Issue no. 1087 Friday 10 Oct 2014 School Bulletin Year 7 Parents’ Evening Important dates Thank you to all year 7 parents and carers who attended Parents’ Evening yesterday. It was wonderful to see so many families! Feedback from parents and carers was immensely positive; they were very pleased with the very ‘clear’, ‘precise’ and ‘helpful’ comments from teachers about learning and progress. Families also wanted us to know how happy they were with how well the transition process had worked here at ABS for their children: ‘He’s settled in really well and has made lots of friends’; ‘She’s got on really well and loves her teachers’; ‘Homework was a little bit daunting at first, but Show My Homework is very easy to use and lets us keep track of what’s she’s got to do, so we can help at the right time’. For any parent or carer who could not attend, Oliver Rosen (Head of Year) will contact you to make an appointment to come and receive feedback of your child’s progress. We know that your engagement in school and your child’s education is very important and we will continue to work closely with you to ensure they succeed. Tuesday 14 October ■ Yr 10 T&T trip to the Southbank Thursday 16 October ■ Yr 13 Parents’ Info Evening Friday 17 October ■ Yr 7 English trip to the British Library (selected students) Sue Higgins Executive Headteacher ABPTA Yr 9 Aspirations Session A big thank you to Hannah Jefferys, Head of Maths, Minyo Minev, Deputy Head of Maths and Olly McGregor, Lead Practitioner, for their informative and useful presentation about maths at the ABPTA meeting on Tuesday. We learnt about maths teaching at ABS, the National Curriculum, how we can help our children with their maths learning and finished the evening with some very entertaining quizzes. Their presentation will be available to download from the school website. There are already useful links on the maths section of the website. A group of year 9 students took part in an aspirational session today in the il@b. Speakers were invited into school from various organisations and gave up their valuable time in order to enlighten and inspire our students on various career paths and opportunities within them. The speakers also brought along their CVs for students to study and keep. The next ABPTA meeting will be on Wednesday 12 November, 7-8.30pm in the Sixth Form Common Room. The presenter will be Patricia Monero from FWD, Camden’s service for Drugs and Alcohol. Come along and hear about the work the service does and share any drug or alcohol-related concerns with other parents and carers. The students stayed behind after the session and gave their feedback. They mentioned they liked the idea of taking business cards as Mr Sparrow had suggested. They would ask people for these in the future and may use them for contacts. They also found the session valuable, enjoyable and very interesting. I would like to thank the following for attending the session: Jo Gattenberg Clare Wilcockson Adam Sparrow Jo Ouvry Kate Sherrit Kayleigh McCue Kings Cross Skills Centre Home Office Google Deloitte POD Foods The Brokerage Citylink Della Dwyer, Loan Tran ABPTA Co-Chairs [email protected] [email protected] Tracey Maker/Gamu Tauro Acland Burghley School Burghley Road London NW5 1UJ t 020 7485 8515 f 020 7284 3462 e [email protected] w Acland Burghley Parent Teacher Association (AB-PTA) Co-Chairs: Della Dwyer and Loan Tran Year 11 study space This week we are delighted to announce the launch of our new Year 11 Study Space. It runs after school from 3.15- 4.45 in BE3 on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Students are invited to come along to do their homework. We are encouraging them to work independently and collaboratively with their classmates. We are so proud of the response of the students so far. We have been packed out both nights so far this week and last night we had to open up a second room. It could be the lure of a free rich tea biscuit but we think what we are actually seeing is their hunger for success. Year 11 are currently working towards pre-public (practice) exams in December. We know from experience students’ performance in these exams is a real marker of their potential in the summer. We want all our students to keep up their pace and commitment towards these exams. Please support your child and the school with their revision. So far this term, we have met about thirty parents to discuss their child’s performance and progress. We have felt these to be really useful discussions and we have greatly appreciated the support and ambition you’ve show for us and your child. We’ll be making further appointments to meet more of you over the coming weeks. Keep it up year 11! And keep it up, year 11 parents and carers. Sally Spiers Deputy Head Parent View from Ofsted: make your views known! – Ofsted have