Huyton Pastoral Area St. Brigid Aloysius Dominic 1934 477 0250 A registered charity No. 232709 12th Oct 2014 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time (A) MASS TIMES & INTENTIONS FOR THE COMING WEEK: TWENTY EIGHTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (A) SATURDAY 11th October St. Dominic’s 4:00 pm. Margaret Buckley (1st anniversary) St. Aloysius 6:00 pm. Bernard Thompson (anniversary) SUNDAY 12th October St. Aloysius 9:00 am. The Holy Souls St. Dominic’s 10:45 am. The Parishioners MONDAY 13th October St. Dominic’s 8:15 am. Thomas Wood & Family St. Aloysius 9:15 am. Joe Preston (B/Day.Rem) TUESDAY 14th October St. Dominic’s 8:15 am. Mary & James Radford (anniversary St. Aloysius 9:15 am. Derek Wilcox (anniversary) WEDNESDAY 15th October St. Dominic’s 8:15 am. Thanksgiving (Daisy Reji & Family) St. Aloysius 9:15 am. Mary Molyneux (6th ann & B/day.Rem) THURSDAY 16th October St. Dominic’s 12 Noon. Requiem: John Roger McShane St. Aloysius 10:00am. Requiem: Ellen Marie King FRIDAY 17th October St. Dominic’s 8:15 am. Margaret Mary Rodgers St. Aloysius 11:00 am. Requiem: Elizabeth Joyce SATURDAY 18th October St. Aloysius 9:15 am. John Joseph Ealey (Snr) TWENTY NINTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (A) SATURDAY 18th October St. Dominic’s 4:00 pm. Thomas McCullough St. Aloysius 6:00 pm. The Parishioners SUNDAY 19th October St. Aloysius 9:00 am. Neil Shannon (2nd anniversary) St. Dominic’s 10:45 am. Joan McCardle (sick) PARISH DIGEST CONFESSIONS WILL BE HEARD ON SATURDAY NEXT St. Dominic: 3.30 pm St. Aloysius 5:30 pm until there is nobody waiting COLLECTIONS ST. DOMINIC £290.22 ST. ALOYSIUS £533.76 Thank You “The Lord who sees all that is done in secret will reward you” Matt 6:4 Fr. Ealey Email Fr. Ealey: [email protected] Parish Internet Site Address is: St. Aloysius Facebook Page/Groups: St Aloysius Church Roby St. Dominic’s Church Huyton Primary Schools Internet Site Address is: Phone numbers: Fr. Ealey: Parish No. 0151 477 0250 Fax: 0151 477 0254 Primary Schools: Hope 0151 477 8300 St. Aloysius 0151 477 8110 Sister Jo: 0151 228 8064 CHRISTO REJI Christo an Altar Server at St. Dominic’s celebrated his birthday on Wednesday 8th October. Love and best wish from: all your family, friends, Fr. Ealey, Deacon Tony, Sister Jo and all your fellow parishioners. Hope you had a great time on your special day, Christo. LIFE IN THE EUCHARIST Shrine of the Blessed Sacrament Dawson Street, Liverpool. Friday, 17 October through Sunday, 19 October Life in the Eucharist - What is it? Life in the Eucharist is a spiritual experience for adults to help them deepen their understanding of the Eucharist and recognise the implication of their relationship with Jesu Christ for daily living. The weekend helps to focus on God’s love as: Nourishment Reconciliation Transformation Abiding Presence Liberation These themes do not purport to cover the entire Mystery of the Eucharist, but they have been chosen because they draw people’s lived experience Cost is by Donation Application forms on request at the Porter’s Office and/or Br. Timothy. SYMPATHY We offer our deepest sympathy to the families of: JOHN ROGER McSHANE who died on 29th September, age 67. formerly of: Newenham Crescent, Liverpool L14. There will be a Requiem Mass for John at St. Dominic’s Church on Thursday 16th October at 12 Noon. This will be followed by a short committal service at: Springwood Crematorium, Springwood Ave, Liverpool. L25 7UN. (The celebrant for this Requiem will the deceased brother Fr. James McShane). ELLEN MARIE KING