Targeting on DBA iPhone app

Targeting on DBA iPhone app
The adQuota advertising platform allows advertising
to be targeted on eBay’s DBA iPhone app (Den Blå Avis).
We can target your advertising on DBA based on the content category. So you may choose
one or more of 24 categories, and only have your advertising shown on here.
Available categories:
Auto (biler)
Picture and sound (billed og lyd)
Tickets (billetter)
Auto accessories (biltilbehør)
Housing (bolig)
Books and magazines (bøger og blade)
Boats (både)
IT and Gaming (computer og spillekonsoller)
Bicycles (cykler)
Pets (dyr)
Business (erhverv)
Holiday (ferie)
House and garden (have og byg)
Mobile (mobil og telefoni)
Motorbikes and accessories (motorcykler og tilbehør)
Music Instruments (Musikinstrumenter)
Scoter and Mopeds (Scooter og knallerter)
Interior decoration (til boligen)
For Kids (til børn)
Fashion (tøj og mode)