introduced this national website to collect a snapshot of parents’ and carers’ views about every school. We would love you to add your views about Acland Burghley. Please visit the website above. We would really welcome your feedback – don’t delay! Teacher Pupil Reg Reason Ms Jefferys Anna-Maria Manners 11RVA Ms Mukherjee Kaine Moncrieffe 9MMI Mr Minev Christos Ampadinis 8SGR Mr Dickerson Besar Asani 10ATU Mr McGregor Libbi Clease 9AMC Ms Hurwitz Susan Nolan 8ECO Mr Draper Saed Ibrahim 10ASO Ms Gay Ellie Bridgeman 8EMA Amazing work on completing a past, practice exam paper. Beautifully presented work in class but particularly in homework – well done! For pushing his understanding further by himself! For teaching other pupils how to solve quadratic equations – a teacher in the making! Very enthusiastic participation. For being consistently on task and always participating. For coming up with an alternative method for proportion problems. For being resilient, and seeking out help when she needs it. Book of the Week When Ali first meets Amirah, he notices everything about her - her hijab, her long eyelashes and her red trainers, in the time it takes to have one look, before lowering his gaze. Although Ali is still coming to terms with the loss of his mother and exploring his identity as a Muslim, and although Amirah has sworn never to get married, they can't stop thinking about each other. Can Ali and Amirah ever have a halal "happily ever after"? On Monday 6 October, Acland Burghley hosted a Future First alumni careers assembly for our Year 11 students. Four inspiring former Burghley and LaSwap students came in to talk to the current students about their lives during and after school and where their experiences led them. The alumni included a Media Ethics university lecturer, a recent graduate from a Russell Group university, a self-employed personal trainer and champion boxer and a current college student who is on a music apprenticeship. The assembly was designed to showcase the range of options and careers available to the students after their time at Acland Burghley, and to inspire them to achieve their full potential. The speakers really engaged students and inspired them to pursue their ambitions to the full. Shannon Osborne (11AOG) said that the range of speakers gave her hope, as they were all successful but had all gone down a number of different routes to achieve their career goals. The school is working with the charity Future First to reconnect with their former students and introduce them to our current students to inspire and support them. Ms Lavelle Join Future First Year 7 Eurovision Resultados de 2014 Here at Acland Burghley, we believe that your connection with your school shouldn’t have to end when you leave and this year we want to make that belief a reality! We want to make sure that as many of our former pupils as possible feel connected with the school community and can take advantage of the opportunities that being part of the alumni network presents. With that in mind, we need your help! Did you go to Burghley? Are you signed up to the network? We are doing our best to reach out to as many of our former students as possible and we would be very grateful if you could share the following link among your old school friends and anyone you know who came to school here. We really appreciate it! Results of the Year 7 Eurovision are as follows… Sign up link: 1st place - 7 Browne with Quiza me llames 2nd place - 7 Oteng with Soy una taza 3rd place - 7 Rolfe with Frozen Congratulations to 7 Browne and to all students who took part. MFL Department Camden Mosaic Group for Parents of Adolescents with Disabilities - Exploring Adolescence What is the aim of the group? To explore adolescence with parents of disabled children aged 11 upwards. This is the new format for the ‘Group for parents of adolescents with disabilities’. Who will be running the group? Susan Cottam, Clinical Psychologist, Mosaic CAMHS: 020 3317 2261 or [email protected]. Adele O’Hanlon, Child & Adolescent Psychotherapist, Mosaic CAMHS: 020 3317 2272 or [email protected]. Themes: Adolescence: what to expect - Thursday 16 October 2014 from 12pm to 1.30pm Friendships - Thursday 13 November 2014 from 12pm to 1.30pm Sexuality - Thursday 11 December 2014 from 12pm to 1.30pm Identity and role models - Thursday 22 January 2015 from 12pm to 1.30pm Independence and the outside world - Thursday 26 February 2015 from 12pm to 1.30pm Activities and groups - Thursday 19 March 2015 from 12pm to 1.30pm It will take place once a month at MOSAIC in Kentish Town Health Centre (Go to first floor Mosaic reception). BECOME A PARENT GOVERNOR AT ACLAND BURGHLEY IN 2014 Acland Burghley School needs to appoint a new Parent Governor The Governing Body of every school includes Parent Governors. Parent Governors