Huyton Pastoral Area St. Brigid Aloysius Dominic 1934 477 0250 A registered charity No. 232709 9th Nov 2014 The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica MASS TIMES & INTENTIONS FOR THE COMING WEEK: DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA SATURDAY 8th November St. Dominic’s 4:00 pm. The Pious List St. Aloysius 6:00 pm. Marion Whelan (4th Anniv) SUNDAY 9th November St. Aloysius 9:00 am. Maureen Bowen St. Dominic’s 10:45 am. The Parishioners MONDAY 10th November St. Dominic’s 8:15 am. Michael Cruikshank (sick) St. Aloysius 9:15 am. The Pious List TUESDAY 11th November St. Dominic’s 8:15 am. The Pious List St. Aloysius 9:15 am. The Pious List WEDNESDAY 12th November St. Dominic’s 8:15 am. Jimmy Bennett (sick) St. Aloysius 9:15 am. Marion Stones (100th B/day.Rem) THURSDAY 13th November St. Dominic’s 8:15 am. The Pious List St. Aloysius 9:15 am. Barbara McLachlan (anniversary) FRIDAY 14th November St. Dominic’s 8:15 am. The Pious List St. Aloysius 9:15 am. The Pious List SATURDAY 15th November St. Aloysius 9:15 am. Frances & Elizabeth Ryan THIRTY THIRD SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (A) SATURDAY 15th November St. Dominic’s 4:00 pm. Bobby Colleran St. Aloysius 6:00 pm. Jimmy Lucas (anniversary) SUNDAY 16th November St. Aloysius 9:00 am. The Parishioners St. Dominic’s 10:45 am. Kathy Nolan (sick) PARISH DIGEST CONFESSIONS WILL BE HEARD ON SATURDAY NEXT St. Dominic: 3.30 pm St. Aloysius 5:30 pm until there is nobody waiting COLLECTIONS ST. DOMINIC £262.44 ST. ALOYSIUS £442.08 Thank You “The Lord who sees all that is done in secret will reward you” Matt 6:4 Fr. Ealey Email Fr. Ealey: [email protected] Parish Internet Site Address is: St. Aloysius Facebook Page/Groups: St Aloysius Church Roby St. Dominic’s Church Huyton Primary Schools Internet Site Address is: Phone numbers: Fr. Ealey: Parish No. 0151 477 0250 Fax: 0151 477 0254 Primary Schools: Hope 0151 477 8300 St. Aloysius 0151 477 8110 Sister Jo: 0151 228 8064 CATHOLIC PIC MAGAZINE The November2014 issue available for you to collect as you leave church today. Inside this months issue: Unitapes launched: Annual review of the Archdiocese: Synod on Family Life and much, much more…. Pick up your FREE copy as you leave church today ANIMATE Youth Ministries Liverpool Archdiocesan Youth Pilgrimage to LOURDES 23 - 31 July 2015 Application forms available from 5 Nov Download from For Young People aged 15 - 25 Cost: £480 for more information about any of the above please contact Animate Youth 01744 740460 or [email protected] Fr. Simon Gore 01744 740 467 or [email protected] St. Dominic & St. Aloysius PIETY STALL’S are now selling a variety of: Christmas Cards, 2015 Calendars, and Nativity Cribs. Please call in after mass today and support your church by buying from the Piety Stall. SYMPATHY We offer our deepest sympathy to the families of: CHARLES DUFFY who died on 30th October, age 82. formerly of: Calgarth Road A Funeral Service will be held at St. Aloysius Church at 11 am on Monday 10th November. Interment will follow at Yewtree Cemetery, Finch Lane, Knotty Ash, Liverpool. L14 4AQ KATHLEEN MACAULEY who died on 4th November, age 65. formerly of: Newby Drive A Funeral Service will be held at St. Aloysius Church at 10:15 am on Friday 14th November. Committal will follow at Springwood Crematorium, Springwood Ave, Liverpool. L25 7UN. Requiescant In Pace (May they rest in peace) WORD FOR TODAY Celebrating the dedication of a church building is not an end in itself. Rather, it is a reminder that each of us by our baptism is called to be a living stone in the Church that proclaims God’s presence and power on earth. Today we once again renew our commitment to be fully active