who died on 28th September, age 69. formerly of: Woolfall Crescent, Huyton and lately of John Joseph Powell Nursing Home. There will be a Requiem Mass for Ellen at St. Aloysius Church on Thursday 16th October at 10:00 am. This will be followed by a short service of Interment at: Anfield Cemetery, Priory Road, Liverpool L4 2SL ELIZABETH JOYCE who died on 4th October, age 79. formerly of: Woodlands Road, Huyton There will be a Requiem Mass for Elizabeth at St. Aloysius Church on Friday 17th October at 11 am. This will be followed by a short committal service at: St Helens Crematorium, Rainford Road, St. Helens, WA10 6DF. Requiescant In Pace (May they rest in peace) PRAYER REQUESTS Your valuable prayers are asked for: Margaret Anderson, Baby Alice, James Barton, Paul Barton, Alex Basnett, Alison Bentley, Agnes Bird, Bob Bleasdale, Joan Boyce, Anne Brophy, Rebecca Brown, Ronnie Brown, Danny Bruns, Patrick Anthony Byrne, John Callon, Lallan Campbell, Sarah Campbell, Shirley Campbell, Stephen Philip Campbell, Nora Capper, Eileen Carson, Flo Carter, Ann Jane Clark, Ann & Bert Coomres, Lu Corbett, Maisie Corcoran, Michael Cruckshank, John Day, Peggy D'Cruze, Vera Dealing, Fr. Peter Dooley SDB, Colette Duncan-Ventre, Victoria Hill Edmondson, Alan Edwards, Michael Edwards, Ann Finegan, James Finegan, Ursula Mary Erfani, Molly Errity, Sheila Evans, Barbara Farley, Paul Fillis, Amy & Edie Flanagan, Ann Fulton, Peter Furlong, Anne Gavin, Barbara Gallagher, Anne & Billy Gerrity, Marie Gibbons, Winnie Gray, David Graham, Margaret Hannah, Florence Harris, Mrs Haydn, Jimmy Healey, Tom Heeley, Michael Houghton, Marie Hynes, Barbara Jones, Joanne Jongeneelen, Kathy Keegan, Marie Keelan, James Keelan, John Kelly, Robert Kelly, Fr. Michael Lee, Jean & Bob Levy, Alan Lewis, Daniel Lowe (age 6), Peggy Maitland, Carol Marshall, Beryl McCall, Joan McCardle, Frances McShane, Gary McClure, Ann McCoy, Geraldine, James Miller, Billy Moran, Kenny Moran, Eddie Monroe, Julie Morgan, Saul Morley, Betty Morris, Joe Murphy, Mary Murphy, Tommy Murphy, Margaret Murray Kathy Nolan, Jimmy O'Donnell, Alfie O'Sullivan, Michael Owen, Barbara Owens, Jonathan Owens, Mary Patton, Claire Pendleton, Stevie Perry, Helena Pike, Dave Renshaw, Jean Riley, Winifred Robinson, Fr. George Robson SDB, Pauline Ryder, Rose Saunders, Maureen Scanlon, Keith Stanyer, Betty Taylor, Mr Billy Taylor, Gary Taylor, Ruth Terry, Terry Thompson, Nell Till, Josie Trundle, Dave Tully, Lily Ungi, Collette Ventre, Lynn Walker, Harry Weetly, Katie Westwell, James Whittaker, Fiona Wilson, Lee Woods, Pauline Wright and residents of Crawshaw Court, Edenhurst Court, Finch Manor, Paisley Court, St. Bartholomew's Court and Whitestone Lodge Care Homes. who are sick. HEAL THY SERVANTS, O LORD, WHO ARE SICK AND PUT THEIR TRUST IN THEE.SEND THEM HELP,O LORD, AND COMFORT, FROM THY HOLY PLACE. OF YOUR CHARITY PLEASE PRAY FOR THE REPOSE OF THE SOULS OF Joseph Muraski, John Roger McShane, Ellen Marie King, Elizabeth Joyce, Ayo-Johnson, Thomas Wood & Family, Margaret Mary Rodgers, John Joseph Ealey (snr), Thomas McCullough and Joe Preston Next weekend 18th & 19th October at all our masses Cllr Peter Mitchell, who is Chair of The Big Help Project and involved with The Knowsley Foodbank. Will be coming to St. Dominic’s and St. Aloysius to give an appeal on behalf of The Knowsley Foodbank to ask for your help to help set up and run a food distribution centre at St. Dominic’s Church. BUILDING FUND who have died and Margaret Buckley, Bernard Thompson, Mary & James Radford, Derek Wilcox, Mary Molyneux, Neil Shannon, Rev. William Brian Foley (2000), Rev. Deacon Gordon James Peter Hughes (2007), Rev. John Gough (2007) and Rev. David Morland, OSB (2011) whose anniversaries occur around this time. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen. ST ALOYSIUS Last week we received: £128.54 from the box in church Giving us a grand total of £20,245.87 ST DOMINIC Last week we received: £79.15 Giving us a grand total of £5,770.59 Thank you to you all for your continued support. BOARBANK HALL November 28 – 30, 2014. Hope in Health weekend for Younger Catholics in Healthcare January 12 – 17, 2015. Faith and Mental Health. at Boarbank, Cumbria. Please visit: To book, or to inquire further, email Sr Margaret on [email protected] ANIMATE Youth Ministries Liverpool Archdiocesan Youth Pilgrimage to LOURDES 23 - 31 July 2015 Application forms available from 5 NOVEMBER Download from For Young People aged 15 - 25 Cost: £480 Archdiocese of Liverpool Youth Pilgrimage to THE HOLY LAND 26 Oct - 2 Nov 2015 Application forms and itinerary available Download from For Young People aged 15 + Cost: £1,000 (inc. all transport accommodation and meals) World Youth Day KRAKOW 2016 20 July - 3 Aug Application forms available from For Young People aged 18 + Cost £1200 (inc. all transport accommodation and meals) for more information about any of the above please contact Animate Youth 01744 740460 or [email protected] Fr. Simon Gore 01744 740 467 or [email protected] Rosary Sunday Collection 2014 Last Week’s second collection at St. Aloysius amounted to:- £321.53 Thank you for your generosity St. Dominic’s Can those who have APF Red Mission Boxes at home please bring them into church at your earliest convenience. Many thanks E. Ging With You Always Sacramental Programme 2014 - 2015 Archbishop Malcolm McMahon will be coming to St. Dominic’s Church on Friday 27th March 2015 at 4 pm. During a simple service he will confer the Sacrament of Confirmation on all the children from both St. Dominic’s and St. Aloysius parishes who are on the this year’s sacramental programme. Feasts and Memorials Wednesday 15th October 2014 Memorial St. Teresa of Avila, ODC, D. V. (16th c.) The reformer of the Carmelites became a great mystic herself. Her common sense, prudence, and trust in God were allied with an extraordinary capacity for work and organisation. One of her sayings was 'Remember that the Lord walks among the pots and pans and he will help you with inward tasks and outward ones too'. Friday 17th October 2014 Memorial St. Ignatius of Antioch, B. M. (1st/2nd c.) All we know about him is his journey to Rome for his martyrdom. His seven letters witness to Christianity in sub-apostolic times. They show his devotion to Christ and his concern for the unity of the Church in and through its President, the local Bishop. Saturday 18th October 2014 Feast ST. LUKE, EVANGELIST The Evangelist of the infancy of Christ and of Our Lady. He shows Christ‘s great concern for the poor, the weak, and the defenceless. The Acts of the Apostles gives an invaluable picture of the Apostolic Church. Other Saints this week:Monday 13th October 2014 St. Edward the Confessor, King (11th c.) Tuesday 14th October 2014 St. Calistus I. Pope. M. (3rd c.) Thursday 16th October 2014 St. Hedwig, OSB Cist, Religious (12th/13th c.) or St. Margaret Mary Alacoque. OV, V. (17th c.) Sunday 19th October 2014 TWENTY NINTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (Year A) (World Mission Day) Order of Divine Office and Mass Compiled, edited and © 2013 by Rev. John Ealey. DIVINE MERCY