have the same status, duties and responsibilities as the other Governors. They are elected by the parents of children registered at the school and their term of office lasts for four years. The Governing Body meets four times a year, and has formed committees which also meet twice each term to discuss specific aspects of the Governors' responsibilities. The meetings usually take place in the early evening. Every parent of a child registered at the school is eligible to serve as a Parent Governor. The definition of parent includes natural parents of the child, whether or not they are living with them, and those who have legal or actual custody of the child. We nominations from all parents, particularly those from black and minority ethnic backgrounds as these groups are under-represented on our governing body. If you would like to serve as a Parent Governor yourself, or would like to nominate another person as a Parent Governor, you will need to complete a nomination form, and the nominee may provide a personal statement of up to 150 words, to be returned to the Acland Burghley School Office (for the attention of the Head’s PA) by 9am on WEDNESDAY 12 NOVEMEBER. More nomination forms are available from the school office. The arrangements for the nomination of Parent Governors are: Nomination forms, together with personal statements of up to 150 words are to be returned to the Acland Burghley School Office (for the attention of the Head’s PA) by 9am on WEDNESDAY 12 NOVEMBER. If there is only one nomination, then the person nominated will automatically be declared a Governor and this will be notified to all parents in the school bulletin on FRIDAY 14 NOVEMBER. If the number of nominations is greater than the number of vacancies, an election will be held. The arrangements for an election for Parent Governors will be as follows: The school will send ballot papers listing the names of the candidates and their personal statements to all parents and carers – one ballot paper per household. The candidate nominations list and personal statements will also be set out in the school bulletin on FRIDAY 14 NOVEMBER and on the school’s website. Voting will take place by returning the ballot papers to the school office. These must be received by 9am on FRIDAY 28 NOVEMBER. The Headteacher will conduct the count. In the event of a tie, the position shall fall to the parent with the youngest child in the school. The count will take place at 10am on FRIDAY 28 NOVEMBER at the school. The Headteacher will notify the candidates of the results. The names of the successful candidates will be published in the school bulletin on FRIDAY 28 NOVEMBER. If you would like to find out more about being a Parent Governor, please contact the school. Our present Parent Governors are Kevin Barton, Sebastian Camisuli, Josie Smalling, James Stephenson, Julian Turner and Melissa Danbury. Any of them would be pleased to explain the role. You can contact them via the school. PARENT GOVERNOR ELECTIONS ACLAND BURGHLEY SCHOOL NOVEMBER 2014 VACANCY Name of Nominee: Address: Phone Number: Parent of: Signature of Nominee: Proposer’s Name: Parent of: Signature: Seconder’s Name: Parent of: Signature: Please note 1. Only a parent of a child registered at the school can propose or nominate a candidate for Parent Governor. 2. Anyone who is prohibited by court order from contacting his or her child is not eligible to participate in the election. 3. No person can serve as a Governor of more than two schools. 4. No person who has been declared bankrupt can serve as a governor unless: a. The bankruptcy order has been discharged or annulled. b. A composition order or arrangement has been made with creditors under which payment has been made in full or three years have elapsed since the terms of the arrangement were fulfilled. 5. No person with any of the following criminal convictions may serve as a Governor: a. A conviction carrying a sentence of imprisonment of more than 3 months (without the option of a fine) within the last 5 years; b. A conviction carrying a sentence of more than two and a half years within the last 20 years; c. A conviction carrying a sentence of more than 5 years at any time in the past. 6. The person nominated should attach a short personal statement to this nomination form of up to 150 words. The personal statement should include something about yourself, what you feel you can bring to the school and why you would like to be a Governor. This will be issued to parents with the ballot papers. The person nominated should sign the form to show their willingness to stand for election. Please return this form with the 150 word personal statement to the Acland Burghley School Office (for the attention of the Head’s PA) by 9am on WEDNESDAY 12 NOVEMBER.
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