entertainment with Frank—The Pizza Man! ▪ Friday, Nov. 14, 6 PM Hosted by 55+ Faithful Friends in Fellowship at the Wauwatosa Women’s Club. Only $19 per person. BYOB. Get details at the Information Center. Registration deadline is Saturday, Nov. 1. COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS Children’s “Fall Festival” at Concordia University Wisconsin ▪ Saturday, Oct. 18, 9–11 AM 12800 N. Lake Shore Drive, Mequon. Fun fall activities! Crafts, singing, games, devotion, puppet show, Trick-or-Treating. Children, come dressed in your favorite costumes! Registration begins at 8:30 AM. For information or to RSVP, email [email protected]. Sponsored by Concordia University and Children (of God) In Action. Reconciliation: Coaching People Through Conflict Practicum ▪ Friday–Saturday, Oct. 31–Nov. 1 Hosted by St. John’s Lutheran Church, 312 N. Main St, North Prairie. Reconciliation training is a terrific way to equip yourself or even a team for responding to conflict in a way remarkably different than this world’s. You’ll be instructed in a method that leads to restoration and reconciliation rather than separation and bitterness, a way that reflects the love of Christ in our relationships. For information and to register, please visit hisaor.org. “Becoming a Woman of Service and Influence” ▪ Saturday, Nov. 8, 8:30 AM–3 PM at CUW Hosted at Concordia University Wisconsin by The Women’s Leadership Institute. This conference is designed to be intergenerational and interactive as we explore the question, “How do we learn to be purposeful in using our gifts to impact the community for Christ?” Moms feel free to bring your daughters and granddaughters for a day of connecting, learning and leaving more equipped. Lunch and snacks are provided in the event cost. General admission $40 before Oct. 29. Student price is $25. For information or registration, please visit http://blog.cuw.edu/wli/ or contact Darcy Paape at 262/243-2300. MLHS Annual Art and Craft Fair/Bake Sale ▪ Saturday, Nov. 8, 9 AM–3 PM Milwaukee Lutheran High School, 9700 W. Grantosa Drive, Milwaukee. Admission: Only $2! Browse and enjoy some early Christmas shopping for one-of-a-kind gifts and pick up some yummy homemade baked goods. Proceeds from the fair go to the Milwaukee Lutheran Music Boosters to support of the choir and band programs. See Beth Moore at Living Proof Live! Buy 5 or more tickets and get 1 FREE! To receive this exclusive discount: (1) Register for an event by October 1, 2015, (2) Call 800/254-2022, (3) Use promo code CHILDREN. Find events near you at lifeway.com/livingproof.
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