members of Christ’s Church and to declare our faith by the way we live. PRAYER REQUESTS Your valuable prayers are asked for: Margaret Anderson, Baby Alice, James Barton, Paul Barton, Alex Basnett, Alison Bentley, Agnes Bird, Bob Bleasdale, Joan Boyce, Anne Brophy, Rebecca Brown, Ronnie Brown, Danny Bruns, Patrick Anthony Byrne, John Callon, Lallan Campbell, Sarah Campbell, Shirley Campbell, Stephen Philip Campbell, Nora Capper, Eileen Carson, Flo Carter, Ann Jane Clark, Ann & Bert Coomres, Lu Corbett, Maisie Corcoran, Michael Cruckshank, John Day, Peggy D'Cruze, Vera Dealing, Fr. Peter Dooley SDB, Colette Duncan-Ventre, Victoria Hill Edmondson, Alan Edwards, Michael Edwards, Ann Finegan, James Finegan, Ursula Mary Erfani, Molly Errity, Sheila Evans, Barbara Farley, Paul Fillis, Amy & Edie Flanagan, Ann Fulton, Peter Furlong, Anne Gavin, Barbara Gallagher, Anne & Billy Gerrity, Marie Gibbons, Winnie Gray, David Graham, Margaret Hannah, Florence Harris, Mrs Haydn, Jimmy Healey, Tom Heeley, Michael Houghton, Marie Hynes, Barbara Jones, Joanne Jongeneelen, Kathy Keegan, Marie Keelan, James Keelan, John Kelly, Robert Kelly, Fr. Michael Lee, Jean & Bob Levy, Alan Lewis, Daniel Lowe (age 6), Peggy Maitland, Carol Marshall, Beryl McCall, Joan McCardle, Frances McShane, Gary McClure, Ann McCoy, Geraldine, James Miller, Billy Moran, Kenny Moran, Eddie Monroe, Julie Morgan, Saul Morley, Betty Morris, Joe Murphy, Mary Murphy, Tommy Murphy, Margaret Murray Kathy Nolan, Jimmy O'Donnell, Alfie O'Sullivan, Michael Owen, Barbara Owens, Jonathan Owens, Mary Patton, Claire Pendleton, Stevie Perry, Helena Pike, Dave Renshaw, Jean Riley, Winifred Robinson, Fr. George Robson SDB, Pauline Ryder, Rose Saunders, Maureen Scanlon, Keith Stanyer, Betty Taylor, Mr Billy Taylor, Gary Taylor, Ruth Terry, Terry Thompson, Nell Till, Josie Trundle, Dave Tully, Lily Ungi, Collette Ventre, Lynn Walker, Harry Weetly, Katie Westwell, James Whittaker, Fiona Wilson, Lee Woods, Pauline Wright and residents of Crawshaw Court, Edenhurst Court, Finch Manor, Paisley Court, St. Bartholomew's Court and Whitestone Lodge Care Homes. who are sick. HEAL THY SERVANTS, O LORD, WHO ARE SICK AND PUT THEIR TRUST IN THEE.SEND THEM HELP,O LORD, AND COMFORT, FROM THY HOLY PLACE. PRAYER to the BLESSED VIRGIN never known to fail. O most beautiful flower of MOUNT CARMEL faithful Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin assist me in this necessity, O Star of the Sea, help me and show me herein you are my Mother, O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succour me in y necessity. (Make one request). There are none that can withstand your powers. Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. (3 times). Thank you for your mecy towards me and mine. (S.M.) (This prayer must be said for three days and after that the request will be granted and the prayer must be published, anywhere). BUILDING FUND ST ALOYSIUS Last week we received: £137.25 from the box in church Giving us a grand total of £20,603.87 ST DOMINIC Last week we received: £94.03 Giving us a grand total of £6,120.05 Thank you to you all for your continued support. OF YOUR CHARITY PLEASE PRAY FOR THE REPOSE OF THE SOULS OF Charles Duffy, Kathleen Macauley, Maureen Bowen, Marion Stones, Frances & Elizabeth Ryan, Bobby Colleran and Bobby Colleran who have died and Marion Whelan, Barbara McLachlan, Jimmy Lucas and Rev. Trevor Cotter (2003) whose anniversaries occur around this time. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen. Christmas 2014 World Gifts The True spirit of Christmas giving CAFOD has sent us some Christmas gift catalogues, they are free please take one. Archdiocese of Liverpool ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT The trustees approved the 2013 financial statements and the summarised annual report on 16 October 2014. There are a number of copies in the porch or you can see it in the November issue of The Catholic Pictorial Magazine or you can access it on the archdiocesan website CARMEL COLLEGE one of THE TOP performing colleges IN THE COUNTRY 100% pass rate in 38 subjects High grades A*-C 81%,Top grade A* -B 57% £23 million invested in first call facilities Over 50 high quality courses to choose from Friendly and supportive environment Ofsted Outstanding College Prescot Road, St. Helens, Merseyside. WA10 3AG 01744 452200 FAX 01744 452222 Admissions 01744 452214 Email: [email protected] Website: OPEN EVENINGS CARMEL COLLEGE INVITES ALL YEAR 11 PUPILS TO OUR OPEN EVENINGS:THURSDAY 13th & TUESDAY 18th NOVEMBER 2013 6:00 - 8:30 pm. Everybody is welcome St. Dominic’s Southdean Road, L14 8UL ANNUAL MASS DEDICATION OF LATERAN BASILICA Most people think that St Peter’s is Rome’s cathedral. In fact, it is only the church next to which the pope lives, while the actual cathedral is the Basilica of St John, a few miles away at the Lateran Gate of the city. Today we celebrate the dedication of this church, the mother-cathedral of the world that was founded by the Emperor Constantine. When we dedicate a church we set it aside as a site of prayer and the place where God dwells among us in an extraspecial way. The feast of the dedication of the Lateran Basilica calls us to rededicate ourselves to prayer and to living lives that show the presence of God. Our prayer today is that we may be fashioned into living temples of God’s Spirit. or those who have died this year. (Mass Of Lights) SUNDAY 16th NOVEMBER 2014 at 4 pm St. Dominic’s CHRISTMAS FAYRE £391.04 St. Dominic’s Church Saturday 22nd November 2014 10 am - 2pm Please come along & support your parish, there will be:Grotto & Fr. Christmas will be visiting sometime during the event also we will have lots of stalls & games, Café, Cakes. We require any donations: ie Bottles, Food etc Thank you for your generosity. Thank you in advance. LAMP SUNDAY (Liverpool Archdiocesan Missionary Project) The Second collections taken up last week amounted to:St. Dominic’s £136.19 St. Aloysius Feasts and Memorials Monday 10th November 2014 or Memorial B.V.M. on Saturday St. Leo the Great, Pope D. (5th c.) Sunday 16th November 2014 THIRTY THIRD His 143 letters and 96 sermons show his SUNDAY OF clarity of thought and his skill with words. He was important as a theologian ORDINARY TIME and a statesman. Some of the Collects in (YEAR A) the Roman Missal may be his work. He (Day of Prayer for Prisoners and their was magnanimous, consistent, and devoted Dependants) to the Church. Tuesday 11th November 2014 Memorial St. Martin of Tours, B. (4th c.) As a bishop, he lived a simple, austere life, visiting all the parishes of his diocese. He fought heresies but was merciful to heretics Wednesday 12th November 2014 Memorial St. Josaphat, B.M. (16th/17th c.) A martyr for union between the Russian Orthodox Church and Rome. Other Saints this Week:Saturday 15th November 2014 St. Albert the Great, OP, B. D. (13th c.) Order of Divine Office and Mass Compiled, edited and © 2013 by Rev. John Ealey. CONGRATULATIONS AND WELCOME TO THE PARISH FAMILY OF ST. ALOYSIUS to THOMAS TAIT, ALFIE TAIT and CARTER SHAUN LARGE Who were baptised on Sunday, 2nd November 2014 at St. Aloysius Church by: Rev. Deacon Kevin Dunn Please remember to these children and their families in your prayers. DIVINE MERCY Taken from Saint Faustina’s Diary A certain moment, May 12 1935 In the evening, I just about got into bed, and I fell asleep immediately. Though I fell asleep