Taken from Saint Faustina’s Diary Oh, how sweet it is to have in the depth of one's soul that which the Church tells us we must believe. When my soul is immersed in love, I solve the most intricate questions clearly and quickly. Only love is able to cross over precipices and mountain peaks. Love, once again, love. NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL SUCCOUR This Novena will be celebrated this WEDNESDAY morning immediately after the 9:15 am morning mass at St. Aloysius. Many who follow this novena receive many graces and blessings. All are Welcome. These will be recited for about 15 mins before the 6:00pm Mass at St. Aloysius each Saturday (at around 5:45pm). St. Aloysius Piety Stall has a wide range of rosaries, medals, statues and cards for all occasions. Call in for a look after Mass today. Support St. Aloysius parish by buying your religious goods from the piety stall. CRUSADER MAGAZINE BAPTISM DIVINE MERCY DEVOTIONS (The Magazine of the Crusade of Mary Immaculate) THE OCTOBER 2014 ISSUE IS NOW AVAILABLE FREE OF CHARGE FROM THE BACK OF CHURCH AT ST. ALOYSIUS. St. Dominic’s PIETY STALL We have some lovely new Cards: Mass more for all occasions. Please visit the Piety Stall & support your parish The next preparation meetings at St. Aloysius will be held on WEDNESDAY 29th October 2014 at 7:30 pm The next preparation meetings at St. Dominic’s will be held on THURSDAY’S 6th & 13th November 2014 at 7:00 pm If you would like your child to be baptised, then please collect a pre-Baptismal form from either the Presbytery or the Sacristy. This Novena is celebrated this and every Tuesday at 7:30 pm at St. Aloysius Church, in the Main Church, entrance via the side door of Church. Many who follow this Novena receive many blessings through the powerful intercession of St. Anthony. Prayer Week 2 All Are Very Welcome Embrace Liverpool 2014 Youth Conference Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral 1st Nov’14 10 am - 6pm for young people aged 16+ Free admission register now on our website Keynote Speakers, Speakers include John Pridmore, Fr. Dermot Donnelly, Sr. Catherine Holum, Lord David Alton, Sr. Maria Natella, Ken McCabe, Fr. Duncan McVicar plus many more! Mass, Adoration, Praise & Worship, Workshops, Conference, Concluding with a Youth Mass at 4pm presided by: Archbishop Malcolm McMahon. For more info call 0151 440 2015 or visit CONGRATULATIONS AND WELCOME TO THE PARISH FAMILY OF ST. ALOYSIUS to ZACHARIAS AARON MATHEW Who was baptised on Sunday, 5th October 2014 at St. Aloysius Church by: Rev. Deacon Kevin Dunn Please remember to Zacharias and his family in your prayers. Sunday 12 October 2014 Next Sunday is World Mission Sunday Next Sunday, the Holy Father invites all Catholics to contribute to a special collection for Missio, his official charity for overseas mission. World Mission Sunday is a special day that unites Catholics all over the world in prayer, celebration and care for the mission of the Church. Thanks to the sacrifice and witness of missionaries, the Catholic Church is growing and many Churches can now take care of themselves. However, four out of every ten parishes worldwide still need your help to survive. By supporting World Mission Sunday you are directly helping over 1,000 dioceses bring hope and new life to people yearning to hear of God's love for them. There will be a second collection at all our masses next weekend, you will be able to Gift Aid all donations by using envelopes provided by Missio. Thank you.
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