quickly, I was awakened even more quickly. A little child came and woke me up. The child seemed about a year old, and I was surprised it could speak so well, as children of that age either do not speak or speak very indistinctly. The child was beautiful beyond years and resembled the Child Jesus, and he said to me, Look at the sky. And when I looked at the sky I saw the stars and the moon shining. Then the child asked me, Do you see this moon and these stars? When I said yes, he spoke these words to me, These stars are the souls of faithful Christians, and the moon is the souls of religious. Do you see how the difference is between the light of the moon and the light of the stars? Such is the difference in heaven between the soul of a religious and the soul of a faithful Christian. And he went on to say that, True greatness is in loving God and in humility. DIVINE MERCY DEVOTIONS These will be recited for about 15 mins before the 6:00pm Mass at St. Aloysius each Saturday (at around 5:45pm). NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL SUCCOUR This Novena will be celebrated this WEDNESDAY morning immediately after the 9:15 am morning mass at St. Aloysius. Many who follow this novena receive many graces and blessings. All are Welcome. BAPTISM The next preparation meetings at St. Dominic’s will be held on THURSDAY’S 6th & 13th November 2014 at 7:00 pm If you would like your child to be baptised, then please collect a pre-Baptismal form from either the Presbytery or the Sacristy. This Novena is celebrated this and every Tuesday at 7:30 pm at St. Aloysius Church, in the Main Church, entrance via the side door of Church. Many who follow this Novena receive many blessings through the powerful intercession of St. Anthony. Prayer Week 6 All Are Very Welcome ANNUAL MASS COUNT The annual mass count which took place at St. Aloysius during the month of October was as follows: Week 1 total 280, Week 2 total 255, Week 3 total 263, Week 4 total 290, total for the month 1088 ÷ 4 average mass attendance = 272 to the nearest person. Out of a total estimated nominal Catholic population of around 6092 = 4% of that 6092 attending mass each week. This is a slight increase from 3.96% 2013 to 4% 2014 a - 0.04% in mass going attendance. LOURDES 4 day pilgrimage for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception 6th - 9th December 2014 Departing Liverpool to Carcasonne approximately 2 hours flying time & 3 hours coach transfer £299 per person plus return air fare at cost at the time of booking Price includes full board accommodation, coach transfers, priest leader, full spiritual programme and services of an experienced guide throughout. Travel Insurance at £24 per person Passport and EHIC essential for travel Deposit of £100 secures your place (plus air fare) Single room supplement £60 for the duration Contact Mancunia on Tel: 0161 8831515 for a booking form or to make a reservation. REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY We commit ourselves to work in penitence and faith for reconciliation between the nations, that all people may, together, live in freedom, justice and peace. We pray for all who in bereavement, disability and pain continue to suffer the consequences of fighting and terror. We remember with thanksgiving and sorrow those whose lives, in world wars and conflicts past and present, have been given and taken away. Ever-living God, we remember those whom you have gathered from the storm of war into the peace of your presence; may that same peace calm our fears, bring justice to all peoples and establish harmony among the nations, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
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